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歐盟企業內勞工財務參與政策之研究 / A study on the financial participation policy in European Union劉瀚忠, Liu, Han Chung Unknown Date (has links)
所謂勞工財務參與乃勞工參與企業經營成果之形式,不論是以利潤分享或是股票持有的形式,均得以自歐盟過去十五年的議程之間所見。因此,本研究透過比較研究之方式,以歐盟六個成員國(包含法、德、 英、愛爾蘭、荷蘭及比利時)為研究對象,藉此分析其勞工財務參與制度及社會夥伴觀點。此外,本文歸納整理歐盟成員國實施勞工財務參與所產生之問題,並介紹其建議解決方法,作為我國參考之經驗。
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歐盟與中國關係的文化面向: 從一帶一路的影響分析 / The cultural aspect of EU-China relations: the impact of the Belt and Road Initiative甜蜜蜜, Miriam Traverso Unknown Date (has links)
本文的最後兩個研究問題「一帶一路將帶給歐洲怎樣的風險與利益?」與「歐盟應如何應對一帶一路?」是相互關聯的。通過對一帶一路將帶來的風險與利益的分析,筆者對中歐雙方如何更有效地推進一帶一路提出了一些政策建議,其中重點分析了歐盟領導人如何與中方開展合作,並認為歐盟必須回應中國的倡議,與之合作,確保中歐雙方實現共贏、對國際規範的遵守、以及幫助中國保持一帶一路所經之地的穩定。 / By recalling the idea of the Silk Road as a place of peaceful encounter of civilizations, China is promoting its new, major diplomatic outreach system called the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), a network of roads, infrastructures, investments, policy connections and people to people exchanges with the final objective of connecting the PRC to Europe. Indeed, in view of the current international geopolitical circumstances, the Chinese and European leaders are recently emphasizing the importance of the Brussels-Beijing relationships. Nonetheless, many experts complain that this partnership has not yet developed as fast and deeply as the two sides originally hoped.
This leads to the first research question addressed in the thesis:"which are the obstacles to a deeper EU-China partnership and how to overcome them and improve the overall relations?". By borrowing the constructivist theories, this thesis argues that the real obstacle to deepening the China-EU partnership are the differences in identities, values and culture, and that the improvement of the people to people and cultural interactions will enhance the general bilateral relations. Consequently, the second research question is "which role does BRI play in the China-EU cultural relations?". BRI has the potential to have a positive impact on their relations by providing a new framework and incentives for the collaboration on cultural projects and people to people interactions.
The last two research questions are related to each other: "what are the risks and benefits that BRI will bring to the EU?" and "how should the European Union respond to BRI?". By analyzing the risks and benefits that will derive from the implementation of BRI, the author provides some policy suggestions to both sides on how to efficiently implement BRI, and especially to EU leaders on how to cooperate with their Chinese counterparts: the EU should definitely cooperate in the Chinese initiative, to ensure a win-win outcome for all, to guarantee the respect of the international norms and to help the PRC maintain the stability in the areas crossed by the BRI network.
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全球治理下之國際人權規範擴散與挑戰─歐盟防制人口販運案例研究陳友梅 Unknown Date (has links)
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歐盟共同農業政策與WTO農業貿易規範之研究 / The study on EU common agricultural policy and WTO agricultural trade regulation黃奕綺, Huang, Yi Chi Unknown Date (has links)
農業是人類最基本的經濟活動。儘管隨著科技及社會的發達,農業在一國的總產值或就業人口所佔比例逐漸降低,然而在國際貿易的舞台上,農業貿易的重要性卻不減反增。世界貿易組織(World Trade Organization, 簡稱WTO)之杜哈發展議程(Doha Development Round, DDA)曾一度中止的原因即為各國之間對於農業貿易存在極大的分歧,尤其歐洲聯盟(European Union,簡稱歐盟) 的「共同農業政策」(Common Agricultural Policy,簡稱CAP)更是備受爭議。歐盟共同農業政策係指歐盟為其農業發展所實施包括農產品價格支持、最低保證收購價格、對歐盟境外產品實施關稅及配額等相關補貼制度。「共同農業政策」所以深具爭議,主要在於其對農業有補貼或境內支持政策造成對貿易不公與市場扭曲現象,尤其以農產品出口為大宗的發展中國家受害最深。因此,在多次談判回合中,歐盟共同農業政策常常為其他WTO會員國所詬病。在WTO逐漸成為各國無法忽視的規範力量,以及各國與歐盟的農產品貿易爭端層出不窮之下,歐盟行之有年的「共同農業政策」面臨重大調整。 / Agriculture is the basic economic activities of human beings. Though the relative size of agricultural sector has been declining as the society and technology develop, the importance of agriculture in the international trade is still growing. The Doha Development Round of the World Trade Organization had once suspended because of agriculture negotiations, on which WTO member countries could not reach agreements. Among them, the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the European Union is the most controversial. The Common Agricultural Policy combines a direct subsidy payment for crops and land which may be cultivated with price support mechanisms, including guaranteed minimum prices, import tariffs and quotas on certain goods from outside the EU. The reason why CAP is so controversial is for its high amounts on agricultural subsidies and domestic support, which amount to unfair competition and market distortion. In this regards, CAP damaged the interests of agricultural exporting country, especial those developing countries. Thus CAP had always been criticized by other WTO members in the WTO agriculture negotiation. Since WTO has become the dominant regime of international trade, and there are more and more agricultural disputes arising between EU and other WTO members, EU has to undertake substantial reform on CAP.
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雲端運算時代個資隱私安全之探討 -- 以雲端服務條款為中心 / Privacy and Information Security Issues in Cloud Computing: From the Perspective of Service Level Agreement孫德沛, Sun, Tei Pei Unknown Date (has links)
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俄白聯盟之研究─以新古典現實主義的角度探討 / The Union of Belarus and Russia-From the View of Neoclassical Realism王大維, Wang, Ta Wei Unknown Date (has links)
於1991年底蘇聯解體後正式獨立的白俄羅斯共和國,其與俄羅斯之間特殊的地緣政治因素、經濟上的依存關係、相近的種族文化與歷史傳統,促使兩國建立相較於獨立國家國協(Содружество Независимых Государств, СНГ/ Commonwealth of Independent States, CIS)更為緊密的政治、經濟、軍事、外交組織,亦即使兩國走向整合的白俄羅斯─俄羅斯聯盟(Союз Беларуси и России/ Union State of Russia and Belarus)。自1996年4月始,時任白俄羅斯總統的盧卡申科(Лукашенко, Александр Григорьевич, Alexander Grigoryevich Lukashenko)與前俄羅斯總統葉爾欽(Ельцин, Борис Николаевич, Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin),就俄白聯盟簽署一系列協議,諸如《俄白共同體組織條約》(Договор об образовании Сообщества Беларуси и России)、《俄白聯盟條約》(Договор о Союзе Беларуси и России)、《關於進一步整合宣言》(Декларация о дальнейшем единении России и Беларуси)、《兩國公民權利平等條約》(Договор между Российской Федерацией и Республикой Беларусь о равных правах граждан)、《建立國家聯盟經濟共同體協議》(Соглашение о создании равных условий субъектам хозяйствования государств-союзников)和《建立聯盟國家條約》(Договор о создании Союзного государства)等,朝俄白整合目標邁進的條約。
然俄白聯盟自成立之初至今,負面批評不斷,且除了在軍事同盟上兩國具有較為成功的碩果外,其他領域均無突破性的進展。此外,俄白雙方兩次的油氣之爭與白俄羅斯兩次經濟危機俄羅斯態度不明的事件,使俄白整合蒙上陰影。另一方面,歐盟與北約的東擴,明顯以白俄羅斯、烏克蘭與喬治亞等前蘇聯衛星國為主要拉攏目標,在此國際因素影響下,如何解釋俄白雙方政府仍決定繼續俄白聯盟,是為此論文關注的焦點,並試圖以新古典現實主義的角度,由個案研究的途徑,分析解釋並預測俄白聯盟的發展。 / After the Soviet Union disintegrated, post-communist countries in East-Central Europe were either divided (the USSR, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia) or were reunited (the German Democratic Republic with Federal Republic of Germany). Meanwhile, these countries developed different patterns of association. Some of the newly independent states joined the European Union and NATO, while others formed the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) at the collapse of the USSR. Six of the former Soviet member states established the Collective Security Organization. Five of them established the Eurasian Economic Community. Four of them—Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia, and Ukraine—formed the Single Economic Space. Among these nations, Belarus and Russia have built the closet relationship, first with a “Community” and then a “Union” in 1997.
Belarus sits between Europe and Russia, but history shows its ambiguous leaning towards the latter. The country had been incorporated in the Russian Empire for two hundred years, and later also in the USSR. Belarus was also the Slavic republic that supported the USSR the most its the referendum on a “renewed union” held in March 1991. Furthermore, the referendum in November 1996 reconfirms the Russia-leaned stand of Belarus, which differs from other former Soviet member states in Middle-East Europe.
Despite conflicts between the two countries and the political advancement from the West, Belarus and Russia still tend to compose Belarus-Russia Union on international platforms. This research focuses upon several analytic factors from the viewpoint of Neoclassical Realism, including ethnology, culture, geopolitics, economy, security, political interests, international environment, and leadership factors to examine the relationship between Belarus and Russia.
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賽普勒斯加入歐盟之研究邱智皇 Unknown Date (has links)
1990年,賽普勒斯向歐盟提出入會申請。賽普勒斯入會案,為其本身之政治分裂問題、聯合國調停行動,以及土耳其、希臘、歐盟三方關係,投下新的變數。在歐盟第五波擴大的十個新會員國當中,賽普勒斯之政治情況最為特殊,所牽涉之議題最為廣泛。本文旨在研究賽普勒斯加入歐盟之過程,並分析其動機、影響其入會過程之變數、以及入會後所產生之影響。 / As a small island located in the East Mediterranean, Cyprus decolonized from British domination in 1960. It was named The Republic of Cyprus. The perennial political distemper in the country is derived from contending for political powers and living resources between the two main ethnic groups – the Greek and Turkish Cypriots. In 1974, after the constitutional crisis of Cyprus, the Turkish army invaded the northern part of the country and occupied 36.4% of its territory. Thereupon Cyprus became a divided country.
In 1990, the Cyprus government applied to the European Union for membership. Cyprus’ application for EU membership had unprecedented effects on Cyprus’ political problem, particularly for UN mediation in Cyprus and the tripartite relationship between Greece, Turkey and the EU. Compared to the nine new member states that joined the EU in 2004, Cyprus is in the most complicated political situation. This thesis focuses on Cyprus’ accession to the EU. The author analyzes Cyprus’ motivation for its application for EU membership, variables which affect its accessing process and the effects after joining the EU.
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政策規劃與跨國政策移轉—我國永續就業工程計畫的個案研究 / Policy Planning and International Policy Transfer -- A Case Study of Sustainable Employment Plan in Taiwan武桂甄, Wu, Kuei-jen Unknown Date (has links)
本文並嘗試結合政策規劃與政策移轉理論(見圖5-2,頁141),在決策模式理性程度高低的分類之外,從政策移轉的視角,補充政策學習、政策擴散的觀點,解釋為何一國的政策會採納他國或國內其他機關已採行的決策,以增強對政策決策過程的解釋力。但本研究僅以永續就業工程計劃一個案為例,未來仍待相關研究繼續深入分析。 / Increased international policy learning and policy transfer have drawn high academic attention. However, there is little research to unravel both the motivation and content of policy transferred from abroad in Taiwan. This paper applies Rose’s (1993) lesson-drawing theory and Dolowitz’s (2000) framework of policy transfer to analyze how EU’s employment project, The Third System and Employment, has influenced the Sustainable Employment Plan in Taiwan and why Taiwan learns from the EU. Three academic consultants and two public officers of the Labour Affair Committee were interviewed and the process, motivation and content of policy transfer have been analyzed.
There are four key findings of this paper. (1) Far from making rational decisions, policy makers stopped search for policies in other countries when the first acceptable alternative arrived. Although the local experience of job creation through the third sector in the areas devastated by 921 earthquake shares similar spirit with EU’s policy project and thus facilitates policy transfer, policy makers admit that relating policy to experience from abroad is also a technique of policy marketing to enhance policy legitimacy and public acceptance. (2) The extent of policy transfer is low and only limited to the ‘inspiration level’ due to two reasons. Besides time pressure and resources constrains during the policy making process, which refraining policy makers from more in-depth research of EU’s policy project, the recognition of heterogeneous context and social conditions in Taiwan and EU countries also leads policy makers to design policy and details of execution locally rather than copying from EU. (3) Promoting job opportunities through the third sector in Taiwan encounters several obstacles in implementation, including that most jobs created were low-skilled ones rather than sustainable ones; NGOs lack sufficient ability to execute, or even to propose employment projects; government mistrusts of NGOs; and local political fractions misuse of project budget to treat their political alliance.
The policy implications from this case study are: (1) Policy makers should avoid using policy transfer as a tool of policy marketing. Rather, in-depth research of foreign policies and applicability to local context is warranted. (2) While the results of the contract-out policy research projects are usually found less practical to help policy planning, it is necessary to establish policy research centers within the government to draw lessons from abroad in the long run. In the short term, it is useful to allocate adequate research resources, including budget and manpower, during the process of policy transfer and planning to improve the quality of public policies. (3) Use policy pilots to avoid great policy mistakes when the feasibility of the policy transferred is highly uncertain. (4) Consider local context and conditions when transferring foreign policy experiences and make adjustments in advance.
This paper also tries to combine policy planning and policy transfer theories (see Graph 5-2) to enhance the robustness of interpretation of the policy process which involves policy learning. While traditional analysis focusing on the extent of rationale of policy-making, this paper adopts the perspective of policy transfer and attempts to locate an improved model of policy planning. However, only one case was researched in this text and more in-depth studies are needed to adapt the analytical framework in the future.
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論我國保險經紀人公司之監理- 自2012年保險法修訂後之裁罰案觀察 / Supervision Mechanism and Regulations for Insurance Brokers in Taiwan:A View from the Penalties after 2012郭姿君, Kuo, Tzu Chun Unknown Date (has links)
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Academia and Chinese Foreign Policy Decision Making: A Case Study of China’s EU Policy / 中國大陸學界與中共外交政策決策關係之研究─以中共的歐盟政策為例戴熙涵, Dean, Nicola C. Unknown Date (has links)
本論文旨在論述中國大陸學術界在中共外交政策的決策過程中所扮演的角色,並聚焦在值得外界特別關注的個案─中國大陸的歐洲研究學界與中共的歐盟政策。在面對愈來愈複雜的外交關係環境下,無論是在正式或非正式的層面,有更多外圍組織或人員被納入中共的外交決策結構之中,其中最貼切的例子就是學術界。隨著中國大陸地區外交相關科系或研究機構的演變、多元性和優質化的發展,其對外交政策之決策過程與範圍的潛在影響力正在增長。學者與其相關的研究機構透過各種可能影響的途徑、層次和來源,來鞏固其研究的影響力。中國大陸歐洲研究的領域目前正蓬勃發展,有些傑出的專家經常被約見來提供建言或評論。除此之外,2003年中國政府公布了中共的歐盟政策官方文件,這是中共有史以來唯一宣布過的外交政策文件,其展現中歐關係的重要性。本研究除了將論文中所界定的學術影響力框架應用於該歐洲研究的個案之外,也提供學界對此一領域主要研究範圍和學術論述的一個初步調查,以及其對中共的歐盟政策決策上實務性的關聯。 / This thesis discusses the role of academia in foreign policy-decision making in the People’s Republic of China, considering in particular the case of European Studies academia and China’s European Union policy, which merits greater scrutiny by outside observers. Faced with ever more complex foreign relations, the structure of Chinese foreign policy making is incorporating a growing number of external actors at both formal and informal levels. Academic circles are a case in point; as foreign policy research institutes evolve, diversify and optimise, their potential influence within policy making processes and circles is expanding in scope, and academics and their respective institutes are able to consolidate the impact of their research through a range of pathways, levels, and sources of influence. The European Studies field in China is robust and certain noteworthy experts are regularly called upon for advice and comment. What’s more, China’s only ever foreign policy paper in 2003 dealt with European Union policy, demonstrating the significance of Sino-European relations. In addition to applying the framework of academic influence identified herein to the case of the European Studies field, this thesis also provides a preliminary investigation of some of the field’s key research issue areas and current academic discourse, as well as connections with China’s European Union policy decisions in practice.
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