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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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台商參與大陸政府採購之探索性研究 / The Participation of Taiwanese Business People in

張德浩 Unknown Date (has links)
我國於1998年5月27日公布「政府採購法」;並自公布後一年施行,使政府的採購行為以公平、公開,及提升效率、功能、確保採購品質,並使政府預算發揮最大效能。同時亦可藉此符合世界潮流的政府採購制度,順利簽署GPA(政府採購協定),從而與世界接軌。大陸在進行改革開放後,為改善過去其政府採購所存在的未規範之失序現象,亟待建立規章制度,以提高正面形象,促進廉政建設。中共亦於2003年1月1日起施行「政府採購法」;建立適合其社會主義市場經濟體制需要,並能與國際社會接軌的政府採購目的。兩岸業已加入WTO,至於簽署政府採購協定(GPA)亦是勢在必行的步驟。且台商參與大陸政府採購與日俱增,前往大陸投資採購已成為台灣企業海外投資最重要的選項之一。 兩岸處於競爭及政治對立之狀態下,政府採購制度完整與有效,甚至公開透明程度,實與國家整體實力有著重大之影響,故為因應兩岸簽署政府採購協定,以及台商參與其事,實有必要對於兩岸政府採購制度深入探討。基於大陸經濟體制改革經貿快速發展,且其政府採購法初行,職是之故研究重點包括以下四項:(一)探討「大陸政府採購制度」與台商參與之可行性。(二)台商參與大陸政府採購應有之認知。(三)探討大陸政府採購法理論基礎之影響。(四)研究結果能夠提出具體建議,以供參考精進。 本研究在於探討兩岸政府採購進程,發掘兩岸政府採購法理論基礎之差異,透過文獻探討、比較分析、調查訪談,以及獲得相關單位及親身經歷者的看法及意見,以深入探討台商參與大陸政府採購措施之適應;在參與大陸政府採購之準備、對大陸政府採購制度的檢討、參與大陸政府採購風險。並從執行面、風險面、制度面三個大面向找出可行對策,建立防止受害最佳模式。 / Government Procurement Act of Republic of China promulgated on May 27,1998. And had been put into effect one year later from the promulgation. It has fair and open procurement procedures and maximizes the use of government budget, and ensure the quality of procurement. Also our country can do well on signing the GPA(Agreement On Government Procurement), by taking this worldwide procurement system. After the reformation, Mainland China in order to improve the disorder situation due to the lack of the regulation of the government procurement, it also put it’s own “Government Procurement Act” into effect on the first day of 2003. This Act Helps Build the suitable system for the socialism market economy, and connect the international society as well. The both sides of the Taiwan Strait have participated in WHO, and sign the GPA is a must step. Taiwanese Business People are increasingly joining the procurement cases of Mainland China Government, it has become the most important option which their investments goes for. Since the both sides of the Taiwan Strait are under the status of political competition, the completed and effective government procurement system affects the power of the nations much. It is necessary to study the government procurement system of the both sides of the Taiwan Strait furthermore. Base on the reason ofx the quick development of the economy system reformation and the early execution of Government Procurement Act in Mainland China, four study points had been made as follows: 1.To discuss the Mainland China government procurement system and the practicability that Taiwanese Business People participate the system. 2.the cognizance Taiwanese Business People should have in order to participate government procurement in Mainland China. 3.to discuss the effect of the theory of the Government Procurement Act in Mainland China. 4.to make concretely suggestions. The research is to discuss the systems from the both sides of the Taiwan Strait, to discover the differences of their government procurement systems, by the methods of reference, comparison, investigation, interview, also the thoughts from relative units and people who are experienced, help to gain the information that how the Taiwanese Business People adapt, prepare to Mainland China government procurement system and the risk of it, to find out the effective method toward aspects of execution, risk, and the system, in order to establish the best mode which prevents Taiwanese Business People to be victims.

論我國保險經紀人公司之監理- 自2012年保險法修訂後之裁罰案觀察 / Supervision Mechanism and Regulations for Insurance Brokers in Taiwan:A View from the Penalties after 2012

郭姿君, Kuo, Tzu Chun Unknown Date (has links)
近年來保險經紀人、代理人公司家數及市場占有率逐漸上升,並且因為監理政策調整,保經代公司越來越朝向大型化發展。保險經紀人、保險代理人已成為保險行銷、仲介極重要之通路,其招攬之話術、資訊之揭露、適合度之評估等對於消費者權益影響重大。立法者、主管機關金融監督管理委員會基於保護消費者權益,對於保險經紀人、保險代理人等保險輔助人之規範政策及管理態度,從過往寬鬆,皆轉向積極立法、緊縮監理,且嚴加查核,近期做出之裁罰案甚至超過過去數十年之總和。 由於保險經紀人管理規則於2011年2月25日修正發布全文49條條文,12月29日再修正11條條文、新增3條條文並刪除1條條文,修正幅度接近三分之一,對保險經紀人公司營運具重大影響性。本文遂以2012年為界,蒐集自2012年來主管機關金融監督管理委員會對於保險經紀人公司之裁罰案,分析其裁罰原因、理由;並類型化成三種主要之裁罰類型,包含:一、未落實保險經紀人簽署制度;二、違反禁止策略聯盟、轉單掛件制度;三、所使用之廣告、文宣用品未經保險業同意;逐一詳細探討其適法性,並提出修正本文看法。 由於探討上開三類裁罰案類型之法律依據的適法性,與學說、實務上對保險經紀人之定位、保險經紀人與保險公司、要保人間之契約關係屬性,甚至是現行我國對保險經紀人之管理制度等,皆密切關連。故本文開頭,先詳細介紹我國保險經紀人管理制度,並參考歐盟保險仲介指令、紐約州保險法第二十一章、以及國際保險監理官協會所頒佈之保險核心原則第十八點,有關保險經紀人之監理規範,定位我國保險經紀人之地位後,才進入本文重點,探討常見裁罰案背後規範的妥適性。 希冀藉由本文分析能稍釐清取我國保險經紀人之定位,並且取得主管機關所欲達成保護消費者權益,以及業者經營保險經紀人公司成本之平衡,提升保險經紀人之專業及信賴性,創造整體社會最大之福祉。


張謨猷 Unknown Date (has links)
1993年1月13日在法國巴黎簽署之「禁止化學武器公約」(The Chemical Weapons Convention,CWC),不但規定銷毀現存所有類別的化學武器,並且在嚴格的國際管制下,採取嚴密之查核措施,以完全銷毀研製化學武器相關設備;對於用以製造成化學武器之原料及其前驅物質的貿易也有訂定詳細規約,期能終極達成全面消滅化學武器之目標。2003年5月30日,美國布希總統宣佈成立「防擴散安全倡議」(Proliferation Security Initiative,PSI),其目的亦在更有效的防止大規模毀滅性武器(Weapon of Mass Destruction,WMD)之擴散並避免落入邪惡軸心國家或恐怖份子之手。 化學武器也被稱為「窮國的原子彈」,因其發展簡易、製造費用較為低廉,故國際間化學武器的擴散對國際和平與安全之威脅已遠超核子武器或生物武器;我國雖躋身全球前11名化工國,但因中共的阻撓,迄今仍然無法成為「禁止化學武器公約」的締約國,但不能據此理由,自外於國際社會對此問題之關注與掌握,本論文即以「禁止化學武器公約」為研究重點,期提供未來觀察相關發展之參考。 / “The Chemical Weapons Convention”(CWC) signature in Paris on January 13, 1993 required all the existing chemical weapons be demolished and a strict inspection measure be taken under the strict international supervision and control to completely destroy all the related facilities and equipment used to make chemical weapons; It also stipulates in detail on the trade of raw materials used to make chemical weapons so that the ultimate goal of total annihilation of chemical weapons can be reached. On May 30, 2003, President George Bush Jr. announced the establishment of “Proliferation Security Initiative”(PSI) with an aim to further effectively prevent from the proliferation of “Weapons of Mass Destruction ”(WMD) and minimize the chance to let them fall in the hands of the evil axis countries or international terrorists. Chemical weapons are also dubbed as“the nuclear bomb of the poor nations”because they are easy to develop and the cost of producing them are relatively low. Therefore, the proliferation of chemical weapons in the world has posed a far more severe threat than that of nuclear or biological weapons. Although our country has been in the top 11 chemical engineering countries in the world, we are still not able to be one of the signatories of “the Chemical Weapons Convention” as a result of the political interference from China. However despite this adverse situation, we should not use this as an excuse to exclude ourselves from the concerns and control of the international community on this issue. Therefore, this paper focuses mainly on “The Chemical Weapons Convention”, hoping to provide a significant reference for future observation and the development of the related issues.

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