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External Relations of Entities with Limited Recognition / External relations of entities with limited recognitionBaghdasaryan, Mikayel January 2014 (has links)
Numerous renowned scholars have researched the problem of state recognition. Moreover, the importance of this issue does not need a particular presentation. This paper, will attempt to take yet another look on the subject of state recognition. It will define a state as an actor of international relations. It also will present a theoretical background to the issue of recognition of the states, as it has evolved from the beginning of the past century. By maintaining a descriptive type of qualitative research strategy, followed by normative approach the paper will give a complete overview in terms of theory, but also the practical challenges of obtaining recognition and conducting external relations as an unrecognized state. As a case study, the work will discuss the external relations of Republic of China, Republic of Kosovo and Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. The main purpose of this work is to discuss the challenges for unrecognized states and the impact of recognition status on the populations of unrecognized states. The work finds that lack of state recognition makes it almost impossible, for the respective actors, the participation in intergovernmental organizations, which is likely to have a direct impact on the people of the de facto states.
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Cyperská otázka (aktuálne výzvy) / Cyprus dispute - current challengesMatúš, Rudolf January 2011 (has links)
Master's diploma thesis Cyprus dispute -- current challenges deals with the current political situation in Cyprus and bi-communal talks between divided Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot entity living on the island. Negotiations are conducted under the auspices of external actors, and under the influence of the parties interested in the conflict, and the primary responsibility has been assumed by the political representation of the Republic of Cyprus and TRNC. Thesis introduces alternatives of the conflict settlement, perspectives of the potential development of events in the unification process and their possible impacts on the Cypriot environment. It presents the most signifiant plans of the international community on the political settlement of the island and reaching the agreement in the chronological order from the end of the World War Two up to the current solutions based on the actual tendencies of development. These suggestions have been conceived on the basis of the international political context and intra-political situation in Cyprus in the time period of anti-colonial struggle leading to the establishment of the Republic of Cyprus, Constitution collapse, outbreak of violence, Turkish invasion, declaration of independence of the Turkish Republic of the Northern Cyprus, accession of the Republic of Cyprus to the EU up to the presence.
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La phylogénie moléculaire du genre nord-américain Eurybia (Asteraceae : Astereae) et ses proches parents (Oreostemma, Herrickia, Triniteurybia)Selliah, Sugirthini 10 1900 (has links)
Eurybia et ses proches parents Oreostemma, Herrickia et Triniteurybia sont appelés le grade des eurybioïdes. Comprenant 31 espèces vivaces, ce grade appartient au clade Nord-américain de la tribu des Astereae. Les analyses moléculaires antérieures ont montré que ce groupe est à la fois paraphylétique aux Machaerantherinae et un groupe frère aux Symphyotrichinae. Les relations infragénériques partiellement résolues et faiblement supportées empêchent d’approfondir l'histoire évolutive des groupes et ce, particulièrement dans le genre principal Eurybia. Le but de cette étude est de reconstruire les relations phylogénétiques au sein des eurybioïdes autant par l'inclusion de toutes les espèces du grade que par l’utilisation de différents types de régions et de méthodes d'inférence phylogénétique. Cette étude présente des phylogénies basées sur l'ADN ribosomal nucléaire (ITS, ETS), de l'ADN chloroplastique (trnL-F, trnS-G, trnC-ycf6) et d’un locus du génome nucléaire à faible nombre de copie (CNGC4). Les données sont analysées séparément et combinées à l’aide des approches de parcimonie, bayesienne et de maximum de vraisemblance. Les données ADNnr n’ont pas permis de résoudre les relations entre les espèces polyploïdes des Eurybia. Les analyses combinées avec des loci d’ADNnr et d’ADNnr+cp ont donc été limitées à des diploïdes. Les analyses combinées ont montré une meilleure résolution et un meilleur support que les analyses séparées. La topologie de l’ADNnr+cp était la mieux résolue et supportée. La relation phylogénétique de genres appartenant au grade des eurybioïdes est comme suit : Oreostemma (Herrickia s.str. (Herrickia kingii (Eurybia (Triniteurybia - Machaerantherinae)))). Basé sur la topologie combinée de l’ADNnr+cp, nous avons effectué des analyses de biogéographie à l’aide des logiciels DIVA et LaGrange. Ces analyses ont révélé une première radiation des eurybioïdes dans l’Ouest de l’Amérique du Nord, suivi de deux migrations indépendantes dans l’Est de l’Amérique du Nord chez les Eurybia. Due au relatif manque de variabilité de l’ADNnr, l’ADNcp et CNGC4, où le triage de lignés incomplet était dominant, l'origine du grade est interprétée comme récente, possiblement du Pliocène. La diversification du groupe a été probablement favorisée par les glaciations Pléistocènes. / Eurybia and it relatives, Oreostemma, Herrickia, and Triniteurybia, are collectively called the eurybioid grade. Comprising 31 perennial species, this grade belongs to the North American clade of the tribe Astereae. Early molecular analyses had inferred that this group is paraphyletic to the Machaerantherinae and sister to the Symphyotrichinae. The partially resolved and poorly supported relationships at the infrageneric level within the group, particularly within the core genus Eurybia, is preventing further insights into the evolutionary history of the group. The aim of this study is to reconstruct the phylogenetic relationships among the eurybioids by including all species of the grade and by using both different types of regions and multiple phylogenetic inference methods. The present study provides phylogenies based on nuclear ribosomal DNA (ITS, ETS), chloroplastic DNA (trnL-F, trnS-G, trnC-ycf6), and a low-copy nuclear locus (CNGC4), in separate and combined datasets analyzed using maximum parsimony, Bayesian and maximum likelihood approaches. In a separate analysis of the nrDNA dataset, the relationships of polyploids in Eurybia proved to be impossible to resolve. The nrDNA and nr+cpDNA combined analyses therefore were restricted to diploids. The combined analyses provided greater resolution and support than separate analyses. The nr+cpDNA phylogeny was the best resolved and supported. The phylogenetic relationship of genera belonging to the eurybioid grade is as follows: Oreostemma (Herrickia s.str. (Herrickia kingii (Eurybia (Triniteurybia – Machaerantherinae)))). Based on the nr+ cpDNA combined topology, we performed biogeographical analyses using DIVA and LaGrange. These analyses revealed an initial radiation of the eurybioids in western North America, with two independent migrations to eastern North America within Eurybia. Based on the relative lack of variation in nrDNA, cpDNA and CNGC4, where incomplete lineage sorting was dominant, the origin of the grade is interpreted as recent, probably from the Pliocene. Diversification of the group was probably favored by the Pleistocene glaciations.
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La phylogénie moléculaire du genre nord-américain Eurybia (Asteraceae : Astereae) et ses proches parents (Oreostemma, Herrickia, Triniteurybia)Selliah, Sugirthini 10 1900 (has links)
Eurybia et ses proches parents Oreostemma, Herrickia et Triniteurybia sont appelés le grade des eurybioïdes. Comprenant 31 espèces vivaces, ce grade appartient au clade Nord-américain de la tribu des Astereae. Les analyses moléculaires antérieures ont montré que ce groupe est à la fois paraphylétique aux Machaerantherinae et un groupe frère aux Symphyotrichinae. Les relations infragénériques partiellement résolues et faiblement supportées empêchent d’approfondir l'histoire évolutive des groupes et ce, particulièrement dans le genre principal Eurybia. Le but de cette étude est de reconstruire les relations phylogénétiques au sein des eurybioïdes autant par l'inclusion de toutes les espèces du grade que par l’utilisation de différents types de régions et de méthodes d'inférence phylogénétique. Cette étude présente des phylogénies basées sur l'ADN ribosomal nucléaire (ITS, ETS), de l'ADN chloroplastique (trnL-F, trnS-G, trnC-ycf6) et d’un locus du génome nucléaire à faible nombre de copie (CNGC4). Les données sont analysées séparément et combinées à l’aide des approches de parcimonie, bayesienne et de maximum de vraisemblance. Les données ADNnr n’ont pas permis de résoudre les relations entre les espèces polyploïdes des Eurybia. Les analyses combinées avec des loci d’ADNnr et d’ADNnr+cp ont donc été limitées à des diploïdes. Les analyses combinées ont montré une meilleure résolution et un meilleur support que les analyses séparées. La topologie de l’ADNnr+cp était la mieux résolue et supportée. La relation phylogénétique de genres appartenant au grade des eurybioïdes est comme suit : Oreostemma (Herrickia s.str. (Herrickia kingii (Eurybia (Triniteurybia - Machaerantherinae)))). Basé sur la topologie combinée de l’ADNnr+cp, nous avons effectué des analyses de biogéographie à l’aide des logiciels DIVA et LaGrange. Ces analyses ont révélé une première radiation des eurybioïdes dans l’Ouest de l’Amérique du Nord, suivi de deux migrations indépendantes dans l’Est de l’Amérique du Nord chez les Eurybia. Due au relatif manque de variabilité de l’ADNnr, l’ADNcp et CNGC4, où le triage de lignés incomplet était dominant, l'origine du grade est interprétée comme récente, possiblement du Pliocène. La diversification du groupe a été probablement favorisée par les glaciations Pléistocènes. / Eurybia and it relatives, Oreostemma, Herrickia, and Triniteurybia, are collectively called the eurybioid grade. Comprising 31 perennial species, this grade belongs to the North American clade of the tribe Astereae. Early molecular analyses had inferred that this group is paraphyletic to the Machaerantherinae and sister to the Symphyotrichinae. The partially resolved and poorly supported relationships at the infrageneric level within the group, particularly within the core genus Eurybia, is preventing further insights into the evolutionary history of the group. The aim of this study is to reconstruct the phylogenetic relationships among the eurybioids by including all species of the grade and by using both different types of regions and multiple phylogenetic inference methods. The present study provides phylogenies based on nuclear ribosomal DNA (ITS, ETS), chloroplastic DNA (trnL-F, trnS-G, trnC-ycf6), and a low-copy nuclear locus (CNGC4), in separate and combined datasets analyzed using maximum parsimony, Bayesian and maximum likelihood approaches. In a separate analysis of the nrDNA dataset, the relationships of polyploids in Eurybia proved to be impossible to resolve. The nrDNA and nr+cpDNA combined analyses therefore were restricted to diploids. The combined analyses provided greater resolution and support than separate analyses. The nr+cpDNA phylogeny was the best resolved and supported. The phylogenetic relationship of genera belonging to the eurybioid grade is as follows: Oreostemma (Herrickia s.str. (Herrickia kingii (Eurybia (Triniteurybia – Machaerantherinae)))). Based on the nr+ cpDNA combined topology, we performed biogeographical analyses using DIVA and LaGrange. These analyses revealed an initial radiation of the eurybioids in western North America, with two independent migrations to eastern North America within Eurybia. Based on the relative lack of variation in nrDNA, cpDNA and CNGC4, where incomplete lineage sorting was dominant, the origin of the grade is interpreted as recent, probably from the Pliocene. Diversification of the group was probably favored by the Pleistocene glaciations.
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The Effect Of Computer Assisted Instruction On The Achievement, Attitudes And Retention Of Fourth Grade Mathematics CoursePilli, Olga 01 January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of the computer software Frizbi Mathematics 4 on 4th grade student&rsquo / s mathematics achievement, retention, attitudes toward mathematics and attitude toward computer assisted learning. Two groups (experimental and control) of primary school students from &ldquo / Sht. Osman Ahmet&rdquo / primary school in Gazimagusa, North Cyprus were used in this study. Control group was taught using a lecture-based traditional instruction and experimental group was taught using educational software, namely Frizbi Mathematics 4. The control group consisted of 26 students where the experimental group consisted of 29 students. The groups were compared on achievement of mathematics, retention, and attitude toward mathematics and computer assisted learning. The study was conducted in spring semester of 2006-2007 academic year and included three units, Multiplication of Natural Numbers, Division of Natural Numbers, and Fractions. Scores on achievement tests were collected three times / at the beginning of the study, immediately after the intervention, and 4 months later. Mathematics attitude scale and computer assisted learning attitude scale were administrated only two times / at the beginning of the study and immediately after the completion of the study. A series of ANOVAs for repeated measures revealed significant difference between the groups on the post achievement tests and attitude scales in favor of experimental group. However, statistically significant differences in favor of treatment group, on the retention tests was attained on the multiplication and division units but not on fractions. The evidence indicates that Frizbi Mathematics 4 for learning and teaching mathematics at the primary school level in Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) is an effective tool.
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賽普勒斯加入歐盟之研究邱智皇 Unknown Date (has links)
1990年,賽普勒斯向歐盟提出入會申請。賽普勒斯入會案,為其本身之政治分裂問題、聯合國調停行動,以及土耳其、希臘、歐盟三方關係,投下新的變數。在歐盟第五波擴大的十個新會員國當中,賽普勒斯之政治情況最為特殊,所牽涉之議題最為廣泛。本文旨在研究賽普勒斯加入歐盟之過程,並分析其動機、影響其入會過程之變數、以及入會後所產生之影響。 / As a small island located in the East Mediterranean, Cyprus decolonized from British domination in 1960. It was named The Republic of Cyprus. The perennial political distemper in the country is derived from contending for political powers and living resources between the two main ethnic groups – the Greek and Turkish Cypriots. In 1974, after the constitutional crisis of Cyprus, the Turkish army invaded the northern part of the country and occupied 36.4% of its territory. Thereupon Cyprus became a divided country.
In 1990, the Cyprus government applied to the European Union for membership. Cyprus’ application for EU membership had unprecedented effects on Cyprus’ political problem, particularly for UN mediation in Cyprus and the tripartite relationship between Greece, Turkey and the EU. Compared to the nine new member states that joined the EU in 2004, Cyprus is in the most complicated political situation. This thesis focuses on Cyprus’ accession to the EU. The author analyzes Cyprus’ motivation for its application for EU membership, variables which affect its accessing process and the effects after joining the EU.
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Phylogenetic Analysis of Subtribe Alopecurinae (Poaceae)Boudko, Ekaterina 12 March 2014 (has links)
Subtribe Alopecurinae (Poeae, Poaceae) sensu lato‘s seven genera share interesting morphological similarities (dense spicate panicles and one-flowered spikelets) that were widely thought to have a common origin. However, recent molecular evidence for three of the genera has suggested that the subtribe may be polyphyletic. To test this, five DNA regions were sequenced and analyzed using phylogenetic methods. Results confirm that Alopecurinae s.l. as presently treated is polyphyletic and should be dissolved. Additionally, the genus Cornucopiae may be just another Alopecurus. Limnas and Pseudophleum are not closely allied to Alopecurus or each other, and are even further from Phleum. Phleum is a distinct lineage that is not closely allied to any other included Alopecurinae genus. Evidence for revising infrageneric classifications of Alopecurus and Phleum is presented, as is evidence for separating A. magellanicus into two or more subspecies.
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At the limit of the modern system of states: border and boundary practices in CyprusDubensky, Kate 22 April 2010 (has links)
This thesis takes the position that it is not clear that the aspirations and assumptions expressed by theories of international relations predicated on the narrative about the emergence of mature sovereign nation states acting within a system of such states offers a particularly helpful guide to political practices concerning boundaries and borders that are identified on the ground. This is especially the case if we pay attention to the specific practices of bordering in Cyprus. Through a reading of various sites of limitation and excess of Cypriot sovereignty – in relation to the Byzantine and Ottoman empires, the modern system involving Greece, Turkey and the United Kingdom, the United Nations and the European Union, ongoing complexities such as British Sovereign Base Areas (SBAs) and the ethnically mixed village of Pyla/Pile – this thesis investigates the consequences and considers the implications, both theoretical and actual, that arise in Cyprus.
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Phylogenetic Analysis of Subtribe Alopecurinae (Poaceae)Boudko, Ekaterina January 2014 (has links)
Subtribe Alopecurinae (Poeae, Poaceae) sensu lato‘s seven genera share interesting morphological similarities (dense spicate panicles and one-flowered spikelets) that were widely thought to have a common origin. However, recent molecular evidence for three of the genera has suggested that the subtribe may be polyphyletic. To test this, five DNA regions were sequenced and analyzed using phylogenetic methods. Results confirm that Alopecurinae s.l. as presently treated is polyphyletic and should be dissolved. Additionally, the genus Cornucopiae may be just another Alopecurus. Limnas and Pseudophleum are not closely allied to Alopecurus or each other, and are even further from Phleum. Phleum is a distinct lineage that is not closely allied to any other included Alopecurinae genus. Evidence for revising infrageneric classifications of Alopecurus and Phleum is presented, as is evidence for separating A. magellanicus into two or more subspecies.
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