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清潔發展機制之國際政治經濟學分析:以歐盟與中國為例 / An international political economy analysis of the clean development mechanism: A comparative study of the EU and China陳俊仰, Chen, Chun Yang Unknown Date (has links)
清潔發展機制作為京都議定書中的一種彈性機制,普遍被認為將為溫室氣體排放減量所引起的「環境保護─經濟發展」與「北─南」衝突帶來雙贏的結果。支持者認為,其為附件一締約方提供達成溫室氣體減排經濟成本較低的方法,也同時為非附件一締約方引進資金與技術。然而,本研究運用國際政治經濟學的分析,提出因為各自要素禀賦的不同,清潔發展機制實行後的利弊損益將不會公平的分配於清潔發展機制項目的投資方與東道方間,因而導致某些負面的效果:其將阻礙投資方境內減排措施的推動,與導致東道方在技術上的依賴。而透過對投資方與東道方內部排放權提供者與技術研發者間互動的分析,再輔以中國與EU-15的實證資料,可以證實本研究的假設並較為清楚地說明其背後之原因。最後,本研究將討論中國政府與EU-15各自如何以政治力介入市場機制的運作,以試圖處理這樣市場機制運作所導致的弊病。 / Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) as a Kyoto flexible mechanism was believed to provide a win-win solution to the conflicts, which result from cutting down greenhouse gas emissions, between wheather ecology & economy or North & South. The proponents believe the implementation of CDM is cost-efficient for the Annex I Parties to achieve their Kyoto commitments and can also introduce capital & technology into the non-Annex I Parties. However, by international political economic analysis, the difference in factors endowments between CDM invest parties and host parties will result in unequal distribution of gains & pays between them. This causes some negative effects: CDM will deter the implementation of domestic emissions reduction in the invest parties, and it will also make technological dependence in the host parties. Through analyzing the interactions between emission allowance providers & technology innovators in the invest & host parties and with empirical data from China & EU-15, the assumptions of this study is proved and the causation is clarified. At last, the governmental interventions, which are trying to modify the negative effects result from the operation of market mechanism, by China and EU-15 are brought into discuss perspectively.
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區域經濟整合對貿易流量影響之研究---引力模型之驗證 / The Effects of Regional Economic Integration on Trade Flows: The Empirical Evidence in Taiwan under Gravity Model Analysis陳明潔, Chen,Ming-Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
本實證研究發現影響二國間貿易流量的因素分別為出、進口國之國民生產毛額及人均國民生產毛額,以及距離。區域經濟整合具有明顯的貿易創造效果,而貿易轉向效果則隨經濟整合的緊密程度、區域內產業分工型態及與區域外國家出、進口結構及產業間相互競合程度不一而產生不同的影響。在上述六個區域經濟整合中,北美自由貿易區及南方共同市場對台灣產生貿易轉向的現象。本研究亦針對上述之結果與區域經濟整合實際進展現況進行交互分析。最後,本研究將就政策面及後續研究的方向提出建議,俾供參考。 / Globalization and regionalization have been the two main trends in international economic development in recent years. Already, many countries have signed Free Trade Agreements to achieve the goal of regional economic integration. This integration allows members of the region to virtually eliminate all tariff and non-tariff trade barriers and, as a result, increase trade volume between member countries. This phenomenon is called trade creation. On the other hand, trade volume between members of the region and non-member may decrease, a phenomenon called trade diversion. All of this will affect international trade flows, the allocation of international resources and change the pattern of the international industrial division.
In order to learn how regional economic integration influences trade flows, this paper deals first with the definition and regulation under the GATT of regional trade agreements, the present situation and the development of regional economic integration. We also examine the current state of import and export trade between Taiwan and the main regional economies in the world. This paper reviews the relevant literature on the gravity model, a model that can effectively analyze trade flows between two countries, then proceeds to use this model with NAFTA, EU, AFTA, MERCOSUR, ANDEAN Community, and CER (Closer Economic Relationship between the Australia and New Zealand) as regional dummies. This allows us to test alterations in trade flows between members and other members as well as between members and non-members (especially Taiwan) in these six regional trade blocs for the 13 years between 1990 and 2003. This model also analyzes the main factors affecting trade flows.
We find first that the main factors influencing trade flows between two countries are the GDP and per capita GDP of the importer and exporter as well as distance. Secondly, while regional economic integration clearly brings with it trade creation, the degree of trade diversion is affected by such factors as the degree of regional economic integration, the pattern of industrial division in the region, the structure of imports from and exports to non-member countries and the level of competition and cooperation in various sectors. The empirical evidence shows that NAFTA and Mercosur have resulted in trade diversion away from Taiwan. Based on our findings, we offer policy suggestions and suggestions for further research.
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GATT 1994之最惠國待遇與數量限制之適用原則評析-WTO歐盟香蕉進口案評釋楊琬瑜, Yang, Wan-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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歐洲聯盟移民政策之研究:以歐盟外部邊境巡防協調管理局的角色與功能為例 / Immigration policy of the European Union: A study on the Frontex李美姿, Li, Mei Tzu Unknown Date (has links)
歐洲聯盟共有27個會員國,克羅埃西亞將於2013年成為第28個歐盟會員國,歐洲聯盟自1952年成立後,已替歐洲帶來了半世紀的和平、穩定及發展,並榮獲2012年度諾貝爾和平獎,在第二次世界大戰後的重建工作及在1989年柏林圍牆倒下後,長期擔任團結凝聚歐洲、促進和平、和解、民主及人權的角色,除發行歐洲單一貨幣歐元外,並逐步建立歐洲單一市場,撤除歐盟內部邊界,讓人員、商品、服務和資金能自由流動,卻也導致非法移民可利用其邊境管制的疏忽而進入歐盟境內,造成歐洲各國的社會治安問題。不論是合法移民或非法移民,「移民」對歐洲聯盟各國的社會治安、種族文化及民族融合確實帶來不可小覷的影響,隨著歐盟內部人員可以自由在各國間移動,歐洲聯盟各會員國開始重視移民政策,穩定歐盟內部安全、加強歐盟外部邊界管制及打擊非法移民也日益重要,移民已經不再只是單一國內的問題,它廣泛的牽涉到跨國移民問題的類型,歐盟各國除將移民問題提高到歐盟層次的議題上,共同協商統籌規劃更詳盡的移民政策外,並成立歐盟外部邊境巡防協調管理局,共同管理歐盟外部邊境安全,透過結合各國的警力,提高邊境管制和緝捕的效力,改善非法移民或難民所產生的問題(例如跨國犯罪、毒品、人口販賣等),以達遏止非法移民入境的效果。本文將透過瞭解歐盟移民政策制定的發展過程及因素,藉以窺探歐洲移民政策目前現況,並透過研析其政策內容及成立歐盟外部邊境巡防協調管理局之政策法源,探討歐盟外部邊境巡防協調管理局於歐盟移民政策實際執行面上扮演之角色、功能與其重要性,以了解歐盟外部邊境安全共同管理之成效。 / European Union is composed of 27 member states. Croatia will become the 28th of the Europe Union (EU) member state in 2013. The European Union established in 1952 has brought Europe peace, stability and development for fifty years, and was awarded the 2012 Nobel Peace Prize. During the period of the post-World War II reconstruction and the fall of the Berlin wall in 1989, the EU serves as an important role to bring Europe together and to promote peace, reconciliation, democracy and human rights. The creation of European single currency and the formation of single market develop the free flow of goods, services and capital around the EU. However, it raises security issues while illegal immigrants exploit freedom of movement within the EU. Whether legal immigrants or illegal immigrants do bring underestimated impact on security and cultural and ethical integration issues. With the free movement of people within the EU, the member states have started to focus on the immigration policy in order to stabilize the internal security, to enhance the control of the external border and to fight against illegal immigration. Immigration issues are no longer just single domestic problems, but it is widely involved in the type of transnational migration. The EU member states see immigration issues at the EU level and coordinate the planning of the immigration policy, and establish the European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union (Frontex) to co-manage the EU external border security. The support of the national police force to improve the effectiveness of border control and the warrant of arrest ease the problem of illegal immigrants or refugees (such as transnational crime, drugs, human trafficking, etc.) to achieve the effect of curbing illegal immigration. This paper observes the current situation of the European immigration policy based on the study on the development of EU immigration policy-making process and factors. Through the analysis of policy and the law and treaties of founding the Frontex, this paper also examines the role and function of Frontex on the implementation of the EU immigration policy to understand the effectiveness of the co-management of the EU external border security.
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金融集團資本適足性及監理制度之研究 / Study on Capital Adequacy and Regulation of Financial Conglomerates邱虹元, Chiu, Hung-Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
我國主管機關對於金融控股公司要求以合併基礎計算資本適足比率,並訂定了「金融控股公司合併資本適足性管理辦法」,以期能發揮適度的監理功能。然該辦法中僅以簡單的加減乘除運算求得之資本適足率,是否為反映集團資本需求的良好指標實不無疑問。因此,本文除了研究國際監理官組織所發布的相關報告外,並藉由介紹和討論歐盟指令對金融集團的補充監理原則和措施,如:資本適足性、集團內部交易、風險集中等問題,以及美國對於金融控股公司之相關監理規範,加以比較研究後,來探討我國現行規範是否妥當,並提出相關監理制度改善之建議,以期能作為我國建構健全金融市場之參考。 / Under current competitive circumstances, the development of Taiwan’s financial market will be bound to move forward in the direction of cross-sector business. In Taiwan, Legislative Yuan also has passed the “Financial Holding Company Act” in June 2001. With the passage of the act, it not only gives Taiwan’s financial institutions authority to operate cross-sector activities, but also creates a trigger for financial institutions to become financial conglomerates in order to meet the objectives of financial modernization and globalization. Although financial institutions may diversify their business, additional risks may arise. Financial regulatory mechanisms have to adjust their function to ensure the safety and soundness of financial system.
Our competent authorities demand financial holding companies calculating their capital adequacy ratio on a consolidated basis, and enact “Regulations Governing the Consolidated Capital Adequacy of A Financial Holding Company.” However, in this regulation, the ratio was calculated in simple aggregated method, and it is doubtful that such ratio is a good index to reflect consolidated capital requirement. Therefore, this thesis not only studies on related publications issued by international supervision organizations, but also introduces EU Financial Conglomerate Directive with regard to some supervisory issues (e.g. capital adequacy, intra-group transactions and risk concentrations etc.) and U.S. framework for financial holding company supervision. After investigating and comparing different models, this study tries to find whether current regulation is appropriate or not, and make some suggestions concerning the supervisory system in order to construct a sound financial market as a reference in our country.
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2011-2017年歐盟因應孤狼恐怖主義威脅之政策分析與成效評估 / Analysis and Evaluation of European Union's Policy to Counter Threat from Lone-wolf Terrorism between 2011-2017黃嘉郁, Huang, Chia Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本論文發現,歐盟孤狼恐怖主義來自「聖戰恐怖主義」、「本土恐怖主義」、與「外國恐怖主義戰士」等三種威脅,而歐盟近年因應孤狼恐怖主義威脅之反恐政策與措施,已朝向2005年11月30日歐盟部長理事會《歐盟反恐政策》四大反恐戰略的「預防」層面發展,並以外國恐怖主義戰士為重要反恐目標;此外,歐盟除了著手打擊「激進化」與「暴力極端主義」等導致孤狼恐怖主義之根本原因原因外,亦持續因應敘利亞與伊拉克等衝突地區之「返國外國恐怖主義戰士」所帶來的後伊斯蘭國時代孤狼恐怖主義威脅。 / With the trend of lone-wolf terrorism in member states of the European Union, the thesis analyzes EU’s policy to counter threat from lone-wolf terrorism and also evaluates internal and external effectiveness of EU’s counter-terrorism policy, in an attempt to examine the correlation between lone-wolf terrorism and EU’s counter-terrorism policy. Lone-wolf terrorism originated in the United States from the “Leaderless Resistance” and “Violent Extremism” and further threatened EU’s internal security via “Global Islamic Resistance Movement” and “Foreign Terrorist Fighters.” The decision-making as well as the executing agencies of EU’s counter-terrorism policy has established mechanisms of cooperation and policy toolkits for internal counter-terrorism network by means of EU’s legal documents of counter-terrorism, strategic guidelines and implementing programs included, in order to consolidate cooperation of police, justice, exchange of communication and intelligence, as well as border security between EU and member states. Meanwhile, EU has also been constructing its external counter-terrorism network with bilateral and multilateral agreements with third states and international organizations of importance. The thesis also offers four case studies of lone-wolf terrorist attacks of EU’s member states to analyze conditions and trends of lone-wolf terrorism in EU.
The thesis concludes that “Jihadist terrorism,” “Home-grown Terrorism,” and “Foreign Terrorist Fighters” are the three main types of threat of lone-wolf terrorism in EU, and that EU counter-terrorism policy has been developing strategy of “prevention”, one of which stated in “EU’s Counter-terrorism Strategies” of November 30th, 2005, by Council of the European Union, and considering foreign terrorist fighters as its main target. Additionally, EU has been countering not only root causes of lone-wolf terrorism, such as “radicalisation” and “violent extremism,” but also future threats from “Returning Foreign Terrorists Fighters” heading back home from Syria and Iraq in the Era of Post-Islamic State.
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時尚設計之著作權保護-以服裝設計為中心游皓婷, Yu, Haw Tyng Unknown Date (has links)
經研究發現著作權法並非全然對於服裝設計不予以保護,僅係因立法政策與解釋論上之不穩定見解,導致保護的不確定性,希望透過此篇論文能夠提供我國主管機關解釋上之建議。 / Nowadays, copycat, knock-off accusements appear frequently within fashion design industry. Some of the scholars, industrial representors comment that fashion design is not copyrightable and shall not be protected. However, it is indisputable that fashion is an innovative and orginal form of art. Furthermore, fahion design consists of artisic expression and other unique features. Thus fashion designers and other kind of artists shall not be treated unfairly.
This study focuses on copyright protection both in Taiwan and United States. And discuss to what extent shall we protect garment design and how we can seafeguard talented fashion desingers’s creative works. The study is divided into five parts. The first part is the introduction part. The second part is talking about the featues of fashion design industry and international rules which are related to fashion design. The third part focuses on copright law, domestic theoretical legal analysis and cases on garment design infringement lawsuits in the United States. The fourth part focuses on copright law, domestic theoretical legal analysis and cases on garment design infringement lawsuits in Taiwan. In the end, this study provides several suggestions for the Taiwanese adminstrtion agencies and juditial authorities.
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領域外犯罪之刑事管轄-論屬人原則柯慶忠 Unknown Date (has links)
此外,亦有學者從刑事訴訟的角度指出,由於大陸法系較能容許傳聞(hearsay),並且比普通法系國家較有意願接受筆錄(deposition testimony),因此大陸法系較不嚴格之證據法則讓這種長距離審理變成可能,使得其對於屬人管轄原則較能接納。
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歐洲統合專利制度與統一專利法院施行之專利策略 -以台灣廠商為例 / The Patent Strategy Analysis of European Unitary Patent System and Unified Patent Court -The Case Study of Taiwanese Enterprises曹家豪, Tsao, Chia Hao Unknown Date (has links)
統合專利制度的所有準備工作雖已於2015年陸續完成,但仍需要德國、英國及另外任一個歐盟成員國批准歐洲統一專利條約方可生效,預計最快可在2017年達成。統一專利法院亦於2016年3月完成裁判費用之規定,並陸續完成各級法院之選址與訴訟案件性質之分類。專利權人與專利申請人應要謹慎思考在新制度下可能帶來之各種挑戰,特別是台灣廠商需要評估在新制度下之專利策略。因此,本文將針對新制度介紹,希冀能提供欲前往申請的台灣廠商專利佈局之策略建議。 / First of all, this Article overviews current European patent system in particular with the system under European Patent Convention. This Article also summarizes the features of new system and considers the practical steps which should be taking now in preparation for the start of new regime.
European Patent Convention has entered into force since 1977. Under European Patent Convention, applicant can deliver their application to EPO and once the mention of the grant is published, the patent has to be validated in each of the designated states to keep its protective effect. In a number of member states, the patent proprietors may have to file a translation of the specification and pay fees.
However, the current European patent system has been the fragmentation compared to the United States, Japan and China. This has caused to a high cost of application and lawsuit and also a high level of uncertainty. In February 2013, the European Union formally signed an agreement established a single European patent and the Unified Patent Court. The court will have exclusive jurisdiction for all participating Member States. Through European unitary patent system and Unified Patent Court, this new system reduces the costs of obtaining a patent, simplifies procedures, and regulates the language issue in a user-friendlier manner than before. Therefore, unitary patent system are expected to enhance the efficiency and attractiveness.
All preparation of unitary patent system is accomplished before 2015, but still need the Germany, the Untied Kingdom and two other European member states to ratify the agreement. The beginning of 2017 is now said to be the earliest that can be achieved. Owing to the new patent system, patent proprietors and applicants, especially Taiwanese enterprises should be contemplating their patent strategy for meeting the challenge created by this new patent right. Thus, the Article presents patent strategy for Taiwanese enterprises under new patent system in Europe.
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析論歐盟優惠性原產地規則及其對台灣成鞋廠商國際投資之影響 / Analyze and research on EU preferential rule of origin and its impact on international investment of Taiwanese footwear producers廖唯宸, Liao, Wei Chen Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵詞:歐盟優惠性原產地規則;原產地規則;原產產品;實質轉型;累積規定;微量條款;出口退稅禁止;附錄清單;生產稟賦;國際投資;成鞋。 / Europe Union (EU) broadly sign the preferential trade agreements with the other countries in the globe, and through the conferring of the preferential trade treatments, EU attempts to build up the tight political and economic bonds worldwide. The premise for producers who want to enjoy these trade preferences is to make sure that their product are qualified and recognized as “original product” in those beneficiary countries either by following the regulation of standard of “wholly obtained” or “sufficiently working or processing” stipulated in each preferential Rule of Origin (ROO).
The main subject of this thesis is to analyze the legal meaning and the underlined policy purpose of the critical provisions in each EU preferential ROO, such as “cumulation”, “general tolerance rule”, “no-drawback rule”, and the standard of “sufficiently working or processing” of a product (substantial transformation) stipulated in the List Rules (in the Annex part) attached in each preferential trade agreement. And from those meaning Author reasons out the fact that the level of difficulty concerning applying and using these preferential ROO are different and the difference has its influence on cost of producing. Author also infers the basic method to assess the level of difficulty of these ROO while combining analyzing the ROO provisions and endowment in the beneficiary countries. This method is to assist those Taiwanese producers who have willing to use the EU preferential ROO to make their product qualified as “original product” with the minimized producing cost when entering into EU market, that is, to help producers cherry pick the beneficial countries (or area) for making investments distribution and deploying concerned producing resources and still have their the products entitled as “original product”.
To combine the legal dimension and the producer’s operation in practice, Author further chooses Taiwanese footwear producers as observed subject of using the ROO and see if they would change their mode of investment thereafter. Author compares the conclusion derived from interviewing footwear producers with the basic assessment method, and further examines the applicability of the method and the potential correction of hypothesis under certained situations.
Key words: EU preferential Rule of Origin, Rule of Origin, original product, substantial transformation, cumulation, general tolerance rule, no-drawback rule, List Rules, endowment, international investment, footwear.
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