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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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全球化趨勢下我國移民政策之演進與發展--論述外事警察未來之功能及定位 / 無

徐吳源, Hsu, Wu Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
我國自民國91年初加入WTO組織後,各會員國均力促我國確實履行「世界貿易組織協定」之義務與承諾,並提供必要的服務,以增加交流與互動,確保其會員國人民在臺活動期間享有與我國國民同等之福利與待遇;此外,全球化之潮流已促使世界各國緊密互動,相對的也衍生諸多國內性與國際性涉外治安事件。為能有效防止外國人在臺犯罪與落實履行「世界貿易組織協定」之上述要求,唯有強化我國外事警察執勤素養與打擊外國人在臺犯罪之功能,以保障合法外僑在臺權益;兼求維護我國際形象及與全球各國、WTO組織各會員國間之良好互動。 本文研究動機在於首從各國為因應全球化趨勢,其移民政策之演進與發展論述,進而探討我國移民政策之更迭;次就在全球化的浪潮與移民署成立,吸納部分外事警察重要業務與外事警力的雙重衝擊下,我國外事警察人員含勤(業)務規劃重心如何兼顧社會治安需要、國家安全與反恐勤務需要與歷史傳承作終結,與時俱近冀求進而作為我國警務政策規劃人員之參考。


葉育碩 Unknown Date (has links)
中國人民自明末清初,開始大量的移民海外。就時間序列來說,先後有漳泉後有客家移民、國民政府播牽來台等,臺灣人口有移出,也有人口移入。最近十餘年來,則有大量的外籍及大陸移民經由婚姻移民大量移入臺灣。但卻一直沒有明確的移民政策,當然就沒有完整的移民法。跨國移民或婚姻移民,是中華民國近年來極為重要的一個社會現象。就移入者的結構與性質、移民的權責機關及法令規定來說明,政府的政策上希望導向的高科技或投資移民,政策及法令上有無開放,因此,儘速擬定完善的移民政策與移民法,是刻不容緩的。政府雖見於移民問題的複雜化與嚴重性,所草擬「外籍與大陸配偶照顧輔導措施」,及「中華民國移民政策綱領」,並積極修正「入出國及移民法」,希望藉此解決我國的移民所衍生的問題。但對移民的接納、安置、輔導、教育、監控外來移民,甚至移民的犯罪、社會治安甚至國家安全等問題究竟如何,正是最急迫需要探討的。政府遲未研擬訂完整的移民政策及相關配套措施,亦無一套針對管理或融合外籍人士的政策,甚至缺乏統合協調之機制,如何成立一個「專責移民機構」,在兼顧保護移民權益及國家安全的專責機關,並參考其他先進國家之移民政策與相關問題之解決方式,以吸引與留住更多人才,並協助移入者迅速融入我國社會,提昇國家競爭力,無疑是我國當務之急 。 本論文共分五章,茲將其內容分述如下: 一、第一章為導論,主要說明本文的研究動機與目的,相關文獻探討、研究範圍與限制、研究方法與論文架構等。 二、第二章探討國際移民的趨勢及政策,先以國際移民的發展與趨勢說明接納移民對國際社會的意義,進而對移入國的影響,並探討世界主要國家接納移民之政策之探討。 三、第三章探討中華民國移民接納政策之沿革,首先以臺灣人口移入的歷史回顧,進而討論移民政策之權責機關及相關法規、移民種類與配額至移民歸化,並最後討論移民之發展數量、原因及重要性。 四、第四章對移民及其衍生問題之探討,先以移民與非傳統安全威脅,討論婚姻移民權益(或歧視)問題、大陸及外籍配偶移入管理規範及移入配偶輔導與教育之探討,最後則討論移民專責機構之成立。 五、第五章結論探討中華民國有無符合國際潮流及國內需求之移民政策,並提出研究發現與建議,以提供政府於修訂移民政策之建議。 關鍵詞:移民政策、國際移民、接納移民、婚姻移民

兩岸延攬專業人士政策之比較 / A comparison of Taiwan and Chinese policies on the recruitment of professionals

莊阿甘 Unknown Date (has links)
一國之「國力」含括經濟能力、政治能力、科技能力等,因應全球化與知識經濟的到來,科技能力受到國際的極高重視,而左右一個國家的科技能力的要素之一,即是一個國家創新人力資源的質與量。台灣目前最珍貴的資產,就是我們累積儲備了四、五十年的人才,這些人才為台灣創造傲人的經濟奇蹟。同樣地,經濟大幅衰退,企業營收遽減,要在困境中殺出重圍,還是要靠人才。 兩岸對於人才的延攬均相當重視,究竟兩岸在延攬人才政策有何不同乃為本研究主要動機。而本研究目的希望了解兩岸延攬產業人才政策及管理制度有何不同,以及我國引進外國專業人員來台成效為何。 本研究採文獻分析法及深度訪談法,對兩岸之相關延攬人才政策進行比較分析。經研究發現中國大陸在專業人才之延攬相較我國積極且有彈性,另近幾年我國在引進國外專業人才之作法也具有相當之成效。

法國與歐洲共同移民政策 / France and European Immigration Policy

傅以蒨, Fu I-Chien Unknown Date (has links)

勞力移民政策比較研究(從1980年代): 義大利與台灣的案例 / A Comparative Study of Labour Migration Policy since the 1980s: the Cases of Italy and Taiwan

徐浦, Filippo Maranzana De Filippis Unknown Date (has links)
意大利和台灣都有著典型的成熟經濟體的問題:人口老齡化,低生育率和長期勞工短缺,而這一切結合起來,便促使外籍勞工輸入到這個系統中。目前的研究是試圖找出台灣與義大利,兩個大規模移民 移入國,如何應證了這一新現象,透過分析它們各自的移民政策型態,發現交集和差異可以歸因於不同的經濟,政治和社會情況。 這項工作被劃分成數個章節,從一般到特殊。第一,解釋的目的和方法;第二,一個文學評論;第三和第四,分析意大利和台灣的情況;而最後兩章進行比較並得出結論。採用的方法是內容分析和歷史背景,利用定量和定性數據:前者是從初級和次級來源提取,從非結構化的與移民社區和移民機關面談。從這個研究的結果,很明顯,這兩個國家在他們各自的社會和經濟結構的變化都有不同的反應:緊急立法是比較典型的意大利決策,而規劃則是台灣的特徵。在這兩種情況下,國際政治都在影響政策的形成扮演了重要的角色:義大利作為一個已建立的超國家的一部分,歐盟,在立法上允許更多的授權;同時台灣在外交孤立與不安的兩岸關係上,則不得不更謹慎的規劃。 / Italy and Taiwan share common problems typical of mature economies: an aging population, a low fertility rate and a chronic labour shortage, which all combined have prompted the importation of foreign workers into their systems. The present research is an attempt to find out how the two countries – both latecomers in mass immigration – have coped with this new phenomenon, by analysing their respective immigration policy formations to uncover confluences and disparities that can be attributed to different economic, political and social circumstances. The work is divided in chapters that elaborate from the general to the particular. The first one explains purpose and methodology; the second one is a literary review; the third and fourth ones analyse the cases of Italy and Taiwan; and the final two chapters make comparisons and draw conclusions. The methods adopted are content analysis and historical background, making use of quantitative and qualitative data: the former are extracted from primary and secondary sources, the latter from unstructured interviews with migrant communities and authorities. From the results of this research, it is apparent that the two countries have responded differently to their respective social and economic structural changes: emergency legislation was more typical of the Italian policy-making, while planning characterised the Taiwanese attitude. In both cases international politics has played a major role in shaping policy formation: being part of an established supra-national formation such the EU allowed for more deferring and delegating in legislation; while being diplomatically isolated with a troubled cross-strait relationship compelled to a more cautious programming.

歐盟整合下瑞典移民政策之研究 / A study on the immigration policy of Sweden in the context of EU integration

洪敬峯, Hong, Jing Fong Unknown Date (has links)
位於北歐的瑞典以完善的社會福利制度與開放包容的形象所聞名於世,故自二戰以來,便持續地吸引著外來移民向瑞典移入。瑞典分別於1995年加入歐盟與2001年加入申根區,在人民有自由移動權利之歐盟原則與開放國界邊境之《申根公約》的情況下,瑞典將必須面對更多的外來移民。2010年,阿拉伯之春爆發,中東地區的動亂導致每年向歐洲國家尋求庇護的難民持續地增加,並因此形成了歐洲難民危機,若以2016年難民獲准庇護的人數並透過各國總人口之人均比例加以觀察,瑞典乃位居各成員國之冠。直至今日,在瑞典全國具有外國背景之人口已約占總人口五分之一,惟如此眾多的外來移民能否順利地融入瑞典社會與當地人民能否接納外來移民,這都將會是個很重要的課題與挑戰。 本研究以多元文化主義為研究途徑。多元文化主義強調在一個國家或社會內部中的各類民族或族群應能保留其獨特的文化特色,而彼此之間乃立基於平等的立場,相互尊重與和諧共處,其不僅僅是一種理念,同時也是國家或政府對於國內少數族群的具體政策執行。故本文即透過多元文化主義的觀點來探討瑞典的移民政策有何特色,而能夠促使外來移民向瑞典產生移民的行為。最後,本研究發現瑞典的移民政策於二戰以來至2016年為止,在以追求多元文化主義為理想之下,並未有劇烈性的變革,且若依瑞典國內政治與社會對於外來移民的態度而言,其政策方針與執行規劃乃是優於其他歐盟成員國的。 / Located in northern Europe, Sweden is known for its impeccable social welfare system and an open and inclusive image, so it has been attracting immigrants to Sweden since World War II. Sweden joined the EU and the Schengen Area in 1995 and 2001 respectively. Under the EU principles that people have the right to be free to move and the Schengen Convention that led to the removal of border controls between countries, Sweden will have to face more immigrants. In 2010, the Arab Spring outbreak that the turmoil in the Middle East resulted in more and more asylum seekers in European countries, and thus forming a European refugee crisis. On a per capita basis of the total population of countries, Sweden has taken in far more refugees granted asylum status in the member states of the EU. Until today, the population with a foreign background has accounted for about 1/5 of the total population in Sweden, but it will be a very important task and challenge whether so many immigrants can smoothly be involved in the Swedish society and local people can accept immigrants. This study takes multiculturalism as the research approach. Multiculturalism emphasizes that various nationalities or ethnic groups should be in a position to retain their unique cultural characteristics in a country or society and they are based on the position of equality, mutual respect and harmony. It is not just a concept, but also the specific executive policy of the national or government for ethnic minorities. Therefore, this thesis attempts to explore the characteristics of Swedish immigration policy to promote immigrants to Sweden through multiculturalism. Finally, this study finds that Swedish immigration policy has not a drastic change between the Second World War and 2016 in the pursuit of multiculturalism as the ideal. And according to the Swedish domestic political situation and social attitudes to immigration, its policy and implementation plan is better than any member state of the EU.


徐鳳旋 Unknown Date (has links)
少子化是目前台灣面臨的一大危機,從歷史脈絡來看,台灣屬於標準的移民社會,然而,因早年戒嚴等政治因素使我國對於入出境人流管制相當嚴格,同時亦不重視移民政策,直至近年來外籍配偶及大陸配偶人數大量增加,政府單位逐漸注意此一新興社會現象。 同時,台灣與新加坡皆為亞洲四小龍成員,在人口結構來講,同屬以華人為主體的多元族群國家,兩者皆面臨全球化衝擊,以及面臨國土資源不足、生育率逐年降低、人口老化等社會與人口結構改變的隱憂。而新加坡對移民政策的重視則遠超過我國,其相關法令的制定、多元的教育、豐富的獎勵刺激移民與生育都是值得我們所學習的。 回顧其發展過程,新加坡的移民政策與法令也讓社會產生程度不一的反彈,這些優缺利弊都是讓我國借鑒的範例,藉他山之石,檢視我國移民法令的侷限,為了有效刺激外來人口移入與降低不同文化產生的衝突,新加坡經驗是值得參考的對象。 / Low birth rate is one of the major challenges faced by Taiwanese government nowadays. Taiwan can be categorized as a typical immigrant society from the view of history. However, the immigration control was very strict during the early days due to political issues and the implementation of martial laws. The immigration policies have been ignored for long until the population of foreign and mainland spouse rose tremendously hence gradually caught the attention of Taiwanese government. Taiwan and Singapore are both viewed as the members of Four Asian Tigers. Both islandsare composed by multi-racial population and with Chinese as majority. Meanwhile, both nations face the challenges such as impact of globalization, relatively insufficient domestic resources, low birth rate, and aging population. Singapore government takes immigration policies more seriously than Taiwan, the regulations of laws, educational diversity, and abundant rewards for encouraging immigration and birth rate of Singapore are worth to learn from. Singapore’s immigration policies and regulations also aroused backlash from the public. The pros and cons of their policies should also be taken into considerations while making the proper policies for Taiwan. The experience of Singapore would benefit on the spurring of immigration to Taiwan and easing the conflicts result from cultural differences.

極右派政黨與荷蘭的移民政策 / The Far-right Parties and the Migration Policy in the Netherlands

陳柏良 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來許多歐洲國家的極右派政黨打著反移民與反歐洲整合之主張,受到國內民眾的支持度越來越高。然而也有些國家如荷蘭的極右派政黨之表現卻正好相反,其支持率於2010年達到高峰後便逐年下降。本論文旨在探討荷蘭極右派政黨發展之歷史、荷蘭移民政策在「自由黨」於2006年創黨前後是否發生轉變,及其在創黨後至2014年年底為止中三次國會大選中所取得之成果,且勝選後又如何依其政見主導荷蘭移民政策之產出。 除了參考許多相關學術文獻,本論文亦以歷史研究途徑與文獻分析法對荷蘭近三次國會選舉結果與移民政策法規進行研究。研究結果顯示,荷蘭移民融合政策在自由黨成立前後之方向並無太大差異,其主要轉變在1980年代以後便開始逐漸醞釀,由起初對多元主義之嘗試走向90年代強調社會參與的整合主義,並在2000年後開始實施強調荷蘭單一國族認同與主流價值觀的同化主義至今。然而在自由黨於2010年成為國會第三大黨後,其藉由支持少數聯合內閣之方式,將其反移民之理念體現在2010年的政黨協議中,使移民接納政策在依親移民、申請獨立居留與享有社會福利的等待期、對非法居留外國人之待遇,以及境外移民整合考試等規定均漸趨嚴格。 / With their political ideologies strongly against immigrants and further integration of European Union, many far-right parties across Europe have been gaining more supports than ever in recent years, while the electoral outcomes for some far-right parties appear to be totally opposite. For instance, Party for Freedom (Partij voor de Vrijheid, PVV) in the Netherlands only reached its peak of political success in 2010, after which less and less supports from the public have been shown. To know better of such an unusual circumstance, not only the development of the far-right parties in the Netherlands will be discussed, this thesis also aims to probe into the difference of Dutch migration policy before and after PVV was founded, its election results in three times of general election until the end of 2014, and how it once successfully influenced the making of Dutch migration policy. In addition to taking many related literatures into account, in this thesis the results of the recent three times of general election, migration policy, migration law and regulations in the Netherlands are also being analyzed with historical approach and document analysis. The finding shows that there has been no major changes to Dutch integration policy before and after PVV was founded, for they already started to change gradually from multiculturalism in 1980s to integrationism in 1990s, and ended in assimilationism in 2000s as of today. Futhermore, after PVV became the third biggest party in 2010, it also obtained the power to influence the making of Dutch migration policy by supporting the formation of minor coalition government of VVD and CDA, followed by writing its ideologies against immigrants and the EU in the coalition agreement. With such a power, PVV successfully tightened the law and regulations for immigrants, such as imposing stricter qualification for family reunion, harder cultural integration exam to pass, and longer period to enjoy social welfare and political rights.

國內政治與歐洲整合研究 / Domestic Politics and European Integration Studies

陳慶昌, Ching-Chang Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本論文的研究動機始於有感民族陣線在當今法國政壇的影響力不容小覷,「勒班效應」也使得1980年代中期後極右主義的風潮在西歐蔓延開來,因此吾人在研究歐洲整合的過程時,似應考慮到會員國國內這些反歐洲化的政治現象的發展。然而,主流的國際關係理論認為國際體系構成單位的層次分析並不重要。雖然國際關係體系論的建立被視為是本學門邁向「科學化」的重要嘗試,惟其亦使得學者在研究區域整合時面臨了見林不見樹的困境,本文的研究目的也就在試圖證明會員國國內政治不能被歐洲整合研究所忽視。 本論文以法國極右主義與歐盟移民政策之關聯為例,透過二重賽局的分析架構進行實證研究,研究結果顯示法國右派政府為了爭取極右派選民的票源而吸納民族陣線的反移民訴求,不僅反映在該國自1980年代中期以降的移民政策對非歐盟國家移民的趨於排斥,亦顯現於法國政府在歐盟移民政策共同體化之前與其他會員國協調移民政策時的保守立場。本研究指出,法國極右派在國內層次的影響能夠經由政府的利益匯集過程而到達歐盟層次,從而說明學者不宜貿然分割國內與國際政治研究。另一方面,案例亦顯示政府領袖的偏好在形成後仍有可能發生轉變,因此做為跨層次分析工具的二重賽局尚有修正其架構的必要性,如何發展有效連結國內政治與國際關係的理論途徑與分析架構,對於區域研究學者實屬緊要。

移民政策與社會網絡—九0年代以來的捷克中國移民 / Migration policy and social networks - Chinese community in the Czech Republic since 1990

曲北蘭, Tulpikova, Petra Unknown Date (has links)
九0年代初,捷克以及其他東、中歐國家成爲世界移民系統的一部份。當時,捷克的開放移民政策及國家的經濟發展吸引全世界移民的目光,其中也包含了中國大陸移民在内。然而,自1995年開始,爲了準備加入歐盟及申根地區,捷克逐漸將移民政策調整成與歐盟目標一致。因而,捷克的政府推行所謂的限制移民政策。因此,隨著開放移民政策的變遷,捷克對移民的拉力減弱。在限制移民政策的狀況之下,在移民過程中,移民國的社會網絡成爲關鍵的移民因素。本文旨在研究探討捷克移民政策的變遷以及中國移民社會網絡的加強對捷克中國移民人數的影響。 / At the beginning of the 1990’s, the Czech Republic, together with other European post-communist countries became a part of the world migration system. Its liberal migration policy and new business opportunities attracted a lot of migrants from different countries, including mainland China, as well. However, in the mid 1990’s, the Czech Republic initiated an effort leading to the membership in the European Union and Shengen Space. Thus, this central European country adopted a far more strict migration policy which corresponded to the EU’s migration rules. As a result, one of the main pull factor of the Czech Republic, i.e., openess to migrants, disappeared with the enlargement of the EU, and moreover migration process involved many restrictions. In this situation social migration networks undertook the role of the main factor which could enable new migrants access the Czech Republic. This thesis describes and analyzes the influence of changing Czech migration policy and subsequent strengthening of social migration ties on the development of Chinese community in the Czech Republic.

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