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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

中國與瑞典之電子商務比較研究 / The Comparison of E-commerce in China and Sweden

康熙華, Marcus,Olov Kateby Unknown Date (has links)
The purpose of this master thesis “The Comparison of E-commerce in China and Sweden” is to investigate if there is evidence to suggest that there are differences between Chinese internet users and Swedish internet users attitude, values and actions in relation to e-commerce. To increase the knowledge and identify differences that could be of service for Chinese/Swedish internet shops that would like to expand to the Swedish/Chinese market. Or for Chinese/Swedish internet shops that just learn more about their own home market. The investigation was made in the form of internet questionnaire directed toward Chinese and Swedish internet users. The total number of respondents where 298, with 149 respondents from each country. Among the major findings was that Chinese internet users thinks that a low price is more important then their Swedish counterparts and Swedish internet users thinks that security is a more important issue then the Chinese internet users. Chinese internet users also shows a tendency to be more nationalistic in their attitudes to e-commerce. Internet and e-commerce is a fast changing field and the number of Chinese internet users is growing extremely fast. While the Swedish internet users is more a mature community. The Chinese internet community will soon be the biggest in the world, and a hugh market for internet shops. This makes the questions that this master thesis is investigating important. The final part of the thesis contains practical policy recommendations for internet shops that want to expand to China from Sweden or from a Sweden to China. / The purpose of this master thesis “The Comparison of E-commerce in China and Sweden” is to investigate if there is evidence to suggest that there are differences between Chinese internet users and Swedish internet users attitude, values and actions in relation to e-commerce. To increase the knowledge and identify differences that could be of service for Chinese/Swedish internet shops that would like to expand to the Swedish/Chinese market. Or for Chinese/Swedish internet shops that just learn more about their own home market. The investigation was made in the form of internet questionnaire directed toward Chinese and Swedish internet users. The total number of respondents where 298, with 149 respondents from each country. Among the major findings was that Chinese internet users thinks that a low price is more important then their Swedish counterparts and Swedish internet users thinks that security is a more important issue then the Chinese internet users. Chinese internet users also shows a tendency to be more nationalistic in their attitudes to e-commerce. Internet and e-commerce is a fast changing field and the number of Chinese internet users is growing extremely fast. While the Swedish internet users is more a mature community. The Chinese internet community will soon be the biggest in the world, and a hugh market for internet shops. This makes the questions that this master thesis is investigating important. The final part of the thesis contains practical policy recommendations for internet shops that want to expand to China from Sweden or from a Sweden to China.


陳盛鵬, Chen Sheng-peng Unknown Date (has links)
1950年代歐洲經濟共同體成立之初,中立國家並未急著趕搭歐洲統合列車,其理由除與當時冷戰方熾之國際大環境有關外,歐洲經濟共同體成立的宗旨與中立國家所追求之政策相牴觸亦是主因。   1991年12月,歐洲共同體十二國領袖在荷蘭馬斯垂克高峰會議中通過一項以三個柱石(Pillar)為主要架構之「歐洲聯盟條約」。其第二個柱石,即條約中第五章「共同外交及安全政策條款」,尤可視為歐洲統合運動史上另一個突破。共同外交暨安全政策之形成,不僅是建立「政治歐盟」的重要基礎,對於歐洲國家推動政治統合亦有鼓舞作用。此外,後冷戰時期之國際權力結構丕變,共同外交暨安全政策之形成,對歐洲國家在國際政治事務上之影響力必有所助益。依據該章條款的規定,歐洲聯盟未來勢必將統合工作拓展至安全防禦方面,這是歐洲統合運動發展的一大進步,惟亦將加深中立國家加入歐洲聯盟之困難度,因為中立國家不應參與任何軍事防禦聯盟。儘管如此,瑞典卻仍在歐體全方位進行整合之際提出入會申請,而歐盟也於1994年3月間批准其入會申請。瑞典並發表宣言,表示願意遵守及推動共同外交暨安全政策。   瑞典對於加入歐體與否態度轉變之快實令人矚目;其從表示加入的意願到正式提出申請,費時僅一年,且選擇加入之時機正值歐體成員國決定大步邁向整合,進一步展開經濟及政治整合之際,因此瑞典入會的動機尤值吾人研究。   究竟那些原因促成瑞典忽略其引以為傲的中立政策,不顧民意分歧而執意提出入會申請?冷戰結束之後,國際局勢巨幅變動,「中立」真如部分學者所稱已經過時,且從國家眼中珍惜的資產變成負擔了嗎?中立國家加入歐盟是否會拖累歐盟統合的腳步,造成歐洲統合過程的質變呢?這些問題正是作者撰文之初心存的疑問,而或許可從本論文中陸續找到答案。 目錄: 緒論 一、研究動機及目的 二、研究方法 三、研究範圍 第一章、瑞典之中立政策 第一節:中立之意義 第二節:瑞典中立政策之特色 第二章、兼顧中立之另一種選擇─歐洲經濟區 第一節:瑞典早期與歐洲經濟共同體之關係 第二節:瑞典之第三條路-歐洲經濟區 第三節:瑞典對「歐洲經濟區」之失望 第三章、瑞典申請加入歐體之因素 第一節:加入歐體之中立問題 第二節:決定加入歐體之外在因素 第三節:決定加入歐體之國內經濟因素 第四章、加入歐體之正式談判與結果 第一節:加入歐體之談判 第二節:瑞典公民投票決定加入歐盟 第五章、瑞典入會後與歐盟之互動 第一節:瑞典與歐盟之關係: (1995年至1999年) 第二節:瑞典入會後對歐盟之影響 第三節:瑞典加入歐盟利幣得失之探討 結論

瑞典積極勞動市場政策之研究 / The study on Swedish active labour market policies

謝嘉文, Hsieh, Chia-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
瑞典是世界上最早開始實施積極勞動市場政策的國家之一,同時也是目前世界上最致力於實施積極勞動市場政策的國家之一。積極勞動市場政策在瑞典的勞動就業中佔有重要地位,並且也是瑞典勞動就業政策以及瑞典模型的一個基本特徵。瑞典積極勞動市場政策充分開發並利用了邊緣勞動力,提高了勞動參與率,促進了不同部門之間勞動力的合理配置,但其高昂的支出也加重了財政負擔,減少了正規就業。 換言之,積極勞動市場政策已成為瑞典經濟與政治政策的註冊商標。回顧1930年代具體的制度措施,有助於解釋近年來瑞典如何成功地結合高福利與經濟增長和高就業水準。對充分就業承諾與以積極的態度來面對開放經濟所帶來的結構變化,其最終目的在於保障就業。而在此體制的背後是強大的社會合作夥伴奧援。儘管全球化對瑞典模式造成不少壓力,惟最近的經驗顯示瑞典模式是可持續的。 雖然在促進就業方面瑞典所採行之政策與我國有若干相似之處,包括強調積極勞動市場措施的重要性,對直接僱用、薪資補貼與職業訓練投入大筆經費等,但他山之石可以攻錯,就瑞典積極勞動市場政策之探討結論本研究提出以下建議:(一)就業能力與方案類型存在一定的關聯性,故應對方案參與者有較多評估,並協助其選擇及參與適當的促進就業方案以及注意不同促進就業措施的競合關係,使之減少方案間排擠現象,發揮方案間加乘效果;(二)不同景氣狀況宜適用不同促進就業措施與建立完整方案參與者之長期追蹤資料庫,以利評估和政策導引;(三)調整積極性勞動市場措施之內容,縮減直接僱用的規模;(四)行政層級職掌分工與就業政策之彈性因應化;(五)修訂賦稅制度、促進工作激勵制度。 / Sweden is one of the countries in the world coming into force an active labour market policy at the earliest stage, and one of the countries with policy efforts which currently commits to carry out an active labor market policy. The active labor market policy takes an important position in Sweden labour market , and a main characteristic of Sweden labour market policies and Swedish Model. It develops and makes good use of the marginal labour force , improves the labour force participation rate , and promotes the rational allocation of labour between different departments. But its high expenditure adds to the financial burden , and reduces the formal employment . In words, an active labour market policy has been a trademark of Swedish economic policies. Specific institutional features which go way back to the 1930s help to explain why Sweden have been so relatively successful in recent years in combining high welfare with economic growth and high employment levels. A commitment to full employment and to an open economy brought about a proactive attitude towards structural change, aiming at protecting employment. The institutional framework behind is strong social partners. Even though globalization puts additional pressure on the system and demands ever more skilful political and economic governance, most recent experiences suggest that the model might be sustainable. To promote the employment, Swedish and Taiwan take some similar policy measures. Although there are a number of similarities, including the emphasis on active labour market measures, the importance of direct employment creation, vocational training and wage subsidies for large investment funds, there are still the followings worthwhile for our country to learn as an advice from others may help one’s defects.Therefore, this study makes the following recommendations:(a)there is a certain relevance between employability and the type of programmes. We need to assist participants to choose and participate in appropriate programmes to promote employment;(b)to pay attention to the promotion measures to reduce the crowding out among programs; make programs synergistic;(c)to adjust the contents of the labor market measures to reduce the scale of direct employment creation;(d)to take some employment measures according to differnt economic situation to promote employment and establish the long-term database of the programme participants to track and facilitate the assessment and policy guidance; (e)to amend the tax system to promote work incentives.

婦女年金相關制度之研究--國際比較觀點 / An international comparisonon on the related systems of pension for women

謝佳宜, Hsieh, Chia-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要是以國際比較的觀點,來探討婦女年金權益相關之議題,以加拿大、德國、瑞典等三國之婦女相關的年金制度為討論對象,分別以受益身分(包括個人權利與衍生性權利)、生命週期相關因素(包括勞動參與、婚育、離婚、殘障、喪偶與老年及退休等)及制度內容(包括給付年齡、年資之計算、給付金額與水準)等項目來分析其性別意涵。在國際比較之後,再以相同的項目來探討台灣現階段規劃中的年金制度,包括內政部的國民年金保險、勞委會的勞動者年金及經建會的國民年金保險等,以了解目前台灣規劃中的年金制度是否關注到女性的權益。 / This thesis focuses on the issues about women's pension right by an international comparison among three developed countries, Canada, Germany and Sweden. Three items are discussed: the right to social benefits or entitlements(including personal right and derived right), the related effects of life courses(including labor participation, marriage and child-bearing, divorced, invalidity, widowhood and old age, and system arrangement(including benefit age or pensionable age, duration and enefit level).From the result of the international comparison, some pension schemes planning in Taiwan, such as the National Pension Insurance by Ministry of Interior, the Labor's Pension by the Council for Labor Affairs and the National Pension Insurance by the Council for Economic and Planning Development, are discussed, in order to find out if these schemes benefit women as well as men.

歐盟整合下瑞典移民政策之研究 / A study on the immigration policy of Sweden in the context of EU integration

洪敬峯, Hong, Jing Fong Unknown Date (has links)
位於北歐的瑞典以完善的社會福利制度與開放包容的形象所聞名於世,故自二戰以來,便持續地吸引著外來移民向瑞典移入。瑞典分別於1995年加入歐盟與2001年加入申根區,在人民有自由移動權利之歐盟原則與開放國界邊境之《申根公約》的情況下,瑞典將必須面對更多的外來移民。2010年,阿拉伯之春爆發,中東地區的動亂導致每年向歐洲國家尋求庇護的難民持續地增加,並因此形成了歐洲難民危機,若以2016年難民獲准庇護的人數並透過各國總人口之人均比例加以觀察,瑞典乃位居各成員國之冠。直至今日,在瑞典全國具有外國背景之人口已約占總人口五分之一,惟如此眾多的外來移民能否順利地融入瑞典社會與當地人民能否接納外來移民,這都將會是個很重要的課題與挑戰。 本研究以多元文化主義為研究途徑。多元文化主義強調在一個國家或社會內部中的各類民族或族群應能保留其獨特的文化特色,而彼此之間乃立基於平等的立場,相互尊重與和諧共處,其不僅僅是一種理念,同時也是國家或政府對於國內少數族群的具體政策執行。故本文即透過多元文化主義的觀點來探討瑞典的移民政策有何特色,而能夠促使外來移民向瑞典產生移民的行為。最後,本研究發現瑞典的移民政策於二戰以來至2016年為止,在以追求多元文化主義為理想之下,並未有劇烈性的變革,且若依瑞典國內政治與社會對於外來移民的態度而言,其政策方針與執行規劃乃是優於其他歐盟成員國的。 / Located in northern Europe, Sweden is known for its impeccable social welfare system and an open and inclusive image, so it has been attracting immigrants to Sweden since World War II. Sweden joined the EU and the Schengen Area in 1995 and 2001 respectively. Under the EU principles that people have the right to be free to move and the Schengen Convention that led to the removal of border controls between countries, Sweden will have to face more immigrants. In 2010, the Arab Spring outbreak that the turmoil in the Middle East resulted in more and more asylum seekers in European countries, and thus forming a European refugee crisis. On a per capita basis of the total population of countries, Sweden has taken in far more refugees granted asylum status in the member states of the EU. Until today, the population with a foreign background has accounted for about 1/5 of the total population in Sweden, but it will be a very important task and challenge whether so many immigrants can smoothly be involved in the Swedish society and local people can accept immigrants. This study takes multiculturalism as the research approach. Multiculturalism emphasizes that various nationalities or ethnic groups should be in a position to retain their unique cultural characteristics in a country or society and they are based on the position of equality, mutual respect and harmony. It is not just a concept, but also the specific executive policy of the national or government for ethnic minorities. Therefore, this thesis attempts to explore the characteristics of Swedish immigration policy to promote immigrants to Sweden through multiculturalism. Finally, this study finds that Swedish immigration policy has not a drastic change between the Second World War and 2016 in the pursuit of multiculturalism as the ideal. And according to the Swedish domestic political situation and social attitudes to immigration, its policy and implementation plan is better than any member state of the EU.

Brand name translation : How translation distorts Oriflame’s Chinese brand name communication

Arcangeli, Fabio, Edlund, Anna January 2010 (has links)
<p>This pre-study explores how the process of translating from English to Chinese may distort intended brand name messages, using Oriflame as a case study. The findings show that the brand name had a tendency to be perceived as phonetic rather than phonosemantic and that the character combination was perceived to make no clear sense. The study identified these as two main reasons to why Oriflame’s intended brand name messages did not get through.</p> / <p>Denna förstudie utforskar hur varumärkesnamnens avsedda budskap kan bli förvrängda genom översättningsprocessen från engelska till kinesiska genom att använda Oriflame som en fallstudie. Resultaten visar på tendenser för varumärkesnamnet att uppfattas som fonetiskt snarare än fonosemantiskt och att kombinationen av tecknen inte anses vara begriplig. Studien identifierade dessa två resultat som den främsta anledningen till att Oriflames avsedda budskap inte nådde fram.</p>

Brand name translation : How translation distorts Oriflame’s Chinese brand name communication

Arcangeli, Fabio, Edlund, Anna January 2010 (has links)
This pre-study explores how the process of translating from English to Chinese may distort intended brand name messages, using Oriflame as a case study. The findings show that the brand name had a tendency to be perceived as phonetic rather than phonosemantic and that the character combination was perceived to make no clear sense. The study identified these as two main reasons to why Oriflame’s intended brand name messages did not get through. / Denna förstudie utforskar hur varumärkesnamnens avsedda budskap kan bli förvrängda genom översättningsprocessen från engelska till kinesiska genom att använda Oriflame som en fallstudie. Resultaten visar på tendenser för varumärkesnamnet att uppfattas som fonetiskt snarare än fonosemantiskt och att kombinationen av tecknen inte anses vara begriplig. Studien identifierade dessa två resultat som den främsta anledningen till att Oriflames avsedda budskap inte nådde fram.

中國走向一黨”民主”?參照瑞典民主經驗 / Toward a “One-Party Democracy”? – Prospects for a Future Democratic PRC with Reference to Swedish Democratic Experience

施漢利, Simonsen, Henrik Per Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis, “One-Party Democracy”: Prospects for a Future Democratic China with Reference to Swedish Democratic Experience, attempts to contribute further to the investigation on democracy in the People’s Republic of China. In a comparative and institutional analysis, this study aims to gauge a possible future way for the future democratic features in the People’s Republic of China to emerge by using, as a point of reference, the Swedish system of a one-party dominant democracy under the rule of a socialist party in a capitalist economy.


林雅婧, Lin, Ya-Chien Unknown Date (has links)
我國人口老化速度較歐美先進國家均為快速,加上傳統倫理觀念式微,為完整照顧老年人退休後的生活,使得國民年金的開辦勢在必行。近年來,社會福利政策常成為政黨的訴求,政黨輪替後,新政府重擬國民年金開辦方案,提出結合公積金與社會保險精神的「國民年金儲蓄保險案」(通稱甲案),及以稅收制為主軸的「全民提撥平衡基金案」(通稱乙案)。然而,我國目前已具有多層架構的老年經濟保障體系的雛型(公教人員、軍人與勞工均有養老、退伍或老年給付),是故建立國民年金制度並不是完全新增一項社會保險,而是在補充現有社會保障之不足,並以循序漸進的方式解決現有制度的不合理問題。 現有職域保險現況、甲、乙兩案之財務制度之規劃內容、各現有職域保險與國民年金整合之財務負擔之情形、整體職域保險與國民年金整合之問題,皆為本文探討之重點。 研究結論: 壹、年金主要發展趨勢可重點歸納以下二點: (一)年金制度有偏向確定提撥制的趨勢政府在年金制度角色上的扮演已從傳統福利提供者的角色,漸漸轉變為減輕負擔者的角色。 (二)民營化(Privitization)私有化時代的來臨為追求年金基金經營管理上更具市場效率及良好績效,委由民間機構管理基金,較具競爭性,可為資本市場帶來更多存量及活力,亦可為被保險者提供更好的投資績效,政府角色的扮演由以往主導管理的模式漸漸走向監督市場的角色。 貳、目前職域保險的政府補助,乃採「職域化」、「階層化」差異性補助,且以薪資額的某一百分比來計算補助金額,造成所得越高者,所獲得的補助愈多之不公平現象;在配合國民年金整合後,其超過基礎年金的部分,政府一律不補助,逐漸朝向「一致性」比例的保費補助方式,可改善目前職域保險補助不公的情況。 參、若「個人儲蓄帳戶」不足以達成基本保障的目標,則弱勢者的經濟安全保障責任,其實最後還是落在政府身上,政府仍須以稅收來承擔;是故,採取個人儲蓄帳戶真否可以降低政府整體之財政負擔,並未如想像中的絕對。 肆、「國民年金儲蓄保險案」與現有職域保險之整合方面,勞保若能與國民年金中的基礎年金整併,則將可稍減政府的財務負擔。由勞保現制與新制負擔比較可知:(1)就公平面而言,勞保若配合國民年金調整後,政府對最低投保薪資者的保費補助增加了100%、對平均投保薪資者之保費補助則增加了26.6%、對最高投保薪資者的保費補助則減少了25.6% ,故會較目前勞保現制更為公平。(2)從經濟面而言,勞保配合國民年金調整將有利於相對多雇用低薪資勞工企業之雇主,因為其可以減輕14.3%的保費支出;而對於多雇用高薪資勞工企業之雇主則較為不利,略增3.7%的保費支出。 伍、公保與「國民年金儲蓄保險案」整併,則由於保費收入減少,但仍必須支付保留年資之養老給付的緣故,短期虧損會增加,至120年為353億會達到最高數,但之後將逐年減少,預估至135年可萎縮至零。軍保是否與國民年金整合,在減輕政府財政負擔上無太大差異;但若就往後整體社會福利制度之規劃一致性、效率性上之考量,則仍有整合之必要。而農保在年金開辦後,雖然無論在保者全選現制或新制,政府的總負擔皆相同,但很明顯地財務負擔都可控制在100億以下,故開辦國民年金後,對農保的財務健全將有正面的助異。實施甲案雖然使虧損提前產生,但隨著制度的運作,預估在十五年以後便可慢慢擺脫原本虧損的情形。 陸、「全民提撥平衡基金案」以稅收制作為財源籌措方式,乃符合世界銀行三柱模式,因其年金金額在於保障基礎生活之所需,故其財務處理方式採隨收隨付制。惟值得強調的是由於「全民提撥平衡基金案」年金給付的受益人和納稅人並不完全相同,在權利、義務不平等之情形下,給付水準極易因政治因素(如選舉之考量、政客之遊說)而被不合理的哄抬;再者,作為此案的稅源必須穩定,否則未來將面臨較大的財務風險。 柒、「全民提撥平衡基金案」值得實施的前提在於若可整併公教、軍、勞保老年給付,則可大幅度改革現行社會保險制度及減輕政府財務支出。但由於改革幅度較大,立法風險較高,且被保險人的接受度有待評估。反之,若未能整併公教、軍、勞保之老年給付,則改革社會保險制度不成,反將面臨倍數增加的財務赤字,無疑對目前政府的赤字財政雪上加霜。 研究建議: 壹、依世界銀行三柱模式之架構,本文建議第一層加上第二層的保障金額應占每人每人消費支出之70%,第一層之比例可為40%,第二層比例則可占30%。再者,對於有工作者及無工作者之保障程度應有所不同:有工作者之國民,除了第一層的基本生活保障外,有另加第二層職業或企業年金的必要,是否加入第三層個人儲蓄則屬自願層次;無工作者之國民,政府的責任基於財政之考量,僅須以維持其第一層的基本生活保障即可。 貳、從世界銀行的三柱模式中可明確確立年金目標及方法的搭配方式。若政府目的在於保障基本生活(即目標為第一層),則其財務方式應以稅收支應(採確定給付制)較為適宜;若其保障的金額超過基本生活者(即目標為第二層),則其財務方式應以法定完全提存準備存入個人帳戶中(採確定提撥制)來運作。 目前經建會所規劃的「個人儲蓄帳戶」立意固然良好且為世界年金發展趨勢,但因甲案全額年金為每人每月7,500元(開辦前二年平均每人每月消費支出50%),實為保障最基本生活之所需(即目標為第一層),但其採取的方式卻為建立個人儲蓄帳(第二層的手段),目標與手段沒有配合的情況,在此制度下實施基礎年金,行政成本恐將過高。故本文並不反對個人帳戶制之設立,但建議應以每人每月消費支出(以目前而言為15,000;保費10%為1,500)為基準,能超過此比率者,再採行「個人帳戶」制度,若低於此比率者,在成本效益的考量下,較不宜採取設立個人儲蓄帳戶之方式。 參、目前規劃中的國民年金假設基金報酬率初期為7.5%,嗣後每5年降一碼,降至6%後維持不變。然而,一般長期的實質利率通常維持在2%~3%,且未來實施國民年金後,其基金規模之龐大,約可占我國資本市場資金25~35%以上,故實際上是否真能達到7.5%的報酬率,非常值得商榷。若不能達到所預訂的報酬率,則年金制度為達到未來給付水準,勢必得調高保險費之費率。是以,本文建議基金報酬率之估計,應以「長期實質利率」作為估算之標準,所作出的精算結果較能與實際情況相符。 肆、「全民提撥平衡基金案」開辦時,給付標準為3,000元實乃陳水扁總統「三三三方案」中每月發放3,000老人津貼的競選支票,其採稅收制作為財源籌措方式,雖目標與方法配合,符合世界銀行三柱之模式;然3,000元的給付金額為目前每人每月消費支出之20%,恐有過低之虞,是以,建議給付標準應至少占每人每月消費支出之40﹪(以目前而言為6,000元),否則將無法足以保障老年生活所需;然提高給付水準,所須面對的問題為財源從何而來,本文建議可將目前現有職域保險屬於政府保費補助的部分移作為第一層稅收制的財源,則不但可解決財源籌措之難題,亦可使國民年金制度更為公平。 伍、「國民年金儲蓄保險案」及「全民提撥平衡基金案」,二案之未來給付額皆按物價及實質薪資成長率各半調整計算,此制的缺點在於實際計算後,可知此公式之最後結果只依薪資成長率的二分之一來調整,年金制度經過長期間的運作後,未來的給付額恐將無法足以保障老年人退休後的生活,故建議未來給付額可取「實質薪資成長率」或「物價成長率」二者較高者調整計算,以確保能足夠地保障老年之經濟生活。

Are residents living in eco-districts environmentally conscious? A case study of environmental attitudes of residents living in the European Green Capital of Stockholm, Sweden / Är invånare i eko-distrikt miljömedvetna? Fallstudie av miljöattityder hos invånare i den Europeiska miljöhuvudstaden Stockholm, Sverige

Suen, Choi Kan January 2017 (has links)
With rapid urbanization, climate change and population growth in the 21st century, the development of eco-cities, especially in those fast-growing populated countries such as China and India, is important to minimize human impact on the planet. Nevertheless,  despite that there is a very well-designed eco-city, if residents living in an eco-city are not environmentally conscious, the eco-city is sustainable only in its tangible part – technologies and infrastructure, but not in its intangible part – environmental attitudes and behavioral patterns of residents. The intangible part is important since HUMANS are the root cause of current climate change (IPCC, 2014). When the policy makers decide to build an eco-city, this thesis thus argues that they should consider not only the tangible part of the city, but also consider the intangible part of eco-city – environmental attitudes and behavioral patterns of residents. This thesis provides a survey of environmental attitudes of 150 Stockholm residents living in three districts: Hammarby Sjöstad, Östermalm and Bromma. It also reports on a well-developed environmental project which is led by residents living in the Stockholm eco-district of Hammarby Sjöstad. The scope of this research is the City of Stockholm (Swedish: Stockholms kommun / Stockholms stad). The objectives of this research are: (1) to find out the environmental attitudes of residents living in three selected districts of Stockholm; (2) to understand the development of Hammarby Sjöstad and find out if residents living in Hammarby Sjöstad are particularly environmentally conscious; (3) to provide suggestions for the policy makers (e.g. Chinese and Indian) of how to take environmental attitudes of residents into consideration when planning and developing projects such as eco-cities. Among the findings of the research are: (1) in the high income, educated, and political conservative Stockholm districts where I conducted my surveys, respondents in general report high levels of environmental concerns and environmentally friendly behavior; (2) however, concerns questions relating to cars (parking restrictions, limiting or banning cars from their districts or Stockholm as a whole), opinions were very divided. There seemed to be much reluctance among many to put severe restrictions on the use of cars; (3) in the eco-district Hammarby Sjöstad, the expression of environmental consciousness did not appear particularly different from the other districts. Many respondents in the district moved into the area for diverse reasons other than environmental ones; (4) however, a well-developed environmental project which is led by residents living in Hammarby Sjöstad has emerged in the eco-district, where comparable projects were not found in the other districts in Stockholm. / I och med den snabba urbaniseringen, klimatförändringen och befolkningstillväxten under 2000-talet, är utvecklingen av eko-städer i de snabbväxande befolkade områdena som Kina och Indien viktig för att minska den mänskliga påverkan på planeten. Emellertid, om en eko-stads invånare inte är miljömedvetna så kommer en väldesignad eko-stad endast vara hållbar på sin materiella del (teknik och infrastruktur) men inte på sin immateriella del (miljöattityder och beteendemönster hos invånare). Den immateriella delen är viktig eftersom MÄNNISKOR är grundorsaken till den nuvarande klimatförändringen (IPCC, 2014). När beslutsfattarna bestämmer sig för att bygga en eko-stad, hävdar den här uppsatsen att de inte bara bör överväga den materiella delen av staden, utan också överväga den immateriella delen av staden - miljöattityder och beteendemönster hos invånare. Den här uppsatsen bygger på en undersökning om miljöattityder hos 150 boende som bor i tre olika områden i Stockholm: Hammarby Sjöstad, Östermalm och Bromma, samt beskriver ett välutvecklat miljöprojekt som leds av invånare i eko-distriktet - Hammarby Sjöstad. Målen för denna forskning är: (1) att ta reda på miljöattityder hos invånare i tre utvalda områden i Stockholm; (2) att förstå utvecklingen av Hammarby Sjöstad samt ta reda på om invånare i Hammarby Sjöstad är särskilt miljömedvetna; (3) att ge förslag till beslutsfattare (t.ex. kinesiska och indiska) om hur man tar hänsyn till miljöattityder hos invånare när de planerar och utvecklar projekt som eko-städer. Bland forskningsresultaten finns följande: (1) i de politiskt konservativa Stockholmsdistrikten med många välutbildade invånare med hög inkomst där jag utförde mina undersökningar rapporterar respondenterna generellt en hög nivå av miljöhänsyn och miljövänligt beteende; (2) när det gäller frågor som rör bilar (parkeringsrestriktioner, begränsning eller förbud mot bilar i deras distrikt eller Stockholm som helhet), var åsikterna emellertid mycket uppdelade. Det föreföll att många svarande inte är villiga att sätta stränga restriktioner på användningen av bilar; (3) invånare i eko-distrikt, Hammarby Sjöstad, verkade inte som om de var särskilt miljömedvetna. Många svarande flyttade in i distriktet på grund av olika orsaker än miljö; (4) ett välutvecklat miljöprojekt som leds av invånare i Hammarby Sjöstad har emellertid uppstått i eko-distriktet. Jämförbara projekt hittades inte i övriga distrikt i Stockholm. / 随着21世纪迅速的城市化,气候变化和人口增长,尤其在中国和印度等拥有庞大人口及急速发展的国家,生态城的建设对于减低人类对地球的影响至为重要。然而,即使生态城的设计完善,如果生态城的居民不具环保意识,生态城的可持续性只能在其有形的部分(技术和基础设施),而不在其无形的部分(居民的环保态度和行为模式)。生态城的无形部份是重要的因为人类是当前气候变化的根本原因(IPCC,2014)。当决策者建设生态城时,本文认为决策者不仅要考虑生态城的有形部分,还要考虑生态城的无形部分 - 居民的环保态度和行为模式。 本文提供了一个瑞典斯德哥尔摩三个地区150位居民的环保态度调查:哈马比生态城(Hammarby Sjöstad),Östermalm和Bromma。本文还探讨了一个具规模并由哈马比生态城居民领导的环保项目。 本研究的目的: (1)了解斯德哥尔摩三个地区居民的环保态度; (2)了解哈马比生态城的发展情况和探讨哈马比生态城的居民是否特别具有环保意识; (3)为决策者(如中国和印度)在规划和开发生态城等项目时如何考虑生态城居民的环保态度提供建议。 研究结果包括: (1)在斯德哥尔摩高收入,高教育和政治保守的地区,受访者总体上显示高水平的环保意识和环保行为; (2)然而,受访者在涉及汽车的问题上(如泊车限制,限制或禁止在区内或斯德哥尔摩内使用汽车)意见是非常分歧的。许多人似乎抗拒限制使用汽车; (3)在哈马比生态城,居民的环保意识显现与其他地区没有什么特别的区别。除了环保因素外,受访者迁入该地区有多种原因; (4)然而,哈马比生态城有一个具规模并由当区居民领导的环保项目。在斯德哥尔摩其他地区并没有发现类似的项目。

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