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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


王玉真, WANG, YU-ZHEN Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.


劉以德 Unknown Date (has links)


張亞中, ZHANG, YA-ZHONG Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文主要目的在研究艾德諾之東進與德國政策為何﹖ 全文共壹冊,九章,二十二節,約六萬餘字。 全文除第一章導論介紹研究目的,研究範圍,研究方法及資料評介外,其餘主要分三 個單元: 第一單元:含第二章。 第二章:艾德諾東進與德國政策之精神基礎。本章從艾德諾之心路歷程及精神想探究 其政策之基礎。 第二單元:含第三、四、五、六章。係將艾德諾之政策分為四個階段,分析其每一歷 史階段之政策。其中每章各分二節,分析艾德諾對當時環境的認知及所採行之政策。 第三章:艾德諾一九五九年之東進與德國政策。探討德蘇外交關係之建立及西德之霍 爾斯坦原則。 第四章:艾德諾一九五五—一九五八年之東進與德國政策。探討艾氏之「奧國模式解 決東德地位方案」。 第五章:艾德諾一九五八—一九六一年之東進與德國政策。探討艾氏之「柯洛布克計 劃」。 第六章:艾德諾一九六一—一九六三年之東進與德國政策。探討艾氏之「城堡和平計 劃」。 第三單元:含第七、八章,每章分四節,係以跨 時間方式,總體性地分析艾氏東進 與德國政策之本質與特質」。 第七章:艾德諾對東西方態度之認知與評估。包括艾氏對蘇聯擴張主義的認知,對蘇 聯走向緩和之期盼以及艾氏對西方盟國之依賴與不信任。 第八章:艾德諾東進與德國政策之特質。 第九章:結論。綜合前述分析,對艾氏之東進與德國政策做一整體之評估。


劉文釧, LIU, WEN-CHUAN Unknown Date (has links)
本論文共計一冊,約七萬字,分七章比較研究中、德兩國商品試驗之法律責任。第一 章為導論;提出問題及研究範圍與方法。第二章介紹商品試驗之概念及其發展情形, 介紹中、德兩國制度之異同處。第三章肯認商品試驗所憑藉之法律依據,並介紹西德 立法及司法實務上之見解。第四章探討商品試驗之法律界限;分就憲法、民法、刑法 上之限制加以申論。第五章進一步探究商品試驗結果「推荐」及「附商品試驗結果」 廣告之法律界限;分就民法、著作權法、出版法、廣電法與刑法上之限制及消費者政 策之觀點加以研究。第六章為對商品試驗結果發表責任之立法政策上之建議;提出對 現行民法規定、公平交易法之立法及消費者保護法之立法建議,以期收拋磚引玉之效 。第七章則為本文之總結論。


江廣元 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

統一後德國外交政策之研究(1990年-1995年) / Study on Germany foreign policy after unification (1990-1995)

蕭裕文, Hsiao, Yu-Wen Unknown Date (has links)


唐敏寶 Unknown Date (has links)
按我國民法典係採取「德國式編排法」之立法體例,故除有特別規定外,民法總則之規定當可適用於民法各編之中。然而,實際上基於身分行為之特殊性,民法總則有許多規定並不適用於身分行為。因此,學說上便有主張,身分行為應與財產行為分立,而由另一通則性之規定加以規範。故本論文即擬以「身分行為」為研究對象,針對其相關之問題予以深入探討,並藉此提出個人對身分行為通則之立法論建議。 本論文共分八章,計十四萬餘言,茲就各章之主要內容加以簡述如次: 第一章 緒論。本章係針對本文之研究動機、研究目的、研究範圍以及所使用之研究方法等,先予敘明。又為助於讀者對本文論述內容之掌握,特於本章中,先將本文之架構予以扼要敘明。 第二章 身分行為之基本概念。本章係採面之方式,對身分行為之概念作一整體性說明。首先介紹與身分行為相關之身分關係、身分權、身分法等概念,其次分別說明身分行為之意義與種類以及其行為能力等問題,之後再將本文所指之身分行為予以界定。又於本章中,亦將對日本學說上所普遍承認之「事實先行性」概念,提出檢討。最後再將身分行為與財產行為相異之諸多特性,作一歸納。 第三章 身分行為與民法總則之適用關係。由於身分行為亦屬法律行為之一種,故從法律之體系解釋上,民法總則之所有規定應得適用於身分行為,惟實際上基於身分行為之特殊性,民法總則之規定於身分行為並不能全然適用。從而本章將依我國民法之條文順序,逐一地探討民法總則中究竟哪些條文不能適用於身分行為?哪些條文得以適用於身分行為?另外,對於身分法之立法體例、身分法與財產法之關係等相關問題,亦將有所論述。 第四章 身分行為之體系化之理論發展。鑑於民法總則之規定並不能全然適用於身分行為,日本學說上首先出現了「身分行為之體系化」理論,嗣後亦為其實務所廣泛接受,並相繼傳入我國,故本章即擬介紹日本與我國之學說與實務關於「身分行為之體系化」理論之發展過程。 第五章 身分行為之構成要素。本章係針對身分行為之三大構成要素加以探討,主要內容著重於:1.身分行為之生活事實之構成要素有無獨立存在之必要?2.身分行為之效果意思之內容為何?3.身分行為之表示方式之法律性質?…等問題。其次,由於我國民法對身分行為之表示方式並未作統一之規定,故本章亦將對日本與我國各種身分行為之構成要素,作一說明。最後並將就身分行為之構成要素可否由實質要件與形式要件加以替代之問題,一併加以探討。 第六章 欠缺部份構成要素之身分行為。本章係在說明身分行為如僅欠缺「心素」或「形式」之構成要素時,其效力如何?主要之內容有:1.假裝(虛偽)身分行為之效力如何?2.於合意後戶籍登記完成前,發生當事人死亡或喪失意思能力或撤回意思表示等情形時,身分行為之效力如何?3.身分行為如欠缺「形式」之構成要素而無效時,所導致之事實上身分關係之保護等問題。 第七章 身分行為之撤銷與無效。基於身分行為之特殊性,身分行為之無效與撤銷與財產行為之無效與撤銷,存有諸多歧異處,故本章將對身分行為之撤銷與無效之問題,作一探討。諸如:身分行為受詐欺脅迫時,應如何撤銷?身分行為撤銷後,有無溯及既往之效力?無效身分行為之法律性質為何?無效身分行為得否予以事後追認或轉換?…等問題,在本章中均將有所說明。另外,對於身分行為須否區分不成立與無效、身分行為之成立要件與生效要件、身分行為之構成要素之理論架構等關於「身分行為構造」之相關問題,因與身分行為之撤銷與無效間存有密切關係,亦將於本章中一併予以說明。 第八章 結論。本章除對本文之論述作一重點扼要之總結說明外,另亦提出本文對身分行為之立法論建議,藉以徹底解決現行法下民法總則與身分行為在適用上之諸多爭議。

武器出口與外交政策: 以德國為例 / Government Arms Exports Behavior as a Predictor of Importance of Foreign Policy Goals: The Case of Germany's Arms Exports to the Middle East

周愛, Joachim Horschitz Unknown Date (has links)
武器出口與外交政策: 以德國為例 / Informed by realist and liberalist theory, conditions for a logical relationship between arms exports and the relative importance of foreign policy goals are evaluated as part of a case study of Germany’s arms export behavior to three Middle Eastern states. Apparent contradictions between foreign policy goals are resolved, using only data of arms export behavior and constructing a gradient of importance of different policy goals, some consistent with realist predictions, some consistent with liberal predictions. Overall, no theoretical framework describes German government behavior to a degree of being able to make reliable predictions for future action. Therefore usage of empirical data including actions with significant political ramifications, such as arms export behavior, is highly suggested for future research on German foreign policy instead.

中藥產品在德國治療經痛的顛覆性潛力 / The disruptive potential of TCM products for dysmenorrhea treatment in Germany

彭世豐, Buttgereit, Stephan Unknown Date (has links)
14.5 million women in Germany between the ages of 15 – 44 are plagued from menstrual pain starting from minor discomfort to major pain and cramps. All those women share the same imperative wish: the pain should stop. We found a disruptive solution that acts as an alternative for synthesized medication and has the potential to revolutionize the market for dysmenorrhea remedies, functional foods with the properties revered of the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). TCM as a method to alleviate menstrual pains has not yet found its way to Germany (and the rest of the European Union). Thus we offer our customers a completely new solution to a problem as old as humanity itself. Our products are all based on TCM ingredients with thousands of years of tradition and successful practice that have also been clinically proven. Just over the last 25 years over a billion women in East Asia have fallen back on using herbs and functional foods of the Traditional Chinese Medicine as their remedy of first choice when comes to menstrual pain and other complaints. The research shows a great market potential for TCM products as a treatment for dysmenorrhea in Germany.


蘇信維, Su Hsin-Wei Unknown Date (has links)
1990年7月22日,沙國與中共建交,我國隨即也宣布與之斷交。中、沙兩國的外交關係雖然消失,但雙方的實質關係仍繼續存在。例如在經貿關係方面,沙國是我國在全世界中第16大的貿易夥伴,同時也是在中東地區的第一大貿易夥伴,同時我國進口之原油約有30%以上來自該國。 儘管沙國是中東地區的重要國家,也和我國維持多項實質關係,但中、沙實質關係的發展,卻鮮少有國內的專家或學者深入探討。有鑒於此,加上沙國在國際社會以及我國對外關係上所扮演的重要角色,因而促成筆者研究此一專題。 本文總計五章,共十六節:第一章為緒論,指在闡明本文之研究動機與目的、研究途徑與方法等;第二章為中、沙兩國在斷交前的關係做一扼要說明,內容包括政治、外交、經濟、貿易、教科文與宗教等各層面之交流及其分析,此外也將對中、沙斷交之背景、過程做一深入之探討;第三章則將焦點放在兩國新關係之分析,自新關係談判開始,終於對新架構之評估,以補此方面研究之不足;第四章將針對斷交後的各方面交流與實質關係做一通盤整理,並進行觀察與分析,以期深入了解兩國關係﹔第五章為結論,將本文所探討之內容做一總結,檢討中、沙兩國關係得失,並提出未來展望與建議。 / On Jul. 22nd in 1990, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia(S.A.) established its diplomatic relations with Mainland China(P.R.C.), meanwhile, Republic of China(R.O.C., Taiwan)also declared to break off that with Saudi Arabia. With the termination of Saudi and Taiwan’s mutual official relations, however, the communication and pragmatic relations between the two parties are still keeping moving on. For example, in terms of economic and trading dimension, Saudi Arabia is the top 16 trading partner in the world as well as the top 1 in Middle-East Area for R.O.C. in 2002, and 30% of Taiwan’s imported crude oil comes from S.A. annually. Though the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is one of the most important countries in Middle East, and she does maintain lots of pragmatic communication with R.O.C., only few domestic scholars or experts take their studies on Saudi and Taiwan’s interaction and/or relationships. In addition to that, S.A. also plays a very important role in international society as well as for Taiwan’s foreign Relations. As a result, I decided to research on such a theme. There are 16 sections composed to 5 chapters in this thesis: Chapter 1 is an “Introduction”, the motive, and the purpose for the study, as well as the researching approach will be illustrated here; in Chapter 2, we are going to summarize the communication before the termination of diplomatic relations between Saudi Arabia and R.O.C., including politics, diplomacy, economy, trade, education and etc.; Chapter 3 is focused on the two parties’ new framework for mutual relations; in Chapter 4, to clarify in all respects that the development of Saudi and Taiwan’s relations in recent years after the diplomatic relations been severed will be the key point; and in Chapter 5, we take a whole review and make some conclusions for readers’ or even governmental reference.

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