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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


張慈容 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的研究目的主要的就是從文化及心理動力的多元角度理解諮商中抗拒的出現。具體來說,就是從文化差異及心理動力的觀點,分析諮商員與個案在婚姻、家庭問題的因應方式及抗拒現象,對個案抗拒或抗拒持續的原因有多元的解釋觀點。 本研究的研究對象為一位美國白人男性諮商員及台灣中年男性個案,共取得諮商歷程的逐字稿27份,特別擷取諮商中的夫妻關係及原生家庭議題為主要分析的主題。閱讀逐字稿後,研究者分析出27個抗拒現象,並經由專家檢核及分類主題選取後,確定8個抗拒段落為本研究的研究資料。藉由分析其諮商歷程,詮釋個案問題的文化脈絡、諮商員處理的觀點及抗拒發生的原因。研究結果與結論如下: 一、在多元文化諮商中,僅用單一心理分析理論架構理解個案的抗拒現象,是將個案與其文化脈絡切割,不但對於理解個案會有所缺陷,對諮商的進展也可能造成阻礙。因此,諮商員亦須有文化意識,覺察自己本身的文化信念與價值,並採取文化的觀點理解個案的文化信念系統,體會雙方在文化信念上的差異,進一步多元解釋在諮商中的抗拒現象。 二、受華人文化影響的個案,在諮商中所表現出來的抗拒行為,皆於間接、婉轉方式,例如:沈默、表面順從、「是,但是…」、描述外在事件以迂迴回應等,符合華人在人際衝突中,面對權威的因應方式。因此,諮商員在面對個案的口語及非口語行為時,要更了解對方文化中抗拒行為的展現,並小心解讀個案的因應方式。 三、研究中可以發現華人文化的特徵,包括:男性角色的傳統期待、圓滿婚姻形象的維繫、關係取向的自我價值感、文化對權威的表面順從、家庭中的階級地位、家庭中對和諧的要求、孝道文化影響對父母負向情緒的表達等,這些特徵在在使諮商員在進行諮商中一些重要目標時,例如:獨立自主、直接溝通、自我覺察等,需要更仔細地思考文化脈絡的影響。 四、諮商中「自我肯定」、「自我覺察」、「直接溝通」等重要價值與目標,在華人文化的個案中應用需要更仔細地考量,包括允許更多的時間、注意口語及非口語的迂迴表達出自我肯定與自我覺察、發展除了溝通之外更符合文化脈絡的建議等。 根據本研究的結果與討論,研究者進一步提出對諮商專業人員、諮商訓練機構及未來研究的建議。

幼稚園教師多元文化人格、經驗與多元文化教學能力之研究 / A study of the relationship between the Kindergarten Teachers’ Multicultural Personality, experience and Multicultural Teaching Competence

李宛霏, Lee, Wan Fei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討不同背景變項(個人背景、園所環境、多元文化人格、多元文化經驗)對幼稚園教師多元文化教學能力之影響。首先了解幼稚園教師不同背景變項與多元文化教學能力之現況;其次分析不同背景變項對多元文化教學能力之差異情形;第三,分析幼稚園教師多元文化人格與多元文化教學能力之間的相關;最後以多元迴歸分析不同背景變項對幼稚園教師多元文化教學能力之預測力。 本研究透過文獻探討以及問卷調查法來探討上述目的,利用改編之「多元文化教學能力量表」、「多元文化人格量表」為研究工具,以新北市344公、私立幼稚園教師為研究母群體,並利用兩階段(預試、正式)抽樣方式,分別抽取136位、309位教師為主要研究對象,共發出445份問卷,整體回收有效問卷為77.75%。問卷回收後,使用SPSS18.0統計軟體進行描述性統計、項目分析、信度分析、因素分析、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析、LSD多重比較、皮爾森積差相關以及多元迴歸來分析資料。本研究結論如下: 一、新北市公、私立幼稚園教師之多元文化人格類型以「文化同理心」居多。 二、新北市公、私立幼稚園教師具有高多元文化教學能力。 三、不同背景幼稚園教師在多元文化教學能力上有顯著差異。 四、教師多元文化人格與多元文化教學能力呈現中度正相關。 五、「園所規模」、「多元文化人格」與「有身障好友」能有效預測多元文化教學能力。 最後,研究者根據上述結論針對幼稚園教師、幼稚園以及未來之研究提出建議,以期對未來學前教育階段之多元文化教育有所助益。 / The current study focused on the effect of different backgrounds on multicultural teaching competence. The main purposes of this study were to: (a) understand the current situation of the kindergarten teachers’ different backgrounds and multicultural teaching competence; (b) explore the differences between kindergarten teachers’ different backgrounds and multicultural teaching competence; (c) analyze the relationship between kindergarten teachers’ multicultural personality and multicultural teaching competence; (d) explore the predictive power of the teachers’ different backgrounds on the multicultural teaching competence. To accomplish these purposes, the methods adopted were a comprehensive literature review and a questionnaire. Two scales were used to measure the following constructs: “multicultural teaching competence” and “multicultural personality”. The teachers also provided information about their teaching experience, multicultural experience, demographics and so on. The teachers of 344 kindergartens (both public and private schools) within New Taipei City were surveyed for this study. A total of 346 teachers participated in this survey, and with an effective response rate of 77.75%. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, Cronbach’s α coefficient analysis, factor analysis, T-test, one way ANOVA, LSD posteriority comparison, Pearson’s correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis. The main results were summarized as follows: 1.The most kindergarten teachers’ multicultural personality type is “Cultural empathy”. 2.With different background variables, kindergarten teachers’ multicultural teaching competence is in parts significantly different. 3.There is a positive correlation between kindergarten teachers’ multicultural personality and multicultural teaching competence. 4.“ Kindergarden’s size”, “multicultural personality”, and “ has disabled friends” can predictive kindergarten teachers’ multicultural teaching competence effectively.

新移民女性在臺生活適應之探討—以新竹市為個案研究 / Reseach on Life Adaptation of Foreign Spouses in Taiwan—A Case Study of Hsin–Chu City

黃清欽 Unknown Date (has links)
全球化的趨勢帶來了人口的移動與跨國婚姻的增加,對於移入國家常常產生多元文化的衝突,對於移入者更有許多要適應的面向,導致產生語言、文化與生活適應不良、人際關係與社會網絡缺乏支持等問題。 因此新移民女性遠嫁他鄉的勇氣是應該被佩服的,因為她們要到一個陌生的國家重新生活,並帶著原生國家的文化、價值,要來融入和學習新國家的文化、價值。 也因為她們要面臨許多生活上的適應,有些適應上的問題透過學習是可以解決的,例如:語言問題,可以透過家人教導或是參與各縣市識字班,可是有些問題卻無法透過學習或是短期內可以解決的,例如:家人與外界的歧視,因為家人對於新移民女性嫁來臺灣的動機,會停留在為了金錢而來到臺灣的刻板印象,可能需要透過實際的認識、接納新移民女性,才能減少歧視或不客觀的負面想法。 為使外籍配偶家庭生活正常和樂,並迅速融入臺灣社會,以降低各種足以衍生社會問題的各種相關因素,雖然已成為政府、非營利組織與外籍配偶家庭非常重視的課題;但臺灣社會對外籍配偶原生文化大多缺乏瞭解,造成許多既有的偏見與刻板印象,使得外籍配偶適應臺灣生活更增添一層陰霾。 本研究在暸解政府對於新移民照顧輔導政策中,如何幫助新移民女性在臺灣所面臨的個人生活、心理、經濟、子女教養、婆媳、社會參與、資訊網絡等等問題。藉由訪談新移民女性表達出在政府的照顧輔導政策下的觀感與需求,供政府日後施政參考,以提出更具體及具多元文化的移民政策,來幫助新移民女性融入臺灣社會,並培養民眾尊重多元文化共存的觀念,以促進多元社會文化的實現。 / The trend of globalization has contributed not only to the increase of global migration and transnational marriage but also brings cultural conflicts to the receiving country. To the immigrants, there are plenty of aspects to be faced with, such as the adaptation of language, culture, daily life as well as the building of interpersonal relationship and the lack of social support. Therefore, the spirit of foreign spouses is truly admirable considering the courage they need to start a new life in a foreign country, striving to acclimatize themselves to the culture and value of a new country on their own. In addition, they have to cope with many adaptation problems, some of them could be solved through learning, such as language, which could be tackled through the assistance of their family or Chinese literacy classes set up by the government. Nonetheless, some of the problems could not be solved in a short period of time, such as discrimination within or outside their family. Since their Taiwanese relatives might still have stereotyped ideas that they only married for money. To eliminate this type of discriminative and negative thinking, a better understanding and acceptance of foreign spouses is required. With a view to reducing all sorts of derivative social problems, it has long been an important issue for our government, NGOs, and families with foreign spouses to provide them with happy family lives and smoother adaptations. Unfortunately, without adequate understanding of their original culture, our society is still riddled with stereotypes and prejudices against foreign spouses, making it more difficult for them to adapt to life in Taiwan. As far as the assistance and guidance policy are concerned, it is the purpose of this study to understand in what way our government is assisting foreign spouses with problems regarding personal life, mental adaptation, financial ordeals, childcare, relationship with mother-in-law, social participation, and information access. For the reference of future polices, this study aims at revealing the perception as well as needs of foreign spouses through interviews, in a hope to propose a more practical and multi-cultural immigration policy that will not only help foreign spouses with better adaption into our society, but will also cultivate a public sense of respect for the co-existence of different cultures on the path toward the realization of a multi-cultural society.

大台北地區公共圖書館越南籍新住民服務之研究 / A study of new vietnam immigrant services in Taipei area public libraries

林宜慧, Lin, Yi Hui Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣受到全球化的影響,跨國婚姻遽增;自2005年起,新住民已成為臺灣的第五大族群。作為資訊服務業之一的公共圖書館,應肩負促進不同文化間對話、交流的使命,並因應當代多元文化社會民眾的需求,推行多元文化服務的各項措施。 本研究目的在探討越南籍新住民本身的資訊需求及圖書館推行新住民服務之現況,並研擬出大台北地區公共圖書館新住民服務之建議方針。透過深度訪談法,瞭解越南籍新住民資訊需求及使用圖書館之經驗,並採用個案研究法,分析館方新住民服務現況、困境、未來規畫及新住民到館使用之情形。 經研究顯示,在越南籍新住民資訊需求方面,語言溝通資訊與臺灣生活有關之常識資訊是越南籍新住民最主要的生活資訊需求,而人際網路及網際網路是最常解決資訊需求的管道;在使用圖書館經驗上,大部分受訪者皆使用過臺灣的圖書館,首次到館之新住民主要是藉由親朋好友引介或為了陪同家人等外在因素而使用圖書館;對於常利用圖書館之越南籍新住民而言,會使用圖書館多起因於增進自我知能;反之,對於不常使用圖書館之新住民而言,除了圖書館本身路程遙遠、交通不便外,阻礙因素尚包含圖書館本身之館藏、人員、空間、宣傳行銷四面向。 目前大台北地區公共圖書館所推行之新住民服務包含提供多語言圖書、期刊、報紙及視聽資料之館藏資源;舉辦閱讀推廣活動及多元文化推廣活動,前者包含影展、書展、參訪及利用教育,後者包含展覽、文化講座、劇場、語言學習、電腦研習等;實行專線諮詢、電子郵件或書面形式之參考服務;建置多語言館藏書目資料、圖書館網頁專區或多語言介面之電腦設備。但服務上主要困境為缺乏專業語言人力、無法順利傳達給新住民相關訊息及經費不足等問題。 由研究結果歸納,建議未來國內公共圖書館推行新住民服務時,可由新住民服務政策、館藏資源、推廣活動、行銷推廣、人力資源等面向著手進行,以提升館方服務品質;最後,亦針對政府機關、學校機構、圖書館主管單位及社福機構四所與圖書館相關單位提出建議,由圖書館本身與大環境相互配合,才可以使得服務更臻完善。


李儒林 Unknown Date (has links)
至今成立六年的「客家電視台」是國內第一個以全客語方式露出新聞暨節目內容之族群頻道;而依據「無線電視事業公股處理條例」修正案第十四條第八項之規定:客家電視台目前是以「標案」性質加入公廣集團,成為兼具公共價值與族群特性的電視頻道。   面對商業媒體的競爭環境,國內公共族群頻道的新聞暨節目收視率普遍偏低而,但單以收視率論斷族群頻道是否發揮應有功能不盡公允;另一方面,從少數族群的角度觀之,「多元化」的理念似不足以發揮保障弱勢權益的功能,而必須更進一步的發展「多元文化」的觀點,才能從媒介頻道、所有權、聘雇權、以及內容表現各層面落實對於弱勢族群的保障。換言之,依平等競爭的傳統個人自由主義觀點,卻忽略少數族群缺乏社會資源及立足點不平等,且無平等競爭之機會而生成之多元化概念,實難落實平等之社會參與機會。   本研究援引客家暗夜新聞為例,以內容分析法檢視其「多元文化」概念新聞之呈現。結果發現:加入公廣前後期間,無論是在多元文化新聞呈現比例(報導數量)、多元文化團體(如新移民族群、兒少團體等報導主角),甚至是報導類型(如純新聞、專題、深度報導等)都達顯著差異,顯示客家電視頻道逐漸自我形塑成以多元文化價值為內涵之族群頻道;然而,其新聞內容之嚴謹度表現仍有努力的空間。 / Been established in 2003,the Hakka TV station is the first ethnic TV channel broadcasting by the entire hakka language in Taiwan.  Facing commercial competition environment, it is unfair to judge and evaluate an ethnic TV channel by TV ratio. Standing on the viewpoint of minority , the most important is “multiculturalism” instead of “pluralism” , to protect their right to access to the public.  Hakka TV joined in Taiwan Broadcasting System (TBS) in 2007, researcher takes the “Hakka night news” as samples from 2005 to 2008; methods employed by this paper include literature review, and content analysis. It concludes that no matter on the proportion in the multicultural news , or on multicultural association (for example “new immigration group”, “disabled group” ,and so on) , even on the types of reports, the results obtained statistically significant by this research .  It seems that the Hakka TV channel steps towards a multicultural model gradually . However, there still is a space to make it more specific and exact on their news content.

比利時多元文化主義發展之研究 / A study on Belgium’s Multiculturalism

黃鳳儀, Huang, Feng Yi Unknown Date (has links)
隨著世界地球村的概念發展,各國家族群間的文化也漸趨多元,而多元文化主義的興起,主要就是為解決一國之內多元族群間的文化差異造成的問題。近年在英國、挪威、法國發生了幾起相關的社會事件;在瑞士也出現過禁蓋伊斯蘭教宣禮塔的新聞;而法國、比利時則有禁戴伊斯蘭面紗的法案。因此多元文化主義的實行方向在歐洲又重新引起軒然大波,歐洲各國也紛紛開始檢視國內多元文化主義政策及未來發展。 本研究探討比利時政府在面對境內不同語區的文化迥異時,如何推動多元文化主義政策。研究中介紹比利時多元文化主義政策之各基礎面向、分析雙語族群間的歧異點,並藉由禁戴伊斯蘭面紗法案來探討比利時對待國內少數族群的態度。以上述層面來總結比利時多元文化主義發展及挑戰,希冀本研究提供臺灣在面對本土、新移民等文化融合時可做為參考、借鏡。 / With the development of the concept of “global village” , the cultures within the nation have become diverse, and the rise of “multiculturalism” is to solve the problem of cultural differences in the multi-ethnic states. In recent years, the social events in the United Kingdom, Norway, and in Switzerland, there is the ban of the mosque minaret; also in France, Belgium there is the ban of “burka”. Since the implementation of multiculturalism again caused an uproar in Europe, european countries have also begun to review the policy of multiculturalism and its future development. This study examines how Belgian government promotes the policy of multiculturalism when facing the cultural differences between the two linguistic areas. It introduces Belgium’s policies of multiculturalism and the discrepancy points among the bilingual populations, and examines how Belgium confronts domestic minorities through the burka ban act. By summarizing the developments and challenges from the above mentioned, hope this study can provide a reference for Taiwan in the face of cultural integration.

臺灣地區公共圖書館新住民閱讀推廣活動之研究 / A Study on Public Libraries Reading Promotion to New Immigrants in Taiwan

鄭有容, Cheng, Yu Jung Unknown Date (has links)
伴隨多元文化洪流之推演,臺灣社會人口結構正產生改變,新住民已成為臺灣第五大族群,是公共圖書館重要服務對象。推動閱讀素為公共圖書館之專業與職志,如何運用並宣傳閱讀活動,培養新住民及其下一代之閱讀能力與習慣,是公共圖書館應兼負之重要任務與挑戰。 本研究運用深度訪談方式,調查越南籍、印尼籍新住民以及國內大型公共圖書館新住民服務,蒐集新住民實際閱讀現況與對於圖書館之看法,歸納公共圖書館推廣、辦理方式與特色,提出我國推廣新住民閱讀活動之策略與建議。 越南籍、印尼籍新住民閱讀時偏好休閒、新聞、親子、課業輔導、家庭關係等主題;越南籍、印尼籍新住民在閱讀偏好上有所差異,印尼籍新住民較偏好閱讀臺菜食譜,而越南籍新住民則有閱讀佛學類資源的需求;除閱讀中文認知困難外,尚存在無法與下一代共同閱讀、閱讀非主要休閒活動等阻礙。 目前我國大型公共圖書館新住民閱讀活動,讀者國籍以越南、印尼籍配偶或移工為主,且分布受地緣關係影響;活動以親子閱讀、圖書館利用、主題書展、文化講座、專題展覽、電影欣賞、讀書會形式呈現,包含異國文化、美食、傳統藝術、童書、旅行等主題,其中親子閱讀活動最受新住民青睞、書展最為常見、圖書館利用活動則有其必要性;特色則有運用獎勵機制鼓勵借閱、開放護照或居留證借閱館藏、聘請專業師資進行原生國家母語專書導讀、出借多元文化書箱或專櫃,將資源遍及各鄉鎮、運用雲端裝置與通訊軟體打造雲端閱讀。 歸納新住民與公共圖書館看法,建議未來國內公共圖書館推廣主題應推陳出新且融合原生國家元素;推廣方式應主動至新住民聚集區域宣傳;推廣對象應廣及新住民家庭成員;推廣管道宜運用紙本、社群媒體等雙重途徑;並建立合作機制,使服務更臻完善。 / Population structure is changing by the multicultural communities in Taiwan. New immigrants have become the fifth largest ethnic group, and an important target that public libraries serve to. Reading promotion is the professional and aspiration of public libraries, how to apply and promote reading activities, to develop the reading ability and habits of the new immigrants and their next generation, is important task and challenge of public libraries. The study conducted in-depth interviews to investigated Vietnamese and Indonesian new immigrants current reading situation, and point of view toward public libraries, organize the way and characteristic on large public libraries multicultural service department, to discuss the development of reading promotion to new immigrants in Taiwan. The study found that Vietnamese and Indonesian new immigrants prefer the topic of leisure, news, parenting, tutoring, and family relationships when reading. Indonesian new immigrants prefer to read the Taiwanese cuisine recipes; Vietnamese new immigrants prefer to read the resources related to Buddhism. Generally, new immigrants have difficulties with cognitive when reading Chinese; unable to guide the next generation to read; and have reading barriers such as low motivation. In Taiwan, reading promotion to new immigrants in public libraries have some common circumstances, Vietnamese and Indonesian spouses or workers are the major public library readers, distributed by the geopolitical relations. The common types of activities are parent-child reading, library use, topic book fair, culture lecture, thematic exhibition, screening of films, book club meeting, and other forms of presentation. The topics of activities include the exotic culture, cuisine, traditional art, children's books, travel. New immigrants’ favorite activity is parent-child reading, topic book fair is the most frequent type, library use is indeed a need; and the features of reading promotion are incentives like encouraging readers to borrow books by giving gift, simplifying application procedures of library card by using passport or residence permit, hiring professional teachers to held book reviews by native country’s language, lending multicultural book or counter to every corner throughout the township, applying cloud devices and communication application to create cloud reading. Generalize new immigrants’ experience of participate and the actual promotion situation of public libraries, there are some recommendations to domestic public libraries: The theme of the reading promotion should innovate and integrate native country elements, The approaching of the reading promotion should take the initiative to where new immigrants gathered area, The target audience of the reading promotion should be expanded to new immigrant family members, The channel of the reading promotion should adopt composite ways, such as social media and paper declared, Reading promotion should cooperate with the new immigrant organizations, enabling the service perfect.

歐盟整合下瑞典移民政策之研究 / A study on the immigration policy of Sweden in the context of EU integration

洪敬峯, Hong, Jing Fong Unknown Date (has links)
位於北歐的瑞典以完善的社會福利制度與開放包容的形象所聞名於世,故自二戰以來,便持續地吸引著外來移民向瑞典移入。瑞典分別於1995年加入歐盟與2001年加入申根區,在人民有自由移動權利之歐盟原則與開放國界邊境之《申根公約》的情況下,瑞典將必須面對更多的外來移民。2010年,阿拉伯之春爆發,中東地區的動亂導致每年向歐洲國家尋求庇護的難民持續地增加,並因此形成了歐洲難民危機,若以2016年難民獲准庇護的人數並透過各國總人口之人均比例加以觀察,瑞典乃位居各成員國之冠。直至今日,在瑞典全國具有外國背景之人口已約占總人口五分之一,惟如此眾多的外來移民能否順利地融入瑞典社會與當地人民能否接納外來移民,這都將會是個很重要的課題與挑戰。 本研究以多元文化主義為研究途徑。多元文化主義強調在一個國家或社會內部中的各類民族或族群應能保留其獨特的文化特色,而彼此之間乃立基於平等的立場,相互尊重與和諧共處,其不僅僅是一種理念,同時也是國家或政府對於國內少數族群的具體政策執行。故本文即透過多元文化主義的觀點來探討瑞典的移民政策有何特色,而能夠促使外來移民向瑞典產生移民的行為。最後,本研究發現瑞典的移民政策於二戰以來至2016年為止,在以追求多元文化主義為理想之下,並未有劇烈性的變革,且若依瑞典國內政治與社會對於外來移民的態度而言,其政策方針與執行規劃乃是優於其他歐盟成員國的。 / Located in northern Europe, Sweden is known for its impeccable social welfare system and an open and inclusive image, so it has been attracting immigrants to Sweden since World War II. Sweden joined the EU and the Schengen Area in 1995 and 2001 respectively. Under the EU principles that people have the right to be free to move and the Schengen Convention that led to the removal of border controls between countries, Sweden will have to face more immigrants. In 2010, the Arab Spring outbreak that the turmoil in the Middle East resulted in more and more asylum seekers in European countries, and thus forming a European refugee crisis. On a per capita basis of the total population of countries, Sweden has taken in far more refugees granted asylum status in the member states of the EU. Until today, the population with a foreign background has accounted for about 1/5 of the total population in Sweden, but it will be a very important task and challenge whether so many immigrants can smoothly be involved in the Swedish society and local people can accept immigrants. This study takes multiculturalism as the research approach. Multiculturalism emphasizes that various nationalities or ethnic groups should be in a position to retain their unique cultural characteristics in a country or society and they are based on the position of equality, mutual respect and harmony. It is not just a concept, but also the specific executive policy of the national or government for ethnic minorities. Therefore, this thesis attempts to explore the characteristics of Swedish immigration policy to promote immigrants to Sweden through multiculturalism. Finally, this study finds that Swedish immigration policy has not a drastic change between the Second World War and 2016 in the pursuit of multiculturalism as the ideal. And according to the Swedish domestic political situation and social attitudes to immigration, its policy and implementation plan is better than any member state of the EU.


徐鳳旋 Unknown Date (has links)
少子化是目前台灣面臨的一大危機,從歷史脈絡來看,台灣屬於標準的移民社會,然而,因早年戒嚴等政治因素使我國對於入出境人流管制相當嚴格,同時亦不重視移民政策,直至近年來外籍配偶及大陸配偶人數大量增加,政府單位逐漸注意此一新興社會現象。 同時,台灣與新加坡皆為亞洲四小龍成員,在人口結構來講,同屬以華人為主體的多元族群國家,兩者皆面臨全球化衝擊,以及面臨國土資源不足、生育率逐年降低、人口老化等社會與人口結構改變的隱憂。而新加坡對移民政策的重視則遠超過我國,其相關法令的制定、多元的教育、豐富的獎勵刺激移民與生育都是值得我們所學習的。 回顧其發展過程,新加坡的移民政策與法令也讓社會產生程度不一的反彈,這些優缺利弊都是讓我國借鑒的範例,藉他山之石,檢視我國移民法令的侷限,為了有效刺激外來人口移入與降低不同文化產生的衝突,新加坡經驗是值得參考的對象。 / Low birth rate is one of the major challenges faced by Taiwanese government nowadays. Taiwan can be categorized as a typical immigrant society from the view of history. However, the immigration control was very strict during the early days due to political issues and the implementation of martial laws. The immigration policies have been ignored for long until the population of foreign and mainland spouse rose tremendously hence gradually caught the attention of Taiwanese government. Taiwan and Singapore are both viewed as the members of Four Asian Tigers. Both islandsare composed by multi-racial population and with Chinese as majority. Meanwhile, both nations face the challenges such as impact of globalization, relatively insufficient domestic resources, low birth rate, and aging population. Singapore government takes immigration policies more seriously than Taiwan, the regulations of laws, educational diversity, and abundant rewards for encouraging immigration and birth rate of Singapore are worth to learn from. Singapore’s immigration policies and regulations also aroused backlash from the public. The pros and cons of their policies should also be taken into considerations while making the proper policies for Taiwan. The experience of Singapore would benefit on the spurring of immigration to Taiwan and easing the conflicts result from cultural differences.

加拿大原住民自治體制與教育政策研究 / Aboriginal Self-government and education policy in canada

鄒岱妮, Tsou, Dainie Unknown Date (has links)
本論文企圖回答四個問題,分別是: 1. 加拿大原住民教育的主體:原住民的認同、定義、類別、法定地位為何? 2. 原住民自治體制與自治體制下的政府關係為何? 3. 加拿大原住民的教育政策為何?加拿大原住民自治體制與教育政策的關係為何? 4. 原住民教育與多元文化主義關係為何? 根據這四個問題,來進行章節的鋪陳: 第一章為政策的主體,加拿大原住民的定義,本論文嘗試從政治層次與憲法層次來討論加拿大民的地位、類別、位階與認同;並簡述加拿大原住民的教育概況。在研究中,我們發現,加拿大原住民的定義,不是來自文化、生態的因素,而是因為歷史與政治背景使然,1982年的加拿大憲法,正式承認了北美印地安人、梅蒂斯人與因紐特人為加拿大原住民,並且承認原住民的「現有權利」(existing rights),讓加拿大原住民成為有別於為加拿大其他「少數族裔」人口的一個「顯著的社會」(distinctive society),但是憲法的承認緊接而來的不是嚴謹的識別工作,所以關於身份問題,還有許多爭議,旋而未決。 第二章對第二章主要討論加拿大原住民自治的發展與規劃,並以尼斯加自治政府、努納弗特自治領地與梅蒂斯墾殖地議會等有土地基礎的原住民自治政府為例,來討論加拿大原住民自治的實踐。加拿大原住民自治政策的發展以及自治體制的規劃非常分歧,沒有辦法用統一的原則來描述。這種多元發展的現象來自於多元分歧的背景因素,有歷史上的民族關係,有身份識別的因素、有政府管轄權的爭議、原住民的人口、居住與地理特性、也有原住民的偏好與政府的協商底線規範。 第三章討論加拿大原住民教育的演進與趨勢。筆者在這一章試圖以較宏觀的角度來檢視加拿大原住民教育的發展,可以從政策制訂的背景、政策論辯的參與者、以及關鍵議題三個方向,來找出加拿大原住民教育的政策發展脈絡與階段特色。關於加拿大原住民教育的演進,約可以分為1996年的「RCAP報告書」為界,筆者將1996年之前的原住民教育分為四個階段,分別是同化教育(1867-1967)時期、整合政策、多元文化教育與印地安教育(1967-1982)時期、原住民教育的肇端(1982-1988)以及自治體制下的原住民教育(1988-1996)。第二節的重點則在於詳細討論1996年加拿大皇家原住民委員會(RCAP)原住民報告書關於原住民教育所提出來的建議與政策規劃。皇家原住民委員會關於原住民的報告書,宣告了加拿大政府與原住民之間新的關係的開展。筆者結合Frank Abele的觀點,發現加拿大原住民教育有下列趨勢: 1. 在原住民教育政策的層級上,逐漸由地方、省的層次上升到與國家對等的自治層次然而,原住民教育在國家層次所獲得的關注與討論並未如省的層次來得熱烈。 2. 在論述模式上,逐漸由同化論述模式轉向原住民自治的權利基礎與責任之模式,與公共政策論述之模式。 3. 在原住民教育的對象上,逐漸由部分「印地安人」(有身份的印地安人),轉向集體單位、泛稱性的原住民,乃至不同族裔屬性的原住民族。 4. 在原住民教育的層級上,關注的焦點逐漸由初等、中等教育轉向高等教育人才的培育,企圖以一種整體性(holistic)的觀點與策略來解決原住民教育問題。 5. 在教育目的上,從對同化教育的的反抗,到以文化純續為目的,發展至更積極的觀點,企圖透過教育,來彌補其與主流社會的落差、強化原住民的文化活力與創意,進一步培養自治的人才,可以說是一種以自治為目的(education for self-government)的教育政策。 6. 原住民教育與多元文化主義的關係,遠較Frank Abele所指稱的要複雜,原住民教育政策在理念上,曾採借多元文化主義關於人性尊嚴、人權與平等權的概念,但是在國家政策的場域,卻出現相互扞格、衝突的情形。 7. 在教育系統上,原住民歷經了由聯邦政府主導的「同化-隔離」系統、到進入與主流族群教育體系的「整合系統」、到目前要求與主流族群分立、由原住民主控教育內容、評鑑標準以及行政事務的「獨立系統」。 第四章是針對自治體制下的原住民教育,所做的案例分析。我們舉尼斯加自治政府的社學校委員會以及努納弗特自治領地的官方語言教育計畫為例,說明不同的自治政府體制、規模與民族屬性下的教育政策規劃。 第五章針對下列四個議題,討論加拿大原住民自治體制與教育政策面臨的挑戰: 1. 身份定義問題:自治的構成原速與教育政策的主體問題。 2. 管轄權議題:自治管轄權、教育管轄權、與教育實務之間的關係。 3. 理論基礎的衝突:多元文化主義與原住民主義的爭論。 4. 實務問題:原住民團體的需求差異與經費來源的問題 在結論部分,我們對本文重點作一個回顧,並根據自治體系的政府關係、自治與原住民教育、自治設計與教育系統的開放性提出筆者的看法與建議,分列如下: 1. 台灣應重新省思「Nation to Nation」的實質關係,務實面對自治議題。 2. 觀察加拿大原住民自治與教育政策,不能忽略多元文化主義、多元文化教育與原住民主義、原住民教育的衝突現象。 3. 台灣應著手進行符合社會現實,務實、開放、有效的自治規劃與教育規劃,而非理論的空談或國外政策的仿效。

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