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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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徐韻婷, Hsu,Yunting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討臺灣與中國大陸兩地1997年至2006年間圖書資訊學研究之特性與發展情形。利用此10年間臺灣出版之7種圖書資訊學核心期刊,共1,388篇研究性文章,以及中國大陸出版之11種圖書資訊學核心期刊,共23,937篇研究性文章,以內容分析法的方式進行分析研究,並比較臺灣與中國大陸分析結果的異同。研究結果發現,臺灣與中國大陸圖書資訊學研究的特性與發展情形並沒有顯著的差異,而有許多相似或相同之處。 研究結果歸納如下: 1. 在文獻數量成長方面,臺灣的成長現象較不明顯,而中國大陸的文獻數量有累積成長的現象。研究結果發現臺灣的圖書資訊學期刊每年僅維持穩定數量的發刊文章,且臺灣期刊發刊的刊期頻率較中國大陸的為低,亦造成文獻數量的差距。 2. 在文獻成長趨勢方面,本研究顯示,臺灣地區的文獻數量,整體而言呈現負成長,中國大陸則為緩慢的指數成長模式。研究發現,兩地圖書資訊學研究社群的大小及期刊數量的多寡,使得臺灣與中國大陸在10年間的文獻成長有顯著差異。 3. 在期刊內容特性部分,臺灣最主要的研究主題為「圖書資訊學理論與基礎」,次要的研究主題為「圖書資訊技術」;中國大陸最主要的研究主題為「圖書資訊技術」,次要的是「圖書資訊學理論與基礎」。在研究小類主題方面,臺灣與中國大陸同樣關注的為「資訊組織」、「資訊儲存與檢索」以及「網際網路」等三個研究主題。整體而言,臺灣的圖書資訊學研究注重資訊與技術層面,中國大陸則較為著重圖書資訊學研究的理論與基礎。 4. 在關鍵詞研究部分,研究結果顯示,臺灣與中國大陸都有發展與提升的需要,唯臺灣的關鍵詞定義較為嚴謹,中國大陸則顯得較為活潑而彈性。 5. 在引用文獻特性研究方面,對於引用文獻數量,臺灣的引用文獻數量多呈穩定持平的狀態,而中國大陸對於引用文獻規範未臻成熟,卻也開始逐年成長,顯示其正逐漸發展的現象。 6. 在引用文獻的語言類型分佈,臺灣圖書資訊學研究文獻的引用文獻中最常引用英文文獻,其次為繁體中文文獻,簡體中文文獻的引用有逐年增加的情形;中國大陸則是以簡體中文的資料類型引用最多,其次為英文文獻,但對於繁體中文文獻的引用情形亦有增加的趨勢。 7. 在引用文獻的資料類型分佈,兩地圖書資訊學研究文獻所引用的資料類型最多的皆為期刊資料,其次為圖書資料,網路資源是第三名,排第四名的是會議論文集,但深入分析兩地於各引用資料類型之百分比發現,臺灣較中國大陸在資訊獲得上較豐富且多元,中國大陸仍屬於較為封閉的學科研究環境。


吳祉芸, Wu, Chih-yun Unknown Date (has links)
自一九七O年代起,品牌個性成為研究的焦點,有越來越多學者探討此項議題;實務界更是廣泛地運用。 歷來研究中以品牌個性構面的建立為最具完整架構,學者多從消費者的角度出發;然而,文化差異對品牌個性有很大的影響,但過去相關研究卻不多,又廣告之中包含豐富的品牌個性及文化訊息,於此,本文參考過去學者提出的構面,利用廣告研究,進行品牌個性的跨文化比較。 本文首次由廣告呈現的角度出發,補過去研究之不足;而藉由廣告所傳遞的豐富訊息,可以尋找華人企業偏好的品牌個性,比較兩岸文化及品牌個性呈現的差異,探討產品類別對品牌個性的影響,並連結消費者自我概念與品牌個性之間的關係,由觀察的現象中深入分析策略意涵,可供實務界作參考。 研究設計方面,本文針對兩岸廣告,橫跨1996至2001共六年期間,以報紙為抽樣對象,台灣地區選擇中國時報,大陸地區選擇文匯報,共得864則廣告,利用內容分析法,粹取其中的品牌個性及文化概念,再進行統計分析,比較兩岸之間以及產品類別間的差異,結果發現如下: 1.兩岸品牌個性的呈現有差異,台灣偏重品牌的人性面,大陸則較重視產品的功能性。 2.品牌個性各構面間呈現比例亦有差異,出現頻率較高的構面,可能較容易為消費者所感知,或反映出消費者偏好。 3.品牌個性與文化之間具有相關性,其方向有正有負,正相關意味著該文化傾向愈高,應強調該個性構面的呈現,反之亦然,值得廠商參考,隨著不同地區的文化差異而調整其品牌個性的塑造。 4.不同產品廣告的品牌個性呈現則大異其趣,亦即產品類別對品牌個性有影響。大致而言,利益產品較重視「稱職」構面的展現,價值產品則著重人性面;廠商在塑造品牌個性時也應考慮攸關的產品特性。 5.品牌個性與自我概念的關係很密切,本文初探兩者相關性,發現確有關聯存在:「平和」、「純真」與「真實我」呈顯著正相關;「刺激」、「稱職」、「教養」則與「理想我」呈顯著正相關,反映出兩個自我實為相對的概念;然其確切影響方向,甚至是其他變數的調節作用,則值得作進一步探討。 / Since the 1970s, “brand personality” has become a popular issue, which was discussed by many scholars and widely used in business practice. Most scholars studied this topic from the consumer’s point of view, and the framework of brand personality dimensions has been most completely worked out. However, culture differences had great influence on brand personality, but there were limited studies that focused on this issue. Since advertisements contained sufficient information of culture and brand personality, this study intended to make a cross-cultural comparison of brand personality by referring to the brand personality dimensions found by previous researchers and performing advertisement research. The purposes of this study are to compare the differences of brand personality between Taiwan and Mainland China, to investigate the influence of product category on brand personality, and to combine “self concept” with brand personality. Compiling the dimensions studied by previous scholars for coding indicators, this study uses content analysis to make this study. Not only does this study fulfill the scope of brand personality analysis, it also provides insights for building brand strategies and entering the market in China. The samples are newspaper advertisements from 1996 to 2001. China Times in Taiwan and Shang-Hai Wen-Hui Bao in Mainland China are chosen. There is a total of 864 advertisements. After statistics analysis, the results are listed as the following: 1.To the appearance of brand personality, ads in Taiwan show more humanity, while those in Mainland China emphasize on product functions. 2.There are different proportions between the representations of dimensions. Those dimensions with higher frequencies may be easily perceived by consumers or may more appealing to them. 3.Relationships exist between brand personality and culture. Positive relationship means certain dimension should be emphasized when the relative culture tendency is higher. 4.There exists a great difference in brand personality between product categories: the “utilitarian-expressive” products emphasize on “competence” dimension, while the “value-expressive” products show more humanity. 5.Brand personality is closely related with “self-concept”: “peacefulness” and “sincerity” are positively related to “actual self,” while the other three dimensions are positive related to “ideal self.” This study discusses this issue for the first time; however, further studies are needed to investigate the moderating effects.


李國鳳 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來學者提出,企業若是要保有永續經營的能力,就必須兼顧環境與經濟。企業可透過「資訊揭露」,向社會大眾回應其對環境保護的重視。台灣目前對環境資訊揭露的規範多為消極、被動,而國內每年皆有許多企業違反環境保護法規,本論文將該等具有負面消息之公司的環境污染指標,與其年報環境資訊揭露程度,做一結合,進行環境資訊揭露趨勢及正面、負面資訊揭露情形的研究。 本研究之樣本為曾違反環保法規,遭各級政府處罰卻不服,向環保署提起訴願,經環保署決定訴願駁回的36家公開發行公司。採用內容分析法衡量各公司年報中,關於環境資訊揭露的程度(包含量與質兩種評估方式);並以迴歸分析、成對樣本t檢定及Wilcoxon符號等級檢定,對假說進行檢定。 經過實證結果,獲致以下的結論: 1.就量的角度,各公司環境資訊揭露句數總和與年報所載受罰金額呈現顯 著正相關;但以質的角度,各公司環境資訊揭露總分數與年報所載受罰 金額之關係則不顯著。此可能為本研究權數設計的不適當所造成。 2.民國89年至民國91年,各公司年報中環境資訊揭露程度並無顯著差異。 研究期間長短、是否受特定事件影響都是造成此結論的可能因素。另從 持續性角度觀察,亦可能近年缺乏環保團體積極推動環境保護活動,及 主管機關的監督。 3.當公司面臨負面消息時,公司愈會揭露正面資訊以導正公司形象。當公 司發生影響環境的污染事件,為縮短利害關係人的期望差距並顧及公司 形象,勢必避談此負面資訊,愈是強調正面環境揭露資訊。 / There are many ways in which a company can communicate to stakeholders its responses to environmental concerns. One of the mode of communication could be in the form of annual reports. This study investigates the content of environmental disclosures in annual reports for 36 companies in Taiwan for the years 2000 through 2002. The objectives of my study are:(1)to determine whether the level of corporate environmental disclosures is associated with the level of environmental pollution.(2)to investigate if there are significant positive differences in disclosure between years.(3)to explore whether the companies tend to present information which is favorable to their corporate image. Results indicate that:(1)there is a positive correlation between the level of environmental pollution and the quantity of environmental disclosures.(2)the 2000-2002 time period didn’t produce a significant increase in environmental disclosures.(3)most of the companies elect to present only that information which is favorable to themselves.


邱玲裕 Unknown Date (has links)
環境影響評估法自實施以來已屆滿十二年,該制度首開國內將民眾參與納入制度中之先例,原本其立意是讓與環境切身相關的民眾得以參與公共政策,以減少衝突,然而,民眾不滿審查結果的相關爭議卻未曾停歇,據此,本研究認為應該找出開發案例特性、參與方式與審查結論之間的關係,以增進對我國環評實務的瞭解。本研究是以環境影響評估資料庫中的書件查詢系統為研究對象,主要目的在於瞭解1996年至2005年行政院環保署所累積之中央開發案例之趨勢,以期對於參與程序做實證評估促使評估機制獲得社會的公平與信賴,減少抗爭衝突之發生。 本論文首先透過文獻探討公民參與之意義與限制,並以理性選擇學派對於參與之詮釋,釐清參與可能遭受的挑戰與問題,其次檢閱目前與環境影響評估研究相關的文獻,藉此找出本文之定位,並整理各類文獻,建構本研究對於參與情形之評估構面與操作化問題,並以之為內容分析法問卷之基礎。 實證資料蒐集時,以參與主體、資訊公開以及民意調查五大準則先進行資料內容之評估、分類與編碼,據此進行統計分析與比較,最後進行訪談。整體案例共有440件,彙整統計資料加以分析討論,輔以訪談內容,得出相關研究結果,本研究之發現如下: 一、在整體趨勢上,以委員會年度而言,近半數之開發案例集中於90年至93年四年期間;開發單位方面,若將國營事業列入政府相關單位計算,則政府與民間企業的開發案件趨近一比一;在開發類別,顯示我國仍偏重交通之硬體建設之開發;在基地行政轄區,開發案例明顯集中於北部及南部兩大區域;在審查結論上,全部案例之中有八成開發案於第一階段通過審查。 二、法律規範參與方式之實際參與情形為,以公開說明會實行比例最高、環保團體之出席狀況偏低、民眾踴躍參與公開說明會,現場勘查參與情況不佳、政府人員與專家委員與民意代表參與習慣之差異。 三、民意調查之實行情形為,開發單位偏好實行民意調查更甚於其他參與程序、引導式問卷問題已逐漸改善,但問卷之效度仍須注意。 四、以440件案例中有舉辦民調之213件案例,探討民眾意見與專家結論關係,研究結果發現,審查結果通過之案例其整體贊成開發民眾之比例,明顯大於審查結果為不通過之民眾比例。 / The law of environmental impact assessment (EIA) has been implemented for 12 years. EIA, in order to reduce the conflict by facilitating civil participation in the policy making process, is the first institution for civil participation in our country. However, people’s dissatisfaction with the results of the environmental impact assessment never ebbs. Accordingly, this study attempts to find out the relationship among the development cases, methods of civil participation and the deliberative results, in order to facilitate the understanding of the EIA in. Taiwan. The main purpose lies in understanding the trend of the deliberative result of the development cases in the environmental protection administration of the central government in Taiwan by means of assessing these cases, expecting to make the mechanism and its procedure trustworthy for society and reduce the emergence of the conflicts. The target of the study is 440 EIA cases from the electronic research system in the EIA database, from 1996 to 2005. To build evaluative items and check participatory pattern differences, the study is proposes three frames, including the participatory subjects, information disclosure and five major criterion of public opinion polls, followed by content analysis and data coding. After carrying out statistical analysis and comparison through the above framework, the officers were interviewed to verify and supply the previous results. After integrating quantitative and qualitative results, the results of this research are as follow: First, looking at the time period as a whole, nearly one half of the cases were held during a four year period (from 2001 to 2004); for organization of exploitation, the number of cases possessed by the government was as much as folk enterprise; for the classification of exploitation, the data showed that our country still stresses the development of hardware construction of the traffic; for the administrative areas of the exploitation base, obviously the cases polarize on the north and the south of the island; and the final conclusion of the examination show that 80% of the developing cases are being passed at the first stage of EIA. Second, the actual situation of legal ways of participating is that public explanation meetings were held more frequently than other ways; the rate of attendance of environmental protection group and scene inspection was low; people participated enthusiastically in public explanation meetings; and there was difference of participation (participating) behaviors between the committee members and governmental officials. Third, the situation of conducting polls is, exploitation organization prefer conducting poll far more than other methods; the situations of inductive questionnaire had been improved gradually already, still, researchers must pay attention to validly of questionnaire. Finally, there are 213 cases of conducting polls out of 440 cases, which obviously shows that in most cases a favorable result (“pass”) is given by the people rather than an unfavorable result (“fail”).

公共行政個案方法品質指標之研究-以TASPAA的研究論文為例,2003~2012 / The study of Research Quality Indicators for Case study of public administration: The Symposiums of TASPAA in 2003-2012.

游雅婷 Unknown Date (has links)
公共行政是一門應用學科,同時被賦予知識累積與解決實務問題的期待。其中,個案方法是常被運用的一種研究方法,但關於研究設計的討論尚不成熟。因此本研究主要的目的在於對個案進行類型的分類並設計一套評估個案方法品質的指標,進一步以此指標評估10年TASPAA文章的品質。 研究結果發現,個案品質與信效度品質大部分文章皆有達到中度品質的水準。在個案類型方面,大部分文章都是描述一般、典型的狀況的「一般型個案」;在個案的理論性特色方面,以代表性個案、實務型關鍵個案與本質型個案佔有的比例最高;在個案使用的抽樣策略方面,運用最廣泛的是立意抽樣,但也有相當高比例的文章因為樣本特殊性等因素並未使用任何抽樣策略。在理論意圖方面,大部分文章皆是運用理論對特定的社會現象作出解釋,相較之下,測試理論和建構理論的文章較少。觀察個案研究設計與個案品質的關係,個案的時序、個案的理論性特色與個案的理論意圖對個案的品質皆有明顯的影響。 依此研究成果,本研究分別由個案方法的基本特徵、個案類型的挑選以及個案方法品質等面向進行反省,檢視現存個案方法使用上的問題,提出公共行政使用個案方法時,如何做一個好的個案研究。此外,本研究為初探研究,提供一個宏觀的品質狀況,實際情況仍需視不同研究者的研究需求而定,本研究已嘗試客觀化與系統化所有指標,但期待研究成果能夠經由後續研究不斷的修正,更加精緻化個案方法的指標體系。


蕭媛齡 Unknown Date (has links)
在改革開放後,大陸黨報開始實現「事業單位,企業化經營」政策,黨報不再獲得來自政府的經濟補助,開始面對市場,自負盈虧。1996年,大陸組建第一個報業集團後,造成大陸黨報結構性的變革,打破過去上下從屬的黨報體系,形成另一以經濟發展優劣評斷的新黨報體系。與現代企業相似的是,現今大陸報業集團的發展,均以追求最大經濟效益為目的,唯一不同的是,除了追求經濟效益外,大陸的報業集團,仍需擔負國家賦予的社會責任,形成所謂「有中國特色的報業集團」。 本研究以大陸「黨報集團化」發展為主題,利用內容分析法,探討不同層級的黨報,在進入集團化後,具體的發展差異為何。因此,選擇《廣州日報》與《人民日報》作為比較的樣本。從兩報的編採方式、經營體制,以及加入世界貿易組織後的發展…等面向,進行比較分析。 研究結果顯示,首先,大陸黨報的集團化發展,雖然為境內熱門的經濟活動,但不同層級的黨報,進入集團化發展後,在多種不同因素的影響下,產生出相異的發展模式;其次,由於特殊的屬性關係,與政治力的干涉,發展仍舊產生侷限性,無法與國外強大的媒體產業競爭;最後,本身結構的不健全,也將成為大陸報業體制的一個新的隱憂。


陳素敏, CHEN,SU-MIN Unknown Date (has links)
自從我國退出聯合國后,外交工作一直低迷不振;相對地,我國經濟快速成長,雖然 正式外交不彰,但卻仍與一百余國維持密切的經貿關系。近來,隨著經貿實力增長, 國人與外界是接觸日多后,對我國日益孤立的正式外交關系感到不滿,故近來國內要 求外交突破的呼聲日高。 如何落實爭取邦交或擴大與無邦交國家的實質關系,筆者認為目前東西關系緩和,各 國外交政策略多務實化,故在國際關系中,軍事因素降低,經濟因素提高,注重國內 經濟發展。因此,我國或可藉日趨雄厚的經貿實力,提供對外經濟援助,鼓勵海外投 資及配合發展經驗,以協助發展中國家之開發過程,增進雙方關系,以此做為外交突 破點。 但因近來我國經濟也面臨一波波挑戰:各國的保護主義、日益強大的競爭對手、國內 環保問題、勞資糾紛、自力救濟層出不窮等,在此「內擾外患」下,迫使我國經濟策 略也須有所轉變,才能化危機為轉機。 故在本論文中,首先對「經貿外交」內涵做一介紹;其次,分析我國經貿策略與外交 策略如何相輔為用;最后,檢視經貿外交的預期效果。所采的研究方法,主要是內容 分析法;研究範圍,包括貿易、海外投資、對外援助及國際經貿合作四個子題;研究 目的,期從政經層面研擬出適當策略,以保持并強化經濟實力及突破外交困境。

企業領導人特質、企業文化與品牌個性間之相關性--長期歷史觀點研究 / The relationship between the leader's personality, corporate culture, and brand personality: A historical viewpoint

劉吉傑 Unknown Date (has links)
過去對影響品牌個性因素的探討已相當完備,但卻少有從組織領導人個性及組織文化的角度來探討其對品牌個性的影響。企業文化是影響組織成員價值觀與決策的重要因素,因此成員塑造品牌個性時可能受到企業文化的影響;此外過去對品牌個性的衡量多以量表得知消費者的感受,僅能進行橫斷面研究,但透過廣告可據以進行長期縱斷面的分析得知品牌個性的發展脈絡,且廣告是傳遞品牌個性的重要媒介,因此本研究從廣告的角度切入來衡量品牌個性,再探討領導人個性、企業文化與品牌個性之關聯。 本研究採用內容分析法,針對國內四家企業:義美、金車、大同與巨大,縱括自1967至2008年的212篇,關於企業領導人個性與企業文化的報紙與雜誌報導進行研究,從中分析企業領導人個性與企業文化;此外對509則企業的電視與平面廣告進行分析,資料橫跨1981至2009年,分析廣告中的品牌個性,最後觀察各變數的趨勢變化輔以過去相關文獻支持,探討變數間可能之關聯性,結果發現如下: 1. 四位企業領導人之個性,均以「嚴謹性」為最突出,其他特質彼此有差異。 2. 四家企業文化所重視的價值觀差異: (1) 企業文化的「社會責任」及「表現績效」與公司的國際化程度有關 (2) 企業文化的「卓越創新」及「甘苦與共」與公司的創立年代有關 3. 四家企業的品牌個性,多集中於「有能力」、「真誠」與「興奮」,少出現在「雅緻」、「粗獷」與「平和」三個構面。 4. 領導人個性、企業文化與品牌個性,部分具有關聯性: (1) 領導人個性的「正直誠信」、企業文化的「正直誠信」與品牌個性的「真誠」有正向關係。 (2) 領導人個性的「開放性學習」、企業文化的「卓越創新」與品牌個性的「興奮」有正向關係。 (3) 領導人個性的「可信度」、企業文化的「科學求真」,與品牌個性的「有能力」有正向關係。 (4) 領導人個性的「權力需求」與企業文化的「團隊精神」有負向關係。 / Although a considerable amount of research discussed the factors affecting brand personality, there was limited research that focused on how a corporate leader’s personality and corporate culture affects brand personality. Corporate culture significantly influences employee values and decision-making. Likewise, brand personality may also be strongly influenced by corporate culture. In the past, most studies utilized consumer questionnaires to measure brand personality, but such a method only retrieves data at the present moment. Nevertheless, brand personality data may be acquired through analyzing the historical development of advertisements, which is a key media communication tool. Hence, this study investigates advertisements to measure brand personality and discusses the relationship between a corporate leader's personality, corporate culture, and brand personality. The chosen method of study is content analysis and the data sources are composed of 212 newspaper and magazine articles from the year 1967 to 2008 about corporate leadership personality and corporate culture. Four companies including I-MEI Food Co., King Car Food Industrial Co., Tatung Co., and Giant Bicycle Inc. were selected for study. In addition, the study also collected 509 related advertisements of these four companies ranging from 1981 to 2009. Through observing variable trends and referencing previous supporting research, this study attempts to find the relationship between these variables. The research results are listed below: 1. The most outstanding personality among the four chosen corporate leaders is “conscientiousness”, however, other attributes differ amongst them. 2. There is difference of corporate culture among these four companies: (1) There is a strong relationship between a corporate culture’s “social responsibility” dimension, “performance-orientation” dimension, and the company’s degree of internationalization. (2) There is a relationship between the corporate culture’s “excellence & innovation” dimension, “cohesiveness” dimension, and the year in which the company was founded. 3. The four companies’ brand personalities tend to focus more on “competence”, “sincerity”, and “excitement” dimensions and less on “sophistication”, “ruggedness”, and “peacefulness” dimensions. 4. There is relationship between the corporate leader’s personality, corporate culture, and brand personality. (1) There is a positive relationship between the “personal integrity” dimension of a corporate leader’s personality, “integrity” dimension of corporate culture, and “sincerity” dimension of brand personality. (2) There is a positive relationship between the “openness to experience” dimension of a corporate leader’s personality, “excellence & innovation” dimension of corporate culture, and “excitement” dimension of brand personality. (3) There is a positive relationship between the “dependability” dimension of a corporate leader’s personality, “scientific proof” dimension of corporate culture, and “competence” dimension of brand personality. (4) There is a negative relationship between the “need for power” dimension of a corporate leader’s personality and “teamwork spirit” dimension of corporate culture.


李儒林 Unknown Date (has links)
至今成立六年的「客家電視台」是國內第一個以全客語方式露出新聞暨節目內容之族群頻道;而依據「無線電視事業公股處理條例」修正案第十四條第八項之規定:客家電視台目前是以「標案」性質加入公廣集團,成為兼具公共價值與族群特性的電視頻道。   面對商業媒體的競爭環境,國內公共族群頻道的新聞暨節目收視率普遍偏低而,但單以收視率論斷族群頻道是否發揮應有功能不盡公允;另一方面,從少數族群的角度觀之,「多元化」的理念似不足以發揮保障弱勢權益的功能,而必須更進一步的發展「多元文化」的觀點,才能從媒介頻道、所有權、聘雇權、以及內容表現各層面落實對於弱勢族群的保障。換言之,依平等競爭的傳統個人自由主義觀點,卻忽略少數族群缺乏社會資源及立足點不平等,且無平等競爭之機會而生成之多元化概念,實難落實平等之社會參與機會。   本研究援引客家暗夜新聞為例,以內容分析法檢視其「多元文化」概念新聞之呈現。結果發現:加入公廣前後期間,無論是在多元文化新聞呈現比例(報導數量)、多元文化團體(如新移民族群、兒少團體等報導主角),甚至是報導類型(如純新聞、專題、深度報導等)都達顯著差異,顯示客家電視頻道逐漸自我形塑成以多元文化價值為內涵之族群頻道;然而,其新聞內容之嚴謹度表現仍有努力的空間。 / Been established in 2003,the Hakka TV station is the first ethnic TV channel broadcasting by the entire hakka language in Taiwan.  Facing commercial competition environment, it is unfair to judge and evaluate an ethnic TV channel by TV ratio. Standing on the viewpoint of minority , the most important is “multiculturalism” instead of “pluralism” , to protect their right to access to the public.  Hakka TV joined in Taiwan Broadcasting System (TBS) in 2007, researcher takes the “Hakka night news” as samples from 2005 to 2008; methods employed by this paper include literature review, and content analysis. It concludes that no matter on the proportion in the multicultural news , or on multicultural association (for example “new immigration group”, “disabled group” ,and so on) , even on the types of reports, the results obtained statistically significant by this research .  It seems that the Hakka TV channel steps towards a multicultural model gradually . However, there still is a space to make it more specific and exact on their news content.


楊昇達, Yang, Sheng Ta Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,投資理財的重要性與日俱增;但是,一般投資大眾往往無法掌握市場運作產生的資料、資訊;一方面是因為市場上流動的資訊過多,投資大眾很難有效篩選有幫助的資訊。另一方面則是因為投資人無法了解資料的涵義;因此,聽從某些專家的意見進行投資,可能是沒有時間與信心自行研究的一般投資大眾最終選擇。但是這些市場上所謂的專家們數量眾多,提出的意見可信度究竟有多少;一般投資大眾應該採信那些專家的意見,以降低投資的風險與獲利。本研究將結合內容分析法(Content analysis)與分析網路程序法(Analytic Network Process),以專家提出的意見可信度來評估專家們的價值。預期提供投資人一個參考的依據,選擇價值較高的專家提出之意見進行研究,相信比起直接取用所有的專家意見進行分析,風險與成本會更為降低。 / Recent years, there is more and more importance in investing and managing finances. Because too many information and the investors do not understand what these data really mean, the investors do not have ability to help themselves investing and earning profit. For the investors without time or confidence, it may be the final choice that according to some opinions comes from some professors to invest. However, there are so many professors, which one’s opinion is more reliably and believable? As a general investor, will apply which opinions help us reduce risk and make profit? In this research we combine content analysis and analytic network process to evaluate the professors in the financial market by how much believable in their opinions. We expect that this will support the investor a reference materials. Comparing with analyzing all opinions in the market directly, the risk and cost will be lower if applying the opinions comes from some valuable professors.

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