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外溢效果對製造業之影響---以我國大專院校為例黃琳鈞, Huang,Lin-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
透過實證結果亦發現:1、大專院校的外溢效果對於高科技產業具有正面的影響,表示大學此類之研究機構設置在地理空間分佈上,對於高科技產業的發展是有利的;2、大專院校的外溢效果對傳統產業而言,並不顯著;顯示出我國傳統產業在利用政府研究機構的技術轉移能力還是比較薄弱,而產業區位之分佈也未如高科技產業有著與研究機構空間分佈有高度相關。 / The recent development of economic relies on the long-period accumulation of productivity while the accumulation of productivity is caused by the increasing and effective application of knowledge. In the period of knowledge economic, knowledge itself becomes the major force to promote the productivity and the development of economic. The origin of knowledge comes out from human resource. Therefore the application of human resources can commercialize science and R&D, create innovative systems, and promote the industry’s competitiveness and productivity. The training of human resource relies on the cooperation and career training among colleges, research institutes and the industry that can increase the industry’s productivity.
Recently the research institutes have been being set up variously. We would say the government highly cares about the basic research; while that can be proved in the set of Academia Sinica and Industrial Technology Research Institute to the broadly colleges. However it’s still arguable if the research institute’s spillover effect on industry’s productivity is obvious or not. Therefore this thesis takes the college as a case study and focus on the colleges’ spillover effect on high-tech industry together with the traditional industry.
The findings of this thesis are as below:
1.The colleges’ spillover effect on high-tech industry is positive relevant while it means the set of research institutes in geographic space is useful to the development of high-tech industry;
2.At the meanwhile, the colleges’ spillover effect on traditional industry is not obviously proved; the effect mentions that it is weak to use the tech transferring ability of the traditional industry taken from governmental research institutes. In comparison with the high-tech industry, the space distribution of traditional industry is not highly relevant with the set of research institutes as expected.
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從知識管理觀點探討研究機構研發團隊之衍生創業 / A Study of the Spin-off Process of A Research Institute’s R&D Team from the Perspective of Knowledge Management胡欣怡, Hu, Hsin Yi Unknown Date (has links)
1. 宜塑造組織內知識分享的環境與氛圍。
2. 宜即早進行市場知識的獲取,增加市場知識內涵的寬度與廣度。
3. 宜在衍生創業之前完成原型產品,以降低風險與不確定性。
4. 宜在衍生創業之前建立量產製程技術,以降低風險與不確定性。
5. 宜加強技術知識之應用性與市場性內涵。
6. 宜重視市場知識與技術知識之連結與相關活動。
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臨床試驗委託研究機構價值單元、資源優勢、與策略之個案研究 / A case study of value units, resource advantages, and strategy in a contract research organization黎西涵 Unknown Date (has links)
2010 年全球藥品銷售額約8800 億美金,並預估未來五年內,全球藥品市場規模可再成長3000 億美元,龐大的市場吸引許多生技製藥公司積極投入新藥的開發,但是製藥與審批程序日趨複雜,因此新藥上市必須仰賴專業分工。本研究臨床試驗委託研究機構,由於其提供生技製藥業臨床試驗研究支援,可加速新藥上市時程,是新藥開發價值鏈重要環節。
台灣的臨床試驗委託研究機構自 1996 年至今,歷經產業環境從導入期進入成長期之外部環境變化快速,本研究採用個案研究法,以深入訪談、觀察等方式探討企業如何因應外部環境不斷調整策略方向,如何設計價值單元以及具備哪些內部及外部資源優勢,並據此提出未來實務建議。依據本研究提出的三個研究問題,經個案研究結果分析所得結論如下:
一、 台灣臨床試驗委託研究機構產業環境變化,主要來自兩大因素:各國競爭及科技發展、成本考量造成的全球位移趨勢,以及臨床試驗相關法規的變更。因此策略方向初期以國內學名藥業務作為主力,隨著亞太區、生技醫藥技術發展與政府輔導等因素,策略轉向新藥開發臨床試驗的國際案件,並以策略聯盟方式加快開發業務速度。長期策略方向則是持續佈局國際市場並建立新的技術平台。
二、 臨床試驗委託研究機構以九項價值單元組合完成嚴謹的臨床試驗經營流程,包括「業務開發」、「法規諮詢」、「專案管理」、「醫學撰寫」、「臨床監測」、「專業檢驗」、「資料管理」、「統計分析」、「結案報告」。不同階段的臨床試驗程序可能整合在同一價值單元,以創造最終價值。
三、 各項價值單元之內部、外部資源分析結果顯示,臨床試驗委託研究機構歷經產業環境變化與策略調整,累積資源形成現有實體設備、關係、人力與經驗,可提供國際新藥開發臨床試驗案件服務,為企業策略發展基礎。 / In 2010, global pharmaceutical sales is estimated to reach 880 billion US dollars and the market is expected to expand 300 billion US dollars further within 5 years. Such a huge market has attracted many bio-pharmaceutical companies to invest their assets in new drug research and development (ND R&D). However, the procedure of new drug production and application is getting more and more complicated, thus it depends on professional services to assist launching new drugs. A contract research organization, also called a clinical research organization (CRO), is an organization that provides support to the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries in the form of outsourced pharmaceutical research services to speed up launch timeline, and has played an important role in ND R&D value chain.
Taiwan CRO industrial environment has went through from introduction period to growing period since 1996. External environment changes rapidly. This study adopts case study method, by in-depth interviews, observation etc. to explore how CRO companies continue to adjust strategy in response to the external environment, how to design value units and what internal and external resource advantages they have. The study also proposes future practice recommendations for CRO companies based on the results. To answer three research questions, the study result is concluded as follows:
1. Taiwan CRO industry environment changes mainly from two factors: one is global displacement trend attributed to international competition, technology and cost. The other is changes in laws and regulations related to clinical trials. Therefore, the initial strategic direction focused on the domestic generic drug business. With the Asia Pacific biotechnology development and government guidance etc., it shifted to new drug international cases and strategic alliances. Long-term strategic direction is to focus on international market and to establish new technology platforms.
2. Taiwan CRO uses 9 value units to constitute whole management process of clinical trials. These value units include: "sales development", "regulatory consulting", "project management", "medical writing", "clinical monitoring", "sample testing", "data management", "statistical analysis" and “final report". Different stages of clinical trial procedures may be integrated in the same value unit, in order to create the ultimate value.
3. All value units’ internal and external resource analysis shows that Taiwan CRO accumulated resources such as physical facilities, relationships, human resources and experiences through industrial environment changes and strategy adjustment. These resources enable Taiwan CRO to provide new drug development services for international cases and this ability eventually became the foundation of corporate strategy.
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我國國家生物技術研究機構技術移轉機制之探討張正平, Chang, Cheng-Ping Unknown Date (has links)
本研究中的每個研究機構在組織定位、發展歷程、技術類型、組織文化等皆不盡相同,但在我國生技產業發展上皆扮演重要且關鍵角色。希望能藉由個案研究比較分析出各單位在運作機制上的相似處與不同處,更加釐清各研究機構在整個國家創新體系及產業發展的角色與位置。研究目的包括:1. 瞭解研究機構在智慧財產權保護和技術移轉上的運作機制。 2. 探討推動國內生物技術產業發展過程中,研究機構與產業界間連結互動有的關鍵因素。 3. 在研究機構的策略發展和遇到的困難,對於機構內部組織上與政府生技產業政策的推動上給予適當建議。
1. 技轉單位需要得到機構高層的支持,同時很多重要的技轉案會採跨單位的專案形式為之,整個技轉過程需要跨領域的團隊合作。
2. 在技轉單位內部的運作上,近年開始有將專利業務與技術推廣業務分開之改變,這樣的改變效果短時間還不是很明顯。
3. 專利申請維護的預算也普遍成為技轉單位當下遇到的問題之一。研究機構著重於專利品質,以更貼近產業與市場需求,進而強化技術移轉之成效。
4. 國內在技術移轉後的相互回饋機制略顯不足,仍須再建立更細緻的互動機制來強化後續的技術商品化。
5. 現階段國內生技產業發展不蓬勃,也沒有成功的個案公司,廠商普遍經營困難。研究機構在生物技術移轉會給予比較大的彈性,讓技術繼續開發下去為原則。
6. 技術移轉是相當複雜與專業性高的領域,與市場互動至關密切。而政府在政策上應放在著眼於公平交易與經濟發展方面。現今經濟部已經廢除研發成果『專屬授權』限制的相關規定。然而,在研發成果『境外實施』上的政策法令,仍有許多爭議有待政府重視與鬆綁法令。
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研究機構從業人員薪酬制度之研究姚艷華, Yao, Yan-Hua Unknown Date (has links)
部份以A 機構為對象,探討研究貝對薪酬誘因的知覺情形,與工作績效、工作滿足
第一章 為緒論。分為三節:第一節研究動機與研究目的。第二節研究範圍與研究
第二章 為研究機構薪酬制度相關理論與研究之探討。第一節薪酬制度之理論模式
第三章 研究方法。第一節研究設計與樣本。第二研究變項之衡量。第三節研究程
第四章 研究結果。第一節研究機構薪酬制度現況之分析。第二節個人在職特徵之
第五章 結論與建議。第一節結論。第二節建議。
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中國外交智庫及其在政府政策過程中的角色研究申遠 January 2011 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Government and Public Administration
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Academia and Chinese Foreign Policy Decision Making: A Case Study of China’s EU Policy / 中國大陸學界與中共外交政策決策關係之研究─以中共的歐盟政策為例戴熙涵, Dean, Nicola C. Unknown Date (has links)
本論文旨在論述中國大陸學術界在中共外交政策的決策過程中所扮演的角色,並聚焦在值得外界特別關注的個案─中國大陸的歐洲研究學界與中共的歐盟政策。在面對愈來愈複雜的外交關係環境下,無論是在正式或非正式的層面,有更多外圍組織或人員被納入中共的外交決策結構之中,其中最貼切的例子就是學術界。隨著中國大陸地區外交相關科系或研究機構的演變、多元性和優質化的發展,其對外交政策之決策過程與範圍的潛在影響力正在增長。學者與其相關的研究機構透過各種可能影響的途徑、層次和來源,來鞏固其研究的影響力。中國大陸歐洲研究的領域目前正蓬勃發展,有些傑出的專家經常被約見來提供建言或評論。除此之外,2003年中國政府公布了中共的歐盟政策官方文件,這是中共有史以來唯一宣布過的外交政策文件,其展現中歐關係的重要性。本研究除了將論文中所界定的學術影響力框架應用於該歐洲研究的個案之外,也提供學界對此一領域主要研究範圍和學術論述的一個初步調查,以及其對中共的歐盟政策決策上實務性的關聯。 / This thesis discusses the role of academia in foreign policy-decision making in the People’s Republic of China, considering in particular the case of European Studies academia and China’s European Union policy, which merits greater scrutiny by outside observers. Faced with ever more complex foreign relations, the structure of Chinese foreign policy making is incorporating a growing number of external actors at both formal and informal levels. Academic circles are a case in point; as foreign policy research institutes evolve, diversify and optimise, their potential influence within policy making processes and circles is expanding in scope, and academics and their respective institutes are able to consolidate the impact of their research through a range of pathways, levels, and sources of influence. The European Studies field in China is robust and certain noteworthy experts are regularly called upon for advice and comment. What’s more, China’s only ever foreign policy paper in 2003 dealt with European Union policy, demonstrating the significance of Sino-European relations. In addition to applying the framework of academic influence identified herein to the case of the European Studies field, this thesis also provides a preliminary investigation of some of the field’s key research issue areas and current academic discourse, as well as connections with China’s European Union policy decisions in practice.
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研究機構進行技術移轉之影響因素的探討_以工業技術研究院為例 / A Study of Critical Factors in Technology Transferring Conducted by Research Institution _ ITRI as an Example董振坤 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字: 技術移轉、研究機構、技術商業化、新產品開發、成功關鍵因素。 / In the age of post global economy financial crisis, trading of intellectual properties still have real meanings to the market in pushing new products, developing new markets and further pushing technology transfer into producible. After continuous refining IP trading methodologies and processes, business entities will become leaders in their markets.
This research will focus on success factor in technology transfer with topics in technology applications, market demand and supply chains. Moreover, we will discuss important factors in technology transfer between government research institutions and private enterprises. For private enterprises, it is an important source of obtaining new technology. For government research institutions, performance of the government research investment is determined by whether the result of research and development can be successfully transferred to private enterprises. In this research, we will be mainly discussing technology from Industrial Technology Research Institute in Taiwan.
In this research, the author will discuss four main findings in key successful factors in technology transfer between the government research institution and private enterprises.
(1) Technology transfer is very involved in many aspect of business including research and development, law, management and finance, etc. It is best to keep good communication between both entities to reach a common consensus and to keep good feedback.
(2) Resources from both entities have to be integrated in the process of technology transfer. Therefore, the research institution have to be prepared to have a plan of support for private enterprises to reach the same technology level.
(3) Difference in background knowledge between both entities will have impact in technology transfer performance. In the beginning, the research institution have to prepare to remedy this difference in recognition to prevent developing a product that is not competitive in the market.
(4) Market changes fast. The research institution should reinforce interaction between itself and private enterprises in technology commoditization and responds to difference phase of product development and market development.
keyword : technology transferring, research institution, technology commercialization, new product development, critical success factor.
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