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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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台灣家電產業典範轉移與廠商因應策略關係之研究--產業史角度分析 / The Reactive Strategy of Firms in the Paradigm Shift in the Consumer Electronics Industry in Taiwan-analyzed in Industrial Perspective

蔡忠旺, Tsai, Chung-Wang Unknown Date (has links)
產業變遷快速而詭異的今日,掌握未來的能力成為產業經理人重要的本領。因此本論文主要在於以家電產業做研究對象,探索昔日產業典範並進而引為洞悉產業未來發展的走向並提前因應或創造產業趨勢的方法。研究發現如下: 一、典範精煉力量來自製造效率的追求、上下游議價力的建立、法規的限制以及技術標準的建立。其中上游議價力來自關鍵零組件的控制,下游議價力的建力來自消費者使用習慣的培養。 二、典範轉移力量在價值、效率、能耐、結構、體系、同形上都存在典範轉移力量,也就是說廠商在各構面上的作為都有可能推動典範改變。但值得注意的是其最根本力量多來自較高層競技場如體系的合作、社會規範同形的改變、環境風險的出現等。 三、典範移轉的局部軌跡包括以下三者: 1.研發能耐的累積須要製造效率為前提 2.製造能耐與代理活動型體系有正向循環關係 3.策略異質與能耐有共生關係 四、典範移轉的整體軌跡從廠商累積能耐開始,順應顧客偏好同形提供價值,而在擴大規模的方法上有兩種做法1.提高製造效率 2.以體系力量擴大規模。從而建立結構地位。而在建立結構地位上則有3種方法:1.關鍵零組件控制 2.建立使用者依賴 3.建立技術標準同形。從而利用既有能耐開發新產品進行異質動作以擴大規模範疇,進行下一階段的體系規模、範疇循環。 五、產業價值鏈所遞送價值的質與量的改變是影響廠商作為的一大主因。 1.當產業遞送價值平均值低、變異數大時,消費者重視服務價值、品牌形象。 2.當產業遞送價值平均值升高,消費者重視產品價值在品牌形象、高品級。 3.當產業遞送價值變異數變小時,消費者重視價格低廉。 4.當產業遞送價值數增加時,產業將在陳列展售方式上發生變革,例如賣場面積變大、陳列價值種類增加。 / The ability of predicting the future in the turbulent environment is more and more important. The topic of the thesis is to explore the induxtry paradigm and recognize its paradigm shift and the trajectory and force of paradigm shift, furthermore, to find out evolutionary rules of industry. 1. The paradigm enhancing force comes from pledging for productive efficiency, the building process of bargaining power of buyers and suppliers, the forming of technical standard, the regulation and deregulation. To build supplier bargaining power is to control the core components, to build buyer bargaining power is to create the users' habit. 2. The paradigm destroying force comes from each dimension of value, efficiency, capability, structure, network, isomorphism. The more powerful force comes form the more latter dimension. 3. The trajectory of paradigm shift includes the following: a. To create research capability must based on productive efficiency. b. There is increasing return between the production capability and the agent activity network. c. Heterogeneous Strategy and the capability must cooperate to survive and success. 4. Chandler's Scale and Scope must revise as Network Scale and Scope. Films leverage its capability to a niche market and scale up by scale or network, then the film win a position of that market, the develop other derivative products and enter another industry, which completes a network scale and scople cycle. 5. The evolutionary rule of industry is measured by two dimensions: the quality and quantity of the delivered value in a industry. a. When the quantity goes up, the distribution channel of the industry will change with larger browsing space and more options to make decision. b. When the quality goes up, the average is still low but the deviation is large, the films will use brand equity and better product reliability to attract consumers. Then the average goes up, but the deviation is still large, the films maintain its brand equity and lure consumers by upper grade products. Then the deviation goes down, in the period, the procuct in the industry becomes a kind of commodity, and the only way to competitive is cutting price.

商業企劃書:使新材料在商業行為中成為產業標準 / The business plan of activating new material for formulating industrial standard in the commercial sector

陳詩薇, Chen, Ivy Unknown Date (has links)
商業企劃書:使新材料在商業行為中成為產業標準 / The Magnesium DX Series alloys, recognized as the metal of the future, have consistent durability and flexibility and are easily formed into various hard cases for mobile devices, sports, auto parts, and medical equipments. This alloy is 82% and 45% lighter than steel and aluminum, respectively, and is better for recycling and electromagnetic wave isolation than that of plastic and Carbon Fiber. To be the first company to produce the lightest commercial metal in the world, STAD, however, as normal Taiwan companies, is with very limited resources both for the R&D and the marketing budget. After 5 years hard working in development stage, STAD believes now is good chance to use this alloy (innovation) to change the competition situation by relocating the foregoing advantages through the mechanism of new material standard formulating. I hope to use this dissertation to apply the theoretical and empirical business learning from NCCU and my working experiences to propose the entire business plan. The BP will consist of the corporate background, management team, business model, marketing strategies, product roadmap, risk management, and projecting the financial plan.


簡銘杉 Unknown Date (has links)
有鑑於樂活觀念的興起,民眾開始希望能在生活習慣上有所改變,另一方面,對於邁入高齡化的社會,民眾罹患慢性、文明疾病的比率也在增高,而因為慢性、文明疾病所耗損的醫療資源及社會成本不斷攀升,樂活醫學苑將針對這樣的趨勢設計一套結合專業醫師、自然農業、醫學主題教育及生態旅遊的個人化健康促進方式,幫助都市中的樂活族(願意實行樂活生活者),或是患有慢性、文明疾病的患者改變生活習慣,並且讓願意自己做疾病控制的民眾,從此有一套實際可行的、健康的樂活生活型態。 這樣的生活型態是週間或工作時,可以在都市或家中透過網路來參與學習,及享受健康飲食。而假日或有空閒時,可以親自前往樂活醫學苑,實際體驗田園的耕作樂趣,或享受大自然的生態美景,也可進一步在健康休閒的活動參與中得到健康、醫學知識上的洗禮。 樂活醫學苑,不光是讓參與者得到身心健康的促進,也期望在新型態的樂活生活模式建立後,能夠進一步幫助幫助農民改善經濟收入,提高農民的社會地位及社會貢獻,促進農業轉型。同時,在我們成為生活在都市中的民眾的最佳生活模式或慢性、文明疾病控制的顧問後,也期望能為台灣社會節省不必要的醫療資源浪費及節省社會成本的支出。在我們所推行的樂活生活型態裡,積極的幫助參與者能體會大自然的重要性及鼓勵接觸、享受大自然,最後則希望能讓美好的自然環境得以永續長存。

台灣與英國於創意產業發展之於専業人才之消長 / How U.K. has succeed and what Taiwan can learn-comparing creative industries in Taiwan and in the U.K.

吳梓維, Wu, Angela Unknown Date (has links)
台灣與英國於創意產業發展之於専業人才之消長 / This paper is a study of the effects of in what areas that U.K. has succeed and in what areas that Taiwan can learn to better foster and promote its cultural and creative industry. The term “Creative Economy” is a key indicator to evaluate how developed a country has become in the context of creative and innovative presentations. The creative industries have enormous tangible and intangible ability to generate revenue domestically and internationally. According to the Creative Economy Report 2008, it is empirically evident that creative industries are among the most dynamic emerging sectors in global trade. Research shows that over the period 2000-2005, trade in creative goods and services increased at an unprecedented average annual rate of 8.7 percent. This is just one example of the importance of creative industries. As U.K. has been recognized as the pioneer in forming creative industry and Taiwan adopted the same framework; therefore, I would like to study and compare between these two countries, to see how the industries have been evolving in their human capital by focusing on ways in which both public and private sector should seek to develop this industry and how much benefit such development would bring, both in the short term and even more in the long term, to a competitive worldwide market. That said, this study will focus not just on the government plans, but will also reflect on wider areas of the achievement that U.K. has been making substantially as well as how effectiveness or ineffectiveness in the development of the creative industries affects changes in human capital in particular.

韓中兩國策略性產業發展政策比較分析:以電子產業為例 / A comparative analysis of Korea and China's strategic industry policy in electronic industry

金炫廷 Unknown Date (has links)
一直以來韓國與中國政府均將電子產業視為國家的策略性產業,在政策上給予諸多的扶持與關照,使得兩國電子產業快速發展,成為帶動國家經濟成長的重要動力。 本論文以此為出發點,透過韓國與中國的電子產業的產業政策,以及兩國「走出去」政策及其獎勵措施之比較,探討韓國與中國政府電子產業的發展概況,進而分析中國電子產業的發展潛力及其對韓國與台灣的影響。

聚光型太陽能產業之機會與挑戰 / Opportunities and challenges of high concentration photovoltaic industry

劉宇軒, Liu, Edward Unknown Date (has links)
聚光型太陽能產業之機會與挑戰 / The last couple of years have proved to be an eventful period for an emerging technology like CPV. CPV industry really needs real demonstrations at scale of technologies that have a clear pathway to costs per KWh or MWh that are competitive with traditional PV arrays. The industry also needs public datasets of performance, with 3rd party testing to provide credibility and clear expectations for operations and maintenance costs. Reliability and robustness of current designs need to be shown in scale of tens of MW and above to prove this technology’s bankability. Overall, due to weak demand and over capacity in the industry, CPV technologies will need to show clear pathways to low $/MWh costs, through demonstrated high energy yields, high reliability, and low-cost materials. CPV industry is viewed as being higher risk than traditional PV projects currently. While the technology has been around for a long time, successful long-term demonstrations with current-design technologies are in short supply. Delta Electronics was one of the foremost companies in Taiwan to start with the strategic alliance of Boeing-Spectrolab partnership to enter this market in late 2005, but decided to end the business in 2009 due to relocation of the internal resources.

台灣LCD產業的未來發展 / Taiwan LCD Industry: Tough Choices in an Ex-growth Industry

林明輝, Lin, Steven Unknown Date (has links)
3C(Computers、Communications and Consumer) products are very popular and the supply of 3C products fall short of demand recently. LCD becomes a very hot products because every 3C product is needed LCD to display information. That is one of the most impoet reason Taiwan becomes one of the most import LCD manufacture in the world. Because of the LCD industry, Taiwan's LCD industry could lead the entire economic prosperity; strengthen Taiwan's competitiveness in the world. Taiwan can become one of the importmrnt in the development of the thin film Transistor liquid crystal displaytechnology. TFT-LCD industry could lead the entire Taiwan's economic prosperity, strengthen Taiwan's competitiveness, but if there is no strong and supply chain support, it will affect Taiwan's TFT-LCD industry competitiveness. In the recently, we found some situation which are some compamies special Korean compamies dominate almost all the market shares. Taiwan companies such AUO and Chimei loss a lot of market shares in the world. In addition, Korean compamies make a lot of profit from saling TFT-LCD but Taiwan companies’ loss some profit from saling TFT-LCD. Because of the above reasons, in this reseach paper we are going to analysis of the LCD industry, analysis of LCD market structure, LCD industry model, Sharp and Foxconn case and suggestions. Because Taiwan companies such AUO and Chimei loss a lot of market shares and not make enough profit that is why we have the study motivation to create the suggestions to improve our TFT LCD market shares and profit for our TFT LCD industry. We will give some suggestions to our TFT LCD manufacturers to increase their TFT LCD market. In additiotn, we will also give some suggestion to our TFT LCD manufacturers to increase their sales on small size of TFT LCD.

LED照明產業的競合模型及因應策略之探討 – 以L公司為例 / LED lighting coopetition model and strategy - L company

蘇渝宏 Unknown Date (has links)
2008年以來,發光二極體(Light Emitting Diode, LED)照明已儼然成為大部分國家積極推展的新光源,蔚為未來照明市場主流相當明確。各大廠莫不加速步伐,積極切入爭取市場需求,期望在此新興高速成長市場上,有決定性的開始。但也因產業鏈上的巨大變化,如何在價值鏈上找出自己的定位,執行何種營運模式,做出差異化,成為勝敗關鍵之ㄧ。 個案公司為台灣LED產業之代表性企業,在台灣LED照明的發展也具指標性意義。本研究就以個案公司為研究對象,經由訪談及資料蒐集,做內外的競爭生態和價值鏈上的分析,再用五力模型探討個案公司在價值鏈上的競合模型與策略發展。 經過研究結果顯示,因LED照明產業廠家數目倍增,使得既有廠商直接競爭激烈,個案公司在客戶關係、核心競爭力,以及供應商結構,皆有相當的開發優勢,個案公司避免流於一般在供應鏈上的營運模式,結合其既有的核心競爭力和合作夥伴,定義需要的競合模型及策略步驟,順利踏入對其為新領域的照明產業,並成功的踏出第一步。 LED照明產業在高投資環境,高競爭態勢,專利及新應用上的限制,除了在產品技術上和成本控管上之競爭力,如能在價值鏈上如何做出應有的價值定位,配合發展策略,使其生意模式在價值鏈上產生差異化,擴大上中下游合作機會,甚至轉競爭為合作,共同擴大出海口,更是創造營收與利潤的決勝關鍵。


王哲民 Unknown Date (has links)
產業佈局,乃指一國產業在其領土範圍內所作的配置,而產業分工,謂之隱含在佈局背後各地區所具備的專業生產特色,因此佈局為表層,分工為裏層,且「地區」為兩者間分析、比較的基礎。由於產業的種類繁多,國家的領土也往往佔有一定的空間,因此兩者搭配的結果,產生了多種型態的產業佈局,也造成依循不同佈局下的產業分工。 對於一個領土遼闊的大國或是市場機制尚未完全自由運作的發展中國家,由於產業發展的空間寬廣,或是國力有限、急需得到進一步發展,因此必須專注於規劃該國產業的佈局,使其一方面達成區域的均衡發展,一方面達到產能的充份發揮,以提升其國力。而現今的中國大陸正好符合領土遼闊與經濟發展中兩項條件,所以產業佈局與產業分工對其格外重要,如何運用本身與境外、官方與民間的力量完善其產業佈局,強化其產業結構,以進一步提升其經濟成長,為各界所矚目的焦點。 數據資料顯示,九○年代中國大陸除了少數開採自然資源的產業偏向內陸地區外,絕大多數產業皆以東部沿海地區為主,且比重超過內陸甚多,特別是和日常生活相關的現代工業產品,近八成由此一地帶產出。但即便是東部沿海地區,區內各省的產出,甚至同一省內各縣市的產出也差異甚大,因此「不均衡」可說是中國大陸現今產業佈局的一大特色,也因此其地區產業分工是在此一前提下開展的。分析結果顯示,儘管東部各地在多項產出領先,但其專業項目集中各項輕工業與加工工業,中部則在農產加工業、採掘工業與原材料工業較具專業水準,而西部地帶儘管各項產出明顯落後,但採掘工業和原材料工業仍是其相對較發達的項目,也構成本地專業生產的重心。由此可知,在產出一面傾向東部的情形下,各地區仍有一定程度的專業發展方向。 造成中國大陸產業如此佈局的內部成因,除了自然因素,如土地、礦藏、能源的影響外,更重要的是受到人文條件,如資金、技術、和勞動力的限制。東部各省普遍在多項人文條件上領先中西部地區,廠商在此容易籌集資金、勞動力與技術等生產要素,其產品也容易在此尋獲市場,因而在中國大陸邁向市場經濟後,自然吸引大量企業進駐,造成東部地區多項工業的蓬勃發展,和內陸地區有明顯的差距。此外,由於中國大陸至今產權尚未完全私有化,中共的計畫體制仍具操控產業佈局的力量,特別在一些需要經濟規模且外資參與度不高的產業類別,如石化、鋼鐵、化學工業等。計劃體制介入產業生產的結果,儘管仍是以「效益」為發展的核心,但無疑地將會參雜了「公平」的考量,使內陸地區的佈局比重有所提升。同時,由於中共在各地計劃投入的方向並不完全相同,也因此在調整佈局比重時有助於產業分工的確立,進一步增進區域間的相互依存度。而在中國大陸對外開放後,外人投資與出口貿易成為影響其產業佈局的新因素。受到中共政策與前述人文條件的影響,外人投資與出口貿易九○年代仍多集終於東部沿海一代,且兩者高度相關。外人投資項目多為紡織、食品工業系統與機電類產品,所以也替這些項目的東移提供了新動力,促使其東部的佈局比重進一步提升。 產業如此密集分佈於中國大陸的東部,表此一地帶的效益應高於其他地區,利用財務報表中多種指標對不同地間作比較,可映證此一結果。中西部地區只有在部份指標上領先東部地區,且領先的原因多為受到部份省份極端值的影響,在扣除這些極端值後,地區間的佈局效益排序又多回到東高、中平、西低的情況。不過,就中國大陸整體而言,工業佈局效益仍就有相當大的改善空間,像產業規模的提升與分工的強化,都是急需改進的方向。中國大陸的工業儘管集中東部,但產業規模多屬小型企業,且市場機制的不健全又不利於產業的整合。小型企業雖有低價、產銷靈活等優點,但不利於結構提升與技術進步,且佈點分散的態勢也不於塑造出強而有力的分工格局,有礙於地區間的協調發展,並形成地方保護主義的溫床。 所幸,隨著市場機制的強化,各地區得以藉由價格指標逐步摸索出適宜本身發展的方向,不再盲目追求一些投資週期短、價高利大的加工產品,這反映在各地區都有不同的高增長產業,及地區產業結構的趨異。如此的變動態勢,儘管道下世紀初,中國大陸東部地帶仍是產業分佈的重點,多項產業的比重甚至還會增加,但增長的幅度較現今已有所降低,且隨著各地產業增長方向的不同,將造成產業規模的提升,分工型態的改變與分工程度的增加。為此,未來中國大陸的分工型態將趨向水平分工與垂直分工交相混合,如此將有利原本層級較低的產業分工演進到較高的產品分工、零件分工。各地區在分工的格局上也將由單純的資源型或加工型轉向資源與加工相結合,在加工業極發達的地區,由於對原材料需求量大,會相應的發展滿足本地加工所需原材料工業;而以農礦資源為專業的省區,為了提升其產品的附加價值,會以其產出為基礎,在本地發展適宜的加工業。如此,以價格體系作指標所產生的分工,才是真正有利於全體福利的分工,各地區與產業本身都能從中獲利,並協調彼此間的關係。

台灣製閥產業轉型策略之研究 / Research on strategic transformation of Taiwan valve industry

楊蕎綺 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣製閥產業曾經在世界閥製品市場佔有一席之地,但隨著產業由成熟邁入衰退期,廠商紛紛外移、供應鏈上游亦逐漸式微、人才流失,加上海外市場的競爭對手紛紛興起,並挾其廉價勞力及政府政策協助之優勢,讓台灣製閥廠商面臨極大的生存壓力。故近年來廠商積極轉型,期望有效運用在地資源,再造競爭優勢。故本研究目的在於探討:(1) 瞭解台灣製閥產業的發展歷程及競爭優勢的轉換過程 (2) 探討台灣製閥產業未來可發展之策略 (3) 提供第三方單位協助製閥產業可發展方向之建議。 本研究發現,個案的製閥廠商因源起於鄰近地理位置,在資源、訊息與技術相互流通的情況下,讓各家廠商起初的發展路徑相似。而在產業內發展的過程中,透過幫國際大廠代工的方式,各家廠商建立學習曲線,不僅從中發展出屬於自身的核心能力,亦透過第三方單位(如工研院、金屬中心)的協助,紛紛由產業鏈價值最低的生產製造端走出,朝前端的技術研發及後端的通路品牌發展。 本研究亦發現,製閥產業群聚提供廠商難以模仿之競爭利基,故建議廠商應善加利用在地資源 (例如協力廠商相鄰,構成綿密的供應網),促成廠商間的合作,形成垂直式與水平式的策略聯盟,以進行聯合採購、重新定位共同品牌、參與共同研發平台、加強電子資訊平台之運作,最終目標希望能成為亞洲區或世界製閥產業供應鏈的採購中心,再造台灣製閥廠商的競爭優勢。

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