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生技產業新藥廠商獲利模式之探討-以某生技公司為例單鴻斌, Shann, Horng Bin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究期望能提供給生技產業中的新藥公司做為訂定公司中長期策略目標與獲利模式方針的參考。 / The featured company for this research is Case Study Company, which specializes in the research and development of new biotech medications. Case Study Company possesses its own technological platform for the development of new monoclonal antibody (mAb) medicines, and said platform embodies the highest level of fully human mAb technologies available in the field. Due to the company’s characteristics of long R&D periods and substantial investments in research, coupled with the fact that the company has few product lines for new medications and its simple model of profit generation, Case Study Company would stand to face significant operational risks and an inability to effectively improve its performance and earnings. This will continue if it only relies on the licensing out of new drugs that it has developed with its exclusive technologies and banking on the royalties as its primary source of profit. And as such, this research shall attempt to explore other solutions that would accelerate the pace of licensing and the generation of royalties based on the company’s existing business model or to seek other means for the company to boost its earnings more rapidly and effectively. The goal of this research is to enhance the company’s business model and expand the company’s sources of profit so as to achieve profit channel diversification without being confined to specific type or format of profit generation.
From the analysis of the primary data (from the interviews) and secondary data, together with the findings, this research proposed three solutions that would help the company to strengthen its business model. First, adopt a joint-development model. Currently, major international pharmaceutical companies are pre-emptively seeking suitable partners for collaboration in the new drug market and with opportunities for advance cooperation; the company will be able to rapidly improve its operational performance. Second, adopt a commissioned-R&D model. A model whereby the company commissions another organization to handle relevant design and development will be able to create more opportunities for profit for the company in question. Third, adopt a re-licensing model by acquiring new target drugs externally and relicensing said drugs to clients. Such a model would help the company to shorten its development lead-time and thereby improve the odds that it will be able to re-license the new drugs at an earlier time. This would accelerate the collection of royalties and profit generation for the company.
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生技產業創投評價模式之研究 / Venture Capital Valuation Model for Biotech Industry張志豪, Chang, Chih Hao Unknown Date (has links)
依據此評價模式,並考量數據取得難易度及可類比否,故選擇已上市櫃之公司-台灣東洋及濟生化學為樣本分析公司。實證結果顯示,東洋的合理價值區間為每股8.97~30.83元之間;濟生的合理價值區間為每股4.37~24.74元之間。除用股價淨值比計算出濟生之評估價值較實際股價略高以外,其他皆低於實際股價,故本評價模式具實用性。 / What is a biotech company really worth? The question is often faced by corporation, venture capitals, and investors alike who may be putting their capital at risk in a biotechnology company. Unfortunately, there is no definitive answer to the question; no standardized valuation methodology can be applied universally in order to determine investment value. Additionally, there is no method to isolate any specific scenario or state with a reasonable degree of certainty, valuation of a biotech company appears to be a challengeing endeavour.
The objectives of the research are to analyze and investigate the value of biotech company from venture capital perspective. From the assessment of the research, an evaluation model to identify any potential investment opportunities in the biotech industry is considered to be effective.
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A公司轉投資生技產業之個案研究 / A case study on company A's investment in the biotechnology industry黃毓華 Unknown Date (has links)
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創新能力對台灣及美國生技產業公司財務績效的影響 / The impact of innovation on firm's financial performance of biotechnology industry in Taiwan and in US唐惠萍, Tang, Hui-Ping Unknown Date (has links)
Tobin’s q 和以會計帳面盈餘為基礎的績效指標資產報酬率(ROA);創新能
整體來說,創新能力對於公司與市場價值相關的績效指標Tobin’s q 的
技產業的競爭力將能逐漸提升。 / The purpose of this study is to prove that firm’s innovation ability has a significantly
positive effect on firm’s performance in Taiwan biotechnology and compare the
results to those in US biotechnology industry. Through this study, we want to show
investors that firm’s innovation ability can contribute to firm’s financial performance
and increase profitable investment opportunities. Then investors can be more
confident that firm’s innovation ability can contribute to financial performance and
bring more profitable investment opportunities. Therefore, investors would be willing
to invest more capital in this industry and firms can have enough capital to do R&D
and develop innovation abilities. Tobin’s q and ROA are used to represent the
market-based performance and accounting-based performance respectively. As for the
innovation, we adopt R&D intensity and the number of patents as the proxy variables.
Although previous studies prove that innovation has a positive effect on firm’s
performance, fewer of them focus on such relationship in Taiwan biotechnology
industry. This study fills the gap by providing empirical results to examine if this
relationship is held in biotechnology industry in Taiwan.
The empirical results show that US biotechnology firms place significantly more
emphasis on R&D investment than Taiwan firms do but Taiwan firms tend to invest
more and more in R&D during the research period. As a whole, innovation has a
significant and positive effect on Tobin’s q in Taiwan and in US, and patent also has
significant and positive effect on Tobin’s q in both regions. However, R&D intensity
is negatively related to ROA only significant in US. Patent is significantly positive
related to ROA in Taiwan and in US.
In addition, the impacts of innovation on firm’s performance vary in different
countries and industries because of different development stages, degree of
competition and related regulations and so on.
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新創生技公司個案分析 - 以Theranos公司為例 / A Case Study of Biotechnology Startup Companies - In Example of Theranos, Inc.曾哲揚, Tseng, Tse Yang Unknown Date (has links)
此案例分析結果可提供台灣新創生技廠商參考學習,除可藉此案例了解技術基礎與行銷活動的重要性外,亦可從中學習到:把握市場機會、運用優勢爭取合作機會、注重行銷的整合性、善用背書效果與媒體、注意法律規範風險、確保關鍵技術的可信度、注意危機溝通,及注意團隊成員選擇...等事項之重要性。 / Life sciences industry has been seen as the star industry in the future and has been selected as the centerpiece of Taiwan's industrial transformation policy. How can a biotechnology startup company develop successful is going to be an important issue we must concern about.
In this study, the most representative and controversial case in biotechnology startup companies in 2015 - Theranos, Inc. has been chosen as the research subject. "4C Framework of Strategic Marketing Analysis" and "Strategic Pattern Analysis" are used to analyze the company's strategic pattern and key success factors during the period before the critical incidents happened. The critical incidents' effects upon the company, the appropriateness of its crisis management actions, and its future development strategies are also discussed in this study. The purpose of this study is to provide information for Taiwan's biotechnology companies as a reference for strategy development, resource allocation and crisis management.
We found that before the critical incidents happened, the company's blood examination service had lower overall transaction cost due to its lower cost of utility. The company was highly vertically integrated, relied on endorsement effects, and owned unique partnership which contributed to its special distribution channels. In this period of time, its key success factors included: industry trend and market demand, research ability, examination ability, marketing ability, team member and business partner, and finance. After the critical incidents happened, the company's examination ability, marketing activities, and distribution channels have been adversely affected. And although we cannot make a final conclusion about the effects of its crisis management actions now, its deficiencies in communication has already resulted in huge damage to its reputation. Until today, some information about key factors which might affect the company's future development still remains unknown to the public. Depends on the actual status of the company, its possible development strategies include: go bankrupt, narrow down the scope of business, or keep expanding.
This case study shows the importance of both technology and marketing in biotechnology companies. And the study results provide some practical suggestions to Taiwan's biotechnology companies, which include: seize the market opportunities, use company's specialty to build up partnership, the importance of integrated marketing, usage of endorsement effect and media, beware of the legal risk, make sure of the reliability of company's key technology, the importance of crisis communication, and the importance of choose the team members.
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食品產業轉向生物技術產業發展之實證研究-動態能耐的觀點陳怡均 Unknown Date (has links)
本文以多角化作為轉向之定義,並以Teece et al.(1997)提出之動態能耐架構分析研究個案轉向歷程。研究方式採用個案研究法以及質化研究法,深度訪談味全、黑松、卜蜂和金車四家企業的高階經理人,獲得以下五點結論:
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我國國家生物技術研究機構技術移轉機制之探討張正平, Chang, Cheng-Ping Unknown Date (has links)
本研究中的每個研究機構在組織定位、發展歷程、技術類型、組織文化等皆不盡相同,但在我國生技產業發展上皆扮演重要且關鍵角色。希望能藉由個案研究比較分析出各單位在運作機制上的相似處與不同處,更加釐清各研究機構在整個國家創新體系及產業發展的角色與位置。研究目的包括:1. 瞭解研究機構在智慧財產權保護和技術移轉上的運作機制。 2. 探討推動國內生物技術產業發展過程中,研究機構與產業界間連結互動有的關鍵因素。 3. 在研究機構的策略發展和遇到的困難,對於機構內部組織上與政府生技產業政策的推動上給予適當建議。
1. 技轉單位需要得到機構高層的支持,同時很多重要的技轉案會採跨單位的專案形式為之,整個技轉過程需要跨領域的團隊合作。
2. 在技轉單位內部的運作上,近年開始有將專利業務與技術推廣業務分開之改變,這樣的改變效果短時間還不是很明顯。
3. 專利申請維護的預算也普遍成為技轉單位當下遇到的問題之一。研究機構著重於專利品質,以更貼近產業與市場需求,進而強化技術移轉之成效。
4. 國內在技術移轉後的相互回饋機制略顯不足,仍須再建立更細緻的互動機制來強化後續的技術商品化。
5. 現階段國內生技產業發展不蓬勃,也沒有成功的個案公司,廠商普遍經營困難。研究機構在生物技術移轉會給予比較大的彈性,讓技術繼續開發下去為原則。
6. 技術移轉是相當複雜與專業性高的領域,與市場互動至關密切。而政府在政策上應放在著眼於公平交易與經濟發展方面。現今經濟部已經廢除研發成果『專屬授權』限制的相關規定。然而,在研發成果『境外實施』上的政策法令,仍有許多爭議有待政府重視與鬆綁法令。
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生物科技公司之投資與評價-以P生技公司為例陳慧玲 Unknown Date (has links)
但因生技醫藥公司之投資的評估考量與傳統評價模式有差異,生技醫藥公司之營運,通常需要先投入數年的研發,開發出具有市場潛力的產品或技術、並取得專利後,再透過授權或合作方式,向有意承接之單位或藥廠收取前期金(up-front payment)或研究經費(research fund),以及收取各階段的里程金(milestone payment),待產品成功上市後,生技醫藥公司再依銷售金額,分配到一定比率的授權金。上述的收入或獲利過程,往往長達4到7年,而其收入結構因合作模式的差別而有不同的組合變化。如果依一般公認的會計原則認列損益,將造成公司某一年有一大筆收入,但接下來幾年收入可能都掛零的現象。不但無法反映生技公司的真正營運狀況,亦可能造成投資人或主管單位的誤解,這正是生技公司價值無法依傳統評價模式進行評估的原因。
關鍵字:生技產業、公司評價、風險調整淨現值、折現率 / Due to the rapid growth of the biotechnology industry, it is now considered the hottest industry after the information technology industry. Unlike the traditional production industry (the labor intensive) or the electronic industry, the biotechnology requires higher R&D costs, and usually the life span of its product lasts longer, which leads to a certain barrier in this particular field. Although the return of investment tends to be profitable if the product succeeds, yet the lengthy R&D process still makes the business highly risky.
The innovation of intangible assets is the main value of biotechnology; in other words, this is a knowledge-intensive industry, and it is hard to measure the potential risks and returns through traditional evaluation models. Hence, the main purpose of this study is to evaluate how a biotechnology company is worth.
This study will be mainly focus on “Bio-Pharmaceutical”, which includes New Drugs, Medical Devices and Instruments, Diagnostic Reagents and Platforms, Agricultural Biotech, Health Care Products, and Contract Services. A large number of biotechnology companies have viewed pharmaceuticals as their target market since 1997. Cleary, the Bio-Pharmaceutical is regarded as the mainstream of this industry.
Owing to the different models of evaluation as mentioned earlier, biotechnology industry is different from the traditional ones. Biotech companies usually need to go through a long-range research process before developing a success product or technique, and they will usually authorize the selling rights to a partner in order to demand the up-front payment, research funds, and the follow up milestone payments. If the product hits the market, the companies will be paid with a certain ratio royalty. The process generally takes about 4 to 7 years, and the revenue varies depending on the partnership. It is possible for a company to have a huge gain in one particular year and then a deficit for the coming years if the financial condition is viewed from the general accepted accounting principles. Not only does it not reflect the real situation of a biotech company, but also misleads investors and regulatory authorities. This is why the value of a biotech company needs to be reconsidered in different ways, not the traditional ones.
How, then, can we put a price tag on biotechnology? The best solution is to evaluate a biotechnology by estimating its risk-adjusted net present value (rNPV). To illustrate the rNPV method, the study has created a hypothetical scenario. Through the case study, we have arrived at a realistic value of a bio-company even at early R&D stages. Using the rNPV, researchers and potential investors can price the bio-company that they are considering selling, investing in or acquiring.
Keywords:Biotechnology Industry、Evaluation、rNPV、Discount Rate
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新藥臨床試驗制度在生技產業政策推動過程中變遷之探討 / The study on the institutional change of new drug clinical trials in biotechnology industry promotion policies鄭居元, Cheng, Chu Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的在探討台灣生技產業科技政策推動過程中所引發之爭議:臨床試驗(clinical trials)產業化,並以台灣地區自1960年代末期至2010年臨床試驗發展的制度變遷為研究標的,尤其是其中之生技產業政策推動及臨床試驗制度變遷,以說明該爭議如何發生及為何發生。
為發展台灣生物技術產業,行政院於2005年起推動生醫科技島(biomedical technology island)計畫,將原先為生物技術產業發展基礎設施的臨床試驗作為政策推動的主體,引發臨床試驗產業化的爭議。一般認為,此爭議是來自於促進產業發展與維護國民健康之間的利益衝突。
本研究經由制度變遷(institutional change)的觀點,探索台灣地區臨床試驗發展的歷程,認為上述臨床試驗產業化的爭議不只是產業推動與國民健康間的衝突,而是與台灣地區自1960年代末期至2010年生技產業政策推動與臨床試驗制度變遷有關。
台灣地區推動生物技術的科技政策始於1982年行政院修訂「科學技術發展方案(science technology development program」,明訂生物技術為八大重點科技之一,而後有1995年的行政院「加強生物技術產業推動方案(biotechnology industry promotion program」,2005年的行政院「生醫科技島計畫」等科技政策,本研究發現不同時期的科技政策賦予臨床試驗不同的意義,而不同時期臨床試驗的發展,其不同時期的行動者【產、官、學、研、醫】-- 包含政策決策者與政策參與者 -- 在臨床試驗制度變遷的過程中產生行動的差異;而在不同時期臨床試驗的發展階段,不同的官方行動者 -- 治理機構(governance agency)【衛生署、國科會、經濟部、科技顧問組等】,對於臨床試驗議題有不同程度的涉入。
台灣地區臨床試驗的發展在生技產業政策的型塑下,由原先之學術研究,階段性轉向協助產業發展。2005年行政院生醫科技島計畫,將臨床試驗作為政策推動的主體,擴大醫界參與生物技術產業發展,而醫界主要以醫療服務為主的制度邏輯(institutional logics)與科技政策形塑下產業發展的制度邏輯不一致(contradictions),因而引發臨床試驗產業化的爭議。
本研究發現對於科技政策的意涵為:在制訂與推動科技政策的過程中,唯有同時瞭解產業發展的歷史脈絡,才能避免產生非預期的結果(例如爭議)。本研究除探討生技產業政策推動過程中臨床試驗的制度變遷與變遷過程中所衍生的爭議,並將探討未來可能的研究方向。 / The study is intended to explore a controversy derived from the Taiwan biotechnology industry promotion by government policies, industrialization of clinical trials. The study targets the institutional change of the clinical trials and the policies for biotechnology industry promotion in Taiwan from the late 1960’s through 2010 to explain why and how the controversy was incurred.
In order to develop the Taiwan biotechnology industry, the Executive Yuan implemented a Biomedical Technology Island program beginning 2005 to focus on clinical trials -- supposedly the infrastructure of biotechnology technology development -- but resulted in the controversy about the initiative of industrialization of clinical trials. It is reputedly because there is a conflict of interest between industry development promotion and how to maintain national healthcare.
From the perspective of institutional change, the study explores the evolution of clinical trials in Taiwan, holding that the aforementioned controversy is not only a conflict of interest between industry development promotion and how to maintain national healthcare but also a consequence of the institutional change of the clinical trials and biotechnology promotion by government policies from the late 1960’s through 2010.
The biotechnology industry promotion in Taiwan began with the Executive Yuan’s revision of its Science Technology Development program in 1982, designating the biotechnology as one of the eight strategic industries. The Executive Yuan followed through with a Biotechnology Industry Promotion program in 1995 and the Biomedical Technology Island program in 2005. The study finds that science and technology policies in different periods of time endowed clinical trials with different meanings while discrepant actions on clinical trials were taken by both policy makers and policy executors including the industry, government organizations, academia, research institutes and the medical community in different periods of time. The study also finds that different governance agencies, such as the Department of Health, Ministry of Economic Affairs, National Science Council as well as Science and Technology Advisory Group of the Executive Yuan, had different levels of involvement with the development of clinical trials in different periods of time.
Molded by the government’s biotechnology policies, clinical trials in Taiwan have evolved from the nature of academic research to assistance to industry development. The Biomedical Technology Island program beginning 2005 focuses on clinical trials and strengthens the medical community’s participation in biotechnology development, but the institutional logics of the medical community is primarily about medical service and its contradictions with the institutional logics of biotechnology industry development have resulted in the controversy about industrialization of clinical trials.
A science and technology policy implication identified by the study is that unexpected outcomes, such as the controversy dealt with herein, can only be avoided by understanding the historical context of an industry when the government develops and promotes the relevant policies for the industry. Moreover, the study will explore possible research directions in the future.
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生技產業營運模式之研究--以邰港科技為例蕭筱婷, Hsiao, Hsiao-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
一、 找出與公司既有核心能力相關的發展方向。
二、 積極運用產學合作培植有發展潛力的技術。
三、 發展自有品牌、透過結盟方式加強行銷通道的建構。
四、 採取以小養大、以短養長的模式轉型或發展生技產業較適宜。
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