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Python平行化在SCMDS上之應用 / The application of parallel Python in SCMDS李沛承, Lee, Pei Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
近年來資料產生的數量遠超過過去可處理的數量,以現今的個人電腦使用傳統的方法已經無法處理大資料的運算與分析,所以改善傳統的方法與平行化為必經的方向,本論文以拆解合成-多元尺度法的平行化為主要討論對象,除了介紹Python程式語言及其相關套件如何撰寫平行化程式,我們將拆解合成-多元尺度法從原本的單核心版本改進為多核心版本,並且探索拆解合成-多元尺度法在平行化過程中的計算效能,藉以了解拆解合成-多元尺度法在平行化計算時的參數要如何設定,使得平行化的SC-MDS可以有最高的計算效率。經實驗證明多核心底下的SC-MDS平行化又把SC-MDS單核心的效能做個再次的提升。 / In recent years, the number of generated data is growing fast such that it is infeasible to process by using traditional methods. So improving traditional methods and developing paralled computing methods are important issues. The main contribution of this thesis is to delelope the parallel version of the split-and-combine multidimensional scaling method(SC-MDS). We will fistly introduce fundamental python program, the basic python packages and the python multi-core program. Then we will implement the serial core version of SC-MDS to the multi-core version. Moreover, we will discover the efficiency of the multi-core version of SC-MDS. Then we can understand how to determine the parameters of the parllel version of SC-MDS. By our experimental results, we successfully implement the serial core of SC-MDS to the faster parallel version of SC-MDS.
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多核心都市地價空間結構型態之研究-以台北市為例 / The spatial structure of land price of polycentric city - A case study in Taipei林倩玫, Lin, Chan May Unknown Date (has links)
第二部份則為了解各核心對地價影響情形,及在空間上互動關係進行多核心模型之測試。研究發現地價為都市空間中多核心互動的結果。而相同屬性、規模的核心間有排斥效果,不同屬性、規模的核心間則有吸引效果。藉由多核心之分散健全發展,與交通建設之密切配合,將可使都市之地價及都市空間結構更加健全發展。 / This research is divided to two parts. First part is to test the structural variance of the land price which extends by CBD. The method, the cubic spline function, is flexible and it can match the need of the polycentric city. From the test, we find the different directions which will affect the spatial structural variance of the land price. But the factor of the direction isn't included in the hypothesis of the traditional monocentric model, and it can't be described the true spatial structure of modern city sufficiently.
Another is the test that to understand the land price variance situation by the different centers and the interactions of them.By this test, it shows that land price is the result of the polycentric interactions of urban spatial structure. We also find there is a repelling effect between the same character and scale centers; vise versa.
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