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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

漢語失語症病人的音律表現:字長與基頻的聲學研究 / Speech Prosody in Chinese Broca's and Wernicke's Aphasics: An Acoustic Investigation of Duration and Fundamental Frequency Contour

薩文蕙, Sah, Wen Hui Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討漢語失語症病人於字長及句子基頻兩方面的掌控能力,並試圖檢驗以音律(prosody)表現完好與否來區分Broca氏及Wernicke氏兩種失語症病人的有效性,以期對漢語失語症病人的音律表現有進一步認識。   我們針對六個音律特性(prosodic features)進行聲學分析。實驗結果顯示不同音律特性的損壞其彼此間是可分離的(dissociable)。此外,就病人的音律表現而言,Broca氏病人的音律並非全面性的損壞,他們仍能掌控某些音律特性的表現(如句尾基頻的下降趨勢);而另一個方面,Wernicke氏病人未如一般預期保有完整的音律表現,其語言優勢半球的操作連帶影響了這些病人於字長與語句基頻的掌握能力。因此,若僅以音律一詞來界定,而不釐清是以音律的那些特性作比較,未免失之籠統,以致無法作出有效的失語症分類判斷。 / According to clinical observations, Broca's aphasics are characterized by dysprosody, while wernicke's aphasics are regarded as having normal prosody. From the crosslinguistic viewpoint, the present study aims to examine chinese aphasics' ability in f<sub>0</sub> programming and timing control and to assess if the prosodic dichotomy between dysprosody of Broca's aphasics and normal prosody of wernicke's aphasics is valid for aphasics of tone languages, i.e., chinese aphasics.   By means of acoustic analysis, six prosodic features are investigated: sentence-final lengthening, F<sub>0</sub> range, sentence-final peak-to-valley F<sub>0</sub> fall, the breath-group pattern, the declination pattern, and the P1 effect. The results indicate that Broca's subjects exhibit normal tendency of sentence-final peak-to-valley F<sub>0</sub> fall, though they have deficits in producing other prosodic features. On the other hand, wernicke's aphasics have disturbances in controlling F<sub>0</sub> range, and producing the declination and the breath-group patterns and sentence-final lengthening, though they remain intact in producing other prosodic features. The information obtained here points out the separate disruption of prosodic features in aphasic speech and disputes the validity of differentiating Broca's from wernicke's aphasia in terms of "dysprosody" or "normal prosody". The problem with this prosodic dichotomy is that the concept about prosody is used in a too general way. It is suggested that when we use prosody as the defining symptom, we should specify which aspect of it is involved to make the classification viable.

漢語失語症病人聲調錯誤之心理語言學研究 / A Psycholinguistic Study On Aphasic Tone Errors In Mandarin

陳倩□, Chen,Chien-Shien Unknown Date (has links)
正常人的語誤中可以取得在心理語言上何為音韻單位的證據,近來有許多針對失語症的病人語誤的研究,發現失語症病人的語誤也可當做測試語言表徵的重要來源資料。   本研究針對失語症病人在聲調方面表現,做聲調錯誤頻率分佈、語境影響錯誤、以及錯誤方向種類之分析 然後將整失語症病人聲調表現的分析跟心理語言學語言產出機制作連結。   本研究結果顯示,漢語失語症病人聲調表現上第四生錯誤雖然最多,但第四聲在漢語裡原本出現的頻率就最高,所以第四聲不應被認為對失語症病人最為困難。而第三聲雖然在漢語裡出現頻率最低,卻佔了失語症病人聲調錯誤頻率第二高位,因此我們判斷第三聲對失語症病人來說是最為困難的聲調。第二,我們發現漢語失語症病人聲調錯誤受語境影響比正常人低。第三,漢語失語症病人聲調錯誤裡,語境影響語誤之方向性中,錯誤來源在語誤出現前類型較多。第四,我們發現Dell的連續模型(connectionist model),可以解釋失語症病人在聲調錯誤類型偏好原因。 / Naturally occurring speech errors have been used as evidence for testing the psychological reality of phonological units. A number of researchers start to look at evidence from aphasic speech for testing linguistic representation so the phenomena of aphasia provide tests of the validity of certain aspects of linguistic theory.   In this thesis, tone errors made by aphasics were examined and related overall analyses to psycholinguistic models of speech production. In light of the analysis of tone frequency in Mandarin written texts and oral data and tone errors produced by aphasics, relating issues concerning the research questions we put forward were elucidated. First, it seems that tone 4 is the most problematic tone for the aphasics in terms of error rate since tone 4 occurs the most often in errors. However, tone 4 errors intrinsically will occur more that other three tones because of its highest incidence in Mandarin. Thus, tone 4 may not be taken as the most difficult tone for aphasics merely from its high error rate. Second, the results indicated that non-contextual errors constitute most of the aphasic errors. Third, it has been shown that perseveration is a cross-linguistic feature of aphasia. Fourth, Dell’s connectionist model is proved to be able to account for and make predictions about the error patterns found in both aphasic and normal speech.

漢語失語症病患的自我修補模式 / Self-repair patterns of mandarin aphasics

廖儷雲, Liao, Li Yun Unknown Date (has links)
失語症病患(aphasic patients)的研究對於語言的運作機制提供了一些訊息,讓我們能從不同的角度認識大腦的運作。本篇研究的目的在於探討失語症病患的自我修補表現(self-repair performance),我們利用一套具有五大自我修補項目的分類系統分析病患的表現並將參與研究的四位失語症病人區分為流利型(fluent)以及非流利型(non-fluent)病患,之後再分別將四位病人與其治療師一對一的各別談話錄音、譯寫。在流利型的組別之中,我們收集了207個威尼克病患(Wernicke’s aphasics)的自我修補語料,而在非流利型組別當中,則收集了347個布洛卡病患(Broca’s aphasics)的自我修補語料。 結果顯示,威尼克病患與布洛卡病患在自我修補的整體表現基本上是相似的,也就是說,在這五大項目的自我修補模式中,他們使用每一項的頻率是沒有顯著差異的。因此,我們認為自我修補是一種溝通能力的表現,而這樣的能力並不會受到病人各自的語言缺陷所影響。然而,我們得知兩種類型的病患在自我修補的表現上,依然具有一些細微的不同。威尼克病患使用了較多的填補模式(the completion pattern),這或許與他們較流暢的表達能力有關係,因為他們能較不費力的把尚未完整說出的詞彙補述完成。布洛卡病患則是使用了較多的取代模式(the substitution pattern),這或許是因為他們的理解能力較好,幫助他們監控了自己說話裡頭的錯誤並進而修正。 此外,比較中文正常說話者與失語症病患的表現,我們發現每一種自我修補項目被使用的比率亦是相似的。這種情況或許提供了一種證明,表示我們在使用自我修補的模式上,都有一種共同的傾向(universal tendency)。 總結來說,在自我修補的表現上,影響失語症病患的三個可能因素是1、在語言處理過程中的複雜度。2、不同類型病人各自具有的語言缺陷。3、每一種自我修補模式所具有的實用性。 / Studies of aphasic patients provide more information for understanding mechanisms of language processing, since we can know more details of the human brain from a different perspective. The purpose of this study is to investigate self-repair performance of aphasics. A classification system made up of five major categories was adopted to analyze their performance. We divided four patients into fluent and non-fluent groups and collected conversation recordings of these four therapist—patient dyads. In fluent group, 207 self-repairs were recognized in the conversation between therapists and Wernicke’s (fluent) patients. In the non-fluent group, 347 self-repairs were found in the conversation between therapists and Broca’s (non-fluent) patients. Results indicated that the overall self-repair performance of Wernicke’s (fluent) and Broca’s (non-fluent) aphasics was similar. That is, the distribution frequency in the five categories was not significantly different. We therefore suggest that the self-repair performance is a communication-oriented ability, and it is not interfered by specific language deficits. However, there were still subtle differences between the two patient groups. We speculate that the relative higher percentage of the completion pattern in Wernicke’s (fluent) group is due to their rather fluent production ability, since they can fulfill an unfinished word without too much difficulty. On the other hand, Broca’s (non-fluent) patients used more of the substitution pattern. That is, they can detect the problems within their own speech and further correct them. This could be attributed to the self-monitoring ability brought by their better comprehension. In addition, comparing with the studies of Mandarin normal speakers (Chui, 1996; Tseng, 2006), we found that the distribution frequency of each self-repair pattern in aphasic patients was similar with the distribution in normal speakers. This similarity might indicate a universal tendency of the self-repair use. In sum, there are three possible factors affecting the self-repair performance of aphasics, they are the processing difficulty, the linguistic deficits of different patients, and the value of the repair pattern.

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