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漢語中的字彙產出:以連續話語中的縱向聚合詞誤為例 / Word Production in Mandarin Chinese: Evidence from paradigmatic errors in spontaneous speech陳慧盈, Chen,Huei ying Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討如何將漢語中詞彙的產出,建構在過去的語言生成模型(speech production model)之上。
在過去文獻中,語言生成模型主要有兩大流派:序列模型(serial-ordering model)主張各階段的激活過程只能單向進行,而連接模型(connectionist model)則允許各階段之間有雙向互動。此外,兩大模型闡述綜合性詞誤 (同時在語意及語音方面相關的詞誤)的生成也略有不同:序列模型認為綜合性詞誤起因於功能層次(functional level)與位置層次(positional level)同時發生錯誤,但若綜合性語誤的比例顯著高於機率,則較不支持此說法;連接模型則認為綜合性詞誤來自音系層(phonological stage)和詞條層(lemma stage)間的交互作用,倘若大部分的縱向聚合詞誤(paradigmatic errors)皆具有語音相似度,此說法較能得到驗證。
另外,語料分析的結果也顯示出漢語詞彙產出的特性。第一、在詞彙提取的過程中,字首比語音特徵和韻母扮演了更重要的角色,這同時也支持音節結構應以字首(C)和韻母劃分(CV/CVC)的假設;第二、聲調效應的顯著顯示聲調應存在於字彙的底層結構,因此聲調的促發應先於詞彙結的激化;第三、目標詞彙(target)的音節結構應在音系層的初期就已指定,因此有相同音節結構的詞彙結容易勝出。綜合以上可知,漢語的生成過程較傾向連接模型的架構,唯聲調和音節結構等語言特色宜納入模型討論。 / This study aims to investigate the process of word production in Mandarin, to see how it can be structured in previous models.
Speech production models have two primary sects—the serial-ordering model versus the connectionist model—arguing for uni-directional and bi-directional activation respectively. Besides, between these two models, the generation of both semantically- and phonologically-related lexical errors (mixed errors) is different. On the one hand, the serial-ordering model (Garrett, 1988) interpreted mixed errors as malfunctions occur at both functional and positional level. It may not be favored if mixed errors occur more than chance in the corpus. On the other hand, the connectionist model (Dell, 1986) explained it as the feedback activation from the phonological level back to the lemma level. It would be supported if most paradigmatic substitutions show phonological similarities.
Therefore, in order to facilitate the phonological similarities in lexical substitutions, 421 single-syllable paradigmatic (non-contextual) lexical errors collected in natural settings are examined. It is found that the percentage of mixed errors is significantly higher. Moreover, in the corpus the initialness, similarity, rhyme, syllable structure and tone effects are all prominent, which proves the joint effect of semantic and phonology in word selection. In other words, the connectionist network might better account for the processing of Mandarin.
In addition, the analysis reveals certain issues of word-production in Mandarin. First, initials are primary activation units in word retrieval, rather than phonetic features or rhymes. It also supports the division of hierarchical syllable structure as an onset (C) and rhyme (VC/CVC). Secondly, the significance of tone effect suggests that tone may be stored in the underlying phonological organization of lexicons and thus is prior in word-activation. Thirdly, the syllable structure of the target is assigned at the beginning of phonological stage and thus lexical nodes with the same syllable structure tend to be selected. In conclusion, the analysis proves that the connectionist model could be applied to Mandarin Chinese if the status of tone and syllable structure is included.
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漢語失語症病人聲調錯誤之心理語言學研究 / A Psycholinguistic Study On Aphasic Tone Errors In Mandarin陳倩□, Chen,Chien-Shien Unknown Date (has links)
本研究針對失語症病人在聲調方面表現,做聲調錯誤頻率分佈、語境影響錯誤、以及錯誤方向種類之分析 然後將整失語症病人聲調表現的分析跟心理語言學語言產出機制作連結。
本研究結果顯示,漢語失語症病人聲調表現上第四生錯誤雖然最多,但第四聲在漢語裡原本出現的頻率就最高,所以第四聲不應被認為對失語症病人最為困難。而第三聲雖然在漢語裡出現頻率最低,卻佔了失語症病人聲調錯誤頻率第二高位,因此我們判斷第三聲對失語症病人來說是最為困難的聲調。第二,我們發現漢語失語症病人聲調錯誤受語境影響比正常人低。第三,漢語失語症病人聲調錯誤裡,語境影響語誤之方向性中,錯誤來源在語誤出現前類型較多。第四,我們發現Dell的連續模型(connectionist model),可以解釋失語症病人在聲調錯誤類型偏好原因。 / Naturally occurring speech errors have been used as evidence for testing the psychological reality of phonological units. A number of researchers start to look at evidence from aphasic speech for testing linguistic representation so the phenomena of aphasia provide tests of the validity of certain aspects of linguistic theory.
In this thesis, tone errors made by aphasics were examined and related overall analyses to psycholinguistic models of speech production. In light of the analysis of tone frequency in Mandarin written texts and oral data and tone errors produced by aphasics, relating issues concerning the research questions we put forward were elucidated. First, it seems that tone 4 is the most problematic tone for the aphasics in terms of error rate since tone 4 occurs the most often in errors. However, tone 4 errors intrinsically will occur more that other three tones because of its highest incidence in Mandarin. Thus, tone 4 may not be taken as the most difficult tone for aphasics merely from its high error rate. Second, the results indicated that non-contextual errors constitute most of the aphasic errors. Third, it has been shown that perseveration is a cross-linguistic feature of aphasia. Fourth, Dell’s connectionist model is proved to be able to account for and make predictions about the error patterns found in both aphasic and normal speech.
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