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古漢語被動式的發展及其在<大藏經>部份魏晉六朝佛典中的表現何滿添, 01 January 1995 (has links)
No description available.
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臺灣 "國語" 獨有詞研究 =Research on localized words of Taiwan Mandarin / Research on localized words of Taiwan Mandarin楊夢 January 2018 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Arts and Humanities. / Department of Chinese
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漢語中的反身動詞 / Reflexive verbs in mandarin Chinese漆聯成, Chief, Lian-Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
至於及物反身動詞的語言現象,此篇論文在此類動詞的詞項中規定以下的特性。第一:、及物反身動詞帶有一個主語和一個句補語。第二、此句補語含有一個指涉主要主語的照應詞。第三、詞項中包含一個照應詞約束等式來描述這個照應詞本身的分佈、以及此照應詞如何經由某些路徑找其前行詞。 / The goal of this thesis is to explore the linguistics phenomena of reflexive verbs in Mandarin. The reflexive verbs are classified into two classes in terms of their subcategorization frame. The first is intransitive reflexive verbs such as zi-sha 'to commit suicide' and the second is transitive reflexive verbs such as zi-ren 'to think of oneself as'. The former has the meaning to do to oneself, and the latter the meaning to assert something about oneself. In addition, the framework of Lexical-Functional Grammar is applied to describe the observed phenomena.
The intransitive reflexive verbs, such as zi-sha 'to commit suicide', and zi-fen 'to burn oneself, are formed with a reflexive morpheme zi- 'self and a root verb. They are complex predicates in the sense that their semantics is compositional. It is evidently that some of these reflexive verbs can occur in the context where the unaccusative verbs can occur. On the other hand, the subject of these reflexive verbs possesses some agent properties. To account for the fact that the subject of intransitive reflexive verbs possesses patient properties as well as agent properties, we propose a morpholexical operation of lexical binding and assert that the Mandarin intransitive reflexive verbs are unaccusative verbs. In the morpholexical operation, the subject of the reflexive verbs is mapped from a composite role which has a [-r] feature showing the unaccusative status of the verbs. This operation is data-driven and based on the observation of the syntactic behavior of reflexive verbs, calculation of thematic properties of the subject of reflexive verbs, and the event structure of reflexive verbs. The present analysis offers additional evidence to support the idea that the distinction between thematic roles is not discrete and the thematic distinction between unaccusative and unergative is that of a continuum.
The transitive reflexive verbs in Mandarin Chinese, which are formed with the reflexive prefix zi- 'self' and a transitive verb, subcategorize for a sentential complement instead of a nominal object. These reflexive verbs require their subject to bind with a certain grammatical function within the sentential complement. Thedata selected from the Sinica Corpus show the following facts. First, the embedded subject of the reflexive verbs is not necessarily empty. Second, the matrix subject can bind with any grammatical function in the complement besides the embedded subject. Furthermore, Mandarin reflexive verbs determine the referential properties of the embedded anaphor. In the proposed account, the grammatical information is encoded in the lexical entry of transitive reflexive verbs. The lexical entry encodes the following grammatical information. First, it states that transitive reflexive verbs subcategorize for a SUBJ and an SCOMP. Second, the SCOMP contains an anaphor whose antecedent is the matrix subject of the reflexive verbs. Third, the lexical entry contains an anaphoric binding equation which is proposed to constrain (i) the embedded anaphor's distribution, and (ii) how the anaphor finds its antecedent, and (iii) the path it can pass through. This analysis accounts for why various anaphors are neutralized in terms of their referential properties, the blocking effect raised by the presence of reflexive verbs, and the affected referential properties of each anaphor. In brief, the transitive reflexive verbs determine the referential properties of the embedded anaphor.
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基於公開視頻語料的粵語聲調變異研究 =A study on the variation of Cantonese tones with public media videos / Study on the variation of Cantonese tones with public media videos解端寧 January 2018 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Arts and Humanities. / Department of Chinese
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現代漢語動詞短語省略結構的允准層級 =Licensing hierarchy of Mandarin VP-Ellipsis / Licensing hierarchy of Mandarin VP-Ellipsis唐寬 January 2018 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Arts and Humanities. / Department of Chinese
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時貌標記「著」在漢語動詞時貌分類體系中的句法語意表現 / A Syntax-semantic Analysis of Aspect Marker ZHE in Aspectual Classification of Mandarin Chinese Verbs厲亞敏 Unknown Date (has links)
漢語中的「著」是一個使用廣泛的時貌標記詞,對它的語意識解依託于整個漢語動詞時貌分類體系,該體系隨著Peck、Lin & Sun(2013)的研究所做的調整日趨精確與完善,與此相關的各種語言事實也應該得到新的描述與解釋。
本文認為漢語中決定時貌的基礎與根本是動詞的時貌類型,對於時貌標記「著」而言,未完成性與持續性是它能夠與狀態、活動、短促、開放量度動詞搭配的原因,同時,由於語言內部的互動與關聯,句子的每個成分與句子的整體句式都以不同程度和方式影響時貌,本文也做了詳細的分析和討論。 / Zhe plays a significant role in aspectual classification of Mandarin Chinese Verbs as an aspect marker. After Peck, Lin & Sun (2013) introduced Scale as an aspectual attribute into the classification; it brings us new perspectives and knowledge. Moreover, new interpretations of aspect and performance of Zhe are needed.
We base our study on corpus. Corpus with its abundant data provides us a more efficient and scientific way to do research. We describe performance of aspect and its marker Zhe on the basis of our observation and previous theories. We also explore the reasons and rules behind language facts.
Our research shows that Zhe usually co-occur with four verb’s categories: state, activity, semelfactive and open-scale verbs, due to its imperfectivity and durativity. For influence from sentence elements, the thesis also provides analysis and conclusion.
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廣義修辭在中六中文科實用文之敎材設計李志文, 01 January 1996 (has links)
No description available.
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論古漢語韻母在閩南語白讀中的表現 / On the phonologic phenomena of ancient Chinese remained in the finals of Southern Min dialects蔡穎慧 Unknown Date (has links)
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準確界定漢語中分類詞 / Identifying true classifiers in Mandarin Chinese賴宛君, Lai, Wan Chun Unknown Date (has links)
研究分析之目的在於透過四個以語言學為基礎之準則重新檢視五個代表性人物提出之漢語分類詞分類,並使用二個數學法及一個問卷實驗法找出準確的漢語分類詞。最後,分析所得之準確的漢語分類詞再根據國語日報量詞典列出之分類詞語意做更進一步的語意分類。在分類詞語意分類上,本篇論文採用下到上之方向做分類詞語意分類而非傳統上到下之方向,提供完整且精確之漢語分類詞語意分類。 / The discrepancy in the different inventories of Mandarin Chinese classifiers results from there being no identical and consentient tests to identify Mandarin Chinese classifiers. Thus, this thesis adopts four linguistic-based tests as norms to identify Mandarin Chinese classifiers and five Mandarin Chinese classifier categorizations proposed by representative studies (Chao 1968, Erbaugh 1986, Hu 1993, Huang et. al. 1997 and Malt and Gao 2009) as sources of data in Mandarin Chinese classifier categorizations.
The data analysis focuses on offering true classifiers in Mandarin Chinese through re-classifying five Mandarin Chinese classifier categorizations on the basis of four linguistic-based tests, applying two mathematical methods and using a questionnaire experiment. Ultimately, true classifiers will be further classified on the basis of their semantic meanings from the Mandarin Daily Dictionary of Chinese Classifiers (Huang et. al.) to provide an explicit semantic categorization in a bottom-up form, rather than a traditional top-down one.
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《左傳》雙音詞硏究 = A study on disyllabic words in Zuo zhuan盧鳴東, 01 January 1996 (has links)
No description available.
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