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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

個人隱私揭露意願之推論 / Intention reasoning of personal privacy disclosure

吳建輝, Wu, Chien Hui Unknown Date (has links)
對社會網路而言,使用者對使用者之間的隱私揭露會有不同程度的意願,然而目前的社會網路並沒有提供使用者一個良好的環境去撰寫屬於自己的隱私揭露規則。W3C對於Web Privacy的部份提出了P3P這個解決方案。此研究利用W3C所發佈的P3P與APPEL做為基礎平台讓使用者去撰寫屬於自己的隱私揭露規則,以控制使用者的隱私資料;而由於P3P與APPEL的設計並不具有語意,所以加入Semantic Web使其不會產生語意模糊不清的情況。而為了能讓使用者快速的瞭解一個人之可信任程度,本研究以Google的Page Rank演算法進行修改,設計一名為個人信任指數 (Personal Trust Rank,PTR)找出此平台中任一人之可信任的指數,以此去評估一個人是否是可信任狀態;最後找出兩個人之間的隱私揭露是否產生衝突,同時讓使用者可利用PTR設立門檻以達到Access Control之能力,據此以達成保護個人隱私之目標。 / In the social network, people have different privacy disclosure intention. However, it is not an easy way for a user to declare his/her own privacy disclosure policy, we adopt the P3P/APPEL languages to solve this problem. A user`s privacy policy is shown as APPEL and a server’s privacy declaration statement is expressed as P3P. However, P3P and APPEL are XML-based so they might have semantic inconsistency and ambiguity in the privacy policy representations. We resolve these issues by using the semantic web technologies to enable the privacy policy enforcement. To decide whether a person is trustworthy, we modify the Google`s Page Rank algorithm for Personal Trust Rank ( PTR ) to evaluate a person’s trust. Finally a reasoning engine is used to find out if there are any privacy disclosure inconsistencies between users.

在網路論壇作資訊的語意擷取 / Information Semantic Extraction in the Web Forum

雷嘉慶, Loi, Ka Heng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以Web2.0的論壇界面不變為前題之下,增加語意網技術以達到資訊擷取及運用。利用RDFS作為資訊集成的藍圖,把需要收集的資訊以RDFS來表示,再透過我們的方法,轉換成一般使用者熟悉的輸入介面;我們並透過一個漸進式的方法,增加輸入界面新增資料時的提示內容。透過具語意化的描述資料,設計一個新的QBE的方法,並整合現有的QBE系統,定義出泛用論壇系統模型。 / We use information semantic extraction in the web forum which is fixed UI for web2.0. We define a method to generate the web UI by the information definition schema(RDFS) and define an algorithm to increase the info in the input form tooltip. Finally, we induce several query templates for web UI (QBE). Totally, we define a generic web semantic forum.

時貌標記「著」在漢語動詞時貌分類體系中的句法語意表現 / A Syntax-semantic Analysis of Aspect Marker ZHE in Aspectual Classification of Mandarin Chinese Verbs

厲亞敏 Unknown Date (has links)
漢語中的「著」是一個使用廣泛的時貌標記詞,對它的語意識解依託于整個漢語動詞時貌分類體系,該體系隨著Peck、Lin & Sun(2013)的研究所做的調整日趨精確與完善,與此相關的各種語言事實也應該得到新的描述與解釋。 因此,本文藉助語料庫豐富的真實語料,通過量化分析與質化分析,並在參考各種已有理論與學說的基礎上,對語料的時貌、「著」的分佈進行概括和描述,發掘導致語言事實的原因,還原影響的過程,預測普遍的規律。 本文認為漢語中決定時貌的基礎與根本是動詞的時貌類型,對於時貌標記「著」而言,未完成性與持續性是它能夠與狀態、活動、短促、開放量度動詞搭配的原因,同時,由於語言內部的互動與關聯,句子的每個成分與句子的整體句式都以不同程度和方式影響時貌,本文也做了詳細的分析和討論。 / Zhe plays a significant role in aspectual classification of Mandarin Chinese Verbs as an aspect marker. After Peck, Lin & Sun (2013) introduced Scale as an aspectual attribute into the classification; it brings us new perspectives and knowledge. Moreover, new interpretations of aspect and performance of Zhe are needed. We base our study on corpus. Corpus with its abundant data provides us a more efficient and scientific way to do research. We describe performance of aspect and its marker Zhe on the basis of our observation and previous theories. We also explore the reasons and rules behind language facts. Our research shows that Zhe usually co-occur with four verb’s categories: state, activity, semelfactive and open-scale verbs, due to its imperfectivity and durativity. For influence from sentence elements, the thesis also provides analysis and conclusion.

中文情態詞「會」之語意分析 / Semantic Analysis on the Modal Verb HUI in Mandarin Chinese

張清秀, Tracy Chang, Ching-Hsiu Unknown Date (has links)
情態動詞「會」在前人的研究當中,具有許多不同的功能,例如表能力、表預知、表一般特性等不同的功能。本論文採用Monosemy View,認為「會」在語言表面上所呈現出之不同用法,並不是武斷毫無關係的,而是存在著非常密切的語意關連性。再者,透過此觀點,我們希望嘗試找出這些不同功能之間的語意關係。本研究提出三個假設如下:第一,情態動詞「會」有一個語意核心,表說話者對於句子命題的體現(realization),有著非常高的把握;第二,情態動詞「會」在句子裡擔任一個運符(operator)的角色,其作用是將說話者對此句子的語態加諸在此句子之上;第三,本篇論文提出「會」所呈現出許多不同的功能,是經由情態動詞與句子之情態內容所交互作用的結果。 / Carrying multiple functions--such as ability, prediction and generic--the modal verb hui in Mandarin Chinese has been extensively studied by previous researchers. This thesis, following the monosemy view, claims that the various functions of hui are not arbitrary, but closely related to one another. To account for the correlation between the various functions of hui, this thesis proposes three hypotheses. First, hui denotes assurance, indicating that the speaker’s attitude towards the realization of the propositional content is full of high assurance. Secondly, hui functions as an OPERATOR of the proposition denoted by the sentence. Thirdly, hui's multiple functions are context-derived. This thesis maintains that it is the interaction between the modal verb hui and the sentence’s proposition that results in the different functions carried by hui.

Taking Care of "Take": Frame and Constructions / 從語意架構和構造語法的觀點分析英語多義詞Take

李美芳, Mei-fang F. Lee Unknown Date (has links)
英語動詞take有許多不同的語意,而這些語意之間則存有密切的關聯性。藉著分析take的各種語意,可以讓我們更深入地瞭解多義詞現象。本論文藉助認知語言學派的語意架構理論和構造語法理論,深入分析了take出現在不同句法結構中所產生的不同語意及這些語意彼此之間的關聯性。研究結果發現︰當take出現在及物結構中(Caused-Affected Construction)時,透過語言使用者在觀點上不同的選擇(Windowing of Attention),會衍生出四個基本語意,分別為選擇、拿取、消耗、及狀態改變。此外,take可以與七類型的介詞片語共同表達出七種不同的語意功能。最後,take還可以與介詞組合成片語動詞,產生特殊的語意,為使動結構的邊緣衍生用法。 / The English verb take attests a wide range of meanings and provides rich resources for the exploration of polysemy. Attempting to examine how the various senses of take are related to one another, this thesis investigates the meaning relatedness under the framework of Frame Semantics, which postulates that a conceptual representation is required to fully capture verb semantics (Fillmore and Atkins 1992, 2000), and Construction Grammar, which holds that constructions found in language are the basic units of language and that verb semantics interacts with constructions, thus yielding different meanings (Goldberg 1995, Jackendoff 1997). A careful examination of data reveals that take derives a variety of senses both from its interaction with the semantics of other components in the constructions and from different windowings of take’s conceptual frame. When integrated with the Caused-Affected Construction, the take construction acquires the senses of choosing, grabbing, consuming, and changing. When integrated with the Caused-Motion Construction, the take construction is found to be prototypically followed by prepositional phrases exhibiting seven semantic functions. When occurring in less prototypical cases of the Caused-Motion Construction, the meaning of the take construction blends into the meaning of the preposition following right behind it.


劉慧美, Huei-Mei Liu Unknown Date (has links)

建構具有語意隱私偏好保護平臺 / Constructina a Semantics-Enabled P3P Privacy Protection

黃宏傑, Huang, Hung Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
為了確保個人資料的隱私,本研究期望可以建構一個在主從式架構的環境中,利用語意網技術來改善現有的個人隱私偏好平臺(P3P)。透過語意網中的本體論和規則的加入希望可以提昇個人隱私偏好平臺的正規語意,來實現具有語意的個人隱私保護規範架構,確保使用者不會有解讀錯誤的情況發生,讓網站的資料使用規範,可以更符合使用者的意圖,讓原本使用者需仔細詳讀的隱私規範書,可以透過一簡單的協議過程去加以簡化閱讀隱私規範書的步驟。 / In this study I’m going to build an environment with client-server architecture and utilize Semantic Web Technology to improve the existing platform for privacy preferences (P3P) in order to ensure the privacy of personal information. With the ontology and rules of Semantic Web hopefully it will upgrade personal privacy preferences formal semantics to achieve the semantic of personal privacy protection framework to ensure that users will not misunderstand. The usage of web site information can be more in line with the user's intentions, so that the original user were required to carefully read the privacy specification can be implemented through a simple process which simplified the steps of reading privacy specification.

戰爭動詞在報紙媒體上之隱喻使用 / Metaphorical Use of War-Related Verbs in Newspapers

陳奕蓁, Chen, I Chen Unknown Date (has links)
隱喻研究能夠幫助我們了解人類的認知模式,觀察人類運用身體經驗學習抽象概念的過程。戰爭隱喻與人類生活經驗密切相關,過往研究顯示至少有七種概念會運用戰爭隱喻來凸顯事件競爭的本質,但是過去研究無法說明戰爭隱喻涵蓋的概念種類,並且缺乏有效的語言證據來證明隱喻映射的豐富程度。因此本研究將從來源域的角度出發,以語料庫為本,透過戰爭動詞在報紙媒體上的長期使用情形討論戰爭隱喻的使用分布及詞彙語意顯示之意涵。 本研究分析戰爭動詞在台灣報紙媒體上的隱喻使用情形,研究結果顯示戰爭隱喻的主題分布與事件概念性質相關,特別是體育、財經、政治等三個主題大量運用戰爭隱喻,顯示追求競賽勝負、利益和權力的概念都常用戰爭加以描繪。在語意梳理後則得到台灣報紙新聞使用的六個主要戰爭隱喻:追求愛情是戰爭、治療病體是戰爭、資安防護是戰爭、投資交易是戰爭、政治競爭是戰爭、競賽活動是戰爭。政治競爭、競賽活動和投資交易的語料數量與主題分布成正比,資安防護是因應網路時代來臨而產生的新興目標域,最後治療病體及追求愛情則是反應人類對於肉體以及精神上維持滿足的生存需求。至於各隱喻共同使用的概念元素顯示戰爭行動以參與者和交戰過程的描述最為重要。最後由其他隱喻詞彙分布和語意關係的比較,可以發現表達戰時攻防行動的詞彙最多,除了再次證明行動的重要性,也強調行動過程的攻擊性和結果。而大量使用近義詞、反義詞象徵漢語對描述競爭細節的需求。 最後,本研究針對以上發現對華語教學提出教材編排、教學設計與詞彙教學之建議,認為隱喻教學有助學生習得新詞彙,且透過詞彙網路的概念連結可提升學習效率。建議未來可針對口語語料進行調查,並分析語意之外的言談篇章要素,同時落實戰爭隱喻之教學設計用於課堂實際教學,以檢視教學成效。


黃啟鑫, Huang, Chicco Unknown Date (has links)
在Rosinski, Golinkoff, & Kukish(1975)提出字圖作業(picture-word task)之後,許多研究者紛紛使用此類作業來探討圖形唸名與字彙閱讀間的關係。過去許多研究在字圖作業上觀察到混淆字的呈現會影響圖形唸名的速度,這種效果稱為語意干擾(semantic interference),研究者亦提出了各種圖形唸名歷程的模式解釋來說明語意干擾效果的成因,同時藉由觀察其他變項對語意干擾效果的影響來區分各個模式的正確性。本研究將操弄混淆字與目標圖間的字形相似性、字音相似性以及不同的刺激呈現時距(SOA)來觀察語意干擾效果及影響因素。實驗一對混淆字與目標圖間字形相似的操弄僅在呈現時距為零時觀察到字形相似可以降低語意干擾效果;實驗二利用相同的作業形式操弄混淆字與目標圖間的字音相似性,未發現字音相似性的促發效果,但仍可觀察到語意干擾效果;實驗三同時操弄字形相似與字音相似變項,但亦未能得到形音的促發效果;最後的實驗四試圖以定義-命名作業(definition-naming task)將字圖唸名作業的效果推展到其他同樣使用文字為混淆刺激的類叫色作業(Stoop-like task)之上,結果發現語意干擾效果在不同的作業間具有普遍性。除此之外,在四個實驗中都可看到與圖形名稱完全相同的混淆字都有很強勁的促進反應效果。整體而言,本實驗以中文材料驗證了完全相似字的促發效果及語意干擾字對圖形唸名的語意干擾效果,但並未能觀察到字形及字音的相似性是否能有效降低語意干擾效果的結果,研究者將在討論中說明可能的解釋原因。

規範與邏輯Hans Kelsen晚期規範理論之研究

王鵬翔, Wang, Peng-Xiang Unknown Date (has links)
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