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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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個人隱私揭露意願之推論 / Intention reasoning of personal privacy disclosure

吳建輝, Wu, Chien Hui Unknown Date (has links)
對社會網路而言,使用者對使用者之間的隱私揭露會有不同程度的意願,然而目前的社會網路並沒有提供使用者一個良好的環境去撰寫屬於自己的隱私揭露規則。W3C對於Web Privacy的部份提出了P3P這個解決方案。此研究利用W3C所發佈的P3P與APPEL做為基礎平台讓使用者去撰寫屬於自己的隱私揭露規則,以控制使用者的隱私資料;而由於P3P與APPEL的設計並不具有語意,所以加入Semantic Web使其不會產生語意模糊不清的情況。而為了能讓使用者快速的瞭解一個人之可信任程度,本研究以Google的Page Rank演算法進行修改,設計一名為個人信任指數 (Personal Trust Rank,PTR)找出此平台中任一人之可信任的指數,以此去評估一個人是否是可信任狀態;最後找出兩個人之間的隱私揭露是否產生衝突,同時讓使用者可利用PTR設立門檻以達到Access Control之能力,據此以達成保護個人隱私之目標。 / In the social network, people have different privacy disclosure intention. However, it is not an easy way for a user to declare his/her own privacy disclosure policy, we adopt the P3P/APPEL languages to solve this problem. A user`s privacy policy is shown as APPEL and a server’s privacy declaration statement is expressed as P3P. However, P3P and APPEL are XML-based so they might have semantic inconsistency and ambiguity in the privacy policy representations. We resolve these issues by using the semantic web technologies to enable the privacy policy enforcement. To decide whether a person is trustworthy, we modify the Google`s Page Rank algorithm for Personal Trust Rank ( PTR ) to evaluate a person’s trust. Finally a reasoning engine is used to find out if there are any privacy disclosure inconsistencies between users.

在網路論壇作資訊的語意擷取 / Information Semantic Extraction in the Web Forum

雷嘉慶, Loi, Ka Heng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以Web2.0的論壇界面不變為前題之下,增加語意網技術以達到資訊擷取及運用。利用RDFS作為資訊集成的藍圖,把需要收集的資訊以RDFS來表示,再透過我們的方法,轉換成一般使用者熟悉的輸入介面;我們並透過一個漸進式的方法,增加輸入界面新增資料時的提示內容。透過具語意化的描述資料,設計一個新的QBE的方法,並整合現有的QBE系統,定義出泛用論壇系統模型。 / We use information semantic extraction in the web forum which is fixed UI for web2.0. We define a method to generate the web UI by the information definition schema(RDFS) and define an algorithm to increase the info in the input form tooltip. Finally, we induce several query templates for web UI (QBE). Totally, we define a generic web semantic forum.

建構具有語意隱私偏好保護平臺 / Constructina a Semantics-Enabled P3P Privacy Protection

黃宏傑, Huang, Hung Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
為了確保個人資料的隱私,本研究期望可以建構一個在主從式架構的環境中,利用語意網技術來改善現有的個人隱私偏好平臺(P3P)。透過語意網中的本體論和規則的加入希望可以提昇個人隱私偏好平臺的正規語意,來實現具有語意的個人隱私保護規範架構,確保使用者不會有解讀錯誤的情況發生,讓網站的資料使用規範,可以更符合使用者的意圖,讓原本使用者需仔細詳讀的隱私規範書,可以透過一簡單的協議過程去加以簡化閱讀隱私規範書的步驟。 / In this study I’m going to build an environment with client-server architecture and utilize Semantic Web Technology to improve the existing platform for privacy preferences (P3P) in order to ensure the privacy of personal information. With the ontology and rules of Semantic Web hopefully it will upgrade personal privacy preferences formal semantics to achieve the semantic of personal privacy protection framework to ensure that users will not misunderstand. The usage of web site information can be more in line with the user's intentions, so that the original user were required to carefully read the privacy specification can be implemented through a simple process which simplified the steps of reading privacy specification.

本體論為基礎的統計資訊整合-以政府公開資訊為例 / Ontology-Based Statistical Data Integration for Open Government

梁世麒, Liang, Shih Chi Unknown Date (has links)
現代的民主國家無不致力於深化民主的價值,政府運用人民所繳納的稅金進行相關施政,在政府運用國家資源的同時,也應該提供各項施政的統計資料以便說明及用來監督政府施政的成效,政府提供的資料所涵蓋的領域及格式非常多元,若要加以運用產生具有附加價值的資訊,往往單一來源的資料無法滿足需求,必須透過多方的合併參照才能凸顯在資料背後所隱含的價值,因此使用者在運用前必須先針對不同來源的統計資料進行多方的蒐集、參考及比對,最後才能彙整成為有用的資訊,而政府將各種的資料進行公開之後也會快速累積出龐大的資料量,若要透過人工的蒐集比對其困難度也越來越高,因此如何能動態地從不同來源中萃取出有意義的內容便是一個相當大的挑戰,本研究運用語意網技術來解決此一困難,透過單一平台來進行多元資料的彙整查詢,在此平台上使用者可以依其需要選擇特定資料維度或計量單位作為整合條件,並針對特定或不特定的對象進行查詢,最後透過彙整後的結果來提高資料本身的價值,本研究最終目的為提供系統化的方法將政府公開統計資料進行有意義的萃取、彙整及再利用。 / For enhancement of the value of democracy, the governments are expected to publish statistical data to explain and monitor the performance of policy implementation while they utilize the national resources and the tax for the policies. The data provided by official departments usually contain multiple domain information with diverse formats, which cause the difficulty to generate value-added information from single source. The embedded values could be revealed only by cross-reference of multiple sources. Valued information must be collected, cross-referred, and compared from different sources. In addition, after the government publishes the data, the database would be accelerated to accumulate. The difficulty of manual data collection and comparison would be enhanced consequently. Therefore, it is challenge to extract valued content from different sources dynamically.The study utilized semantic web technology to integrate the inquiry of diverse data with single platform. Users can select specific data dimension or measurement unit based on their requirement as the condition and inquire on specific or unspecific objects. The value of data could be enhanced with the integrated results. The ultimate purpose of this study is to provide a systematized method to extract, integrate and reuse government's public statistical data.

在對等式網路上建構創用CC之著作權說明控管系統 / The Creative Commons (CC) Rights Description Control System on the Peer-to-Peer Network

楊鈞筑, Yang,Chun-Chu Unknown Date (has links)
由於網路科技日新月異,使得數位內容之交換越來越容易,但所引發的著作權問題卻不斷受爭議,也間接顯示出著作權法之不足。Lawrence Lessig有鑑於此,提出創用CC(Creative Commons)的觀念,希望可以提供創作者另一個新的管道來分享其創作,卻也同時可以保留其部分權利(Some Rights Reserved)。但目前資訊共享創作僅在主從式(Client-Server)架構中提供較完整的服務。本論文將指出資訊共享創作架構在主從式網路之缺點,並提出一個在Super node對等式(Peer-to-Peer,P2P)網路上具CC授權的數位內容共享創作之平台,且使用結合了各式本體論(Ontology)及規則(Rule)之SWRL (Semantic Web Rule Language)來加強目前資訊共享創作上之表示及推論。 / Owing to network technology changing, it gets easier and easier to exchange digital contents. However, the emerging copyright problems dispute shows the deficiency of copyright. Lawrence Lessig proposed Creative Commons (CC), the concept of providing another new channel for creators to share their creative works by keeping some rights reserved. In this thesis, we indicate the shortcomings of CC on Client-Server network and present a rights description control system to share digital contents with CC licenses on Super-node P2P network. We use ontology and rule e.g. SWRL (Semantic Web Rule Language) to enhance CC’s digital rights description and control on the P2P network.


陳婷妤, CHEN, TING-YU Unknown Date (has links)
全球化經濟體系的興起,促使產業結構大幅改變,商業行為益趨複雜,顧客需求日漸多元化、個人化,產品服務種類及結構更加繁瑣,因改變隨之而來的成本劇增,如何快速接近並滿足顧客的需求,已成為在激烈競爭環境中的致勝關鍵,而工作流程管理技術正是影響關鍵的重要樞鈕。 現今工作流程管理技術在企業工作流程自動化,監督、協同合作及控制各種活動的執行,以及有效利用資源、縮短流程之研究領域方面已相當成熟,但仍存在工作流程執行的彈性匱乏,與企業資源無法共享的問題。 因此,本研究提出一個簡單有效的動態處理工作流程架構,透過語意網標準語言-資源描述結構(RDF(S)及DAML+OIL制定更嚴謹、豐富、彈性的工作流程定義,使工作流程處理具有邏輯推理的知識能力,另一方面提供一套流程改變機制,以自動調適在執行期間動態改變的流程。 / By the development of global economics influences business model more and more complex. The way of promoting productivity and decreasing cost is the issue of the company. Current workflow management approaches can reach automatic, monitoring, collaboration and controlling the process. But process description and sharing resource approaches consider simplistic method invocation. So how to create dynamic workflow enrich process definition and modify the program at run time is very important issue. In this thesis we propose richer process representations using the semantic web languages which enable us to capture process than current approaches and applying a change system to adapt process change in run time. Further, we develop algorithms by which potential problem in dynamic workflow can be more flexible and combine computer and human activities. Keyword: Semantic Web, Ontology, Dynamic Workflow


張易修 Unknown Date (has links)
在目前的網際網路中,點對點(P2P)網路的應用扮演了一個重要的角色。由於在點對點網路架構下,檔案分享系統中檔案的數量以及來源大量增加,造成使用者必須花費更多的時間找尋想要的資源,因此搜尋功能就顯得格外地重要。BitTorrent(BT)作為一個點對點檔案分享系統,用戶量不斷增加,已逐漸成為網路頻寬的主要消耗者之一,但是其協定中沒有提供搜尋的功能,而且檔案分散於各個檔案發佈站之間,以及各發佈站之間無法有效搜尋彼此擁有的檔案資源,導致使用者查詢時效率不佳。因此本研究期望建立一套語意式搜尋機制來幫助使用者解決上述的問題。藉由使用語意網技術(Semantic Web),針對BT檔案分享系統設計本體論,進行資源描述和建立簡單的分類,利用檔案的metadata來提供搜尋的功能以及彙整各檔案分佈站的檔案資源,做為上述議題的一個解決方案,讓使用者能夠更有效率地找到更完整的資源。 / In current World Wide Web, P2P network application plays an important role. Because the number and origin of files increase greatly in file sharing system under the architecture of P2P, causing users to spend more time searching for the resources they want. Therefore, the search function appears especially important. BitTorrent(BT), one kind of P2P file sharing system, has more and more users and becomes one of the biggest consumer of the network bandwidth. But it doesn't support any search function and shared files disperse between many web sites. Furthermore, these web sites can't exchange the shared files they own efficiently. These problems result in inefficient search performance. My research expects to propose a semantic search method to solve the problems mentioned above. By the means of Semantic Web technology, we design the ontology of BT file sharing system to describe the resources and establish simple taxonomy. In addition, using the metadata of files to provide BT for search function and collect the shared files between web sites. Let users find the shared files more efficiently and completely.


張露友 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文運用文字探勘相關技術,嘗試自動計算法條間的相似度,輔助專家從公司法眾多法條中整理出規則,建立法條之間的關聯,使整個法典並不是獨立的法條條號與法條內容的集合,而是在法條之間透過語意的方式連結成網路,並從分析與解釋關聯的過程中,探討文字探勘技術運用於法律條文上所遭受之困難及限制,以供後續欲從事相關研究之參考。 本論文的研究結果,從積極面來看,除了可以建立如何運用文字探勘於輔助法律知識擷取的方法之外,另一方面,從消極面來看,倘若研究結果顯示,文字探勘技術並不完全適用於法律條文的知識擷取上,那麼對於從事類似研究的專業人員而言,本論文所提出的結論與建議,亦可作為改善相關技術的重要參考。 / This thesis tries to use text mining technique to calculate, compare and analyze the correlation of legal codes. And based on the well-known defined legal concept and knowledge, it also tries to help explain and evaluate the relations above using the result of automatic calculation. Furthermore, this thesis also wishes to contribute on how to apply information technology effectively onto legal knowledge domain. If the research reveals the positive result, it could be used for knowledge build-up on how to utilize text mining technology onto legal domain. However, if the study shows that text mining doesn’t apparently apply to knowledge extracting of legal domain, then the conclusion and suggestion from this thesis could also be regarded as a important reference to other professionals in the similar research fields.

實踐具語意的著作權管理規範來逼近合理使用 / Semantic Enforcement of DRM Policies to Approximate Fair Use

林光德, Lin, Guang De Unknown Date (has links)
法律明定使用者可以對別人的創作內容有一定程度的合理使用(Fair Use)範圍,像是以教學為用途而可影印書籍部份內容。然而合理使用的規範判定在電腦上難以實作,現有的DRM (Digital Rights Management, 著作權管理)系統甚少實現這樣的理想。 本研究在現有的ODRL2語言上架上使用本體論(Ontology)語言來加強本身所缺乏的語意,讓本體論與規則語言(Rule Language)結合,來達到規範(Policy)標示的能力,並且使用現有的推論引擎(Reasoning Engine),拿到規範正確執行的能力。最後在帶有規範執行的機制底下,標示合理使用的基本規範,並加強ODRL的標示能力去逼近合理使用的精神。 / United States copyright laws grants users the rights to make “fair use” of copyrighted works, e.g. copying part of a book for the use of education purpose. Current digital rights management (DRM) systems are hard to enforce fair use doctrine for two reasons. First is that the current XML-based rights expression language (REL) are unable to describe the rights of fair use; and second is that the architecture of DRM systems interferes with fair use. This approach proposed a rights expression language based on ODRL 2.0 with Semantic Web technologies to get the ability to describe fair use policies. In addition, we design a fair use procedure mechanism for managing and enforcing fair use policies defined by trusted third parties. Both REL improvement and new procedure are done to approximate fair use.


陳言熙 Unknown Date (has links)
本體論的目的在表達一個大家能共用分享的概念,且為知識表達的重要基礎,可用來協助電腦搜尋、交換資訊及了解文字。本體論的應用使網路上的資源都能夠透過電腦明確的被定義出來,使機器透過本體論語言的描述,了解自然語言,加強資料檢索效率並達到知識共享的效果。 本體論建置的困難點主要是有太多不同專業領域的領域本體知識需要被定義,所以非常的耗力費時。為了加強建置效率,需要依賴系統化的方法論來進行建置本體工程,並驗證其品質。 為了使電腦能夠理解人類語言,許多研究者透過文字探勘技術發展能讓電腦理解的電子詞典,經過分析後將詞典中的詞彙連結成語意網絡,並將語意網路將應用於各種不同的研究領域。 因此,本研究嘗試利用文字探勘技術協助建置本體知識,而結論包含可利用文字探勘技術半自動化的協助建置公司治理議題詞庫、語意網路,及以公司治理語意網路作為建置本體知識的基礎,並經由建置方法的提出,將語意網路轉化為公司治理本體知識。 / The purposes of ontology are offering reusable and sharable concepts, and being the base of knowledge representation. It serves a smart way of information searching and exchanging, the resources on internet can easily defined, and computer can understand people’s natural language by the application of ontology, improving the efficiency of data indexing. In order to let computer understand natural language, many researchers have worked hard on electronic lexicons containing computer’s logic through text mining technology, by analyzing lexicons for finding out relative vocabularies and connecting them into a semantic network. Therefore, this research try to utilize text mining technology to support on ontology engineering, the results are developing a text mining technology to support the building of corporate governance’s lexicon and semantic network semi-automatically, and take corporate governance semantic network as the bases of ontology engineering, and introduce a method to turn semantic network into corporate governance ontology.

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