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戴維森的隱喻理論之研究陳文珊 Unknown Date (has links)
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組織隱喻之研究 / A Study of Organizational Metaphor史雅玲, Shih, Yia Ling Unknown Date (has links)
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漢語多義情態動詞 / Polysemous modal verbs in Mandarin Chinese巫春慧, Wu, Chun Hui Unknown Date (has links)
本論文試圖經由檢視過去對於漢語情態動詞的研究,找出最適合稱為「情態動詞」的十二個情態動詞,並以此為基礎建立適合漢語情態動詞的語意分類方式:主要分三大類—動力情態、義務情態、認知情態。同時也從共時與歷時的角度檢視漢語裡的五個多義情態動詞,包括會、能、要、可以、應該。研究發現這五個多義情態動詞所顯現的多義都是極度相關的。首先,五個多義情態動詞都有以上三大類的情態意義,其中又以動力情態為中心意義。此外,本研究確立多義情態動詞的發展方向與階段,由動力情態延伸出來的義務情態是透過主觀化的認知機制(Traugott 1980),之後,由義務情態發展出來的認知情態則是由於主觀化與隱喻(Sweetser 1990)的運作。最後,本文也探討了情態與句法的互動關係。 / The purpose of this study is to reveal the relationship among polysemous modal verbs in Mandarin Chinese (hui4, neng2, yao4, ke3yi3, ying1gai1). It is found that the multiple modal senses encoded in the five polysemous modal verbs are closely-related. Through a careful examination on both synchronic and diachronic data of the five polysemous modal verbs, it is suggested that each of them exhibit three major modality types, including dynamic (ability, volition), deontic (directive, commissive), and epistemic (judgmental) modalities. At Stage I of the path of development, dynamic modality, as the core meaning of polysemous modal verbs, is extended to deontic modality through the cognitively-driven mechanism—subjectification, which is proposed by Traugott (1989). Then, epistemic modality is developed from deontic modality at Stage II through both subjectification and metaphorization (Sweetser 1990). After determining the direction and stages of the development path of the five polysemous modal verbs, a feature-based classification for modality types of Chinese modal verbs is provided in order to incorporate the differences and similarities among the three modality types (dynamic, deontic, and epistemic modalities). Finally, the interaction between modalities and other syntactic elements (predicates and arguments) is discussed with examples.
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國民黨與民進黨的政黨形象:隱喻抽取技術(ZMET)之應用江羚弘 Unknown Date (has links)
本文探索國民黨與民進黨形象,研究方法是援引行銷學者Zaltman於一九九○年代發展出的隱喻抽取技術(Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique,簡稱ZMET),透過圖片為中介與一對一深入訪談,來挖掘「人們內心想法」。在訪談政治大學十二位學生後,研究發現從ZMET訪談分別總結國民黨與民進黨形象共識地圖的分析,除了其研究結論與量化問卷調查結果相較,能夠得到相互印證之外,也確實有助於對政黨形象內涵提供更豐富的瞭解。
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戰爭動詞在報紙媒體上之隱喻使用 / Metaphorical Use of War-Related Verbs in Newspapers陳奕蓁, Chen, I Chen Unknown Date (has links)
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從科學到新聞-由基因新聞看科學與新聞的差距鄭宇君, Cheng, Yu Chung Unknown Date (has links)
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現代俄語中帶前綴運動動詞的直義與轉義(以文學作品和報章雜誌文章為例)呂長運 Unknown Date (has links)
俄語中,有一群動詞是表示不同的運動方式(有時是藉著交通工具),這就是運動動詞。由於語言和文化上的差異,對於所有的外國學生,包含台灣學生在內,學習運動動詞(帶前綴的運動動詞)時,確實造成不小的困擾。此外,在俄語中的運動動詞有定向和不定向的區分,俄國人能夠很清楚地分辨它們,但相較於沒有這種概念的台灣學生來說,在選擇定向或是不定向的運動動詞時,往往會使用錯誤。更值得一提的是 — 帶前綴的運動動詞不僅在俄語教學中是一項很大的挑戰,而且它們在構詞、詞彙、語法和語義等方面也有許多不同的特性。這些原因都是造成台灣學生在學習俄語運動動詞時所會面臨到的問題。本論文從語言歷史的角度出發,探討俄語中運動動詞的意義在歷史演進中的改變;其次,以構詞、詞彙、語法和語意這一方面的理論,來分析運動動詞所具有的特徵(例如:派生詞和非派生詞;及物動詞和非及物動詞;詞彙的直義和轉義;詞彙的隱喻意義和借喻意義;語義場等);同時,以功能修辭學的觀點來解析運動動詞在功能語體中扮演的角色。
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言語及手勢中之隱喻表達 / The Expression of Metaphor in Speech and Gesture張宇彤, Chang, Yu Tung Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在研究中文日常會話中語言及手勢之隱喻表達,並根據Lakoff和Johnson的概念隱喻理論(Conceptual Metaphor Theory),探討語言與手勢之慣常隱喻表達以及兩者的互動關係。本文共分析247筆隱喻。其中110(44.5%)筆在語言及手勢中同時傳遞同一類型之隱喻概念;另外137(55.5%)筆只藉著手勢傳達隱喻概念。
日常會話語料中共發現九種隱喻類型,包括身體譬喻、因果譬喻、傳輸譬喻、容器譬喻、實體譬喻、虛擬移動譬喻、 空間方位譬喻、擬人譬喻以及複合譬喻。此外,根據意象圖式之概念,本研究也區分了九種來源域概念:活動、身體部位、容器、虛擬移動、力、物體、路徑、人與空間。隱喻可以用來表達繁多的目標域概念,以下八種目標域概念在語料中至少出現五次:群體、心理活動、具體活動、程度、順序、說話內容、狀態與時間。
研究發現,實體譬喻(77.8%)及空間方位譬喻(17.4%)在日常會話中最為普遍。根據Lakoff 和 Johnson (1980c),人們對於實體之經驗提供了多種方式來表達其他抽象概念,例如我們能集合、分類、量化物體以及確立物體之情勢。Lakoff 和 Johnson亦表示,空間方位是構成某些概念(例如:高地位)之不可或缺的部分;缺乏空間方位譬喻,很難利用其他方式表達。因此,日常會話中經常使用實體譬喻及空間方位作譬喻。空間方位譬喻之來源域概念可以是空間或路徑,而其他類型之譬喻僅來自單一來源域。最常見的來源域概念為物體,而常見之目標域概念則有狀態、時間及具體活動。有關單一來源域至多元目標域之隱喻對應,來源域概念包括物體、空間、路徑、虛擬移動、活動及容器,可用以表達多個目標域。有關多元來源域至單一目標域之隱喻對應,目標域概念包括時間、心理活動、說話內容、順序及程度,可藉由多個來源域表達。
本文亦從三方面探討語言及手勢如何共同表達隱喻概念:語言及手勢之時序、手勢之關聯詞彙、語言及手勢之語意配合,以瞭解關於語言與手勢產生之不同理論假說。Lexical Semantic Hypothesis認為手勢源自於詞項之語意內容,也主張手勢出現之時間通常先於相關詞彙,以利詞彙搜索。Interface Hypothesis則認為空間-運動訊息及語言訊息在產生手勢之過程中相互影響,因此手勢及語言會同時出現,而本研究確實發現手勢大多與相關詞彙同時出現。再者,17.4%的手勢對應片語,而不限於單詞,此結果與Lexical Semantic Hypothesis之見解相悖。最後,研究發現55.5%之隱喻僅藉由手勢表達。因此語言及手勢傳達不同的語意訊息,結果支持Interface Hypothesis之論說—手勢和語言可各自表意。上述三項結果支持Interface Hypothesis之論點。 / This thesis explores the linguistic and gestural expressions of metaphors in daily Chinese conversations. Following Lakoff and Johnson’s framework of Conceptual Metaphor Theory, the present study aims to investigate the habitual expressions of metaphors in language and gesture and the collaboration of the two modalities in conveying metaphors. The present study examined 247 metaphoric expressions. The data includes 110 (44.5%) metaphors being conveyed concurrently by speech and gesture—the two modalities expressing the same type of metaphors—and 137 (55.5%) metaphors being conveyed in gesture exclusively.
Nine types of metaphors were found in the daily conversations: Body-part, Causation, Conduit, Container, Entity, Fictive-motion, Orientation, Personification, and complex metaphors. Furthermore, based on the notion of image schema, nine types of source-domain concepts were recognized: ACTIVITY, BODY-PART, CONTAINER, FICTIVE-MOTION, FORCE, OBJECT, PATH, PERSON, and SPACE. A great variety of target-domain concepts were realized via metaphors; the present study focused on eight types, each occurred more than five times in the data: GROUP, MENTAL ACTIVITY, (physical) ACTIVITY, DEGREE, SEQUENCE, SPEECH CONTENT, STATE, and TIME.
The results showed that Entity metaphor (77.8%) and Orientation metaphor (17.4%) are the most common types in daily conversation. According to Lakoff and Johnson (1980c), people’s bodily experiences of physical objects provide basis for viewing other abstract concepts; for instance, we can group, categorize, quantify, and identify aspects of objects. They also suggested spatial orientations are essential parts of certain concepts (e.g., high status); without orientation metaphors, it would be difficult to find alternative ways to express the ideas. Therefore, Entity metaphor and Orientation metaphor are frequently employed in metaphoric expressions. Orientation metaphors are based on two source domains, SPACE and PATH; the other types of metaphors are all associated with a single source domain. The most common type of source domains is OBJECT, whereas the common types of target domains are STATE, TIME, and PHYSICAL ACTIVITY. With regard to the one-source-to-many-targets correspondences, the source domains of OBJECT, SPACE, PATH, FICTIVE-MOTION, ACTIVITY, and CONTAINER could be used to express numerous target-domain concepts metaphorically. As to the many-sources-to-one-target correspondences, the target-domain concepts of TIME, MENTAL ACTIVITY, SPEECH CONTENT, SEQUENCE, and DEGREE could be represented by multiple source-domain concepts.
The collaboration of language and gesture enables us to evaluate the various hypotheses of speech-gesture production, based on the temporal relation between language and gesture, the lexical affiliates of metaphoric gestures, and the semantic coordination across the two modalities. The Lexical Semantics Hypothesis suggests that gestures are generated from the semantic of a lexical item (or a word) and that gestures tend to precede their lexical affiliates to help lexical search. The Interface Hypothesis proposes that spatio-motoric and linguistic information interact with each other during gesture production, so gestures and the related speech will occur at the same time. The present study found that gestures mostly synchronize with the associated speech. Moreover, 17.4% of metaphoric gestures are associated with grammatical phrases rather than words. This result opposes to the claim of the Lexical Semantics Hypothesis. Last, the present study found that 55.5% of metaphoric expressions are being conveyed in gesture exclusively. The result supports the argument of the Interface Hypothesis that language and gesture can covey diverse semantic contents respectively. Based on the above findings, the current study tends to support the Interface Hypothesis.
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中日語言中「氣」的多義對比分析:以隱喻及轉喻為研究中心 / A comparative analysis on the polysemy of 'Qi' in Mandarin and Japanese: a study based on metaphor and metonymy葉淑美 Unknown Date (has links)
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隱喻及轉喻對英語為外語學習者之教學成效:以情緒語言為例 / The effects of teaching EFL learners metaphor and metonymy: With reference to emotion expressions陳怡蓁, Chen, Yi Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究為以英語為外語學習者在學習譬喻用語—包含隱喻及轉喻—上提供了三點貢獻。其一,透過學習者培養譬喻能力之實驗成果,直接教學方式對於第二語言習得的效益再次獲得證實。其二,本實驗成果顯示:轉喻與隱喻實為密不可分的兩種概念,在教學過程中應把轉喻列為與隱喻一樣重要。其三,學習者的中介語包含了語言的普同性及差異性概念,因此應被視為連續體而非階段性結構;在設計教學教材時,應把此連續體的概念併入考量。總結而言,本實驗的成果不只在應用語言學領域提出見解,亦在第二語言習得領域有所貢獻。 / Metaphor and metonymy, pervasively found in everyday language, has been shown by cognitive linguistic research to lie at the heart of human thought and communication. Thus, ability to notice and comprehend metaphoric and metonymic expressions in expressing abstract concepts is indispensible for language users. However, since languages and cultures vary in a wide array of ways to employ metaphor and metonymy, L2 learners should develop metaphoric competence along with communicative competence.
Various methods to develop L2 learners’ metaphoric competence have been proposed. In the extant literature, instruction involving conceptual metaphors (CM), which focuses on correspondences of general traits, has been proved effective in raising learners’ awareness, comprehension, and retention for Hungarian and Dutch EFL learners. Its effectiveness in Chinese speaking context is worth attested empirically. On the other hand, metaphoric mappings, which illustrate both ontological mappings and epistemic mappings of two concepts in more systematic and detailed manners, offer a promising method for EFL language learning. Hence, instruction involving metaphoric mappings (MM) is assumed to be more effective than instruction of CM. The effectiveness of such a method is also worth attested empirically.
The present study aimed to test the effects of CM and MM on EFL learners’ awareness, comprehension, and retention of metaphoric and metonymic expressions with empirical evidence from a carefully-designed experiment. Finer-grained analyses on three important issues were provided: first, an in-depth examination of the intricate interaction of metonymy and metaphor as a continuum, and its influences on figurative language learning was conducted. Second, cultural universality and specificity among languages and the different degrees of difficulties for EFL learners in transferring expressions between L2 and L1 were also investigated. Third, whether structural and logical mappings between languages and cultures could assist learners to better grasp abstract concepts was examined.
The participants included 115 Taiwanese EFL learners, who were freshmen of a general university and a four-year technological university. The English proficiency of the former group was high-intermediate and that of the latter was low-intermediate. The experiment contained three phases: pre-teaching, teaching and post-teaching. The participants were divided into two sub-groups: one received instruction involving CM, and the other received instruction involving MM. They were asked to complete the computerized metaphoric competence test before and after receiving instructions. The results of the tests were collected and analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively.
The results showed that both instructions could lead to better awareness, comprehension, and retention. However, only the participants of the MM groups performed significantly better in the posttest regarding the Awareness Test, especially in finding metonymic-metaphoric and metaphoric expressions that contained no bodily descriptions, the two categories which were considered the most abstract among the expressions. Regarding the Comprehension Test, MM instruction was found to be especially beneficial for the participants in interpreting expressions involving cultural-specific conceptual metaphors. Moreover, MM instruction resulted in convergent effects in the participants’ performances and led toward relatively more consistent and steady progress. To conclude, MM instruction, with its structural, systematic, and logical mapping processes, was found to be especially helpful in facilitating learners’ awareness of expressions involving more abstract concepts, overcoming difficulties caused by cultural specificity, and leading to longer-term effects on retention.
The present study sheds light on the application of metaphor and metonymy to EFL teaching and learning of figurative language in three aspects. First, that explicit instructions on second language acquisition carry beneficial effects is validated for the development of learners’ metaphoric competence in the target language. In addition, metonymy is suggested as equally important as metaphor, and should be included in EFL language learning programs. Moreover, that learners’ interlanguage system is a continuum encompassing expressions with universal and specific cultural characteristics is also validated. Therefore, designs of EFL teaching materials are suggested to take such a continuum into consideration. In brief, the results of the study contribute not only to applied linguistics but also to second language acquisition.
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