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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

組織文化研究之辯證與發展 / On the Dialectical Development of Organizational Culture Studies

張信文, Chang, Shinn Wen Unknown Date (has links)
組織文化觀點是組織理論中對組織的一種新的思考方式,主要是因因反抗傳統結構或系統學派組織理論而產生。但許多組織文化文獻又落入傳統「技術旨趣」以及將文化視為「變項」的思考方式,使得組織文化觀點變得了無新意。因此在本論文中,首先將文化定義為一種隱喻的方式,即認為「組織就是文化」,而不僅是為了管理或控制方便,或為了提高生產力、增加承諾感等因素而控制的變項。同時認為文化研究本身就是一種「質的研究法」(Qualitative research method),因此文化研究必須依循質的研究系絡來進行,進入現場,感同身受,建立個例式的研究成果,而非如量化研究般的通則建立,因為那無法了解組織文化的全貌。   其後本論文提出整合性、分化性、斷裂性的組織文化觀點,並將整合性與分化性觀點置於現代性系絡下,斷裂性觀點則置於後現代性系絡下加以思考,企圖產生一種組織文化的新思維。現代性系絡強調的是整體性的訴求,理性的運用,並企圖建立後設理論以統攝其研究領域,整合性觀點強調文化的整體性、一致性、清晰性與共享性;分化性觀點則強調次文化團體共識與文化的不一致性,分化性觀點是對比整合性觀點而產生的,雖然已有後現代性的轉向,但仍將其列入現代性思考中。斷裂性觀點則強調模糊性,認為這才是組織文化的本質,並以分延、解構、擬象等後現代語彙來詮釋組織文化的內涵,反對共識的建立,強調對差異的尊重與模糊性思考方式,使組織文化一詞產生新的詮釋。   結論中除針對本論文中強調的重點再加以闡釋外,亦認為組織文化對公共行政學術與實務上而言,是一種「意義的追尋」,透過此種體認,使組織成員對組織生活與自身(self)之存在有新的體認。

針對新加坡人口老化課題之公共衛生服務雲端運算系統的隱喻學研究 / A metaphorical study on usage of public health service cloud computing system to counter issues of aging population in Singapore

蕭意卉, Xiao, Yi Hui Unknown Date (has links)
This study attempts to investigate the issues of aging population in the context of Singapore through metaphorical approach and the potential of tapping on the collaborative characteristics of a health service cloud computing system to meet the needs in elderly care, hence allowing active aging. The use of electronic health records (EHR) in various countries, particularly the meaningful use of EHR in USA is examined to understand its current features and usage. By employing conceptual mapping and blending of metaphorical study, the concepts in cloud computing are probed to gain better understanding on the characteristics of the technology. Similarly, with concepts drawn from an eco-system blended with concepts in a health service system, the characteristics of EHR and finally the characteristics of a health service cloud computing system are illustrated. With understanding in aging population, present usage of EHR and potential of cloud computing in Singapore, multi-methods research consisting of intensive interviews and archival document collations are employed. Triangulation amongst the datasets collated using open coding via ATLAS.ti resulted in 6 issues of concern in aging population pertaining to the Singapore context to arise, namely (i) primary care, (ii) familial support, (iii) awareness in health maintenance and transparency in information, (iv) improved efficiency and accuracy in healthcare with seamless transfer of care and (v) intermediate care and (vi) collaboration between stakeholders. Further analysis of the results draws up the possibilities for enhancing meaningful use of health service cloud computing system for active aging, which criteria are: (i) empowerment and ownership, (ii) sustainable homecare and (iii) seamless transfer of care. Finally, a conceptual mapping of health service cloud computing system and the criteria for effective aging give rise to a model framework that is set for active aging. / This study attempts to investigate the issues of aging population in the context of Singapore through metaphorical approach and the potential of tapping on the collaborative characteristics of a health service cloud computing system to meet the needs in elderly care, hence allowing active aging. The use of electronic health records (EHR) in various countries, particularly the meaningful use of EHR in USA is examined to understand its current features and usage. By employing conceptual mapping and blending of metaphorical study, the concepts in cloud computing are probed to gain better understanding on the characteristics of the technology. Similarly, with concepts drawn from an eco-system blended with concepts in a health service system, the characteristics of EHR and finally the characteristics of a health service cloud computing system are illustrated. With understanding in aging population, present usage of EHR and potential of cloud computing in Singapore, multi-methods research consisting of intensive interviews and archival document collations are employed. Triangulation amongst the datasets collated using open coding via ATLAS.ti resulted in 6 issues of concern in aging population pertaining to the Singapore context to arise, namely (i) primary care, (ii) familial support, (iii) awareness in health maintenance and transparency in information, (iv) improved efficiency and accuracy in healthcare with seamless transfer of care and (v) intermediate care and (vi) collaboration between stakeholders. Further analysis of the results draws up the possibilities for enhancing meaningful use of health service cloud computing system for active aging, which criteria are: (i) empowerment and ownership, (ii) sustainable homecare and (iii) seamless transfer of care. Finally, a conceptual mapping of health service cloud computing system and the criteria for effective aging give rise to a model framework that is set for active aging.

從語料庫看台灣華語身體部位詞詞彙的詞彙結構、語意表現及詞彙化 / Word component structures, meaning distribution and lexicalization: linguistic usages containing body-part terms liǎn / miàn, yǎn / mù and zuǐ / kǒu in Taiwan mandarin

許筱翎, Hsu, Hsiao-ling Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要的目的為找出六個身體部位詞-臉、面、眼、目、嘴、口在台灣華語的真實使用情形。本篇所分析的語料皆來自於目前收錄最多筆語料、體裁種類平衡、被廣泛使用的中央研究院現代漢語平衡語料庫4.0版。我們有系統地分析了包含這六個身體部位詞詞彙的內部構造、語意分佈、與詞彙化類型。研究結果發現,在包含這六個身體部位詞詞彙中,[NN]N為最顯著的詞彙內部構造。而在語意分布的部份,相較於臉、眼、嘴,面、目、口較常被用來表達轉喻及隱喻等非字面上的意義。此外,人與情緒為最為普遍的轉喻意,這兩個轉喻用法在六個身體部位詞詞彙中皆可發現。此外,當身體部位詞詞彙表達人這個轉喻意時,其詞彙內部構造多為[NN]N ; 當身體部位詞詞彙表達情緒這個轉喻意時,其詞彙內部構造多為[NN]N與[VN]V。另外,大體上來說,無論身體部位詞詞彙是表達轉喻意或隱喻意,[NN]N為最普遍的內部構造。並且,當身體部位詞詞彙表達轉喻意或隱喻意時,最常出現的詞彙化類型為隱喻詞彙化(metaphorical lexicalization)。本研究結果期望能提供語料庫辨別轉喻及隱喻的方法,並期望轉喻及隱喻的研究可以從長久以來偏向質性的討論分析,擴展到量化的比較與討論。 / This study aims at finding the actual usage patterns of the six body-part terms liǎn, miàn, yǎn, mù, zuǐ, and kǒu extracted from the largest, balanced and widely-used Sinica Corpus 4.0. The word component structures, meaning distribution and lexicalization types in the six body-part terms are systematically analyzed and compared. The results show that, in terms of word component structures, the [NN]N structure is the most dominant word component structure across the six body-part terms. As for meaning distribution, it is found that miàn, mù, and kǒu are more frequently used to denote non-literal meanings (either metonymic or metaphorical meanings) than their counterparts – liǎn, yǎn, and zuǐ. In addition, PERSON and EMOTION are the most prevalent metonymic meanings across the six body part terms. It is also found that when the body-part terms denote PERSON, the most dominant word component structure is [NN]N, while when they denote EMOTION, [NN]N and [VN]V are the most dominant structures. In general, the [NN]N structure shows the highest frequency of occurrences in all the six body part terms when they are used either metonymically or metaphorically. As for the lexicalization types, most of the disyllabic words containing the six body-part terms are in metaphorical lexicalization when they denote metonymic or metaphorical meanings. The results may provide some insights for refining procedures of identifing metaphors and metonymies in corpora so as to accelarate quantification and statistical evaluation.

客語「放」及其同類動詞:框架語義與構式之互動 / Piong3 ‘put’ and its Congeners in Hakka: Frames and Constructions

羅婉君, Luo, Wan Jyun Unknown Date (has links)
本論文「客語「放」及其同類動詞:框架語義與構式之互動」以Fillmore (1985)提出的「框架語義」以及Goldberg (1995)等學者提出的「構式語法」觀點為基礎,分析客語「放」字構式呈現的多義現象。客語「放」字涉及「使動事件」:空間位移與狀態變化。本文著重分析「使動結構」與客語「放」字在動賓、動補及句子等構式中語意-句法的互動。同時藉助隱喻與轉喻的強化,說明客語「放」字延伸語意之間的關聯性,並進一步闡述客語「放」字在動賓結構中詞彙化為複合詞的現象。此外,本文亦檢視客語其他放置類動詞:方向同類動詞、工具同類動詞、方式同類動詞,經由審視其詞彙化類型與框架語義之互動,說明其語意內涵與句法上的表現。因此,本論文經由分析詞彙化類型與探討事件架構中參與角色的展現與否,說明客語放置類動詞語意與句法間的相互關係。 / English verbs describing putting, a prototypical exemplar of a caused-motion activity, have been pervasively found to be the first acquired and the most frequently used verbs in many languages. Their semantic compatibility with various syntactic structures reinforces the association between verbal meanings and the constructions, giving rise to a grouping of related but distinct senses (Goldberg et al. 2004). Piong3 (放) ‘to put’ in Hakka is abundant in semantics. The basic meaning of piong3 designates a common pattern of human experience: An animate entity exerts manual force upon a physical object and causes the object to move. Adopting Goldberg’s (1995) Constructions and Fillmore’s (1985) Frame Semantics, this study aims to account for the meaning relatedness latent in piong3 and explicate the shades of meaning rooted in the set of its congeners with different degree of family resemblance. It is argued that the delicate nuances denoted by piong3 are derived from the interaction between frames and constructions while the extended meanings of piong3 are linked to its typical use through various metaphors and metonymies such as CONTAINER, EVENT STRUCTURE, CHANGE OF STATE AS CHANGE OF LOCATION metaphors and ACTION FOR RESULT metonymy. Furthermore, with regard to congeners of piong3 in Hakka, it is maintained that differences in profiling and lexicalization patterns capture the primary difference between piong3 and its congeners. Specifically, piong3 does not lexicalize other semantic elements (i.e. path, means, manner, result, and etc.) into its lexical meaning whereas its congeners explicitly do so, in that three subtypes of the congeners can be identified: directional congeners, means congeners, and manner congeners.

「上」的中日對照研究 -從認知語言學的觀點-

林維瑄, Lin, Wei hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
在中日文裡要表達某個物體的上方空間時,都會使用「上」這個字。因此中國人學日文或是日本人學中文時,往往會認為中日文的「上」是完全的對應。但仔細觀察中日文中關於「上」的例子,我們可發現很多實例並非呈現一對一的對應關係。本論文主要目的在以中日對照研究的立場,應用認知語言學的形象圖式及形象圖式轉換與隱喻和轉喻理論解釋中日文「上」的多義和語義延伸的現象,並描繪出中日文「上」的語義網絡。 本論文共分成五章。第一章,概述研究動機和方法及研究範圍。第二章,藉由形象圖式理論分析中文「上」的基本空間意義及延伸的意義。第三章,藉由形象圖式理論分析日文「上」的基本空間意義及延伸的意義。第四章,比較中日文「上」的共通點及相異點,並透過圖表來清楚呈現出其對應關係。第五章,本論文的總結,繪出中日文「上」的語義網絡,並提出本論文今後研究的課題。 【關鍵字】:認知語言學、形象圖式、被觀察者、參考體、語義延伸、隱喻、轉喻、文法化 / 中国語と日本語で〈ある物体の上部・上方〉といった空間を表現する際、中国語でも日本語でも同じ「上」という漢字を用いる。このため、日本語を学ぶ中国語母語話者、また中国語を学ぶ日本語母語話者が、日本語の「Nの上」と中国語の「N+上」を一義的に対応させて使用してしまうケースが多い。しかし、実際の用例を見ると「Nの上」と「N+上」が一義的に対応しない場合が多数存在する。そこで、本稿では「上」を取り上げ、認知言語学の考え方を導入して、日中対照研究の立場から、その共通点・相違点を比較し、日中両語の対応関係を明らかにすることを目的とする。また、認知言語学の意味拡張の概念を用い、その意味・用法がどのような認知プロセスを経て生まれたものであるのかを図示で解明してみたい。  本稿は五つの章からなる。第1章は序論である。第2章では、中国語のプロトタイプ的意味とその拡張された意味を論じる。第3章では、日本語のプロトタイプ的意味とその拡張された意味を論じる。第4章では、対照研究を通じて、日本語と中国語の対応関係を論じる。第5章は、分析した結果をまとめ、今後の研究の方向と課題を述べる。 【キーワード】:認知言語学、イメージ・スキーマ、トラジェクター、ランドマーク、意味拡張、メタファー、メトニミー、文法化

解讀報紙建構的資訊社會圖像 / Comprehending the Image of Information Society Newspapers Construct

陳雅萍, Ya-Ping Chen Unknown Date (has links)
始於資訊社會論述瀰漫,資訊社會相關口語俯拾可得,信誓旦旦,並觀察到報紙做為一權力爭奪發聲的動態場域而資訊新聞相關版面從有到無漸趨固定之態勢,本論文第一個研究問題即是:資訊社會是何光景?---看報紙建構出如何的資訊社會圖像;接著以批判的傳播政治經濟學取向解讀此圖像是如何被產製出來的。前者(建構圖像)以系統化歸納資訊版新聞的報導主題與隱喻語言的使用為兩條取徑來呈現報紙建構的資訊社會圖像;後者(解讀圖像)則關注傳播活動如何在資源(物質與符號資源)分配不公允的情況下被設定或限制,挖掘資訊社會圖像的產製環境、生產條件與生產關係等文化製造的資訊,以瞭解文化產品(資訊社會圖像)的深層社會意義。 研究結果發現:資訊版新聞以資訊商品為首席主角及幾乎全使用正面情緒的隱喻語言所鋪陳出來之資訊社會圖像,其產製環境實與「台灣資訊社會論述發展之歷史脈絡下,國家機器與資訊產業資本家的共生結構」、及「報業經濟環境產生變化時,資訊業與報業的經濟關係」有關。轉而進入新聞產製過程,探討產製資訊新聞的過程中如何得以與社會既有權力互動,並且歸納出「國家機器」與「資訊產業界」之共生結構消息來源佔資訊版發聲位置將近八成,而資訊社會圖像產製於此等權力架構中。 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與研究背景 2 第二節 研究問題與論文架構 5 第三節 章節安排 6 第二章 文獻探討與研究取向 8 第一節 文獻探討 8 1. 資訊社會文獻探討 8 2. 資訊社會定義的探討 12 3. 資訊社會論述的批判觀點 17 4. 資訊新聞與科學新聞相關研究 20 5. 小結 22 第二節 研究取向 23 1. 「建構」資訊社會圖像之研究取向 23 1.1 新聞的報導主題 24 1.2 隱喻 25 2. 「解讀」資訊社會圖像之研究取向 28 2.1 政治經濟學與批判的傳播政經研究 28 2.2新聞產製V.S.權力 31 3. 小結 34 第三章 研究方法 36 1.研究對象與抽樣 36 2.分析單位與研究範圍 37 3.類目的建構 38 3.1 一般資料 38 3.2 報導主題 39 3.3 隱喻語言 54 3.4 消息來源 55 第四章 研究結果 57 第一節 報紙建構的資訊社會圖像 57 一、 資訊版新聞的報導主題歸納 57 1. 資訊版新聞的報導主題歸納統計分析 57 2. 合併類目分析 73 3. 加入「頭條╱非頭條新聞」變項 77 4. 小結 79 二、隱喻語言的分析 80 小結 97 第二節 解讀報紙建構的資訊社會圖像 99 一、資訊社會圖像產製的政經環境 99 1. 全球資訊化浪潮的成形 100 2. 資訊產業在台灣的發展 101 3. 台灣的資訊政策 102 4.資訊社會論述中「國家機器」與「資訊產業資本家」的共生結構 105 5. 大眾化報紙紛設資訊相關版面V.S.市場利潤 108 5.1 固定資訊相關版面紛紛現身 108 5.2資訊相關版面設立背景 110 二、新聞產製V.S.權力 114 1. 新聞組織常規 114 1.1 記者採訪路線與消息來源 115 1.2 時間概念對新聞的影響 117 1.3 客觀的新聞專業意理 118 2. 資訊版是誰的天下? 119 2.1 消息來源的偏向 119 2.2 在資訊版新聞發聲的消息來源 120 第五章 結論 124 第一節 研究結果 124 第二節 研究限制 127 第三節 對未來研究的建議 128 參考書目 131 附錄一 140 附錄二 148 附錄三 149 附錄四 151 / The first question this thesis want to ask: what is Information Society (hereafter, IS)?---what kind of image of IS newspapers construct; then comprehending how the image is produced in the approach of critical political economy of communication. The former (constructing image) selects two approaches, inducting the themes of news reports and the metaphor language systematically in the page of information news, to present the image of IS newspapers construct; and the latter (comprehending image) concerns how communicative activities are influenced or limited under the situation of unequal distribution of resources (material and symbolic resources). Try to dig out the information of the productive environment, conditions, and relations of the image and so on about culture production to comprehend the deeper social meaning of the image. The research found: In the page of information news (Liberal Times is the research object in this thesis), the image of IS is made of the chief leading role, information commodity, and the metaphor language which almost shows positive emotion. The productive environment of the image is related with the symbiosis structure of Taiwan state apparatuses and the capitalist of information industries in historical context in Taiwan and the economic relations between the press and information industries when the economic situation of the press changed. Also, by entering the process of making news, this article discusses how social existing powers interact in making information news, and the research found the IS image is produced from a powerful structure made of information industries and state apparatuses. These two kinds of sources occupy almost 80% of speaking location in the page of information news.

運用隱喻計算於特色結盟之企業夥伴推薦研究 - 以區域觀光產業為例 / Metaphor-Based Alliance Partners Recommendation for Unique and Attractive Destination Image Building

葉又誠, Yeh, Yu Chen Unknown Date (has links)
對於結盟的建立而言,如何選擇夥伴是相當重要的議題。許多的學術研究著重於建立一些選擇夥伴的框架或準則,以求達到資源分享、節省成本的效果。在旅遊產業中,許多文獻舉出了意象建立的重要性,也點出了意象的有效建立有賴於企業體彼此緊密的合作,然而,較少研究探討如果要建立獨特且具有吸引力的意象效果,應該選擇那些夥伴才能到到目標。因此,本研究提出一系統化的方法能幫助使用者分析並找出合適的合作夥伴,以建立獨特且具有吸引力的意象。此一方法利用隱喻計算作為工具,嘗試找出創新的解決方案。本研究提出也提出一個系統架構,並輔以相關的演算法與情境來說明方法上的可用性。從理論上的觀點來看,本研究嘗試透過自動化的方式找出隱喻的意涵,並將之整合到一問題解決的方法上。從實務面來看,本研究提供了中小型企業一個有用的方法能幫助他們找到合適的合作夥伴。透過建立更高品質的夥伴關係,我們期盼在旅遊產業的中小型企業能夠進一步增加其競爭優勢、存活與獲利能力。此外,研究也發現,一個區域的意象多樣性直接影響到中小型企業透過合作來建立市場利基的可能性。 / Partner selection is an important issue in alliance formation. A lot of research works have been done in developing the framework or criteria for selecting partners from the views of resource complement, cost reductions and knowledge sharing. However, research to date suggests relatively little is known about how to select partners for attractive and unique image building, which is essential to the developments of tourism especially for SME owners in the tourism sector. In this paper, we propose a systematic approach for service providers in tourism to identify appropriate partners to form alliances and build their attractive and unique images. This approach employs metaphors as a tool to generate innovative and creative solutions. The system architecture is then provided and elaborated with algorithms and the system scenario. From the theoretical perspective, we attempt to excavate the meaning of metaphors from the web in order to propose a new frame of problem-solving. From the practical perspective, we provide SME owners with a useful approach for managing partner selection and attractive and unique image building. By forming better alliances, SMEs in tourism sector can gain competitive advantages and improve their sustainability and profitability. In addition, the image diversity of a tourism destination is an important factor on market niche creation through alliance formation.

敘事治療取向生涯諮商應用於高中女生生涯探索覺察歷程的敘事研究 / Narrative research on the application of narrative-appraoched career counseling in the aware process of career exploration in senior secondary girls

盧碧燕 January 2007 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

客家動物諺語的隱喻表現 / Metaphor in Hakka Animal Proverbs

徐韶君, Hsu, Shao Chun Unknown Date (has links)
人類如何傳達訊息?如何感知世界?人類認知概念從語言形式上看到概念隱喻,看到的不只是語言現象,是概念之間的互動,諺語即為隱喻現象豐富的語言形式之一。人類面對隱喻表現時,透過隱喻機制運作,以及文化背景影響,產生概念隱喻,利於人們理解,因而有諺語的形成。 Lakoff & Turner (1989) 提及人類與動物在物種階層上是密切的。本論文將以動物為取材,透過觀察客家動物諺語之隱喻表現,探究其中動物來源域和人類目標域間的互動。然而客家諺語中的動物隱喻是如何展現與客家文化的關係,藉由多源一義、一源多義的隱喻展現,以隱喻概念為基礎之分析,同時了解文化約制。進一步,以概念隱喻機制概述客家動物諺語在人類認知中如何運作,給予人類如何理解隱喻表現更完整的解釋。 / How do people communicate? In what way do we sense the world? Conceptual metaphor embedded in many language expressions are understood through conceptual correlations. Among the many language expressions, proverbs manifest a common kind of metaphor used in our daily life. Through uncovering the cognitive mechanisms operated in the metaphor of proverbs, we understand not only the language but also cultural thoughts. This thesis investigates metaphor in Hakka animal proverbs. According to Lakoff &Turner (1989), humans and animals are highly related in species, both showing certain attributes and behaviors. Animal proverbs, often exhibiting animal attributes and behaviors, are used to carry certain social-pragmatic function of educating human beings. This study explores the conceptual metaphor of animal proverbs, generalizing the semantic features of animal source domains and the main themes of target domains. With the analysis of general patterns of the many‐sources‐to‐a‐target and a‐source‐to‐many-targets relationships of these proverbs, the study has not only shown how people understand animal metaphor in mind but also demonstrated Hakka cultural specifics in animal metaphor.

孟莊工夫論之比較研究——以「身心之學」為觀察視域 / Comparison Study on the Gongfu Theories of Mencius and Chuang Tzu: Perspective on the Theory of Mind-Body

林世賢, Lin,shih hsieh Unknown Date (has links)
本文乃是以「身心之學」貫串全文,以「隱喻」凸顯孟子、莊子各自的工夫論特色,而「孟莊之同」(儒道之同)則可謂本文最重要的結論。 首先,由於工夫修養與主體的轉化和提昇密切相關,而現實生命又是以「心—身」共構體存在於世,故工夫修養亦得落實於「心—身」共構體,此即為「身心之學」的內涵之一,也是筆者著意於「身心之學」的原因之一。孟子和莊子的思想皆包含內聖與外王二面,據本文的析論,孟子和莊子各自的內聖外王思想,其實踐起點、轉折樞紐,均結穴於「身心之學」。要言之,「身心之學」實為孟子(儒家)與莊子(道家)內聖修養及外王實踐之根基。 復次,本文分別從「水喻」和「鏡喻」闡明孟子與莊子各自工夫論的特色及其主要精神,且更進一步地掘發「水喻」和「鏡喻」的底蘊:「水:神氣」與「金:真性」。 最後,本文認為儒道之間,大抵於最「根源∕終極」處,及最「基礎」處,可得其同;而在最「基礎」至最「根源∕終極」之間,則呈現千差萬別。具體說明,內聖方面,自現實性復歸本來性,孟子(儒家)和莊子(道家)均可同意「身心之學」是內聖修養之基礎,亦可承認「心—身」共構體共時涵攝神聖∕凡俗、先天∕後天、善∕惡、清∕濁等二面,此乃對生命最基礎處的相同主張;而對宇宙—生命最根源處,孟子(儒家)和莊子(道家)也都深體其乃是「意識、存有與價值三位一體」,或說「宇宙道體—意識主體—價值本體同根同源」,並共同宣稱本性乃是永恆真常(「金:真性」),心氣則為變化不拘(「水:神氣」)。可是,返本復初的工夫,則有萬千法門,亦即對於如何自現實性復歸本來性,孟子(儒家)和莊子(道家)便有不盡相同的教法。 此外,在外王方面,孟子(儒家)和莊子(道家)也均可贊成「身心之學」乃是成就外王事業的依據、基礎,或說「心—身」共構體是向外王領域前進的起點;對孟子(儒家)和莊子(道家)而言,實踐外王的終極理想,皆是祈願蒼生能夠安頓自家性命,內外一切真誠自然,歸德復道——儒家大同言其秩序,道家至德敘其自然,而安樂於內在之秩序,即是自然!同樣的,從「心—身」共構體推廣至成就外王,孟子(儒家)和莊子(道家)的舉措施為,當然有同有異。

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