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漢語多義情態動詞的連用結構:語意與語用之互動 / On the construction of multiple polysemous modal verbs in mandarin Chinese: the Semantics-Pragmatics interface

吳光中, Wu, Guang Zhong Andrew Unknown Date (has links)
本論文藉由系統性地闡述情態語意詮釋與情態動詞連用結構之間的關係來解釋限制漢語多義情態動詞(應該、要、會、可以、能)連用詞序的機制。首先本文作者指出以Lyons (1977)及Palmer (2001)為首的描述性導向分析方法無法全面性地解釋所有漢語多義情態動詞連用的可能性,於是本文採用Klinge (1993)的語意與語用互動分析方法並認為所有情態動詞本身只含有單一核心語意而且共享「潛在性」(POTENTIALITY)語意來預測未證實的情狀描述(SITUATION REPRESENTATION)是否說明實際語境形勢(WORLD SITUATION)的可能性,而此未證實的情狀描述所身處的語境主要分為兩大情狀類型:事件型情狀描述(WORLD-EVENT)和主語型情狀描述(AGENT-EVENT)。此外,經由逐一定義每個多義情態動詞的核心語意之後作者發現情態動詞說明未證實的情狀描述與實際語境形勢之間關係的預測強度是影響漢語多義情態動詞連用結構中詞序限制的主要因素;作者也舉出英語方言中的情態助動詞連用情形來證明本研究中所採用的語意與語用互動分析方法之下的概括性結論在跨語言間可以獲得普遍性支持。 / The purpose of this study is to formulate a schematic representation of modal form-meaning correspondence to explicate what mechanism governs the ordering constraint of Chinese polysemous modal verbs – YINGGAI應該, YAO要, HUI會, KEYI可以, NENG能– in one utterance. We first point out the traditional descriptive-oriented approach argued by Lyons (1977) and Palmer (2001) cannot comprehensively explain all possible Chinese modal co-occurrence. Hence, the alternative semantics-pragmatics approach suggested by Klinge (1993) in this study argues that various modal interpretations are not encoded in modal lexemes but induced by the following inference process: the modal verbs which share the same semantic field of POTENTIALITY specify the correspondence between the unverified SITUATION REPRESENTATION of two major situation types, i.e. WORLD-EVENT and ANGENT-EVENT, and the referential situation in real world, i.e. WORLD SITUATION. Besides, according to the systematic account for different core meanings of each Chinese polysemous modal verb, we also claim that the STRENGTH of prediction represented by each polysemous modal verb to the POTENTIAL correspondence between SITUATION REPRESENTATION and WORLD SITUATION governs the ordering restriction in Chinese multiple-modal construction. This generalization of our alternative methodology in this study is also supported by the English double-modal construction in several English dialects, in which it implies our present framework is universal across languages.


梶川, 克哉 03 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.


李, 澤熊 09 October 2009 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.


徐洪宗, Hsu, Hung-tsung Unknown Date (has links)
文本的多義(polysemy)現象往往是文學閱讀樂趣產生之由來,然而具有多義性的文本卻未必侷限於純文學文本,筆者觀察30年來的廣告文本中的語言,發現具有多義性的廣告語言越來越多,廣告語言的創作手法甚有文學化的傾向。又由於文本的多義性,有時在傳播過程中便容易產生歧義(ambiguity)解讀。 基於上述理由,筆者在本文中首先釐清多義與歧義觀念上的不同,並藉用現代語言學的觀念、結構主義與後結構主義的觀點、當代漢語語法分析的方法、傳播學中的言語行為理論、傳播社會學的受播者自選性理論等等學理觀念和方法,探討近30年來較有名的廣告文本之語言的詞義、結構,以掌握廣告語言詞義、結構與語義間的關係,同時輔以語用的分析;在閱聽人的解讀反應上,則搜集報章雜誌中與該廣告語言所引起的爭議及討論的相關報導做為分析參酌之材料,進而掌握廣告語言的歧義現象產生的原因與影響。 本研究希望藉由詞義分析、語法結構分析及語義判讀掌握廣告語言與文化語境的關係,歸納出廣告語言多義與歧義產生的原因與歧義現象的影響,期望在整個廣告語言與社會文化的互動過程中,能更清楚地掌握廣告語言的可能意指及其在絢麗的語言符號背後所指涉的社會文化意涵。 由於不同結構的廣告語言各有不同的使用目的或使用之場合,在實例分析上,筆者將其分為「詞」與「詞組」、「單句」、「複句」三個單元。而筆者分析所得的大致成果是: 在「多義解讀與文本語境」方面,文本多義性的形成,除了詞語本身的多義性是歷時必然發展出的結果之外,文本語境中的修辭技巧、文本語境中的語言結構省略、文本語境中的多層次語法結構、聲音與畫面未能提供妥善限制等等都是重要因素。 在「歧義解讀與文化語境」方面,影響歧義解讀的文化語境因素可歸納為:不同文化背景的認知差異、不同性別的思考差異、不同年齡層的不同價值觀、語言禁忌的思考等四個因素,然而這四個因素有時候並不是單獨存在,造成歧義解讀的因素,有時頗單純,有時卻呈現頗為錯綜複雜的情形。 多義文本提供閱讀樂趣,自古以來是文學作品的普遍現象,然而,作為資訊閱讀的廣告語言,從多義性進而產生歧義解讀則會有如下影響: (一)愈簡短的廣告語言形式造成的歧義解讀對品牌影響愈大 (二)形成話題、達到宣傳效果 (三)影響品牌形象與商品接受度 (四)造成爭議、引起訴訟

漢語多義情態動詞 / Polysemous modal verbs in Mandarin Chinese

巫春慧, Wu, Chun Hui Unknown Date (has links)
本論文試圖經由檢視過去對於漢語情態動詞的研究,找出最適合稱為「情態動詞」的十二個情態動詞,並以此為基礎建立適合漢語情態動詞的語意分類方式:主要分三大類—動力情態、義務情態、認知情態。同時也從共時與歷時的角度檢視漢語裡的五個多義情態動詞,包括會、能、要、可以、應該。研究發現這五個多義情態動詞所顯現的多義都是極度相關的。首先,五個多義情態動詞都有以上三大類的情態意義,其中又以動力情態為中心意義。此外,本研究確立多義情態動詞的發展方向與階段,由動力情態延伸出來的義務情態是透過主觀化的認知機制(Traugott 1980),之後,由義務情態發展出來的認知情態則是由於主觀化與隱喻(Sweetser 1990)的運作。最後,本文也探討了情態與句法的互動關係。 / The purpose of this study is to reveal the relationship among polysemous modal verbs in Mandarin Chinese (hui4, neng2, yao4, ke3yi3, ying1gai1). It is found that the multiple modal senses encoded in the five polysemous modal verbs are closely-related. Through a careful examination on both synchronic and diachronic data of the five polysemous modal verbs, it is suggested that each of them exhibit three major modality types, including dynamic (ability, volition), deontic (directive, commissive), and epistemic (judgmental) modalities. At Stage I of the path of development, dynamic modality, as the core meaning of polysemous modal verbs, is extended to deontic modality through the cognitively-driven mechanism—subjectification, which is proposed by Traugott (1989). Then, epistemic modality is developed from deontic modality at Stage II through both subjectification and metaphorization (Sweetser 1990). After determining the direction and stages of the development path of the five polysemous modal verbs, a feature-based classification for modality types of Chinese modal verbs is provided in order to incorporate the differences and similarities among the three modality types (dynamic, deontic, and epistemic modalities). Finally, the interaction between modalities and other syntactic elements (predicates and arguments) is discussed with examples.


渡邉, 真 25 February 2013 (has links)
No description available.


加藤, 恵梨 03 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.


太田, 真由美 17 February 2012 (has links)
No description available.


高橋, 圭介 31 March 2005 (has links)
No description available.

中文多義詞「出」字之語意探討 / On Semantic Relatedness of the Mandarin Polysemous Word Chu

林素朱, Lin, Su-Chu Unknown Date (has links)
認知語意學替不同語言多義詞的語意關係提供了精闢的解釋。中文裡「出」字使用頻率高(中研院平衡語料庫出現近三萬次),語意類型多樣(國語日報字典中列舉十多個意義),卻鮮少人研究。本研究以認知語意學的角度出發,利用圖像模組 (image schema) 建立中文多義詞「出」的語意框架 (semantic frame),認為不同的觀點 (perspective) 可分析「出」字的不同語意,並以語意的譬喻延伸 (metaphorical extension) 將不同範疇的語意連結起來,解釋「出」字語意的多樣性。 / This study aims to explore the meaning relatedness of the Mandarin polysemous word chu from a cognitive approach. Theories of cognitive semantics provide a plausible account for polysemous words since a cognitive approach in analyzing language benefits the discovery of conceptual frameworks underlying complex linguistic expressions. To add another piece of empirical evidence, this study aims to examine the Mandarin polysemous word chu, which is highly productive and which exhibits extreme complexity in terms of its senses. An image schema for chu is proposed as its semantic framework and different perspectives are considered to account for the multiple senses of chu. Furthermore, metaphorical extension is detectable in the meaning shifts of chu as well.

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