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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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漢語多義情態動詞的連用結構:語意與語用之互動 / On the construction of multiple polysemous modal verbs in mandarin Chinese: the Semantics-Pragmatics interface

吳光中, Wu, Guang Zhong Andrew Unknown Date (has links)
本論文藉由系統性地闡述情態語意詮釋與情態動詞連用結構之間的關係來解釋限制漢語多義情態動詞(應該、要、會、可以、能)連用詞序的機制。首先本文作者指出以Lyons (1977)及Palmer (2001)為首的描述性導向分析方法無法全面性地解釋所有漢語多義情態動詞連用的可能性,於是本文採用Klinge (1993)的語意與語用互動分析方法並認為所有情態動詞本身只含有單一核心語意而且共享「潛在性」(POTENTIALITY)語意來預測未證實的情狀描述(SITUATION REPRESENTATION)是否說明實際語境形勢(WORLD SITUATION)的可能性,而此未證實的情狀描述所身處的語境主要分為兩大情狀類型:事件型情狀描述(WORLD-EVENT)和主語型情狀描述(AGENT-EVENT)。此外,經由逐一定義每個多義情態動詞的核心語意之後作者發現情態動詞說明未證實的情狀描述與實際語境形勢之間關係的預測強度是影響漢語多義情態動詞連用結構中詞序限制的主要因素;作者也舉出英語方言中的情態助動詞連用情形來證明本研究中所採用的語意與語用互動分析方法之下的概括性結論在跨語言間可以獲得普遍性支持。 / The purpose of this study is to formulate a schematic representation of modal form-meaning correspondence to explicate what mechanism governs the ordering constraint of Chinese polysemous modal verbs – YINGGAI應該, YAO要, HUI會, KEYI可以, NENG能– in one utterance. We first point out the traditional descriptive-oriented approach argued by Lyons (1977) and Palmer (2001) cannot comprehensively explain all possible Chinese modal co-occurrence. Hence, the alternative semantics-pragmatics approach suggested by Klinge (1993) in this study argues that various modal interpretations are not encoded in modal lexemes but induced by the following inference process: the modal verbs which share the same semantic field of POTENTIALITY specify the correspondence between the unverified SITUATION REPRESENTATION of two major situation types, i.e. WORLD-EVENT and ANGENT-EVENT, and the referential situation in real world, i.e. WORLD SITUATION. Besides, according to the systematic account for different core meanings of each Chinese polysemous modal verb, we also claim that the STRENGTH of prediction represented by each polysemous modal verb to the POTENTIAL correspondence between SITUATION REPRESENTATION and WORLD SITUATION governs the ordering restriction in Chinese multiple-modal construction. This generalization of our alternative methodology in this study is also supported by the English double-modal construction in several English dialects, in which it implies our present framework is universal across languages.

潛能式與情態詞「能」的關係及教學建議 / Modality in potential forms and modal verb neng in Mandarin and its pedagogical approach to teaching

莊欣荷, Zhuang, Xin He Unknown Date (has links)
華語情態詞「能」和潛能式在表現情態時 經常可以替換使用,例如「吃了這麼多東西,當然吃得飽」也可以說「吃了這麼多東西,當然能吃飽」,但有些時候卻不能,例如「我睡不著」不能說成「我不能睡著」,因為「我睡不著」的意思是「我想睡,但是無法入睡」,而「我不能睡著」的意思是「我想睡,但是因為某些原因,不允許我去睡」。因此本論文的研究動機是了解潛能式和情態詞「能」的差異,以及如何將研究成果應用於對外華語教學上。為達成此目標,首先,本論文整理了過去的研究中相關的文獻,接著確定了本論文的情態架構,接著再討論潛能式和情態詞「能」的結構特色以及情態類型,也確定了兩者都可以表現動力、認知、義務情態三者,但是各有限制,最後則是分別檢測比較潛能式和情態詞「能」在表現這三種情態類型時的替換限制,發現影響替換規則的因素包括:述補複合詞是否具有主事意義,述補複合詞的結構緊密程度、述補複合詞是否為慣用語,而經常被討論的潛能式的否定範疇則必須考慮命題、事件的時間性,最後分析了常用的兩套教材(正中書局出版《實用視聽華語一》、遠東出版社出版《遠東生活華語一、二》)的特色,再根據結構複雜度以及語義情態複雜度提出教學排序的建議。


王培玲 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討桃園縣國中生的愛情態度與依附關係之現況、各背景變項在愛情態度及依附關係的差異情形、愛情態度與依附關係的相關情形以及依附關係對不同愛情態度之預測情形。 為達上述之研究目的,本研究採問卷調查法,以桃園縣九十六學年度公立國中二年級學生為受試樣本,總共562人,有效樣本為524人,可用率為93.23 %。本研究工具為「愛情態度量表」、「父母與同儕依附量表」,研究所得資料以描述統計、變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關與逐步多元迴歸分析等統計方法進行分析。 根據研究主要發現,歸納本研究結論如下︰ ㄧ、桃園縣國中生的愛情態度主要偏向「友伴之愛」;桃園縣國中生的依附關係主要偏向「同儕依附」。 二、桃園縣國中生的愛情態度與依附關係會因背景不同而有差異。 三、桃園縣國中生的愛情態度與依附關係之間有顯著相關。 四、桃園縣國中生的依附關係對不同的愛情態度具有預測效果。 最後根據本研究結果,研究者提出數項建議以供家長、學校教師及未來研究做參考,以期有助於大眾對國中生愛情態度與依附關係的了解。

An Analysis of the Use of Modal Verbs in Senior High School Students' Compositions / 高中生英文作文中情態助動詞使用之分析

張翠杏, Chang, Tsui-hsing Unknown Date (has links)
國立政治大學英國語文學系在職碩士班 碩士論文提要 論文名稱:高中生英文作文中情態助動詞使用之分析 指導教授:尤雪瑛博士 研究生:張翠杏撰 論文提要內容: 本研究旨在分析高中生在英文作文中使用情態助動詞之情形,並就學生使用情態助動詞之困難加以研究,以期能了解學生困難之所在並加以解決。 本研究採用質與量的分析方法。質的分析包括: (一) 情態助動詞之意義與功能; (二) 學生誤用情態助動詞之情形; (三) 影響學生誤用情態助動詞之原因。量的分析則重在研究: (一) 學生使用各個情態助動詞之頻率; (二) 學生最容易誤用之情態助動詞之頻率。 本研究結果如下:學生最常使用的情態助動詞為can和will,這兩者也最容易被誤用,學生除了會把各個情態助動詞互相替換使用之外,也會在不需要情態助動詞的情形下使用情態助動詞。造成學生誤用情態助動詞原因包括: (一) 學生誤解不同情態助動詞的用法,而把一種用法運用在其他情態助動詞上; (二) 學生把情態助動詞的用法簡化; (三) 學生受到固定用語的影響; (四) 學生受到母語的影響直接把中文翻譯成英文。 本研究最後提出在英語教學上的建議:在課堂上教授情態助動詞時,除了將各個情態助動詞不同的用法呈現,還必須比較各個情態助動詞之間相近的用法,再把這些情態助動詞放在不同的情境中呈現它們在現實生活中真正的用法與意義,期使學生能學到情態助動詞正確的用法。 / ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to analyze the use of modal verbs in students’ compositions and to understand students’ difficulty in learning and using modal verbs. Modal verbs’ surface forms and grammatical characteristics are very easy for students to remember. However, their complicated meanings and usages are somewhat difficult. This study adopts qualitative and quantitative analyses. The qualitative analysis includes: (1) the meanings and functions of modal verbs, (2) students’ misuse of modal verbs, and (3) the reasons that affect students’ misuse of modal verbs. The quantitative analysis includes: (1) the frequency of the use of every modal verb in students’ compositions, and (2) the frequency of the misuse of modal verbs. The results of this study are summarized as follows: the most often used modal verbs are can and will. Students tend to use wrong modal verbs or add modal verbs to sentences that don’t need one. The reasons affecting students’ misuse of modal verbs are: (1) students’ misunderstanding of the use of modal verbs, (2) students’ oversimplification of the meanings and functions of modal verbs, (3) the effect of frozen idiomatic expressions, and (4) the effect of students’ native languages. Finally, the study provides pedagogical suggestions and implications in teaching modal verbs. First, subtle usages and meanings of modal verbs should be presented. Second, they should be taught in different contexts. Third, apply pragmatics to the teaching of modal verbs. The goal is to help students learn authentic usages of modal verbs.


林嘉梅 Unknown Date (has links)
高中職階段是人生發展重要的階段之一。高中職學生正處於兩性角色互動學習的階段,個人生理、心理發展狀況亦日趨成熟,然而隨著社會風氣的開放,加上大眾傳播媒體渲染、西方文化的衝擊、升學壓力減緩等因素影響,高中職學生談戀愛已是非常普遍的事實,而他們的愛情態度及觀念,亦在無形之中發生重大的改變。 其次,高中職學生因感情問題不睦衍生的偏差行為事件也有增加的趨勢,每每校園中發生學生偏差行為事件時,追根究底,常發現其原因很多都是感情因素而起。因此,本研究旨在探討高中職學生愛情態度、憂鬱情緒、分手因應等面向之相關情形。 本研究採問卷調查法,研究對象為台北市8所公私立高中職日間部學生,透過各校軍訓教官協助進行施測,共計發出問卷1080份,回收1080份,回收後進行正式統計分析的有效問卷比例為 83%(898份)。研究項目分為下列4部分:一、個人背景表;二、愛情態度量表;三、個人憂鬱情緒量表;四、分手因應量表。主要在於想了解不同的個人特質對高中職學生的愛情態度、憂鬱情緒、分手因應的影響及愛情態度、憂鬱情緒、分手因應三變項之間的相關情形。 本研究以下列統計分析方法處理相關資料:描述性統計、因素分析、t檢定、單因子變異數分析及皮爾森積差相關,得到以下結論: 在愛情態度、憂鬱情緒、分手因應的現況方面,研究發現:台北市高中職學生的「愛情態度」傾向「友伴之愛」;面臨分手壓力時,部份帶有「輕度憂鬱」傾向;分手因應方式則大多傾向「問題取向積極因應」方式。 本研究共提出4個假設,有1個假設獲得驗證,另外3個假設獲得部份驗證。首先,在愛情態度面向,共命名8個因素,分別為:1.自我犧牲因素、2.家人因素、3.感情破裂因素、4.友誼因素、5.愛情專一因素、6.親密因素、7.美貌因素、8.承諾因素。總解釋量為55.02%。 個人特質之不同,在8個因素中,在自我犧牲因素中,父親每月所得達到相當顯著差異,科系性質則達到極顯著差異。失戀次數在感情破裂因素中達到極顯著差異。科系性質在友誼因素中達到相當顯著差異。在親密因素中,父親每月所得及母親每月所得達到相當顯著差異。失戀次數則達到極顯著差異。最後,在承諾因素中,父親教育程度達到相當顯著差異,科系性質則有極顯著差異。 其次,在憂鬱情緒面向,共命名三個因素,分別為:1.自我否定因素、2.生理失調因素、3.心理鬱鬱因素。總解釋量為60.64%。母親每月所得在自我否定因素有顯著差異,學校屬性達到相當顯著差異,性別在心理鬱鬱因素有顯著差異。 最後,在分手因應面向,共命名8個因素,分別為:1.自暴自棄因素、2.尋求解決因素、3.自我調適因素、4.尋求專業因素、5.大吃大睡因素、6.宣洩情緒因素、7.委諸天命因素、8.淨化心靈因素。總解釋量為57.45%。個人特質之不同,在8個因素中,科系性質在自暴自棄因素達到相當顯著差異。在大吃大睡因素中,失戀次數有相當顯著差異。在宣洩情緒因素中,父親職業、母親每月所得有相當顯著差異,科系性質則達到極顯著差異。在淨化心靈因素中,失戀次數、科系性質則有極顯著差異。 在愛情態度、憂鬱情緒及分手因應三變項方面,愛情態度與憂鬱情緒相關係數為正0.2948,P<0.0001,達到極顯著相關。愛情態度與分手因應相關係數為正0.4215,且P<0.0001,達到極顯著相關。憂鬱情緒與分手因應相關係數為正0.3630,且P<0.0001,亦達到極顯著相關。此顯示愛情態度、憂鬱情緒、分手因應三個變項,彼此互相影響。 綜合上列研究結果,研究者建議高中職學生應多學習兩性相處之道,建立正確的兩性觀念,依本身興趣及能力,學習不同領域的知識,參加各種課外活動,藉以培養第二專長,轉移生活重心;家長方面,則建議家長仍應利用時間與子女談心,建立良好的親子溝通,掌握其交友狀況;學校方面,建議學校多舉辦有關兩性交往的演講、活動,健全學生的兩性觀念,培養正確的應變能力;其次,學校應加強學生感情問題的諮商與輔導,減少學生因感情問題衍生的偏差行為。 / Vocational high school is one of the most important stages in development. The students of vocational high school live in the stage of bisexual interactional . Their physiological and psychological development matures increasingly. With the open society, the spread of multimedia, the impact of Western culture and the decreasing pressure of pursuing advanced studies, they are apt to fall into love. However, Their attitude and idea of love change greatly unconsciously. Next, the fact that their love doesn`t go smoothly often leads to their misbehavior. To get to the core of the problem , the students` misbehavior in school more or less arises from their poor handing of love among themselves. This research mainly aims at their attitude , and the solution of how to break up gracefully. This research use questionnaire, which includes eight public and private day high schools. With the help of military officers,1080 copies are handed out and returned, but 898 (83%) is valid. The research falls into four categories: personal background; love attitude ; depression and responses to breakup .The purpose is to understand how their different characteristics influence their love attitude , depression and responses to breakup. This conclusion is based on the following data: Descriptive Statistics , Factor Analysis , t-test, one-way ANOVA and Pearson Product Correlation. In the aspect of love attitude , depression and responses to breakup, the survey finds out that their love attitude tends to be a love of companion. When facing the pressure of breakup, part of them tend to be slight melancholia, but their responses to breakup tends to be positive. This survey provides four suppositions, one is confirmed while the others are partly confirmed. Firstly, in the aspect of love attitude , there are eight factors: self-sacrifice; family; breakup; friendship; devotion to love; intimacy; looks and promise. The gross amount of explanation is 55.02%. Self-sacrifice varies rather obviously in their fathers` income and varies greatly in the features of the department. The breakup in love varies greatly in the number of being lovelorn. Friendship varies rather obviously in the features of department. Intimacy varies rather obviously in their parents` income and varies greatly in the number of being lovelorn. Lastly,promise varies rather obviously in fathers` education and varies greatly in the features of the department. Next, in the aspect of depression , there are three factors:self-denial; physiological maladjustment and depression , the gross amount of explanation is 60.64%. Self-denial varies obviously in mother`s monthly income, rather obviously in kinds of school and obviously in depression.

漢語多義情態動詞 / Polysemous modal verbs in Mandarin Chinese

巫春慧, Wu, Chun Hui Unknown Date (has links)
本論文試圖經由檢視過去對於漢語情態動詞的研究,找出最適合稱為「情態動詞」的十二個情態動詞,並以此為基礎建立適合漢語情態動詞的語意分類方式:主要分三大類—動力情態、義務情態、認知情態。同時也從共時與歷時的角度檢視漢語裡的五個多義情態動詞,包括會、能、要、可以、應該。研究發現這五個多義情態動詞所顯現的多義都是極度相關的。首先,五個多義情態動詞都有以上三大類的情態意義,其中又以動力情態為中心意義。此外,本研究確立多義情態動詞的發展方向與階段,由動力情態延伸出來的義務情態是透過主觀化的認知機制(Traugott 1980),之後,由義務情態發展出來的認知情態則是由於主觀化與隱喻(Sweetser 1990)的運作。最後,本文也探討了情態與句法的互動關係。 / The purpose of this study is to reveal the relationship among polysemous modal verbs in Mandarin Chinese (hui4, neng2, yao4, ke3yi3, ying1gai1). It is found that the multiple modal senses encoded in the five polysemous modal verbs are closely-related. Through a careful examination on both synchronic and diachronic data of the five polysemous modal verbs, it is suggested that each of them exhibit three major modality types, including dynamic (ability, volition), deontic (directive, commissive), and epistemic (judgmental) modalities. At Stage I of the path of development, dynamic modality, as the core meaning of polysemous modal verbs, is extended to deontic modality through the cognitively-driven mechanism—subjectification, which is proposed by Traugott (1989). Then, epistemic modality is developed from deontic modality at Stage II through both subjectification and metaphorization (Sweetser 1990). After determining the direction and stages of the development path of the five polysemous modal verbs, a feature-based classification for modality types of Chinese modal verbs is provided in order to incorporate the differences and similarities among the three modality types (dynamic, deontic, and epistemic modalities). Finally, the interaction between modalities and other syntactic elements (predicates and arguments) is discussed with examples.

漢語兒童情態動詞「會」的使用 / The Use of the Modal Verb Hui in Mandarin Child Language

王薏淩, Wang, Yi Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討漢語母子對話中,兒童使用情態動詞(modal verb)「會」的類別、人稱主詞及語用功能。受試者分成第一組(平均兩歲十一個月)與第二組(平均四歲十個月)。研究結果發現認知(epistemic)情態動詞的「會」比動力(dynamic)情態動詞的「會」晚習得,而義務(deontic)情態動詞的「會」則很少出現。其指出不同的習得順序與認知發展有關,即認知上易理解的概念比認知上較不易理解的早習得。在情態動詞「會」的人稱主詞上,兒童在動力和義務情態動詞「會」主要是使用第一人稱當主詞,然而兒童傾向使用第三人稱當認知情態動詞「會」的主詞。而兒童很少使用第二人稱當情態動詞「會」的主詞。情態動詞「會」語句的語用功能方面,動力情態動詞「會」語句包含請求、拒絕、描述、誇耀;義務情態動詞「會」語句只發現承諾的功能;而認知情態動詞「會」語句有爭辯、疑惑、推論的功能。研究結果顯示兒童能掌握情態動詞「會」語句不同的語用功能。 / This study examined Mandarin-speaking children’s different types, person subjects, and pragmatic functions of the modal hui utterances in mother-child conversations. Children were divided into Group I (mean age= 2;11) and Group II (mean age= 4;10). The results showed that the epistemic modal hui was acquired relatively late, compared with the dynamic modal hui. The deontic modal hui was a marginal use. It suggests that the different acquisition order seems to involve cognitive development, which means that the cognitively accessible concept may be acquired earlier than the less cognitively accessible one. As for the person subjects of the modal hui, children mainly used the dynamic and deontic modal hui with the first person subject; however, they tended to use the epistemic modal hui with the third person subject. Children rarely used the modal hui with the second person subject. With regard to the pragmatic functions of the modal hui utterances, it was found that the functions of the dynamic hui utterances included request, refusal, reporting, and boasting. In the deontic hui utterances, only the function of promise was found. The epistemic hui utterances served the functions of argument, puzzlement, and reasoning. The results suggest that children are sensitive to the pragmatic functional aspects of the modal hui utterances.

中文祈使句 / Imperatives in Chinese

楊佩霖, Yang, Pei Lin Unknown Date (has links)
韓(1999)提出祈使句是指句中主要動詞是祈使情態(imperative mood)的句子,與其他句型相較下,在其他語言中祈使句具有特別的動詞構詞或句法表現;然而,中文祈使句並無任何構詞或句法機制以表現祈使情態,因此,中文祈使句的句法表現和直述句相似。本論文動機為觀察到中文祈使句與其他語言祈使句的相異處,進而研究中文如何區別中文祈使句與其他句型的差異。同時,前人對於中文祈使句的研究多從描述性觀點出發,缺理論辯證,以致分析上產生缺失;因此,本文試從衍生句法的觀點分析中文祈使句的句法結構。 本論文主要有三個研究目的: 首先,本論文研究中文祈使句的句法特徵。其次,本論文研究如何區別中文祈使句與其他句型的差異,並發現中文的附加問句可以用來區別祈使句與直述句。並且,本論文發現中文的否定祈使句“別”字句與義務性情態詞“要/不要”在句法表現上雖有相同處,但亦表現出多方面的句法相異處。再者,本論文從衍生句法的觀點研究中文祈使句的句法結構。因為中文缺乏句法標記與構詞變化,因此無法從句法層面看出中文祈使句的話語效力 (force)與情態(mood), 但藉由時制定位(tense anchoring)與祈使句的關係,本論文提出中文祈使句結構中具有祈使算子(imperative operator)。 / Han (1999) proposes imperatives are sentences whose main verbs are in the form of the imperative mood. Imperative sentences possess a distinct morphology within the verb or may be distinguished by their syntactic realization from other clause types. However, Chinese imperatives do not demonstrate verb-inflection nor do they impose morphological mechanisms to indicate mood; thus, it seems that imperatives in Chinese are similar to declaratives. This thesis observes the differences between imperatives in Chinese and in other languages, and these differences lead us to conduct a study on how Chinese distinguishes imperatives from other clause types. Moreover, this thesis finds that the previous analyses of Chinese imperatives lack theoretical grounds, as several problems and wrong prediction arise under those analyses. Thus, this study researches on the structure of Chinese imperatives from the perspective of generative grammar. The thesis has three main goals. First, this thesis investigates the syntactic characteristics of Chinese imperatives. Second, this thesis seeks to discern how Chinese distinguishes imperatives from other clause types. This study utilizes tag questions to distinguish imperatives and declaratives. Furthermore, this study finds that the imperatives bie1 and deontic Modalsobligation yao sentences are alike in some ways, but different in other ways. Third, from a generative perspective, this thesis proposes a syntactic structure of imperatives in Chinese. Although it seems difficult to find syntactic evidence of the imperative force and mood as well as a structure of imperatives because Chinese imperatives lack a morpho-syntatic strategy, this thesis proposes that Chinese possesses an imperative operator in imperatives, by examining the evidence from tense anchoring and imperatives.

中文情態詞「會」之語意分析 / Semantic Analysis on the Modal Verb HUI in Mandarin Chinese

張清秀, Tracy Chang, Ching-Hsiu Unknown Date (has links)
情態動詞「會」在前人的研究當中,具有許多不同的功能,例如表能力、表預知、表一般特性等不同的功能。本論文採用Monosemy View,認為「會」在語言表面上所呈現出之不同用法,並不是武斷毫無關係的,而是存在著非常密切的語意關連性。再者,透過此觀點,我們希望嘗試找出這些不同功能之間的語意關係。本研究提出三個假設如下:第一,情態動詞「會」有一個語意核心,表說話者對於句子命題的體現(realization),有著非常高的把握;第二,情態動詞「會」在句子裡擔任一個運符(operator)的角色,其作用是將說話者對此句子的語態加諸在此句子之上;第三,本篇論文提出「會」所呈現出許多不同的功能,是經由情態動詞與句子之情態內容所交互作用的結果。 / Carrying multiple functions--such as ability, prediction and generic--the modal verb hui in Mandarin Chinese has been extensively studied by previous researchers. This thesis, following the monosemy view, claims that the various functions of hui are not arbitrary, but closely related to one another. To account for the correlation between the various functions of hui, this thesis proposes three hypotheses. First, hui denotes assurance, indicating that the speaker’s attitude towards the realization of the propositional content is full of high assurance. Secondly, hui functions as an OPERATOR of the proposition denoted by the sentence. Thirdly, hui's multiple functions are context-derived. This thesis maintains that it is the interaction between the modal verb hui and the sentence’s proposition that results in the different functions carried by hui.

認知情態義與主觀化之浮現:臺灣客語評注性情態副詞的認知語用觀點研究 / The Emergence of Epistemicity and Subjectification: A Cognitive-Pragmatic Approach of Modality Disjuncts in Taiwan Hakka

葉秋杏, Yeh, Chiou-shing Unknown Date (has links)
本論文依據現代客語語料庫,探討臺灣客語評注性情態副詞在語法化、詞彙化以及語用化運作之下的發展過程,以及情態與語言演變機制之間的關係。藉由三個知識性情態詞,本文對於評注性情態副詞之分佈、語義和句法特徵進行詳細的描述。藉由檢視其構式結構以及運用相關測試,證實評注性情態副詞不但遵守副詞修飾範域:話語行為副詞 > 情態副詞 (評論副詞 > 知識性情態副詞) > 附加副詞,也同樣依循情態詞之階層分佈:知識性情態詞 > 義務性情態詞 > 動力性情態詞。在他們所處之語意語境以及語用語境影響之下,語用推論的產生導引出重新分析,此轉喻強化現象,致使評注性情態副詞在階段發展中經歷了語法及語意之轉變。在語言使用之溝通目的下,評注性情態副詞透過語境誘發之重新解釋形成了歧義現象,並進一步固定化為獨立之語意。綜言之,奠基於臺灣客語語料庫之實際語料,本文提供了對評注性情態副詞全面的深入探索。研究結果具有兩項主要貢獻:將語法化,詞彙化和語用化的理論框架納入臺灣客語情態副詞之分析;並藉由語言實證展示情態與主觀性之間相互關係之理論模式。 / This dissertation takes a corpus-based approach in an attempt to explain the development of Taiwan Hakka modality disjuncts with epistemic interpretation on the theoretical ground of the mechanisms of linguistic change, including grammaticalization, lexicalization, and pragmaticalization. The main focus of this research is on the interaction between modality and the three mechanisms. A fine-grained analysis is provided to examine the morphological characteristics and syntactic structures of epistemic and evaluative modality disjuncts, exemplified by three cases in Taiwan Hakka. Several constructions and tests are manipulated to figure out the scope of modal disjuncts, which warrant the postulation of the scope hierarchy of illocutionary disjunct > modality disjunct (evaluative > epistemic) > adjunct, as well as the ranking of epistemic modal > deontic modal > dynamic modal. Thanks to their semantic-pragmatic contexts, the operation of pragmatic inferences lead them into reanalysis, giving rise to grammatical and semantic shift from one stage to the next. Metonymic strengthening is claimed to be the key to motivate such developments. The usage in a context triggers context-induced reinterpretation, resulting in ambiguity. Overall, this dissertation, probing into actual language usages from corpora, proposes a full-fledged analysis on modality disjuncts. The findings feature two significant contributions—an integration of the theoretical frameworks of grammaticalization, lexicalization and pragmaticalization into the analysis of Taiwan Hakka modality disjuncts; and a demonstration of linguistic investigation for the theorization on the relationship between modality and subjectivity.

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