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交談中選擇修護類別的語意與語用條件 / Choosing repair types in conversation--semantic and pragmatic determinants張國斌, Chang, Kuo-Pin Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果顯示,針對本研究所欲探討的三個語用功能中,每一個語用功能都會有一個修護類別的使用頻率會高於其它的修護類別,而這種優先選取的情形取決於達到語意清晰的效能原則(Effectiveness Principle)與/或效率原則(Economy Principle)。統計數據也證實:(1)要執行釐清(Clarification)的語用功能,較有效率的修護類別實詞化(Substantialization)比意譯(Paraphrase)和添加(Addition)較常為說話者所用;(2)要執行指明(Specification)的語用功能,一樣也是較有效率的闡釋(Elaboration)的使用頻率遠比添加(Addition)來得高;反之,(3)要執行確認(Confirmation)的語用功能,較省時省力的重覆(Repetition)要比實詞化和意譯更常被使用。以上的修護類別的使用順序指出,修穫類別使用頻率高低,不僅取決於其是否耗時費力,而且更重要的是,說話老如何能以最有效率的方式將自己的意思清楚地表達,以確保原語意的清晰。
最後,統計檢定的結果證實,性別對修護類別的選取沒有顯著的不同。 / A speaker does not repair just for a change of the syntactic structure of his current utterance. A speaker repairs because he finds something uttered may be vague, ambiguous, too general, or insufficient in the meaning of the message he intends to express. Although repairs can be classified according to various kinds of lexical or syntactic modification, categorization of repairs should take into consideration different semantic relationships between the reparandum and the reparan. Considering that each occurrence of repair must have a pragmatic function to serve, a semantic approach on the classification of conversational repair would be more helpful than a syntactic one in explaining the interaction between the repair strategies and their potential pragmatic functions. And the methodology for this study is to collect the instances of repair from nine conversations, including same-gender and cross-gender ones. Based on these repairs, it is closely examined how the semantic relationship between the reparandum and the reparan determines a pragmatic function and how that pragmatic function influences the choice of the available repair strategies.
"The test results indicate that for each of the three pragmatic functions examined in this study, there is a repair strategy that shows a more significant priority over the other available one(s), and this priority is determined either by the principle of the economy and/or the principle of clarity. The statistic results present evidences that (1) to serve the pragmatic function of Clarification, the more effective repair strategy Substantialization is more favored than Paraphrase and Addition; (2) to serve the function of Specificalion, also lhe more effective Elaboration predominates over Addition; however, (3) to serve the function of Confirmation, the more economic Repetition is used significantly more often than Substantialization and Paraphrase. The above preference orders show that the adoption of the most favored repair strategy depends not only on the effort or time a repair takes, but, more importantly, on how the speaker can most effectively make himself clear to the hearer, securing the clarity of the intended meaning.
Results of statistic tests do not verify the hypothesis that male and female speakers would display significantly different patterns in their choices among the five repair strategies.
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消息量對語言學習之影響曾志朗 Unknown Date (has links)
當某一個人或某一部機器告訴我們一件以前我們所不知道的事情時,我們就得到了消息(Information)。嚴格地說,任何一項傳達的動作(Communicative acts),只有在它能減少我們對某一件事物的無知或不確知狀態(Ignorance or uncertainty)時,才會帶給我們消息。假定我們投擲一個兩面都是人頭的銅板,在它未著地之前,我們已確知它的答案了,因此縱然觀察到這個動作的結果(Out come),也無任何消息可言;假定我們所投擲的銅板,一面是蘭花,另一面是梅花,則它在未著地之前,我們無法預知向上的一面到底是蘭花,或者是梅花,我們就有某一程度的不確知狀態(Some degree of uncertainty)。當我們觀察其結果,原有的不確知狀態就消失了或減少了。也就是說,我們得到了消息。
Sha nnon(1948) 定義不確知狀態的量(Amount of uncertainty)為:
U=-πPi 1og2 Pi, 其單位為bit。
U是不確知狀態的測量(Measure of uncertainty)。
Pi是屬於 i 組之訊號將會發生的可能率。
在心理學上,刺激與反應的歷程,比之傳達理論(Communication Theory)中輸入與輸出(Input and output)的歷程是頗為吻合的。我們可以把它們看成各有一個消息空間(Information spce),也就是說各有一組可供選擇的事物,互斥並各有其發生的可能率。(A set of alternatives,mutually exclusive events,with a probability assigned to each of them)
假如消息的概念對人類的行為是有意義的,則在任何抉擇的情境(Choice situation)中,可供選擇之事物的數量(Number of alternatives)對於行為必定有很重要的影響。例如我們想知道被試對某一刺激的反應有多快;他認清一刺激的準確性有多高;及在刺激消失了幾分鐘後,他還能正確回憶的可能率有多大(How quickly a subject will respound to a stimulus, how accurately he will identify a stimulus, how likely he is to remember a stimulus correctly a few minutes after its disappearance)。這些問題不但刺激的性質所影響,同時也要看所可能出現的刺激(或反應)有多少,以及各刺激(或反應)出現的可能率有多少。換句話說,上述的各種測量都與被試的不確知狀態有關。(G.A.Miller,1956;Broadent, 1958)
另一方面,假如我們希望不同程度的不確知狀態或消息量對人類行為有意義,則首先我們必須能表明出整個消息空間,亦即指出所有可供選擇之事物的數量。不確知狀態的量若為無窮,或無法表明(infinite or unspecified),則為無意義。(Cane and Horn, 1951)
從以上的論述,我們知道不確知狀態的概念意含抉擇或辨認(Choice or discrimination)。因此在任何涉及抉擇或辨認的行為情境中,最重要的莫過於對不確知狀態的測量。無疑的,大部份的學習都包含抉擇或辨認的歷程,故只要能指出有多少可供選擇之事物,則反應前不確知狀態的程度必然是學習的一個重要變數。
在一般語言學習(Verbal Learning)的實驗中,我們通常呈現給被試一列表的項目(a list of items),讓他重覆看過幾次,然後要他依項目次序預測下一個將出現的項目,如串系學習(Serial Learning);或者是要他對出現的刺激字做正確的反應,如配對聯結學習(paired-associates Learning)。被試所可能做的預測(Anticipation)或反應,必定取樣自某一消息空間(Sampling from an information space)。這個消息空間乃由所學習列表中的可能反應所形成。因此,從被試的觀點,其每次做預測或做反應之前,必有某一程度的不確知狀態,此與消息空間有直接的關係。故消息量無疑是語言學習中的一項重要變數。
Riley在1952年利用配對聯結的方法研究在不同情境下的學習。他以八個不同的無意義音節(Nonsense syllables)為刺激字,令被試以預測的方式學習另外八個與原來刺激字各自相對的反應字。他把被試分成三組。在第一組中,如果被試所預測的反應字是不正確的,則一個正確的反應字就顯現出來;在第二組中則顯示兩個可能的反應字;第三組則顯示四個可能的反應字。然後比較三組被試學到一次完全正確反應(One perfect response)所需的平均嘗試次數(Mean trials to-criterion)。結果發現第一組成績比第二組好,而第二組又比第三組好。亦即反應不確知狀態(Response uncertainty)的程度增加,則學習的速率就減慢。
Brogden 和Schmidt在1954年也做過類似的實驗,但所用的材料為各種不同的語言迷宮(Verbal maze)。在實驗中,他們改變迷宮每一選擇點的選擇數(Number of choices at each choice point),結果發現在兩個至十二個選擇數中,學會迷宮所需的時間,和迷宮中每一單位之選擇數的多寡,幾乎是成一直線的函數關係。如果以全部的錯誤次數做為測量之標準(Criterion measure),則所得的結果大致相似。
再考慮另一個問題,我們知道在學習一列表的無意義音節或單字中,列表長度(Length of list)一向被認為是學習的重要因素。但是Adelson,Mucker和Williams(1955)卻發現在語言學習中,假如列表的長度固定,則反應不確知狀態就成為一重要之變數。在他們的實驗中,列表的長度都保持十五個項目,但是構成每一列表所用的字母數量卻各不相同。其第一個實驗,情況較為簡單,一共使用四種列表,分別用二、四、六或十五個字母所編製成。在編製列表時,各字母出現的可能率都相等(Chosen at random with equal a priori probability)。最後一個列表因此就包括了所有的十五個字母。實驗的結果指出字母數量增加,則學會該列表所需的次數就隨之增加,除了第四個列表外,幾乎是成一條直線的函數關係。
讓我們來看看第四個列表的情況。由於列表的長度固定為十五個項目,且字母的選取都會經加以平衡(Balanced),因此第四個列表就包括了所有的十五個字母。列表的項目繼續出現,則愈到後來,被試不確知狀態的程度就愈來愈小,這我們可以用統計上自由度(Degree of freedom)的概念來加以了解。故整個列表雖由十五個字母所編成,其平均的不確知狀態的程度(Average uncertainty)卻遠少於log215。例如在出現七個字母後,只剩下八個可能性,此時不確知狀態的量為3bits,而不是3.907bits。
本實驗為了避免上述的困難,使用三個單位的項目(Three units items)來編製列表。改變可供選擇之事物的數量,如五或十,並且項目之形成乃從所有可供選擇之事物中每次取三個,每一個選擇事物(Alternatives)的出現可能率都相等(Equal probabilities of occurrance)。
本實驗之目的,在於研究消息量對語言學習之影響。本實驗並借用劉氏(Liu, in press)的研究方法,在檢驗學習程度時,令被試從所學過項目中的某一片斷(Fragment)去回憶整個項目,希望研究不同大小(0,1,2)的片斷線索(Fragment cue)對回憶之影響,藉以了解學習的歷程。
此外,我們知道在一般語言學習的實驗中,列表之編製通常以英文字母(Alphabet)為單位。但我們也知道字母對被試而言,都是早已建立習慣的單位。假如我們使用被試未曾建立習慣的單位,如無意的圖形(Nonsense designs)□□□等,則對學習之影響,或與字母不同。換句話說,消息量對語言學習之影響,可能與消息本身之性質(意指被試習慣與否)有相互作用(Interaction)的關係。
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網際網路溝通的語言遊戲—以MSN Messenger為例潘美岑, Pan, Mei-Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本文以MSN Messenger為研究對象,從語言遊戲的角度出發,嘗試把網路語言放在一個新的理論位置。網路語言(Netspeak)在本文中的定義為:網路溝通多變的實際情境裡出現的語言,包括書寫、口語的語言,亦包括副語言(語言符號裡的輔助、身勢符號、非語言符號的面部表情和圖像)。
經由文獻探討,「網路溝通的語言遊戲」具備兩個概念:一是「語言遊戲」,一是「情境的言語遊戲」。前者的語言遊戲(Language Play)認為讓語言作平常不作的事就是玩語言遊戲,因此網路語言的特殊性可以歸納成口語強化遊戲和視覺符號遊戲,這個理論有助於我們檢視遊戲的根源轉化自語言的哪個部分。而後者「情境的言語遊戲」則融入了維根斯坦的概念,要我們回到語言的實際運用情境裡面,從實踐的角度來看前面的語言遊戲如何在情境中展現與變化。
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米飯的感知及其在中文及日文的語言表達 / The Perception of Rice and Its Linguistic Expression in Chinese and Japanese謝明哲, Hsieh Ming Che Unknown Date (has links)
觀察人們如何表達對食物的看法非常適合用來討論知覺表達,因為品嚐食物的過程和視覺、嗅覺、味覺、及口感息息相關。本研究搜集來自中文及日文母語者有關食物的知覺表達,包括職業廚師及料理新手。米飯在中國及日本文化扮演著主食的角色,這項文化地位讓米飯成為與發音人面談上的主題。假設所有的知覺在不同文化都一樣重樣,人們應該會以相似的方式來表達知覺。研究結果發現在知覺表達中,中文母語者主要強調口感,但日語母語者強調視覺。透過比較職業廚師及料理新手也能找到知覺表達上的差異:職業廚師主要著重視覺,新手則重視味覺。人們亦使用不同的認知策略來表達不同知覺,但職業廚師及新手都依賴對食物的評價來表達知覺。從生理學上來看,人類的知覺一樣重要,但中文及日文的知覺表達卻不一樣。本研究認為文化及社會因素了影響語言的知覺表達。 / Senses are undoubtedly important to people because they allow us to experience our world and we would face difficulties when any of them were absent. However, senses are not equally important in linguistic expressions. It seems that expressing odors is difficult in some languages because people often rely on concrete objects to make olfactory expressions, such as cǎo de weìdào ‘the smell of grass.’ Making use of color rather than concrete objects for visual expressions, we often choose lán ‘blue’ rather than tiānkōng de yánsè ‘the color of sky’ when expressing what we feel from sky. Is it possible that different emphasis of senses can be observed in different languages? If so, what is the reason leading to the differences in languages?
Observing how people express their feeling toward food is an appropriate method to discuss sensory expressions, because the procedure of tasting food is strongly correlated with multiple senses like vision, odor, taste, and mouthfeel. This study collects sensory expressions of food from both Chinese and Japanese speakers, including both experts and novices of cooking. Acting as the main dish in Chinese and Japanese cultures, rice is regarded as the theme of interview due to the cultural importance. If all senses are important in different cultures, they should be expressed in similar ways. Our results suggest that Chinese mainly focuses on mouthfeel, while Japanese mainly focuses on vision when performing sensory expressions. The differences in sensory expressions can also be observed through comparing experts with novices: experts mainly focus on vision, and novices firstly choose taste. People also make use of different cognitive strategies to express different kinds of senses, but both experts and novices rely on the evaluative type to create sensory expressions. Sensory expressions are different between Chinese and Japanese although senses are physiologically identical for people. This study suggests that both culture and social factors influence sensory expressions in languages.
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加拿大語言權之探討丘才廉, Qiu, Cai Lian Unknown Date (has links)
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兒童英語教室教師語言之分析 / An Analysis of Teacher Talk in Child EFL Classroom王瑋鍾, Wang, Wei-Chung Unknown Date (has links)
(1) 教師語言平均語句的長度隨著層級愈高而增加。教師在初級的兒童 英語教室之平均句長為2.95,在中級教室為3.47,在高級教室為4.53。此顯示,教師隨著學生程度的增加而調整其語句長度。
(2) 教師語言的語法正確率在三個層級都很高。教師在初級教室的語法正確率最高為99.52%,其次為中級教室96.20%,最低為高級教室為94.21%。此顯示,教師給予學生相當正確的語言輸入(Input)。
(3) 教師語言的言談功能隨著層級的增加而不同。在十一項言談功能中,初級教室教師最常用的是練習(Drill),中級教室教師最常用的功能是講解(Informative),而高級教室教師用的最多的是發問(Elicitation)。
本研究亦提據結果提供以下的教學建議:教師應依學生程度的不同,調整其言談功能,同時教師需提供學生更多語言溝通的機會,培養學生語言溝通的能力。 / This study aims to investigate the characteristics of teacher talk in child EFL classrooms of different levels. Teacher talk is analyzed from two perspectives:syntactic and discourse.
Three child language teachers and three classes of different levels participate in this study: the elementary, intermediate and advanced levels. Four units of each level are recorded. After initial screening, two units of each level are transcribed on the basis of intelligibility. By careful examination, only a portion lasting about ten to fifteen minutes at each level is selected for data analysis.
Two formal characteristics--MLU (mean length of utterance) and grammaticality--are measured in syntactic analysis; and in discourse analysis, the function of teacher talk is analyzed. For syntactic analysis, teachers' MLU is counted; the grammaticality of teachers’speech is measured in the proportion of correct utterances to the total amount of utterances. For discourse analysis, teachers’utterances are categorized according to a discourse model adopted from Tsui (1985).
Three major findings are found in this study. Firstly, teachers’ MLU increases as students’ proficiency increases. Teacher’ MLU at the elementary level is 2.95, at the intermediate level 3.47 and at the advanced level 4.53. It shows that teachers adjust their length of utterances to the proficiency level of students.
Secondly, the grammaticality of teachers’ speech is very high in all the three classrooms. The grammaticality is 99.52% at the elementary level, 96.20% at the intermediate level and 94.21% at the advanced level. It shows that teachers provide students a very correct target language input.
Thirdly, the functions of teacher talk are different at different levels. Among eleven functions, teachers use the function “Drill” most frequently in the elementary classroom, “Informative” in the intermediate classroom and“ Elicitation” in the advanced classroom. Two factors may be attributed as the cause the differences of teachers’ functions:the learners’ stage of development and the teaching method.
Pedagogical implications are suggested according to the findings. Teachers are suggested to speak in such a way as to provide students with opportunities to speak in the target language if the purpose of teaching is to develop communicative ability.
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從經濟活動的角度探討戒嚴時期台灣語言結構的轉變 / Transformation of Taiwan language structure under martial law in terms of economic activities蘇豐文, Su, Feng Wen Unknown Date (has links)
The main purpose of this thesis is to find out the economic factors that contributed to the successful promotion of Mandarin during martial law period, and serve as a reference for future language planning. Taiwan used to be ruled by Dutch, Koxinga, Qing dynasty, Japan, and the Republic of China (ROC) government. Thus, Taiwanese society gradually becomes multiethnic, multicultural, and, to my greatest concern, multilingual. Each ruling power had tried to impose different degrees of language policies on Taiwan, particularly Japan and the ROC government that were eager to establish an official language. Eventually, the successful popularization of Mandarin is overwhelming.
A number of theories and materials regarding the relationship between language and economy have been reviewed. First of all, it is argued that language could be objectified and valued. Thus, different language varieties contain different values. Second, according to rational choice theory, people make choices that would maximize their benefits. The implication is that people choose to learn a certain language variety that benefits them most. Third, as an economy becomes more and more advanced, linguistic diversity might be reduced.
The ethnolinguistic groups, language varieties, and language history of Taiwan are also discussed. There are four major ethnolinguistic groups in Taiwan: Hoklo, Hakka, aboriginal people, and Chinese Mainlanders. As for language varieties, Hoklo, Hakka, Mandarin, Taiwan Guoyu, and aboriginal languages are separately dealt with. The language history of Taiwan is divided into the evolution of spoken and written language of Taiwan.
Then, the economic value of each language varieties in Taiwan during martial law period is assessed. The result is that Mandarin possessed the highest economic value. Besides, some features of economic development, such as structural change, the emergence of social classes, the desire to gain upward social mobility, expansion in education, and examination systems that favored Mandarin, also facilitated the spread of Mandarin. And through a comparison between the Japan-led and ROC-led island-wide language directives, this thesis argues that political factors alone could not sufficiently explain the successful promotion of an official language. Economic factors must be taken into account as well.
Finally, some suggestions are proposed for the maintenance and revitalization of Hoklo, Hakka, and aboriginal languages.
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鄭愁予詩的音律風格研究吳麗靜 Unknown Date (has links)
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從優選理論分析現代閩南語歌曲中音樂與語言之互動 / Interaction between music and language in modern songs of Taiwan southern Min- An optimality theory analysis王曉晴, Wang, Hsiao Ching Unknown Date (has links)
近年來許多學者開始注意語言及音樂之間的共通之處。這篇論文主要從結構、韻律及曲調方面,分析現代閩南語歌曲中,歌詞與旋律之間的協調與配合,希望能夠對語言與音樂之間的互動有更多的了解。傳統閩南語歌曲旋律簡單,非常忠於語言本身的特性,在優選理論的架構下,受到某些制約條件影響。當這些歌曲融入Rock 或R&B等音樂元素後,歌詞與旋律之間的對應受到另一套制約條件排列的影響。透過分析同一首歌曲的不同版本,對於音樂與語言之間、以及不同版本之間的對應,提供更完整的理論分析。 / The parallel structures between language and music have been observed in the literature of linguistics. To have further understanding on the interaction of language and music, this study examines the concordance and compromise of lyrics and melodies in Taiwanese folk songs from the aspects of prosodic structure, rhythmic pattern and tonal mapping. Traditional Taiwanese folk songs demand a simplistic tune, showing faithfulness to the linguistic form. Under the framework of the Optimality Theory, some constraints related to the arrangement of lyrics and melodies are detected. As these songs are adapted to different musical styles—Rock or R&B—the constraint ranking changes on the basis of output-to-output correspondence, resulting in different musical representations. With the analysis of different versions of the same song, this paper provides a theoretical account on the harmony between language and music and also the relationships between different musical versions.
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中文稱讚應答之社會語言學分析 / Compliment response in mandarin chinese - a sociolinguistic analysis詹曉蕙, Chan, Shiao-Hui Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在透過說話者對稱讚之不同應答,探討存在於中國社會中,不同群體間之溝通問題。稱讚應答(compliment response)可分為三種俗定語(routine):「否定」、「迴避」、以及「接受」。基於此三項分類,研究者提出四組假設:(一)傳統「否定別人稱讚」的回應方式,已漸被「接受別人稱讚」所取代;(二)具不同社會特徵之受試者,對三種俗定語持不同偏好;(三)俗定語的選擇與親近程度共變;(四)稱讚應答是否細分,依親近程度而定。資料主要採集方式,以問卷發放行之。親近程度乃由四項因素操控:熟悉度、輩份、階級、以及性別差異。在十三個題目中,受試者須自九個選項選出答案,以回應不同親近程度的人所給予之稱讚。蒐集的資料,以卡方考驗分析之。
上述發現,可經由中國社會裡,整體價值轉型所引起的個人基模改變所解釋。文中嘗試以李齊(Leech)的謙遜原則(Modesty Maxim)與同意原則(Agreement Maxim),復以布朗與萊文生(Brown and Levinson)的面子處理原則(face want approach)解釋此變異與變遷。個人主義所促發的相異禮貌原則(Politeness Principles)與傳統文化所形成的相同期望之間的拉鋸,突顯出現代與固有間的矛盾與衝突。
此研究在幾個方面迥異於前人:(一)對稱讚應答的分類最少;(二)對於基模做量化的探討;(三)賦子面子處理原則新的詮釋;(四)以動態時間的觀點闡述禮貌原則的應用情形。 / This study is aimed at exploring the communication problem between different social groups via the change of compliment response in Chinese society.
Compliment response is divided into three routines: rejection, avoidance, and acceptance, based on which, four hypotheses are proposed: a) the traditional compliment routine-rejection-is surpassed by acceptance; b) the preference for a certain routine of compliment response co-varies with informants' social characteristics; c) the selection of routines varies with intimacy; d) the differentiation of compliment response varies with intimacy. Questionnaire is the main tool to collect data, within which intimacy is controlled by four factors: familiarity, generation, ranking, and gender difference. Nine possible answers are offered for the informants to respond to the compliment paid by people of different intimacy in thirteen questions. The collected data is analyzed with Chi-Square test.
The first major finding is that compliment response is changing, with the use of acceptance surpassing traditional rejection and becoming a new normative response. This may be related to the release of individualism from the traditionally repressed self. Second, compliment response is diverse according to the classification of informants by age, gender, and educational level. Higher educational level, middle age group, and females all contribute to the change, among which, higher-educated, middle-aged females' behavior is the most significant. This may be explicated via independent thinking of informants, anti-authoritarianism movement, and feminism. Third, the differentiation of compliment response co-varies with the degree of intimacy. More elaborate differentiation is used in talking to familiars and different generation. Fourth, the selection of acceptance varies with intimacy while rejection does not. Fifth, [±direct] and [±accept] are sufficient to account for the deep structure of compliment response. Generally, almost all the hypotheses are verified.
The above findings can be explained by the change of frame caused by the value shift in Chinese society. Leech's Modesty and Agreement Maxim as well as Brown and Levinson's face want approach are adopted to account for the variation and change. It is proposed that the keen competition between various politeness principles, resulting from individualism, and identical expectation, formed by the traditional culture, manifests the conflict of modernization and tradition preservation.
The study is different from previous ones in several respects: a) the least classification of compliment response, b) a quantitative study of frames, c) a new interpretation for face want approach, and d) the application of politeness maxims from a dynamic point of view.
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