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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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以學名結構為基礎之UML資料模型和XML之轉換模式 / A Generic Construct based Transformation Model between UML Data Model and XML

郭宛毓, Wan-Yu Kuo Unknown Date (has links)
XML (eXtensible Markup Language)已經快速成為網際網路上資料交換的標準,其架構適合用來描述複雜的資料結構並提供XML文件驗證的機制。要交換XML文件,就必須使用綱要語言來制定XML語彙,因而由此衍生出XML綱要設計之問題。在本篇研究中,將研究UML資料模型與XML綱要之間轉換的議題並發展一個可進行雙向轉換的模型。此轉換模型包含二部份,一是從UML資料模型結構轉換為XML綱要結構,一是從XML綱要結構反向轉換為UML資料模型結構;這二個模型將分別探討XML DTD (Data Type Definition)及 W3C XML Schema二個主題,將這二個子模型分別從語法及語意轉換之層面切入進行一連串結構轉換規則之延伸及建立。在XML綱要結構反向轉換為UML資料模型結構之模型中亦包含二個子模型,分別由XML綱要結構建立轉換之規則。我們建立此轉換模型之目的在於使UML資料模型結構及XML綱要結構間之轉換方法更為明確、簡單及容易使用,並透過系統實作來驗證其可行性。 / The (eXtensible Markup Language) XML is fast becoming the standard data exchange across the Internet. It is suitable to describe complex-structured data. It also provides a validation mechanism to validate vocabulary used in the XML document. In order to exchange XML document, XML vocabulary needs to be defined. As a result spread out the issues of XML schema design from here. In the research, UML data model and XML schema transformation issue have been studied to develop a bi-directional mapping and transformation model. We design the bidirectional mapping and transformation model in two parts. One is from UML data model to XML schema; another is from XML Schema to UML data model. Each part has two explored subject, including XML DTD (Data Type Definition) and W3C XML Schema. We develop a sequence of transformation rules from the viewpoints of syntactic and semantic transformation. These are also two parts in the transformation model of mapping from XML schema to UML data model. We develop transformation rules from the viewpoints of generic XML constructs step by step. We build up the transformation model to make transformation method more generic, genuine, systematic, explicit, simple and easy to use. Besides, we implement a transformation editor to validate the bi-directional transformation model.


柯瓊鎣 Unknown Date (has links)
語言-文化-人種之間的相互關係,至今尚未被探究殆盡。此一學門的主要研究方向,在於試圖重建「世界圖景」(картина мира)。世界圖景的產生,與人對現實情況所形成的概念息息相關。一個人所有生活經驗的總結,以及他對週遭的認知的累積,深刻影響其民族對於世界的觀感。因此,語言成為挖掘深藏於民族內心的思維之重要工具。而成語作為語言單位,綜合地傳達一個民族的歷史、地理、氣候、生活型態及內心世界;藉由成語的研究,可更加透徹地了解民族文化根源。本論文即以俄語成語為語料,嘗試了解俄羅斯民族之「世界圖景」,以及該民族的文化特性。本研究旨在探討俄語中具有文化特點的「心」及與其相關之「靈」、「身」、「軀」等概念,並試圖在現代俄語成語的架構下重現語言中的世界圖景。

電腦輔助簡易刑事判決技術之探討 / An Exploration of Computer Assisted Criminal Summary Judgments

張正宗, Cheng-Tsung Chang Unknown Date (has links)
我們以機器學習(Machine Learning)的方法,建立rule-based與case-based的instances,再藉由這些 instances來判斷起訴書的案由和法條,其最好的正確率只比人工建立的rules與cases所判斷的結果低7%而已。由於在我們最基本的方法中,一個判例就會被建立成一個instance,如此,我們將需要大量的空間來儲存instances,針對這個問題,我們也提出了instances clustering與刪除部份較不重要詞這兩個方法,來降低instances所佔的空間,經過簡化的系統的正確率不但與原本未刪減instances時差不多,還可以減少將近一半左右的儲存空間;而且如果我們將這兩個刪減instances的方法混合使用,甚致可以找到一個更好的解,不但能些微提升正確率,還可以把儲存instances所需的空間,降低為原本的四分之一左右。 / I apply machine learning techniques to constructing rule-based and case-based reasoning systems. These systems determine the prosecution reasons and applicable articles of lawsuits, and may achieve an accuracy that is just 7% lower than that achieved by a manually-built system. The baseline method constructs one instance for each prior lawsuit, so it takes much space to store all instances. To reduce the storage space, I propose two methods – clustering instance and removing some less important words in instances. The effects of these methods not only maintain the original accuracy, but also reduce the storage space by half. When I integrated all proposed methods, I can even improve the accuracy slightly and reduce the storage space by three quarters.

一個有延展性的動畫劇本描述語言 / A Scripting Language for Extensible Animation

廖茂詠, Liao,Mao-Yung Unknown Date (has links)
在目前3D虛擬環境中,虛擬人物的動作多半是以動作抓取等離線方式錄製後,再以罐裝動作的方式呈現。該動作經過編碼後會以固定的格式進行傳送,然後由客戶端撥放該動畫內容。通常而言,固定的格式規範會限制電腦動畫表現與延展的能力。這篇論文我們提出了一套以XML為基礎的動畫語言,稱為eXtensible Animation Markup Language(XAML)來解決這樣的問題。這套語言設計的目的是為了讓開發者能夠彈性地選擇不同層次的指定方式來產生虛擬演員的動畫;同時使用者可以藉由已經定義好的動畫合成新的動畫內容,或是更改已定義動畫的部分內容來產生一套新的動畫。除此之外,XAML為客製化腳本語言提供延展擴充的機制,開發者可以透過plug-in、內嵌XAML引擎或轉換腳本等方式達到擴充XAML的目的。我們同時使用JAVA實作了一套能夠解譯XAML的動畫引擎,使用者不但可以利用XAML腳本命令產生相對應的3D動畫顯示,也可以透過該動畫引擎所提供的函式庫對場景中的3D物件進行控制。另外,我們也設計了一個具語音對話功能的多人虛擬環境系統,以驗證XAML語言的可行性及有效性。 / Character animations on most virtual environment systems are canned motions created off-line through motion capture techniques. The motions are then en-coded and transmitted with a fixed format and played at the client side. The rigid specification format for computer animation and multimedia presentation in general has greatly affected the development of 3D contents. In this thesis, we propose an XML-based scripting language, called eXtensible Animation Markup Language (XAML). The language is designed to describe character animations at various command levels and to compose a new animation from existing ani-mation clips. Furthermore, one can use plug-in, embeding or translation to in-corporate other customized scripting languages or new functions into XAML. We have implemented an animation engine in Java that can interpret the script-ing language and render 3D animations based on the user’s interactive XAML commands or the provided application programming interface. In addition, we have designed a speech-enabled multi-user virtual environment system based on XAML to verify the feasibility and effectiveness of such a language.

拒絕策略:台灣國中生英語語言行為研究 / A Cross-cultural Study on the Refusal Behavior of the Junior High School Students in Taiwan

潘莉敏, Pan, Li-min Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討台灣以英文為外語的國中生在拒絕時所採取的策略。資料收集由每組40位的青少年,共三組所組成。分為:以中文為母語的受試者 (NC),以英文為外語的學習者 (EFL),和以英文為母語的受試者 (NA)。實驗經由設計好的8個不同情境 ( 2個請求,2個建議,2個邀請,2個提供 ),分別為4種不同的拒絕的「完成對話問卷」(DCT) 來達成。距離和性別是二個控制的變項。120 位受試者的回答根據直接拒絕、間接拒絕、不拒絕、沒有回應四種拒絕策略分類。卡方檢定用來分析三組間是否有統計上的顯著差異。 結論顯示,以中文為母語的,以英文為外語的,和以英文為母語的這三組在表達拒絕時,確實有顯著差異。以中文為母語的 (NC) 和以英文為外語的 (EFL) 二組比較喜愛使用間接拒絕策略;而以英文為母語的 (NA) 這一組傾向選擇直接拒絕策略。此外,以英文為外語的 (EFL) 這組的表現常出現遵循他們母語 (L1) 的模式,雖然他們有些行為表現顯示出受到外語文化 (L2) 的影響。此外,或許由於缺乏足夠的語言能力,以英文為外語 (EFL) 的一組,在拒絕時,傾向表達過多的道歉。因此本研究建議,教師在教學上應幫助學生學習多使用綜合的拒絕策略來取代過多或不必要的道歉。根據以上的發現,本研究也提出一些在英語教學上的啟示和應用,以及對未來研究的建議。 / The purpose of the study was to investigate what strategies were employed when EFL junior high school students in Taiwan performed a refusal. The data collected from three groups of forty teenagers in each group: native Chinese speakers (NC), EFL learners (EFL), and native American English speakers (NA). The experiment was carried out through the Discourse Completion Task (DCT), which was designed to eight situations: 2 requests, 2 suggestions, 2 invitations, and 2 offers to elicit four types of refusal. Two social variables, distance and gender, were controlled. Responses from 120 participants were categorized according to refusal strategies including direct refusal, indirect refusal, non-refusal, and no response. The chi-square was employed to test the presence of statistically significant difference existing across the three groups. Results revealed that the Chinese, the EFL, and the American groups were virtually different in expressing refusals. The Chinese and EFL groups preferred to employ indirect refusal strategies, while the American group tended to select direct ones. Moreover, the performance of the EFL group frequently followed their L1's norms, although some of their behaviors were influenced by the L2's culture. Besides, perhaps due to a lack of sufficient pragmatic knowledge and vocabulary, the EFL group tended to express more regret when performing a refusal. Therefore, the present study suggests that the instructors may help learners acquire the usage of combination strategies to decline rather than utilizing verbose or unnecessary regret. Based on the findings, the study also proposed some pedagogical implications and suggestions for future research.

利用詞組檢索中文訴訟文書之研究 / An Exploration of Indexing Chinese Judicial Documents with Term Pairs

謝淳達, Hsieh,Chwen-Dar Unknown Date (has links)
本文將針對相似訴訟文書之搜尋進行研究與探討。在這裡所說的「相似案件」指的是有著相同犯罪行為的案件。判例是法院對於訴訟案件所作的確定判決的先例。在法律案件審判的過程中,對法官和律師而言,與目前的新案件案情相似的過去判例有時是有參考價值的。這意味著我們可以透過判例來推測新的訴訟案件可能的判決方向,因此搜尋過去判例是有其價值的。與一般常用的資訊檢索方法中以單一詞彙作為索引不同的是,我們嘗試以案件事實段中的詞組(兩個詞彙的組合)集合為基礎,由於詞組所包含的資訊比詞彙還多,我們希望透過詞組集合的比對,能夠更精確地找出類似於新案件的過去判例,藉此幫助一般人搜尋過去的相似判例,並能夠從過去判例中自行推測所遇上的法律糾紛可能的判決方向。然而,由於既有的電子詞典並未包含所有可能的詞彙,尤其是訴訟文件中常出現的一些特定詞彙,因此我們提出了一個可以從文件中自動擷取可能的中文詞彙的方法,並且利用這些擷取而得的詞彙協助我們分析判決書的事實段文字。此外我們將相似案件搜尋系統應用在實作「案件分類器」上,用以猜測新案件可能的案件類型。在我們的實驗中,我們提出的中文詞彙擷取方法TermSpotter所擷取出來的詞彙中,詞頻為30次以上的擷取正確率(人工判定為有用的詞彙數量╱程式輸出詞彙數量)為56.3%,而且這些詞彙經過人工過濾後,有三分之一的詞彙(953個)是HowNet電子詞典中所沒有的詞彙。而我們實作的案件分類器,在竊盜、搶奪、強盜、贓物、恐嚇、傷害、賭博七大類型案件的案由分類實驗有89.3%的正確率,而賭博罪的法條分類實驗也有81.9%的正確率。至於相似案件搜尋實驗中,我們以人工判斷其效果,目前所搜尋到的過去判例只有42%是值得參考的,未來仍有空間需要繼續嘗試改進。 / I study information retrieval methods for retrieving similar judicial documents. Here “similar judicial documents” refers to “cases that have a similar process of criminal violation”. For judges and lawyers, it is sometimes worth referring to prior cases which are similar to the new case in the process of judgment. Information about the judgments of the similar prior cases helps people to obtain a rough picture about how the new cases might be judged. In this work, I use phrases, rather than individual words as indices of Chinese judicial documents. Phrases provide a better foundation for indexing and retrieving documents than individual words. Constituents of phrases make other component words in the phrase less unambiguous than when the words appear separately. I expect the system could help anyone who is not a legal expert to retrieve similar prior cases on their own. The existing electronic dictionary does not collect all the possible words, especially the words that appear in specific-domain documents. Hence, I put forth an algorithm to automatically retrieve possible words in the corpus, and we will use these words as the basis to construct phrases in our system. Moreover, I implement the case classifier to automatically classify new cases into several different prosecution categories. I put forth the algorithm “TermSpotter” to automatically retrieve possible words that occur more than 30 times. In the experiments, 56.3% of the retrieved words are considered as useful words after manual filtration. Among these useful words, about one third of the words are not included in HowNet, and some of them are legal-domain-specific words. The implemented case classifier categorizes new cases into seven different prosecution categories: larceny, robbery, robbery by threatening or disabling the victims, receiving stolen property, causing bodily harm, intimidation, and gambling. It reaches 89.3% in accuracy. The classifier can also categorize cases based on what criminal articles are violated. In the experiment of classifying gambling cases into four combinations of three articles, it reaches 81.9% in accuracy. In the experiment of retrieving prior cases which are similar to the new case, it only reaches 42% in accuracy judged by a practicing judge, so there is a lot of work to do to improve the classifier.


徐洪宗, Hsu, Hung-tsung Unknown Date (has links)
文本的多義(polysemy)現象往往是文學閱讀樂趣產生之由來,然而具有多義性的文本卻未必侷限於純文學文本,筆者觀察30年來的廣告文本中的語言,發現具有多義性的廣告語言越來越多,廣告語言的創作手法甚有文學化的傾向。又由於文本的多義性,有時在傳播過程中便容易產生歧義(ambiguity)解讀。 基於上述理由,筆者在本文中首先釐清多義與歧義觀念上的不同,並藉用現代語言學的觀念、結構主義與後結構主義的觀點、當代漢語語法分析的方法、傳播學中的言語行為理論、傳播社會學的受播者自選性理論等等學理觀念和方法,探討近30年來較有名的廣告文本之語言的詞義、結構,以掌握廣告語言詞義、結構與語義間的關係,同時輔以語用的分析;在閱聽人的解讀反應上,則搜集報章雜誌中與該廣告語言所引起的爭議及討論的相關報導做為分析參酌之材料,進而掌握廣告語言的歧義現象產生的原因與影響。 本研究希望藉由詞義分析、語法結構分析及語義判讀掌握廣告語言與文化語境的關係,歸納出廣告語言多義與歧義產生的原因與歧義現象的影響,期望在整個廣告語言與社會文化的互動過程中,能更清楚地掌握廣告語言的可能意指及其在絢麗的語言符號背後所指涉的社會文化意涵。 由於不同結構的廣告語言各有不同的使用目的或使用之場合,在實例分析上,筆者將其分為「詞」與「詞組」、「單句」、「複句」三個單元。而筆者分析所得的大致成果是: 在「多義解讀與文本語境」方面,文本多義性的形成,除了詞語本身的多義性是歷時必然發展出的結果之外,文本語境中的修辭技巧、文本語境中的語言結構省略、文本語境中的多層次語法結構、聲音與畫面未能提供妥善限制等等都是重要因素。 在「歧義解讀與文化語境」方面,影響歧義解讀的文化語境因素可歸納為:不同文化背景的認知差異、不同性別的思考差異、不同年齡層的不同價值觀、語言禁忌的思考等四個因素,然而這四個因素有時候並不是單獨存在,造成歧義解讀的因素,有時頗單純,有時卻呈現頗為錯綜複雜的情形。 多義文本提供閱讀樂趣,自古以來是文學作品的普遍現象,然而,作為資訊閱讀的廣告語言,從多義性進而產生歧義解讀則會有如下影響: (一)愈簡短的廣告語言形式造成的歧義解讀對品牌影響愈大 (二)形成話題、達到宣傳效果 (三)影響品牌形象與商品接受度 (四)造成爭議、引起訴訟

台灣學生英語中介語中主題顯著現象的探討 / Topic Prominence: Taiwanese EFL Learner's Interlanguage

賴曉琳, Lai,Xiao lin Unknown Date (has links)
由語言類型來看,中文常被視為是「主題顯著」的語言,而英文常被視為是「主詞顯著」的語言。本篇論文將從語言轉移的角度,探討台灣的英語學習者學習英文時的中介語言,包括是否有中文主題顯著的轉移現象以及是否有學習英文的主詞顯著結構困難。七十八位就讀台北縣某高職的學生參與此研究,他們因英文程度而分為高、中、低成就三組。實驗設計包括三種題型,文法判斷題、翻譯題及寫作題,研究重點在於四種主題顯著的結構,包括無主詞及無受詞句型、主題化的動詞片語及子句、連續動詞結構、雙主語結構,以及兩種主詞顯著的結構,包括主詞動詞一致、虛主詞結構。質化及量化的研究結果顯示,主題結構轉移到學習者的中介語言中,且學習者會有學習主詞結構的困難。當受試者的英文程度提升,主題結構的轉移會逐漸減少且伴隨著主詞結構的發展。皮爾森相關係數亦指出此兩種語言類型的發展在學習者的中介語言中有強烈的相關性。最後,我們發現測驗題型會影響實驗結果。在兩種控制型的題型中,文法判斷題難於翻譯題。寫作測驗不像其他測驗,會造成高、中、低三組表現的差異。不同的測驗題型會改變主題顯著結構的使用趨勢。 / With regard to language typology, Mandarin Chinese has been considered a topic-prominent language while English a subject-prominent language (Li & Thompson & Thomson 1976, Rutherford, 1983, et al.) The present study explored Taiwanese EFL learners’ interlanguage from the perspective of typological transfer; it investigated the influence of first language (L1) topic-prominence typology on the transfer effect and the acquisition of L2 subject-prominence. Seventy-eight vocational high school students in Taipei County participated in the experiment and were further divided into three proficiency groups. Three tasks used to measure learners’ L2 interlanguage were a grammaticality judgment task, a translation task, and a free writing task. The tasks were designed on structures where L1 and L2 contrast typologically including four topic-prominence properties: null subject and null object, topicalized verb phrase and clause, serial verb construction, double nominatives and two subject-prominence properties: subject-verb agreement and dummy subject. Both quantitative and qualitative results showed that topic-prominence has been transferred into learners’ interlanguage; also, learners were found to have difficulty acquiring subject-prominence properties. Besides, it was discovered that as learners’ proficiency increases, there is a gradual decrease of topic-prominence and a relative development of subject-prominence. Pearson Correlation Coefficients indicated that the two linguistic typologies exert a high degree of correlation in learners’ interlanguage development. Finally, methodological effect was found in that, of the two controlled tasks, comprehension task was harder than the production task. Free writing task did not lead a significant group difference as the other tasks did. Also, different task formats changed the trend of topic-prominence transfer.

金門閩語:金沙方言音韻研究 / Aspects of Jin-sha southern min phonology

譚家麒, Tan, Jia Qi Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以實際田野調查的方式蒐集金門金沙方言的語料,並且對其進行分析。金門隸屬於福建省同安縣,隔海與廈門、同安相望,而金沙鎮則位於金門本島東北方。以語言系屬來看,金沙方言屬於閩南方言,對閩南方言的研究論著雖然相當豐富,但是針對金門地區所做的專門研究數量尚不算多,因此本文希望藉著對語料的分析與掌握更進一步地瞭解金門地區閩方言的表現。 本論文章節安排如下: 第一章說明本論文研究對象之歷史與地理背景、相關研究的文獻回顧、本論文的研究目的與方法、研究的語料來源。 第二章我們分析田野調查所得到的語料的語音表現,藉此整理歸納出金沙方言的平面音韻系統,除了對聲母、韻母、聲調做整理之外,亦針對音節結構與結構上的限制作進一步的分析。 第三章針對金沙方言所有的音變現象做討論。除了聲母、韻母、聲調在語流中產生的各種變化,也討論不同的語法結構所造成的連讀調表現,以及單音形容詞重疊式的聲調表現。更著重於討論金沙方言小稱詞尾「囝」的特殊聲調表現。 第四章運用歷史音韻比較的方法,以中古切韻音系為比較架構,對金沙方言進行層次異讀的分析。聲母部分依據晚唐之後的三十六字母系統,韻母則以十六韻攝為比較基準,聲調部分則是觀察古清濁不同的聲母反映在今日聲調上的差異。 第五章為結論,將本論文的研究成果做一個提綱挈領的報告。 希望透過平面音韻及歷史音韻這兩種不同層面的分析,能夠使我們對金門金沙方言有更為深入的瞭解,如此,不但對語言傳承以及研究有所幫助,更可以替未來進一步的深入研究立下良好的基礎。


陳志偉 Unknown Date (has links)
本創作論述報告內容包含以下部分:創作緣起、相關學理探討、創作論述(包含主題、概念、內容和技巧)、作品呈現、以及結論與貢獻。共五個章節。目的乃針對本專題製作內容之相關創作背景及創作主題,做一概念性的陳述。 本專題製作之表現媒材為「純文字」創作。 主題是「告白」。 本創作之目的乃希望藉由文字的書寫,與長時間不斷思考、敘述的過程,儘可能地捕捉,並且探究個人生命的各種可能性。藉以反思個人的內在自我本質,人我之間的關係,乃至於宇宙生命的終極意義。作者從日常生活出發,從對不起眼事物的觀察,對事物不同的觀看角度開始,透過不斷地感受、沉澱,經過時間,不斷地沉思、冥想、釋放、篩選,或者經由夢境,經由實地訪查、與探勘取材的過程,最後通過實踐,接連數月不斷書寫的過程,記錄了這個時代,紀錄了做為一個人、一段時光、哪怕僅僅是一個當下的某種突如其來的生活樣貌與思想片段,也記憶了一段已然失落的曾經。 / Overall, there are five chapters covered in this statement and discussion of the creative work. They are: 1) initiation, 2) discussion of related theories, 3) discourse about the themes, concepts, contents, techniques, 4) work presentation, as well as 5) conclusion and recommendation. The objective is to construct a conceptual statement for the creative background and subject of the masterpiece. The media is a creation of pure writing. The topic is proclamation, declaration, and pronouncement. (At the end of the day, advertisement is all about making a statement, isn’t it?) This particular work of art is to, hopefully, discover and reveal various possibilities of individual human being through literature writing, continuous reflection and narration. Accordingly, we get to ponder the nature of individual inner self, the relationship between self and others, and the ultimate meaning of the universal life. Starting with his everyday life, the author observes the very obscure things from different angles. He then documented this period of time, being an individual, the snapshots of some hasty life events and passages of thoughts, as well as memorized a long-gone past. All the above has been realized via continual experiencing, serenity, contemplation, introspection, liberation, screening, dreaming, site visit, and exploring which have all been put together in the author’s persistent composition during the past few months.

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