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電腦輔助試題翻譯:以國際數學與科學教育成就趨勢調查為例 / Computer Aided Item Translation for the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study呂明欣, Lu,Ming-Shin Unknown Date (has links)
由國際教育學習成就調查委員會統一命題之國際數學與科學教育成就趨勢調查測驗,為便於台灣中小學生施測與理解,英文原文試題內容需要經過許多人工討論及翻譯時間。為了增進翻譯內容一致性及其效率,我們設計一套符合測驗試題的輔助翻譯系統,將不同格式的試題文件,經執行語法分析式的片語擷取和字典查詢,透過使用者介面,選擇合適的片語詞彙翻譯選項和詞序調整,以及提供目前常用之線上翻譯服務、回顧翻譯類似句、以及加減詞彙等功能。為了能提昇翻譯詞彙的選擇正確性,我們記錄翻譯者選詞動作,讓翻譯者能回顧過去曾處理過的翻譯類似句,並且按照系統提供之選詞頻率資訊、科學領域的期刊語料之詞頻統計,以及利用統計式中英詞彙對列和語言模型,更改選詞的優先順序。我們嘗試以過去試題為實驗對象,按年級及學科區分6大試題類別,搭配4種選詞策略,透過BLEU及NIST之翻譯評估指標比較線上翻譯系統和本系統,實驗結果顯示在各實驗組的評估上均有優於線上翻譯系統的效果。 / Test items used in the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) are designed by The International Association for the Evaluation of Education Achievement, for facilitating education scientists to measure students’ competence in science and mathematics. Translating the English items into Chinese items demands a lot of work. Therefore, we would like to offer a computer-aided translation environment to improve the consistency and efficiency of the translation process.
Through the user interface, translators could input different document format of test items, use phrase analysis and dictionary to find different phrase translations, and adjust word orders. Users of our system may obtain translations from on-line translations provided by Google and Yahoo, can look for previously translated items that contain specific word patterns, and so on. For selecting appropriate Chinese translations for English words, we considered users’ past selection, word frequencies in relevant corpora, and other language-related information in parallel corpora.
We employed test items used in TIMSS 1999 and TIMSS 2003 to evaluate the effectiveness of our translation environment. Translations recommended by our system were compared with actual Chinese translations of the test data, and the similarity was measured with the BLEU and NIST metrics. Experimental results indicate that our system performed better or similarly with Google and Yahoo on-line translation systems.
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新移民子女的雙語教育權 / The Children of New Immigrants' Right to Bilingual Education張立亭 Unknown Date (has links)
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幼兒園推動本土語言的歷程探究 ~與閩南語邂逅 / The Research of Promoting Taiwanese Course in Pershool陳靜美, CHEN, JING-MEI January 1900 (has links)
研究結果中發現,母語最好的發芽地在家庭,母語要真正永續需要政府政策的支持。最後,根據研究結果提出具體的建議,期望作為推動本土語言教學研究者的參考。 / This study is based on how local language (Taiwanese) teaching is promoted and carried out and discussing the problems and difficulties of its implication in Pershool.
Research problems are: (1) What are the strategies and processes of promoting local language (Taiwanese) teaching course in Pershool? (2) What are the strategies of teachers’ teaching on the implication of promoting local language (Taiwanese) courses? (3) What are the difficulties and the strategies of solving them? This study adopts the approach of structural interviews, so we interview two certificated teachers, one child-care worker and three principals who are Taiwanese or non-Taiwanese native speakers in Pershools. By interviewing those teachers in different conditions, we can research the difficulties and processes of promoting local language (Taiwanese) teaching courses. The results of the study are as followings:
(1)Promoting native language helps preserve mother tongue language.
(2)Whole language teaching and learning environment helps teacher's teaching in Taiwanese.
(3)The usuage of teahcer's teaching strategies helps promote Taiwanese.
(4)The poor circulation of mother tongue langauage in families and societies cases the predicament of promoting mother tongue language teaching.
The result shows that the on-side evaluation program promotes the motivation of learning native language. Mother Language Day is one of the strategies to spur the Pershool on promoting mother tongue language teaching. However, the promotion by the school isn’t enough. The origin of mother tongue language is our home. And the sustainable development of native language requires the support by government. Last, according to the result, we expect that this study can be referenced by the future researchers and Pershools to promote local language teaching. / 謝 誌 I
中文摘要 II
Abstract III
目 次 IV
表 次 VI
圖 次 VII
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的與問題 3
第三節 名詞釋義 5
第二章 文獻探討 6
第一節 本土語言的教學現況 7
第二節 本土語言的教學策略 12
第三節 本土語言教學困境與解決方法 17
第三章 研究方法 23
第一節 質性研究與研究流程 23
第二節 研究場域與研究對象 27
第三節 資料收集 32
第四節 資料整理與分析 34
第五節 研究信效度與研究倫理 36
第四章 研究發現與討論 38
第一節 閩南語教學歷程 38
第二節 實施之困境與因應策略 52
第五章 研究結論與建議 56
第一節 結論 56
第二節 建議 58
第三節 省思 60
參考文獻 62
一、中文部分分 62
二、英文部分 66
附錄 67
訪談大綱 67
訪談同意書 68
訪談逐字稿範例 69
台灣母語日實施企劃範例 76
表 次 26
表3-1研究流程 26
表3-2受訪者教學背景 29
表3-3訪談對象、日期、地點一覽表 34
圖 次 41
圖1兒歌唸唱教學 41
圖2中秋節戲劇表演 42
圖3節慶活動包春捲 42
圖4古早味做菜燕 42
圖5古早味麥芽餅製作 42
圖6童玩製作做風吹 43
圖7風的主題活動—風吹被風吹 43
圖8全語言情境—兒歌區 44
圖9全語言情境—圖卡區單字篇 44
圖10全語言情境—圖卡區水果篇 45
圖11全語言情境—教室裡的學習區 45
圖12全語言情境—童玩遊戲區丟沙包 45
圖13 全語言情境—童玩遊戲區跳格子 46
圖14全語言情境—古早文物區 46
圖15全語言情境—洗手區 46
圖16全語言情境—融入主題教學 47
圖17母語日早會篇—互動式 48
圖18母語日早會篇—認識自己的五官 48
圖19母語日早會篇—認識生活物件 48
圖20母語日早會篇—融入主題 48
圖21廣播電台時間 49
圖22童玩遊戲—踢罐子 50
圖23童玩遊戲—打陀螺 50
圖24童玩遊戲—丟沙包 50
圖25童玩遊戲—挑橡皮筋 50
圖26全語言情境—操作區 54
圖27全語言情境—教室裡的教學互動 54
圖28雙語教學策略—我說你來找 55
圖29雙語教學策略—介紹物件的名稱 55
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愛沙尼亞與拉脫維亞語言政策之研究 / A Study on Language Policies in Estonia and Latvia利國楙 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文將會先從歷史背景,亦即蘇聯時期開始討論。將各階段的語言政策一一分析,接著依序討論愛沙尼亞及拉脫維亞的語言政策之背景以及語言法之分析,最後從中找出結論。 / Many Russians lived former Soviet republics after the dissolution of the Soviet Un- ion. Therefore, one third of the population was still Russian after Estonia and Latvia independence. Most of the Russians still prefer to use Russian for daily basis. The lan- guage policy was becoming a crucial topic to discuss whether those countries should add Russian for official language. This policy would strongly relate to the language rights of minority Russians.
This paper will discuss the Soviet Union historical background which analyze the lan- guage policies of different period, and then discuss the background of linguistic poli- cies and language law in order in Estonia and Latvia.
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開發中國家之中文學習探討 / The Exploration of the Chinese Language (Mandarin) in a Developing Country- Saint Lucia莫楷人, Modeste, Karen Unknown Date (has links)
The purpose of this business plan is to perform a feasibility analysis of establishing a language school, Academy for Chinese Language (ACL) in a developing country, Saint Lucia. The ACL expects to captivate the interest of students, professionals and regular clients by offering a broad range of Chinese courses. The ACL intends to capture a strong market share .The need for learning mandarin is unquestionable. Knowing Chinese and another language such as English may give one a competitive edge for an important position in a firm. It may open windows of opportunities for an exciting career, be able to communicate better with peers and do business on a global scale. The incentives for learning Chinese is not always money driven. Moreover, it enhances academic progress in other subject areas, cognitive learning skills, aids in cross cultural understanding and global awareness and provides a deeper understanding of different communities and societies.
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驗證性因素分析法之研究蔡坤宏, CAI, KUN-HONG Unknown Date (has links)
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國小兒童年齡、認知發展及語言能力相關之研究林淑慧, Lin, Shu-Hui Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論 本章在敘述本論文之研究動機與目的,並對研究問題、研究假設及有
第二章 有關文獻探討 本章在敘述兒童語言之發展情形,並探討有關認知發展與語
第三章 研究方法 本論文以七十八名國小兒童為研究對象,運用「皮亞傑具體運作
第四章 結果 資料分析之結果發現:兒童之語言能力與認知發展幾無相關,而與年
第五章 討論與建議 本章根據研究結果加以討論,並提出兩項建議以供教育行政當
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語言與權力:李登輝與民粹主義之研究殷德惠, De-Hui Yin Unknown Date (has links)
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中文交談中修復之社會語言學分析 / Socio-pragmatic Analysis of Repair in Mandarin Conversation魏詩婷, Sze-ting Wei Unknown Date (has links)
指導教授:詹惠珍 博士
在交談情境中,當說話者(Interlocutor)無法清楚表達其訊息時就必須進行修復(Repair)。修復的種類不僅止於句法結構,在說話者發現語意不足時,就有做語意修復的必要性。而修復的種類也會依其所行使的語用功能(Pragmatic Function)而有所不同。修復的方式更有可能因交談者雙方的年齡差距大小而改變。因此,本研究針對說話者行使的語用功能及交談者的年齡差距來探討修復的語言形式與使用情形。
語料又根據修復的方式分為句法層次(Syntactic Level)及語意層次(Semantic Level)。其中句法層次又包含刪除(Deletion與添加(Addition)兩重種策略;語意層次則包括替換(Replacement)及添加(Addition)兩個策略。語用功能則分為釐清(Clarification)、確認(Confirmation)、解釋(Explanation)、贊成(Agreement)、強調(Emphasis)及弱化(Alleviation)六種。
關鍵字:社會語言學,交談分析,語用學,修復 / Abstract
Perfect utterances do not occur all the time during the conversation. An unclear message is usually repaired to maintain the clarity of meaning. Repair forms at Syntactic and Semantic levels are examined in this study. Also, it is proposed that formal distribution of repair forms are conditioned by pragmatic and social factors. On pragmatic aspect, the principles of Clarity and Expressivity are conformed. For social constraint on repair forms, the influence of interlocutors’ age is suggested.
Data analyzed in this study are collected from ten dyadic, face-to-face daily conversations, with each lasting more than 30 minutes. Subjects in the ten conversations share the same ethnic background—Taiwanese. In addition, they are from two different age groups, with half of them at the age between 20 to 30 and the other half between 40 to 55. Among the ten conversations: three of them are conducted by both interlocutors being old, three by both interlocutors being young, and four by interlocutors from different age groups.
Repair forms found in the data are categorized into two linguistic categories. In Syntactic aspect, repairs are derived from Deletion and Addition strategies, the former consists of Word-Deletion, Ellipsis, and Marker Deletion, and the latter Modal Addition, Addition of Marker for Focus Changing, and Addition of Marker for Attitudinal Adjustment. As for Semantic repairs, they are those resulted from strategies of Replacement and Addition. The former includes Synonyms, Substantializatoin, Hyponymy, and Hypernymy; while the latter is composed of Narrowing.
Results of quantitative analysis yield several patterns. First, repair forms at Semantic level score significantly higher than those on Syntactic level. Moreover, within the Semantic realm, Narrowing is the strategy most frequently used. Second, there seems to be a significantly stronger preference for repairs to conform Clarity principle than to comply Expressivity principle. Among pragmatic functions under Clarity principle, Clarification is the pragmatic function that recieves first priority. Interlocutors’ age is only partially influential to a speaker’s choice of repair forms with interlocutors from younger age group being noticed to be putting more emphasis on the importance of hearers’ age than those from older age group.
Follow-up interviews suggest that interlocutors manifest repair differently for certain purposes. However, most interviewees point out that the consideration of both interlocutors’ age does not influence the choice of repair forms. Instead, it is hearers’ age, solely, that lay significant effects on the use of repairs for pragmatic functions.
Key Words: Sociolinguistics, Conversation Analysis, Pragmatics, Repair
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可運算的延伸性企業報告技術架構建立─應用於財務報表明細垂直整合嚴介廷 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究是以XBRL國際組織於2002年10月所公布的美國財務報導分類標準架構(US Financial Reporting Taxonomy Framework)為基礎,並從會計處理流程的角度將之延伸,使一份依XBRL編製的電子化財務報表能在XBRL規格書2.0規範下,呈現從交易文件、會計分錄、明細分類帳一直至報表層次科目的金額或資料,以作為連續性審計及未來在XBRL平台上進行財務報表分析或後續處理的基礎架構。
此外,本研究建立一雛形系統,可將企業資料庫中經對映而轉換後的財務資訊,依照上述延伸後的分類標準架構,編製一份符合XBRL規格書2.0的財務報表。並以一銷貨及收款循環的範例加以驗證此架構之可行性。 / The emergence of internet has dramatically changed the ways of information being transferred. The rapid development of XML and related technologies in recent years has facilitated the exchange of data and many applications or standards have been deployed in each specific area. XBRL is one of them in business or financial reporting area.
This study is based on the US Financial Reporting Taxonomy Framework released in October, 2002. It tries to extend this framework, so information or data of subsidiary accounts, journal entries and original transaction documents can also be reported on the same XBRL instance and follow the XBRL specification 2.0. The extended framework incorporates and partially revises the GL Core 1.0 taxonomy and establishes taxonomies of subsidiary terms (ST) and transaction documents (TR), containing elements which is in need of reporting subsidiary accounts and original transaction documents.
Additionally, this study builds a system that can create a XBRL instance document containing the data mapped and transferred from the database of an enterprise according to the extended taxonomy framework mentioned above. Finally, it validates the feasibility of the extended framework with an example of revenue and cash receipts cycle.
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