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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

電腦輔助教學對初中三年級學生學習圓單元成效之研究 / Study of the effect of CAI on learning the unit of circle among Junior Three students

戴佩儀 January 2006 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

高一學生複數與複數平面解題主要錯誤類型及其補救教學之研究 / A Study on the Main Error Types and the Related Remedial Instruction about Solving Problems of Complex Numbers and Complex Plane by the Tenth Graders

吳銘川 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討高一學生於「複數與複數平面」單元教學完畢後,解題時發生錯誤的主要類型,並探討發生錯誤的原因,再根據這些錯誤的原因,設計補救教學課程,以進行補救教學活動,並分析補救教學活動的成效。 根據本研究,學生於「複數與複數平面」單元解題主要錯誤類型有下列十一種:對複數的定義了解不清、不知二根式乘除的運算規則、不熟悉i的次n方或不具「級數」觀念無法順利利用 乘冪的特殊性質、作複數的四則運算時易發生錯誤、不知複數絕對值的意義或觀念仍停留在國中「負的變正的,正的還是正的」的錯誤觀念、不清楚共軛複數的定義或共軛複數與複數絕對值產生混淆、不會利用複數絕對值的運算性質、無法將複數正確地對應到複數平面上、平面幾何能力不足、尚未建立複數概念、習慣以整數思考。發生錯誤的主要因素有:定義不清,似是而非、受直觀影響,產生錯誤類推、無法將複數與複數平面連結、先備知識不足。 補救教學成效方面:空白率不論由整份試卷或個別試題做檢定,均呈現明顯下降、答對率以整體學生來看,大部分試題答對率均上升,以高低分組來看,無論是高分組或低分組學生,成績均明顯改善。保留效果以整體學生來看,答對率並沒有顯著差異,全體學生後測與延後測成績呈高度正相關。特別針對低分組學生做檢定,發現低分組學生的學習保留得很好,後測與延後測答題差異並不顯著。此外,學生普遍認為以PowerPoint 與 GSP 為工具的補救教學,學習內容與教材更能吸引學生的注意,增進學生的學習成效,因此學生對補救教學大多抱持著正面的看法。 / The research aims to explore the main error types of first grader’s in a senior high school when solving the unit of complex number and complex plane after the instruction, including the possible reasons of their errors. The course designs of the remedial instructions are followed according to those reasons. At the end of this study, some analyses of the effects of remedial instruction activities are provided. In this study, there are eleven main error types from the first graders when proceeding to do the unit of complex number and complex plane : vague understanding about the definition of complex number; lacking necessary knowledge for the operation rules with the multiplication and division of two radicals; unfamiliar with handling the power of i and sum of the them; constantly making mistakes when doing the fundamental operations of arithmetic with complex number; confusing the meaning or conception concerning the absolute value of complex number under the false ideas existed in junior high about “A negative becomes a positive , and a positive is still a positive ”; not knowing the definition of conjugate complex number or confusing conjugate complex number with the absolute value of complex number; incapable of using the idea of operating the absolute value of complex number; failing to relate complex number to complex plane; inability in plane geometry; unable to construct the concept of complex number; habitual thinking with integer. The primary factors of making the above errors, according to this research, are as follows: ambiguous definition; paradoxical; influenced by instinct; making false analogy; failing to effectively connect complex number with complex plane; lacking prerequisite knowledge. As for the results of this remedial teaching, the rate of blank in students’ answer sheets, regardless of the whole test sheets or individual tests, has obviously decreased; the learners’ rate of accuracy as a whole is mostly higher; the improvement of grades, both in the brilliant group and in the poor group, is significantly improved; the effect of retention, in view of the whole participants’ rate of accuracy, varies insignificantly; more important, the results of students’ post-tests and postponed post-tests are in highly positive correlation. In testing the poor group, we find their retention of learning excellent. The variations of answers in the post-tests and postponed post-tests are not significant. Besides, most learners pay much attention to the contents and materials of employing Power Point and GSP and consider them as useful tools in the remedial teaching. In conclusion, the participants make great progress under this experiment. Therefore, most learners take positive perspectives from the remedial instruction.

超媒體智慧型電腦輔助教學系統之建構與應用研究 / The development and application of hypermedia intelligent computer - aided instructional system

程麗蓉 Unknown Date (has links)
資訊科技之進步是教育向前的助力,延伸教學活動的時間與空間,增加學生學習選擇的彈性。現代之教學強調以學生為中心,一方面希望學生能自由操控學習活動,一方面又希望學生的學習能達到真正的理解。因此,本研究乃以教學原理之教學基本歷程為中心,強調學生是教學活動的重心,從學生使用面來發展一超媒體智慧型電腦輔助教學系統,包括完整的教學功能、提供親和性的使用者介面、依學生之個別差異選擇學習教材與評量測驗後之補救加強教材。同時引用適當的發展方法來引導系統開發,並發展一原型系統作為驗證。 本研究採用開放性層次架構(Layer Structure)方法,從應用層(需求分析)、概念層(概念設計)及實體層(實體設計)來規範系統發展。以超媒體(Hypermeida)方法設計使用者操作介面及資訊畫面的組織呈現,以物件導向(Object-Oriented)方法建立系統概念模式,以多媒體資料庫(Multimedia Database)方法建立系統資料庫結構,以規則表示方式建立系統知識庫。並以軟體整合(Software Integration)方法,建立系統實體發展作業環境。 本研究提出一強調個人化學習之系統功能架構,學生可瀏覽、查詢、加註、評量及作筆記,考慮學生的學習風格並整合學生使用的學習策略,有助學生進行學習統整與記憶保留,結合了個人化教學、精熟學習、發現探索學習、討論學習及電腦輔助教學理論與方法。此外,本研究之超媒體智慧型電腦輔助教學系統架構功能也符合文獻所提之典型智慧型電腦輔助教學系統架構。

運用專題研習於電腦教學上的成效研究 / Study on effectiveness of project-based learning in computer teaching

陳嘉健 January 2009 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

多媒體教學情景對學生認知負荷量、學習表現影響之研究 / Study on the effects of multimedia instruction context to the students' cognitive load and learning performance;"多媒體教學情景對學生認知負荷量學習表現影響之研究"

陳藝康 January 2010 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

電腦輔助教學中以教師為中心與以學生為中心兩種教學方法下學生學習態度與動機對學習結果和認知負荷影響之研究 / Effects of learning attitude and motivation on learning performance and cognitive load under two instructional strategies : teacher-centered and student-centered

褚懿琳 January 2010 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

在以學生為中心的學習環境中設計、實施及評估電腦化遥距學習課程 / Designing, implementing and evaluating a computer-based distance learning curriculum in a student-centered learning environment

余巍 January 2003 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

英文聽力字彙與聽寫練習題輔助出題系統之研究 / Computer-Assisted Item Generation for Listening Cloze and Dictation Practice in English

黃上銘, Huang, Shang-Ming Unknown Date (has links)
以Web為基礎的語言測驗(Web-based language test)目前多為靜態網頁或是互動性低的動態網頁,如何提昇測驗系統的互動性,仍有待探討。目前已有學者利用自然語言處理技術來自動產生試題,並分析學生的作答錯誤。然而,相關研究仍多著重於字彙測驗與文法評量上。本研究針對聽力測驗,發展一套線上練習系統,並運用自然語言處理技術來自動產生聽力選擇題,以及分析學生的聽寫錯誤。我們分析語料庫中的詞彙,將發音相近的單字歸為一類,系統要產生聽力選擇題時,即從單字所屬的群組中,隨機挑選其他發音相近的單字當作誘答選項。而在分析聽寫錯誤方面,我們從語尾變化、拼字、拼音三種層次來分析學生的作答;系統批改完後,會按照學生的錯誤類型,提供不同種類的練習。本練習系統共有聽寫測驗、單字聽力選擇題、單字組聽力選擇題三種題型。系統可以輔助教師大量地編製試題與測驗,並輔助批改學生的作答。學生則可透過網路來接受測驗,並針對自己的弱點單字來作練習。 / Most Web-based language tests are presently static pages or dynamic pages with low interactivity. How to enhance the interactivity of the test systems is still under development. Today some researchers have utilized natural language processing techniques for automatic item generation and intelligent error analysis of students’ answers. However, most known research works put more emphases on vocabulary tests and grammar correction. In this paper, we propose a Web-based practice system for English dictation and listening cloze. We use natural language processing techniques to automatically generate multiple-choice item and analyze students’ dictation errors. First, we analyze the words in the corpus and group them based on the similarity of the phones. When the system generates multiple-choice items, it will search the matched cluster and randomly pick other words with similar phones. Second, we analyze students’ dictation from three aspects: inflected form, spelling errors and phoneme structures. After analyzing students’ answers, the system will provide different practice items according to the error types. Our practice system has three item types: one for dictation and two for multiple-choice listening cloze. The system can assist teachers in authoring items and grading the test results. Students can take the test through the Internet and practice on their weak words.


林秋宗, Lin, Cho Jon Unknown Date (has links)
「個案小教授」是一篇探討專家系統方法的研究與應用的探索性論文,主要的應用領域是企管個案教學的輔助教學工具,我們嘗試擴大專家系統的應用的領域,也嘗試去突破一些困難,我們發展出了一個「個案小教授」的雛型。由於專家系統在個案教學上的應用算是首創,如何利用有限的工具來完成千變萬化的個案教學是一大挑戰。本論文將依照知識工程的方法,逐步將個案教學的的精髓融入專家系統的方法中,並以此發現專家系統研究上的一些限制,提供給後續人工智慧與專家系統研究學者參考,使得專家系統能夠跨入更多的領域,幫助人類解決日常決策的問題。本論文採取的研究方法為   1.文獻探討:在於整理出發展專家系統的步驟與技術,包括知識擷取方法,知識表現與推理方式,以歸納出知識工程在個案分析教學上應用。   2.深入訪談法:知識擷取的工作以知識工程師為界面,透過知識工程師為主導,以交談與口語資料分析(Protocol analysis)等方式將專家知識擷取出來。   3.觀察法:利用專家工作的現場與情境實際觀察(使用錄影或是錄音)專家工作方式與推理過程,藉以了解專家知識表現的方式。本研究則是到個案研討的教室實地觀察並記錄司徒達賢教授上課之情形。   4.發展系統雛型:專家系統又稱為知識基礎系統(knowledge-based systems),或知識系統。   其系統架構可分為五部份:   (1)知識庫(knowledge base)用以儲存專家用以解決問題之知識部份。   (2)推理機(inference engine)用以控制推理過程之機制。   (3)使用者界面(user interface)用以供使用者友善的解釋及諮詢功能介紹之界面。   (4)知識擷取界面(knowledgeacquisition interface)用以提供編輯,增修知識庫之界面。   (5)工作記憶區(working memory)用以儲存在推理過程中當時之事實之部份。本研究是以NEURON DATA公司所出品的NEXPERT OBJECT作為系統發展工具,將個案教學專家的知識與推理過程以專家系統加以表現。

以認知與學習學理為基之漢字遊戲與其輔助設計系統 / A cognition-based interactive game platform for learning chinese characters and a computer-assisted listing chinese characters system

張裕淇, Chang, Yu Chi Unknown Date (has links)
我們一共建立了兩個軟體,一個為遊戲系統軟體,另一個是電腦輔助列字軟體。遊戲系統是針對中文學習者而做的,目的在於讓初階中文學習者可以學會分辨各個形聲字以及認識一些中文詞彙,另外也為了讓此系統更具有吸引力,擴增了一些遊戲該有的輔助功能,讓學習者能夠更投入於此遊戲中;電腦輔助列字系統的目的是針對遊戲系統的資料庫做管理,為了讓遊戲題庫的題目有彈性的變化,讓使用者能更簡單管理遊戲題庫,除了提供了一個介面做管理之外,也會列出一些可能的中文候選字,讓使用者不必花太多時間去找尋字。 / We designed two systems. One is a game system, and the other is an interface for managing one of the game’s databases. The game’s system is used for learning Chinese characters, and let children know how to distinguish between each others. Also, it provides some Chinese words for learning. The other system is used for managing one of the game’s databases. Users can change, add or delete the questions from the database by themselves. The system also provides some Chinese characters to users so that they don’t need to waste time searching characters, and add them into the game’s database.

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