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中文稱讚應答之社會語言學分析 / Compliment response in mandarin chinese - a sociolinguistic analysis詹曉蕙, Chan, Shiao-Hui Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在透過說話者對稱讚之不同應答,探討存在於中國社會中,不同群體間之溝通問題。稱讚應答(compliment response)可分為三種俗定語(routine):「否定」、「迴避」、以及「接受」。基於此三項分類,研究者提出四組假設:(一)傳統「否定別人稱讚」的回應方式,已漸被「接受別人稱讚」所取代;(二)具不同社會特徵之受試者,對三種俗定語持不同偏好;(三)俗定語的選擇與親近程度共變;(四)稱讚應答是否細分,依親近程度而定。資料主要採集方式,以問卷發放行之。親近程度乃由四項因素操控:熟悉度、輩份、階級、以及性別差異。在十三個題目中,受試者須自九個選項選出答案,以回應不同親近程度的人所給予之稱讚。蒐集的資料,以卡方考驗分析之。
上述發現,可經由中國社會裡,整體價值轉型所引起的個人基模改變所解釋。文中嘗試以李齊(Leech)的謙遜原則(Modesty Maxim)與同意原則(Agreement Maxim),復以布朗與萊文生(Brown and Levinson)的面子處理原則(face want approach)解釋此變異與變遷。個人主義所促發的相異禮貌原則(Politeness Principles)與傳統文化所形成的相同期望之間的拉鋸,突顯出現代與固有間的矛盾與衝突。
此研究在幾個方面迥異於前人:(一)對稱讚應答的分類最少;(二)對於基模做量化的探討;(三)賦子面子處理原則新的詮釋;(四)以動態時間的觀點闡述禮貌原則的應用情形。 / This study is aimed at exploring the communication problem between different social groups via the change of compliment response in Chinese society.
Compliment response is divided into three routines: rejection, avoidance, and acceptance, based on which, four hypotheses are proposed: a) the traditional compliment routine-rejection-is surpassed by acceptance; b) the preference for a certain routine of compliment response co-varies with informants' social characteristics; c) the selection of routines varies with intimacy; d) the differentiation of compliment response varies with intimacy. Questionnaire is the main tool to collect data, within which intimacy is controlled by four factors: familiarity, generation, ranking, and gender difference. Nine possible answers are offered for the informants to respond to the compliment paid by people of different intimacy in thirteen questions. The collected data is analyzed with Chi-Square test.
The first major finding is that compliment response is changing, with the use of acceptance surpassing traditional rejection and becoming a new normative response. This may be related to the release of individualism from the traditionally repressed self. Second, compliment response is diverse according to the classification of informants by age, gender, and educational level. Higher educational level, middle age group, and females all contribute to the change, among which, higher-educated, middle-aged females' behavior is the most significant. This may be explicated via independent thinking of informants, anti-authoritarianism movement, and feminism. Third, the differentiation of compliment response co-varies with the degree of intimacy. More elaborate differentiation is used in talking to familiars and different generation. Fourth, the selection of acceptance varies with intimacy while rejection does not. Fifth, [±direct] and [±accept] are sufficient to account for the deep structure of compliment response. Generally, almost all the hypotheses are verified.
The above findings can be explained by the change of frame caused by the value shift in Chinese society. Leech's Modesty and Agreement Maxim as well as Brown and Levinson's face want approach are adopted to account for the variation and change. It is proposed that the keen competition between various politeness principles, resulting from individualism, and identical expectation, formed by the traditional culture, manifests the conflict of modernization and tradition preservation.
The study is different from previous ones in several respects: a) the least classification of compliment response, b) a quantitative study of frames, c) a new interpretation for face want approach, and d) the application of politeness maxims from a dynamic point of view.
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中文交談中修復之社會語言學分析 / Socio-pragmatic Analysis of Repair in Mandarin Conversation魏詩婷, Sze-ting Wei Unknown Date (has links)
指導教授:詹惠珍 博士
在交談情境中,當說話者(Interlocutor)無法清楚表達其訊息時就必須進行修復(Repair)。修復的種類不僅止於句法結構,在說話者發現語意不足時,就有做語意修復的必要性。而修復的種類也會依其所行使的語用功能(Pragmatic Function)而有所不同。修復的方式更有可能因交談者雙方的年齡差距大小而改變。因此,本研究針對說話者行使的語用功能及交談者的年齡差距來探討修復的語言形式與使用情形。
語料又根據修復的方式分為句法層次(Syntactic Level)及語意層次(Semantic Level)。其中句法層次又包含刪除(Deletion與添加(Addition)兩重種策略;語意層次則包括替換(Replacement)及添加(Addition)兩個策略。語用功能則分為釐清(Clarification)、確認(Confirmation)、解釋(Explanation)、贊成(Agreement)、強調(Emphasis)及弱化(Alleviation)六種。
關鍵字:社會語言學,交談分析,語用學,修復 / Abstract
Perfect utterances do not occur all the time during the conversation. An unclear message is usually repaired to maintain the clarity of meaning. Repair forms at Syntactic and Semantic levels are examined in this study. Also, it is proposed that formal distribution of repair forms are conditioned by pragmatic and social factors. On pragmatic aspect, the principles of Clarity and Expressivity are conformed. For social constraint on repair forms, the influence of interlocutors’ age is suggested.
Data analyzed in this study are collected from ten dyadic, face-to-face daily conversations, with each lasting more than 30 minutes. Subjects in the ten conversations share the same ethnic background—Taiwanese. In addition, they are from two different age groups, with half of them at the age between 20 to 30 and the other half between 40 to 55. Among the ten conversations: three of them are conducted by both interlocutors being old, three by both interlocutors being young, and four by interlocutors from different age groups.
Repair forms found in the data are categorized into two linguistic categories. In Syntactic aspect, repairs are derived from Deletion and Addition strategies, the former consists of Word-Deletion, Ellipsis, and Marker Deletion, and the latter Modal Addition, Addition of Marker for Focus Changing, and Addition of Marker for Attitudinal Adjustment. As for Semantic repairs, they are those resulted from strategies of Replacement and Addition. The former includes Synonyms, Substantializatoin, Hyponymy, and Hypernymy; while the latter is composed of Narrowing.
Results of quantitative analysis yield several patterns. First, repair forms at Semantic level score significantly higher than those on Syntactic level. Moreover, within the Semantic realm, Narrowing is the strategy most frequently used. Second, there seems to be a significantly stronger preference for repairs to conform Clarity principle than to comply Expressivity principle. Among pragmatic functions under Clarity principle, Clarification is the pragmatic function that recieves first priority. Interlocutors’ age is only partially influential to a speaker’s choice of repair forms with interlocutors from younger age group being noticed to be putting more emphasis on the importance of hearers’ age than those from older age group.
Follow-up interviews suggest that interlocutors manifest repair differently for certain purposes. However, most interviewees point out that the consideration of both interlocutors’ age does not influence the choice of repair forms. Instead, it is hearers’ age, solely, that lay significant effects on the use of repairs for pragmatic functions.
Key Words: Sociolinguistics, Conversation Analysis, Pragmatics, Repair
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現代漢語新詞研究金慧蘭, Kim, Hye Ran Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 〈緒論〉,說明本文的研究動機與目的,新詞之界定與範圍,以及研究範圍與方法。
第二章 〈現代漢語新詞形成之背景及當前研究狀況〉,在進入現代漢語新詞的正式範圍之前,本章以海峽兩岸地區為主,來說明現代漢語新詞形成之背景。並回顧當前兩岸學者們對新詞的研究,以及漢語新詞詞典的出版狀況。
第三章 〈現代漢語新詞之類型及其構詞形式〉,針對現代漢語新詞,分析討論其類型及構詞形式的種類。
第四章 〈現代漢語新詞之發展傾向及其功用〉,探討現代漢語新詞之類型及其構詞形式,整理出現代漢語新詞之數種發展趨勢,並討論現代漢語新詞對語言文化與社會發展產生了哪些作用。
第五章 〈現代漢語新詞在不同地區之差異及其規範問題〉,主要討論在香港和新加坡地區通行的漢語新詞和其特點,並進一步討論現代漢語新詞的規範問題。
第六章 〈結論〉,歸納整理現代漢語新詞的特點,並提出一些對未來漢語新詞研究之展望。
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中文美容用品廣告詞之社會語用分析 / Analyzing Advertisements of Beauty Products in Mandarin Magazines: Sociopragmatic Approach簡湘澐 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文探討在女性時尚雜誌中,美容用品廣告所使用的社會語用策略及語言手段。在本研究中,以Cook (2001)的廣告方法,Searle (1969)的適切條件,Grice (1975)的合作原則,以及Leech (1983)的禮貌原則做為分析的準則。
語料的量化分析顯示:(1) 不同種類的美容用品有偏好的廣告方式。(2) 合作原則和禮貌原則的分配情形不同。(3) 以女性意識形態來說,化妝品廣告和保養品廣告有相異之處。(4) 不同的語言手段被用來廣告這兩類美容用品。
訪談的質化分析顯示:(1) 受訪者的社會背景(教育程度和年齡)影響她們對廣告的態度。(2) 不同的廣告方式影響受訪者對廣告的態度。(3) 廣告的類別不影響受訪者在適切條件、合作原則、以及禮貌原則上對廣告的態度。基於以上的分析,可以發現潛在消費者對說服力的認知與廣告主不吻合。也就是說,消費者不認為所分析的廣告有說服力,這顯示廣告無法滿足消費者的需求。本研究建議廣告主應該從消費者的觀點出發並補救這個問題。 / This study aims at exploring the sociopragmatic strategies and the linguistic devices employed in the beauty product advertisements in women’s fashion magazines. In this study, Cook’s advertising approach (2001), Searle’s Felicity Conditions (1969), Grice’s Cooperative Principle (1975), and Leech’s Politeness Principle (1983) are the criteria for analyses.
This study takes both quantitative analyses and qualitative analyses. For quantitative analyses, 200 pieces of advertisements were collected from two women’s fashion magazines, Beauty and Elle. These data are equally distributed to two types of beauty products: cosmetic products and skin-care products. In addition, for qualitative analyses, twelve women were interviewed to evaluate the effectiveness of the elements contained in four pieces of advertisements selected.
Results of quantitative analyses show (1) that hard-sell approach is preferred on beauty products; (2) that the distribution of the maxims of Cooperative Principle is that Quality Maxim and Manner Maxim are obeyed most frequently, but Quantity Maxim is violated most often; (3) that the distribution of the maxims of Politeness Principle is that Tact Maxim and Modesty Maxim are implemented the most frequently; (4) that cosmetic ads and skin-care ads emphasize on different components of woman ideology; (5) different linguistic devices are used to advertise the two types of beauty products.
The qualitative analyses of the data show (1) that the subjects’ social backgrounds (in this case, education level and age) do affect their attitudes of persuasiveness toward advertisements; (2) that different advertising approaches do influence the subjects’ attitudes toward the advertisements; (3) that advertisements of different types of beauty products do not influence the subjects’ attitudes toward the advertisements no matter by Felicity Conditions, by Cooperative Principle, or by Politeness Principle. Based on the analyses given above, it is found that the subjects’ perception of persuasiveness does not match with that of the advertiser’s. To these potential consumers, those advertisements analyzed are not persuasive, which indicates that the advertisements fail to satisfy the consumer’s demands. It is suggested that the advertiser takes the consumer’s perspective to promote the persuasiveness of advertisements and the consumer’s acceptance of the commodities to be sold.
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中文對話中的同意使用:語用學與社會語言學分析 / Agreement in Mandarin Chinese: a sociopragmatic analysis魏愷玟, Wei, Kai Wen Unknown Date (has links)
本論文分析中文使用者如何選擇同意行為中相關之同意類別、同意程度、和語用策略。此外,本研究也檢視性別對人們同意使用的影響力。本論文採用言談分析(conversational analysis)作為研究框架。除此之外,本研究以言語行為理論(speech act theory),合作原則(Cooperative Principles)及禮貌原則理論(Politeness Principles)作為理論基礎。
研究結果顯示,(一)同意類別方面,人們使用同意核心(Head act alone)和同意修飾語(Supportive moves alone)的頻率皆高於同意核心和修飾語的併用;(二)六個同意支類別方面,同意表徵(Agreement marker)使用頻率顯著高於其他五個同意支類別;(三)同意的強度方面,無條件同意(Agreement without contingency)的使用率顯著高於有條件同意(Agreement with contingency);(四)無條件同意的支類別方面,強化同意(Upgrading agreement)的使用率顯著高於持平同意(Preserving agreement);(五)語用策略方面,篇章修辭策略(Textual rhetoric strategies)的使用率顯著高於人際修辭策略(Interpersonal rhetoric strategies);(六)篇章修辭策略的支類別方面,強調策略(Emphasis)和闡述策略(Elaboration)是最常被使用的;(七)修飾語的支類別和篇章修辭策略的互動方面,研究結果發現一項語用策略分工:強調策略通常使用於受同意的命題內容(Agreed propositional content),而闡述策略通常使用於新增的命題內容(Extra propositional content);(八)人際修辭策略方面,研究結果也發現一項語用策略分工:讓步策略(Concession)通常使用於同意核心,而支持策略(Supporting)通常使用於同意修飾語;(九)最後,研究結果顯示性別會影響人們的同意使用情形。特別是女性容易在同意類別、同意強度和語用策略的使用上,受到聽話者的性別的影響。 / This thesis investigates people’s choice among categories of agreement construction, degrees of agreement, and pragmatic strategies in agreement. Also, the influence of gender is examined. Conversational analysis (CA) is taken as the framework of this thesis. Besides, speech act theory (Austin, 1962; Searle, 1975), Cooperative Principle (Grice, 1975), and Politeness Principles (Brown and Levinson, 1978, 1987; Leech, 1983) are theoretical foundations of this study.
8 face-to-face conversations, including 4 same-gender groups and 4 cross-gender groups, which yield 152 tokens of agreement, were investigated. Related data are classified and analyzed by categories of agreement, degrees of agreement, and pragmatic strategies in agreement, social factor—gender in this study, and the interaction among the four.
The results of quantitative analyses confirm the following findings. (1) For categories of agreement, people apply both head act alone and supportive move alone more frequently than head act with supportive moves. (2) For the six subcategories of agreement, agreement marker overrides the other five. (3) For degrees of agreement, agreement without contingency emerges much more frequently than agreement with contingency. (4) For the subtypes of agreement without contingency, upgrading agreement is used significantly more than preserving agreement. (5) For pragmatic strategies, textual rhetoric strategies are applied much more frequently than interpersonal rhetoric strategies. (6) In textual rhetoric strategies, emphasis and elaboration are adopted most of the time. (7) For the interaction of subtypes of supportive moves and textual rhetoric strategies, a division of pragmatic labor emerges: emphasis often occurs in agreed propositional content, while elaboration often occurs in extra propositional content. (8) For interpersonal rhetoric strategies, a division of pragmatic labor is also located: concession often appears in head act alone, whereas supporting often appears in supportive moves alone. Lastly, (9) Gender is an influential factor in the use of agreement. Women are the one who tend to be influenced by hearer’s gender in their choice of categories of agreement, degree of agreement, and pragmatic strategies in agreement.
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