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態度形成方式、突顯態度成份與說服訊息類型之說服效果王志全, WANG, ZHI-QUAN Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採2 (態度形式的方式:認知或情感為主導)×2 (突顯態度成份:認知或情
感成份)×2 (說服訊息:認知說服訊息或情感說服訊息)受試者間的三因子實驗設
計,共八組,以大學生為受試者,每組15人,共120 人。採用的態度對象物為「新品
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認知型式與說服效果之關係研究蔡光遠, Cai, Guang-Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
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網路訊息意圖、架構對態度與說服力之影響 -以雅虎奇摩知識家為例 -王湘嵐 Unknown Date (has links)
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網路口碑訊息面向、訊息價值與產品涉入對說服效果影響之研究-以網路論壇為例 / The persuasive effect of word-of-mouth’s message sidedness, message value, and product involvement- a case study of internet forum.蕭珮妤 Unknown Date (has links)
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中文美容用品廣告詞之社會語用分析 / Analyzing Advertisements of Beauty Products in Mandarin Magazines: Sociopragmatic Approach簡湘澐 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文探討在女性時尚雜誌中,美容用品廣告所使用的社會語用策略及語言手段。在本研究中,以Cook (2001)的廣告方法,Searle (1969)的適切條件,Grice (1975)的合作原則,以及Leech (1983)的禮貌原則做為分析的準則。
語料的量化分析顯示:(1) 不同種類的美容用品有偏好的廣告方式。(2) 合作原則和禮貌原則的分配情形不同。(3) 以女性意識形態來說,化妝品廣告和保養品廣告有相異之處。(4) 不同的語言手段被用來廣告這兩類美容用品。
訪談的質化分析顯示:(1) 受訪者的社會背景(教育程度和年齡)影響她們對廣告的態度。(2) 不同的廣告方式影響受訪者對廣告的態度。(3) 廣告的類別不影響受訪者在適切條件、合作原則、以及禮貌原則上對廣告的態度。基於以上的分析,可以發現潛在消費者對說服力的認知與廣告主不吻合。也就是說,消費者不認為所分析的廣告有說服力,這顯示廣告無法滿足消費者的需求。本研究建議廣告主應該從消費者的觀點出發並補救這個問題。 / This study aims at exploring the sociopragmatic strategies and the linguistic devices employed in the beauty product advertisements in women’s fashion magazines. In this study, Cook’s advertising approach (2001), Searle’s Felicity Conditions (1969), Grice’s Cooperative Principle (1975), and Leech’s Politeness Principle (1983) are the criteria for analyses.
This study takes both quantitative analyses and qualitative analyses. For quantitative analyses, 200 pieces of advertisements were collected from two women’s fashion magazines, Beauty and Elle. These data are equally distributed to two types of beauty products: cosmetic products and skin-care products. In addition, for qualitative analyses, twelve women were interviewed to evaluate the effectiveness of the elements contained in four pieces of advertisements selected.
Results of quantitative analyses show (1) that hard-sell approach is preferred on beauty products; (2) that the distribution of the maxims of Cooperative Principle is that Quality Maxim and Manner Maxim are obeyed most frequently, but Quantity Maxim is violated most often; (3) that the distribution of the maxims of Politeness Principle is that Tact Maxim and Modesty Maxim are implemented the most frequently; (4) that cosmetic ads and skin-care ads emphasize on different components of woman ideology; (5) different linguistic devices are used to advertise the two types of beauty products.
The qualitative analyses of the data show (1) that the subjects’ social backgrounds (in this case, education level and age) do affect their attitudes of persuasiveness toward advertisements; (2) that different advertising approaches do influence the subjects’ attitudes toward the advertisements; (3) that advertisements of different types of beauty products do not influence the subjects’ attitudes toward the advertisements no matter by Felicity Conditions, by Cooperative Principle, or by Politeness Principle. Based on the analyses given above, it is found that the subjects’ perception of persuasiveness does not match with that of the advertiser’s. To these potential consumers, those advertisements analyzed are not persuasive, which indicates that the advertisements fail to satisfy the consumer’s demands. It is suggested that the advertiser takes the consumer’s perspective to promote the persuasiveness of advertisements and the consumer’s acceptance of the commodities to be sold.
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設計行動應用程式以增加運動依從性之研究-使用設計科學方法 / A mobile application for adherence improvement on exercise plan-using a design science approach孫若庭, Sun, Ruo Ting Unknown Date (has links)
運動依從性在健康管理議題裡是非常重要的一環,現在的人經常感到身體不適而診斷結果卻正常,這種現象根據世界衛生組織的定義為「亞健康」或「健康的灰色地帶」。在高壓的工作環境或不正常的生活作息下,最容易有這些徵狀,儘管大家都知道長期規律的運動可以促進健康,實際實行的狀況卻不如預期的好。為了改善此狀況,本研究透過蘋果公司的套件(ResearchKit)開發行動應用程式來幫助使用者增加運動依從性。此套件內建許多模組供開發者與研究人員使用,如聲明宣告與問卷模組等,讓整個研究、開發流程更為快速有效。本研究流程遵行設計科學方法論來創造一個設計實體,即為本研究開發的應用程式「Active Track」。
在兩階段的設計循環下,本研究證實透過Active Track重複地傳送激勵文字訊息可以協助使用者增加運動依從性,進而降低罹患疾病的風險,研究結果對於未來說服系統之開發以及其他醫療領域提升依從性之相關研究也提供了良好的參考價值。 / Adherence to an exercise schedule is valuable for health management. Nowadays, most people have experienced uncomfortable feelings but diagnostic data are normal. The phenomenon is called ‘sub-health’ condition, which is a state between health and disease. People are likely to experience discomfort if their working environment is stressful and their lifestyle is unhealthy. Therefore, a long period of commitment to adhere to physical activity programs is beneficial for people’s health. Although people would benefit from support to increase exercise compliance, adherence to physical activity plans is often very low. To address these shortcomings, this paper introduces a low-cost method–an iOS application developed using Apple Inc.’s ResearchKit–to help people adhere to their physical activity plans. ResearchKit provides various modules such as consent declaration and survey task for helping researchers create a research app more efficiently. We applied design science methodology to create a design artifact, namely Active Track.
By including the “Tailoring” and the “Reminder” persuasive principles in Active Track to develop, strengthen, or change attitudes or behaviors, the design artifact can act as support instruments that stimulate and encourage users to comply with target behavior. Because studies of health-promotion apps have identified the correlations between personality and persuasive technology, we used the Myer–Briggs Type Indicator personality assessment to design motivational messages for each type of personality as a text reminder in Active Track.
In the first evaluation stage of Active Track, we identified 87 valid participants (54 with motivational messages and 33 without motivational messages) from 166 downloads for performance comparison. On average, the completion rates of participants who were presented with motivational messages were 15% higher, but the difference in message matching experiment was not significant. The results demonstrated that our design approach is able to improve adherence on exercise plans by providing users with motivated messages. Therefore, we implemented repetitiveness and feedback intervention in a further design iteration and evaluated the improvement in Active Track by using these two new factors. The results showed that the repetitiveness factor enhanced the completion rate by approximately 23%; in particular, participants who were identified as having Thinking-type MBTI personalities exhibited an improvement of approximately 27% due to repetitive messages. However, feedback information had no significant effect on adherence.
In summary, the findings of this study confirmed that Active Track can help individuals to improve their exercise adherence through repetitive motivational messages, reduce the risk of diseases, and provide useful insights for the future development of persuasive systems and studies into adherence enhancement for health care.
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從產品知識與說服知識的差異,探討比較式手法對閱聽人廣告態度的影響 / 一個中介模式的驗證黃聖哲, Huang,Sheng Jer Unknown Date (has links)
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不同管道之訊息說服效果之研究 – 以金融業為例 / A Comparison of the Persausive Effects of Messages Delievered through Different Channels – The Case of the Financial Industry in Taiwan楊傑全, Yang, Chieh Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果有以下幾點;首先,顧客對於來自不同管道的「非個人化訊息」所認知之說服效果有差異,又以網路銀行的說服效果最佳。然而「個人化訊息」透過不同溝通管道傳遞,對於顧客卻沒有顯著差異的說服效果。其次,透過「電話」與「電子郵件」傳遞訊息時,搭配「個人化訊息」有顯著較佳的說服效果,其中電話的差異性較大。至於「網路銀行」不論搭配何種內容的訊息,對於說服效果無顯著差異,不過整體來說,使用網路銀行與顧客溝通時,說服效果皆大於其他溝通管道。 / As the competiton among financial industry in Taiwan is getting increasingly fierce, under the high product homogeneity, each financial instutution turns to create differentiation through service and tries hard to maintain a life-long relationship with cistomers. For financial marketers, they make customers purchase the product or use the service again and again not only by providing proucts and services which meets their expectations, but also choosing the right channel to communicate with customers. All the efforts are meant to increase cusomers’ loyalty and attain the goal of customer relationship management – maximize customers’ life-time value.
There are multi channels for financial institutions to contact their customers, from physical channels including counter personnels, financial consultants and call center to virtual channels such as email, online bank and APP on mobile phones. However, few studies had discussed the difference of persuasive effects of messages delivered through “different channels” and “different contents” within when financial institutions implementing CRM activities. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to compare and understand by what channel and with what contents may have the best persuasive effects when sending messages to customers, in order to enhance the result of CRM.The main research method is experimental design and collecting data by questionnaires.
The study result are shown below. First, the persuasive effect of “non-pesonalized” message delivered through different channels is significantly different, especially through “online bank” has the best persuasive effect. However, the persuasive effect of “pesonalized” message delivered through different channels has no differences. Second, delivering “pesonalized” message by “phone” and “email” has significantly better persuasive effect. Besides, using “online bank” to deliver messages, there is no difference of persuasive effect no matter what content within. But generally speaking, using online bank to communicate with customers, compared to other two channel, it has better persuasive effects.
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消費者如何使用說服知識來判別網路口碑之真偽 / Consumer’s use of persuasion knowledge on ewom陳禹安, Chen, Yu An Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在了解消費者如何運用說服知識,來判讀線上口碑訊息之真偽。說服知識一詞,最早於1994年,由Friestad以及Wright在其著作「說服知識模型:人們如何回應他人的說服意圖」一文中所提出。該模型在當時線上口碑尚未流行的年代,是完全以線下情境為研究主題開發而成。也因此,本研究希冀打造適用於線上口碑環境所使用的線上說服知識模型,藉由深度訪談八位受訪者,了解他們使用線上口碑的情形,進而深入探討,他們如何在今日線上口碑充斥著置入性行銷口碑的環境中,運用自身的說服知識,來辨認線上口碑訊息之真偽。在受訪者分享如何辨別偽口碑的經驗談時,本研究也因此了解人們是如何運用自身對產品、議題、品牌等主題知識(topic knowledge),如何運用說服知識(persuasion knowledge),如何應用說服者知識(agent knowledge)等由Friestad以及Wright所歸納而成的三大知識體系,來辨別線上口碑的真實性。本研究更進一步指認出台灣線上環境所特有的”鄉民”知識,並將之融入到線上說服知識模型之中。本研究結果顯示,人們對線上口碑環境的熟悉程度(是否經常瀏覽特定網站),以及個人涉入口碑的深淺程度(觀看線上口碑的頻繁程度),都影響到個人線上說服知識模型之架構。本研究是線上口碑文獻中,首度建構線上說服知識模型之研究。 / This research explores consumers’ use of persuasion knowledge in judging the credibility of eWOM. Persuasion Knowledge is a concept first coined by Friestad and Wright (1994) in their work of The Persuasion Knowledge Model: How people cope with persuasion attempts. The Persuasion Knowledge Model, however, was designed specifically for the offline context. This research aims to build an online Persuasion Knowledge Model by conducting in-depth interviews to eight participants in identifying their perceived dubious eWOM triggers. Throughout the process of participants’ reasoning with these triggers, we were able to see how consumers judge the credibility of eWOM by using their persuasion knowledge, topic knowledge, and agent knowledge in the online context. The findings also suggest a fourth knowledge base—villager knowledge—in the online WOM context. Furthermore, this study shows that one’s familiarity with an online WOM environment and one’s level of involvement with online WOM all influence the construction of one’s online Persuasion Knowledge Model. This study is a first in constructing the online Persuasion Knowledge Model in the eWOM literature.
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廣告中動機訴求與說服路徑設計對廣告效果之影響 / The Advertising Effect of Motivate Appeal and ELM Route Design陳佩珊, Chen, Pei-Shan Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果分為兩大部分:主要自變項與依變項之因果關係假設檢驗、動機訴求類別與資訊路徑之關係討論。本研究主要探討動機訴求之廣告類別,在不同路徑之設計之下,所導致的廣告效果差異。統計方法上主要應用單因子變異數分析(ANOVA)與簡單線性迴歸分析(Simple Linear Regression)。檢定研究中主要自變項:中央、邊陲路徑訊息設計方式,在五個依變項:整體注意力、對主要訊息的理解度、對主要訊息的記憶度、對廣告的態度及對品牌的態度等的差異情況。
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