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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Third-Person Effect in Pap Smear Advertisements

Chou, Chi-Ting 01 July 2011 (has links)
This study explores whether the third-person effect caused by the Pap smear advertisements appear & if they turn viewers into actions. The degree that the advertisements effect on third-person effect is focused, as a reference for the government when they¡¦d like to make more effective advertisements, instead of putting all the slogans & appeals together. The result shows: Advertising appeal¡]positive / negative¡^ & direct / indirect wording influences third/first-person effect ,while sexual attitude of audience doesn¡¦t. Because of the privacy of pap smear test, the research didn¡¦t find the relation between third/first person perception & behavior intention.

creativity in advertisement and the influences of message that advertisement appeals toward consumer¡¦s interest

chang, shu-chen 20 July 2007 (has links)
Abstract Competitions between the brands of the real estate commodity are intense. With regard to sales, the advertisement must bring into full play in the marketing situation which engages in hand-to-hand combat. Goal of the creativity person in message designs of the advertisement is trying to have the consumers sharing same feeling. Allow the advertising creativity has more accurate effect, the appeal strategy complement each other reduces the advertisement being invalid and waste. This research is aimed at the advertisement of the real estate. It is to discuss what level does combination influence of the advertising creativity and the advertising appeals have effect on the consumer¡¦s interest in product. There are two goals in this research, first is to discuss combination influence of the advertising creativity and the advertising appeal. How advertising creativity high-low level, different advertisement combinations of perceptual appeal and rational appeal show their effects. Second is to discuss how the consumer¡¦s interests are arisen from the advertisement combination of the advertising creativity and the advertising appeal. Through advertising creativity level, different advertisement combinations of perceptual appeal and rational appeal show their effects. To understand different interest degrees that the consumers have toward the product. This research uses experimentation and profound interview, to discuss how interest effect that the advertisement combination of the advertising creativity and the advertising appeal has on the consumers. In order to understand how these four variables affect the consumers in product results the varying degree of interests, the partial experimentation was designed to 12 groups of hypothesized board advertisements, through out prior consumers 4 groups of hypothesized board advertisements combinations were selected, carries on the official experimentation. There are 111 questionnaires returned, 99 are valid, effective returns-ratio is 89%. The material analysis adopts one way ANOVA analysis, finally conclude: 1.There are obviously differences toward trust attitude between four groups of different advertisements combinations. 2.There are obviously differences toward preference between four groups of different advertisements combinations. 3.The advertisement combination "High creativity - perception" effectively increase the consumer's interests surpasses "the low creativity-perception" the advertisement combination, "the high creativity-rationality" advertisement combination and "low creativity-rationality" advertisement combination.

Self-Focused or Other-Focused Appeal? Impacts of Non-Profit Organization Type and Cultural Differences on Cause-Related Marketing

Chen, Pei-Chi 06 August 2012 (has links)
¡@¡@With the concern of corporate social responsibility, companies acting as a good citizen has become an important issue. Cause-related marketing (CRM) refers to a company¡¦s aliance with a non-profit organization (NPO): when customers buy the company¡¦s products, the company donates a portion of their profits to the NPO. Through CRM, corporates can effectively enhance their images and customer evaluations. NPOs can increase their visiablity and incomes as well. Customers are able to help NPOs through produce purchase. Therefore, how to enhance the effectiveness of CRM has become a very important issue for both researchers and practitioners. ¡@¡@Based on the previous research in CRM, consumer behavior, and cross-cultural psychology literature, the present study develops a theoretical framework and hypotheses. By using the 2*2*2 experimental design with a cross-cultural sample, the present study examines whether impacts of type of NPO (help-self versus help-others) and national cultures (masculinity versus femininity) interact with two types of advertising appeals (self-focuses versus other-focused) in adverstising persuasion (purchase intentions and corporate image evaluation). The data were collected from 82 Taiwan respondents and 62 Germany respondents, with 15 to 20 respondents for each condition. Multivariate analysis of covariance was performed to test the proposed hypotheses. ¡@¡@The results showed that type of NPO interacts with advertising appeals in advertising persuasion: When consumers perceive a NPO¡¦s nature as help-self, self-focused appeal leads to higher purchase intentions and more favorable corporate image evaluation. In addition, the three-way interaction among type of NPO, national culture and advertising appeals is also significant. The effects of self-focused appeal on advertising persuation are strengthened when a NPO wih help-self orientation is chosen as a cause in a country with masculine culture. Theoretical, methodological, and practical implications are discussed.

廣告與社會變遷之研究–中華汽車個案分析 / Advertising with social change the presentation of social class ---A study of CMC commercials in Taiwan

吳風行 Unknown Date (has links)
McQuail在討論大眾傳播與社會變遷的關係時,認為社會與文化若互相影響則形成互賴關係。從1973年以降,中華三菱的廣告主要受社會變遷的影響而少反向影響社會,摘要如下: 一、從單一媒體到全傳播媒體  早期報禁使報紙獨大與寡占,閱聽眾訊息來源有限多只使用報紙;1993年中華進入轎車市場後始大量使用電視搭配報紙露出;2000年因媒體環境複雜,專業媒體代理商針對媒體與目標客層特性進行波段媒體操作,使廣告訊息更有效傳遞。 二、從解說產品到說故事的汽車品牌 自由化時期前,中華三菱因僅有商用車,平面廣告皆採用產品特色的理性溝通,如同Otto Kleppner的廣告螺旋理論,當商品在拓荒期時要訴求功能,在競爭期面臨眾多品牌時要強調商品的獨特性,在鞏固期中華三菱廣告則採故事性較多的感性訴求建立品牌形象。 三、炫耀性消費的文化浮現與普及 從1996年Cefiro出現後,汽車廣告中呈現豐富豪華的配備,消費者進入Baudrillard的「炫耀性消費」社會。中華三菱從早期以商車頭家體驗證言到1997年休旅車推出後,各車廣告皆針對目標客層在廣告中呈現身分的識別與彰顯。 四、廣告訴求從高涉理性到高涉感性 「FCB 廣告模式」中發現中華三菱的廣告從高涉理性商品移轉到高涉感性商品,會發生這樣的現象跟經濟與消費文化有高度正相關,而汽車有關商品理性層面,消費者已有更多能力與訊息可做判斷,至於如何打動則要靠更多的感性訴求。 1970到2010年代的社會,從一個大家彼此認識的恬靜社區逐漸到誰也不認識誰的異化社會(alienated Gesellschaft),不同階級使用不同的物品彰顯所在的社會結構中位置,中華三菱的廣告則不斷提供並呈現社會中產階級想要模傲的價值觀。 / When McQuail discussed the relationship between mass communications and social changes, he believed that society and culture form into a relationship of interdependence if they influence each other. This research analyzed CMC Motor's advertisements and found them influenced by Taiwanese social changes much more than the degree they have influenced society. A. From a single medium to IMC media Newspapers had been the major information source for the audience in Taiwan. When CMC Motor joined the market in 1993, automobile industry began to apply plenty of TV commercials along with advertisements in the papers. Since 2000, agencies have run advertising on targeted audience making messages effectively delivered. B. A brand from product facts-explanation to story-telling In early days, CMC Motor took rational manners in print advertisements, as Otto Kleppner puts that a product should appeal with its functionality at the pioneering stage; story-enriched emotional appeals have been applied when the company reached the stage of consolidation. C. Emergence and popularization of conspicuous consumption Cefiro hit the market in 1996, advertised as a luxuriously equipped sedan--that was the time when consumers moved into “conspicuous consumption” society. All CMC Motor advertisements have appealed to status identification and recognition of targeted consumers. D. Highly involvement of advertising appeals: from rational to emotional CMC Motor's advertisements transferred into highly involvement/affective from highly involvement/rational,which is quite related to economy and consumption culture. Consumers are able and informed to make decisions nowadays, while emotional appeals are more needed for touching their hearts. From 1970 to 2010, Taiwanese society transformed from a place where people knew each other into an alienated Gesellschaft. Society members from different status use different things to recognize each own position, meanwhile CMC Motor's advertisements keep presenting values the middle-class desire to intimate and to be proud of. automobile advertisement, consumption society, advertising appeal, social change, conspicuous consumption

公益平面廣告研究於動物保護:女性模特兒反對殘酷時尚 / A study on the animal protection public service print advertising: female models against cruel fashion

尤莉婭, Chashchina, Yulia Unknown Date (has links)
殘酷時尚議題已成為當代的芒刺,對動物保護團體及人權組織形成挑戰。善待動物組織(People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals:PETA)是目前規模最大、發展最完善的動物權利組織,其廣告往往能在人們心中喚醒善待動物的意識。PETA首次在時尚雜誌上發起的反對毛皮廣告活動,即獲得「非營利組織最佳廣告獎(Best Ads Produced by a Nonprofit)」。 本研究的宗旨為,展示公益內容廣告運動可在任何市場導向的經濟體中運作。本研究列舉PETA的PSA廣告範例如下:「我寧願裸體」(“I’d rather go naked”, 1992年) 、「毛皮代表死亡」(“Fur is dead”, 2001年)、「對皮膚感到自在」(“Be comfortable in your own skin”, 2003年)、「拯救海豹」(“Save the seals”, 2009年)。「毛皮」 (“Skins”)主題上述廣告皆由知名女性代言。 本研究為質量研究,採用射影技術(projective technique)及深入訪談,調查結合訊息與圖像的PSA廣告在傳達動物權力相關議題時的效果。本研究將指出這些廣告可如何透過1.有創意、逼真的圖像、2.說服力的寓意訊息及3.知名代言人,加強傳遞人與自然關係的概念。 本研究發現,具說服力的訊息必須擁有逼真、富含寓意、簡潔、清楚等特性,且僅有在搭配適當的圖像時,才能發揮效力。此類圖像必須擁有不含混、非情色誘因、有創意、外來風或暗中使用性訴求等特性。廣告必須同時訴諸感性訴求及現實主義,並由知名、受人敬重的代言人出演。當公益廣告意圖以幽默感營造有利的風趣情境時,就不應使用嚴肅形象,或要求觀眾訴諸行動。至於訴諸恐懼類的公益廣告,則結合令人反感的圖像特徵及寓意訊息,仍可營造有利觀眾回應的情境,然而太過強烈的反感特徵有時會造成觀眾無法掌握寓意,導致觀眾無法回應。訴諸恐懼類平面廣告所引起的觀眾回應差異,以及本研究的局限性,可歸因於應答者的文化差異。 本研究做出結論為,擁有優良公眾形象及正面背景的知名代言人,可成功向大眾傳遞寓意訊息。再者,有創意、逼真,但不過度暴力、過度情色的圖像可吸引觀眾目光,促使大眾意識並做出反應。 / In the Modern Age the problem of killing fashion has become a thorny issue for the fashion industry, animal rights protection organizations, animal world and humanity. In this respect, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) performs as the largest and most highly developed animal rights institution in modern countries. PETA’s advertising has made a revolution in people’s minds concerning the ethical treatment of animals and already the first advertising campaign by PETA received the “Best Ads Produced by a Nonprofit” Award for its anti-fur advertising campaign in fashion magazines. The purpose of the study is to show how such social content advertising campaigns can work in all countries that are learning to live under market-driven economies. This research concerns properly selected print PSA samples of “I’d rather go naked” (launched in 1992), “Fur is dead” (launched in 2001), “Be comfortable in your own skin” (launched in 2003), and “Save the seals” (launched in 2009) campaigns presented by a number of celebrity spokeswomen posing for PETA’s “Skins” print advertisements. Based on qualitative research with the use of projective techniques and in-depth interviews, the study investigates the impact of a combination of PSA specific messages and image characteristics concerning animal rights using Public Service Print Advertising. The research will show how these ads hopefully can improve their effectiveness in order to achieve more respect for the human-nature relationship by using 1) Creative, realistic images, 2) A powerful educational message, and 3) A highly respected and appreciated celebrity spokesperson. The study found that a strong persuasive message is defined as realistic, educational, laconic, clear and the advertisement is ultimately effective only when used with proper image characteristics. Such image characteristics are non-vulgar, non-sexually distracting, but creative, exotic, or latent in sexual appeal. An advertisement should use emotional appeal and realism, presented by a celebrity spokesperson with a respected personal background. While PSA uses a high degree of humor to produce favorable and amused attitude, they do not present a serious image or promote a call to action. Regarding using fear appeal, strongly unpleasant image characteristics combined with educational messages still may produce a favorable and responsible attitude. However, it was found that unfavorable perceptions caused by strongly unpleasant images sometimes distracted viewers from the educational message or failed to produce a responsible reaction. The striking differences among public responses regarding fear appeal in print ads and study limitations can be attributed to cultural differences within respondents. The study has concluded that strong educational messages spoken by highly trustworthy celebrities with positive background activity makes the public listen. Furthermore, creative, realistic, but not overly-violent or overly-sexual images catch the viewer’s attention, makes the public more aware and encourages responsible thinking.

廣告中動機訴求與說服路徑設計對廣告效果之影響 / The Advertising Effect of Motivate Appeal and ELM Route Design

陳佩珊, Chen, Pei-Shan Unknown Date (has links)
「推敲可能性模式」中提到的「動機」因素,指的是個人產生的動機強弱;但若從心理學的觀點出發,我們可在動機心理學的相關文獻中發現:動機的種類所帶來的不同程度影響,則是非常重要的。因此,本研究希望把「推敲可能性模式」中的「動機」因素做延伸、補充,探討不同種類的動機因素如何影響廣告效果。期待能為「推敲可能性模式」帶來嶄新的討論空間。 以往在學術研究中,廣告效果的相關研究多從產品類別、廣告音樂、一般廣告訴求(理性訴求、感性訴求、性訴求、幽默訴求或恐懼訴求等)或消費者的人格特質與涉入程度等來探究廣告效果。事實上研究者認為:廣告效果更應與廣告訊息內容的呈現息息相關。廣告中呈現不同的需求或慾望刺激,是否使得廣告的說服效果產生差異?這樣的問題意識正好可以與上述關於「推敲可能性模式」的討論相呼應,研究者期望藉由這樣初探性的實證研究,瞭解廣告訊息中隱含的動機需求對廣告說服效果的影響。 從Maslow提出的觀點,我們可以說,各種需求之間,有先後順序與高低層次之分別,人類與生俱來的匱乏需求必須先被滿足,但Maslow提醒人們不要過於拘泥看待每一需求的順序;況且,這個社會中有許多人,他們絕大多數的匱乏需求大多得到了滿足(莊耀嘉,1990);Maslow更指出,隨著需求階層的上升,受到滿足的人數百分比是逐漸減少的(彭運石,2001)。以台灣目前的物質水準來說,大多數的人多半是處在匱乏需求已獲得某種程度的滿足、正轉而追求更高層次之理想實現的情況。 依此推論,多數人在面對「匱乏訴求」取向的廣告訊息時,符合「資訊處理節省原理」(Haines,1974)的論點,消費者產生的深思可能性較低;在面對「存在訴求」取向的廣告訊息時,則符合「認知反應理論」之觀點,所產生的深思可能性較高。又根據「推敲可能性模式」(ELM):當深思可能性高,中央路徑的說服特別有效;當深思可能性低時,邊陲路徑的說服效果較佳。因此,本研究衍生推論:消費者面對「生理層面匱乏訴求」的訊息時,因廣告刺激的是匱乏需求,在深思可能性較低的情況下,採用邊陲路徑說服方式之效果較佳。消費者面對「心理層面匱乏訴求」的訊息,因廣告刺激的是匱乏需求,同樣也是深思可能性較低的情況下,採用邊陲路徑說服方式之效果也較佳。相較之下,消費者面對「存在訴求」取向的訊息時,深思可能性較高,若配合中央路徑的說服方式,應有較佳效果。 研究結果分為兩大部分:主要自變項與依變項之因果關係假設檢驗、動機訴求類別與資訊路徑之關係討論。本研究主要探討動機訴求之廣告類別,在不同路徑之設計之下,所導致的廣告效果差異。統計方法上主要應用單因子變異數分析(ANOVA)與簡單線性迴歸分析(Simple Linear Regression)。檢定研究中主要自變項:中央、邊陲路徑訊息設計方式,在五個依變項:整體注意力、對主要訊息的理解度、對主要訊息的記憶度、對廣告的態度及對品牌的態度等的差異情況。


朱怡璇, Chu, I-hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
「廣告說服效果」不論在學術或實務界,一直是個重要的議題。儘管廣告形式、內容等不斷創新、企圖吸引更多消費個體的目光,然不可忽視的是,「消費個體」始終為決定廣告宣傳有效與否的關鍵。雖然,過去已累積不少探討「消費個體」和「廣告說服效果」間關係的研究,但隨著世代的更替,市場的主要消費族群不斷在改變,因此,若要有效運用廣告宣傳策略、成功推廣產品,就必須了解「年輕世代如何看廣告」。   然世代的更替也帶來個體消費特質的轉變。對年輕世代來說,消費是一種「表達自己」的方式,他們在消費中不僅講求產品的「實用」,也追求使用產品的「享樂」感受。而過去雖有不少研究從不同的角度(如:消費個體、廣告訴求方式、產品屬性等)來探究「廣告說服效果」,不過,卻還沒有相關研究從「享樂」和「實用」的觀點來探討。因此,本研究鎖定「享樂」和「實用」二面向,從「人」的角度出發,試圖瞭解,什麼樣的廣告呈現較能說服年輕世代?也就是什麼樣的廣告元素搭配對年輕世代而言,能產生較好的說服效果? 本研究採實驗法,採用2 x 2 x 2的多因子設計,主要的自變項為:「個體的消費價值(享樂v.s.實用)」、「產品功能的屬性(享樂v.s.實用)」和「廣告訴求的呈現(享樂v.s.實用)」,依變項則包括:「廣告態度」、「產品態度」和「購買意願」。其中,「廣告態度」又分「廣告信賴態度」和「廣告喜愛態度」。研究主要以「個體的消費價值」為軸,探討其和「產品功能的屬性」一致與否,對廣告說服效果的影響?以及其和「廣告訴求的呈現」一致與否,對廣告說服效果的影響?研究結果發現:  1.在「個體的消費價值」和「產品功能的屬性」交互效果部分,兩變項 在「產品態度」上有接近顯著的交互作用,在「購買意願」上則有顯著的交互作用。若再經單一層次事後比較分析,發現:當廣告強調「享樂性」產品功能時,具「享樂消費價值」的個體將比具「實用消費價值」的個體,在「產品態度」、「購買意願」上有較好的說服效果。  2.在「個體的消費價值」和「廣告訴求的呈現」交互效果部分,兩變項在「廣告信賴態度」上有接近顯著的交互作用,在「產品態度」上則有顯著的交互作用。其中,「產品態度」部分經單一層次事後比較分析,發現:當廣告以「享樂價值描繪(訴求)」為主時,具「享樂消費價值」的個體將比具「實用消費價值」的個體,對廣告中產品的態度較好。   進一步將分析結果應用在廣告實務上,本研究建議,以年輕世代為主要目標對象之科技產品的廣告宣傳策略,應先以「享樂性」產品功能為主打,藉此來影響年輕世代對廣告的信賴和喜愛。同時,亦可藉由年輕個體「享樂」與「實用」消費價值的區隔,來掌握廣告宣傳策略的成效。其中,「性別」或可作為一種區隔年輕個體「享樂」與「實用」消費價值的簡易方式。   不過,需特別注意的是,此處的科技產品乃指:不特別針對男性或女性的需求去設計、且男女性普遍都能接受的科技產品,即「無顯著性別導向」的科技產品,如:手機、多媒體播放機等。換言之,在「無顯著性別導向」的科技產品上市之初,應先掌握具「享樂消費價值」的年輕消費個體,也就是以「年輕女性」為主要目標對象,對此消費族群強打產品的「享樂性」功能,並搭配使用以「享樂價值描繪(訴求)」為主的廣告呈現,此相對於具「實用消費價值」的個體(即年輕男性),將在「產品態度」和「購買意願」上有較好的說服效果。

線上廣告訴求與認知需求對消費者購買決策的影響 / Effects of Online Advertising Appeal and Cognitive Need on Consumer’s Purchase Decision

張杰 Unknown Date (has links)
現今社群媒體已經是人們生活的一大部分,而網路提供了更容易與消費者接觸的平台給廠商呈現其廣告訴求,廣告訴求是一種策略,利用其所呈現的訴求說服消費者作出購買決策,或是改變消費者對於品牌的態度。本研究探討廣告內容的訊息訴求對於消費者購買決策的影響,並利用推敲可能性模型分析消費者的決策路徑。 因為先前針對推敲可能性模型的決策路徑主要都是以推論為主,本研究設計了一個測量中央及邊陲路徑的問卷,藉此了解受測者實際感受到的決策路徑。而整體的問卷透過一個網路實驗收集資料,結果發現廣告訴求對思考路徑有顯著的關係,理性的廣告訴求會使消費者傾向於使用中央路徑;感性的廣告訴求則會使消費者傾向於使用邊陲路徑,而認知需求會對這個關係有交互作用的影響。同時也發現思考路徑對於購買意願會有顯著影響,不同的產品類型會對於這個關係有交互作用的影響。 / Social media and the Internet are inseparable elements of modern human life. Online advertising becomes a popular method for vendors to access their consumers. Advertising appeals are important in attracting consumers’ attention of products and services. In this study, we investigate the effect of online advertising appeals on consumer’s purchase decision using the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) that proposes a central-peripheral dual-route persuasion mechanism. We designed an instrument to measure the perceived route in decision processes and applied it in an online experiment to examine how different appeals affect the central and peripheral routes in consumers’ decision processes. The results indicate that advertising appeals have significant effect on decision routes. Cognitive needs are found to have interaction effects. Decision through different routes also have significant effect on consumers’ decision, while product types have moderation effects.

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