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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


譚志強, TAN, ZHI-GIANG Unknown Date (has links)
本論文共一冊,十萬字,九章廿四節。 第一章:研究旨趣與研究方法。主要介紹本論文是因何而寫的,對本人之問題意識、 個人偏好、研究取向作一交代。同時,在研究方法上,表達本人對歷史途徑與價值袪 除的態度,並指出本文的研究架構。 第二章:民族主義與中國意識。探討中人抱持的民族主義,與西方人的民族主義在內 涵上有何差異?與中國的特殊歷史經驗有何關連?現在一般的海外華人的民族主義, 與鄉土情懷及愛國主義有何相關性?其特質為何? 第三章:香港人的中國意識與香港意識。從兩廣地區與香港的開發經過,描繪出廣東 地區與中原文化圈的互動歷程,進而探討出廣東人的地域主義,與香港人對自身的定 位,及這種因分離傾向而引起的中國情結。 第四章:從南京條約到新界租約。簡述英國佔領香港島、九龍和新界的經過。 第五章:民國以來的中英交涉。敘述一九二八年至一九五0年間,中華民國如何基於 本身的立場,定出彈性的對港政策,與英國進行收回香港的國際交涉經過,並證明不 是只有今天的中共要收回香港,國民政府早在此事上花過不少努力。 第六章:一九五0年以來的中港關係。描述中共政權後,中國大陸與香港的關係如何 演變,中共的對港政策為何,如何在一九九七年發生突變。 第七章:中共與英國談判及聯合聲明。客觀深入地報導英國商人如何鼓動英國展開接 觸,英國又如何對香港的未來預作種種佈署後,才與中共討價還價的過程。 第八章:中共所取談判勝利的因素與作法,對中共如何取得談判勝利的靜態因素和動 態過程作一簡要分析,並指出聯合聲明的背後,真正隱藏的東西,是香港中下階層的 無奈。 第九章:結論。


林佳生 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討高職實用技能班學生學習行為及學習困擾的差異情形,並比較高職實用技能班學生學習行為及學習困擾的差異,以及高職實用技能班學生學習行為與學習困擾間的關係。 本研究以台灣地區高職實用技能班學生為研究對象,並以「高職實用技能班學生學習行為調查問卷」為施測工具進行問卷調查。有效樣本992 人。所得資料以平均數、標準差、t 考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關等統計方法加以處理及分析。綜合本研究之結果如下: 壹、實用技能班學生學習行為表現尚可,其中以學習態度最佳。 貳、實用技能班學生學習困擾不高,其中以家庭困擾最大。 參、不同性別的學生,學習行為與學習困擾有若干不同,女生在學習行為層面上,表現得比男生積極。 肆、不同年級的學生,學習行為與學習困擾有若干差異。 伍、公私立學校的學生,學習行為與學習困擾有若干差異,公立高職實用技能班學生在學習行為中的師生關係與學習滿意度,高於私立高職實用技能班的學生。 陸、就讀科別的不同,學習行為與學習困擾有若干差異。 柒、家庭氣氛的不同,學習行為與學習困擾有若干不同,家庭氣氛和諧愉快的學生,在九個學習行為層面上,表現均較家庭氣氛不和諧愉快學生來得積極。 捌、不同的父母相處情況,學習行為與學習困擾有若干不同。與父母相處融洽的實用技能班學生比與父母相處不融洽的學生呈現較為積極正向的學習行為。 玖、經濟情況的不同,學習行為與學習困擾存有差異。 最後,研究者依據研究所得結果提出幾點建議,作為學校教育、家長及未來研究之參考。 關鍵字:實用技能班、學習行為、學習困擾 / The purpose of thi s research on investigation is to analyze the relationship with technical program student’s study behaviors and learning difficulties in senior high school. The results of research will provide an education authority as references for technical program student educational policy, instructional material teaching reinforcement, curriculum design, and living guidance. To attain to the purpose of the study, the literature was firstly reviewed and discussed to build the framework of this study. And then the questionnaire survey was conducted to collect data. The instruments of the study include technical program student study behaviors and learning difficulties questionnaire was carried out. The samples were 992 students drawn from technical program class in senior high school in Taiwan. The data processes to discuss with correlation among variables, such as Descriptive Statistics, one-way ANOVA, T-test, F-test, Scheffe Rule of Post Hoc Tests, Pearson’s correlation statistics method etc. After data analyses, the main findings can be concluded as following: 1. The technical program students had positive attitudes toward in study behaviors. 2. Learning difficulties in technical program students are not serious ; But the family difficulties was an important factor to technical program student ‘s learning difficulties. 3. Gender differences influence technical program student ‘s study behaviors and learning difficulties. Girl’s study behavior are better than that of boys. 4. Grade differences was significantly related to technical program student ‘s study behaviors and learning difficulties. 5. There were significant differences in public school and private school student’s study behaviors and learning difficulties; The relationships between teacher and student in public school were significant differences than private school. 6. Skill differences was significantly related to technical program student ‘s study behaviors and learning difficulties. 7. Family atmosphere was an important factor to technical program student ‘s study behaviors and learning difficulties. Well family atmosphere’s student study behavior are better than that of poors. 8. The relationships between parents and child was significantly related to technical program student ‘s study behaviors and learning difficulties. Well relationships of parent and child had positive attitudes toward in study behaviors. 9. Family economic was significantly related to technical program student ‘s study behaviors and learning difficulties. Keyword: study behaviors , learning difficulties

語素為基礎的詞彙教學--以《新版實用視聽華語》、《新實用漢語課本》為例 / Morpheme-based Vocabulary Teaching: Textbook Analysis and Teaching Application

王美玲, Wang, Mei Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本文的研究問題有三:一是了解現今華語綜合性教材語素教學的內容與編排方式;二是提出關於本文分析之華語綜合性教材以語素為基礎的詞彙教學建議;三是教師面對不同教材時,應該如何因應與落實以語素為基礎的詞彙教學。 本文首先從海峽兩岸的專家、學者們對於詞彙教學領域的相關研究和詞彙教學的現狀著手,發現詞彙教學理論研究成果與教學應用脫節,因此如何有效利用漢語詞彙語義特徵和結構特徵進行詞彙教學,值得深入研究。本文將焦點集中於語素教學的理論與教學實施原則,分析在臺灣與中國使用率極高的兩套華語綜合性教材---《新版實用視聽華語》和《新實用漢語課本》,以了解目前教材中語素教學內容的現況。 分析結果發現,兩套教材皆呈現語素教學設計,但是《新版實用視聽華語》的語素分析出現瑕疵,且缺乏詞彙結構分析;而《新實用漢語課本》不論是語素分析或詞彙結構分析,都能以學習者已知的詞彙為基礎而設計。本文參考前人的研究和教材的分析,提出對於這兩套教材中以語素為基礎的詞彙教學建議。最後,本文綜合語素教學研究、教材分析和教學應用,提出一套更完整的語素教學實施原則,以利於教師面對不同教材時得以參考依循。 關鍵字:語素、語素教學、詞彙教學、新版實用視聽華語、新實用漢語課本 / There are three research aspects in this paper: (1) To understand the content and structure of two main current Mandarin pedagogical materials in the context of morpheme-based vocabulary teaching. (2) To provide some teaching suggestions for the design of morpheme-based vocabulary teaching of those two materials. (3) To propose vocabulary teaching strategies on employing morpheme-based vocabulary teaching when teachers are facing different textbooks. In vocabulary teaching, this paper makes an overview of research literature by cross strait scholars, and finds that there is a missing link between theory study and teaching application. It’s promising to explore semantic and morphology of Chinese vocabulary to facilitate vocabulary teaching; thus, morpheme-based vocabulary teaching is proposed. We evaluate two most popular textbooks Practical Audio-visual Chinese 2nd edition and New Practical Chinese Reader to get a picture of how morpheme-based vocabulary teaching is presented. Both textbooks do have morpheme-based vocabulary teaching design. Practical Audio-visual Chinese 2nd edition is faulty in morpheme analysis, and short of analysis of morphology of Chinese vocabulary. New Practical Chinese Reader deserves praising by editing the content of morpheme-based vocabulary teaching at the basis of learned vocabulary, and it excels in the analysis of both morpheme and morphology. Referring to previous studies in this area, we propose recommendations for morpheme-based vocabulary teaching with these two materials. To assist teachers in dealing with various textbooks, we provide practical teaching operation principles, through a comprehensive study of morpheme-based vocabulary teaching, textbook analysis, and teaching application research. Wish this study will help Mandarin teachers teach vocabulary more efficiently. Keywords: morpheme, morpheme teaching, vocabulary teaching, Practical Audio-visual Chinese 2nd Edition, New Practical Chinese Reader


李坤興 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討高職實用技能班學生自我概念、學習行為及生活適應的差異情形,並比較高職實用技能班學生自我概念、學習行為及生活適應上的差異,以及高職實用技能班學生自我概念、學習行為與生活適應間的關係。 本研究以台灣地區高職實用技能班學生為研究對象,並以「高職實用技能班學生自我概念、學習行為與生活適應問卷」為施測工具進行問卷調查。有效樣本737 人。所得資料以平均數、標準差、t 考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關等統計方法加以處理及分析。綜合本研究之結果如下: 壹、家庭氣氛為影響學生自我概念、學習行為與生活適應之重要因素。 貳、親子關係為學生自我概念、學習行為與生活適應之重要影響。 參、家庭經濟狀況較好之實用技能班學生,其自我概念、學習行為與生活適應較家裡經濟狀況差的學生為佳。 肆、整體而言,在三大變項間學習行為與生活適應之相關最高,自我概念與生活適應次之,自我概念與學習行為最低。 伍、在學習行為方面,自己打工賺取零用錢的學生,其在「生活常規」 與「課程接受」明顯高於父母或家人供給之學生;在生活適應方面,自己打工賺取零用錢的學生,其「學校適應」亦明顯高較父母或家人供給之學生。 陸、母親教育程度較高之實用技能班學生,其在「未來進路」之分數較高;但父親之教育程度則沒有影響。 柒、性別之差異造成學生在自我概念、學習行為與生活適應上之差異。 最後,研究者依據研究所得結果提出幾點建議,作為學校教育、家長及未來研究之參考。


李妙靜, Li, Miao-Jing Unknown Date (has links)
第一章:結論,包括研究動機與目的、研究方法與資料、皮爾著作的特色、重要名詞 釋義等四節。 第二章:生平與時代,包括皮爾的生平、時代背景、思想基礎等三節。 第三章:皮爾的人生教育,包括問題正是人生的標誌、解決問題的方法、積極思想的 驚人力量、勢心的奇蹟、成功的公式、看重今天等六節。 第四章:宗教、心理與教育,包括宗教與人生、心理與人生、皮爾對教育的貢獻三節 。 第五章:結論,包括評論與建議兩節。 人生教育在教導人能從生命中追尋到永恆的精神生命,從生活上生活出一種具有理想 的生活,而在方向上又能達到天人合一,與天地同參的真善美聖的境地。本論文即以 皮爾的人生教育為主體,探討其對教育之貢獻,進而以宗教精神與實用心理學加深或 批評皮爾的思想,尚祈對教育界有所拋磚引玉之功。

實用選擇權觀點下之策略性併購:以富邦北銀之合併為例 / Real Options in Strategic Acquisition: A Case Study of the Fubon-Taipeibank Merger

鄧森文, DERN, VINCENT Unknown Date (has links)
Despite high failure rate, M&A remains a dominant strategy for corporations seeking expansion in a mature market, such as Taiwan’s financial market. What’s more, acquirers often pay premiums over targets’ market price for acquisitions. A combination of M&A and real options theories is introduced to better explain management’s rationale behind strategic acquisitions. To highlight the strategic moves without mathematical calculation, this paper adopts a strategic real options approach to analyze a case in point – the Fubon-Taipeibank merger. Using the real options strategy, the acquisition becomes an initial service platform expansion toward Fubon’s vision of becoming a leading regional financial institution in Asia. The exercise of Fubon’s option (buying Taipeibank) solidifies its market position with enhanced capitals and revenues, and serves as an option of follow-up M&As. Real options also inspire the M&A integration process. Three key stages, namely target identification, negotiation, and integration, are taken as options, one leads to another. The purpose is to maximize shareholders’ value by applying real option thinking to demonstrate management flexibility along the M&A process, which cannot be seen by other capital budgeting approaches. / Despite high failure rate, M&A remains a dominant strategy for corporations seeking expansion in a mature market, such as Taiwan’s financial market. What’s more, acquirers often pay premiums over targets’ market price for acquisitions. A combination of M&A and real options theories is introduced to better explain management’s rationale behind strategic acquisitions. To highlight the strategic moves without mathematical calculation, this paper adopts a strategic real options approach to analyze a case in point – the Fubon-Taipeibank merger. Using the real options strategy, the acquisition becomes an initial service platform expansion toward Fubon’s vision of becoming a leading regional financial institution in Asia. The exercise of Fubon’s option (buying Taipeibank) solidifies its market position with enhanced capitals and revenues, and serves as an option of follow-up M&As. Real options also inspire the M&A integration process. Three key stages, namely target identification, negotiation, and integration, are taken as options, one leads to another. The purpose is to maximize shareholders’ value by applying real option thinking to demonstrate management flexibility along the M&A process, which cannot be seen by other capital budgeting approaches.


范世偉, Wei, Fan-Shih- Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要 清《刑科題本》目前收錄在中國北京第一歷史檔案館,該檔案館共收有大清帝國內閣題本刑科命案類婚姻姦情專題微捲檔案(以下簡稱刑科婚姻姦情檔案),其中乾隆元年到三十年有七萬餘件相關的檔案;另外乾隆三十年到六十年也有七萬餘件檔案是指清代罪犯經過地方衙門至中央三法司審判後,官員向皇帝奏題案情經過及會審結果,最後由皇帝硃批處斬或緩刑等。在這些奏摺中審訊犯案者的口供必須交代姓名、籍貫、已婚未婚、歲數、職業、家庭人口數等等。 《刑科題本》的這些案件足以讓我們瞭解清代法律在實際生活中的運作情形,而由於這些案件乃地方司法審判者上奏中央的判決文書,因此這些案件也可以提供我們許多清朝乾隆時期關於司法判決書的格式與其法律論證的相關資訊。但更值得注意的是,刑科題本的作用與在清律與法制史研究裡的地位為何? 本文在章節規劃上分為六章,分別為緒說、《大清律例》下的司法文書態樣、《刑科題本》的範式、《刑科題本》的法理-案例解析、《刑科題本》的回首與前瞻、結論等六章。 而在案例分析的取樣方式,則是在空間上,以華南、華中、華北等三大地理區為緯;在時間上,以乾隆元年至陸拾年的時間為經,在《刑科題本》中上下縱論抽樣出六個案例來解析,進一步釐清其書寫的格式等的制度面問題與法律論證與法條解釋與適用等的法理面問題,在相關《刑科題本》的研究尚在發展階段之際,本文結合時間與空間、史學與法學的面向,對《刑科題本》提出初步的分析。

3D列印之著作權議題研究-以實用性物品之設計保護為核心 / A study on 3D printing's copyright issues-focusing on the protection of the design of useful articles

吳承芳, Wu, Cheng Fang Unknown Date (has links)
3D列印技術最早可以被追溯到18世紀,直到2012年英國經濟學人期刊表示3D列印技術將引爆第三次工業革命後,全球各國與產業界更加投入於此。直至今日,世界智慧財產權組織(WIPO)於2015年公布的《世界智慧財產報告》仍將3D列印列為三大前鋒技術之一,Gartner在2016年所提出之年度預測中,亦表示3D列印在2017年仍是最重要之技術之一,本文研究發現其具備設計靈活、材料多樣、一體成型、以及材料節省等特性,在技術與設備逐漸成熟、價格降低等因素下,業界已將其運用在產品製造的各個階段-設計、製造、銷售、與維修階段,且根據研究許多企業亦對於3D列印抱持正面、積極之態度,可見3D列印技術之價值。本文因此以3D列印技術為對象討論,並討論所涉及之著作權議題。 本文觀察到在3D列印中有兩個值得關注的部分,首先,由於其可使用多種材料製作多樣列印成品,當中包括了實用性物品之設計,即兼具藝術性與實用性之創作,會產生是否可受著作權保護之疑問,以及不同於純藝術之創作,為避免給予保護後將逾越著作權之立法精神,是否需要適用額外之著作權保護要件之問題;其次,由於3D列印在製造過程中,可分為建模階段、列印階段,當中涉及空間轉換之情形,因此會產生我國著作權法上如何評價此議題之疑問,本文針對以上兩部分進行研究,透過我國與美國實務與學說見解,分析與提出建議。 根據我國著作權法之規範,本文認為我國著作權法在圖形著作與美術著作中係有兼具實用性與藝術性之創作類型存在,惟過去我國實務在美術著作僅以「手工」、「一品製作」之「美術工藝品」,本文認為專利法與著作權法並非互斥,有雙重保護之可能下,應揚棄「手工」、「一品製作」要件,縱使獲得設計專利保護、或屬於「機械」、「大量製造」之工業設計,亦可獲得著作權保護,因此本文建議修正「美術工藝品」用語為「應用美術」。接著是否需額外著作權保護要件上,本文發現我國判決曾引用美國著作權法之實用性原則之內涵,同時研究後認為在美國Star Athletica, LLC v. Varsity Brands, Inc.案後,統一適用步驟與標準,解決以往美國實務與學說所產生之矛盾與爭議,建議我國可以修法引進實用性原則,便於實務操作、判斷。 在著作空間轉換議題,主要爭議是來自於立法沿革,目前實務、主管機關與學說見解共識在於著作於平面轉立體時,並非一概屬於實施行為,而不受著作權規範。實務、主管機關表示需視「立體物實際展現之內容」判斷為重製、改作、或實施,對此學說有不同意見,主要爭議在於考量因素與實施意義認定之差異,本文研究後提出著作空間轉換模型,以利實務判斷,並認為立體轉為平面亦可以同理判斷。 最後,在3D列印之CAD檔案與列印成品可著作性上,本文認為最主要的問題除了實用性原則外,尚包括原創性部分,原創性之判斷會受到不同創作方式影響,但仍有受到著作權保護之可能。在實用性原則部分,Star Athletica, LLC v. Varsity Brands, Inc.案最高法院所提出標準相較以往更為寬鬆,本文認為若採取此見解,將會更容易取得著作權保護,對於3D列印創作人較為有利。 / 3D printing can be traced back to the 18th century at the earliest time. After The Economist Journal said 3D printing is one of important breakthroughs leading to the factory of the future and digital manufacturing, amount to the third industrial revolution in 2012, countries and industries around the world paid more attention on it. Until now, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) published new WIPO report in 2015 and shows three frontier technologies that hold the potential to boost future economic growth are 3D printing, nanotechnology and robotics. In Gartner’s 2017 annual predictions about the future of 3D printing, Gartner also said that 3D printing is still one of the most important technologies. This thesis finds that 3D printing has the characteristics of flexible design, diversified materials, production in one-step and products without cost penalties in manufacturing, and so on. As the technology and equipment gradually mature and price decreases, the industry has applied 3D printing to various stages of producing- design, manufacturing, distribution, and after-sale service. According to the studies that many companies also have a positive attitude towards 3D printing. For the above reasons, this thesis therefore discusses 3D printing technology, and focuses on the copyright issues of it. This thesis discovers that there are two questions worthy of attention in 3D printing. First of all, because there are many materials used for 3D printing to produce a variety of printed products, including the design of useful articles, which are both artistic and utilitarian products. It will call into questions whether the design of useful articles is copyrightable or not, and if the answer is yes, what is the protection scope? Second, there are two stages in the process of 3D printing- executing Computer-Aided design file (CAD file) stage and printing stage involved in space conversion (2D-3D, 3D-2D) question. This thesis focuses on the above two questions, and refers to the scholars’ and the courts’ opinions of U.S. and R.O.C copyright law to propose some advice and opinions. For the first question, this thesis conclusion is that the design of useful articles is protectable in R.O.C copyright law, which might be pictorial and graphical works or artistic works. Besides, it is not reasonable to add two elements of applied arts- craftsman and only one production. After the Supreme Court held in Star Athletica, LLC v. Varsity Brands, Inc. that it proposed unified and appropriate test for implementing the useful article doctrine, the useful article doctrine becomes easier to apply. Therefore it might be a good solution to decide whether the design of useful articles is copyrightable or not, and if the answer is yes, what is the protection scope? For the second question, it happened because of amendment of R.O.C copyright law, and this thesis proposes a model to assist judgment. Last but not least, this thesis shows that the most two important elements determine whether the design of useful articles is copyrightable or not are originality and the useful article doctrine. According the opinions about Star Athletica, LLC v. Varsity Brands, the unified test for implementing the useful article doctrine becomes easily accessible and will beneficial for creators to be protected by U.S. copyright law.


郭仲偉 Unknown Date (has links)

羅逖(Richard Rorty)教育思想之研究

王長治 Unknown Date (has links)
羅逖正是當代美國最重要的思想家之一,其倡導的反再現論和後哲學文化觀的影響力,已經遠遠地超出了學術爭論的範圍,越出了美國國界,而且其所指出的問題具有世界性的普通文化現象的意義。本論文嘗試對羅逖的教育思想,作系統而深入的探討,並突顯羅逖哲學理念在教育上的意義。 本研究之旨趣可分為下列幾部分: 一、 研追溯羅逖之生平傳略、時代背景及追溯其思想遞進與形成之情形,並簡述其後哲學文化之要旨,以便為進一步探究其哲學思想之基石。 二、 解析羅逖對傳統鏡式哲學的批判,包括哲學家們努力尋找的「基礎」、「心為自然之鏡」的隱喻,以及人類祟拜了二千多年的「理性」,並且揭示當代西方哲學發展的基本趨向與轉向的邏輯起點。 三、 闡釋羅逖陶養哲學的社會實踐意義,以及哲學如何進行主題轉換和思維方式的轉型;首先是以「詮釋學」取代「認識論」,從超驗的本體回到現實的經驗世界,展示了一個反常態的哲學圖像;陶養哲學的目的是維持談話的繼續進行,由「客觀性」轉向對「協同性」的嚮往,也因而鼓勵對於「弱理性」的追求。 四、歸納羅逖之新實用主義之精義,並論述其在教育上的意義與啟示。由探討羅逖之人類圖像出發,指出其在教育上給我們的啟示:呈現一個容納多元文化的社會,促進社會整體的和諧發展;整合人文與科技,使「科技人文化」;發展想像力與創造力,突破既有知識的瓶頸。                  論文目次 第一章 緒論-------------------------------------------------------------------1 第一節 研究動機與目的------------------------------------------------3 第二節 研究方法與步驟------------------------------------------------8 第三節 研究範圍與限制----------------------------------------------10 第二章 羅逖生平與思想淵源-------------------------------------------12 第一節 生平與經歷與時代背景--------------------------------------12 第二節 思想遞嬗與主要著作-----------------------------------------19 第三章 無鏡哲學------------------------------------------------------------29 第一節 基礎的坍塌-------------------------------------------------------29 第二節 鏡面的破碎-------------------------------------------------------40 第三節 理性的幻滅-------------------------------------------------------48 第四章 陶養哲學------------------------------------------------------------58 第一節 詮釋學取代認識論----------------------------------------------58 第二節 協同性替代客觀性----------------------------------------------72 第三節 弱理性替換強理性----------------------------------------------79 第五章 羅逖思想的教育涵義---------------------------------------------87 第一節 新實用主義之人類圖像與學習理論------------------------87 第二節 多元文化的社會與教育----------------------------------------97 第三節 通識教育新取向----------------------------- -------------------105 第四節 想像力與創造力的培育---------------------------------------116 第六章 結論----------------------------------------------- -------------------124 參考文獻-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------129

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