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參數式一體化之可動關節模型的生成- 以FDM 3D列印為例 / Generation of Parametric Non-Assembly Joint Model: A Case Study for FDM 3D Printers陳科豫, Chen, Ko Yu Unknown Date (has links)
3D列印的普及讓民眾可利用簡易的建模軟體建立3D模型,但是如何建立可動模型對一般使用者而言卻是一道難題,因為必須考驗建模者對於模型設計與結構的熟悉程度,以及受到目前3D印表機的可印程度等因素限制。目前市面上的3D列印成型技術,以FDM最為普遍,優點是便宜、無毒等,而缺點則為精細度低及需印出支撐材,與其他3D列印技術相比限制較多,且失敗率相對較高。本論文的目標主要是將3D靜態(不可動)的肢體動物模型,以FDM印表機為輸出目標,產生出一體化關節可動模型。根據使用者輸入的模型與骨架,本系統會自動找出關節位置,利用關節點與模型頂點的距離計算各部位關節的半徑大小,並利用外積與旋轉矩陣將可動關節與肢體方向對齊,並調整模型至可動關節可嵌入的大小。使用者可藉由本系統所提供的直覺式操作介面,進行參數化調整,以印出不需組裝之可動模型,我們邀請了10位受試者,透過系統操作教學及任務,讓受試者學習如何使用此系統,並透過問卷的方式探討系統的優缺點。問卷的評分方式是採5分量表,從實驗結果顯示,系統整體有用性平均分數為4.5分,表示本系統能有效的幫助使用者建立可動關節模型;而易用性的平均分數是3.9分,代表本研究在介面設計上雖非重點,但仍有改進的空間;易學性方面的平均分數為4.5 分,表示本系統的操作對使用者是容易學習的。整體而言,實驗結果顯示,本研究所建立的可動關節模型系統已達到輔助使用者建立可動模型的目標,並證實了本研究的發展價值。 / The popularity of 3D printing has allowed people to design 3D models through common 3D modeling software. However, it is still difficult for a regular user to build a model with movable joints because most users are not familiar with mechanical design and it is a great challenge to design such a model that is printable with current 3D printing technology. FDM is the most popular type with the advantages of being cheap. However, its disadvantage is low precision, which make its failure rate higher than others. In this thesis, we aim to design a system that can take a static articulated model and convert it into a non-assemble model with movable joints that is printable on a FDM 3D printer. Our system can automatically find the positions of the joints according to the input mesh and skeleton and compute the radius of the maximal enclosing circle for each joint model. After aligning the joint model with the limb, the system can automatically adjust the size of the whole model such that the joint model can be embedded in the body model. A user can also tune system parameters through an intuitive interface to determine the orientation and limits of each joint. In order to evaluate our system, we invited ten persons to test user our system by completing assigned tasks and filling a usability survey. The survey is a questionnaire consisting of typical five-point Likert-scale items. The survey reveals that the usefulness of our system is 4.5, which means that our system can effectively help the users construct movable joint models. The score of ease-of-use is 3.9, which means that our user interface still have room for improvement although it is the current focus of our system. The score of ease-of-learning is 4.5, which means that our system is easy for the users to learn. In short, from the experimental results, we believe that our system has achieved the goal of providing a 3D modeling system that can assist users in building non-assemble moveable joint models that are printable on FDM 3D printers.
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3D列印之發展及相關智慧財產權問題研究 / Intellectual Property Issues in 3D Printing Development張倚瑄, Chang, Yi Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
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於德語系國家提供3D列印積層製造技術之可行性分析 / Analysis on The Feasibility of Providing Additive Manufacturing Services in German Speaking Countries史雅倫, Arnold Roland Steinbrecher Unknown Date (has links)
於德語系國家提供3D列印積層製造技術之可行性分析 / ‘People can have the Ford Model T in any color – as long as it‘s black‘ (Henry Ford)
In today’s competitive business environment, more is needed than building competitive advantages solely on cheap mass production on the other side of the globe. Product life cycles become shorter, customers more demanding, cost advantages of producing large amounts far from the distribution channels are eroding and flexibility in production is an essential parameter to meet customer’s demands.
The purpose of this business plan is to show small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) a possibility to conquer constrains of mass production by using one of the few real disruptive technologies of our times. 3D printing or additive manufacturing indeed has the potential to change the paradigm for manufacturing.
In short, it is the process of building solid three-dimensional objects from any digital model data by applying materials usually layer upon layer. This method of building parts of virtually every shape is the reason for the name as opposed to subtractive or traditional manufacturing, where material is being removed by drilling, cutting, and milling.
Additive manufacturing technologies can be used anywhere in the product life cycle from pre-production prototypes to full-scale production:
On the entry level, small and medium sized enterprises could increase their performance through cost reduction by accelerating the business cycle. This is an implication of reduced time to market and improved product quality.
The next level not only involves speed but also cost savings arising out of supply chain improvements. Additive manufacturing is able to significantly reduce required inventory and therefore is reducing working capital requirements.
The third level takes full advantage of this new technology, exploiting the complexity for free phenomenon, which demonstrates that geometrically complex shapes can be produced at virtually no additional costs.
Last but not least, while putting all the advantages of additive manufacturing, mass-customization of products becomes an available option even for smaller companies.
The described paradigm shift already started, and although the industry is still small in absolute terms, growth rates have been impressive for the last few years. The global additive manufacturing market grew by 34.9% (CAGR) to US$ 3.07 billion in 2013, which is a continuation of the remarkable growth rates of 2010, 2011, and 2012. Even more exciting are the forecasts, which indicate that additive manufacturing could easily exceed US$ 21 billion by 2020. (cf. McKinsey Global Institute, 2013; Wohlers Associates Inc., 2014). The german speaking market is about 15% of the global additive manufacturing market with players being more educated in terms of additive manufacturing. Thus, it seems to be the right time to enter this market eager for innovation.
This business plan proposes to set-up an additive manufacturing service provider in Austria, targeting the German speaking countries, and offering its services to mainly but not exclusively small and medium sized enterprises. Since the competition is existent but very segmented, the declared goal of 5% market share should be manageable in the first three years of operation. The main target clients are SME’s in the following fields:
Manufacture of fabricated metal products and machinery and equipment
Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers, and semi-trailers
Manufacture of furniture
Manufacture of jewelry, bijouterie, and related articles
Manufacture of medical and dental instruments and supplies
3magination, which is the proposed name for the company, shall provide the following services:
Additive manufacturing education
Design consultancy
Material consultancy
Small series production and prototyping
However, the business model classifies the first three services as trust and relationship building investments and the company only charges for the production itself. 3magination disposes of metal and polymer processing printers and is able to produce a very large spectrum of objects. Design, material selection, and the flexible production itself are 3maginations’s declared competitive advantages. To ensure this path, a detailed analysis of key talents has been performed.
Considering the conservative forecasts, initial investment of EUR 1.1 million in equity and a loan facility from banks of EUR 1.92 million would generate a NPV of EUR 25.5 million. Due to the large investments in fixed assets and the low sales volume at the beginning, a loss is anticipated in the first year. However, the company breaks even in the second year of operation and makes a small profit of EUR 286,394. From there on, the net income and sales ratio starts accelerating up to 34% in 2019.
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3D列印之著作權議題研究-以實用性物品之設計保護為核心 / A study on 3D printing's copyright issues-focusing on the protection of the design of useful articles吳承芳, Wu, Cheng Fang Unknown Date (has links)
根據我國著作權法之規範,本文認為我國著作權法在圖形著作與美術著作中係有兼具實用性與藝術性之創作類型存在,惟過去我國實務在美術著作僅以「手工」、「一品製作」之「美術工藝品」,本文認為專利法與著作權法並非互斥,有雙重保護之可能下,應揚棄「手工」、「一品製作」要件,縱使獲得設計專利保護、或屬於「機械」、「大量製造」之工業設計,亦可獲得著作權保護,因此本文建議修正「美術工藝品」用語為「應用美術」。接著是否需額外著作權保護要件上,本文發現我國判決曾引用美國著作權法之實用性原則之內涵,同時研究後認為在美國Star Athletica, LLC v. Varsity Brands, Inc.案後,統一適用步驟與標準,解決以往美國實務與學說所產生之矛盾與爭議,建議我國可以修法引進實用性原則,便於實務操作、判斷。
最後,在3D列印之CAD檔案與列印成品可著作性上,本文認為最主要的問題除了實用性原則外,尚包括原創性部分,原創性之判斷會受到不同創作方式影響,但仍有受到著作權保護之可能。在實用性原則部分,Star Athletica, LLC v. Varsity Brands, Inc.案最高法院所提出標準相較以往更為寬鬆,本文認為若採取此見解,將會更容易取得著作權保護,對於3D列印創作人較為有利。 / 3D printing can be traced back to the 18th century at the earliest time. After The Economist Journal said 3D printing is one of important breakthroughs leading to the factory of the future and digital manufacturing, amount to the third industrial revolution in 2012, countries and industries around the world paid more attention on it. Until now, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) published new WIPO report in 2015 and shows three frontier technologies that hold the potential to boost future economic growth are 3D printing, nanotechnology and robotics. In Gartner’s 2017 annual predictions about the future of 3D printing, Gartner also said that 3D printing is still one of the most important technologies. This thesis finds that
3D printing has the characteristics of flexible design, diversified materials, production in one-step and products without cost penalties in manufacturing, and so on. As the technology and equipment gradually mature and price decreases, the industry has applied 3D printing to various stages of producing- design, manufacturing, distribution, and after-sale service. According to the studies that many companies also have a positive attitude towards 3D printing. For the above reasons, this thesis therefore discusses 3D printing technology, and focuses on the copyright issues of it.
This thesis discovers that there are two questions worthy of attention in 3D printing. First of all, because there are many materials used for 3D printing to produce a variety of printed products, including the design of useful articles, which are both artistic and utilitarian products. It will call into questions whether the design of useful articles is copyrightable or not, and if the answer is yes, what is the protection scope? Second, there are two stages in the process of 3D printing- executing Computer-Aided design file (CAD file) stage and printing stage involved in space conversion (2D-3D, 3D-2D) question. This thesis focuses on the above two questions, and refers to the scholars’ and the courts’ opinions of U.S. and R.O.C copyright law to propose some advice and opinions.
For the first question, this thesis conclusion is that the design of useful articles is protectable in R.O.C copyright law, which might be pictorial and graphical works or artistic works. Besides, it is not reasonable to add two elements of applied arts- craftsman and only one production. After the Supreme Court held in Star Athletica, LLC v. Varsity Brands, Inc. that it proposed unified and appropriate test for implementing the useful article doctrine, the useful article doctrine becomes easier to apply. Therefore it might be a good solution to decide whether the design of useful articles is copyrightable or not, and if the answer is yes, what is the protection scope? For the second question, it happened because of amendment of R.O.C copyright law, and this thesis proposes a model to assist judgment.
Last but not least, this thesis shows that the most two important elements determine whether the design of useful articles is copyrightable or not are originality and the useful article doctrine. According the opinions about Star Athletica, LLC v. Varsity Brands, the unified test for implementing the useful article doctrine becomes easily accessible and will beneficial for creators to be protected by U.S. copyright law.
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