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性別語言分析 : 張愛玲《半生緣》的男女對話雷嘉瑩, 01 January 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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瑪格麗特艾德伍德《女僕的故事》中的語言力量 / The Power of Language in Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale黃方怡, Huang Fang-I Unknown Date (has links)
本論文分為六個部份:除了導論和結論外,第一章、第二章和第三章分別討論小說中三種不同的聲音,它們亦代表三種不同的思考模式;第四章討論小說作者艾德伍德本人的加拿大經驗對她的思考與寫作 (皆為使用語言的過程) 所產生的影響。話語在小說中不僅是被用以壓迫人的工具,但亦為受壓迫者得以反壓迫的方法,因為話語是具有強大力量的。
Table of Contents
Chinese Abstract…………………………………………………………v
English Abstract…………………………………………………………vi
Chapter One: Discourses of the Republic of Gilead…………………17
Discourses of Sexuality in Gilead ……………………………… 18
Althusser's Ideology and Language of Gilead ……………………26
Chapter Two: Offred's Story: A History of Wome …………………42
Offred's Language and Her Subjectivity …………………………45
A History of Women……………………………………………56
Chapter Three: The History Notes: Pieixoto's Story…………………62
Pieixoto's Appropriation of Offred's Tale…………………………64
A History of the Dominant Males ………………………………66
Chapter Four: The Canadianness in the Novel………………………73
Conclusion ………………………………………………………82
Bibliography………………………………………………………88 / Language is a medium by which people think and express themselves. For a long time, language was seen as a tool used by people to communicate and reveal thoughts. In postmodern time, language is viewed as having its own life. Once a speech or a statement is produced, it is beyond the control of the producer. It is, instead, in the hand of the listener or the reader. My thesis aims to discuss the language power in Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale. By analyzing the novel's three different language systems, I hope to demonstrate that language is never value-free and that it is always by someone and for someone. Moreover, language is itself a place where different positions struggle with each other. Only the most powerful people can dominate language as they wish and express themselves loudly.
This thesis will be divided into six parts: introduction, three chapters dealing with three kinds of language systems underpinned by different thinking, a chapter dealing with the influence of Atwood's Canadian experience on her thought and language, and the conclusion. In the novel, language is not only used as a tool to oppress people, it is also used as a weapon to resist and subvert the oppression. This is all because there is power in language.
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漢語言談中的兒童拒絕策略 / Children's refusal strategy in mandarin discourse: a case study吳妃容, Wu, Fei Rong Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文目的在探討兒童在親子對話中行使拒絕行為的表現,研究問題如下: 1. 兒童採用哪些拒絕策略來達到拒絕的目的?2.從這些拒絕策略中,可以反映出哪些語用發展?研究的語料來自於一名以漢語為母語的小男生與他母親之間的日常對話,共擷取三個時間點的語料作為分析語用發展所用。分析結果顯示,隨著年紀越大,受試兒童在拒絕策略的數量上以及委婉度上都有明顯增加。此外,我們也發現到,隨著年紀增長,受試兒童漸漸的能跳脫自己觀點,而從別人角度出發來做拒絕回應。此外,母親行使請求的方式也影響了受試兒童的拒絕表現,當母親的請求較強勢時,受試孩童會傾向用較有技巧的方式來回應。此外,母親行使請求行為的方式也會根據受試兒童的年紀不同而有所差異。 / This study aims to investigate the children’s refusal performance from a developmental perspective and how the mother’s requests affect children’s refusal strategies. We analyzed a Mandarin-speaking child’s natural conversation with his mother. The data were collected from three time points, that is 2; 7, 3; 1 and 3; 7. The refusal strategies adopted in the present study are mainly based on Wang (2001)’s categorization. After the careful examination, it is observed that the refusal strategies increased with the age. The child decreased his reliance on the most direct way to refuse. In addition, the data also showed the child’s growing ability to take his interlocutor’s perspective into account, which is consistent with previous studies about children’s pragmatic development. The child also applied his knowledge of a sincere request when making refusals.
As for the effect of the mother’s request, it is observed that the force of the mother’s request could be perceived by the child and influenced the way the child refused. When the mother’s requests were imposed, the child would apply more skill strategies to respond. Also, the child would combine refusal strategies to respond when facing more complicated request.
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英文技術文獻中動詞與其受詞之中文翻譯的語境效用 / Collocational influences on the chinese translations of english verbs and their objects in technical documents莊怡軒, Chuang, Yi Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究使用英漢平行語料庫,試圖從中找尋英文與中文之間的翻譯情形,我們將英文及中文的動名詞組合 (V-N-collocation) 作為觀察對象。本研究各別分析英漢專利平行文句語料庫及科學人雜誌英漢對照電子書兩套語料庫,將中英文互為翻譯的文件視為一體,觀察英文及中文語言其中的特定結構及共現性 (collocation) ,建構由真實世界的語料所反應的語言翻譯模型。
我們使用技術名詞表將平行語料庫進行技術名詞斷詞,再將句子進行結構剖析得到關係樹 (dependency tree) ,並利用關係樹結構及近義詞典取得英漢動名詞組合。本研究運用英漢動名詞組合建立英文動詞與名詞的翻譯模型,我們的系統可以根據不同的模型推薦翻譯,並比較這些翻譯模型的成效;最後也加入中文語言使用者翻譯英文動詞的實驗與本研究的翻譯模型效果作比較,結果顯示本研究的翻譯模型比起受試者,可以有較好的推薦效果。 / In our investigation, we are interested in English Verb-Noun collocation (V-N collocation) and the corresponding usage in Chinese. To discover English-Chinese V-N collocation, a rich corpus is needed; therefore, we obtained one million English-Chinese parallel patent sentence pairs and seven years of bilingual Scientific American as two corpora to analyze. We trained translation models to find the usage of V-N collocations in English and Chinese. Given English V-N collocation and corresponding Chinese information, our system can recommend the proper translations of the English verb or object in collocation according to the translation models.
We experimented ten formulas to train our models using two corpora, and observed similar trends in the analyses. Preliminary comparisons of the translation quality of human subjects and our system indicated that our system could offer better recommendations for the translation tasks.
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許渾《丁卯集》七律詞彙風格研究陳佩妍 Unknown Date (has links)
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二十世紀末二十一世紀初之俄語電腦詞彙研究 / The analysis of Russian computer words in the late 20th century and in the beginning of the 21th century陳依玲 Unknown Date (has links)
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徐志摩新詩的詞彙風格研究車婉娟, Che, Wan Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要內容為研究徐志摩新詩的詞彙風格。筆者以《徐志摩全集》中的158首新詩作為研究範圍,進行詞彙分析。全論共分七章:第一章〈緒論〉說明研究動機與目的、範圍、方法、前人研究成果以及徐志摩生平和詩歌創作理念。第二章〈語言風格學的意義與價值〉簡述語言風格學及其在文學作品研究上的價值,並進一步說明詞彙風格之內容與價值。第三章〈從古詞彙的使用看徐志摩的詞彙風格〉探究其新詩的古詞彙來源及使用的效果。第四章〈從新詞的創造力看徐志摩的詞彙風格〉先依其詩歌新詞的產生途徑一一分類介紹,再歸納其構詞偏好及運用效果。第五章〈從重疊詞的運用看徐志摩的詞彙風格〉先觀察其新詩重疊詞之詞語類型,再分析它的語法功能傾向及使用效果。第六章〈從共存限制看徐志摩的詞彙風格〉主要是跳脫詞彙本身的分析,而將觀點擴大至詞語間的搭配關係,分別就句中「主語 / 謂語」、「述語 / 賓語」、「修飾語 / 中心語」、「述語 / 補語」四種關係,來探究其新詩詞彙突破現代漢語搭配規律的使用情形。最終提出第七章〈結論〉,總結徐志摩詩歌的詞彙風格及特色。
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兒童在同儕對話中的拒絕策略 / Children's Refusal Strategy in Peer Talk鍾易儒, Jong, Yih Ru Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討孩童在同儕對話中所使用的拒絕策略,以及說話者及聽者的性別對於拒絕策略選擇之影響。研究語料來自兩人或三人一組的孩童在玩耍時的對話,孩童的年紀在四歲七個月到五歲十個月之間。本研究主要採用Beebe等人所提供的拒絕策略分類,研究結果發現,孩童在同儕對話中使用較多的間接拒絕策略(70%),這也顯示出孩童避免與同儕產生正面衝突,並且努力維護彼此間的友誼。在所有策略中,孩童最常使用的是簡單否定(simple negation: 31.8%)以及提供理由(reason: 26.7%);此外,在這個年紀的孩童在一次拒絕中,大多只使用一種拒絕策略。
而在性別的影響方面,則發現在同性別的互動中,女生比男生使用了更多的直接拒絕策略;此外,與在同性別互動中的表現相比,女生在不同性別的互動中變得更直接,而男生則變得較委婉。研究也發現,孩童會根據不同性別選擇特定的拒絕策略,例如,男生較常對女生使用非語言性的迴避策略(nonverbal avoidance)。本研究中討論了造成此現象可能的原因,像是中國文化中女人的角色、家長對不同性別孩童的教育方式,和不同性別的孩童之間友誼的強弱等等。總而言之,研究發現不論是說話者的性別或者聽者的性別都會對拒絕策略的選擇造成一定的影響。 / This study aims to explore children’s refusal performance in peer talk and how speakers’ and interlocutors’ genders influence their choice of refusal strategies. The natural conversations produced by dyads of triads of children aged from 4;7 to 5;10 were used for analysis. The refusal strategies adopted in this study are mainly based on Beebe et al. (1990)’s category. The results showed that children applied much more indirect refusal strategies (70%) than direct ones (30%) when refusing their peers, which indicates that they tried to avoid confrontation and make efforts to maintain their friendship. Among the strategies, children tended to employ simple negation (31.8%) and reason (26.7%) most frequently. In addition, children at this age applied only one refusal strategy in a refusal most of the time.
As for the influence of gender, it is observed that in same-gender interactions, girls used more direct strategies than boys. In addition, in cross-gender interactions, girls became more direct while boys were more indirect than in same-gender interaction. Moreover, children tended to choose certain strategy when refusing others of different gender; for example, boys used a lot more nonverbal avoidance when refusing girls than boys. Possible reasons such as women’s role in Chinese culture, children’s intensity of friendship between different gender, and parent’s educational style were discussed in the study in order to explain the gender differences. The findings, therefore, suggest that both speakers’ and interlocutors’ genders play an important role in children’s choice of refusal strategies.
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漢語親子對話中打斷現象之研究 / A Study of Interruption Behavior in Mandarin Mother-child Conversation呂佩君 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的為瞭解母子對話中的打斷現象,分析的語料來自於兩對以漢語為母語的母子對話,兩位小孩皆為三歲。首先,為瞭解母親與小孩打斷句之本質,我們採用Goldberg (1990:891)的分類來做判斷,結果顯示兩者在對談中皆大多使用rapport-oriented interruptions,代表在母子對話中,兩方傾向在打斷句中表達對對方話語的興趣與投入,並且藉由著打斷一同建立談話主題。再者,小孩的打斷句更進一步的用Dunn and Shatz’s (1989)的研究方法來分析其與對話言談的語意關連,結果發現小孩的打斷句多數都包含了與之前相關並且新的訊息,而這類的打斷句是最有可能得到母親的注意並且回應。 / The purpose of this study is to investigate the nature and function of mother-to-child and child-to-mother interruptions in conversation. The data analyzed are natural conversations from two Mandarin-speaking mother-child dyads. The children are about three years old. Goldberg’s (1990:891) categorization of interruptions is adopted to examine the nature of the mothers’ and children’s interruptions. The results show that both the mothers and the children use more rapport-oriented interruptions than other types of interruptions, which indicates that in mother-child interaction, both parties tend to use interruptions to signal their involvement and interest and to construct a shared topic cooperatively. In addition, the children’s interruptions are further examined based on Dunn and Shatz’s (1989) framework in order to investigate the semantic relations between the children’s interruptions and the conversational discourse. The findings show that most of the children’s interruptions contain relevant new information. Such interruptions are likely to succeed in getting the attention and response from the mothers.
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國立政治大學附屬中學實施 Language Corner之研究 / English Aural and Oral Practice at Language Corner in The Affiliated High School of NCCU鄭妍方 Unknown Date (has links)
良好的溝通,須透過語言學習,而學生的語言學習更是為日後我國國際化打開大門,因此語言的學習,不僅僅在於書寫語文法層面,更重要的是溝通,以及學生透過與研習得所獲得的國際觀。本研究的目的,即在於探討政治大學附屬中學學生,對於 LC 各項實施滿意度,分析學生背景與其感受之關係,並解析 LC 規劃之理念與現狀,最為未來政治大學附屬中學與他校之參考。
本研究主要分為三個部分:(1)問卷調查以政治大學附屬中學學生為對象,瞭解學生對於教學環境、進行時段、學生對師資看法、學生感受、對話內容、學習效果、與學生對 LC 各項建議;(2)觀察 LC 進行情況,並以地點規劃與師生互動情形為觀察重點;(3)訪談以政治大學附屬中學英文教師、英文科召集人、實驗組組長以及外籍教師為對象,利用開放式的問題深入探析外籍師資招募的問題、資金來源、推廣程度、與校方英文課程配合性、外籍教師特質等。蒐集資料的工具包括問卷、訪談表、學校平面圖、錄音機、與數位相機。在資料分析上,觀察與訪談的部分主要是以描述性的方式記錄,並佐以圖片說明。問卷調查結果則以算術平均數、標準差。
壹、Language Corner 實施現況
一、學生對於 Language Corner 整體表現持正面、積極態度。
二、學生認同參與後,對英文能力提升有正向之幫助,顯現 LC 計畫實施迄今時間雖短,成效已能獲得學生肯定,值得繼續推動
三、高中生、男生、語言實驗班之學生更認同 LC 之對話環境、目前 LC 之進行時段,且對於參與對話有更正面的感受、對於對話內容有較正面的回應、較認同 LC 之學習效果。
四、英文學期成績 70~79 分者更認同 LC 之對話環境、以及進行時段;而英文學期成績 0~59 分者更滿意目前的 LC 師資、且對於對話內容有更正面的感受。
五、不同英文學期成績之學生對於參與對話的感受呈現鐘型分布,成績最高及最低的群組反應普通,而成績 70~79 分者對參與對話的感受有最正面的回應,顯示在參與過程中,成績中庸者更能感受自在、快樂、緊張、充實。
六、不同英文學期成績對於參與 LC 後之學習效果均表認同,但兩者呈負相關;學期成績越低落者,越能認同 LC 的學習效果,並認為對話內容符合其程度;顯示 LC 計畫依照學生英語能力不同,提供難易有別對話之必要性。
七、高中男生、非語言實驗班、學習英語 11 年以上、參與 1~3 次之學生更滿意目前 LC 之師資。
八、參與 11 次以上、英文學期成績 90及以上之學生對 LC 師資較不認同,表示參與次數較多、英文能力較高之學生無法認同目前之師資;顯現外籍師資接受相關教育課程之必要。
九、學習英語 11 年以上更認同 LC 之對話環境、對於對話過程、對話內容有更正面的感受、也較認同 LC 之學習效果;顯示英文學習年數最長者,對於 LC 計畫的各向度皆有正面評價。
九、定期舉辦外籍教師訓練課程,使其對活動內容更了解。 / Good communication requires language skills. Students’ language learning will open up an international domain for our own country. Therefore, language learning should not be limited to writing, memorizing and grammar. What’s more important is the skill to communicate and the international vision student obtains through the process of language learning. Thus, the purpose of this study is to understand how The Affiliate High School of NCCU students satisfy with the Language Corner program from different perspectives, to analyze the ideas that construct Language Corner, and last but not least, to understand current circumstances of Language Corner in AHSNCCU. Gathering the information can provide other schools, as well as AHSNCCU, recommendations and reference about Language Corner.
The study can be divided into three category: (a) using survey to understand students’ satisfaction about the location, time, teacher, feeling in participation, conversation content, learning effect of Language Corner, (b) watch and record how students and foreign teachers interact with each other in Language Corner, and (c) interview English teachers, administrational staff, foreign teachers to explore the hidden problems of foreign teacher recruitment, money resource, and etc. The study utilizes questionnaire, video recorder, and digital camera to gather data. As for data analysis, descriptive method, with illustration is conducted. The survey outcome includes:
1. Students hold positive attitude toward Language Corner.
2. Students think their participation in Language Corner did help improve their English proficiency. It shows the effect of Language Corner has been affirmed by students.
3. Students who are male, in language experiment class recognize more with the location, time, conversation content, and above all, the learning effect of Language Corner.
4. Students with 70~79 English scores recognize more with location, time of Language Corner; besides, students with 0~59 English scores are more satisfied with the foreign teachers and conversation content.
5. Students’ feeling about Language Corner participation, by their English score is in bell shape. In other words, the highest and lowest English score group respond plain about participating Language Corner, while students with 70 ~79 English score have best reaction.
6. Students from different English score groups all identify with the effect of participating Language Corner. However, students with lower scores have better response and consider the dialogue not difficult for them.
7. Students who are male, in non-language experimental class, with more than 11 years of English learning background, having attended Language Corner 1~3 times are more satisfied with the current Language Corner foreign teachers.
8. Students who have attended Language Corner for more than 11 times, with scores above 90 are less approved of foreign teachers.
9. Students with over 11 years background of English learning are more content with the location, conversation process, dialogue topic, as well as the learning effect of Language Corner.
10. The locations recommended by students are library, students’ room; while noon, and morning (before class) are viewed as best timing. As for conversation topic, life events, and movies are highly recommended.
According to the result, the study brings up some recommendations for AHSNCCU:
1. Students’ hold positive attitude toward the effect of Language Corner; thus, the value of this program is recognized, which makes it worth promoting.
2. AHSNCCU should sign a contract with CIEE to stabilize the foreign teacher supply.
3. Increase the frequency of Language Corner; timing can be shifted to “after-school” on some days of a week.
4. Set the required participation rate for students to stabilize students’ attendance.
5. Recruit students as Language Corner tutor to help students with lower English performance.
6. Utilize public assembly or school webpage to advocate Language Corner.
7. Prepare games at the beginning of each semester to let students be familiar with the new foreign teachers.
8. Students, as well as foreign teachers should make the most out of this program to enable great communication.
9. Give foreign teachers training to prepare them for Language Corner, and enable them to understand mutual expectations.
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