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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

語言、結構、及讀者定位: <<金色筆記>> 的後設文本 / Language, structure and the role of the reader: the Golden Notebook as a metafictionist text

陳雅玲, Chen, Ya Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本文擬由後設小說觀點探討蕾莘的作品《金色筆記》。本文詮釋的模式主要分為三類:結構、語言及讀者定位。旨在討論真相與虛構的界線、語言的不確定性、環套結構、諧擬策略以及讀者與作者、文本之間的互動性。 後設小說常運用顛覆讀者習以為常的傳統閱讀習慣。藉以揭露作者之虛擬創作過程,突顯創作的虛構性,無涉真實人生。《金色筆記》不論在內容及題旨上皆敏銳反應此種高度自覺意識,拒絕讓讀者耽溺在作者編織的想像空間裡。藉由諧擬傳統的文類,一方面使讀者不致產生強大的拒斥感;另一方面又刻意使讀者的期待落空,藉此逼迫讀者跳脫閱讀文本的被動習性,進而成為另類文本創作的開端。 / This thesis attampts to probe into Doris Lessing's most renowned work, ~u2;The Golden Notebook~u1;, in the context of metafiction writing. The main body of the thesis is divided into three main parts--language, structure, and the role of the reader. The main concern of this paper is to discuss the division between truth and illusion, the indeterminacy of language, the Chinese box structure, the device of parody, and interrelationship between author, reader and text. By questioning the issue that the reader is habitually used to be passive and by laying bare the process of writing, the metafictionist fictions manifest the fact that the fictional world tends to be a fictive construct rather than a duplication of a real world. Formally and thematically, ~u2;The Golden Notebook~u1;, reflects the spirit of self-consciousness, preventing the reader from being immersed in the fictional world fabricated by the author. By parodying the conventional novels, ~u2;The Dolden Notebook~u1; at first provides the sense of familiarity to lessen the anxiety of the reader; and then it attempts to frustrate his/her expectation by making the text in an unconventional way. In so doing, the role of the readercan be transformed from a passive consumer into an active This thesis attampts to probe into Doris Lessing's most participant. renowned work, the Golden Notebook~u1;, in the context of metafiction writing. The main body of the thesis is divided into three main parts--language, structure, and the role of the reader. The main concern of this paper is to discuss the division between truth and illusion, the indeterminacy of language, the Chinese box structure, the device of parody, and interrelationship between author, reader and text. By questioning the issue that the reader is habitually used to be passive and by laying bare the process of writing, the metafictionist fictions manifest the fact that the fictional world tends to be a fictive construct rather than a duplication of a real world. Formally and thematically, ~u2;The Golden Notebook~u1;, reflects the spirit of self-consciousness, preventing the reader from being immersed in the fictional world fabricated by the author. By parodying the conventional novels, ;The Dolden Notebook at first provides the sense of familiarity to lessen the anxiety of the reader; and then it attempts to frustrate his/her expectation by making the text in an unconventional way. In so doing, the role of the readercan be transformed from a passive consumer into an active participant and creator.

時尚中文:台灣當代時尚雜志語言與教學運用 / Fashion Chinese in Taiwanese fashion magazines – a case of learning lsp

麗莎 Unknown Date (has links)
Recently some language courses based on so-called “fashion language” were developed in different countries, particularly in England, Italy and France. We predict that Chinese “fashion language” will become important in the world of fashion design and a course on Chinese “fashion language” will be in great demand by people working in the fashion industry. It is noticed that students studying Chinese in regular classes are not able to read fashion magazines and utilize “fashion language” because it includes special terminology and stylistics. “Fashion language” is a language for specific purpose (LSP) and as any LSP it has specific features. This study focuses on the features of “fashion Chinese” by analyzing the texts of Elle Taiwan, Vogue Taiwan, Marie Claire Taiwan magazines and fashion resource Style.com.tw. We have applied corpus ananlysis in our research, and recommendations for a language course on “fashion Chinese” are given in the final part of the study.

敘述文的語言特徵─教學與學習上的建議 / Linguistic Features of Narrative Writing: Implications to Teaching and Learning

張孝晨, Zhang, Xiao Chen Unknown Date (has links)
在大學入學考的英文科目中,英文作文的考題以敘述文與論說文兩種類型最為常見。特別注意的是,於每年二月份所舉行的大學學測的英文考科中,2004年至2014年間,敘述文的出現次數高達八次。因此,如何教導學生進行英文的敘述文寫作是每位高中英文老師所要面對的課題。此外,記敘文與敘述文均為描寫形式的文章,學生容易對這兩種文體產生混淆,可能影響學生的敘述文體的英文寫作而造成負面的影響。 為了幫助學生能夠了解敘述文體的特性,本研究經由以英文母語者的文章整理出七項關於敘述文的特性。此外,本研究也利用敘述文的七項特性來檢驗五篇高中英文教科書的文章與五十篇學生的英文文章,除了審視這五十五篇文章是否達到七項特性之外,也利用學生敘述文的分數發現會影響分數的語言特徵。最後,藉由研究中的發現給予英文教科書編寫與英文敘述文教學及學習上的建議。 / The most common styles of English writing in the college entrance exam are narratives and expository. Furthermore, narrative writing occurs more frequently than expository in the General Scholastic Ability Test (GSAT) held in early February every year. During the years 2004 to 2014, writing a narrative with sequential pictures was used eight times to evaluate Taiwanese senior high school students' English writing abilities. Therefore, the teaching and learning of English narratives is of a great importance for teachers and students in Taiwanese senior high schools. In order to help the teaching and learning of narrative writing, this study aims to find out the linguistic features of the narratives based on the analysis of English narratives written by native speakers. Then, according to the seven linguistic features of the narrative found in this study, fifty-five narratives from Taiwanese English textbooks and senior high school students were investigated to know whether the seven linguistic features were presented. Furthermore, to determine the significant grades-related linguistic features of students' narratives, the grades of students' narratives and the linguistic features are examined in this study. Lastly, by using the findings of the study, some pedagogical implications are offered for English textbooks, the teaching and learning of the narrative style.

漢語母子對話中修護行為的研究 / A sudy of repair behavior in mandarin mother-child conversation

李怡嫻, Li, I Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文的目的在於討論兒童在漢語母子對話中修護行為(repair behavior)的情況,研究問題如下:1.兒童修護形態(repair types)的表現狀況2.兒童修護行為在語言形式、語用功能的習得是否隨年紀增加而呈現發展變化3.母親的語言形式、語用功能隨著兒童年紀增加有何改變。研究對象是六位兒童與他們的母親,年紀介於三歲至五歲。研究結果顯示,語言型態的使用隨年紀增加而有所不同,年幼孩子相較於年長孩子更依賴母親來開啟修護句型。並且,結顯示,三歲組採用 Lexical 語言形式的修復,另一方面年長孩子運用Syntactic Editing terms來執行修護行為。最後,母子對話的互動過程可以幫助孩子習得運用更成熟的修護技巧,年紀越大的小孩越能掌握以多樣的語言型式來達成多樣的語用功能。而這些不同可能是孩子的語言學習能力、記憶廣度、及認知能力所導致。 / The use of repair strategies has been pointed out as important characteristics for children to develop mature conversation skills. This thesis aims to investigate how children acquire repair in the interaction with their mothers. Six dyads in three age groups from three to five year olds are investigated. There are three research questions proposed: first, what patterns of repair are used by Mandarin-speaking three-year-old, four-year-old, and five-year-old children? Second, is there a developmental change in children’s repair types, linguistic forms, and pragmatic functions in conversation? Finally, how would mothers’ repair linguistic forms and pragmatic functions change with children’s age? Each repair utterance in the repair sequence of children and their mothers was analyzed in term of: (1) Repair types: SISR, OISR, SIOR, and OIOR (Schegloff, 1992). (2) Linguistic forms: nonverbal, lexical, syntactic, editing term (Ke, 2005), and combination. (3) Pragmatic functions: emphasis, specification, confirmation, elaboration, and floor-holding (Garvey, 1984; Chang, 1998; Wei, 2003). The result showed that younger children contributed relatively higher percentages of OIOR than older children. In contrast, older children contributed relatively higher percentages of SISR than younger children. It appeared that trend of the provision of guidance by mothers may decrease as children’s ability to repair developed with age. Second, it appeared that the influence between the children and the mothers is mutual in the course of interaction. In other words, children’s maturity of repair ability influences how the mothers interact with the children. Moreover, the findings display children’s discrepancy in language development around three years old. It is observed that three-year-old group adopts Lexical of linguistic forms to repair. On the other hand, older children used Syntactic and Editing term of linguistic forms to repair. Finally, the interaction of linguistic forms and pragmatic function displayed that both mothers and the children in all age groups use more Specification than other categories. It appears that in mother-child interaction, both parties tend to apply repair to specify the other’s intention. The result also indicates that older children appear to use repair to display their involvement in the conversation for an even large variety of pragmatic functions.


何彩蓮, 01 January 2000 (has links)
No description available.

台灣地區原住民母語教育政策之探討:以布農族為例 / Evaluating the Aboriginals’ Mother-Tongue Education: Bunun as an Example

劉秋雲, Liu, Chiu-yun Unknown Date (has links)
國語政策的實施造成台灣地區原住民族母語嚴重地流失,產生語言轉移的現象。2001年(九十學年度)教育部首度將鄉土語言列為正式課程,開始實施強制性每週一節的母語教學課程。然此項母語教學辦法的實施,其實施前的評估和之後的檢討均未進行,因此本論文以布農族為例,從語言政策的觀點探討台灣地區原住民的母語教育政策。一方面從語言能力、語言使用、及語言態度等層面來調查布農族人的語言轉移情形;另一方面從其對母語教育政策的態度檢討當前布農語教學的實施現況。 本論文研究方法採問卷調查和深度訪談,同時進行量化和質化的研究。探查之學校於是八個布農族為主的山地鄉,以隨機取樣的方式,各抽取兩所學校,因此共計十六個學校納入調查範圍。問卷部份,主要根據年齡和教育程度兩個社會變項,在各組中採集等量的問卷。深度訪談則針對學校行政人員(校長與教務主任)、母語老師、家長、和學生,進行母語教學相關議題的訪談。問卷調查在探查普遍性的分佈狀況,而訪談目的則在探討問卷結果背後的理由。 調查結果發現,布農族人的母語能力和母語使用均出現隨著年齡層下降、教育程度升高而衰退的情形,顯示母語轉移的痕跡。在刻板印象上,高年齡層受試者對母語的評價較國語高,低年齡層和兩個教育層的受試者對布農語和國語的刻板印象評價則不達顯著,均一致地高。在學習動機方面,受試者不分年齡或教育程度,均一致認為國語之工具性動機高過布農語。而以布農語本身的融合性動機顯著高於工具性動機,顯示布農語對布農族人的功能為象徵性強過實用性。在對母語教育政策的看法上,一般而言都支持度都相當高;但在教學內容的實行上,如教學時間、師資問題等則多有意見,受訪者指出若干問題,並提出相關建議。 本研究結果證實布農族人的母語發生轉移現象,希望日後相關單位在訂定或修正語言政策時,可以對原住民母語轉移現象的挽救提供幫助。 / The implementation of Guoyu Policy in Taiwan has caused the minority groups, (in particular, the Indigenous peoples) a serious language shift, shifting from their mother tongues to Guoyu, the national language. To remedy the problem, "Mother Tongue Education" has been implemented since 1996. Unfortunately, there has never been any official evaluation on this policy. For this reason, this thesis aims at providing a preliminary evaluation of it through an investigation of the Bunun's proficiency in their mother tongue, their use of it, their attitudes toward their mother tongue and the policy. The research methods applied in conducting this study include both quantitative and qualitative analysis. For the former, 279 questionnaires (out of 300) were collected and analyzed, with a focus on sociolinguistic differences based on age and education level. For the latter, 36 informants (including school administrators, mother tongue teachers, students, and their parents) from 15 Bunun primary schools were interviewed. The results of statistic tests indicate that the Bunun's proficiency in their mother tongue and the frequency of using it decline with decrease of their age and increase of their education level. Among the various social groups, only subjects of higher education level show a positive attitude more favorable to Guoyu than to Bunun; while the other groups give equal ranking to both of the two languages. Moreover, the Bunun subjects, as a whole, consider Guoyu being more instrumental than Bunun; however, it is Bunun that receive higher score for integrative motivation, which indicates that Bunun still plays a symbolic function to the Bunun people. As to their attitudes toward the policy of mother tongue education, generally all the subjects show their support to it, although they point out, at the same time, that the policy should be modified on several aspects, such as problems related to the length of teaching hour and the sources of qualified mother tongue teachers. Most of the findings derived from quantitative analysis are confirmed by the subjects of the interviews. The general conclusion of this thesis is that the Bunun are experiencing a language shift from their mother tongue to Guoyu. It is suggested that the government and the institutions concerned should locate effective measures to meet the imperative needs in saving the mother tongues of the minority groups.

多元文化背景下澳門居民的語言選擇及語碼轉換研究 =Macau residents' language choice and code-switching : a multicultural perspective / Macau residents' language choice and code-switching : a multicultural perspective

鍾佳利 January 2018 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Arts and Humanities. / Department of Chinese

日本與國民黨統治下的單一語言政治: 1895-1987 / The Politics of Monolingual Language Practices under the Japanese and Koumintang Regimes 1895 to 1987

羅納德 Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis explored the use of ideology as defined by Spolsky and Woolard and Schieffelin to explain both the Japanese and Kuomintang regimes use of language policy in Taiwan from 1895 to 1987. In the case of the Japanese, they introduced both educational reform and a new language into Taiwan after 1895. It was their desire to see the Taiwanese become good citizens of the Empire. When the new government first arrived on the island the use of local dialects were still permitted, and local Chinese schools remained open for a time. During the later colonial period in Taiwan the use of the Japanese language became more and more dominant. In the case of the Kuomintang who came to govern Taiwan after 1945, it was their use of Mandarin that defined their form of language policy on the island. The KMT believed that they were the legal government of China and planned for their eventual return to the mainland.


李台元, Li, Tai-yen Unknown Date (has links)
「原住民族語言能力認證」是我國為了推動原住民族的民族語言教育,在行政院原住民族委員會的策劃下,針對全國原住民各族族語能力所進行的一項資格檢定工作。本論文從語言規劃的角度評估族語能力認證制度的規劃與執行,一方面透過詞彙分析,評估認證考試題庫的詞彙設計;另一方面運用問卷調查方法,探究規劃單位、執行單位、認證委員、考生、以及非考生等五類受試者對於「族語能力認證制度」與首屆「族語能力認證考試」的各項態度。最後,對未來認證制度的實施,以及族語復振政策的方向,提供建議。 本論文第一章說明研究緣起與相關問題點。第二章描述族語能力認證實施過程的背景。第三章探討與本研究相關的理論與文獻,以利於理解族語能力認證在語言規劃和語言政策範疇裡的意義。第四章為研究設計,描述內容包括對首屆認證考試題庫中的詞彙進行分析的方法,以及對首屆認證考試的內容進行量化研究的問卷設計與資料分析方法。第五章為研究結果,提出各族認證題庫的詞彙、各族語言能力、各族語言使用情形、以及各族對族語認證制度的態度等四個層面的調查結果,並加以分析與討論。第六章為結論與建議。研究結果發現,首屆族語能力認證的擬定與實施,大體獲得各類受試者的肯定,為往後認證制度的規劃、執行與評鑑奠立了基礎。整體受試者並認為族語認證工作最重要的意義在於挽救族語流失,本研究因而建議往後的認證制度可朝此方向推展,以帶動更廣泛的族語學習與族語復振。本論文的主要貢獻在於為族語能力認證及相關語言規劃的評鑑步驟,建立初步的模式。 / This thesis aims to evaluate the planning and the first implementation of the Accreditation of the Aboriginal Languages Proficiency (AALP), which is directed by Council of Indigenous Peoples, Executive Yuan, with the view of promoting the education of aboriginal languages in Taiwan. There are six chapters in this thesis. Chapter One describes the purpose of this study and presents some related problems. Chapter Two presents the backgrounds of AALP. In Chapter Three, the related theories and studies are reviewed and discussed. Chapter Four depicts the research designs, including the methodology to evaluate the vocabulary test in the first AALP, questionnaire design to elicit subjects' opinions about the policy of AALP and its first implementation, and methods for data analysis. Chapter Five reports the results in terms of vocabulary analysis, language proficiency, language use, and language attitudes toward AALP. The last Chapter offers conclusions and suggestions. One of the major findings lies in that AALP is widely recognized, and the results of its first implementation may serve as a guideline for its future implementation. It is also believed that AALP may help to revitalize aboriginal languages in Taiwan and thus reverse the language shift related. Therefore, it is suggested that AALP should be continued by following the current model.

二十世紀末至二十一世紀初圖瓦共和國國家語言政策 / The state language policy in the Tyva Republic at the end of the 20th c. - the beginning of the 21st c.

魏岑芳, Wei, Tsen Fang Unknown Date (has links)
「語言政策」即「語言規劃」和「語言建設」之總和,為國家、政府、政黨、階級、社會團體用以改變或維持語言之現況或標準的措施。因此語言政策為改變「語言情況」之中要因素之一,它的制定和變更也常被當作多民族國家的政治手段。 近年來,由於語言政策之改變而造成的民族衝突,國際間戰爭不斷發生,更凸顯初制訂與實行語言政策的重要性。俄羅斯聯邦為一多民族國家,在語言政策方面的經驗,相對較豐富,其中一聯邦主體——圖瓦共和國,其境內主要構成民族之語言(圖瓦語)和超語言(俄語)間的關係,和台灣台語與華語的情況較為相似,此外,圖瓦共和國在語言情況之緩解方面已產生諸多對策,其經驗應有助於台灣之語言規劃和語言政策之制定。 本論文分析二十世紀末至二十一世紀初圖瓦共和國的國家語言政策。學者針對圖瓦共和國語言情況與語言規劃相關文獻資料做出統整,歸納出二十世紀末至二十一世紀初圖瓦共和國在學術研究、書籍編纂、官方公務、教育、媒體、宗教與文化個方面之語言規劃及語言建設成果。

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