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漢語母子對話中修護行為的研究 / A sudy of repair behavior in mandarin mother-child conversation李怡嫻, Li, I Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文的目的在於討論兒童在漢語母子對話中修護行為(repair behavior)的情況,研究問題如下:1.兒童修護形態(repair types)的表現狀況2.兒童修護行為在語言形式、語用功能的習得是否隨年紀增加而呈現發展變化3.母親的語言形式、語用功能隨著兒童年紀增加有何改變。研究對象是六位兒童與他們的母親,年紀介於三歲至五歲。研究結果顯示,語言型態的使用隨年紀增加而有所不同,年幼孩子相較於年長孩子更依賴母親來開啟修護句型。並且,結顯示,三歲組採用 Lexical 語言形式的修復,另一方面年長孩子運用Syntactic
Editing terms來執行修護行為。最後,母子對話的互動過程可以幫助孩子習得運用更成熟的修護技巧,年紀越大的小孩越能掌握以多樣的語言型式來達成多樣的語用功能。而這些不同可能是孩子的語言學習能力、記憶廣度、及認知能力所導致。 / The use of repair strategies has been pointed out as important characteristics for children to develop mature conversation skills. This thesis aims to investigate how children acquire repair in the interaction with their mothers. Six dyads in three age groups from three to five year olds are investigated. There are three research questions proposed: first, what patterns of repair are used by Mandarin-speaking three-year-old, four-year-old, and five-year-old children? Second, is there a developmental change in children’s repair types, linguistic forms, and pragmatic functions in conversation? Finally, how would mothers’ repair linguistic forms and pragmatic functions change with children’s age? Each repair utterance in the repair sequence of children and their mothers was analyzed in term of: (1) Repair types: SISR, OISR, SIOR, and OIOR (Schegloff, 1992). (2) Linguistic forms: nonverbal, lexical, syntactic, editing term (Ke, 2005), and combination. (3) Pragmatic functions: emphasis, specification, confirmation, elaboration, and floor-holding (Garvey, 1984; Chang, 1998; Wei, 2003). The result showed that younger children contributed relatively higher percentages of OIOR than older children. In contrast, older children contributed relatively higher percentages of SISR than younger children. It appeared that trend of the provision of guidance by mothers may decrease as children’s ability to repair developed with age. Second, it appeared that the influence between the children and the mothers is mutual in the course of interaction. In other words, children’s maturity of repair ability influences how the mothers interact with the children. Moreover, the findings display children’s discrepancy in language development around three years old. It is observed that three-year-old group adopts Lexical of linguistic forms to repair. On the other hand, older children used Syntactic and Editing term of linguistic forms to repair. Finally, the interaction of linguistic forms and pragmatic function displayed that both mothers and the children in all age groups use more Specification than other categories. It appears that in mother-child interaction, both parties tend to apply repair to specify the other’s intention. The result also indicates that older children appear to use repair to display their involvement in the conversation for an even large variety of pragmatic functions.
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探討危機溝通中傳統媒體與新媒體的角色: 台灣食品安全危機之案例分析 / Examining the Roles of Traditional and New Media in Crisis Communication: Case Study of Food Safety Crisis in Taiwan陳敬旻, Chen, Ching Min Unknown Date (has links)
本論文旨在探討台北犁記餅店在2014年中秋節前夕爆發的餿水油事件中的危機溝通策略,並檢視其危機溝通成效。為探討危機溝通中傳統媒體與新媒體的角色區別,本論文檢視了四大報在餿水油事件中對於台北犁記餅店的線上報導、台北犁記的官方網站與相關官方文件,以及台北犁記的臉書粉絲團。研究結果發現傳統報章媒體已和新媒體高度整合匯流,因此危機事件的傳播速度比起以往更加快速、傳播範圍也更加廣泛。這樣的現象使得公關人員在面對危機事件時,必須更精準地掌握時間做出適當的危機溝通策略,並更加善用社群媒體以和關係人溝通。本論文特別研究台灣中小型本土企業在數位時代中面對危機的溝通策略與成效,提供有別於針對跨國或大型連鎖企業的分析與建議。 / This present case study of Taiwan gutter oil crisis focused on the well-known pastry bakery, Taipei Lee-Chi. This century-old bakery was involved in the food safety crisis during Moon Festival in 2014, resulting in a financial loss of more than NTD 40 million at that time. To explore how traditional and new media play roles in crisis communication for local businesses in Taiwan, the present case study examined relevant news coverage, official documents, and communication activities on social media. More specifically, the analysis included media’s attitude toward the issue shown on major newspaper websites, the responses of Taipei Lee-Chi, and public opinions revealed on its Facebook fan page.
The findings suggested that traditional media have converged with new media, and the latter assumes such a powerful influence in crisis communication today. It was found that similar crisis information fast transits from one medium to another, adding more pressure to public relations practitioners to respond to crisis in a timely manner. Social media in particular may not be overlooked and could serve a useful tool in managing corporate crisis. The current study also offered new insights on how local businesses may deal with crisis in the digital age, as most previous crisis studies addressed cases of large national or global corporations.
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