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建構電子病歷存取控管規則之可設定式編輯環境 / A Configurable Editor for Specifying Access Control Rule In Electronic Medical Records王心怡, Wang,Hsin-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
在「設計易調整的電子病歷存取控管機制」論文中,針對病患隱私的保障,設計了一套XML格式的存取控管規則語言,讓安全管理者可以藉由設計安全組態檔,動態並細緻化地切換電子病歷的存取控管程式碼。根據前述論文的需求,我們建構出一套可融合於Eclipse開發平台中的存取規則編輯環境。除了具備XML編輯器的基本功能外,我們的編輯環境針對此存取控管規則語言提供使用者自訂屬性與規則變數的機制,以半自動化的方式免去記憶屬性值的困擾;並在存取規則的限制條件編修畫面當中,加入語法解析功能與基本格式驗證功能,協助使用者編輯限制條件,早期發現錯誤,大幅簡化安全管理人員設計存取控管規則的工作。 / This thesis presents a Configurable Editor for Specifying Access Control Rule in Electronic Medical Records based on the XML rule schema designed in another thesis, "Using Aspects to Implement Adaptable Access Control for Electronic Medical Records". Our editor is developed as a plug-in in the Eclipse development platform. It has three distinguished features. First, the user can configure the specific attributes and rule variables referenced in the rule schema and rule instances. Second, the user can edit access control rules as any XML documents and view the rules in multiple views, such as tree view. Third, the editor performs static checks on the constraints specified in the rules to provide early error detection. Thus, we argue that the editor will of significant help to the security administrators.
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從文化多樣性論語言權之保障 ─以國家角色作為探討核心 / A Study on Linguistic Human Rights from the Perspective of Cultural Diversity: Focus on the Role of the State黃怡禎 Unknown Date (has links)
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華語語言功能教學的學習成效研究 / Teaching language functions to learners of Mandarin as a second language陳惠芳, Chen, Hui Fang Unknown Date (has links)
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Business Plan: Spanish Language Promotion Company羅艾莉, Alejandra Gisselle Nolasco Alvarado Unknown Date (has links)
After almost two years of residing in the Republic of China, the author of this business plan together with her business partner came to realize that there is market potential for offering Spanish Language teaching services abroad. Every year, there are more than one thousand Taiwanese students enrolled in one of three modalities of college or university Spanish Language courses: as a major or minor; as an elective course; and, as a non credit course.
A small percentage of the students who study Spanish Language travel abroad to increase their abilities in the language. Most of them choose Spain simply because it is the only choice they have been offered. On the other hand, most of the students who don’t travel abroad to practice the Spanish language don’t do it because traveling to Spain to study the language is too expensive for their budgets.
This business plan describes a business model to promote a Language Center in La Antigua, Guatemala, which represents a less expensive alternative for those Taiwanese students who want to practice the Spanish Language but are not willing to pay the higher price charged for similar services in Spain.
The business logistics include setting a Promotion Company in Honduras, which will work through a Promotion Office in the Republic of China to promote the services of Language Center located in Guatemala. A separate business plan will be elaborated for the operations of the Language Center in Guatemala.
To determine whether the proposed business model is feasible or not, a market research was conducted. Through the results of this research it was established the potential demand and marketing mix. An operational study was also conducted to determine the optimal structure of the business and a financial study and analysis was conducted to determine the profitability level of the investment.
The market research revealed that Taiwanese students would be willing to spend around NT$100,000 for a 10 week intensive course in La Antigua, Guatemala. The demand for these services has been forecasted to go from 58 to 193 in a period of 5 years, generating revenues ranging from NT$5.8 to 23.4 million in the same period.
According to the calculations, the business would repay the investment in a 13-month period and would bring an average of 84% of return on equity during the first five years of operations, making it an exceptional investment opportunity.
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適用於中文史料文本之作者語言模型分析方法研究 / An enhanced writer language model for Chinese historical corpora梁韶中, Liang, Shao Zhong Unknown Date (has links)
因應近年來數位典藏的趨勢日漸發展,越來越多珍貴中文歷史文本 選擇進行數保存,而保存的同時會面對文本的作者遺失或從缺,進而 影響文本的完整性,而本論文提出了一個適用於中文史料文本作者分 析的方法,主要是透過語言模型的建構,為每一位潛在的作者訓練出 一個專屬的語言模型,而搭配不同的平滑方法能避免掉某一受測文本 單詞出現的機率為零的機率進而造成計算上的錯誤,而本論文主要採 用改良式 Kneser–Ney 平滑方法,該平滑方法因其會同時考慮到 N 詞彙 語言模型的高低頻詞的影響,而使其成為建構語言模型普遍選擇的平 滑方式。
若僅將每一位潛在作者的所有文章進行合併訓練成單一的語言模型 會忽略掉許多特性,所以本篇論文在取得附有價值的歷史文本之外, 又加入後設資料 (Metadata) 進行綜合分析,包括人工標記的主題分類 的統計資訊,使建構出來的語言模型更適配受測文本,增加預測結果 的準確性。和加入額外的自定義的字詞以符合文本專有名詞的用詞習 慣,還會在一般建構語言模型的基礎上,加入長字詞的權重,以確定 字詞長度對預測準確度的關係。最後還會採用遞歸神經網路 (Recursive neural networks) 結合語言模型進行作者預測,與傳統的語言模型分析 作進一步的比較。 / In recent years, the trend of digital collections has been developing day by day, and more and more precious Chinese historical corpora have been selected for preservation. The preservation of the corpora at the same time will face the loss or lack of the authors, thus affecting the integrity of the corpora. A method for analyzing the author of the Chinese historical text is mainly through the construction of the language model, for each potential author to train a specific language model, and with a different smoothing method can be avoided zero probability of words and the error is caused by the calculation. This paper mainly adopts the Interpolated Modified Kneser-Ney smoothing method, which will take into account the influence of higher order and lower order n-grams string frequency. So, Interpolated Modified Kneser-Ney smoothing is become a very popular way to construct a general choice of language models.
The combination of all the articles of each potential author into a single language model will ignore many of the features, so this paper in addition to the value of the historical corpora, but also to add the metadata to integrate analysis, including the statistical information of the subject matter classification of the artificial mark, so that the constructed language model is more suitable for the measured text, increase the accuracy of the forecast results, add additional custom words to match the language of the proper nouns, in addition. But also on the basis of the general construction language model, the weight of the long word to join, to determine the length of the word on the relationship between the accuracy of prediction. Finally, recursive neural networks language models are also used to predict the authors and to make further comparisons with the traditional language model analysis.
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傳媒"越軌"在中國 : 以《南方週末》為例 = Media "deviance" in China : the case of Southern Weekend李小勤, 01 January 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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新興國家設立語言學習機構之可行性分析:以貝里斯為例 / Feasibility Analysis of Language Learning Institute Project in Emerging Countries: The Case of Belize陸雅妮, Lemus, Yanyre Unknown Date (has links)
During the past years there has been a massive growth on the number of non-Chinese heritage people that have been learning Mandarin. The Chinese language is one of the most spoken languages in the world with one fifth of the planet speaking Mandarin. China has become the second largest economy in the world, which makes learning Chinese a very useful tool. Spanish is also one of the most spoken languages in the world and Belize is surrounded by Central American countries, which makes it essential to be able to communicate with other people around us in Spanish. Although Belize is a small country, it has many business activities with Taiwan and Central America and therefore it is very essential to be able to understand and communicate in Mandarin easily and effectively.
The purpose of this business plan is to perform feasibility analysis of a Language Institute in Belize. In order to assess the feasibility of this company, this business plan is going to present data on the importance of the Chinese and Spanish language within Belize and around world. The Language Learning Institute will be introduced and a business strategy and marketing strategy will be developed to determine the strengths of learning Mandarin for Business, as well as personal development. Lastly, the business model will be presented that will provide the important factors needed for the successful development of the business.
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國際關係" 相互依存" 學之研究鄭端耀, Zheng, Duan-Yue Unknown Date (has links)
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The role of phonemes and syllables in child phonology: Evidence from psycholinguistic experiments in Mandarin廖昭媛, Liao, Chao-yuan Unknown Date (has links)
國 立 政 治 大 學 研 究 所 碩 士 論 文 摘 要
研究所所別: 語言學研究所
本文目的是想瞭解兒童在聽辨語音相似性,對於音位和音節的敏感性。本研究的受試者是41位操持國語的學齡前兒童。其中二十一位兒童參與非詞語音分類實驗(the nonword classification task)。兒童首先要學習兩個雙音節的標準語音,然後他(她)要依據聽覺上的相似性來歸類稍候聽到的測試音。他們需要要判定測試音聽起和哪一個標準音聽起來比較相似。結果顯示兒童在音位相似性或是音節相似方面的表現並無顯著的差異。另外二十位兒童皆下來進行非詞語音聽辯的實驗(The word-pair judgment task 1 and 2)。在測試工作(一),兒童要聽辨一對兩個雙音節的非詞語音,在前面的部份聽起來是否相似。結果顯示,兒童在音位和音節相似性,音位和最多相性似上的表現皆有顯著的差異性。在測試工作(二),兒童也是要聽辨一對兩個雙音節的非詞語音,在後面的部份聽起來是否相似。實驗的結果和測試工作(一)相同。整體上而言,要解釋在兒童聽辯語音上的表現,除了從「數量」方面的考量,更可以從語音本身結構上上的差異性來討論兒童對與音位和音節的敏感性。此外,在本文的實驗裡,並未發現相似因的位置會造成兒童在聽辯語音上的差異。 / Abstract
This paper investigated the role of syllables and phonemes in Mandarin speaking children in terms of the sensitivity to the syllable correspondences and phoneme correspondences. In the first experiment, the nonword classification task, 21 kindergarteners were recruited. The child had to learn two disyllabic standard sounds. Then, he/she was presented with a test nonword and had to classifiy the test nonword to one of the two standard sounds if the test sound and the standard sound are sounded alike at the beginnings. The results in the nonword classification task have shown that the young children did not show the significant reliance on the type of the syllable correspondences. In the two further experiments, the word-pair judgment task 1 and 2, another 20 kindergarteners were recruited. The children were asked to judge whether two test words are sounded alike at the beginnings. The results in the word-pair judgment task 1 indicate that syllables are treated as a structural unit and phonemes are belonging to the lower level of the syllabic constructs. The children’s responses tend to reflect the effect of the syllable structure in the language process rather than the effect of the size of shared units. In the word-pair judgment task 2, the child has to judge whether the two test words are sounded alike at the ends. The results also indicate that children’s performance should be viewed in terms of syllable structures. Besides, the location of the shared unit did not play a role when children judge the similarity between the speech sounds. Children performed equally the same when the shared units are either at the beginnings or at the ends of words in the present study.
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中文新聞標題自動生成之研究 / A Study on the Automatic Generation for Headlines of Chinese News Articles江珮翎, Chiang, Pei-ling Unknown Date (has links)
研究者針對標題的自動生成提出了幾種特徵值考量,包括候選詞權重值,訓練標題-文本詞彙,標題長度的關係及詞組間距。本論文之研究分為兩階段,第一階段為訓練階段,將文件做前置處理與斷詞,接著訓練標題-文本詞彙與統計文件標題長度的機率。第二階段為執行階段,分析新文件之候選詞權重值,並參照訓練階段之標題-文本詞彙與標題長度之機率值參考表,考量詞組間距後自動為文件產生標題。本論文所採用的訓練文件集來源為1998年至1999年五種報紙,涵蓋不同主題,共84,211篇文件,而測試文件的實驗分為Outside Test與Inside Test兩部分。
研究者為實驗結果進行兩種評估,一為電腦評估,將自動生成之標題與記者所擬訂的標題比對後,計算出求準率、求全率與F1。Outside Test求準率為14.21%、求全率為11.43%、F1為12.67%。Inside Test求準率為15.84%、求全率為12.94%、F1為14.21%。實驗結果顯示,正確率方面與其他文獻之英文文件標題的生成結果(F1=3.2%~24%)相近,但與實際標題仍有差距,因此,在未來工作上,仍有很大的發展空間。二為人為評估,讓使用者在閱讀自動生成之標題後,加以評分。自動生成之標題的流暢度還算不錯。然總結來說,本論文之研究尚屬初始階段,盼未來能更加成熟,並可有更進一步的創新與改進。 / As the number of digital documents on internet is growing up, analysis and organization of documents become quite important. In this thesis, we propose an approach for headline generation of documents. We can try our best to transfer the document data into information in some sense using the proposed approach. We review literature about the related topics, and present a different approach to deal with Chinese documents rather than English documents.
We propose some approach to Chinese documents headline generation. The thesis is separate two steps, one is training step, and the other is execution step. On the first step, the documents were preprocessed. Secondly, we trained the probability of headline-text words, and headline’s length. And on the execution step, we analyzed scores of headline candidates and gap, then referred to the probability of headline-text words, and headline’s length, finally we automatically generate headline for documents. The training documents are selected from a test collection for information retrieval, CIRB. Totally 84,211 Chinese news articles published between 1998 and 1999 are selected. Testing documents has two parts, one is for outside test, and the other is for inside test.
We conducted two evaluations, one is the automatic evaluation using metrics of presicion, recall and F1; the other is the human assessment. The precision of outside test is 14.21%、recall is 11.43%、F1 is 12.67%. And the precision of inside test is 15.84%、recall is 12.94%、F1 is 14.21%。The automatic evaluation result shows the accruacy is still not good enough, and the human assessment evaluation shows our approach can produce human-readable headlines.
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