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英文字彙之學習及應用:以台灣高中生寫作用字為例之研究陳美麗 Unknown Date (has links)
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英文生字學習之實驗的研究[不詳] Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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國中生對於使用英文報紙為閱讀輔助教材之回應:個案研究黃振祥, Huang, Chen-hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
實用的短文;(二) 選擇學生已熟知或關心的新聞事件、氣象報導、廣告為主題;
中教師及學生閱讀教學上一些啟示及方向。 / The study aims chiefly at the practicality of using English newspapers as supplementary reading materials for junior high students. It also discusses how different newspaper articles can help improve the students’ reading comprehension with a view to offering junior high school teachers an alternative in choosing the extra-curricular reading materials and cultivating students’ reading skills.
Thirty-seven ninth graders were involved in this research. All the subjects were given the elementary level reading test of GEPT (General English Proficiency Test) as a pretest in the beginning of the first semester of the 2002 school year. The subjects were then divided into three proficiency levels—high, middle, and low according to the scores of the test result. A four-month English newspaper reading program was then introduced to the subjects. Throughout the program, an after-reading test was given to examine and evaluate the students’ comprehension of each unit. At the end of the semester, another elementary level reading test of GEPT was given to the subjects as a posttest.
This study adopts both qualitative and quantitative analyses. The qualitative analysis consists of (1) the subjects’ English learning background, (2) difficulties encountered by the subjects in English reading comprehension, and (3) the opinions expressed by the students on different selections of the text. By executing SPSS program, the quantitative analysis includes (1) the difference of statistical values between the pretest and the posttest, (2) the correlation among text types, reading comprehension gained after the posttest.
To sum up, this study offers pedagogical implications for junior high school English teachers who seek up-to-date reading materials and effective teaching.
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美新處「學生英文雜誌」內容分析-該刊傳播目的與技術之探討李義男 Unknown Date (has links)
早在一九四二年羅斯福總統時代,美國即成立戰時新聞局(Office of Wat Information),從事全球性之宜傳與心戰工作。其後幾經演變,到一九五三年艾森豪總統時代,成立了美國新聞總署(United States Information Agency)。並在海外設立美國新聞處(United States Information Service),從事各項新聞與文化活動。
本文之撰寫多承吾師徐佳士先生指導,並蒙吳南軒先生,呂俊甫先生賜教,外交部情報司司長魏煜孫博士會就本文「宣傳之一般原則與技巧」一節加以審閱及提供意見,美國新聞處可諾普(Robert B.Knopes)君及其助手等曾就學生英文雜誌之取材與編輯提供寶貴資料,謹此一併致最誠懇之謝意。
第一章 緒論
第一節 美國新聞總署的成立與功能
第二節 臺灣美國新聞處與學生英文雜誌
第三節 問題的形成與研究重心
第二章 研究方法
第一節 內容分析之運用
第二節 選樣
第三節 測量之類目與單位
第三章 資料分析
第一節 「學生英文雜誌」內容主題區分
第二節 「學生英文雜誌」塑造映象之範圍
第三節 學生英文雜誌傳播技術之探討
第四章 討論與評價
第一節 宣傳之一般原則與技巧
第二節 「學生英文雜誌」評價
第五章 結論
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Shi-Shi國中八年級學生英文學習障礙分析 / The evaluation of the eighth graders' english learning difficulty in Shi-Shi Junior High School莊信賢 Unknown Date (has links)
This study was conducted to investigate the eighth graders’ English learning difficulty in the Shi-Shi Junior High School. Based on the previous researchers’ similar points of view, it is concluded that students’ learning difficulty is associated with three dimensions, including the school factors, personal factors, and family factors. The three dimensions were related to students’ English learning difficulty.
The research methods incorporated qualitative such as in-depth interviewing and quantitative methods such as descriptive statistics and T-test. 120 students participated in the survey, and ten students and three teachers took part in the in-depth interviewing. According to the result, such factors as the teachers’ teaching and explaining ways and their shortage of interest in English have led to students’ English learning difficulty. Female students are bombarded with more English learning difficulty associated with emotional problems such as their bias toward their English teachers and parents’ expectation. Students retrogressing in the junior high school encounter more English learning difficulty, including the gap between their English learning in the elementary school and that in the junior high school and their parents’ expectation. Too many exams, the usage of the present English textbook, the learning gap, students’ shortage of interest in English learning, their previous learning experience of failure, and their learning pressure contributed to the English learning difficulty of students with lower achievement.
Suggestions are offered based on the research consequence.
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企業管理碩士班學術英文課程與教學個案研究:以台灣某科技大學為例 / A case study on EAP curriculum and instruction in graduate business administration programs in Taiwan林美瑩, Lin, Mei Ying Unknown Date (has links)
英語在貿易、科技等領域為當今國際交流的主要語言,更是學術界之主要溝通媒介,在台灣高等教育亦是如此。本研究旨在探討企業管理碩士班學術英文課程規劃之現況,以台灣某科技大學之企業管理所及國際企業管理所為對象,採問卷、課室觀察、訪談之研究方式,從教師及學生的觀點深入評析97、98學年度兩所的學術英文課程規劃、實施現況、學生的學術英文需求、及學生自評之學術英文能力。從兩所學生回收的有效問卷共98份,篩選後的學生訪談者共14位。兩位授課教師的訪談則分別於97、98學年度各進行一次。問卷結果採描述性統計加以敘述分析,課室觀察及訪談結果則以持續比較法(constant comparison method)進行分析。研究結果顯示兩所之課程規劃均注重培養教師及學生的學術英文能力;雖教師方面含海外師訓、定期教學研討會,然全英授課課程之師資來源為一困難。學生方面則從招生至畢業規定,均將促進語文能力納入整體課程規劃中。教師在教學、教材選擇、評量方面均致力培養學生的學術英文能力。學生的學術英文需求特別注重術語、讀、口語溝通、上台報告之能力,然本土文化之知識極待加強。學生普遍自評學術英文能力普通或不佳。本研究結果為商管學術英文課程規劃者及研究者提供了一個全面性的參考資料。 / English is the main lingua franca for international communication in fields such as business and technology; it is also the major medium in teaching and learning. This phenomenon has a significant impact on higher education in Taiwan. This study aimed to probe into the status quo of EAP (English for Academic Purposes) curriculum design in graduate business administration programs. An MBA and an IMBA program at a national university of science and technology in Taiwan was targeted. Questionnaires, classroom observation, and semi-structured interviews were adopted as research instruments. Teachers’ and students’ perspectives of the curriculum design, implementation, students’ EAP needs, and students’ self-evaluated EAP abilities in the academic years of 2008 and 2009 were investigated. A total of 98 valid questionnaires were collected, and 14 student interviewees were selected. Two teachers were first interviewed in the academic year of 2008, and again in 2009, respectively. The analysis of questionnaires was conducted through descriptive statistics, while the qualitative data was analyzed by constant comparison method. Results of this study indicated that the two programs included nurturing teachers’ and students’ EAP abilities in the curriculum design. For teachers, overseas teacher training and regular teaching seminars were provided. However, finding teachers to teach English-medium courses presented a difficulty. Developing students’ language abilities was included in the overall curriculum design, from admission to graduation regulations. Teachers were committed to cultivating students’ EAP abilities in instructional practices, material selection, and evaluation. The EAP needs of terminology, reading, oral communication, and presentation abilities were particularly valued. Nonetheless, students’ knowledge of local culture needed to be strengthened. Students generally rated their EAP abilities average or below average. In sum, this study may be of importance in improving EAP curriculum design in graduate business programs in future.
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四技二專英文科測驗之演變與高職英文課程綱要之互動 / A Study on the Development of the English Tests of the Technological and Vocational Education Joint College Entrance Examination (TVEE) and its Interaction with the Guidelines of the Vocational High School English Program (VHSEP)劉妃欽, Liu, Fei Chin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討四技二專英文科測驗與高職英文課程綱要之互動,分別從以下三方面來探討: 一、四技二專英文試題的發展歷程。二、高職英文課程綱要在不同階段的特色。三、四技二專英文科試題與高職英文課程綱要之互動。
第一, 81-87年四技二專英文科測驗的重點在於僅測驗學生單項的語言知識,且偏重學生的記憶力而非綜合分析的能力,題幹也較少提供足夠的情境及線索供受試者參考。測驗的重點與課程綱要在某方面有相呼應之處,例如著重文法及單項的語言知識;閱讀測驗的取材雖多樣化,設計卻有不當之處;另外, 課程綱要雖重視聽說讀寫技巧, 但測驗僅能測出讀的能力。
第二,88-89 年試題轉變為漸漸著重整合式試題及語言的使用,例如,發音及拼字不再出現,且因課程綱要鼓勵老師使用溝通式教學法,所以測驗的特質亦略具溝通式語文學習,取材的內容著重與生活相關。當時的課程綱要亦有此特色。然聽、說、寫能力並沒有被測驗出來,題幹所提供的線索不足,文法測驗停留於單句的測驗,都是與課程綱要不符合之處。
第三,90-97年為試題產生最大變革的階段,90年教育部成立技專校院入學測驗中心,負責命題、建立題庫、分析試題、開發新題型等工作。因此90年度之後考試題型固定,溝通式語文教學及測驗目標確定,多為整合式題型,題幹有足夠的線索及情境,整體理解重於局部理解。例如:文法測驗併入克漏字測驗, 閱讀測驗需應用閱讀策略。此時的課程綱要著重後設認知理論,要學生培養有效的學習策略,測驗有反應此特色。但聽、說、寫能力並沒有被測驗出來,這違反課程綱要的目標。
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大學生英文網路閱讀習慣及觀感之探索性研究 / An Exploratory Investigation on Undergraduates' Habits and Perceptions of Reading English on the Internet洪珮菱, Hung, Pei-ling Unknown Date (has links)
希望本研究的發現可以讓教育者瞭解大學生如何使用網路來幫助他們的英語學習,以及網路的使用如何影響他們的閱讀習慣。文末進一步提出相關建議,作為教育學者們教學上的參考。 / With the advancement of the Internet, people’s reading habits and behaviors have been evolving and reshaped. Previous studies indicated that more research on reading habits in this digital age is necessary to be further investigated and updated to eke out EFL educators’ understanding of EFL learners’ uses of the Internet to facilitate their English learning. This study attempts to explore how undergraduate students use the Internet to facilitate their English learning by delving into their habits and perceptions of reading English on the Internet and whether there is any difference between undergraduate freshmen and seniors.
The present study adopted a qualitative research method. The participants are forty-nine EFL English major undergraduates with twenty-five seniors and twenty-four freshmen from two universities in northern Taiwan. The major way to collect data is focus group interviews, which are semi-structured interviews with eighteen focus interview groups of the participating students. The interview data were transcribed in verbatim and analyzed in accordance with content analysis method.
The major findings of the habits of reading English online revealed that the participants basically held positive attitude towards and grew into the habit of reading English on the Internet. They read English online for the purpose of doing schoolwork and they preferred reading contents related to their courses, with light topics such as leisure and art, with sensational and catchy topics, in short length, or with more reliability and authority. The English learning websites that the participants usually went to were also provided for pedagogical references. Moreover, the participants were much more motivated to read English online when the reading contents were accompanied with multimedia. Upon facing reading comprehension problems, they usually turned to online dictionaries or online instant translators to improve their understanding of the contents they were reading on the Internet.
The students’ perceptions of disadvantages of reading online included inflexibility, distraction and disorientation, oversupply of information, and lack of ergonomic concerns. Apart from the disadvantages of reading English on the Internet, the participants put forth a number of valuable merits of reading online, including time and cost saving in gaining information, gaining rapidly-updated information, others’ perspective, accessing information in divers forms, interacting with others, making documents, benefiting English learning, and multitasking. As for the suggestions made to the teachers intending to integrate the Internet use into classes, the participants hoped that teachers could recommend them useful websites, teach them search skills, and infuse the Internet into the classroom setting.
The major findings of the differences between the seniors and the freshmen were that the seniors were more accustomed to incorporating English language into their daily lives in order to increase more chances to immerse themselves in English learning environments through the Internet than the freshmen. In addition, the seniors were more resourceful in using the Internet to help themselves with problems they met while reading online. Contrarily, the freshmen still needed teachers’ training on how to solve their reading comprehension with more methods and on how to distinguish reliable websites from incredible ones.
Finally, it is expected that the findings of this study can provide educators with more understanding about how undergraduates utilize the Internet to facilitate their English learning and how their reading habits are influenced by the widespread use of the Internet. Besides, a number of pedagogical implications and instructional suggestions are presented at the end of this thesis for educators’ teaching references.
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國際關係" 相互依存" 學之研究鄭端耀, Zheng, Duan-Yue Unknown Date (has links)
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國中基測英文閱讀測驗分析與閱讀技巧及策略教學之研究楊捷宇 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究實驗對象為六十名台北市景美地區一所國中九年級的學生,這些學生來自於二個不同的班級,一班為實驗組,另一班為控制組。本研究採用Mo (1987) 及 Johnson(2004) 的閱測題型分類,並參考國中基測委員會的建議,討論基測英文閱讀測驗題型與分配情形。實驗前測內容包含二○○二年至二○○四年所有國中基測英文閱讀測驗的考題,由受試者參加測驗。接下來進行本研究的教學實驗,實驗組中的受試者接受為期十三週,每週二節課,針對基則範例進行英文閱讀技巧及策略的教學,在另一方面,控制組在相同的條件下,針對相同的範例內容進行字彙、文法、句型及文意的講解與練習。實驗結束後,二組受試者均參加二○○六年所舉辦的兩次基測, 而受試者在英文閱讀測驗的表現,即代表他們的學習成效。
本研究發現國中基測英文閱讀測驗有六種題型,分別為確認文章主旨、尋找細部資訊、猜測字詞意義、找出字詞指涉、導出暗示推論及引導正確結論,而在二○○六年的基測題目中,僅最後一個類型引導正確結論無相關考題,且各題型的次數分配顯示出相當不平均的考題分配情形,將近一半的題目都屬於尋找細部資訊的類型,且歸類於字面技巧 (literal skills) 的題型比重也遠超過屬於重要技巧 (critical skills) 的題型。此外,前測結果不僅顯示實驗組與控制組在教學實驗進行前並無顯著差異,也顯示受試者在字面技巧的表現優於重要技巧。本研究也發現閱讀技巧及策略教學在二○○六年的第一次基測是有顯著成效的,然而在第二次時,因受試者已畢業且缺乏有效練習,所以成效並不顯著。
最後,本研究建議基測委員會與試題設計者能多考慮著重各種不同的閱讀題型,尤其是要增加對於學生整體閱讀能力提昇有很大幫助的題型比重,如找出文章主旨與結論等屬於重要技巧的題型。國中英文教師也能設計適合學生的閱讀教材,經由不同題型的練習與強化,幫助學生將這些閱讀技巧與策略內化為他們閱讀能力的一部份,本研究也建議國中英文教材與課本的編寫者能將這些技巧與策略安排在適當的單元與活動中。 / The present study aims to investigate the question types of the English reading comprehension tests in the BCT and to conduct an experiment on the effectiveness of related reading skills and strategies. The findings and suggestions of the present study may be helpful for the reading instruction in junior high school.
A total of 60 ninth graders in a junior high school in Jing-mei, Taipei participated in this experiment. They are from two different classes; one is the control group and the other is the experimental group. According to the categorization of the reading skills from Mo (1987) and Johnson (2004), the present study examined the question types of the English reading comprehension tests in the BCT and the frequency distribution of different question types. The reading pretest included all the reading passages and items from 2002 to 2004, and the participants were asked to take the pretest as a formal exam. Then, the experiment of the present study lasted for 13 weeks, two class periods a week. The participants in the experimental group received the instruction of the reading skills and strategies while the participants in the control group were taught the vocabulary, the grammar, the structures and their meanings in the same reading passages. After the formal reading instruction, the participants took both of the BCT in 2006, and their performances may reflect the effectiveness of the formal reading instruction.
There are several findings for the present research. First, six different question types are identified in the English reading comprehension tests of the BCT and they are identifying the main idea, finding the detailed information, determining the meaning out of context, finding the targets of the reference, drawing implications and inferences and drawing correct conclusions. But the last question type drawing correct conclusions was not identified in the BCT of 2006. Second, there existed an unbalanced distribution of these question types. Nearly half of the reading questions can be classified as the type finding the detailed information, and the proportion of the question types related to the literal skills was much larger than those of the question types concerning the critical skills. Moreover, the results of the reading pretest showed that there is no significant difference between the experimental and the control groups and that the participants performed better on the literal skills than on the critical ones. At last, the results of the participants’ performances in the first BCT of 2006 revealed that the formal reading instruction of the reading skills and strategies is effective. But the participants took the second BCT after they graduated, and the effectiveness of the instruction may reduce because of time and lack of practice.
Finally,the researcher would like to suggest the BCT committee include more reading question types that may emphasize students’ overall reading abilities. Junior high school English teachers may design their own reading classes and help their students improve and internalize the reading skills and strategies they need. The designers of the English textbooks may include these useful reading skills and strategies in different tasks and activities.
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