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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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使用圖片提示對於高低成就高中學生英文作文之影響 / The effects of using pictures as prompts on english writing performance of high and Low achievers in senior high school

蔡孟芬, Tsai, Meng Feng Unknown Date (has links)
有許多的研究已經證實圖片提示提供具體且相關的訊息有助於英文寫作。本研究的目的是要探討使用圖片提示對於高低成就高中學生英文作文的內容、結構、字彙及整體寫作表現之影響。本研究的對象是108位屏東縣某所高中的高三學生,根據全民英檢寫作測驗的成績,他們被均分成兩個高成就群和兩個低成就群。他們填寫問卷(一)提供他們的背景資料。接著實施兩型記敘文寫作測驗,高成就群(一)及低成就群(一)接受只有引導句的寫作測驗;高成就群(二)及低成就群(二)則接受另一型提供引導句加圖片提示的寫作測驗。所有的研究對象填寫問卷(二)提供他們對英文寫作的態度,而高成就群(二)及低成就群(二)接著再填寫問卷(三)提供他們對圖片提示的看法。最後的小組訪談旨在更進一步瞭解學生對於圖片提示的觀感及寫作態度動機的轉變。 本研究的主要發現如下:(1)圖片提示對於高分群學生的寫作的內容、結構,及整體的寫作表現有幫助,但是對於單字沒有明顯的幫助。(2)圖片提示對於低分群學生的內容、結構、字彙及整體寫作表現都無任何明顯的幫助。(3)高低成就學生都對圖片提示抱持正面的態度,並且因為有圖片提示更願意從事英文寫作。 / Lots of studies have proved that picture prompts elicit English writing with concrete and relevant information. This present study aims to investigate the effects of using pictures as prompts on English writing performance of high and low achievers in senior high school in content, organization, vocabulary and overall writing performance. Participants in this study were 108 third graders in a senior high school in Pingtung County who were divided into two groups of high achievers (HA1 and HA2) and two groups of low achievers (LA1 and LA2) based on their scores in a GEPT writing test. Questionnaire I was done to know the participants’ background information. Two types of narrative writing tests were administered to the 108 participants. One with verbal prompt was taken by HA1 and LA1 and the other with verbal-plus-picture prompt was taken by HA2 and LA2. Questionnaire II regarding the participants’ attitudes toward English writing was filled out by all subjects. Questionnaire III was done by HA2 and LA2 to express their opinions on picture prompts. In-depth group interviews were conducted to further explore students’ perception of and attitude toward picture prompts. The findings of the study are summarized as follows. First, picture prompts had significant effects on the content, organization and overall writing performance of the high achievers but no significant effect was found on the vocabulary. Second, picture prompts had no significant effects on low achievers’ writing in content, organization, vocabulary and overall writing performance. Third, both high and low achievers kept a positive attitude toward picture prompts and were better motivated to write when guided by picture prompts.

台灣高中英文教師對教授英文寫作之信念與實踐 / Taiwan's High School English Teachers' Beliefs and Practicesin Writing Instruction

吳美滿, Wu, Mei-man Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討高中英文教師對於英文作文教學的信念與其實際教學情形。文獻回顧內容涵蓋英文作文教學理論以及教師信念與實踐。 本研究的對象為台北市的高中英文教師,研究方法採用量化的教師問卷輔以質化的教師訪談,問卷回收171份,採用兩種統計方法分析:描述性統計及單因子變異數分析;訪談人數為6人,訪談結果用來支持、解釋問卷結果。研究重點如下:(一)教師信念及教學情形:包含教學目標、教師角色、教學內容及教學方式、(二)教師信念與實踐的符合度與造成不相符合的原因以及(三)影響教師信念與實踐的因素。 本研究的主要發現如下: 1. 大考會左右老師的教學方向,但老師教學時目標不只侷限於此。 2. 老師的教學信念與實踐皆綜合成果導向與過程導向的教學法原則,而非單一教學法。 3. 教師教學上面臨課程、學生、教學準備及批閱作文等方面的困難,這些困難會阻礙老師遵循其信念教學。 4. 教師背景經驗確實會對其信念與實踐有所影響。 本研究有助於認識高中英文教師教寫作的信念與教學情形。研究者根據研究發現,分別對高中英文教師、教師培育機構、教育部及作文教學教材編寫者提出建議,以期讓高中英文作文教學更進一步。 / The purpose of this study was to explore what beliefs senior high school English teachers hold toward writing instruction and their practices of the beliefs. Literature review covered the approaches of ESL/EFL writing instruction and teachers’ beliefs and practices. The participants of this study were senior high school English teachers in Taipei city. Two data collection instruments were adopted, the quantitative questionnaire and the qualitative interview. In total, 171 questionnaires were gathered and analyzed by means of descriptive statistics and one-way ANOVA. In addition, six interviews were conducted, whose results were utilized to further support and explain the questionnaire results. There were three research focuses. The first one was on teachers’ beliefs and practices in the goals of writing instruction, the roles they played, and the content as well as the teaching procedures of writing instruction. The second one was on the consistency between teachers’ beliefs and practices and possible reasons for the inconsistency. The third one was on influential factors on teachers’ beliefs and practices. Based on the results of this study, major findings are summarized. First, for the teachers in this study, entrance exams were approaching, so the test-oriented trend seemed to be inevitable. However, teachers believed that to familiarize students with English writing structure and to enable them to express in written English could also be possible goals, and they did teach accordingly. Second, the goals, roles teachers played, content, and teaching procedures reflected a mixture of product-oriented and process-oriented approaches. Third, the difficulties originating from curriculum, students, teaching preparation, and composition evaluation might hinder teachers’ practices of their beliefs. Finally, teachers’ background experiences were found to play a part in influencing teachers’ beliefs and practices. It is hoped that this study can contribute to more understanding of senior high school English teachers’ beliefs and practices in writing instruction. With the results of this study in mind, the researcher further made suggestions toward senior high school English teachers, teacher education institutes, the Ministry of Education, and writing instruction material designers. This might help refine senior high school English writing instruction.


平松, 良行 15 August 1992 (has links)

工職英文之需求調查與教材評估準則 / Needs survey and evaluation scheme for industrial vocational high school english textbooks

蘇郁涵, Su, Yu-Han Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的在於為工職英文課本建構一套理論與實證兼顧的評估準則,並對工職學生的語言需求與期望作深入的探討。 評估準則建立在以下五個基礎之上。 (1) 工職英文教與學之現況 (2) 溝通式語言教學 (Communicative Language Teaching)的原理與原則 (3) 專業英文(English for Specific Purposes)的概念與議題 (4) 現有的教材評估準則 (5) 工職學生之語言需求與期望分析 為了解學生對英文的需求與期望,問卷調查與訪談成為此研究之重要部份,涵蓋了有: (1) 針對217位工職舉業生進行需求調查,以了解工業界使用英文的實際情形與溝通需求。 (2) 針對645位工職學生進行期望調查,以了解學生對英語教學的期望。 (3) 訪談5位工職畢業生、6位工廠主管,以了解工業界使用英文的詳細情形;訪談5位四技二專畢業生,以了解學生在進入四技二專後,使用英文的情形;訪談6位英文老師及3位工業英文教師,以了解英文及工業英文教學之概況。 本研究根據問卷調查與訪談的資料深入探討與分析了學生對英文的需求與期望,並對教育當局及編書者多所建議。分析結果並加以整合並融入根據理論及文獻探討所初步擬訂的教科書評量表中,以期能確實有效評估工職教科書。為使評量表發揮最大功用,本研究還設計了彈性的評分方式,並提供了使用方面的建議,希望對英文教師在選擇教科書時能有所助益。 / The purpose of the present study is twofold - to formulate a theory-and-survey based evaluation scheme for IVHS English textbooks, and to give an insight of IVHS students' language needs and wants. The evaluation scheme has been established on considerations of: (1) the current IVHS teaching/learning situation (2) general guidelines of communicative language teaching (CLT) (3) notions and issues of English for specific purposes (ESP) (4) evaluation schemes and criteria already proposed by other researchers (5) an analysis ofIVHS students' needs and wants To inquire into students' needs and wants, surveys and interviews have been conducted, including: (1) A needs survey on 217 IVHS graduates for the actual use of English and communicative needs in industries. (2) A wants survey on 645 IVHS students for their expectations toward an IVHS English textbook. (3) Interviews with 5 IVHS graduates, 6 factory supervisors, 5 technical college graduates, 6 English teachers, and 3 Industrial English' teachers for the situation and episodes requiring English in industries, academic use of English, and classroom use of textbooks. The present study faithfully reports on IVHS students' language needs and wants, along with some other suggestions for textbook writers and authorities concerned. Incorporating the findings from surveys and interviews, the evaluation scheme proposed is thus rooted on both theoretical and practical grounds. To ensure optimum usage of the scheme, its scoring system is devised to be flexible and its application is further provided.

小學英語課程實施的質性研究 : 專家教師與生手教師的比較 / Elementary english curriculum implementation :

盧立濤 January 2002 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

應用文字探勘技術於英文文章難易度分類 / The Classification of the Difficulty of English Articles with Text Mining

許珀豪, Hsu, Po Hao Unknown Date (has links)
英語學習者如何能在普及的網路環境中,挑選難易度符合自身英文閱讀能力的文章,便是一個值得探討的議題。為了提升文章難易度分類的準確度,近代研究選取許多難易度特徵去分類。本研究希望能夠藉由英文語文難易度特徵、文字特徵,各自歸類和綜合歸類後與原先官方文章類別比較,檢驗是否可以利用語文特徵與文字特徵結合後的歸類結果,來提高準度。 本研究以GEPT的模擬試題文章作為歸類的依據。研究架構主要分成三部分:語文難易度特徵歸類、文字特徵歸類與綜合前兩者歸類。先以語文難易度特徵組成特徵向量的維度,並算出各語文特徵值後,再使用kNN將文章歸類成初級、中級或中高級,並做為比較準確度的依據;再以GEPT文章斷詞,並選取特徵詞作為特徵向量維度、TF-IDF作特徵值進行文字特徵歸類;最後則是將前面兩種特徵結合作為歸類標準。分別的F-measure為0.61、0.47,最後一個、也是表現最好的結果是以兩者結合後歸類,F-measure有0.68。 如何從大量的英文文章當中找到適合自己程度循序漸進的學習,是本論文期望未來可以藉由最後語文難易度特徵加上文字特徵的結果來達到的目的。未來可以結合語文難易度特徵以及文字特徵來幫助英文文章做分類,並可以從中分類出不同類別且不同程度的英文文章,讓使用者自行選擇並閱讀,使學習成效進而提升。 / It is rather an important issue that how to grasp the difficulty of the articles in order to efficiently choose the English articles that match our proficiency in the popularity of Internet. Recently, researchers have selected many characteristics of difficulty degrees in order to enhance the accuracy of the classification. The study aims to simplify the former complicated procedures of article classification by using the classification results of linguistic difficulty characteristics, text characteristics respectively, and the combination of the both; in the hope to raise the accuracy of the classification through the comparison of the results. The article classification of the study is based on GEPT official practicing exams. There are three parts of this study: the characteristics of the linguistic difficulty and the text, and the combination of the both. First, the dimensions of the linguistic vectors will be the linguistic characteristics. The articles will be classified into primary, intermediate, or intermediate-high levels by kNN method, considered the comparison basis for the classification of the articles’ difficulty. Second, after GEPT articles are broken into words, the dimensions of the text vectors will be the selected words; the TF-IDF will be the values of the text vectors. The third part is to classify articles by using the combination of the former two results. After comparing the three, the best method is the third, the accuracy is 0.68. The study hopes the result could help people choose proper English articles to learn English step by step. In the future, we could classify the articles by the combination of the both of linguistic difficulty characteristics and text characteristics. Not only classified as the different levels, but also classified as the different categories. The learners could choose what they like and the articles could correspond their degree in order to promote the effect of learning.

英文小說教學與英文閱讀能力之關聯性探討及學生態度之研究 / An Approach to Teaching the English Novel to High School Students in Taiwan: its Correlations with English Reading Ability and the Students’ Attitudes to Novel Reading and Teaching

鄒文仁 Unknown Date (has links)
論文內容摘要:本研究探討對台灣的高中生教導一本完整英文原著小說與其閱讀能力的關聯性以及學生們對於小說閱讀和小說課的態度。 一、 研究方法: 1. 受試者為台北地區某一所高中高一的124名學生,其指定讀物為C.S.Lewis所著之小說「獅子、女巫、魔衣櫥」,所進行的小說閱讀和教學從2005年九月至2006年元月為期四個月,以每週一節課的時間用於小組討論和發表,並由教師導引上課流程,受試者須完成課後作業單並繳交給教師評閲。 2. 在施教前和施教後分別對受試者實施閱讀能力前測及後測,復加之以成對母體t檢定,以檢驗全體受試者和高中低不同能力組別學生的前後測差異,此外亦實施ㄧ有關小說內容的開書測驗,以便檢驗受試者了解小說的程度,以及蒐集受試者的期末考英文成績(考的是英文課本)。研究者檢驗了以下三種測驗時間相當接近的測驗中任兩種之間的關聯:閱讀能力後測、小說測驗、期末考英文測驗。 3. 最後,小說閱讀和教學的問卷調查由受試者填完,並以頻率和百分比分析全體受試者,而以卡方檢定分析在受教前有無閱讀其他英文小說經驗和受教後是否讀完整本小說之差異。 二 、研究結果 1. 在小說教學結束後,受試者的英文閱讀能力不只顯著地提升,而且與小說測驗成績顯著相關。 2. 而對全體受試者和中低成就組學生而言,小說測驗成績則和期末考成績顯著相關。 3. 對中成就組學生而言,閱讀能力後測成績和期末考英文成績有顯著相關。 4. 受試者對於英文小說閱讀的反應正面多過於負面的有:對於讀小說的感覺、對於增進英文閱讀速度及字彙的幫助、提升學習英文興趣的幫助。而對於是否增進英文文法知識與幫助課本學習,只有少數學生持肯定態度。 5. 受試者對於小說課及其活動的態度呈高度肯定,對於再教一本英文小說的反應十分熱烈。 6. 讀完指定小說確實與未讀完者在「認為讀指定小說提升今後讀英文小說的意願」上有顯著不同,而受教前讀過其他小說與教學後讀完小說者,則皆比未讀過其他小說及未讀完指定小說者,更願意在時間許可下自行閱讀英文小說。 7. 受試者的閱讀技巧增進從多到少依次為:閱讀理解、字彙、文法句型。 三 、結論: 英文小說閱讀做為一種延伸閱讀其對高中學生學習英文的幫助,不只是認知上的也是情意上的,與其讓學生自行摸索閱讀英文小說之道,將之當作課堂學習教材並施以教學將更能有效幫助學生。本研究證明英文小說在台灣高中英文課程為一門值得教的課,而非僅是一種單單留給學生自行閱讀即可的讀物。 / The present study explored the correlations of teaching a complete English novel to high school students in Taiwan with their reading ability and investigated their attitudes to the novel reading and the novel class. The subjects were 124 freshmen students of a senior high school in Taipei, whose assigned material was the novel The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis. The reading and teaching of the novel lasted a semester from Sept. 2005 to Jan. 2006, with one period of English class each week spent on small group discussion and presentation monitored and facilitated by the teacher. After-reading worksheets were done by the subjects and handed in for teacher review and assessment. A reading pretest and a post-test were administered to the subjects before and after the treatment, and their reading ability improvement was examined using Paired T tests for all subjects and different ability groups from high to middle and low proficiency groups. Besides, an open-book novel test concerning the content of the novel was given to find out how well the subjects understand the novel. The subjects’ scores of the final periodic test on the English textbook were also gathered so that the researcher could investigate the correlations, with Significant Correlation tests, between any two of the three tests which all took place near the end of the semester: the reading post-test, the novel test and the final periodic test. Finally the questionnaires on the novel reading and teaching were filled in by the subjects and analyzed based on the subjects as a whole with frequency and percentage. Furthermore, distinctions were made based on the differences between those subjects who had read other novels before the treatment and those who hadn’t, and on the differences between those who finished reading the novel and those who didn’t, with Chi-square tests. The major findings of the study are as follows: 1. After the treatment ended, the English reading proficiency of all subjects in general has increased significantly, and was found to be correlated with the novel test significantly. 2. The novel test was found to be significantly correlated to the final periodic test for all subjects and the Middle and Low Proficiency Groups. 3. For the Middle Proficiency Group., the post-test was correlated to the final periodic test significantly. 4. The subjects’ more positive responses than negative ones to the novel reading included: feelings about the novel, how the novel reading helped increase reading speed and vocabulary, how the novel helped raise their interest in learning English. As to whether reading the novel increased English grammar knowledge or helped them learn the English textbook, only a minority of them answered positively. 5. The subjects’ attitudes towards the novel class and its activity were highly positive and the responses to having another English novel taught were quite enthusiastic. 6. Having finished reading the novel made a difference for the subjects in believing reading the designated novel promoted their willingness to read more English novels, while being experienced novel readers and having finished reading the novel both made significant differences in the subjects’ willingness to read other English novels on their own when time is allowed for reading. 7. The reading benefits for our subjects in order of importance were: reading comprehension, vocabulary, and grammar and sentence patterns. In conclusion, novel reading, as a form of extensive reading, helps senior high school students learn English cognitively as well as affectively. Instead of letting the students grope their own ways to the English novel, it helps them more when the novel becomes the class material and is taught in class. This study explores the English novel as a worthwhile course to teach in high school curriculum in Taiwan, not just as something left for the students to read all by themselves.


楊純妹, Yang, Chun-mei Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在探討台灣國中生在英語閱讀時, 運用「放聲思考配對練習法」結合「單字解讀策略」教學的成效及影響, 研究對象是依安置測驗所選出兩班具有高度同質性的國三學生, 隨機分派為一實驗組, 一控制組, 並依其安置測驗結果分為高、低兩組。 實驗組在老師教完單字解讀策略後, 由一高分組學生和一低分組學生隨機配對做為期八週的放聲思考閱讀訓練, 並且在訓練活動前後, 實驗組和控制組所有的學生皆施予單字解讀成就測驗, 閱讀理解成就測驗, 及英語閱讀學習態度量表, 實驗組更多加施予後設認知問卷及對此訓練活動的反應問卷, 同時在實驗組訓練過程中, 隨機抽取一組配對的學生將他們運用「放聲思考配對練習法」作答的過程錄音下來以便分析。 本研究結果顯示: (一)實驗組和控制組在單字解讀成就測驗有顯著差異。亦即, 運用「放聲思考配對練習法」結合「單字解讀策略」的教學有效地增進了學生字彙推測的成績表現, 對低程度的學生效果尤其明顯。(二)在四種單字解讀策略中, 「放聲思考配對練習法」最能增進學生在「往前線索策略」和「背景知識線索策略」的成績表現, 對不同程度的學生而言, 低程度學生的「往前線索策略」成績進步最多。(三)實驗組和控制組在閱讀理解成就測驗並沒有顯著差異。亦即, 此一訓練活動並不能改進學生在閱讀理解的成績表現。(四)實驗組和控制組的英語閱讀學習態度量表有顯著差異。即運用「放聲思考配對練習法」結合「單字解讀策略」的教學有效地增進了學生對英語閱讀的學習態度, 尤其對高程度的學生效果尤其明顯。在四種分項學習態度中, 學生的「免除對英語閱讀的恐懼」學習態度進步最多。(五)在後設認知方面, 實驗組的學生在接受此一閱讀訓練活動後, 對自己在文章大意、文章相關知識及猜字技巧的閱讀困難上有顯著的認知, 並且也認定猜字技巧是有效的英語閱讀策略。(六)從反應問卷中顯示, 接受此一閱讀訓練活動後, 大部分的學生認為運用「放聲思考配對練習法」結合「單字解讀策略」的教學對他們的字彙推測技巧是有幫助的, 且其幫助大於單獨運用「放聲思考配對練習法」或單獨運用「單字解讀策略」, 並且認為此一閱讀訓練活動有助於對自己和對他人閱讀過程的了解。但大多數的學生對運用此一閱讀訓練活動於未來英語課程中仍採保留態度。 根據上述的結果, 本研究建議國中英語教師可以運用「放聲思考配對練習法」結合「單字解讀策略」的教學來增進學生在英語閱讀時字彙推測的技巧和對英語閱讀的學習態度, 以及加強他們對自我閱讀過程的認知。同時, 為了能讓「放聲思考配對練習法」在學生身上發揮最大的學習效果, 教師應考慮學生在語言學習上的個別差異現象以及此一合作學習法時間掌握的問題, 以避免學生心理上的排斥作用和學習上的反效果。 / This thesis explores EFL lexical inferencing abilities and reading behaviors of junior high school students in Taiwan. Thinking Aloud Pair Problem Solving (TAPPS) and instruction of Word-solving Strategies were integrated to see whether they had effects on students’ lexical inferencing abilities, reading comprehension, learning attitude toward and metacognitive awareness of English reading. Two third-grade junior high school classes were selected as one experimental group and one control group, both with high-and low-proficiency levels. Results were found from the statistical analysis of the experiment. First, TAPPS training in word-solving strategies proved quite beneficial in enhancing students’ lexical inferencing abilities, and the low-proficiency students benefited more than the high-proficiency students. Second, TAPPS training in word-solving strategies indeed facilitated students’ use of forward cues and background knowledge cues, and the low-proficiency students improved most in their use of forward cues. Third, TAPPS training in word-solving strategies did not benefit students in their general reading comprehension. Fourth, TAPPS training in word-solving strategies successfully helped the students change their learning attitude toward English reading, especially the high-proficiency students. As to the different learning attitudes, students’ learning attitude of “The freedom from fear of English reading” changed most. Fifth, after receiving this training activity, the students’ metacognitive awareness of English reading was significantly higher. Sixth, the response questionnaire revealed that most of the students considered TAPPS training in word-solving strategies helpful and gave positive responses to this training activity. However, most of the students were conservative about recommending this training activity to future English classes. These aforementioned findings in this study suggested that junior high school English teachers could adopt TAPPS training in word-solving strategies to enhance students’ lexical inferencing abilities, change their learning attitude and reinforce their metacognitive awareness of English reading. However, it should be cautioned here that when teachers try to implement TAPPS training in English reading comprehension, they should consider students’ personal difference in language learning and the disruptive and time-consuming drawback of TAPPS to avoid students’ potential rejection and failure of the whole training activity.

中英翻譯與高職生的英文寫作:篇章連貫性之探討 Translation from L1 into L2 and Vocational Senior High School Students L2 Writing: Coherence as a Focus

曹瓊文, Tsao,Chiung-wen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討「中英文段落翻譯策略」對於高職學生在英文寫作中習得篇章連貫性的效用。本研究以新竹市新竹高商二年級,三十七位學生為研究對象, 每位寫四篇英文寫作及修改兩篇前測作文; 以148篇作文以及74篇修改後之作文為分析樣本; 並採用量的分析方法來驗證其效用。 本研究以兩階段驗證假設 : 第一階段以SPSS 10.0中之成對樣本T檢定(paired-samples t-test)來分析74篇前測與74篇後測英文作文; 第二階段用同樣的方式來分析74篇前測寫作與74篇學生修改前測後之作文。本研究結果顯示:(一)中英文段落翻譯練習,有助於學習者習得並運用凝結性(cohesion)技巧來提升寫作上篇章之連貫性(coherence)。(二)中英文段落翻譯練習,有助於學習者習得並運用凝結性(cohesion)技巧來修改寫作上缺乏篇章連貫性之部分。 總言之,本研究中所設計之中英文段落翻譯練習,能夠幫助高職學生習得篇章的連貫性並提升其寫作能力。翻譯練習中的凝結性技巧的設計,為學習者奠定了在寫作上習得篇章連貫性的基礎。本研究在最後,針對研究主題提出一些在英文寫作教學上的建議。 / This study aims to explore the effectiveness of Chinese-English paragraph translation device for vocational senior high school students in acquiring the coherent writing expertise. Subjects in this study are thirty-seven second-graders in Hsin-chu Commercial Vocational Senior High School in Hsin-chu city. Participants are required to finish four English compositions and two revision compositions. In total, 148 compositions and 74 revision compositions are analyzed to test the effectiveness on the basis of quantitative research. There are two stages of verification procedure. First, paired-samples t-test of SPSS 10.0 for Windows is used to analyze the seventy-four pre-test and seventy-four post-test compositions. Second, it is also used to analyze the seventy-four pre-test and seventy-four post-test revision compositions. Findings are summarized as follows: First, Chinese-English translation practice helps learners perform better in coherent writing. They acquire cohesive devices and better apply them to promoting their writing coherence. Second, Chinese-English translation practice helps learners perform a good job in revising incoherent parts of compositions. They acquire cohesive devices, apply them to revising compositions and thus promote writing coherence. To sum up, the findings show that Chinese-English paragraph translation practice in this study is effective to vocational senior high school students in acquiring coherent writing expertise and promoting their writing proficiency. The translation practice of the cohesive devices functions as a basis of acquiring coherent writing expertise for learners. Finally, some pedagogical suggestions based on this study are provided.

用範文演示法教授高中英文作文之成效 / A Case Study of Model-based Writing Instruction in Senior High School English Class

林淑惠, Lin,Shu-huei Unknown Date (has links)
在英語寫作教學上,長久以來對於範文的使用,有很大的爭議。有些學者認為學習者可以透過分析與模仿範文的結構學會英文的組織結構;另一方面,有些學者則認為寫作是複雜的,非直線的過程,應包含了構思、寫作、修改、重寫等活動,範文的使用會阻礙學生自主思考。因此,在此提出一套寫作教學法,融合上述兩派的優點,透過範文使學生熟悉英文的修辭結構,同時以同儕修改、重寫、教師回饋等活動來輔助寫作的過程。本研究的目的是探討以範文演示法教學對高中生寫作的成效。 研究對象是台北縣某所高中39位三年級學生。主要研究工具包括:用以評估學生寫作能力的前後測寫作、兩份問卷用以調查學生對於英文寫作之結構的認知,及最後進行訪談以了解教學成效。研究過程分為三個步驟:(1)前測---前測寫作及問卷。根據大考中心的英文寫作標準,以前測成績將學生分成中等能力組(MPG)和低能力組(LPG),以調查寫作教學對不同程度學生的影響。問卷則是調查學生之寫作習慣,及對英文寫作之認知。(2)教學實驗---為期十週的寫作教學 ,教學主題為記敘文及因果關係的寫作。(3)後測---後測寫作問卷與訪談,透過後測寫作以檢視學生之寫作成效;問卷與訪談則是為了進一步了解學生對英文寫作教學課程之觀感。 研究結過發現,此教學實驗對學生的英文寫作有正面影響。尤其在寫作結構及整體寫作品質方面,有明顯進步。此外,低能力組的進步大於中等能力組,而學生也反映,在上完英文寫作課後,對英文寫作較有信心。 / In the history of English writing pedagogy, there has long been a dispute over the use of models in English writing. Some researchers propose that learners can learn English organizational structures through the analysis and imitation of organization and logical arrangement in model paragraphs or essays. On the other hand, some process-oriented researchers argue that the use of models will prevent students from thinking on their own. An integrated approach was thus proposed to incorporate the strengths of the two approaches. Models were used to familiarize students with the rhetorical organization in English written discourse. In the meantime, peer-editing, revision and teacher feedback were used to facilitate the writing process. The present study examines the effects of model-based instruction in organization on the writing of senior high school students. Thirty-nine subjects, who were senior high students in the third year, participated in this study. A pretest writing was used before the instruction to group the subjects into different proficiency levels according to the criterion set by the College Entrance Examination Center (CEEC). Two proficiency groups, namely, the middle proficiency group (M.P.G) and low proficiency group (L.P.G), were found among the subjects. A Writing Habit questionnaire was applied to investigate the subjects’ conception and habits about writing before the instruction. Then, a ten-week model-based writing instruction was conducted on all the participants in the study. Description and cause-effect writing were the two genres for instruction. After the instruction, a post-test writing was conducted to compare with the pre-test to examine whether students had made progress in their writing after the instruction. The Response Questionnaire and three in-depth interviews were conducted to further explore students’ perception and attitude toward the model-based writing. The results of the study reveal that the instruction helps to improve students’ abilities to organize ideas more effectively and logically. The significant increase in scores on overall writing quality in the posttest also show that the model-based writing instruction helps to yield higher quality in students’ overall writing. In addition, subjects in the L.P.G. seem to make more progress than those in the M.P.G. Moreover, the subjects seem to have more confidence in writing after the treatment.

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