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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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台灣高中學生英文作文中表達過去時間標記之分析 / An Analysis of past reference marking in Taiwan senior high school students' english compositions

闕光賢, Chueh, Kuang Hisen Unknown Date (has links)
漢語沒有像英文嚴格的時態標記,因此,多數中國學生開始學英文時會有動詞過去式標記上的困難,在表達英語過去時間概念時,中國學生特別依賴時間狀語。為了了解中國學生表達過去時間概念時,時間狀語所扮演的角色,本文藉由觀察高中學生為期一年的作文,探討中國學生時間狀語的使用位置、時間狀語及動詞過去式標記之間的關係、中國學生過去式動詞標記上的困難。藉由以上三個方向的探索,可以更了解學生使用的時間狀語和過去式動詞的標記。 研究結果顯示,中國學生在英文作文中,時間狀語的使用頻率明顯偏高,且使用頻率有隨時間逐漸增高的趨勢,而時間狀語出現的位置,因英語程度不同有別,程度較高的同學,時間狀語出現在句首及句尾的比例相近,無明顯偏好;但是程度偏低的同學,則普遍偏好將時間狀語置於句首,類似漢語時間狀語出現的位置。 時間狀語同時也影響著學生標記過去式動詞的比率,倘若一個限定動詞在同個句子中有對應的時間狀語,則這個限定動詞較有可能標記為過去時態,這樣的現象又以英語程度較低的同學最為明顯。 在動詞過去式標記上,本文發現有過半的同學曾將was/were當成過去式動詞標記,置於限定動詞之前;此外,語料中也發現,有幾位同學會將用過去進行式及過去被動式誤用在過去簡單式之中,這樣的現象,有可能是因為學生認為有was/were即為過去式的標記所致。 透過本文的研究可看出時間狀語對於中國學生標記英語過去時間概念上的重要性,也可看出語言遷移(language transfer)在語言習得中的影響力,期許本文的發現能在英語習得及教學上有所助益。 / / Without tense marker in Mandarin Chinese, most Chinese EFL learners have difficulties in past tense marking in the beginning of learning English. Before marking past tense steadily, Chinese EFL learners tend to depend mainly on temporal adverbials in expressing past time. Temporal adverbials seem to play important roles during the process of acquiring tense marking. The present study tries to observe how Chinese learners use temporal adverbials to express past time and what kinds of difficulties learners have in past tense marking. Furthermore, we attempt to investigate the relation between tense marking and temporal adverbials. By analyzing learners’ composition, we found that Chinese EFL learners have high frequency in using temporal. Most learners are prone to put temporal adverbials in sentence-initial position except for learners with higher proficiency. Besides, learners are more likely to mark past tense co-occurring with temporal adverbials. Morphologically, Chinese EFL learners seem to regard was/were as a past-tense marker and put was/were in front of finite verbs ungrammatically. These findings manifest the importance of temporal adverbials for Chinese EFL learners in expressing past time and provide potential explanations for tense errors.

英文科學習輔導策略探討--以某專校求助個案為例 / Learning counseling strategies in learning English--for academy school students woth troubles in learning English

汪敏慧, Wang, Min-Hui Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要的目的在了解英文學習困難個案在英文學習中的困雞與問題、探討在英文學習輔導中可行的輔導策略,以及了解英文學習困難個案在輔導後的自我評估。本研究以十二位自認有英文學習困難的某二專畢生為研究對象,進行多種的輔導策略之個別性諮商,並以每次輔導的記錄進行質的分析。 本研究的研究結果發現:英文學習困難個案在輔導初始階段的主要困難與問題為英文學習焦慮、缺乏英文學習動機、缺乏學習方法、對學習英文有錯誤的觀念、對目前及未來生活感到茫然、關注的需求。而輔導員所採用的輔導策略為支持性的輔導策略、提高英文學習動機的輔導策略、增進英文學習策略的輔導策略及澄清個案學習英文的錯誤觀念。至於英文學習困難個案在輔導後的自我評估為對英文較不害怕、了解學習英文的方法、體會到自己的問題、澄清學習英文的錯誤觀念、肯定及清楚自己的定位及得到關注。 最後,本研究依研究結果對未來研究方向、英文科學習輔導及英文老師教學方面提出討論和建議。

臺灣英語教學碩士論文中文獻探討章節之語步分析 / Move structure of literature review in Ma theses by Taiwanese TEFL Graduates

蕭政華, Hsiao, Cheng Hua Unknown Date (has links)
在學術論文寫作眾多章節中,文獻回顧章節是讀寫過程中困難度較高的一章節,因此研究生普遍視為畏途。文獻回顧的語步分析在過去文獻中尚未受到重視。因此本論文旨在分析臺灣英語教學碩士論文中文獻回顧章節之語步結構。本論文提出兩個研究問題: (1)臺灣英語教學碩士論文文獻回顧章節之語步結構為何?(2)評選高分與評選低分的文獻回顧差異為何?本論文選出三十篇臺灣英語教學碩士論文中文獻回顧章節做為文本分析並將其評選高分群與評選低分群。本研究以四個主要語步來分析文獻回顧章節的語步結構。這四個主要語步分別為:(1)領域知識觀念介紹,(2)用主題方式整合過去之文獻,(3)聯結過去文獻與將進行之研究之關係,及(4)宣布將進行研究。每一主要語步都有數個次要語步。本論文討論語步出現的頻率,語步發展,語步組合結構及語步循環。 本論文顯示第一語步使用的最為廣泛佔56.96%,第二語步佔22.39%,第三語步與第四語步各為11.74%與8.91%。收集之文獻回顧分為四組,分別為(1)表現最差,(2)表現較差,(3)表現稱職,及(4)表現最好。 結果發現表現最差的一組沒有任何主題發展,表現較差的一組有主題發展但是僅限於整合,表現稱職的一組有運用到四個主要語步,而表現最好的一組發現有數個全部語步的循環。本論文呈現臺灣英語教學碩士論文文獻回顧章節的語步結構。這些結果與討論提供英語教學領域研究生更加了解學術論文文獻回顧之寫作架構。 / Reviewing literature for a research study is a highly complicated reading and writing process, which has been assumed a rather formidable task for many graduate students. In the field of English for Specific Purposes, many scholars have devoted their studies into certain types of genre analysis, particularly research genres. However, the concept of “literature review” (LR) as a distinct type of genre has been constantly overlooked and the move structure of literature reviews unexplored. The move structure of LRs in master theses written by Taiwanese TEFL program graduates was studied. This proposed study included two research questions: (1) What are the move structures of the LR chapters in the master theses of TEFL programs? (2) Do the move structures differ between the low-rated and high-rated LRs? In this study, thirty theses were randomly chosen. Thirty theses were rated and grouped into high-rated and low-rated categories. Based on Kwan’s framework (2006) and the results of pilot study, a new move structure with the four major moves was formulated for this study. The statistical results showed that “conceptualizing themes in a field (Move 1)” takes the largest proportion among the total occurrences, followed by “integrating previous works on the themes (Move 2),” “relating previous works to the current study (Move 3)” and “advancing to one’s own study (Move 4).” It is concluded that LRs composed by these graduates fundamentally serves to present relevant field knowledge. Further, no topic expansion is found in the deficient group. Most of the LRs in the poor group halt at the synthesis though there is some topic development. The competent group has a complete occurrence of the four major moves. Multiple cycles are found per LR in the distinctive group. This study provides insights into the move structure of Taiwanese students’ literature review chapters of master theses.

競選活動大事件:2012年總統大選三隻小豬個案研究 / Campaign maga events: the Three Little Pigs Case Study of 2012 presidential election

黃慧婷, Huang, Tina Unknown Date (has links)
2012年總統大選,民進黨的「三隻小豬」運動,堪稱是台灣選舉史上前所未見的造勢動員模式,此一「大事件」甚至破天荒,在2016年總統大選繼續沿用,因此本研究聚焦:   一、「三隻小豬」之事件發展,起源於台南三胞胎孩童把存在小豬撲滿裡的零錢,捐獻給要參選2012年總統的蔡英文,竟然在民進黨總統大選過程中,成為競選過程的「大事件」。二、「三隻小豬」之策略形成,民進黨如何運用這個「綠營最有效的募款工具」,在競選過程中,募得高達2.012億台幣的政治獻金。三、「三隻小豬」之媒體評論,以東森新聞報導為研究文本,2012選戰中,報導三隻小豬的則數,是平安福的將近四倍之多。三隻小豬,讓民進黨獲得的免費廣告效益,估計在10至20億台幣之間。 本研究者因為職務之故,能貼身採訪蔡英文陣營,因此採用「參與觀察、深度訪談」兩種研究方法,獲得第一手的訊息資料,再就東森新聞選舉過程中所報導「蔡英文」和「三隻小豬」的97篇相關文稿進行「內容分析」。 根據卡方檢定和ANOVA檢定的分析結果,本研究發現在蔡英文競選過程中,有三項值得觀察的顯著差異。並歸納出「三隻小豬」運動,此一大事件,具備不同於以往選舉的六大特色,包括:創新性、象徵性、互動性、在地性、參與性、持續性等。 / In the 2012 presidential election, The DPP’s Three Little Pigs campaign was so called the history of Taiwan's unprecedented mobilization election campaign. Four years later, in the 2016 presidential election, this “Mega Event” is to be continued, so this study highlights: First, the "Three Little Pigs" event that originated in Tainan, triplets’ children save money in a piggy bank, they donated the changes to the 2012 presidential candidate Tsai Ing-wen, set off political waves in the DPP election process unexpected. Second, how the "Three Little Pigs" policy formed, DPP proper use of this "come out of the gift," during the campaign, they raised up to NT$ 201.2 million in political contributions. Three Little Pigs can be described as the most effective fund-raising tool for the Green Camp. Third, the media covering regarding "Three Little Pigs" campaign, take the ETTV new scripts as study texts, during the 2012 election campaign, the number of covering stories in the Three Little Pigs is four times more than Ma Ying-jeou’s lucky charm. The DPP obtained about NT$ 1 to 2 billion free advertising effectiveness via Three Little Pigs movement. It is because of the researchers’ position; the researcher was able to interview Tsai camp closely. This research adopted "participant observation, in-depth interviews," these two methods, to obtain first-hand information and message. The researcher did "content analysis", to analyze 97 ETTV news stories regarding to "Tsai Ing-wen" and "The Three Little Pigs," in the presidential election. According to the analysis results of the chi-square test and ANOVA test, this study found that when Tsai Ing-wen was running for presidential campaign, there are three significant differences worth observing. Meanwhile, to conclude "The Three Little Pigs" mega event campaign, there are six characteristics different from previous elections, including: innovation, symbolic, interaction, localization, participation, sustainability and so on.

教師信念的形成:非正式學制英文老師的個案研究 / The Formation of Teacher's Belief: A Case Study on English Teachers outside the Formal Educational System

全美禎 Unknown Date (has links)
讓孩子在正式學制外學習在台灣家長始終蔚為風潮。在台灣,雖然小學三年級才開始正式學習英文,許多孩子早在這個年紀之前就開始學習,或在這年紀之後,也會利用課後時間在非正式機構學習。本研究旨在了解台灣的兩位非正式教育機構英文教師的教師信念的形成。 本研究採用質性研究的個案研究方法,研究對象為二位擁有豐富非正式教育機構教學經驗的英文老師,其學生年齡介於2至16歲。資料透過與每一位研究對象的五次半結構式的深度訪談。收集到的研究資料包含研究對象的:(1)外語學習經驗,(2)外語學習者信念,(3)英文教學經驗,(4)教師訓練及教育,(5)英文教師信念。 研究結果顯示兩位教師的外語學習者信念、教師訓練、和教學經驗都會促成他們的教師信念的形成。然而,他們會做出與自己的身為外語學習者的信念不一致的教學決策。這樣的不一致性是因為他們在教學環境中所感受到的難題還有存在於他們學習者信念和英文教師信念當中的矛盾所產生的。在非正式教育機構裡,英文老師們所感受到會影響教學決策的難題是關於:(1)學生的學習環境,(2)課程規劃,(3)機構政策,(4)學生狀況,和(5)家長的期待。 最後,依據本研究結果,進一步提供相關的建議,作為教育立法者、非正式教育機構、以及學生家長們的參考。 / Having children learning outside the formal educational system for academic purposes has been a trend among Taiwanese parents. In Taiwan, although formal English instruction is provided from the third grade in formal schools, many children start to learn English before the age and learn English outside the school time at and after the age at informal education institutes. The purpose of the study is to investigate the role of the formation of beliefs as teachers of two English teachers outside the formal educational system in Taiwan. This study adopted a qualitative case study method. The participants were two English teachers with rich experience of teaching students aged from 2 to 16 at various informal educational institutes. Data were collected through five semi-structure in-depth interviews with each of the participants. The collected information included each of the participant’s: (1) FL learning experiences, (2) beliefs as a FL learner, (3) English teaching experience, (4) teacher training, and (5) beliefs as an English teacher. The findings suggest that the two teachers’ beliefs as FL learners, teacher training, and teaching experience all contributed to the formation of their beliefs as English teachers. However, the teachers would make teaching decisions inconsistent with their beliefs as FL learners. The underlying reasons behind the inconsistencies were their perceived problems in teaching contexts and the contradiction between their beliefs as FL learners and as English teachers. In the informal educational institutes, the English teachers’ perceived problems which constrained the realization of their beliefs as FL learners were about: (1) students’ learning context, (2) curriculum, (3) school policy, (4) students’ conditions, and (5) parents’ expectation. Finally, these pedagogical implications and suggestions are served as a reference for educational policy makers, informal educational institutes, and parents.

劣勢者的競選策略 / The Campaign Strategy of Underdog

楊家俍 Unknown Date (has links)

The Effectiveness of Metacognitive Strategy Instruction in English Writing in Senior High School / 後設認知教學策略對高中生英文作文的成效

鄒美芸, Tsou,Mei-yun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討後設認知教學策略對高中生英文作文的學習成效。研究者以桃園縣立永豐高中五年某班中的四十二位學生為對象,進行為時一學期共十五週,每週兩節課的實驗。教學實驗進行之前,全體學生接受研究者改編自Schraw and Dennison (1993),O’ Neil and Abedi (1996),Wey(1998) 所編製的後設認知量表,實施後設認知量表前測,並接受作文的前測。研究者根據作文前測的成績區分出能力高、中、低三組於教學實驗結束之後施以訪談。全體學生並於教學實驗結束之後,再度接受後設認知量表與作文的後測。以觀察其在策略教學後英文寫作表現與後設認知行為的差異情形。 本研究主要的發現下: 1.後設認知策略教學的確能夠有效提升高中生的英文寫作能力。 2.後設認知策略教學的確能夠有效增加高中生在英文寫作中的後設認知 程度。 3.高中生英文寫作表現的確與後設認知的成長有正相關。 4.學生對於後設認知策略教學均抱持正面的態度。 有鑑於此,本研究建議高中英文教師應用後設認知教學策略於高中英文作文教學中。 / This researcher explored the effectiveness of the metacognitive strategy instruction in senior high school writers’ performance, based on the theories of metacognitive strategies. Forty-two high school students in Yung-feng were selected to be subjects. Adapted from Schraw and Dennison’s Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (1993), O’ Neil and Abedi’s State Metacognitive Inventory (1996) and Wey’s Writing Self-Assessment Questionnaire (1998), Mtacognitive Awareness Questionnaires before and after Instruction, were used to measure students’ metacognitive awareness. To assess the effects of metacognitive strategy instruction on writing performance, forty-two pieces of writing were assigned in class and then scored based on criteria by the CRESST writing score guide: overall impression, quality and scope of content, organization and presentation of content, and mechanics. The Pair-Sample T test was performed to test the hypotheses in this study. The findings can be summarized as follows: (1) Metacognitive strategy instruction has positive effects on the students’ writing performance. (2) Metacognitive strategy instruction has positive effects on students’ metacognitive awareness. (3) Students’ writing performance proved correlated to their metacognitive awareness. (4) Students’ attitudes towards the metacognitive strategy instructions were generally positive. Thus, we recommend that metacognitive strategy instruction be used in English writing in senior high school.

中國英語新聞頻道CNC World在軟實力發展脈絡下如何選擇新聞框架 / CNC World and China’s Soft Power How CNC World reports major global agenda

曾宜年, Zeng, Ellen Unknown Date (has links)
隨著中國在國際場域上地位的崛起,一方面為了消弭其他國際強權的防備之心,另一方面在經濟的驅動力之下,中國意識到國際形象的重要,於是近年來「軟實力」開始成為中國政府的重點政策。根據美國學者Joseph S. Nye,軟實力指的是一個國家對於國際公眾的吸引力,這樣的吸引力可能來自於文化資產、政治的意識形態以及形塑國際議題方向的能力。媒體通常在軟實力中扮演著重要的角色,像是CNN、Al Jazeera就分別為美國和阿拉伯國家帶來影響國際輿論的能力。2010年,新華社創立了一個新的國際新聞頻道CNC World,便是因應軟實力的需求而生,期許CNC World能和CNN、BBC、Al Jazeera等國際新聞頻道分庭抗禮,不僅僅有主導國際議題的能力,更能在國際事件中,將所謂的「中國觀點」傳播出去。因此新華社投入了巨額的資金在CNC World上,並且在財務結構上改革,允許49% 的私人投資,藉以昭示CNC World的新聞內容不受中國政府的檢查制度介入,旨在提供國際觀眾「公正」、「客觀」與具有「中國觀點」的國際新聞。 本論文欲探討,CNC World是否在軟實力的時代脈絡下,在建構新聞事件上真的有所調整。因此本論文比較CNC World和另外一個全然由中國政府出資的國際新聞台CCTV 9,以及國際主流新聞頻道CNN,在七件國際重大議題上的報導架構,去觀察CNC World如何平衡中國政府的偏好和國際觀眾的期待。研究結果發現,CNC World相較另外兩個新聞頻道,在修辭以及題材的選擇上都較為中立,而對於「中國觀點」CNC World也有獨樹一格的闡述方式。但是研究結果也反映,無論是CNC World、CCTV 9 或是CNN 都無法脫離其主要資金提供者那隻「看不見的手」來左右新聞的框架。 / CNC World is an international news channel of China established in July 2010 with a mission of the changing China. Under the current international political context of a rising China, the Chinese government started to emphasize on the development of its soft power. One of the abilities that China wants to obtain is the power to influence the worldwide audience’s conception of the major global agenda and their perception toward certain countries’ images. This is the context in which CNC World is established. The Xinhua News Agency has invested unprecedentedly in CNC World to ensure its success. In addition, to assure CNC World’s news credibility, the financial structure of CNC World is reformed to have a government hands-off editorial board. This thesis compares CNC World’s news reporting with CCTV 9 and CNN International, aiming to find out how CNC World adjusts its news coverage on the major global agenda under the soft power context. Seven current global issues are included in the study: South China Sea Dispute between China and Vietnam, US Currency Bill on China, Palestinian Statehood bin in UN, The Fall of Gaddafi, Arab Spring in Egypt, Greece Debt Crisis, and The Killing of Osama bin Laden. The result shows that CNC World tends to use a relatively neutral way to report these issues and it has indeed found a unique way to present the Chinese perspective. However, that the international news represents its funding providers’ positions remains the same.

高中英語教科書內容之比較研究 : 以上海、臺灣和澳門為例 / Comparative study of English textbooks for senior high schools in Shanghai, Taiwan and Macau

虞軼亞 January 2010 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

台灣高中生英文寫作用字分析與教學 / A Study on Teaching Vocabulary for English Writing to Taiwanese High School Students

李芷涵, Lee, Chih Han Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在實驗一套單字教學活動是否能成功增加台灣高中生的寫作應用字彙。在實驗開始前,研究者先進行前測,採用了字彙知識自評表(Vocabulary Knowledge Scale)和一份作文題目以了解學生一開始的字彙知識及主要單字的使用情況。之後,研究者開始了為期十二週的教學活動,此活動分為三階段:呈現(Presentation)、練習(Practice)、應用(Production),每個階段皆採用不同的活動進行教學,並根據這四大原則來設計教導應用字彙的活動:刻意性、重複性、參與性、情境性。教學實驗過後,研究者進行後測以了解字彙知識的改變及主要單字的使用情況,並分析不同程度的學生作品,以了解學生實際的用字情況。 研究結果顯示,本教學活動能有效增進學生的辨識字彙能力及字彙的應用。字彙知識自評表顯示前後測分數有顯著性差異,在後測中,超過半數以上的單字進步到比前測更高的等級,而且有八個字進升到應用字彙的程度。百分之八十七的學生有把主要字彙用在他們的作文中,且正確的使用頻率及相關單字的使用也增加了,無論是新字或舊字,在後測的使用數量都是前測的兩倍。 / The current study experiments with a series of teaching activities for productive words to Taiwanese students at the senior high level. It aims to understand the changes of word knowledge and target word use after the experiment. In the beginning, a pre-test was administered with the help of two instruments, the Vocabulary Knowledge Scale and a writing prompt, to understand the students’ initial level. Then, the researcher conducted the teaching experiment for 12 weeks, which consisted of the Presentation, Practice, and Production stages. In each stage, the activities were designed based on four important principles for teaching productive words: intentional, repeated, involving, and contextualized. After the experiment, a post-test using the same instruments was carried out to analyze the changes of word knowledge and target word use. Moreover, individual writing products of different levels were analyzed to see the actual usage of words in the students’ writing. The results showed that the teaching experiment was effective in increasing the students’ receptive knowledge and productive use of the target words. The VKS scores of the pre- and post-test differed significantly. More than half of the words moved up to higher levels, and eight words moved to the productive level in the post-test. The students’ writing products also indicated a considerable increase in the use of target words in terms of the correct usages and related words. Eighty-seven percent of the students used the target words in the post-test. Moreover, the number of old and new words used doubled in the post-test.

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