Spelling suggestions: "subject:"meta every"" "subject:"mera every""
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Den lokala påverkan av ett mega event : London 2012 med vision London 2040Seljeseth, Linda, Björk, Mikaela January 2011 (has links)
The topic of this essay is the expected effects that can come during and after a mega event and how the local impact may affect the local community and the citizen. This essay concerns a forthcoming mega event, the Olympic Games that will be held in London 2012. The area that the Olympics will be held in is Stratford that is located about twenty minutes from the central of London by the underground. The Olympic Games is one of the largest mega events with its millions of visitors. The purpose of this essay is to study what is expected after the mega event has taken place in London. This is done through observation and through contact with one of the key members in the project team for the planning around the Olympics 2012. The authors of this essay have also had contact with Björn Folin who is the press officer for the Swedish Olympic Committee. To gain an insight into what might happen, the authors of this essay has also examined what happened after the previous Olympic Games. The result of this study is shaped by what has happened in cities that have arranged the Olympic Games previous years. Since this essay is to examine expectations of what might happen after the Olympic Games in London 2012, much of the outcome of what happened after the Olympics is based on what the outcome have been in previous host cities.
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Har mega-event utvecklats? : En innehållsanalys om hur hållbarhetsrapportering har utvecklats över tid i mega-eventLjungkvist, Caroline, Olofsson, Petra January 2013 (has links)
Begreppet hållbarhet definieras som ”en utveckling som tillfredställer dagens behov utan att äventyra kommande generations möjligheter att tillfredställa sina behov”. Inom företagsvärlden blir det allt mer vanligt att hållbarhetsrapportera vilket även organisationer tagit efter. Mycket forskning har bedrivits inom hållbarhetsormrådet, dock har författarna sett att det saknas forskning kring hur mega-event ställer sig till begreppet. Detta resonemang har lett författarna till följande problemformulering: Hur har utvecklingen av hållbarhetsrapportering sett ut över tid i mega-event? Studiens teoretiska ramverk inleds med en historisk utveckling av CSR från 1950-talet fram tills idag samt hur det används i mega-event. Vidare diskuteras Intressentteorin och Legitimitetsteorin. Detta följs av gemenemans definition av CSR vilket är hållbarhet. Slutligen presenteras hållbarhetsrapportering och olika ramverk som används. Framförallt fokuserar studien på GRI vilket är de ramverk som används flitigast bland företag och organisationer för att mäta hållbarhet. Hållbarhet mäts genom tre olika teman: miljö, social och ekonomisk. Författarna har genomfört studien i form av en kvantitativ innehållsanalys där officiella rapporter från OS har kodats. Valet av OS grundas i att de klassas som typexempel av mega-event. Innehållsanalysens kodningsmanual är utformad med hjälp av riktlinjer från GRI samt kompletterat med branschspecifika indikatorer från OGI. Totalt sett har 30 officiella rapporter kodats, från 1952-2010, om 57 olika indikatorer indelade i de olika temana för att ta reda på hur hållbarhetsrapporteringen har utvecklats över tid. En jämförelse har gjorts mellan sommar- och vinter-OS för att urskilja om det funnits några skillnader. Vad studien kan visa på för resultat är att utvecklingen inom hållbarhetsrapporteringen i mega-event över tid har haft en positiv utveckling. Vad gäller rapporteringen av sommar- respektive vinter-OS kan studien konstatera att skillnader likväl som likheter funnits. Detta trots att ett sommar-OS är ett betydligt större arrangemang än vad ett vinter-OS är. Studien kan vidare fastställa att de tre olika temana har utvecklats i olika takt. Temat ekonomi har haft den mest horisontella utvecklingen och temat miljö har stått för den mest radikala utvecklingen. Författarna anser att utvecklingen beror på den ökade efterfrågan och medvetenheten hos dess intressenter. Samhället har blivit bättre på att göra sin röst hörd samtidigt som företag har blivit bättre att lyssna på vad som efterfrågas. Dock belyser författarna på utvecklingsområden då resursutbytet inte är komplett.
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Designed for disassembly: the push for a new approach to sports architecture in the 21st centuryMyers, Scott J. 08 June 2015 (has links)
The architecture of the sports stadium has evolved dramatically throughout its history. From the ancient gladiatorial arenas to the domes and retractable-roof ballparks of the 20th Century, the stadium has become an iconic and integral part of life, in our modern society. Through the globalization of sports and sporting events, such as the Olympics and World Cup, new and more exciting opportunities are being extended to those who, historically, have been without the resources or infrastructural means to support such endeavors. However, for all the excitement and optimism that accompanies the initial design and planning, the actual development of the necessary structures and support systems rarely provides the expected return on what, ultimately, becomes a staggering investment of time, money, and labor. In fact, operators have found it nearly impossible to provide for the continued operation, maintenance, and regular occupation of these facilities, thus resulting in an overwhelming burden on the local community.
It is the purpose of this thesis to provide a survey of architectural precedents from selected mega-events of the last 100 years, as well as a number of other contemporary stadium projects, in an effort to fully convey the magnitude and relevancy of this issue, to identify industry trends and practical models, and more definitively present the need for an alternative approach to design. Additionally, a proposal will be put in place for more of a focus on modularity and prefabrication, in order to transform the Olympic or World Cup stadium into a less permanent element within the urban landscape. It is the hope that the systemic issues, currently associated with hosting international sporting events, may be remedied through the architecture, and ultimate disassembly, of the 21st Century stadium. Ultimately, the goal is to reduce the negative impact of such undertakings, and to aid in the realization of the inherent potential for positive change therein.
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Nation Branding Through a Mega-Event: A Case Study of Qatar 2022Ahmed, Naeem 05 November 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the nation branding process deployed by a host country organizing committee. Three research questions helped guide this study: (1) How does the organizing committee see the opportunity of hosting a sport-mega event (SME) as a nation branding tool? (2) What aspects of the FIFA World Cup (FWC) do people working with the organizing committee believe, create such nation branding opportunities? (3) How do event organizers leverage a nation branding legacy from the FWC? A single case study was built using 1,669 document pages, and nine semi-structured interviews and data were thematically analyzed. The study investigated relevant organizational documents and the event organizers’ perspectives to determine the nation branding processes. Results revealed the organization's approach to nation branding involved assessing their external image, creating a country narrative based on the population's characteristics and values, and depicting a unique identity by showcasing their cultural heritage to increase the attraction of the nation brand. Findings highlight that nation branding through the FWC requires the LOC’s strategic coordination through nation brand stakeholders, nation brand ambassadors, important organizations as well as the leadership of the nation in order to build brand equity.
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Konsten att Planera ett Olympiskt Event : Planeringsutmaningar och Platsmarknadsföring i samband med OS-ansökan Stockholm/Åre 2026 / The Art of Planning an Olympic Event : Challanges of Planning and Place Marketing in assoiciation with the Olympic Application Stockholm/Åre 2026Johansson, Viktor, Johansson, Joakom January 2019 (has links)
Den här kandidatuppsatsen syftar till att undersöka mega-event med fokus på det potentiellamästerskapet Stockholm/Åre 2026. Uppsatsen studerar hur orterna Stockholm och Åre kanpåverkas av platsmarknadsföringen av ett olympiskt mästerskap samt vilkaplaneringsutmaningar ett sådant event har. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten utgår frånplatsmarknadsföringsteori med inriktning på Postmodern Branding och med hjälp av JosefinaSyssner. Studien tar också hjälp av eventteori och Martin Müllers forskning om mega-eventdär han har tagit fram olika symptom som ofta uppstår vid mega-event. Kvalitativa intervjuergenomfördes på tjänstemän från de båda orterna, chefen för föreningen Skattebetalarna ochrepresentanter för Sveriges Olympiska Kommitté. Intervjuerna syftade till att studera hurpersoner som är delaktiga på något vis för planeringen av mästerskapet ställer sig tillmästerskapet och vilka effekter ett sådant event kan få. Som komplement till intervjuernagenomfördes en kvalitativ innehållsanalys på den svenska ansökan. I resultatet uppkommerbland annat hållbarhet som gemensam nämnare för våra båda ämnen, platsmarknadsföringoch planeringsutmaningar. Eftersom planeringen av Stockholm/Åre 2026 är unikt iförhållande till tidigare vinter-OS med hjälp av det nya reformprogrammet Agenda 2020 serSveriges Olympiska Kommitté en möjlighet att sätta en ny standard på hur ett mästerskap kananordnas. Eventet kan visa upp Sverige som det hållbara landet med det hållbara eventet.Uppsatsen leder fram till att eventet har både möjligheter och svårigheter. Det är trendigt attvara klimatsmart och det som känns verkligen som om Agenda 2020 ligger rätt i tiden. Detfinns stor potential med eventet men också stora risker om det skulle utföras fel.
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Olympic sport and the local community : a sociological study of Stratford, LondonSymons, Helen M. L. January 2017 (has links)
London 2012 was the 30th Olympiad, and the third time that London had hosted an Olympic Games. The rationale for hosting the Games was to undertake a large-scale regeneration of Stratford and the East London region. The research explored the experiences of community representatives who live and/or work in East London. The research was inductive and focused on the empirical findings of the research via a sociological lens. Three overarching research themes (urban regeneration, socioculturalism, governance and economics). The original contribution to knowledge relates to the limited amount of research previously conducted which take into account all three of these overarching themes. 19 semi-structured interviews were conducted and analysed alongside official documents and newspapers using narrative thematic analysis and critical discourse analysis. Two main findings emerged from the analysis; Marginal Gains and the Ripple Effect. It is recognised that the positivity found throughout the presented narratives may have been present due to the time period in which the research was undertaken. Future research should focus on whether the time period has an influence on the experiences of community representatives and whether similar (economic and governance) is experienced by future host cities.
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Changes in Resident Perceptions Over Time: A Theoretical Examination of a Mega-EventBlosser, Phillip E. 02 September 2009 (has links)
Cities and countries increasingly seek mega-events to boost tourism, update local infrastructure, and improve the international standing of the host community. Benefits are actively promoted by the organizing committees, but these large-scale events also create significant economic, environmental and social costs for the host community. Measuring resident support is necessary because their support is required to secure the rights to the event, and to provide the necessary economic and human resources needed for hosting the event.
This study utilized existing data on the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games to investigate the impact of a mega-event on the host community, and to measure resident support for the event. Social exchange theory provided the theoretical background for this dissertation. The theory states that the costs and benefits of an exchange are continually re-evaluated by the actors in the exchange relationship. The primary contribution of this study is support for the notion that social exchanges are temporal in nature; residents continually monitored the positive and negative impacts of the event on themselves and on their community. To reach this conclusion, this study utilized four data points in the year leading up to the Olympics to assess the changes in residents’ perceptions of the impacts of the event over time. These changes were evaluated in light of residents’ support for the event. A factor analysis reduced the fifteen impact statements into three factors: Benefits, Local Problems, and External Problems. Residents were segmented according to their assessment of the event impacts, resulting in three clusters: Supporters, Cynics, and Realists. Proximity to the main event location also was evaluated since this variable has had mixed results in previous resident studies.
Results showed that resident perceptions varied over time, thus providing support for monitoring residents over multiple time periods. In addition, residents’ support and residents’ plans to attend the event were contributing factors in the assessment of the Benefits and Local Problems. Supporters, Cynics, and Realists demonstrated significant differences over time in their assessment of External Problems, and proximity to the event was found to be a significant factor in residents’ assessment of Local Problems. / Ph. D.
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Copa do Mundo FIFA 2014 no Brasil: da regulação do território às ações voltadas ao turismo / 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil: from regulation to actions aimed at tourismRamos, Savanna da Rosa 02 August 2019 (has links)
Os megaeventos, que são, e foram no Brasil, a bola da vez, não são fatos novos e carregam especificidades em função do momento de sua realização, que envolvem contextos sociais diferentes a cada época e em cada lugar. Esta tese analisa a Copa do Mundo FIFA 2014, tomando-a como objeto de pesquisa e considerando sua relação com o turismo a partir de uma perspectiva espacial. Dadas as características dos espaços globais que se realizam no plano local (SANTOS,1994), procuramos analisar a forma como regulações específicas foram propostas pelo Estado para a realização desse megaevento, em consonância com interesses privados; além disso, consideramos o estabelecimento de um estado de emergência onde uma legislação de exceção foi criada a fim de comportar demandas da entidade FIFA e do próprio Estado. Ao definirmos os principais sujeitos, o Estado Brasileiro, a FIFA e as entidades privadas, especificamente, no setor de meios de hospedagem, questionamos como esse megaevento impactou o setor de turismo no Brasil, considerando as cidades-sede contempladas pelo ProCopa Turismo, a saber: Porto Alegre, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, Recife, Natal e Fortaleza. Logo, o objetivo principal desta tese consistiu na análise da relação entre o megaevento Copa do Mundo, a regulação do território atrelada ao mesmo e a promoção do turismo no Brasil, em especial o segmento da hotelaria nas cidades-sede que tiveram acesso ao programa de governo ProCopa Turismo. Como caminho analítico, procuramos identificar e analisar o conjunto de normas voltadas à realização da Copa no Brasil, analisar o desenvolvimento do turismo considerando o dimensionamento de fluxos e a expansão do setor hoteleiro; apreender o contexto politico das ações que orientaram a realização do megaevento no Brasil. Fundamentando-nos por investigações documentais e bibliográficas fez-se necessário o levantamento de documentos de ordem jurídica, relacionados com a normatização do megaevento e do turismo. Operacionalmente, utilizamos o mapeamento temático cartográfico como recurso analítico. Com isso, chegamos a resultados que permitiram apreender relações contraditórias que se expressaram no objeto de análise. Destacamos o fato de as cidades localizadas na região litorânea terem sido beneficiadas em relação ao recebimento de infraestruturas para o turismo, confirmando nossa hipótese de que o fomento ao turismo viabilizado pela Copa contribuiu para reforçar a concentração espacial de infraestruturas turísticas já muito evidente no território brasileiro. Este megaevento foi estratégico para viabilizar planos bem mais ousados e socialmente pouco eficientes do governo federal, servindo de instrumento para efetivar projetos urbanos que incluíssem mudanças em infraestrutura, econômicas e jurídicolegislativas nos países que os sediam, conforme afirmado por Vainer (2000), Oliveira (2015) e Cruz (2018). / Mega-events, which are, and were in Brazil, \"under the spotlight\", are not new facts and have specific characteristics depending on the moment they are held, which involve different social contexts at each time and place. This dissertation analyzes the 2014 FIFA World Cup, taking it as an object of research and considering its relationship with tourism from a spatial perspective. Given the characteristics of the global spaces that are held locally (SANTOS, 1994), we try to analyze how specific regulations were proposed by the State for holding this mega-event, in consonance with private interests. In addition, we consider the establishment of a state of emergency where exception legislation was created in order to comply with the demands of FIFA and the State itself. When defining the main subjects, the Brazilian State, FIFA and private entities, specifically in the hospitality sector, we question how this mega-event impacted the tourism industry in Brazil, considering the host cities included in the program ProCopa Turismo, namely: Porto Alegre, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, Recife, Natal and Fortaleza. Therefore, the main objective of this dissertation was to analyze the relation between the mega-event World Cup, the regulation of the territory linked to it and the promotion of tourism in Brazil, especially the hositality sector in the host cities included in the government program ProCopa Tourism. As an analytical path, we seek to identify and analyze the set of rules aimed at the World Cup in Brazil, analyze the development of tourism considering the dimensioning of flows and the expansion of the hospitality sector; to understand the political context of the actions that guided this mega-event in Brazil. Based on documentary and bibliographic researches, it was necessary to collect legal documents related to the regulation of this mega-event and tourism. Operationally, cartographic thematic mapping was used as an analytical resource. Results obtained allowed to understand contradictory relations that were expressed in the object of analysis. We highlight the fact that cities located in the coastal region have benefited from the receipt of tourist infrastructure, confirming our hypothesis that the promotion of tourism made feasible by the World Cup helped to increase the spatial concentration of tourist infrastructure already very evident in the Brazilian territory. This mega-event was strategic to make feasible the much more daring and socially inefficient plans of the federal government, serving as an instrument to implement urban projects that included infrastructure, economic and legal-legislative changes in the host countries, as stated by Vainer (2000), Oliveira (2015) and Cruz (2018).
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Mega Events As A Place Marketing Strategy In Entrepreneurial Cities: Stakeholder Analysis Of Izmir Expo 2015 CandidacyEdizel, Hayriye Ozlem 01 June 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Starting with the 1970s, cities have found themselves in a trouble which is caused by economic changes, technological improvements and local-global power shifts. Under the impact of these changes, cities have started to act as independent units and try to get a higher their position in the hierarchical system of the globalised world. Therefore, competition started between cities other than states and entreprenurial strategies are developed by local governments and actors for sustaing local economic development. One of the most popular place marketing strategies, mega-events such as EXPO, Olympic Games are considered as a valuable instrument to promote a region as a tourist destination, business location, and an attractive place to live and work. This study investigates an understanding of how to use a mega event as a tool in the place marketing strategy and building up entrepreneurial governance by examining the stakeholder organization of Izmir EXPO 2015 candidacy period. The research analyzes the approaches of different stakeholders of Izmir to EXPO opportunity and the impact of bidding on the stakeholder organization of Izmir. The most important conclusion of the study is that collaborative study of stakeholders can help to build up the entrprenurial city even if the city does not host a mega event.
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A terceira modernidade urbana e o setor terciário : como Porto Alegre (RS, Brasil) está se preparando para receber a copa do mundo de 2014Dadda, Mariana Aita January 2014 (has links)
Atualmente estamos atravessando um momento único na história do país. Além da estabilidade econômica que gera visibilidade e credibilidade mundial ao Brasil, estamos às vésperas de realizar o maior evento esportivo do planeta: a Copa do Mundo FIFA de Futebol. O futebol é um esporte de grande repercussão – chamado de paixão nacional no Brasil – o que gera grandes expectativas sobre o Megaevento, principalmente pela questão econômica. Além de todos os interesses que cercam a realização deste evento, os cidadãos envolvidos com o Setor Terciário (que abrange atividades comerciais, prestação de serviços, turismo e entretenimento) são os mais otimistas frente à realização do mesmo. Este setor da economia, que cada vez emprega mais pessoas, vem mudando seu perfil desde a década de 70, e a diversidade dos serviços atualmente oferecidos está diretamente relacionada com a mudança do perfil urbano das grandes cidades. A respeito disto, vários autores vêm escrevendo a respeito das modificações ocorridas na dinâmica das metrópoles, como por exemplo Ascher (2004) e Santos (1999), entre outros, que destacam em suas obras a crescente importância da tecnologia no cotidiano, as facilidades de comunicação, informação e mobilidade, o aprimoramento constante da ciência e a consequente modificação da noção de limites espaciais e temporais. Algumas obras já chegam a denominar o nível de complexidade que atingiu o Setor Terciário nas grandes metrópoles de Terciário Superior ou Quaternário, tamanho o ineditismo que foi alcançado neste aspecto atualmente. Para se referir a estes novos processos urbanos, usaremos neste trabalho a denominação Terceira Modernidade Urbana, de Ascher (2004, p. 28), para que haja um destaque deste momento frente aos anteriores. Focando os estudos em Porto Alegre, procura-se aqui encontrar as evidências desta Terceira Modernidade Urbana na capital gaúcha. E, sendo esta uma das 12 cidades-sede da Copa do Mundo no Brasil, objetiva-se verificar também como o Setor Terciário da cidade está se preparando para atender um público global, e qual a expectativa do mesmo sobre o legado que o Megaevento vai deixar para o Setor. / We are currently going through a unique moment in the country's history. Besides economic stability that generates global visibility and credibility to Brazil, we are on the verge of realizing the greatest sporting event on the planet: the FIFA World Cup. The football is a sport of great impact - called national passion in Brazil - which generates great expectations about the mega event, mainly for economic question. Besides all the interests that surround this event, citizens involved in the Tertiary Section (covering commercial activities, services, tourism and entertainment) are the most optimistic ahead to achievement the same. This section of the economy, which increasingly employs more people, is changing its profile since the 70s, and the diversity of services currently offered is directly related to the changing profile of the urban cities. In this regard, several authors have been writing about the alterations in the dynamics of metropolises such as Ascher (2004) and Santos (1999), among others, in his works that highlight the growing importance of technology in everyday life, the facilities communication, information and mobility, the constant improvement of science and the consequent modification of the notion of spatial and temporal boundaries. Some works have come to signify the level of complexity that hit the Tertiary Section in the large cities of Upper Tertiary and Quaternary, the unprecedented size has been achieved in this regard today. To refer to these new urban processes, this work will use the term Third Urban Modernity, of Ascher (2004, p. 28), to this moment to have highlighted a compared to others. Focusing on studies in Porto Alegre, seeks to find evidence of this here Third Urban Modernity in the state capital. And, this being one of 12 host cities for the World Cup in Brazil, aims to verify how well the Tertiary Section of the city is preparing to serve a global public, and what is the expectation of the same on the legacy that the mega event will leave the section.
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