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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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呂昆娣 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之主要研究目的在於探討我國綜合高中之課程規劃與實施之現況、相關問題及具體改進建議,包含綜合高中教育基本理念之相關問題、課程規劃之相關問題以及課程實施之相關問題三個部分。為達成上述研究目的,研究者採用文獻分析法以及問卷調查法;首先探討課程規劃與實施的理論基礎與相關研究; 接著探討我國辦理綜合高中的相關理論基礎與研究;之後分析美國、英國與我國綜合高中的沿革與發展現況;最後編制『我國綜合高中課程規劃與實施現況問題之分析研究問卷』,針對2003學年度接受教育部綜合高中輔導訪視150所學校進行調查研究;然後依問卷回收後分析之結果,建議我國綜合高中課程規劃與實施可行之改進途徑,以提供相關單位決策及後續之研究。 本研究之問卷調查對象以學程主任、學科召集人、承辦綜合高中業務之組長或教務主任以及輔導人員為母群體。首先在學校部分進行普查,而學校相關教師樣本之取得則採取隨機抽樣而來,共抽取150所學校,900位教師,回收有效樣本為530份,問卷資料處理採用SPSS10.0版進行統計分析。 據此,研究者係將本研究之調查結果發現與文獻探討發現作成結論如下: 一、綜合高中教育基本理念未能落實 (一)就編班方面來說:學校未能落實高一不分流及依意願分類編班。 (二)就開始教授專業科目的時間來說:有部分的學校未能在「高二上」實行,高一未進行性向試探及輔導,即開始教授專業科目。 (三)就規劃綜合高中課程的主體來說:部分學校未能透過「該科老師於教學研究會時參與討論」之後,經由「課發會」進行協調,再由校務會議通過後實行。 (四)就各類課程及各學程課程之規劃經何種會議討論通過方面來說:仍有學校相關人員對此議題不甚清楚。 (五)就一年級職業試探課程之實施方式方面來說:仍有學校「未開設」或直接教授專業科目。 (六)就『高一不分流』、『提供多元課程』、『學生適性選課』這幾方面來說:各校由於理念不清,學校在各面向均自覺已符合綜合高中相關精神。 (七)就二、三年級學生選課之方式來說:仍有學校抱持選學程不能選課的觀念。 二、綜合高中課程規劃之意見調查分析 (一)就校訂必修科目數為多少學分數來說:仍有學校理念不清,將校訂必修學分數視為學程概念或「不清楚」,甚而無校訂必修科目。 (二)課程規劃以升學導向為主:課程規劃仍有考試領導課程規劃的情形。 (三)就學校在修訂或調整綜合高中課程時的決定主體方面來說:仍有學校決定主體未能落實綜合高中相關理念。 (四)就課程發展委員會之成員方面來說:學校課程發展委員會的家長代表及學者代表比例仍低。 (五)就生涯規劃課程由誰擔任方面來說:學校仍有配課的情形產生,未能給予學生專業的輔導。 (六)就規劃空白課程之單位以及學生遇空白課程時,負責到班或活動地點的負責老師方面而言:學校多數以「教務處」為主。 三、綜合高中課程實施之意見調查分析 (一)就學生空白課程節數方面而言:學校對綜合高中的理念並不清楚,因此大部分學校並無空白課程的實施。 (二)就學生改選科目方面的主要程序方面而言:學校輔導機制並未落實。 (三)就學生課表中之科目包含哪些類而言:課程的實施仍受限於升學導向的限制。 (四)就一年級學生說明有關綜合高中理念與具體做法之方式而言:學校便宜行事,使效果不彰。 本研究根據文獻探討、調查研究發現與結論作成以下建議: 一、強化綜合高中教育基本理念 (一)宣導綜合高中理念 (二)正確瞭解空白課程及職業試探的意義 二、綜合高中課程規劃之意見調查分析 (一)課程之規劃本著學校本位課程之精神,除教師積極參與之外,宜增加學者專家、社區及家長之意見 (二)課程規劃時,增加學生課程選修空間 (三)輔導人員需加強瞭解課程之規劃,以利輔導 (四)規劃空白課程及職業試探課程 (五)除升學及檢定科目之外,宜兼重人文素養之科目 三、綜合高中課程實施之意見調查分析 (一)豐富空白課程之內容及職業試探的廣度 (二)處室之間密切合作 (三)接受教育改革挑戰,行政上不宜方便行事 / The main purpose of this study was to explore the current situation, related issues and concrete suggestions of the curriculum planning and the curriculum implementation of Comprehensive High Schools in Taiwan. This study had three parts: the related issues of basic educational ideals of Comprehensive High Schools, the curriculum planning and the curriculum implementation. To achieve above-mentioned goal, the researcher adopted literature review and questionnaire survey as research methods. First, the theories and related researches of the curriculum planning and implementation were reviewed, and then the development and current situation of Comprehensive High Schools in America, England and Taiwan were discussed. Finally the researcher made “Current Problems Analysis of the Curriculum Planning and Implementation of Comprehensive High Schools in Taiwan Questionnaire” and took 150 schools interviewed and guided by the Ministry of Education in 2003 as samples to conduct the survey. According to the result of analyzing these questionnaires, suggestions of the improvement about Comprehensive High Schools in Taiwan were offered for related authorities' execution and the following researches. The investigation took heads of programs, heads of subjects, the section chiefs or directors of academic affairs who are responsible for the affairs of the Comprehensive High School and the counselors. 900 teachers in 150 schools were randomly chosen as research samples and 530 valid copies were retrieved. The questionnaires were analyzed by conducting SPSS10.0 statistic software. The conclusion according to the result of this survey and findings of literature review are as follows, 1.The Incomplete Implementation of Educational Ideals of Comprehensive High Schools (1)Class Assignment:The implementation of integrating the academic and vocational programs for the first-grade students was incomplete and students were not grouped according their willing. (2)The Beginning Time to Teach the Professional Subjects:Students didn’t learn the professional subjects in the first semester of their second-grade years but during their first-grade yeas without accepting the aptitude tests. (3)The Subjectivity to Planning the Curriculum of Comprehensive High Schools:The implementation of the Curriculum didn’t follow the procedures of subject teachers’ discussion in the teaching committee, negotiation in the curriculum development committee and approval in the school affair conference. (4)The Conferences to Discuss and Approve the Curriculum of Different Programs:Some school staff didn't realize it clearly. (5)The Implementation of the Occupation Exploration Curriculum for the First-grade Students:Some schools didn’t provide it or taught students the subjects directly. (6)The Academic and Vocational Programs Integration during Students’ first year in High School, the Multiple Curriculum Offering and Adaptive Course Election:Schools had vague ideal and didn’t correspond to the spirits of the Comprehensive High School. (7)Curriculum Election for the Second and Third-Grade Students:Students couldn’t elect courses but programs. 2.The Analysis of the Survey about the Curriculum Planning of the Comprehensive High School (1)The Credits of the School Required Subjects:Some schools regarded the credits of school required subjects as the level of programs, ill-defined or not established. (2)The Exam-oriented Curriculum Planning:The curriculum planning relied on the exams. (3)The Subjectivity Deciding the Revision and Adjustment of the Curriculum of the Comprehensive High School:Some couldn’t put the ideal of Comprehensive High School into practice. (4)The Members of the Curriculum Development Committee:The participation rate of the representatives of parents and scholars in the curriculum development committee was low. (5)The Teachers Responsible for the Career Planning Curriculum:The career planning curricula were taught by teachers of different subjects and students didn't accept the professional counseling and guidance. (6)The Responsible Administration and Teachers of the Alternative Learning Period:The offices of academic affairs in schools were assigned. 3.The Analysis of the Survey about the Curriculum Implementation of the Comprehensive High School (1)The Number of Students' Alternative Learning Periods:Most school didn’t provide the null learning periods. (2)The Main Procedures of Students’ changing elective subjects:The counseling and guidance mechanism were not put into practice. (3)The Dimensions of the Subjects:The implementation of the curriculum was confined to the exam-orientation. (4)The Announcement to the First-grade students about the Ideal and Concrete Methods of the Comprehensive High School:The schools acted in haste and it turned out inefficiency. Suggestions according to the literature review, findings of the survey and the conclusion are as follows, 1.Strengthening the ideals of the Comprehensive High School (1) announcement of the ideal of the Comprehensive High School (2) to realize the meanings of the alternative learning periods and the occupation exploration curriculum 2.The Analysis of the survey of the Curriculum Planning of the Comprehensive High School (1)the curriculum planning according to the spirit of the school-based curriculum, teachers’ active participation and scholars, communities and parents’ suggestions adopted (2)flexibility of students’ selecting the elective courses (3)counselors’ deeper realization about the curriculum planning. (4)planning the alternative learning periods and the occupation exploration curriculum (5)emphasizing the subjects for the entrance examination, skill tests and humanities cultivation at the same time 3.The Analysis of the survey of the Curriculum Implementation of the Comprehensive High School (1)enriching the content of the alternative learning periods and broadening the occupation exploration (2)the close cooperation among offices in school (3)taking the challenges of educational reform

企業管理碩士班學術英文課程與教學個案研究:以台灣某科技大學為例 / A case study on EAP curriculum and instruction in graduate business administration programs in Taiwan

林美瑩, Lin, Mei Ying Unknown Date (has links)
英語在貿易、科技等領域為當今國際交流的主要語言,更是學術界之主要溝通媒介,在台灣高等教育亦是如此。本研究旨在探討企業管理碩士班學術英文課程規劃之現況,以台灣某科技大學之企業管理所及國際企業管理所為對象,採問卷、課室觀察、訪談之研究方式,從教師及學生的觀點深入評析97、98學年度兩所的學術英文課程規劃、實施現況、學生的學術英文需求、及學生自評之學術英文能力。從兩所學生回收的有效問卷共98份,篩選後的學生訪談者共14位。兩位授課教師的訪談則分別於97、98學年度各進行一次。問卷結果採描述性統計加以敘述分析,課室觀察及訪談結果則以持續比較法(constant comparison method)進行分析。研究結果顯示兩所之課程規劃均注重培養教師及學生的學術英文能力;雖教師方面含海外師訓、定期教學研討會,然全英授課課程之師資來源為一困難。學生方面則從招生至畢業規定,均將促進語文能力納入整體課程規劃中。教師在教學、教材選擇、評量方面均致力培養學生的學術英文能力。學生的學術英文需求特別注重術語、讀、口語溝通、上台報告之能力,然本土文化之知識極待加強。學生普遍自評學術英文能力普通或不佳。本研究結果為商管學術英文課程規劃者及研究者提供了一個全面性的參考資料。 / English is the main lingua franca for international communication in fields such as business and technology; it is also the major medium in teaching and learning. This phenomenon has a significant impact on higher education in Taiwan. This study aimed to probe into the status quo of EAP (English for Academic Purposes) curriculum design in graduate business administration programs. An MBA and an IMBA program at a national university of science and technology in Taiwan was targeted. Questionnaires, classroom observation, and semi-structured interviews were adopted as research instruments. Teachers’ and students’ perspectives of the curriculum design, implementation, students’ EAP needs, and students’ self-evaluated EAP abilities in the academic years of 2008 and 2009 were investigated. A total of 98 valid questionnaires were collected, and 14 student interviewees were selected. Two teachers were first interviewed in the academic year of 2008, and again in 2009, respectively. The analysis of questionnaires was conducted through descriptive statistics, while the qualitative data was analyzed by constant comparison method. Results of this study indicated that the two programs included nurturing teachers’ and students’ EAP abilities in the curriculum design. For teachers, overseas teacher training and regular teaching seminars were provided. However, finding teachers to teach English-medium courses presented a difficulty. Developing students’ language abilities was included in the overall curriculum design, from admission to graduation regulations. Teachers were committed to cultivating students’ EAP abilities in instructional practices, material selection, and evaluation. The EAP needs of terminology, reading, oral communication, and presentation abilities were particularly valued. Nonetheless, students’ knowledge of local culture needed to be strengthened. Students generally rated their EAP abilities average or below average. In sum, this study may be of importance in improving EAP curriculum design in graduate business programs in future.

澳門本土美術欣賞課程資源的開發 / Exploration of local resources for the curriculum of art appreciation in Macao

鄭桂卿 January 2004 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

澳門小學品德教育課程政策的脈絡研究 = The context analysis of personal and social development curriculum policy in primary school of Macau / Context analysis of personal and social development curriculum policy in primary school of Macau

方炳隆 January 2000 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

澳門小學自然科學課程架構之基礎研究 / Foundational study of the structure of primary natural science curriculum in Macao

鄺耀忠 January 2003 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

澳門中學學校本位課程發展研究 / Study on school-based curriculum development in secondary schools of Macau

林志偉 January 2003 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

澳門中等職業技術教育課程的規劃研究 / Study on the curriculum planning of Macau's intermediate technical-professional education

李耀明 January 2003 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

中學生主體參與的 教案小組 探索研究 / Exploratory study of secondary school students' participation in the making of the unit plan

談光耀 January 2002 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

如何通過音樂課程的合理設計來提高學生學習的興趣 / How to increase students' interest rowards the study of music by rationalizing curriculum design

陶然 January 2004 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

教師進行課程統整改革之個案研究 : 以大學與小學合作下的常識科為例 / Case study on teachers' implementation of integrated curricculum reform : an example of general studies with university-school's collaboration

王鳳影 January 2011 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

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