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台北縣國中教師校內同儕回饋方式與教師專業成長之關係研究王春生, Wang, Chun-sheng Unknown Date (has links)
研究所別:教育研究所 指導教授:邱錦昌博士
論文題目:台北縣國中教師校內同儕回饋 研 究 生:王 春 生
摘 要
壹、 同儕回饋次數與專業成長的關係
貳、 基本資料對同儕回饋與專業成長的影響
參、 同儕回饋對專業成長的助益
關鍵詞:同儕回饋、專業成長 / Abstract
The purpose of this study was to analyze and discuss the positive influence of the ways of peer feedback activities that junior high schools in Taipei County had developed on teachers’ professional growths. The research methods of the research were literature review and questionnaire survey. The Educational bureau of Taipei county divided all its junior high schools into nine big areas. The parent population is junior high school teachers now in-service in Taipei county ( including teachers with double positions ). 450 junior high school teachers were sampled by stratified random sampling, which of the 419 were put into statistics. The raw data collected above were analyzed by percentage frequency distribution, F-test, and posteriori comparisons. Finally, inducing the conclusions as follows:
First.The relationships between the frequency of peer feedback and profession growths
No matter how many times the teachers join homeroom teachers’ meeting,
teaching demonstration, and teaching for learning areas workshop, they would
have no positive influence on promoting these three profession growths ( including instructional ability, the classroom management, professional responsibilities ).
Secondary.The influences of background variables on peer feedback and profession growths
The influences of peer feedback on profession growths were significantly different among levels of six independent variables respectively, including gender, position, service-years, school size, and school location.
Third.The positive influences of peer feedback on profession growths
a.Teaching demonstration and teaching for learning areas workshop, these two ways of peer feedback were the most helpful in promoting Instructional ability.
b.Homeroom teachers’ meeting, this way of peer feedback was the most helpful in in promoting the classroom management.
c.Teaching for learning areas workshop, this way of peer feedback was the most helpful in promoting professional responsibilities.
The reason was that teachers thought this kind of peer feedback was nothing but task-allocation or commandment-delivery.
Keywords:Peer feedback activities, Professional growth.
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利用同儕網路實現互動式的網路電台 / PeerIIR: Peer-to-Peer interactive Internet radio system謝東諺 Unknown Date (has links)
同儕網路(Peer-to-Peer Network)是近年來最熱門的研究領域之一。在此篇論文中,我們利用同儕網路設計了一個互動式的網路電台,其名稱叫做PeerIIR。有別於傳統的網路電台多半是單向的傳輸系統,我們結合了網路電話的技術實現了可以讓許多人互動的網路電台。電台主持人可以邀請其他的共同主持人來一同主持節目。而收聽節目的聽眾,也可以call-in給節目主持人。
然而,在主持人、共同主持人或call-in的人同時講話的時候,會同時產生多條聲音串流來佔用網路頻寬。為了解決這個問題,在節目的主持人只有一個人時,我們會建立樹狀的拓樸來傳送我們的封包。然而,當有多個主持人或是有人Call-in給節目主持人時,我們會透過distributed mixer negotiation的演算法, 在我們所設置的PeerIIR伺服器之間建立樹狀的架構,以分散式地合成聲音串流,達到節省網路頻寬的目的。最後也透過了一連串的實驗模擬來證明我們所設計的系統確實能夠在反應延遲、頻寬負荷上達到好的效能。 / Peer-to-Peer (P2P) applications are popular recently and have become one of the hottest research topics. The participants share their resources (such as processing power, disk storage, and network bandwidth) in the P2P architecture. In this thesis, we design and implement an Interactive Internet Radio system using the P2P approach, called PeerIIR. Different from the traditional radio system which can just broadcast the voice streams to its audience, the PeerIIR utilizes the Voice-over-Internet-Protocol (VoIP) features to make the live interaction between the program host and the audience possible. The program host can invite co-hosts to talk in the program. The audience can also use call-in service to talk with the hosts.
However, when the host, co-hosts, and calliners are speaking at the same time, they will produce multiple streams which need to deliver to all the audience on the system. This could consume the network bandwidth inefficiently, or even exhaust the link capacity of the audience. Thus, how to process multiple streams produced at the same time and to deliver to all the audience efficiently is the key issue. When there are only one program host producing the audio stream, a distribution tree is built to distribute it. If there are co-hosts or calliners speaking, a distributed mixer negotiation algorithm is performed to build a voice mixing tree among PeerIIR servers. Therefore the audio streams are mixed distributedly and step by step along the mixing tree to save transmission bandwidth. The results from series of simulation show that the performance for response time and link/node stress is enhanced compared with some related works.
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大學生自尊、同儕關係對復原力與幸福感的影響 / The effect of self-esteem and friendship on resilience and well-being for college students朱玲慧, Chu, Ling Hui Unknown Date (has links)
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父母管教方式、同儕關係與青少年價值觀關係之研究 / The study of the relationships between adolescents values, parenting style and associates relations of adolescents陳慧蓉 Unknown Date (has links)
九、「同儕關係」對青少年的「生理價值觀」、「心理價值觀」、「人際價值觀」、「情感價值觀」、「道 德價值觀」及「人生價值觀」之預測力从1.9%至24.2%之間。
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同儕師徒制與國際學生在台學習及適應之研究 / Peer mentorship and international student adjustment to life and studies in Taiwan喬笆蒂, Jobarteh, Fatou Unknown Date (has links)
This research explored the relationship between peer mentorship and international student adjustment to life and studies in Taiwan. Questionnaires were drafted and sent to participants via email, and physically. The hypotheses explored the relationship between peer mentorship and international student adjustment to life and studies in Taiwan; informal peer mentorship vs. higher mentorship functions/satisfaction; and Taiwanese peer mentors vs. higher mentorship functions/satisfaction. Independent samples Tests were used to test the hypotheses. However, the test results did not accept any of the proposed hypotheses. Perhaps peer mentorship is not positively related to international adjustment, or perhaps the research is missing something.
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兒童在同儕對話中的拒絕策略 / Children's Refusal Strategy in Peer Talk鍾易儒, Jong, Yih Ru Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討孩童在同儕對話中所使用的拒絕策略,以及說話者及聽者的性別對於拒絕策略選擇之影響。研究語料來自兩人或三人一組的孩童在玩耍時的對話,孩童的年紀在四歲七個月到五歲十個月之間。本研究主要採用Beebe等人所提供的拒絕策略分類,研究結果發現,孩童在同儕對話中使用較多的間接拒絕策略(70%),這也顯示出孩童避免與同儕產生正面衝突,並且努力維護彼此間的友誼。在所有策略中,孩童最常使用的是簡單否定(simple negation: 31.8%)以及提供理由(reason: 26.7%);此外,在這個年紀的孩童在一次拒絕中,大多只使用一種拒絕策略。
而在性別的影響方面,則發現在同性別的互動中,女生比男生使用了更多的直接拒絕策略;此外,與在同性別互動中的表現相比,女生在不同性別的互動中變得更直接,而男生則變得較委婉。研究也發現,孩童會根據不同性別選擇特定的拒絕策略,例如,男生較常對女生使用非語言性的迴避策略(nonverbal avoidance)。本研究中討論了造成此現象可能的原因,像是中國文化中女人的角色、家長對不同性別孩童的教育方式,和不同性別的孩童之間友誼的強弱等等。總而言之,研究發現不論是說話者的性別或者聽者的性別都會對拒絕策略的選擇造成一定的影響。 / This study aims to explore children’s refusal performance in peer talk and how speakers’ and interlocutors’ genders influence their choice of refusal strategies. The natural conversations produced by dyads of triads of children aged from 4;7 to 5;10 were used for analysis. The refusal strategies adopted in this study are mainly based on Beebe et al. (1990)’s category. The results showed that children applied much more indirect refusal strategies (70%) than direct ones (30%) when refusing their peers, which indicates that they tried to avoid confrontation and make efforts to maintain their friendship. Among the strategies, children tended to employ simple negation (31.8%) and reason (26.7%) most frequently. In addition, children at this age applied only one refusal strategy in a refusal most of the time.
As for the influence of gender, it is observed that in same-gender interactions, girls used more direct strategies than boys. In addition, in cross-gender interactions, girls became more direct while boys were more indirect than in same-gender interaction. Moreover, children tended to choose certain strategy when refusing others of different gender; for example, boys used a lot more nonverbal avoidance when refusing girls than boys. Possible reasons such as women’s role in Chinese culture, children’s intensity of friendship between different gender, and parent’s educational style were discussed in the study in order to explain the gender differences. The findings, therefore, suggest that both speakers’ and interlocutors’ genders play an important role in children’s choice of refusal strategies.
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同儕效果對醫師處方行為之影響—以精神分裂症為例 / Is doctor's prescribing behavior affected by peer effect? Evidence from Schizophrenia treatment.龔芳玉, Kung, Fangyu Unknown Date (has links)
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高中生同儕回饋對作文表現的影響 / The effect of peer feedback on high school students' writing performance李榮哲, Lee, June Che Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:同儕回饋、範文寫作、作文表現 / The main purpose of this study was to explore the effects of the “peer feedback writing instruction model” developed by the researcher on the writing performance of senior high school students. This peer feedback model was constructed based on the cognitive processing writing model and the the social interaction model, and some peer evaluation theories.
The teaching experiment lasted for eleven weeks, in which the quasi-experimental nonequivalent pretest-posttest theories were applied. Participants were juniors in three different classes of a national senior high school in Hsin-Chu County. Students in Class One and Class Two participated as the peer-feedback group, which was further divided into two subgroups: the feedback-receiving group and the feedback-giving group. Students in Class Three participated as the control group, which was also the model-essay group.
Listed below were analyses of the experimental data with reference to students' writings:
1.In the experiment, the pretest was set as covariance. To investigate the influence of independent variable on the dependent variable(posttest) , one-way ANCOVA statistics was conducted after exclusion of pretest-difference.
2.After the teaching experiment, a feedback-questionnaire survey on how the participatns perceived their writing performance is carried out. One-way ANOVA is applied for every question among different groups.
The results of the study were as follows:
1.Overall writing performance of students in the feedback-receiving and feeback-giving groups was significantly better than the model-essay group. For self-perception of the improvement in writing ability, the feedback-giving group also scored higher than the model-essay group.
2.In terms of improvement in overall writing performance, no significant difference was found between the feedback-receiving and feedback-giving groups.
3.Classwise, Class One benefited most from peer-feedback and hence made the most improvement in writing performance.
4.As far as structure organization in writing is concerned, Class Two students in the feedback-giving group performed better than students in the feedback-receiving group.
The study results showed that the peer feedback model has a positive effect on the writing performance of senior high school students. Peer interaction and peer feedback of good quality stimulate students into learning, and hence improve their writing performance.
keywords:peer feedback、writing with model essay、 writing performances
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台北巿國中學生人格特質、同儕影響、家庭因素與吸煙行為關係之研究胡幼光, HU, YOU-GUANG Unknown Date (has links)
具為:(一)人格特質量表。此量表係參照美國學者Cattell 所編製之High School Re
rsonality Questionnaire 修訂而成,原問卷之適用年齡為十二至十八歲。(二)自編
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學齡前融合教育班級師生及同儕互動之研究-以台北縣一所公立幼稚園教師經驗為例 / The interaction between teachers and students in an inclusive preschool classroom: a case study from preschool teacher perspective邱椽茵, Chiu, Chuan Yin Unknown Date (has links)
綜合上述研究發現,對於學齡前融合教育的實施,本研究提出具體建議,在特殊教育需求幼兒與一般幼兒之間的互動方面:安排能力較佳且有意願的一般幼兒協助特殊教育需求幼兒進行學習活動、教導解決衝突的策略,以減少負向行為、教導特殊教育需求幼兒與他人互動的方法,並鼓勵他勇於嘗試。在特殊教育需求幼兒與教師之間的互動方面:教學活動時間,兩位教師應盡可能同時參與,以協助特殊教育需求幼兒進行學習,增加互動機會、營造特殊教育需求幼兒主動進行互動的機會。 / The study aims to explore the state of teacher-student and peer interaction in inclusive preschool class setting using a qualitative analysis method focusing on a public inclusive preschool classroom in Taipei County as the research site, with data gathered through a partially participated observation and teacher interviews, to further examine the interaction between preschoolers with special education needs and general preschoolers, and the interaction between preschoolers with special education needs and teachers.
The study found that the interaction between preschoolers with special education needs and general preschoolers tends to take place with positive, nonverbal behaviors, while preschoolers with special education needs tend to be more passive in interactive behavior, and the content of interaction is largely related to game or learning activities, but negative, nonverbal aggressive behavior can appear under a conflict scenario. The interactive behavior between preschoolers with special education needs and teachers tends to take place with positive, verbal behavior, and is often coordinated with nonverbal behavior, where the content of interaction is largely related to the special needs and teaching activities of preschoolers with special education needs; in the progression of interactive behavior, the teacher is more active, whereas in help seeking behavior, preschoolers with special education needs tend to enact an interaction-triggering role. While factors that affect the interactive behavior include: the personality attributes of preschoolers with special education needs, the capability of preschoolers with special education needs, the attitude and guidance of the teacher, and the personality attributes of general preschoolers. As a whole, at the site where the study is conducted, the interaction of preschoolers with special education needs tends to lean towards interactive with adults, while the phenomenon is less seen in the interaction with general preschoolers.
In recapping the foresaid study findings, when implementing the inclusive preschool education, the study presents a tangible recommendation on the interaction between preschools with special education needs and general preschoolers that it is feasible to arrange general preschoolers with better capability and are willing to facilitate preschools with special education needs to engage in learning activities, spearhead them to conflict-solving strategies, which would help to reduce negative behavior, and show preschoolers with special education needs the means to interact with others, as well as encourage them to try. In the aspect of interaction between preschoolers with special education needs and teacher, it is recommendable that during the time of teaching activities, it is best for two teachers to participate at the same time to facilitate preschoolers with special education needs to engage in learning, enhance the interactive opportunities, and create the opportunity for motivating preschoolers with special education needs to engage in interaction.
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