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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

大學生自尊、同儕關係對復原力與幸福感的影響 / The effect of self-esteem and friendship on resilience and well-being for college students

朱玲慧, Chu, Ling Hui Unknown Date (has links)
為了解我國大學生之自尊、同儕關係與復原力及幸福感之間的關係,乃以北、中、南三區之大學生887人為研究對象,運用個人基本資料、自尊量表、大學生同儕關係量表、青少年復原力量表以及中國人幸福感量表等研究工具,獲得所需資料,再以描述性統計、T考驗、皮爾遜積差相關、多元逐步回歸分析及調節迴歸分析等統計方法進行分析。結果發現: 1.大學生整體復原力大致良好,且在「同理心與人際互動」的復原力表現尤佳,在「情緒調節」的復原力表現則最差。而大學生的整體幸福感則呈現尚可的狀況。 2.不同性別的大學生,其整體復原力並沒有顯著的差異存在,僅在「同理心與人際互動」與「情緒調節」兩向度的復原力表現上有顯著的差異存在。而其整體幸福感並沒有顯著的差異存在。 3.大學生的自尊、同儕關係與復原力及幸福感之間有顯著的中度正相關的關係存在。 4.男女大學生之「自尊」與「整體同儕關係」兩者皆能夠有效預測其「整體復原力」以及「同理心與人際互動」、「希望與樂觀」與「問題解決與成熟」的復原力表現;且各預測變項之預測程度皆以「自尊」的預測程度為最高。 5.僅「自尊」能夠預測男女大學生之「情緒調節」復原力表現,唯預測程度並不高;且在女大學生的預測程度較男大學生為高。 6.男女大學生之「自尊」及「整體同儕關係」兩者皆能夠有效預測其「整體幸福感」;且各預測變項之預測程度皆以「自尊」為最高。 7.男女大學生的復原力及幸福感之間,有顯著的中度正相關的關係存在。 8.男女大學生整體復原力的強弱,在自尊與幸福感間以及同儕關係與幸福感間,皆未扮演了調節的作用。 最後,根據研究所得結果,針對大學生、學校及未來研究提出積極建議。

父母管教方式、同儕關係與青少年價值觀關係之研究 / The study of the relationships between adolescents values, parenting style and associates relations of adolescents

陳慧蓉 Unknown Date (has links)
為瞭解北台灣地區青少年之價值觀表現與性別、父母管教方式、同儕關係之間的關係,乃以台北市及新北市共6所高中、高職之在校學生共381人爲研究對象,採用個人基本資料表、國中生價值觀問卷、父母管教方式問卷及同儕關係問卷等研究工具,獲取所需資料,在以描述統計、獨立樣本t檢定、卡方考驗、雙因子變異數分析、多元逐步迴歸分析等統計方法進行分析。結果發現: 一、青少年在各方面的價值觀皆相當的重視,其中最重視的為情感價值觀,而對職業價值觀的重視則較低。 二、青少年知覺以採用「寬鬆放任」型為最多,「忽視冷漠」型者最少。至於母親管教方式,青少年知覺以採用「專制權威」型為最多,而「開明權威」型為最少。 三、青少年之整體同儕關係有良好之表現,而在「信賴度」及「自我揭露度」之表現尤佳。 四、女性青少年比男性青少年較重視「心理價值觀」。 五、不同性別青少年的同儕關係沒有顯著差異存在。 六、整體青少年之同儕關係與「生理價值」、「心理價值」、「人生價值觀」、「人際價值」、「情感價值」和「道德價值」皆有顯著相關的存在。 七、在「生理價值觀」方面,會因母親採用之管教方式不同而有差異存在,即母親採用開明權威管教方式比採用專職權威、寬鬆放任及忽視冷漠管教方式,男生青少年會表現出較爲重視生理價值觀。 八、父親採用管教方式不同,即父親採用開明權威及寬鬆放任管教方式,相較于專制權威及忽視冷漠之青少年,在「心理價值觀」及「道德價值觀」有顯著差異存在。 九、「同儕關係」對青少年的「生理價值觀」、「心理價值觀」、「人際價值觀」、「情感價值觀」、「道 德價值觀」及「人生價值觀」之預測力从1.9%至24.2%之間。 十、母親「開明權威」的管教方式對青少年的「生理價值觀」、「心理價值觀」及「職業價值觀」之預測力從3.3%至4%之間。 十一、母親「專制權威」管教方式對青少年的「人際價值觀」、「情感價值觀」和「道德價值觀」之預測力從1.4%至2.8%之間。 十二、母親「寬鬆放任」的管教方式對女生青少年的「心理價值觀」之預測力為3.9%。 本研究根據上述研究結果加以討論,並提出數點建議,以供後續相關實務工作及研究之參考。

漢語兒童在同儕互動中言談標記「好」和「對」的使用 / Mandarin-speaking Children's Use of Discourse Markers Hao 'Okay' and Dui 'Right' in Peer Interaction

葉侃彧, Yeh, Kanyu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究使用Schiffrin (1987) 提出的言談結構(discourse structure)為分析架構,旨在觀察漢語兒童在同儕互動中使用口語中常出現的言談標記「好」和「對」的情形,藉以檢驗其如何反映漢語兒童的溝通技巧以及同儕互動的特性。研究語料來自六位五歲的漢語兒童兩兩之間互動的對話,共237分鐘。 研究發現五歲漢語兒童能掌握言談標記「好」和「對」在三個言談結構的功能,且他們使用此兩個言談標記的不同功能時有所異同。首先,「好」和「對」主要使用於交談順序結構(exchange structure)作為表同意的標記。雖然在成人對話中「好」和「對」皆可用於交談順序結構及語意結構(ideational structure),作為表知曉(acknowledgement)的反饋應答標記和話題轉換(topic transition)標記,但研究結果發現漢語兒童在交談順序結構中只使用「好」作為表知曉的反饋應答標記;在語意結構只用「對」作為話題轉換標記。研究結果顯示五歲漢語兒童在與同儕互動時,已能夠使用反饋標記「好」表現參與對方話題的意願,而他們不使用「對」則可能與「對」作為反饋應答標記時的用法和應答詞(backchannels)相似有關。根據先前研究指出應答詞屬於兒童較晚才習得的溝通技巧(Hess & Johnston, 1988)。此外,五歲漢語兒童亦展現出使用話題轉換標記「對」的能力,顯示他們已知道如何使用言談標記幫助建構言談連貫性(discourse coherence);而他們選擇使用「對」而非「好」來轉換話題,則可能與「好」的此項功能所隱含的發話者權威性有關(Chen & Liu, 2009),若使用這類帶有發話者權威的言談標記,則可能損害其與同儕間的關係。本研究因而推論漢語兒童在同儕互動中言談標記「好」和「對」各種功能的使用,不僅僅顯示出他們的溝通技巧,同時也反映了同儕互動的特性。 / The thesis aims to investigate Mandarin-speaking children’s use of two frequently appearing discourse markers, hao ‘okay’ and dui ‘right’, when interacting with peers in order to examine how their use of these markers may reflect their communicative skills and the characteristics of peer relation. The data included 237 minutes of 5-year-old Mandarin children’s conversations with friends while playing. Schiffrin’s (1987) model of discourse structures, which includes the exchange structure, the action structure, the ideational structures, the participation frameworks, and the information state, was used for the analysis. The results showed that Mandarin-speaking children used hao in the information state, the exchange structure and the action structure while dui in the information state, the exchange structure and the ideational structure. The functions of hao and dui in the present data demonstrated several similarities and differences. Both markers were used by the children in the exchange structure to show the speaker’s agreement. However, only hao functioned as an acknowledgement marker to indicate the receipt of information in the exchange structure while only dui marking topic transitions in the ideational structure, even though both markers can serve these two functions in adult conversation. Mandarin-speaking children’s use of hao and dui to express agreements, which indicates their collaborative stances, may help them establish alliances with each other (Wang et al., 2010). Moreover, Mandarin-speaking children at age five demonstrated their ability to use hao as an acknowledgement marker to show their intention to participate in their peer’s current talk. In addition, that only hao but not dui served as an acknowledgement marker may result from the similarity between the acknowledging function of dui and that of backchannels, which has been considered among the last acquired communicative skills (Hess & Johnston, 1988). Furthermore, Mandarin 5-year-old children had the ability to use dui as a topic transition marker to establish discourse coherence. Meanwhile, that dui, instead of hao, was chosen by the children as a transition marker may reflect the relatively equal relations between peers, since hao is usually used by a speaker with higher status to control the topics in adult conversation (Chen & Liu, 2009). It is concluded that Mandarin children’s use of the two markers not only demonstrates their communicative skills but also reflects the particular nature of peer interaction.

人格特質、親子關係、同儕關係與兒童憂鬱行為表現之研究 / A study of personality traits, parent-child relationship , peer relationship and depression of elementary school students

王瑋婷 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的在探討國小兒童的「人格特質」、「親子關係」、「同儕關係」與「憂鬱」之相關, 並以問卷調查方式進行。研究樣本為國小高年級兒童為對象, 共收集487 份有效樣本進行分析。本研究之研究工具為「兒童青少年憂鬱篩選量表」、「國小學童人格特質量表」、「親子互動關係問卷」及「國小學童同儕互動關係量表」。數據資料以敍述性統計、t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關, 及多元逐步迴歸進行分析等。研究主要發現如下: 一、目前國小兒童的憂鬱行為表現普遍水準偏向正面,即較無憂鬱。 二、不同性別、出生序、家庭結構之國小兒童,其憂鬱行為表現沒有顯著差異 三、全體國小兒童之「神經質」、「支配/指使」、「衝突/攻擊」、「競爭/忌妒」、「敵意/防衛」與其整體憂鬱行為表現間,皆存有顯著正相關的關係;而「嚴謹性」、「外向性」、「友善性」及「開放性」、「親子關係」、「合作/利社會行為」、「遊戲/聯合活動」、「信任/尊重」、「親密/依附」等正向同儕關係及「整體同儕關係」則與其整體憂鬱行為表現間,存有顯著負相關的關係。 四、「老么」、「雙親家庭兒童」之「外向性」與其整體憂鬱行為表現間,存有顯著負相關的關係。 五、「老大」、「單親家庭兒童」之「母親心理」親子關係與其憂鬱行為表現間,存有顯著負相關的關係。 六、「中間子女」之「信任/尊重」、「親密/依附」、「競爭/忌妒」及「敵意/防衛」等四項同儕關係上,與其憂鬱行為表現皆存有顯著相關。 七、「敵意防衛」同儕關係及「神經質」人格特質最能夠效預測全體國小兒童的「憂鬱行為表現」。 八、同儕關係的「競爭嫉妒」最能預測「男生」、「獨生子女」和「中間子女」兒童的「憂鬱行為表現」。 九、同儕關係的「敵意防衛」最能夠預測「女生」、「老大」、「雙親家庭」兒童的「憂鬱行為表現」 十、「神經質」人格特質最能夠預測「老么」、「單親家庭」兒童的「憂鬱行為表現」 本研究根據上述各項結果加以討論,並提出數點建議,以供後續相關實務工作及研究的參考。 / The main purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships among personality traits, parental relationship, peer relationship and depression. The study adopted a method of questionnaire survey. The subjects of this study were 487 grade five and six elementary school students in Taiwan.Instruments used in this study were“Children and Adolescents Depression Screening Scale”,“Parental Interaction Relationship Questionnaire”,“The scale of interaction between peers for elementary students”. The study was analyzed by descriptive statist ics,T-tests,One-way ANOVA,Pearson product -moment correlation and multiple step-wise regression analysis. The main findings of this study were as fol lows: 1. The status of depressive tendency for most respondents is regarded as positive. 2. There were no significant differences in depression among these students according to their different gender , birth order and family structure. 3. There were significant positive correlations between “neuroticism”,” control / instigate”,” conflict / attack”,”competitive / jealous”,” hostile / defensive” peer relationship and “depression”.However, there were significant negative correlations between” conscientiousness”,”extraversion”, “agreeableness”,”openness”,” parental relationship”,”cooperative / prosocial behavior”,”game / joint activities”,”trust / respect”,”intimate/ attachment” peer relationship and “depression”. 4. Significant negative correlations were found between youngest birth order and parents-family child’ extraversion and depression. 5. Significant negative correlations were found between oldest birth order and single parent-family child’ mother mentality relationship and depression. 6. Significant correlations were found between the middle child’ ”trust /respect”,”intimate/ attachment”, ”competitive / jealous”,” hostile / defensive” peer relationship and depression. 7. ” hostile / defensive” peer relationship and “neuroticism” show prediction to the total score of depression. 8. ”competitive / jealous” peer relationship shows prediction to boy,singleton, and the middle child’ depression. 9. ” hostile / defensive” peer relationship shows prediction to girl,oldest birth order,and parents-family child’ depression. 10.“neuroticism” shows prediction to youngest birth order and single parent-family child’ depression. Finally, after discussion, the researcher proposed some suggestions for educational instruction and future studies.

教室中的小社會—國小班級關係氛圍與人際網絡結構分析 / A Network Analysis of the Climate and Interpersonal Relationships in the Elementary School

李偉斌, Li, Wei Pin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國小班級關係氛圍的類型以及班級人際網絡結構的現況。 研究中抽樣調查了全國54個四到六年級的班級,依據問卷所得資料進行集群分析法(clustering method),依同儕關係、師生關係兩向度將班級自然分類成三個集群。 研究進行了不同關係氛圍班級之差異分析,研究二檢驗不同類型班級在師生關係變項上的差別;研究三採用社會網絡分析法(social network analysis)描繪班級人際網絡結構的差別。研究四班級內部的結構,進行核心邊陲分析與班級塊模型分析,研究五進行人際互動課程的實驗研究。研究後建構出診斷班級小社會的訊息,未來可提供給實務現場教師採用。 本研究所得之研究結論如下: 一、國小班級內部關係品質,包含了學生之間的同儕關係、學生與教師的師生關係兩向度,共同建構班級關係氛圍,各班級區分類為低、中、高三種關係品質的班級。。 二、相較於低關係班級,高關係氛圍班級在班內師生關係的標準差較小、班級內師生關係的性別差異亦小。此外,高關係班級的學童的社交計量數與自身師生關係呈現顯著相關。 三、高關係與低關係班級,在人際網絡結構上並沒有顯著的差別,包含了網絡密度、EI指數、二方關係、派系數、成分數、孤離者數和比率。顯示無論班級關係品質為何,都會自然形塑而成班級小社會。 四、低關係班級有幾個值得關係的議題,包含核心學生之間的互惠關係、高密度的子群之間的關係,以及核心學生與高密度學生們對於自身班級的同儕關係與師生關係,都是教師在班級經營中須特別關注的。 五、進行班級氛圍的改變效果,短期課程對氛圍與人際網絡結構的改變效果並不明顯,推論需仰賴教師平時之互動與班務上的經營。 / The study was to investigated the primary school’s classes. The purpose is to understand the class climate and social network of the class. The forty-four classes were in the study by random sampling from Taiwan area.Teacher-student relationship and peer relationship are treated the classification variables. The classes were divided into three categories by clustering method. 18 classes were High-quality relationship; 11 calasses were Low-quality relationship. The results are the comparison of two types of class. High-quality relationship classes have some features: Standard deviation is smaller in teacher-student relationship, the same result of differences between boys and girls. The better the relationship between popular students and teacher. Second, the two-type classes were no differences in social network model. High-quality and Low-quality classes both forming a small community in nature. From the analysis of the class entrials, Mutually beneficial relationship and the relationship between small groups were the important issues. A six-week course experimented in a class. Only small impacts on the class climate and social network.

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