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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

現代漢語拒絕言語行為與策略及其教學探究 / The Speech Act of Refusal in Mandarin Chinese: An Analysis of Verbal Strategies to Express Refusal and Disagreement with Suggestions for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language

曲禹宣, Chu,Yu-Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
語言交際是人們運用語言傳遞訊息、交流感情的一種社會行為,日常生活中關於語用交際的現象很多,其中「拒絕」是常見的主題之一。影響拒絕言語行為施行的因素很多,包含了拒絕對象、目標、語境等,譬如晚輩拒絕長輩時會比同輩間的拒絕更為間接;私下場合比公眾場合的拒絕更來得直接。針對「跨文化交際」而言,影響拒絕言語行為的施行當然也包含了文化因素,不同文化的交際雙方可能因為價值觀以及對事物的解讀看法不一,因此在拒絕交際發生時會產生語用錯誤,造成交際上的誤會。 華語學習者累積的詞彙與語法隨著學習程度的提高而逐漸增加,語言技能的運用也因此漸趨成熟,但語用錯誤的發生大多是橫跨各學習程度的,即便是程度再高的學習者,也很容易發生交際上的語用錯誤。現今大部分的華語學習教材是以詞彙、句型與語法點為主要結構,雖然已經有些教材從語言能力觀點出發而規畫其結構、布局與進度,但是全面且有系統地討論專門、單一的言語行為的教材卻很少。 由於現今的華語教材以此主題來導入編寫的並不多,且現有的綜合性教材也缺乏對相關語用交際能力的介紹,忽略了學生實際語用交際的需求。學習者學習語言的目的就是能夠成熟、得體地運用於日常生活中,以達到人與人之間良好的動態交際,並達成傳遞訊息、聯絡感情的主要目的,而這種「得體」程度的表現主要來自於對目的語語用方面的瞭解程度,不僅止於詞彙、語法的學習。基於言語交際的動態性,筆者將拒絕視為一種言語行為,討論此一言語行為在華語中的語用策略及語言形式的表現,並將研究結果應用於教學層面,希望學習者能藉此增進語用交際能力,達到得體、有效率地溝通。 本論文旨在探討現代漢語交際中的拒絕現象與其延伸的相關教學研究,不僅對語用策略及語用形式作分析,也分析了現行教材的相關內容,期盼研究成果可以應用於對外華語教學層面,以便提供華語教師具體有據的教學內容與建議,並幫助外籍學生有效率地學習相關內容,提升學生實際交際運用的成果。 本論文主要以前人探討拒絕言語行為的研究成果作為基礎,透過前人的研究整理並輔以自己的實證分析把拒絕言語行為的基本組織、模式進行整理,並歸納出特定場合下使用頻率最高的拒絕模式與策略以提出教學應用。本研究主要採用調查研究法之問卷形式與內容分析法來探討以下內容:(一)語用分析—探究本文所選定之六類語境分別的拒絕策略與語言形式,依對象不同所表現的拒絕方式有何差異?(二)教材分析—分析現行教材中是否出現相關的教學內容,並歸納之中出現的拒絕語境與策略的頻率(三)教學應用—思考拒絕主題可應用的教學方式並提出相關的教學設計。藉此研究,筆者將對現代漢語的拒絕言語行為做整理歸納與分析,並對其中特殊的「間接拒絕」與「假拒絕」現象作進一步探討。接著,分析現行教材的相關教學內容並配合學生的學習需求,提出「拒絕」主題的教學設計。 研究結果歸納出了11類間接拒絕策略與5類輔助策略,並針對各語境歸納出了主要的拒絕模式。教學應用方面,主要是將研究結果編寫成教學內容,除了以各語境歸納出的拒絕模式導入對話的情景教學方法外,也思考了各拒絕策略可應用的教學方式。期盼研究成果可以應用於對外華語教學層面,除了提出相關主題教學時的應用方法外,也能提升教師的教學效率與學習者的學習成效。 / Verbal communication is a kind of social behavior which denotes activities as transferring messages or exchanging feelings by means of language. Various communicative actions appear in our daily life. Refusals are one of their most common forms. The performance of refusal speech varies greatly regarding to its objectives and contexts. The speech act of “indirect refusal”, for example, often occurs in situations where a younger person has to refuse a request of an elder one. “Direct refusal”, on the contrary, appears more in private occasions. Given the importance of context people with different cultural backgrounds easily fails to understand the more underlying pragmatic features of language. Although students of the Chinese language may gradually increase their lexical knowledge and become well-skilled in language performance, failures in decoding the pragmatic features still occur in many communicative situations. Even for advanced students understanding context poses a great challenge. Most teaching materials, however, focus on teaching vocabulary, phrases, and grammar. Some materials are designed according to various language competences. To lay focus on speech act sets, however, is still less common. The present thesis aims to analyze the speech act of refusal in Mandarin Chinese and wants to apply its results to the practical use of teaching Chinese. For the research in communicative behavior, the author collected data and results from different sources: 1. personal recordings of verbal behavior; 2. questionnaire for verbal behavior in different communicative situations; 3. theoretical discussions. First, based on the dynamic features of verbal communication, the author discusses refusal as speech act and analyzes its pragmatic strategies and linguistic structures. Different forms of refusal as indirect refusal and false refusal will be treated separately. Furthermore, the results of linguistic analysis will be applied to instructions for teaching in the hope that language learners can enhance both their communicative and pragmatic capabilities in a more efficient way. An analysis of common teaching materials is included, too. In detail, the present thesis includes four discussions: (1) Understanding the speech act of refusal: Based on previous theories the speech act of refusal will be discussed under different pragmatic perspectives. (2) Analyzing the speech act of refusal: Analyses of the pragmatic features and the linguistic structure of refusal are conducted for six different contexts. Eleven realization strategies of refusal and five supporting strategies of communicative behavior are discussed in detail. (3) Analyzing teaching materials: Frequency and methods of presenting different pragmatic features of refusal in teaching materials will be analyzed and evaluated. (4) Suggestions for teaching: Methods for teaching various speech acts of refusal are proposed according to the results obtained from the inquiries in its pragmatic and linguistic features. Examples for teaching different strategies and supporting strategies of refusal are included.

拒絕策略:台灣國中生英語語言行為研究 / A Cross-cultural Study on the Refusal Behavior of the Junior High School Students in Taiwan

潘莉敏, Pan, Li-min Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討台灣以英文為外語的國中生在拒絕時所採取的策略。資料收集由每組40位的青少年,共三組所組成。分為:以中文為母語的受試者 (NC),以英文為外語的學習者 (EFL),和以英文為母語的受試者 (NA)。實驗經由設計好的8個不同情境 ( 2個請求,2個建議,2個邀請,2個提供 ),分別為4種不同的拒絕的「完成對話問卷」(DCT) 來達成。距離和性別是二個控制的變項。120 位受試者的回答根據直接拒絕、間接拒絕、不拒絕、沒有回應四種拒絕策略分類。卡方檢定用來分析三組間是否有統計上的顯著差異。 結論顯示,以中文為母語的,以英文為外語的,和以英文為母語的這三組在表達拒絕時,確實有顯著差異。以中文為母語的 (NC) 和以英文為外語的 (EFL) 二組比較喜愛使用間接拒絕策略;而以英文為母語的 (NA) 這一組傾向選擇直接拒絕策略。此外,以英文為外語的 (EFL) 這組的表現常出現遵循他們母語 (L1) 的模式,雖然他們有些行為表現顯示出受到外語文化 (L2) 的影響。此外,或許由於缺乏足夠的語言能力,以英文為外語 (EFL) 的一組,在拒絕時,傾向表達過多的道歉。因此本研究建議,教師在教學上應幫助學生學習多使用綜合的拒絕策略來取代過多或不必要的道歉。根據以上的發現,本研究也提出一些在英語教學上的啟示和應用,以及對未來研究的建議。 / The purpose of the study was to investigate what strategies were employed when EFL junior high school students in Taiwan performed a refusal. The data collected from three groups of forty teenagers in each group: native Chinese speakers (NC), EFL learners (EFL), and native American English speakers (NA). The experiment was carried out through the Discourse Completion Task (DCT), which was designed to eight situations: 2 requests, 2 suggestions, 2 invitations, and 2 offers to elicit four types of refusal. Two social variables, distance and gender, were controlled. Responses from 120 participants were categorized according to refusal strategies including direct refusal, indirect refusal, non-refusal, and no response. The chi-square was employed to test the presence of statistically significant difference existing across the three groups. Results revealed that the Chinese, the EFL, and the American groups were virtually different in expressing refusals. The Chinese and EFL groups preferred to employ indirect refusal strategies, while the American group tended to select direct ones. Moreover, the performance of the EFL group frequently followed their L1's norms, although some of their behaviors were influenced by the L2's culture. Besides, perhaps due to a lack of sufficient pragmatic knowledge and vocabulary, the EFL group tended to express more regret when performing a refusal. Therefore, the present study suggests that the instructors may help learners acquire the usage of combination strategies to decline rather than utilizing verbose or unnecessary regret. Based on the findings, the study also proposed some pedagogical implications and suggestions for future research.

漢語言談中的兒童拒絕策略 / Children's refusal strategy in mandarin discourse: a case study

吳妃容, Wu, Fei Rong Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文目的在探討兒童在親子對話中行使拒絕行為的表現,研究問題如下: 1. 兒童採用哪些拒絕策略來達到拒絕的目的?2.從這些拒絕策略中,可以反映出哪些語用發展?研究的語料來自於一名以漢語為母語的小男生與他母親之間的日常對話,共擷取三個時間點的語料作為分析語用發展所用。分析結果顯示,隨著年紀越大,受試兒童在拒絕策略的數量上以及委婉度上都有明顯增加。此外,我們也發現到,隨著年紀增長,受試兒童漸漸的能跳脫自己觀點,而從別人角度出發來做拒絕回應。此外,母親行使請求的方式也影響了受試兒童的拒絕表現,當母親的請求較強勢時,受試孩童會傾向用較有技巧的方式來回應。此外,母親行使請求行為的方式也會根據受試兒童的年紀不同而有所差異。 / This study aims to investigate the children’s refusal performance from a developmental perspective and how the mother’s requests affect children’s refusal strategies. We analyzed a Mandarin-speaking child’s natural conversation with his mother. The data were collected from three time points, that is 2; 7, 3; 1 and 3; 7. The refusal strategies adopted in the present study are mainly based on Wang (2001)’s categorization. After the careful examination, it is observed that the refusal strategies increased with the age. The child decreased his reliance on the most direct way to refuse. In addition, the data also showed the child’s growing ability to take his interlocutor’s perspective into account, which is consistent with previous studies about children’s pragmatic development. The child also applied his knowledge of a sincere request when making refusals. As for the effect of the mother’s request, it is observed that the force of the mother’s request could be perceived by the child and influenced the way the child refused. When the mother’s requests were imposed, the child would apply more skill strategies to respond. Also, the child would combine refusal strategies to respond when facing more complicated request.

兒童在同儕對話中的拒絕策略 / Children's Refusal Strategy in Peer Talk

鍾易儒, Jong, Yih Ru Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討孩童在同儕對話中所使用的拒絕策略,以及說話者及聽者的性別對於拒絕策略選擇之影響。研究語料來自兩人或三人一組的孩童在玩耍時的對話,孩童的年紀在四歲七個月到五歲十個月之間。本研究主要採用Beebe等人所提供的拒絕策略分類,研究結果發現,孩童在同儕對話中使用較多的間接拒絕策略(70%),這也顯示出孩童避免與同儕產生正面衝突,並且努力維護彼此間的友誼。在所有策略中,孩童最常使用的是簡單否定(simple negation: 31.8%)以及提供理由(reason: 26.7%);此外,在這個年紀的孩童在一次拒絕中,大多只使用一種拒絕策略。 而在性別的影響方面,則發現在同性別的互動中,女生比男生使用了更多的直接拒絕策略;此外,與在同性別互動中的表現相比,女生在不同性別的互動中變得更直接,而男生則變得較委婉。研究也發現,孩童會根據不同性別選擇特定的拒絕策略,例如,男生較常對女生使用非語言性的迴避策略(nonverbal avoidance)。本研究中討論了造成此現象可能的原因,像是中國文化中女人的角色、家長對不同性別孩童的教育方式,和不同性別的孩童之間友誼的強弱等等。總而言之,研究發現不論是說話者的性別或者聽者的性別都會對拒絕策略的選擇造成一定的影響。 / This study aims to explore children’s refusal performance in peer talk and how speakers’ and interlocutors’ genders influence their choice of refusal strategies. The natural conversations produced by dyads of triads of children aged from 4;7 to 5;10 were used for analysis. The refusal strategies adopted in this study are mainly based on Beebe et al. (1990)’s category. The results showed that children applied much more indirect refusal strategies (70%) than direct ones (30%) when refusing their peers, which indicates that they tried to avoid confrontation and make efforts to maintain their friendship. Among the strategies, children tended to employ simple negation (31.8%) and reason (26.7%) most frequently. In addition, children at this age applied only one refusal strategy in a refusal most of the time. As for the influence of gender, it is observed that in same-gender interactions, girls used more direct strategies than boys. In addition, in cross-gender interactions, girls became more direct while boys were more indirect than in same-gender interaction. Moreover, children tended to choose certain strategy when refusing others of different gender; for example, boys used a lot more nonverbal avoidance when refusing girls than boys. Possible reasons such as women’s role in Chinese culture, children’s intensity of friendship between different gender, and parent’s educational style were discussed in the study in order to explain the gender differences. The findings, therefore, suggest that both speakers’ and interlocutors’ genders play an important role in children’s choice of refusal strategies.

中美學生英語拒絕行為之研究 / Interlanguage Refusals: A Cross-Cultural Study of EFL Learners in Taiwan and Native Speakers of American English

陳淑珠, Chen,Shu-chu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討台灣學生英語的拒絕語言行為(refusal speech act)與美國學生之異同,並探討社會地位高低及啟始行為(initiating acts)兩個變數對語言行為之影響。此外在拒絕時,所使用的句法修飾(syntactic mitigation)及詞彙修飾(lexical mitigation)之類型與頻率,其所用的句型是否與美國學生不同, 以進一步探究學習者母語對其中介語(interlanguage)是否有負面移轉作用。 本研究採用質性及量化研究方法,研究對象為40位以中文為母語的大學學生, 40位英語為母語的美國大學學生,及40位學習英語為外語的大學學生, 各組男女各半。研究工具為言談填充測驗(Discourse Completion Test), 包含12個不同情境(4個請求, 4個建議, 4個邀請),藉此問卷收集受試者語言行為之表現。 本研究的主要發現如下:間接拒絕策略是最常被三組學生使用的拒絕行為。其次,社會地位高低及啟始行為(initiating acts)兩個變數下對三組學生語言行為有不同影響, 而以後者影響尤鉅。除此之外, 台灣學生的英語中介語的語用能力,不僅反映在句法修飾及詞彙修飾兩方面, 同時在直接拒絕行為也與美國大學學生有顯著差異。本文進一步發現學習者母語對拒絕行為之影響, 拒絕之語序及直接與間接拒絕策略的負面移轉作用。本論文並提出教學上之應用建議,讓學生英語學習更有成效。 / Refusals can be regarded as a pragmatic universal, but refusal performance varies with cultures and is constrained by factors like status and initiating acts. However, the relative weight of these factors placed on each type of refusal strategy varies from culture to culture, or even within the same speech community due to intra-lingual variations (Blum-Kulka, 1987). In order to find out the complexity of cross-cultural differences in the realization of this face-threatening act, we investigated refusal speech acts performed by native speakers of Mandarin Chinese, EFL learners and native speakers of American English with the variation of social status and initiating acts. In addition, we compared EFL learners and Americans on linguistic structures including common directive forms, syntactic and lexical refusal mitigation as well as types of errors in the interlanguage of refusals. We also observed evidence of negative pragmatic transfer in EFL learners’ performance in three main categories of refusal strategies and refusal sequences, and tried to explain the causes of the transfer. Three groups of subjects participated in this study: 40 native speakers of American English (NE), 40 native speakers of Mandarin Chinese (NC), 40 Chinese EFL low-intermediate proficiency learners. They were asked to react by writing in the format of discourse completion task (DCT), which consisted of scripted dialogues with the manipulation of the interlocutors’ social status and initiating acts. The results were coded based on the taxonomy developed by Beebe, Takahashi and Uliss-Weltz (1990), and were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. Results showed that indirect refusals were the most frequently used main strategy type in the three groups examined. The effect of social status and initiating acts affected the three groups’ performance to a different degree; initiating acts seemed to be a more decisive force in influencing groups’ refusal behaviors. In terms of refusal mitigation, we have found that significantly more syntactic mitigation like interrogatives, conditionals, conditional clause, etc. were employed by Americans to soften the force of refusals. However, similar to the findings in Chen (2006), EFL learners mainly limited their use of modality in their refusals on types of deontic and epistemic modalities whereas Americans were more flexible in using different kinds with the variation of context. Generally, EFL learners’ refusal performance exhibited deviations from native speakers’ norms. Therefore pedagogical implications were suggested which included that teachers should build up EFL learners’ linguistic knowledge, teacher-fronted talk can be supplemented by additional activities that broaden the range of speech acts and provide a broader opportunities for learners. Also, instructors should provide contextual information regarding the similarities and/or differences between L1 and the target language under the influence of social status. Types of initiating act should be included in EFL teaching so that students’ awareness of these social constraints could be activated and they can integrate such information to facilitate their interlanguage system.

論證人不自證己罪特權 / The privilege of a witness

陳雪玉, Chen, Hsueh Yu Unknown Date (has links)

不法原因之給付—著重於規範目的與例外事由之探討 / condictio ob turpem vel iniustam causam

謝允正 Unknown Date (has links)
我國民法第180條之規定就給付不當得利請求權之排除明示四種事由,其中第4款之規定涉及給付之原因法律行為違反強行規定或公序良俗而無效之情形。民法第180條第4款規定之規範目的為何於討論上素有爭議,且常招來違反當事人間公平正義之指摘。本文欲賦予民法第180條第4款之規定正當性,故從探究規範目的與建構本款規定適用上之例外事由著手,並輔以法史學、經濟學、社會學等方法加強論證。   本文認為於公、私法緊密接軌之法現實下民法第180條第4款規定應以「一般預防」作為規範目的,並基於其法律效果有造成人民財產權受到侵害之虞,而須以比例原則建構相關例外事由,俾民法第180條第4款之規定不僅能增加強行規定或公序良俗等規範之實效,又能貼合憲法保障人民基本權利之要求。

臺灣高中英文教科書中語言行為之分析 / An analysis of speech act behavior in senior high school English textbooks in Taiwan

賴思羽, Lai, Sih Yu Unknown Date (has links)
當談到外語教學時,教材具有相當重要性。其中,教科書更被視為重要的一環,是教師教學的主要資源,也是學生學習的重要指引。因此,教科書評鑑自然地受到重視。透過教科書評鑑,教師能對於教科書有適當認知並妥善利用教科書,另一方面,教科書評鑑能作為編撰者和出版商檢討與改進的參考。然而,文獻有許多有關教科書評鑑的研究,卻很少是從語言行為方面檢視臺灣高中生所使用的英文教科書。 本研究之主要目的為分析讚美、拒絕、請求三種語言行為如何呈現在三民、龍騰、遠東三套不同版本高中英文課本內的對話教材中。首先,統計三種語言行為在三套教科書內的對話中出現的頻率。接著,檢視這三種語言行為在三套教科書呈現的方式並判斷他們是否主要以美國觀點呈現。最後,探索三套教科書和教師手冊是否有提供相關語言行為的跨文化解釋。 研究結果顯示,三套教科書皆呈現三種語言行為,但是各版本著墨不一。另外,三種語言行為在三套教科書呈現的方式並不是完全採用美國觀點。更重要的是,三套教科書和教師手冊中幾乎沒有提供跨文化解釋。 本研究的發現能提供給對語言行為教學有興趣的老師和研究人員參考。研究結果希望激勵教科書編撰者、出版商以及教師重視語言行為教學,並期盼能協助教科書編撰者在未來補強三套教科書中對話教材不足之處。 / When it comes to foreign language teaching, teaching materials, without doubt, have been of vital importance. Textbooks, for teachers, serve as the major teaching resources. They are identified as important guidelines for students as well. Therefore, textbook evaluation has naturally received attention. Through textbook evaluation, for one thing, teachers can gain a proper understanding of textbooks, then making good use of them. For another thing, it enables textbook editors and publishers to examine and improve on textbooks. Although there have been many studies regarding textbook evaluation, few of them have been done on speech act behavior in senior high school English textbooks in Taiwan. The main goal of the current study is to analyze how the three speech acts, compliments, refusals, and requests, are presented in the conversation sections of the three series of the senior high school English textbooks, published by San Min, Lung Teng, and Far East. First of all, the frequency of compliments, refusals, and requests in the three series of the textbooks was examined. The next part was to look at how the three speech acts were presented in these textbooks and whether they showed American preference. Lastly, cross-cultural comparisons and contrasts in the textbooks and their corresponding teachers’ manuals were scrutinized. The results revealed that the three series of the textbooks examined presented the three speech acts in different proportion. Additionally, they were not completely presented in American ways. More importantly, there were few cross-cultural explanations found in the textbooks and their corresponding teachers’ manuals. The findings of the present study can work as reference for teachers and researchers interested in the teaching and learning of speech act behavior. They may motivate textbook editors and writers as well as teachers to place great emphasis on how to teach speech acts well. Last but not least, textbook compilers can compensate for the limitations of the conversation sections of senior high school textbooks in Taiwan in future materials development.

漢語兒童的非優先應答 / Dispreferred Responses in Mandarin Child Languag

王蕙玟 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討兒童在給予非優先應答時所採取的語用策略,以及母親在接續的對話中所給予的回應。研究的語料來自於一名以漢語為母語的四歲兒童與她的母親之間的日常對話。在分析的資料中,我們將非優先應答區分成拒絕和異議兩類,分析之後,結果發現受試兒童採取六種不同的語用策略來表達非優先應答,分別為(1)直接否定(simple negation)、(2)理由(account)、(3)挑戰(challenge)、(4)修正(correction)、(5)部分認同(partial agreement)、(6)反請求(counter-request),而受試者的非優先應答往往結構簡單,內容直接而缺少修飾,雖然她在否定或提出異議時,能給予進一步的解釋,但是她所提出的多為以自我為中心的理由。另外,母親在面對受試者直接的拒絕或異議時,多半會以下列三種方式回應:一、再次陳述自己的要求或想法,二、提供更多的解釋來說服對方,三、提出問題要求對方進一步說明拒絕或不同意的原因,以上的三種回應策略都使母親有再一次的機會來說服受試兒童接受她的要求,或者同意她的想法。 / This study investigates children’s pragmatic strategies of delivering dispreferred responses and also how the mothers reacted in the subsequent turns. The data analyzed are a Mandarin-speaking four-year-old child’s natural conversation with her mother. In the observed verbal exchanges, the subject child’s dispreferred seconds are categorized into refusals and disagreements. After careful examination, six pragmatic strategies are identified in the dispreferred turns, namely, simple negation, account, challenge, correction, partial agreement, and counter-request. The results indicate the child’s dispreferreds are generally simple in structure, direct and unmitigated in force. Though she was capable of providing accounts for her refusals or disagreements, the reasons she gave are mostly self-oriented and serve to express her non-compliance and disapproval. As for the mother’s subsequent responses, it is found that facing the child’s direct and socially disruptive seconds, the mother generally targeted at her previous turn and attempted to carry on the prior illocutionary force. When her directive or statement was refused or denied, she tended to responded with reformulations, persuading remarks or queries, which elicited more information about the dispreferred acts. All of these three strategies provided another chance for the achievement of compliance or agreement.


阮詠芳, Juan, Yung-Fang Unknown Date (has links)
我國學者關於民法上抗辯權之著述,偏重於個別類型中重點問題的探討;本論文則係從總論的角度檢視抗辯權制度的共通問題。由於在抗辯權理論下,係以其法律效力—「排除請求權之實現性」,與強調效力的發生以抗辯權人之主張為必要—「主張之必要性」,作為該制度之兩大特徵;而質疑抗辯權制度之獨立性與正當性的學說,亦以撼動此兩大支柱為要務。是故,本論文即以抗辯權之「法律效力」及「主張之必要性」為兩大主軸,對民法上各個抗辯權進行分析整理,首先澄清何謂「排除請求權之實現性」,此等抗辯權效力所造成之法律狀態,與請求權消滅乃至於權利本身之消滅有何不同,是否仍不變動原有的法律關係,因而與形成權有別;其次探求強調「主張之必要性」的理由何在、能否貫徹,各該抗辯權以此特徵在訴訟法上與權利障礙抗辯及權利消滅抗辯區隔,是否均切合制度設計的意旨,並檢討目前學說實務對於訴訟上抗辯權主張之處理方式,是否能落實立法原意,或者有背道而馳的疑慮。 抗辯權制度起源於羅馬法時代程式訴訟中的exceptio,本屬訴訟法領域之概念,發展至今日卻成為實體法上權利,惟仍不脫濃厚的訴訟法色彩。因此,在抗辯權制度之研究上,諸多重要問題若未能兼顧實體法及訴訟法層面從事討論,往往失之偏廢而欠缺全面性的考量。有鑑於此,本論文整合了實體法及訴訟法之觀點,對於涉及此二領域交錯之問題,重新予以檢討,尤其,時值近期我國與德國民事訴訟法就相關規定均有重大修正之際,關於抗辯權之闡明與當事人及法院應盡之訴訟促進義務,更是著力的重心之一。 第一章緒論,提出研究動機及所欲探討的問題,並說明研究主軸、研究方法及論文架構。第二章介紹抗辯權制度之發展及其基本理論。第三章民法上個別抗辯權之學說與實務分析,針對第二章所列舉出之民法上抗辯權,以「法律效力」及「主張之必要性」為兩大主軸,個別討論其對請求權實現性之影響,以及抗辯權效力之發生,是否均以抗辯權人之主張為必要。第四章抗辯權之效力及其實現,首先整合第三章之內容,重新組織抗辯權之效力,以呈現「排除請求權之實現性」的具體內容;其次討論兩大爭議問題:已行使之抗辯權之「拋棄」,以及抗辯權排除債務人給付遲延責任之效力;最後檢討抗辯權與形成權之界線,思考抗辯權在實體法上之定位,是否能與形成權截然劃分。第五章抗辯權在訴訟上之處理,首先討論抗辯權之行使是否限於訴訟上主張,始生效力,被告在訴訟外主張抗辯權者,法院得否斟酌;又,訴訟上如何認定被告有無抗辯權之主張;其次討論法院就抗辯權之闡明權與闡明義務,指出向來通說實務關於得否闡明抗辯權之標準的問題所在,並呼應新法精神予以再檢討;最後,當事人及法院之訴訟促進義務亦屬不可忽略之一環,認為被告應於適當時期為抗辯權之主張,並在賦予當事人充分程序保障、防止發生突襲的前提下,透過爭點整理程序解決拋棄或撤回抗辯權主張之問題,同時確立兩造應受拘束之規範;而在法院善用現行民事訴訟法進行計畫性審理、集中審理下,採用一造辯論判決是否會不當剝奪被告主張抗辯權之機會的疑慮,應能降到最低。第六章結論,分為「從法制史中獲得之啟示」、「關於現行法制下之解釋及適用」、「關於立法論上之建議」三部分,總結本論文對抗辯權之過去、現在、未來的看法。

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