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拒絕策略:台灣國中生英語語言行為研究 / A Cross-cultural Study on the Refusal Behavior of the Junior High School Students in Taiwan潘莉敏, Pan, Li-min Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討台灣以英文為外語的國中生在拒絕時所採取的策略。資料收集由每組40位的青少年,共三組所組成。分為:以中文為母語的受試者 (NC),以英文為外語的學習者 (EFL),和以英文為母語的受試者 (NA)。實驗經由設計好的8個不同情境 ( 2個請求,2個建議,2個邀請,2個提供 ),分別為4種不同的拒絕的「完成對話問卷」(DCT) 來達成。距離和性別是二個控制的變項。120 位受試者的回答根據直接拒絕、間接拒絕、不拒絕、沒有回應四種拒絕策略分類。卡方檢定用來分析三組間是否有統計上的顯著差異。
結論顯示,以中文為母語的,以英文為外語的,和以英文為母語的這三組在表達拒絕時,確實有顯著差異。以中文為母語的 (NC) 和以英文為外語的 (EFL) 二組比較喜愛使用間接拒絕策略;而以英文為母語的 (NA) 這一組傾向選擇直接拒絕策略。此外,以英文為外語的 (EFL) 這組的表現常出現遵循他們母語 (L1) 的模式,雖然他們有些行為表現顯示出受到外語文化 (L2) 的影響。此外,或許由於缺乏足夠的語言能力,以英文為外語 (EFL) 的一組,在拒絕時,傾向表達過多的道歉。因此本研究建議,教師在教學上應幫助學生學習多使用綜合的拒絕策略來取代過多或不必要的道歉。根據以上的發現,本研究也提出一些在英語教學上的啟示和應用,以及對未來研究的建議。 / The purpose of the study was to investigate what strategies were employed when EFL junior high school students in Taiwan performed a refusal. The data collected from three groups of forty teenagers in each group: native Chinese speakers (NC), EFL learners (EFL), and native American English speakers (NA). The experiment was carried out through the Discourse Completion Task (DCT), which was designed to eight situations: 2 requests, 2 suggestions, 2 invitations, and 2 offers to elicit four types of refusal. Two social variables, distance and gender, were controlled. Responses from 120 participants were categorized according to refusal strategies including direct refusal, indirect refusal, non-refusal, and no response. The chi-square was employed to test the presence of statistically significant difference existing across the three groups.
Results revealed that the Chinese, the EFL, and the American groups were virtually different in expressing refusals. The Chinese and EFL groups preferred to employ indirect refusal strategies, while the American group tended to select direct ones. Moreover, the performance of the EFL group frequently followed their L1's norms, although some of their behaviors were influenced by the L2's culture. Besides, perhaps due to a lack of sufficient pragmatic knowledge and vocabulary, the EFL group tended to express more regret when performing a refusal. Therefore, the present study suggests that the instructors may help learners acquire the usage of combination strategies to decline rather than utilizing verbose or unnecessary regret. Based on the findings, the study also proposed some pedagogical implications and suggestions for future research.
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臺灣高中英語教師與外籍教師祈令語使用之比較 / A Cross-cultural Comparison of Directive Speech Acts between Native and Nonnative English Teachers of Senior High Schools in Taiwan張嘉祝 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究利用語文完成測驗問卷(Discourse Completion Task Questionnaire)收集受試者之語料,共有50位本國籍及30位外籍高中英語教師參與研究。問卷資料主要以卡方檢定(Chi-square),並輔以質性分析兩組受試者之回答。
研究結果指出兩組受試者均使用最多非傳統間接策略(non-conventionally indirect strategies);但是,本國籍英語教師比外籍教師採用更多直接策略(direct strategies),外籍教師則比本國籍教師常使用其他策略(other strategies),例如接受學生的行為或私下約談處理。本研究證實文化的確在語言行為中扮演重要角色,更建議中外籍英語教師均有責任教導學生正確的語用知識,以協助他們在不同情境中和他人成功地溝通。
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台灣高中英文教科書中語言行為教學之研究 / EFL speech act teaching: Analysis of senior high school English textbooks in Taiwan陳司樺, Chen, S Hua Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果顯示,五種語言行為當中的大多數在兩套教科書中並沒有被平均地分佈,而以該五種語言行為的呈現手法來看,遠東版教科書在比例上運用較多的中國式觀點,然而三民版教科書在比例上則運用較多的美國式觀點。但是,無論兩套教科書較偏向哪一種觀點,在教科書以及其對應的教師手冊中幾乎沒有跨文化的對照和比較。至於支持性話語和閒聊的呈現方式,研究結果顯示遠東版教科書在恭維、請求和抱怨這三種語言行為的支持性話語和閒聊的呈現並不多,而三民版教科書在請求和抱怨這兩種語言行為的支持性話語和閒聊的呈現也不多,無法提供學生充足的練習機會,同時,就算有支持性話語和閒聊出現在語言行為中,在教科書跟其對應的教師手冊中仍然沒有進一步的解釋以指出美國人跟中國人在使用上的文化差異。基於本研究的研究結果,獲得之教學啟示如後。首先,雖然台灣的高中英文教科書,至少遠東版跟三民版,還沒如此地嚴肅看待語言行為教學,但對於老師來說,向學生介紹語言行為的知識卻是相當重要的,因為如此一來,方能使他們學習如何更有效地與人溝通。再者,身為一位台灣的英文老師,既然語言行為以及伴隨的支持性話語和閒聊在教科書或教師手冊當中,幾乎沒有或很少有跨文化差異性的解釋存在,增加我們語言行為教學的知識就變成了一項不可或缺的事。此外,台灣教科書的出版者應該反省教科書中對話部份的適當呈現方式,使老師能經由語言行為教學的實施改善同學的社會語言能力。最後,本研究當中被用來分析語言行為呈現所運用的主要的觀點(美國的或中國的)之分類系統,不僅對於未來針對台灣其它版本教科書做類似研究的研究者有幫助,也提供第一線教師評判教科書中對話結構呈現適當與否之標準,同時也將語言行為教學的背景知識灌輸給第一線教師。 / The principles and characteristics of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) have been brought into senior high school English textbooks editing in Taiwan since 1995. Among the four components of communicative competence, sociolinguistic competence is the key to successful communication and can be shown through the use of speech acts. This study, therefore, intended to probe into how speech act teaching is carried out in senior high school English textbooks in Taiwan. Firstly, the frequency of the five much used and explored speech acts—compliment, request, apology, complaint, and refusal—in the conversation part of two sets of the most popular senior high school English textbooks in Taiwan—Textbook F and Textbook S—was counted. Then, the preference, American or Chinese, as well as cross-cultural comparisons and contrasts in both the textbooks and teachers’ manuals, were examined. Lastly, the common co-occurring phenomenon of supportive moves and small talk in speech acts was analyzed cross-culturally and related explanations in both the textbooks and teachers’ manuals were investigated as well.
The results showed that most of the five speech acts were not appropriately distributed in both sets of the textbooks, and that Textbook F offered much more Chinese preference than American one, while Textbook S provided proportionately more American preference than Chinese one, in presenting the five speech acts. However, no matter which preference both sets of textbooks favored, there were almost no cross-cultural comparisons and contrasts made in the textbooks or their corresponding teachers’ manuals. As to the presentation of supportive moves and small talk, the findings showed that Textbook F did not present enough supportive moves and small talk in the speech acts of compliment, request, and complaint, and that Textbook S did not display enough supportive moves and small talk in the speech acts of request and complaint for students to learn from, and if supportive moves or small talk were presented, there were still no further explanations in the textbooks or their corresponding teachers’ manuals to point out cultural differences between American and Chinese usage. With regard to the findings in this study, some pedagogical implications are provided. Firstly, although the senior high school English textbooks in Taiwan, at least Textbook F and Textbook S, have not taken speech act teaching so seriously, it is quite important for teachers to introduce the knowledge of speech acts to make students learn how to communicate more effectively. Secondly, as an English teacher in Taiwan, increasing our knowledge of speech act teaching becomes a ‘must’ since there are no or few explanations of cross-cultural differences of speech acts and their supportive moves or small talk in the textbooks or teachers’ manuals. Thirdly, textbook publishers in Taiwan should reflect upon the appropriate way to present the conversation part in textbooks to improve students’ sociolinguistic competence through speech act teaching. Last but not least, the coding scheme used for analyzing the preference, American or Chinese one, in this research, can not only be helpful to future researchers conducting similar studies on other sets of textbooks in Taiwan, but also offer teachers criteria to make judgments on the organization of the conversation part in textbooks and provide them the background knowledge of speech act teaching at the same time.
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臺灣高中英文教科書中語言行為之分析 / An analysis of speech act behavior in senior high school English textbooks in Taiwan賴思羽, Lai, Sih Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的發現能提供給對語言行為教學有興趣的老師和研究人員參考。研究結果希望激勵教科書編撰者、出版商以及教師重視語言行為教學,並期盼能協助教科書編撰者在未來補強三套教科書中對話教材不足之處。 / When it comes to foreign language teaching, teaching materials, without doubt, have been of vital importance. Textbooks, for teachers, serve as the major teaching resources. They are identified as important guidelines for students as well. Therefore, textbook evaluation has naturally received attention. Through textbook evaluation, for one thing, teachers can gain a proper understanding of textbooks, then making good use of them. For another thing, it enables textbook editors and publishers to examine and improve on textbooks. Although there have been many studies regarding textbook evaluation, few of them have been done on speech act behavior in senior high school English textbooks in Taiwan.
The main goal of the current study is to analyze how the three speech acts, compliments, refusals, and requests, are presented in the conversation sections of the three series of the senior high school English textbooks, published by San Min, Lung Teng, and Far East. First of all, the frequency of compliments, refusals, and requests in the three series of the textbooks was examined. The next part was to look at how the three speech acts were presented in these textbooks and whether they showed American preference. Lastly, cross-cultural comparisons and contrasts in the textbooks and their corresponding teachers’ manuals were scrutinized.
The results revealed that the three series of the textbooks examined presented the three speech acts in different proportion. Additionally, they were not completely presented in American ways. More importantly, there were few cross-cultural explanations found in the textbooks and their corresponding teachers’ manuals.
The findings of the present study can work as reference for teachers and researchers interested in the teaching and learning of speech act behavior. They may motivate textbook editors and writers as well as teachers to place great emphasis on how to teach speech acts well. Last but not least, textbook compilers can compensate for the limitations of the conversation sections of senior high school textbooks in Taiwan in future materials development.
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英語間接請求語的回應:台灣高中生外語語言行為研究 / A Cross-cultural Study on EFL Responding to Indirect Requests樊可瑜, Fan, Ko Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要在探索間接請求語的回應策略,針對以英語為外語的台灣高中生做討論。共有120位受試者,分為3組,即以英語為母語的(Native American)高中生,以中文為母語的(Native Chinese)高中生,及以英語為外語的(Learning English as a Foreign Language)高中生。每組均有40位受試者,且男女數目相同。主要的實驗工具是「完成對話問卷」(DCT),設計上有12個真實生活的情境,並以請求語的種類(傳統間接請求、非傳統間接請求)作為變因。所有回應策略被分成四類。策略(一)僅有是否、(S1 yes/ no alone)、策略(二)是否加上資訊或動作(S2 yes/ no plus information or action)、策略(三)資訊或動作(S3 information or action)及策略(四)其他(S4 others)。本研究量化方面以卡方檢定來辨別三組間是否有顯著差異,並輔以質性研究作為進一步的分析以求更全盤瞭解各策略的使用。
結果發現,普遍來說,台灣高中生在語用能力上仍顯不足。第二點、三組受試者在回應間接請求語上有不同的表現。以英文為母語的受試者偏好使用策略(二)是否加上資訊或動作(S2 yes/ no plus information or action),而以英語為外語的高中生和以中文為母語的高中生卻都較偏愛使用策略(三)資訊或動作(S3 information or action)。第三點、以英文為外語的高中生在英語的使用上雖然有受到外語文化的影響,但其母語(即中文)對於其第二語言的使用影響更深遠。此外,三組受試者對於不同形式(CID, NCID)的間接請求語,在回應上採用不同的策略。再者,本研究顯示社會文化在請求語及其回應上扮演著重要的角色,在某個文化中被接受的語言使用可能在另一個文化中是不恰當的。最後,根據本文的探討,提出一些在英語學習與教學及日後研究的應用與建議。 / This study aims to explore and discuss the strategy use of EFL senior high school students in Taiwan when they respond to indirect requests. One hundred and twenty senior high school students participated in this study. They were divided into 3 groups--- native Americans (NA), native Chinese (NC), and EFL (English as a Foreign Language). There were 40 participants in each group, and the number of males and females were the same. The main instrument in this study was Discourse Completion Task (DCT), designed with 12 real life situations. One variable in the DCT was the different types of indirect requests--- Conventional Indirect (CID) and Non-conventional Indirect (NCID).
The participants’ responses were divided into four exclusive categories, namely, S1 (yes/ no alone), S2 (yes/ no plus information or action), S3 (information or action) and S4 (others). To provide the quantitative results, Chi-square was employed to test the presence of statistically significant difference existing across the three groups. In addition, qualitative analysis was conducted to fully understand the employment of each strategy.
The result showed that high school students in Taiwan generally had deficient pragmatic competence. Second, the three participant groups performed differently when responding to indirect requests. It was found that the NA group tended to select Yes/ no plus information or action (S2) whereas the NC and EFL groups preferred to employ Information or action (S3). Third, the performance of the EFL group heavily followed their L1’s cultural norms, although some of their behavior was influenced by the culture of their target language. In addition, participants among three groups tended to use different respondent strategies when encountering different indirect requests, namely, CID and NCID. Furthermore, this study also found that cultural norms play a crucial role in responses to requests. The influence of cultural norms should never be neglected because an acceptable behavior in one culture may be very inappropriate in another. At last, according to the findings, this study hoped to give some suggestions and implications for English learning and teaching as well as the future research.
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