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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

以同儕提名法在團體活動中評鑑初、中階主管之應用分析研究 / The study of managerial assessment by peer nomination in the group exercise

李俊明, Lee, Chun-Ming Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主要目的在於針對主管本研究的主要目的在於針對主管,發展一套「同儕同儕提名」評鑑工具,並進一步探討其信度與效度,以及內部機制與影響因素。 研究者首先針對某證券公司之初階與中階主管進行工作分析,並根據重要管理能力設計活動與評鑑工具。此外,研究者亦根據工作分析結果編製「考核表」,並參考該公司現有的「主管考核」資料與「部屬滿意度」調查結果等來代表主管人員的 工作表現,並據以探討「同儕提名」評鑑工具與主管人員工作績效之間的關係。 本研究工作分析調查樣本人數為86人次,晤談樣本人數為16人次,正試團體活動( 同儕提名)有效樣本為75人次,活動後的深入追蹤訪談為26人次。結果顯示:「同儕提名法」評鑑工具的評分者間信度甚高,肯德爾和諧係數為 .28 -- .62,均達 .01以上顯著水準,評分者內信度的中位數亦達.81;至於效度方面,以考核表總 分、優於部門同仁、晉升潛力、領導能 力、忠誠度、過去三年考績、部屬滿意度等 為效標變項,針對初階與中階主管進行迴歸分析,效度係數中位數分別為 .67與 .56。為進一步瞭解「同儕提名法」之內部機制與影響因素,研究者綜合調查結果 與追蹤晤談資料,嘗試提出一個模式來加以說明。最後,研究者提出本研究之限制、後續研究方向、及企業實務應用等之建議。

少年監獄受刑少年與一般學校班級少年同儕團體之比較研究-社會網路的分析觀點與方法 / A Network Approach to the Explanation of Adolescence Peer Group: A Comparison Study on Juvenile delinquents and School Students.

夏蒂蓮, Hsia, Ti Lien Unknown Date (has links)
基於對偏差青少年同儕關係的理論與研究,各家林立,爭論不一,本研究使用社會網路的分析概念與方法,同時比較了偏差青少年與一般青少年同儕關係中的人際吸引、次團體形成、團體感受、團體互動以及個人在團體中態度的相關。企圖對青少年的同儕團體進行較深入的探究,同時亦將同儕關係網路放入個人社會網路中,嘗試瞭解同儕關係在個人社會網路中的位置。   本研究選擇正在新竹少年監獄服刑的一個少年犯班級為受刑少年組,而以台北市景興國中的一個班級為一般少年組。兩者皆為一年級的男生班,前者約有17人,而後者則有44人。為研究人際吸引及班級中次團體的形成過程,本研究採長程貫時的研究設計,為時一學期。   本研究的重要發現如下:   1.誠如青少年幫派的研究,受刑少年組受試者多來自中下階層的家庭。   2.如社會控制理論所預測的,受刑少年組受試者和父母親人的連結關係,大都相當地薄弱。   3.老師關係在兩組樣本的個人人際網路中,都呈現相當低的連結,顯示師生關係有待加強。   4.同儕關係同時在受刑少年組及一般少年組人際網路中佔有重要比例。在一般少年組中,同班同學又為受試者朋友同學關係的重心。但對受刑少年組受試者而言,其要好朋友多為入監前所結識的朋友,其關係較為穩固與密切。   5.受刑少年和一般少年在同儕團體中各著重不同的活動,而受刑少年組在其個人所屬團體中的團體感受(如:支持感、信任感)較一般少年組為佳。顯示社會控制理論對偏差青少年同儕關係的預測須加以修正。   6.從長程貫時的研究設計中,本研究發現隨時間的增加,兩組樣本班級中都有次團體的形成,受刑少年組因班級人數少且相處時間多,較早形成穩定的次團體。   7.比較受刑少年和一般少年次團體的形成,發現在人際吸引過程中,相似性與接近性同時扮演了重要的角色。在受刑少年組中,次團體成員在偏差態度上有相當程度的相似,而相同寢室的受試者亦易形成次團體。就一般少年而言,同一次團體成員除在偏差態度、一般態度與價值觀有較高的相似性外,學業成就的相似性更明顯地影響人際吸引與次團體形成的方向。此外,在一般少年組中座位的接近,亦是次團體形成的重要影響因素。   8.受刑少年在朋友特質所強調的選擇要件上,和一般少年組受試者有明顯地差異。前者偏重選擇「有正義感」的朋友,而後者則重視成續的高低。   9.不論是在受刑少年組或一般少年組中,皆可發現次團體成員擁有較佳的團體感受,而同儕團體中的孤立看則自覺被團體所排斥。

漢語兒童在同儕互動中言談標記「好」和「對」的使用 / Mandarin-speaking Children's Use of Discourse Markers Hao 'Okay' and Dui 'Right' in Peer Interaction

葉侃彧, Yeh, Kanyu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究使用Schiffrin (1987) 提出的言談結構(discourse structure)為分析架構,旨在觀察漢語兒童在同儕互動中使用口語中常出現的言談標記「好」和「對」的情形,藉以檢驗其如何反映漢語兒童的溝通技巧以及同儕互動的特性。研究語料來自六位五歲的漢語兒童兩兩之間互動的對話,共237分鐘。 研究發現五歲漢語兒童能掌握言談標記「好」和「對」在三個言談結構的功能,且他們使用此兩個言談標記的不同功能時有所異同。首先,「好」和「對」主要使用於交談順序結構(exchange structure)作為表同意的標記。雖然在成人對話中「好」和「對」皆可用於交談順序結構及語意結構(ideational structure),作為表知曉(acknowledgement)的反饋應答標記和話題轉換(topic transition)標記,但研究結果發現漢語兒童在交談順序結構中只使用「好」作為表知曉的反饋應答標記;在語意結構只用「對」作為話題轉換標記。研究結果顯示五歲漢語兒童在與同儕互動時,已能夠使用反饋標記「好」表現參與對方話題的意願,而他們不使用「對」則可能與「對」作為反饋應答標記時的用法和應答詞(backchannels)相似有關。根據先前研究指出應答詞屬於兒童較晚才習得的溝通技巧(Hess & Johnston, 1988)。此外,五歲漢語兒童亦展現出使用話題轉換標記「對」的能力,顯示他們已知道如何使用言談標記幫助建構言談連貫性(discourse coherence);而他們選擇使用「對」而非「好」來轉換話題,則可能與「好」的此項功能所隱含的發話者權威性有關(Chen & Liu, 2009),若使用這類帶有發話者權威的言談標記,則可能損害其與同儕間的關係。本研究因而推論漢語兒童在同儕互動中言談標記「好」和「對」各種功能的使用,不僅僅顯示出他們的溝通技巧,同時也反映了同儕互動的特性。 / The thesis aims to investigate Mandarin-speaking children’s use of two frequently appearing discourse markers, hao ‘okay’ and dui ‘right’, when interacting with peers in order to examine how their use of these markers may reflect their communicative skills and the characteristics of peer relation. The data included 237 minutes of 5-year-old Mandarin children’s conversations with friends while playing. Schiffrin’s (1987) model of discourse structures, which includes the exchange structure, the action structure, the ideational structures, the participation frameworks, and the information state, was used for the analysis. The results showed that Mandarin-speaking children used hao in the information state, the exchange structure and the action structure while dui in the information state, the exchange structure and the ideational structure. The functions of hao and dui in the present data demonstrated several similarities and differences. Both markers were used by the children in the exchange structure to show the speaker’s agreement. However, only hao functioned as an acknowledgement marker to indicate the receipt of information in the exchange structure while only dui marking topic transitions in the ideational structure, even though both markers can serve these two functions in adult conversation. Mandarin-speaking children’s use of hao and dui to express agreements, which indicates their collaborative stances, may help them establish alliances with each other (Wang et al., 2010). Moreover, Mandarin-speaking children at age five demonstrated their ability to use hao as an acknowledgement marker to show their intention to participate in their peer’s current talk. In addition, that only hao but not dui served as an acknowledgement marker may result from the similarity between the acknowledging function of dui and that of backchannels, which has been considered among the last acquired communicative skills (Hess & Johnston, 1988). Furthermore, Mandarin 5-year-old children had the ability to use dui as a topic transition marker to establish discourse coherence. Meanwhile, that dui, instead of hao, was chosen by the children as a transition marker may reflect the relatively equal relations between peers, since hao is usually used by a speaker with higher status to control the topics in adult conversation (Chen & Liu, 2009). It is concluded that Mandarin children’s use of the two markers not only demonstrates their communicative skills but also reflects the particular nature of peer interaction.


薛凱方 Unknown Date (has links)
大學教師與同儕是大學生生活環境中重要的學習社群,二者對於大學生的影響力不容忽視。因此,本研究的探討旨趣在於瞭解現今大學師生非正式互動的情形,及大學同儕間互動的情形,並進一步瞭解大學師生非正式互動、大學同儕互動的頻率與品質與大學生生活適應及生涯決策自我效能間的關係。 本研究以台灣北、中、南、東四個地區693位大學生為研究對象,研究工具包括:研究者自編的「大學師生非正式互動量表」、「大學同儕互動量表」及研究者修訂的「大學生生活適應量表」及「生涯決策自我效能量表」。此外,本研究以因素分析、信度分析、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關分析、典型相關分析及多元逐步迴歸分析進行量表與研究假設的驗證。 研究結果顯示: 1.在大學師生非正式互動方面:現今大學師生的非正式互動頻率偏低,而互動的品質良好。此外,年級會影響大學師生非正式互動的頻率;性別及學院別會影響師生非正式互動的品質。 2.在大學同儕互動方面:現今大學生與同儕的互動頻率相當頻繁,且互動的品質良好。與男性大學生相較,女性大學生與同儕的互動頻率較高且互動品質較為良好。 3.當大學師生非正式互動越頻繁且互動品質越良好時,大學生生活適應也越良好;當大學同儕間的互動頻率越頻繁且互動品質越良好時,大學生生活適應也越良好。 4.當大學師生非正式互動越頻繁且互動品質越良好時,大學生生涯決策自我效能也越高;當大學同儕間的互動頻率越頻繁且互動品質越良好時,大學生生涯決策自我效能也越高。 5.大學同儕互動品質及大學師生非正式互動頻率能顯著預測大學生生涯 決策自我效能,且大學同儕互動品質是主要的預測變項。 6.生涯決策自我效能、大學同儕互動品質及大學同儕互動頻率能顯著預測大學生生活適應,且生涯決策自我效能是最主要的預測變項。 最後,本研究根據研究結果提出建議,以供大學相關機構、大學教師、大學生及未來研究者參考:在大學機構方面:應積極舉辦師生互動之相關活動、提供師生交流的管道、鼓勵大學生組成分享交流團體、加強生涯輔導的多元服務;對大學教師方面:應透過多元管道與學生互動,以友善的態度與學生接觸;對大學生方面:應把握與教師的非正式互動機會,化被動為主動;積極加入同儕社群、散播分享的文化,以積極樂觀的態度面對未來的生涯挑戰;對未來研究建議:可探討系所環境氛圍對於大學生社群互動的影響、比較家庭、教師與同儕三者對於大學生的影響力、進行不同師生互動類型之實驗比較、採取質性研究等。

幼兒在假裝遊戲中建構共識的後設溝通策略 / Young children's metacommunication strategies in constructing shared meanings in pretend-play

郭美杏, Kuo, Mei Hsing Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文主要在探討漢語幼兒同儕的假裝遊戲中的後設溝通,研究問題如下:1. 孩童在社會性的假裝遊戲(social pretend play)中,會使用哪些後設溝通策略? 2.當幼兒在建構共享意義(shared meaning)時,哪一個後設溝通策略會是最成功的?參與本研究的兩位女孩同分別為四歲及五歲,總共在她們的托兒所進行兩次錄影。本研究採用Giffin在1984年發表的後設溝通策略架構,總共包含七個分類:(1)直接演出 (enactment), (2) 另有動機的話語 (ulterior conversation), (3) 強調(underscoring), (4) 說故事(storytelling), (5) 提示(prompting), (6) 不言明的建構(implicit pretend structuring), and (7) 直接言明 (overt proposals to pretend)。另外,本研究再加入第八個分類:直接接受 (simple acceptance)。研究發現孩童在他們的社會性假裝遊戲中,最常使用的策略是提示(prompting),接下來為另有動機的話語 (ulterior conversation)、直接演出 (enactment)、不言明的建構(implicit pretend structuring)。而使用時最可以成功建構分享意義的後設溝通策略已成功率高到低分別為直接接受(Simple acceptance)、強調(underscoring)、另有動機的話語(ulterior conversation)、提示(prompting)以及不言明的建構(implicit pretending structuring)。 / The purpose of the present study was to examine how young children metacommunicate to construct shared meaning in social pretend play. The two research questions were: a) what are the metacommunication strategies used in children’s social pretend play with peers? and b) when children work to construct shared meaning, which metacommunication strategy leads to a higher success rate for shared meaning construction? The study included two female participants, Dora and Sally, who were four and five years old respectively. Two recording sessions were conducted during break times at their day care center. The resulting natural speech data was transcribed for further analysis using the CHILDES format. Analysis was conducted using Giffin’s framework of metacommunication strategies, which defines seven categories: (1) enactment, (2) ulterior conversation, (3) underscoring, (4) storytelling, (5) prompting, (6) implicit pretend structuring, and (7) overt proposals to pretend. An eighth category, simple acceptance, was added for the present study. The results showed that the two participants engaged in a large amount of social pretend play, and metacommunication was found to be an on-going process, with one shared meaning developing gradually into the next. Prompting was the most frequently used metacommunication strategy during the play, followed by ulterior conversation, enactment, and implicit pretend structuring. In respect to the second research question, it was found that the metacommunication strategy with the highest rate of success in constructing shared meaning was simple acceptance (the newly added category), followed by underscoring, ulterior conversation, prompting, and implicit pretend structuring. It could be seen from the children’s social pretend play that the participants were developing their cognitive competence (e.g. symbolic thinking), linguistic competence (e.g. attending to others’ speech, producing logical and coherent responses), and social competence (e.g. taking turns, taking perspectives, trying to understand others’ emotions). Studying peer interactions is crucial for understanding what factors are universal in children’s thinking and development, and future studies with larger samples and with participants from more divergent backgrounds are needed in order to advance systematic research on the issues concerned.


林勝結 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國民中學校長的專業發展及其相關因素,主要的研究目的是了解國民中學校長專業發展影響因素、對專業發展重要性的看法和參與多樣化專業發展意願之間的關係,並提出我國國民中學校長專業發展改進與進一步研究的建議。 為達成研究的目的,本研究根據文獻探討結果,提出研究架構與假設,編製調查工具「國民中學校長專業發展情形調查問卷」進行預試,回收的有效問卷共134份,經由因素、信度分析刪題和文字潤飾後,問卷修正為「中學校長專業發展情形調查問卷」,隨後實施正式調查,共回收有效樣本問卷398份進行統計分析,開放填答的題項也加以歸類析述。 有效樣本經以描述統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、多 元迴歸分析等方法進行分析比較,獲得下列結論: 一、國中校長愈重視專業發展政策和目標,參與多樣化專業發展型態和主題的意願愈高。 二、適度的工作壓力對校長專業發展產生積極影響,但家庭壓力則有消極影響。 三、國中校長感受到的政府專業發展作為的積極性不足。 四、在專業認同度方面,年輕校長不如資深校長。在同儕之間的專業互動頻率方面,鄉鎮學校、資深、高齡和即將退休的校長,較城市學校、資淺、年輕和非近期退休的校長為低。 五、女性國中校長比男性國中校長具有較強的學習自信、較多的校長互動和較高的專業發展參與意願。 六、校長專業發展在不同年齡和年資上,呈現互有優勢的現象,即將退休的校長則有較多不利的情形。 七、心理問題的紓解和改善,是國中校長重視的專業發展目標。 八、校長對具有威脅性、會帶來強制措施的專業發展政策,會給予較低的重要性評比。 九、國中校長樂於參與多樣化的專業發展型態,非正式的參訪、研討、聽講,比體制化的調查、研究、發表,更受校長青睞。 十、國中校長樂於參與多樣化的專業發展主題,尤其是學校經營實務和當前教育改革有關的主題,但參與電腦科技、興趣培養和生活知能的意願較低。 根據研究結論,研究者對教育行政機關提出:設置專責單位或人員,規劃研擬積極的校長專業發展政策;透過法令、文件、方案或計劃,清楚而明確地表述國中校長專業發展目標等建議。對國中校長提出:廣泛成立校長同儕組織,積極轉化校長組織的功能,加強校長同儕互動學習;協力增進校長專業問題的發聲,求取校長與教師專業發展機會的平衡等建議。對未來的研究,提出:分析國中校長同儕組織的成立及其在專業發展的功能、問題和影響;進行各國國家層級或地方層級的校長專業發展制度比較等建議。 / Professional Development of Junior High School Principals and Its Factors The purpose of this research is to understand the relationship between influential factors of professional development, views of professional development importance, and the will of participating in diverse professional development of junior high school principals, and to propose suggestions of improvement and further study. With the questionnaires and statistic analysis of 398 junior high school principals, the conclusions are as follows: 1. There is a positive relationship between the views of professional development importance and the will of professional development of junior high school principals. 2. Working pressure and family pressure cause respectively positive and negative influences on professional development of principals. 3. The government lacks the active policy to assist the professional development of junior high school principals. 4. The professional identity of young principals is lower than senior principals. Besides, the principals who are in town schools, senior, aged, and going to retire lack professional interaction with colleagues. 5. Female junior high school principals have the professional development advantages of confidence of learning ability, interaction with other principals, and higher participative will. 6. There are different advantages of professional development of principals for different ages and seniority, while the principals who are going to retire have more disadvantages. 7. The relief and improvement of the mental problems of principals are the professional development purpose which junior high school principals put emphasis on. 8. Principals have the view of lower importance of threatening professional development policy. 9. Junior high school principals are willing to participate in diverse professional development. Principals prefer the unofficial learning development models rather than the official ones. 10. Junior high school principals are willing to participate in diverse themes of professional development, especially the related themes of school management practice and current educational reform, while they are not so willing to participate in computer technology, interest cultivation, and living skills. According to the conclusions of this research, the researcher proposes some suggestions to education authorities, junior high school principals, and future research directions.

國中學生文化資本、同儕互動及內化判準對寫作動機與作文品質的影響 / The influence of cultural capital, peer interaction and writer's internalized criteria on writing motivation and composition quality of junior high school students

黃郁婷 Unknown Date (has links)
現今國中學生寫作動機與作文品質不佳是國內普遍的現象,而學校是國中學生的主要學習場所,因此本研究的探討旨趣在於瞭解校園中的三個主體:學生、同儕與教師,即文化資本、同儕互動以及內化判準,與國中學生寫作動機以及作文品質間的關係;並進一步瞭解國中生的文化資本、同儕互動、內化判準對寫作動機的預測情形以及前述四者對作文品質的預測情形。 本研究以163位國中二年級學生為研究對象,研究工具包括:研究者自編的「文化資本量表」、「同儕互動量表」、「內化判準量表」、「寫作動機量表」以及「作文評定量表」。此外,本研究以因素分析、信度分析、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關分析、典型相關分析以及多元迴歸分析進行量表與研究假設的驗證。 研究結果顯示: 1.當國中生擁有愈多的文化資本,其寫作動機也會愈高;而國中生擁有的文化資本多寡,與其作文品質無明顯的關係存在。 2.當國中生與同儕的互動頻率愈高時,會有愈高的寫作動機,且會有愈良好的作文品質。 3.當國中生對寫作判準的認同程度愈深時,會有愈高的寫作動機,且其作文品質會愈良好。 4.當國中生的寫作動機愈高時,其作文品質也會愈良好。此外,當國中生的寫作訊息性動機愈高時,其作文中也會有愈良好的新穎性表現;而國中生的寫作內在動機與控制性外在動機對作文中的新穎性表現沒有顯著的影響。 5.國中生已認同判準以及文化資本能顯著預測國中生的寫作動機,且國中生已認同判準是最主要的預測變項。 6.國中生已認同判準、訊息性外在動機以及同儕互動能顯著預測國中生的作文品質,且國中生已認同判準是最主要的預測變項。 為促成國中學生寫作動機以及作文品質之有效提升,本研究最後根據研究結果,對國民中學與國中教師提出幾點實務上之建議: 1.國中校園應多提供豐富的語文物理環境,並鼓勵學生多加運用;此外,鼓勵學生多參與多元的活動,累積生活經驗。 2.鼓勵國中同儕間建立分享的寫作學習社群,並積極地和同儕討論生活見聞。 3.協助學生掌握寫作領域中的批判性原則與標準。 4.著重國中生之寫作訊息性外在動機以及內在動機的培養。 並從研究議題與研究設計兩方面提出建議,作為後續研究之參考。 關鍵字:文化資本、同儕互動、內化判準、寫作動機、作文品質 / Low writing motivation and inferior composition quality has been a general phenomenon for current junior high students. In view of school as the main learning field, this research is to investigate how writing motivation and composition quality are related with cultural capital, peer interaction as well as writer’s internalized criteria, how the writing motivation is predicted by cultural capital, peer interaction as well as writer’s internalized criteria, and how the composition quality is predicted by cultural capital, peer interaction, writer’s internalized criteria and writing motivation. There are 163 students of grade 8 joining in this research. Five self-reported questionnaires, which are “cultural capital scale”,“peer interaction scale”,“writer's internalized criteria scale”, “writing motivation scale” and “composition quality scale” , designed by the researcher, were utilized to measure each variable respectively. Factor analysis, Cronbach alpha, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson relation coefficient, canonical correlation analysis and multiple regression were conducted to validate the questionnaires and verify the hypotheses. The results were as follows: 1. The more cultural capital, the higher the writing motivation were. However, cultural capital was not related with composition quality. 2. The junior high students, who interacted with classmates more frequently, have higher writing motivation and better composition quality. 3. The more important students identified the writing criteria, the better composition quality were. 4. When students owned higher writing motivation, their compositions also have better quality. Besides, when students have higher informational extrinsic motivation, their compositions were found more novel. However, neither of the intrinsic writing motivation nor controlling extrinsic motivation impacted the novel performance. 5. Both identified writing criteria and cultural capital were able to predict writing motivation significantly, the former variable is the most important one. 6. Composition quality was able to be explained by identified writing criteria, information extrinsic motivation and peer interaction significantly. Identified writing criteria is the most important variable among them. Based on our results, several suggestions were raised for the practical application of teachers. 1. The campus should be generated as an abundant linguistic surroundings and the school should encourage students to utilize those resources more frequently. Besides, school should inspired students to participate the various activities so as to enrich the living experiences. 2. The writing community should be encouraged to establish for sake of share of learning experience. The discussion regarding living experiences among classmates should also be promoted. 3. To help the students mater the critical principles and standard in writing field. 4. To generate both intrinsic and informational extrinsic motivation for junior high students. Keywords: cultural capital, peer interaction, writer's internalized criteria, writing motivation, composition quality

透過電子郵件之過程寫作對高職學生英文寫作能力效益之研究 / The Effects of Process Writing via E-mail on Vocational High School Students' English Writing Ability

查獻瑞, Cha, Hsien jui Unknown Date (has links)
有鑒於英文寫作能力日趨重要,英文寫作的教學也愈來愈受到重視。然而在高職英文寫作教學方面來看,其成效卻往往不彰。基於這個原因,研究者運用透過電子郵件之「過程寫作」教學法,期能對高職學生在英文寫作能力的提升上有所裨益。 本研究以北縣某高職綜高學術學程部五十八位二年級學生為研究對象,研究者教導實驗組學生運用「過程寫作」的策略,配合在電子郵件的環境下加強英文寫作的能力;控制組學生則僅接受「過程寫作」策略之教學。實驗前,對實驗組及控制組學生施予前測來檢視學生英文寫作能力之起點行為;實驗後,對實驗組及控制組學生施予後測來檢視學生英文寫作能力之進步情形。實驗終了,再以一問卷來探討實驗組學生對實驗之態度及其自評成效。 研究結果如下: 一、 透過電子郵件之「過程寫作」教學法對學生英文寫作能力確有助 益。實驗組後測成績高於控制組;再者,實驗組在其前後測比較 下,整體寫作能力有顯著之進步。 二、 在電子郵件的環境下運用「過程寫作」的策略幫助學生在作文中之 內容、組織、文法、用字體例方面有所助益。實驗組與控制組之進 步情形雖無顯著差異,實驗組進步情形仍大於控制組。 三、 實驗組學生對透過電子郵件之「過程寫作」教學法,持正面的態 度。 四、 實驗組學生認為在接受透過電子郵件之「過程寫作」教學法之後, 自己的英文寫作能力進步了。 最後,研究者根據上述研究結果,對高職英文作文教學提出建言,作為未來從事英文寫作教學之教師及研究人員參考。 / Owing to the importance of English writing ability on various purposes, teaching writing has received more and more attention nowadays. However, the traditional teaching and then learning process does not work on vocational high school students. This failure inspires the researcher to resort to alternative methods to upgrade his students' English writing ability. The present study was intended to prove that the instruction of process writing via E-mail is effective in enhancing students' English writing ability. Fifty-eight second-year students from two intact classes of Academic Oriented Course in a comprehensive high school in Taipei County participated in this study. The experimental group was taught to apply the strategies of process approach in an E-mail environment at every stage during the experiment while the control group was instructed in process writing strategies solely. Before the experiment, the pretest was used to indicate the starting points of students' writing proficiency. After the experiment, the posttest was administered to examine the effectiveness of process writing via E-mail. In addition, a response questionnaire was given to the experimental group to probe students' attitudes and their self-evaluation of the experiment. The results were as follows. First, the instruction of process writing via E-mail enhanced students' overall English writing ability. The experimental group outperformed the control group in total scores of the posttest. In addition, concerning the total scores between pretest and posttest, the experimental group made a significant progress. Second, the experimental group outperformed the control group in content, organization, grammar, diction, and mechanics after the experiment although the results showed no significant difference. Still, the experimental group made more progress in all five subskills than the control group did. Third, the majority of students in the experimental group responded positively to the instruction of process writing via E-mail. Last, most students in the experimental group considered they made a progress in their English writing ability after the experiment of process writing via E-mail. The present study concluded the effects of process writing via E-mail. Based on the results, the researcher provided writing teachers and educators with constructive suggestions for conducting a writing class or further studies.

青少年的休閒活動與犯罪相關性之研究 / Research on the relation of youth leisure and crime

劉素秋, Liu, Su-Chiu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的在了解目前青少年學生從事哪些休閒活動,以及從事休閒活動中產生哪些問題,而這些問題如何導致青少年犯罪? 本研究係採用研究者自編的六個量表為研究工具.分別是休閒活動量表,交友狀況量表,青少年文化量表,情境機會量表,親子關係量表,犯罪行為量表。本研究的抽樣方法係依臺北都會區 地區 行政區 學校大小 年級等標準進行多階段群集抽樣方法。共選定十二個學校,計回有效樣本數ll40個. 研究結果如下: 一 青少年從事的休閒活動以視聽欣賞活動為最多,其次依序是球類技能,閒意,興趣,娛樂夜遊活動. (一) 青少年從事休閒活動的類型會因性別、年級、居住地區、課餘時間的工作、金錢、家庭等因素而有差異。 (二) 青少年從事娛樂夜遊活動和犯罪行為有相關。 二 根據研究結果,從事休閒活動和犯罪行為並沒有直接的開係,而是透遇一些從事休閒活動中的相關變數,對犯罪行為的發生,才有貢獻。 1.青少年從事不同類型的休閒活動,結交偏差朋友數愈多,犯罪行為發生的可能性愈大。 2.青少年從事不同類型的休閒活動,同儕結合度愈高,犯罪行為發生的可能性愈大。 3.青少年從事不同類型的休閒活動,青少年文化傾向愈高,犯罪行為發生的可能性愈高。 4.青少年從事不同類型的休閒活動,情境機會的促動程度愈高,犯罪行為發生的可能性愈高。 5.青少年從事不同類型的休閒活動,親子關係的品質愈佳,犯罪行為發生的可能性愈低。 本研究發現「偏差朋友數」、「同儕結合度」、「情境機會促動」和犯罪行為的發生有關,亦即偏差朋友數愈多、同儕結合程度愈高、情境機會促動程度愈高,犯罪行為發生的可能性愈高。惟「親子關係」和犯罪行為呈負相關,即親子關係愈好,其犯罪行為發生的可能性愈低。 本研究有幾項建設: 一、對於青少年學生本身從事休閒活動的建議:慎選休閒活動性質 二、對於青少年家長的建議:加強親子關係 三、對於青少年福利政策的建教:給予更多的休閒活動空間 四、對於提供青少年休閒福利者的建教:政府也可給一些補助及福利。 五、對於教育單位協助安排青少年休閒活動的建議:兼具活動安排及指導陪伴的角色。 六、對未來研究的建議:進一步研究青少年從事休閒活動發生犯罪的媒介。

人格特質、親子關係、同儕關係與兒童憂鬱行為表現之研究 / A study of personality traits, parent-child relationship , peer relationship and depression of elementary school students

王瑋婷 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的在探討國小兒童的「人格特質」、「親子關係」、「同儕關係」與「憂鬱」之相關, 並以問卷調查方式進行。研究樣本為國小高年級兒童為對象, 共收集487 份有效樣本進行分析。本研究之研究工具為「兒童青少年憂鬱篩選量表」、「國小學童人格特質量表」、「親子互動關係問卷」及「國小學童同儕互動關係量表」。數據資料以敍述性統計、t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關, 及多元逐步迴歸進行分析等。研究主要發現如下: 一、目前國小兒童的憂鬱行為表現普遍水準偏向正面,即較無憂鬱。 二、不同性別、出生序、家庭結構之國小兒童,其憂鬱行為表現沒有顯著差異 三、全體國小兒童之「神經質」、「支配/指使」、「衝突/攻擊」、「競爭/忌妒」、「敵意/防衛」與其整體憂鬱行為表現間,皆存有顯著正相關的關係;而「嚴謹性」、「外向性」、「友善性」及「開放性」、「親子關係」、「合作/利社會行為」、「遊戲/聯合活動」、「信任/尊重」、「親密/依附」等正向同儕關係及「整體同儕關係」則與其整體憂鬱行為表現間,存有顯著負相關的關係。 四、「老么」、「雙親家庭兒童」之「外向性」與其整體憂鬱行為表現間,存有顯著負相關的關係。 五、「老大」、「單親家庭兒童」之「母親心理」親子關係與其憂鬱行為表現間,存有顯著負相關的關係。 六、「中間子女」之「信任/尊重」、「親密/依附」、「競爭/忌妒」及「敵意/防衛」等四項同儕關係上,與其憂鬱行為表現皆存有顯著相關。 七、「敵意防衛」同儕關係及「神經質」人格特質最能夠效預測全體國小兒童的「憂鬱行為表現」。 八、同儕關係的「競爭嫉妒」最能預測「男生」、「獨生子女」和「中間子女」兒童的「憂鬱行為表現」。 九、同儕關係的「敵意防衛」最能夠預測「女生」、「老大」、「雙親家庭」兒童的「憂鬱行為表現」 十、「神經質」人格特質最能夠預測「老么」、「單親家庭」兒童的「憂鬱行為表現」 本研究根據上述各項結果加以討論,並提出數點建議,以供後續相關實務工作及研究的參考。 / The main purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships among personality traits, parental relationship, peer relationship and depression. The study adopted a method of questionnaire survey. The subjects of this study were 487 grade five and six elementary school students in Taiwan.Instruments used in this study were“Children and Adolescents Depression Screening Scale”,“Parental Interaction Relationship Questionnaire”,“The scale of interaction between peers for elementary students”. The study was analyzed by descriptive statist ics,T-tests,One-way ANOVA,Pearson product -moment correlation and multiple step-wise regression analysis. The main findings of this study were as fol lows: 1. The status of depressive tendency for most respondents is regarded as positive. 2. There were no significant differences in depression among these students according to their different gender , birth order and family structure. 3. There were significant positive correlations between “neuroticism”,” control / instigate”,” conflict / attack”,”competitive / jealous”,” hostile / defensive” peer relationship and “depression”.However, there were significant negative correlations between” conscientiousness”,”extraversion”, “agreeableness”,”openness”,” parental relationship”,”cooperative / prosocial behavior”,”game / joint activities”,”trust / respect”,”intimate/ attachment” peer relationship and “depression”. 4. Significant negative correlations were found between youngest birth order and parents-family child’ extraversion and depression. 5. Significant negative correlations were found between oldest birth order and single parent-family child’ mother mentality relationship and depression. 6. Significant correlations were found between the middle child’ ”trust /respect”,”intimate/ attachment”, ”competitive / jealous”,” hostile / defensive” peer relationship and depression. 7. ” hostile / defensive” peer relationship and “neuroticism” show prediction to the total score of depression. 8. ”competitive / jealous” peer relationship shows prediction to boy,singleton, and the middle child’ depression. 9. ” hostile / defensive” peer relationship shows prediction to girl,oldest birth order,and parents-family child’ depression. 10.“neuroticism” shows prediction to youngest birth order and single parent-family child’ depression. Finally, after discussion, the researcher proposed some suggestions for educational instruction and future studies.

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