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L2 and L1 repairs : Speech production in a comparative perspectiveUllenius, Susanne January 2015 (has links)
I investigated and compared L2 and L1 speech errors and repairs. A speech error may be defined as a linguistic item that is partially or wholly articulated but disagrees with the speaker’s desired communicative intention. A self-repair usually comprises a speech error, a self-interruption, and a repair. Repairs reveal information about the speech production process and in particular about the monitoring component. Errors and repairs were collected from 24 L1 and L2 English speakers who were audio recorded while describing patterns of multi-coloured interconnected nodes. The methodology is a modified version of Levelt’s (1982; 1983) methodology in his study of L1 Dutch speakers, and his results are incorporated in the analysis section for comparison purposes. The hypothesis that L2 speakers produce more repairs than L1 speakers was confirmed. The hypothesis that they produce more lexical errors and less appropriateness errors compared to L1 speakers was confirmed in relation to the English L1 group but not in relation to Levelt’s Dutch L1 group. The hypothesis that L2 speakers leave a larger proportion of their lexical errors unrepaired was not confirmed. The significant differences in numbers and types of errors between the L1 and the L2 data may be related to Paradis’s (2009) theory of declarative knowledge and procedural competence, which entails a higher demand on attentional resources during L2 production. Data may be influenced by methodological inconsistencies, and may also be too small to generalise upon.
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漢語中的字彙產出:以連續話語中的縱向聚合詞誤為例 / Word Production in Mandarin Chinese: Evidence from paradigmatic errors in spontaneous speech陳慧盈, Chen,Huei ying Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討如何將漢語中詞彙的產出,建構在過去的語言生成模型(speech production model)之上。
在過去文獻中,語言生成模型主要有兩大流派:序列模型(serial-ordering model)主張各階段的激活過程只能單向進行,而連接模型(connectionist model)則允許各階段之間有雙向互動。此外,兩大模型闡述綜合性詞誤 (同時在語意及語音方面相關的詞誤)的生成也略有不同:序列模型認為綜合性詞誤起因於功能層次(functional level)與位置層次(positional level)同時發生錯誤,但若綜合性語誤的比例顯著高於機率,則較不支持此說法;連接模型則認為綜合性詞誤來自音系層(phonological stage)和詞條層(lemma stage)間的交互作用,倘若大部分的縱向聚合詞誤(paradigmatic errors)皆具有語音相似度,此說法較能得到驗證。
另外,語料分析的結果也顯示出漢語詞彙產出的特性。第一、在詞彙提取的過程中,字首比語音特徵和韻母扮演了更重要的角色,這同時也支持音節結構應以字首(C)和韻母劃分(CV/CVC)的假設;第二、聲調效應的顯著顯示聲調應存在於字彙的底層結構,因此聲調的促發應先於詞彙結的激化;第三、目標詞彙(target)的音節結構應在音系層的初期就已指定,因此有相同音節結構的詞彙結容易勝出。綜合以上可知,漢語的生成過程較傾向連接模型的架構,唯聲調和音節結構等語言特色宜納入模型討論。 / This study aims to investigate the process of word production in Mandarin, to see how it can be structured in previous models.
Speech production models have two primary sects—the serial-ordering model versus the connectionist model—arguing for uni-directional and bi-directional activation respectively. Besides, between these two models, the generation of both semantically- and phonologically-related lexical errors (mixed errors) is different. On the one hand, the serial-ordering model (Garrett, 1988) interpreted mixed errors as malfunctions occur at both functional and positional level. It may not be favored if mixed errors occur more than chance in the corpus. On the other hand, the connectionist model (Dell, 1986) explained it as the feedback activation from the phonological level back to the lemma level. It would be supported if most paradigmatic substitutions show phonological similarities.
Therefore, in order to facilitate the phonological similarities in lexical substitutions, 421 single-syllable paradigmatic (non-contextual) lexical errors collected in natural settings are examined. It is found that the percentage of mixed errors is significantly higher. Moreover, in the corpus the initialness, similarity, rhyme, syllable structure and tone effects are all prominent, which proves the joint effect of semantic and phonology in word selection. In other words, the connectionist network might better account for the processing of Mandarin.
In addition, the analysis reveals certain issues of word-production in Mandarin. First, initials are primary activation units in word retrieval, rather than phonetic features or rhymes. It also supports the division of hierarchical syllable structure as an onset (C) and rhyme (VC/CVC). Secondly, the significance of tone effect suggests that tone may be stored in the underlying phonological organization of lexicons and thus is prior in word-activation. Thirdly, the syllable structure of the target is assigned at the beginning of phonological stage and thus lexical nodes with the same syllable structure tend to be selected. In conclusion, the analysis proves that the connectionist model could be applied to Mandarin Chinese if the status of tone and syllable structure is included.
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Adaptations in Speech ProcessingXu, Jue 06 July 2021 (has links)
Wie sich die Sprachwahrnehmung an ständig eingehende Informationen anpasst, ist eine Schlüsselfrage in der Gedanken- und Gehirnforschung. Die vorliegende Dissertation zielt darauf ab, zum Verständnis von Anpassungen an die Sprecheridentität und Sprachfehler während der Sprachverarbeitung beizutragen und unser Wissen über die Rolle der kognitiven Kontrolle bei der Sprachverarbeitung zu erweitern. Zu diesem Zweck wurden ereigniskorrelierte Potentiale (EKPs, englisch: event-related potentials, ERPs) N400 und P600 in der Elektroenzephalographie (EEG) analysiert. Die vorliegende Arbeit befasste sich insbesondere mit der Frage nach der Anpassung an die Sprecheridentität bei der Verarbeitung von zwei Arten von Sprachfehlern (Xu, Abdel Rahman, & Sommer, 2019), und untersuchte die proaktive Anpassungen, die durch die Erkennung von Sprachfehlern (Xu, Abdel Rahman, & Sommer, 2021) und durch die Sprecher(dis)kontinuität über aufeinanderfolgende Sätze in Situationen mit mehreren Sprechern ausgelöst wurden (Xu, Abdel Rahman, & Sommer, 2021, in press). Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass unterschiedliche Sprachverarbeitungsstrategien entsprechend der Sprecheridentität von Muttersprachlern oder Nicht-Muttersprachlern und zwei verschiedenen Arten von Sprachfehlern angepasst wurden, was sich in unterschiedlichen N400- und P600-Effekten widerspiegelte. Darüber hinaus kann die Erkennung von Konflikten (Sprachfehler) und Sprecher(dis)kontinuität über aufeinanderfolgende Sätze hinweg eine proaktive kognitive Kontrolle erfordern, die die Verarbeitungsstrategien für den folgenden Satz schnell anpasst, was sich in bisher nicht gemeldeten sequentiellen Anpassungseffekten in der P600-Amplitude manifestierte. Basierend auf dem DMC Modell (Braver, 2012; Braver, Gray, & Burgess, 2007) und dem Überwachungsmodell der Sprachverarbeitung (van de Meerendonk, Indefrey, Chwilla, & Kolk, 2011) schlage ich vor, dass die P600-Amplitude nicht nur reaktive Anpassungen manifestiert, die durch Konflikterkennung ausgelöst werden, nämlich die klassischen P600-Effekte, die eine erneute Analyse der Sprachverarbeitung widerspiegeln, sondern auch proaktive Anpassungen in der Überwachung der Sprachverarbeitung, die Mechanismen der kognitiven Kontrolle von Aufmerksamkeit und Gedächtnis beinhalten. / How language perception adapts to constantly incoming information is a key question in mind and brain research. This doctoral thesis aims to contribute to the understanding of adaptation to speaker identity and speech error during speech processing, and to enhance our knowledge about the role of cognitive control in speech processing. For this purpose, event-related brain potentials (ERPs) N400 and P600 in the electroencephalography (EEG) were analyzed. Specifically, the present work addressed the question about adaptation to the speaker’s identity in processing two types of speech errors (Xu, Abdel Rahman, & Sommer, 2019), and explored proactive adaptation initiated by the detection of speech errors (Xu, Abdel Rahman, & Sommer, 2021) and by speaker (dis-)continuity across consecutive sentences in multi-speaker situations (Xu, Abdel Rahman, & Sommer, 2021, in press). Results showed that different speech processing strategies were adapted according to native or non-native speaker identity and two different types of speech errors, reflected in different N400 and P600 effects. In addition, detection of conflict (speech error) and speaker (dis-)continuity across consecutive sentences engage cognitive control to rapidly adapt processing strategies for the following sentence, manifested in hitherto unreported sequential adaptation effects in the P600 amplitude. Based on the DMC model (Braver, 2012; Braver, Gray, & Burgess, 2007) and the monitoring theory of language perception (van de Meerendonk, Indefrey, Chwilla, & Kolk, 2011), I propose that the P600 amplitude manifests not only reactive adaptations triggered by conflict detection, i.e., the classic P600 effect, reflecting reanalysis of speech processing, but also proactive adaptations in monitoring the speech processing, engaging cognitive control mechanisms of attention and memory.
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