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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


廖啟森 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討(1)台灣與大陸師資培育制度之發展(2)台灣與大陸地區師資培育制度現況與改革(3)兩地區師資培育制度的方法、過程與結果作一分析比較。本研究採文獻分析法,有如下發現: 1.大陸地區自1949年建國以來,以各級各類師範院校為師資培育之主體;台灣自民國83年「師資培育法」公佈後即產生轉變,師資培育以師範院校及一般大學院校設有教育院、系、所或教育學程皆可培養。 2.大陸地區欲擔任中小學教師者多以進入師範院校就讀為主;台灣地區欲擔任中小學教師者可選擇進入師範院校或一般大學就讀。 3.大陸地區採公費待遇制,進入師範院校就讀皆享公費;台灣地區則以自費負擔為主。 4.大陸地區較不注重實習,並未將實習獨立視為師資培育之一部份;台灣地區則對畢業後教學實習規定較為詳盡。 5.大陸地區欲接受師資培育課程者,可入師範院校修習後擔任中小學教師;台灣地區只要修畢相關教育專業課程學分,即可取得擔任教師之基本資格。 6.大陸地區獲得教師資格須具備法律規定學歷或參加教師資格考試方可申請認定;台灣地區則須修畢職前教育課程,參加一系列包含初檢、實習、複檢等過程,才可獲得教師證書。 7.大陸地區教師從事進修目的以獲得國家規定合格學歷為主;台灣地區進修目的以針對學歷合格師資進行專門或專業的知識提昇。 8.台灣與大陸地區所以呈現上述差異與多項因素有關,如:教師待遇與地位、師範院校受重視程度、教師學歷合格與否及教師專業素質水準等。


韓舜南, Han, Sun-Nam Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討韓國中等學校職前師資培育制度內容並進一步展望未來發展。本研究所獲得之主要結論如下: 目前,韓國的師資培育課程,可大分為師範學院課程和非師範學院課程。師範院校的課程有國立和私立師範學院之分;非師範學院課程有普通大學的教職課程和教育系及教育研究所課程。透過這樣的多元和開放性的師資培育,來充足教師的來源。但是,在課程設置和管理上,只是讓學生能獲得教育職業科目的資格,就連師範校院也出現了與普通大學相似的傾向。引導學生研究教育和改善教學方法不夠,應須提高師資的品質。 因此韓國係以所修課程及學分數作為專業科目(即任教科目)的認定標準。另外韓國的中等學校教師的資格係採兩分級制,獲得一級正教師資格者為,基礎學歷需有碩士學位。二級正教師資格者為,基礎學歷獲有學士學位。 依據研究結論,本研究提出以下建議。 1. 建立完善的教師資格檢定制度。 2. 建立師資培育機構、學校、社區密切合作的制度。 3. 在韓國中等學校職前師資培育階段中應需較長之教育實習時間。 基於以上的研究對於教育行政機關、大學校院、及中等學校、未來後續研究提出建議,俾供兩國建構師資培育制度之參考。 / The purpose of this research was to study pre-service education system of Korean and secondary school Teachers. The conclusions and implications of the present study are summarized below: The training curricula for Korean teachers can be divided into two parts; One is the curricula for normal universities and the other is for non–normal universities. The courses for normal universities are separately designed for national normal universities and private normal universities. And those for non-normal universities are for general universities and the department of education and graduate institute of education. The diversity and open teacher educational system can suffice the need for teachers. However, as far as curriculum designing and curriculum management , it can only help students obtain teacher’s certificates. This even happens to students in normal universities. The problem arise because the system is lacking in guiding students how to study education and optimize teaching methods. The system should enhance the quality of teacher training. The number of credit points one obtains serves as criterion for professional curriculum. Moreover, teachers in secondary education can gain two kinds of certificates. Teachers who have a master degree can receive “The firth grad teacher’s license ” and those who have a bachelor degree can obtain “The second grad teacher’s license ”. Suggestion of some ideas to improve the teacher education areas follows: 1. To establish complete certain of the teachers rating system. 2. To establish teacher education system, the secondary schools and community which are closely related to one another. 3. More time is needed for practicing teachers in Korea. According to the conclusion of this study, I hope it will be some help to the construct of secondary school teachers education system. Moreover, the study gives some suggestions to the educational administration, unive rsities , secondary schools, and the further study.

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