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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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廣義線性模式下處理比較之最適設計 / Optimal Designs for Treatment Comparisons under Generalized Linear Models

何漢葳, Ho, Han Wei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在建立廣義線性模式下之D-與A-最適設計(optimal designs),並依不同處理結構(treatment structure)分成完全隨機設計(completely randomized design, CRD)與隨機集區設計(randomized block design, RBD)兩部分探討。 根據完全隨機設計所推導出之行列式的性質與理論結果,我們首先提出一個能快速大幅限縮尋找D-最適正合(exact)設計範圍的演算法。解析解的部分,則從將v個處理的變異數分為兩類出發,建立其D-最適近似(approximate)設計,並由此發現 (1) 各水準對應之樣本最適配置的上下界並非與水準間不同變異有關,而是與有多少處理之變異相同有關;(2) 即使是變異很大的處理,也必須分配觀察值,始能極大化行列式值。此意味著當v較大時,均分應不失為一有效率(efficient)的設計。至於正合設計,我們僅能得出某一處理特別大或特別小時的D-最適設計,並舉例說明求不出一般解的原因。 除此之外,我們亦求出當三個處理的變異數皆不同時之D-最適近似設計,以及v個處理皆不同時之A-最適近似設計。 至於最適隨機集區設計的建立,我們的重點放在v=2及v=3的情形,並假設集區樣本數(block size)為給定。當v=2時,各集區對應之行列式值不受其他集區的影響,故僅需依照完全隨機設計之所得,將各集區之行列式值分別最佳化,即可得出D-與A-最適設計。值得一提的是,若進一步假設各集區中兩處理變異的比例(>1)皆相同,且集區大小皆相同,則將各處理的「近似設計下最適總和」取最接近的整數,再均分給各集區,其結果未必為最適設計。當v=3時,即使只有2個集區,行列式也十分複雜,我們目前僅能證明當集區內各處理的變異相同時(不同集區之處理變異可不同),均分給定之集區樣本數為D-最適設計。當集區內各處理的變異不全相同時,我們僅能先以2個集區為例,類比完全隨機設計的性質,舉例猜想當兩集區中處理之變異大小順序相同時,各處理最適樣本配置的多寡亦與變異大小呈反比。由於本研究對處理與集區兩者之效應假設為可加,因此可合理假設集區中處理之變異大小順序相同。 / The problem of finding D- and A-optimal designs for the zero- and one-way elimination of heterogeneity under generalized linear models is considered. Since GLM designs rely on the values of parameters to be estimated, our strategy is to employ the locally optimal designs. For the zero-way elimination model, a theorem-based algorithm is proposed to search for the D-optimal exact designs. A formula for the construction of D-optimal approximate design when values of unknown parameters are split into two, with respective sizes m and v-m, are derived. Analytic solutions provided to the exact counterpart, however, are restricted to the cases when m=1 and m=v-1. An example is given to explain the problem involved. On the other hand, the upper bound and lower bound of the optimal number of replicates per treatment are proved dependent on m, rather than the unknown parameters. These bounds imply that designs having as equal number of replications for each treatment as possible are efficient in D-optimality. In addition, a D-optimal approximate design when values of unknown parameters are divided into three groups is also obtained. A closed-form expression for an A-optimal approximate design for comparing arbitrary v treatments is given. For the one-way elimination model, our focus is on studying the D-optimal designs for v=2 and v=3 with each block size given. The D- and A-optimality for v=2 can be achieved by assigning units proportional to square root of the ratio of two variances, which is larger than 1, to the treatment with smaller variance in each block separately. For v=3, the structure of determinant is much more complicated even for two blocks, and we can only show that, when treatment variances are the same within a block, design having equal number of replicates as possible in each block is a D-optimal block design. Some numerical evidences conjecture that a design satisfying the condition that the number of replicates are inversely proportional to the treatment variances per block is better in terms of D-optimality, as long as the ordering of treatment variances are the same across blocks, which is reasonable for an additive model as we assume.

APC模型估計方法的模擬與實證研究 / Simulation and empirical comparisons of estimation methods for the APC model

歐長潤, Ou, Chang Jun Unknown Date (has links)
20世紀以來,因為衛生醫療等因素的進步,各年齡死亡率均大幅下降,使得平均壽命大幅延長。壽命延長的效果近年逐漸顯現,其中的人口老化及其相關議題較受重視,因為人口老化已徹底改變國人的生活規劃,死亡率是否會繼續下降遂成為熱門的研究課題。描述死亡率變化的模型很多,近代發展的Age–Period–Cohort模型(簡稱APC模型),同時考慮年齡、年代與世代三個解釋變數,是近年廣受青睞的模型之一。這個模型將死亡率分成年齡、年代與世代三個效應,常用於流行病學領域,探討疾病、死亡率是否與年齡、年代、世代三者有關,但一般僅作為資料的大致描述,本研究將評估APC模型分析死亡率的可能性。 APC模型最大的問題在於不可甄別(Non–identification),即年齡、年代與世代三個變數存有共線性的問題,眾多的估計APC模型參數方法因應甄別問題而生。本研究預計比較七種較常見的APC模型估計方法,包括本質估計量(IE)、限制的廣義線性模型(cglim_age、cglim_period與cglim_cohort)、序列法ACP、序列法APC與自我迴歸模型(AR),以確定哪一種估計方法較為穩定,評估包括電腦模擬與實證分析兩部份。 電腦模擬部份比較各估計方法,衡量何者有較小的年齡別死亡率及APC參數的估計誤差;實證分析則考慮交叉分析,尋找用於死亡率預測的最佳估計方法。另外,也將以蒙地卡羅檢驗APC的模型假設,以確定這個模型的可行性。初步研究發現,以台灣死亡資料做為實證,本研究考量的估計方法在估計年齡別死亡率大致相當,只是在年齡–年代–世代這三者有不同的詮釋,且模型假設並非很符合。交叉分析上,Lee–Cater模型及其延展模型相對於APC模型有較小的預測誤差,整體顯示Lee–Cater 模型較佳。 / Since the beginning of the 20th century, the human beings have been experiencing longer life expectancy and lower mortality rates, which can attributed to constant improvements of factors such as medical technology, economics, and environment. The prolonging life expectancy has dramatically changed the life planning and life style after the retirement. The change would be even more severe if the mortality rates have larger reduction, and thus the study of mortality become popular in recent years. Many methods were proposed to describe the change of mortality rates. Among all methods, the Age-Period-Cohort model (APC) is a popular method used in epidemiology to discuss the relation between diseases, mortality rate, age, period and cohort. Non-identification (i.e. collinearity) is a serious problem for APC model, and many methods used in the procedure included estimation of parameter. In the first part of this paper, we use simulation compare and evaluate popular estimation methods of APC model, such as Intrinsic Estimator (IE), constrained of age, period and cohort in the Generalized Linear Model (c–glim), sequential method, and Auto-regression (AR) Model. The simulation methods considered include Monte-Carlo and cross validation. In addition, the morality data in Taiwan (Data sources: Ministry of Interior), are used to demonstrate the validity and model assumption of these methods. In the second part of this paper, we also apply similar research method to the Lee-Carter model and compare it to the APC model. We found Lee–Carter model have smaller prediction errors than APC models in the cross–validation.

遺漏值存在時羅吉斯迴歸模式分析之研究 / Logistic Regression Analysis with Missing Value

劉昌明, Liu, Chang Ming Unknown Date (has links)

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