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企業資訊安全風險評估-以電腦病毒為例洪裕傑, Hung,Yu-Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
隨著網際網路的快速成長,資訊安全已成為企業最重視的議題之一。企業必須保護自己免於網路威脅(Cyber-Threat),不過防止企業免受網際威脅已非易事,這也為企業資訊安全風險埋下了一顆不定時炸彈。換句話說,資訊安全風險是現今企業所面臨的主要挑戰之一,企業資訊安全防護的好壞將直接反應在企業的盈虧上,甚至可能影響到顧客對該企業產品或服務的滿意度等,對企業的殺傷力是不容忽視的。目前的防毒軟體(Anti-Virus)與威脅管理系統(Threat Management System)所能提供的基本功能都是大同小異,其效能也在伯仲之間,但是企業使用的成效則大不相同。因此如何掌握左右企業資訊安全風險的主要影響因子,並根據該影響因子提供企業一套資訊安全策略以解決其所面臨的風險與使得金錢上的損失降到最低,將是改善企業資訊安全風險的關鍵成功因素。
本研究藉由分析企業在資訊安全所面臨到的風險,得以建立並發展相關評量的模型,研究結果除了可以提供廠商與設計人員在開發企業資訊安全風險評量時參考的依據,也為後續的相關實證研究提供一些建議的方向。 / Following the growth of the www internet in the latest years, information security has become the most important topic among all enterprise companies. Enterprise companies have to protect themselves from Cyber-Threat, but this is not an easy job at all. That means a hidden bomb has already been planted inside their information systems. In another words, the information security threat is the main challenge that all enterprise companies are facing right now. The performance of the defensive system that an enterprise company is using directly impacts whether this company can have a profit gain or loss; furthermore, this affects the customers’ satisfaction about the company’s products and services. This threat can harm the company and should not be ignored. Right now the basic service that Anti Virus software and Threat Management System can provide and their performance are functionally the same, but the effective factor of how each different companies use them may yield a big difference. Hence, knowing how to control the main factor of the information security threat of the company and knowing how to provide the best and the most secured strategy according to the threat to solve any possible future threat such that the loss of profit can be minimized, will be the most important aspect for an enterprise company to be succeeded.
This research was conducted by interviewing with five experienced enterprise security maintenance experts at first. From the conservation, we have learned that the main factor of the information security is not depending on the amount of budget that the company has spent on anti-virus software. In fact the strategy type that the company uses for information security is the main reason. This includes the relational model between the users and the information security members, the quality of the information security members, the support of information security strategy from the top manager, and etc. These are more important factors.
We have then conducted a survey among the customers from one of the famous anti virus software in Taiwan. We have sent out 1910 questionnaire mails and online survey invitation emails, we have collected back 102 copies of valid questionnaires (5.3% of the total). The questionnaire contains two parts: the characteristic of the company (including the background of company, the virus infection situation in the past three years, the anti virus system, the present situation of information security management), and the performance evaluation of the anti-virus system (which one(s) out of the four anti-virus techniques that the current company is applying: using anti-virus software, monitoring and filtering, using some tools for tracing, and the separation of local area network. Which one(s) out of five security process strategies that the company is using: weakness management, virus pattern deployment, account management, permission of using application and network, and response and restore process. And the factor of company: the responsibility and ability, the obedient, and the weight that was put for educational training.) Using the infection number of virus, the impact severity of virus spread, the quantity of detectable virus, and the number of detectable infection events as dependent variables, along with using the situation of company and each items in anti-virus ability evaluation as single factor or multiple factor variant analysis, the analyzed result shows that the size of companies and the security process strategies such as the use of anti-virus software, weakness management, and account management, are the main factors of the infection number of virus. The characteristic of the company such as the size of companies and its network management, the security process strategies such as the use of anti-virus, weakness management, and virus pattern deployment, and the educational training are the main reasons of affecting the severity of virus spread. The size of company, the use of anti virus technique such as the use of anti-virus software and the monitoring and filtering, and weakness management are the main factors of the number of detected virus. The size of company, weakness management, and the educational training are the main factor of the number of events of detected infection.
According to the analysis of the threat of information security that an enterprise company would face, this research has built and developed a related evaluation model. The result from this research not only can provide a reference for companies and software designers when they evaluate their enterprise information security, but also suggest a new direction for future research.
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