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新聞報導和公關稿之主題框架及風險訊息差異:以腸病毒為例 / Issues frames and risk messages of news releases and news coverage during the Epidemic of Entrovirus姜采蘋 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究選擇病情最嚴重的2005和2008年作為分析時間,共蒐集56則疾管局公關稿和929則新聞報導進行內容分析。研究結果發現:1. 腸病毒新聞的主要消息來源為政府單位(包括中央和地方政府)及醫護人員。2. 腸病毒新聞最常出現偏向政府單位的新聞觀點。3. 腸病毒新聞的主要框架為「疫病的流行病學描述」,其次為「相關疫病的預防和保健資訊」;腸病毒公關稿則最常以「相關疫病的預防和保健資訊」為主要框架,其次為「相關疫病概論」和「疫病的流行病學描述」;公關稿比新聞更重視腸病毒的醫學概論和預防保健等偏重知識性和專業性的訊息。4. 新聞報導最常以風險訊息為主要訊息脈絡,公關稿則最常以預防訊息作為主要訊息脈絡。5. 新聞報導和公關稿最常提供的腸病毒相關風險訊息為疫區、感染人數、易受感染族群、相關病理概念、預防方式和建議、以及治療方式和可採行的措施;就總體而言,腸病毒公關稿所提供的腸病毒相關風險訊息,比新聞報導多。
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健康風險評估中的樂觀化偏誤現象-台北市六所幼稚園家長對腸病毒問題之解讀陳麗萍 Unknown Date (has links)
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企業資訊安全風險評估-以電腦病毒為例洪裕傑, Hung,Yu-Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
隨著網際網路的快速成長,資訊安全已成為企業最重視的議題之一。企業必須保護自己免於網路威脅(Cyber-Threat),不過防止企業免受網際威脅已非易事,這也為企業資訊安全風險埋下了一顆不定時炸彈。換句話說,資訊安全風險是現今企業所面臨的主要挑戰之一,企業資訊安全防護的好壞將直接反應在企業的盈虧上,甚至可能影響到顧客對該企業產品或服務的滿意度等,對企業的殺傷力是不容忽視的。目前的防毒軟體(Anti-Virus)與威脅管理系統(Threat Management System)所能提供的基本功能都是大同小異,其效能也在伯仲之間,但是企業使用的成效則大不相同。因此如何掌握左右企業資訊安全風險的主要影響因子,並根據該影響因子提供企業一套資訊安全策略以解決其所面臨的風險與使得金錢上的損失降到最低,將是改善企業資訊安全風險的關鍵成功因素。
本研究藉由分析企業在資訊安全所面臨到的風險,得以建立並發展相關評量的模型,研究結果除了可以提供廠商與設計人員在開發企業資訊安全風險評量時參考的依據,也為後續的相關實證研究提供一些建議的方向。 / Following the growth of the www internet in the latest years, information security has become the most important topic among all enterprise companies. Enterprise companies have to protect themselves from Cyber-Threat, but this is not an easy job at all. That means a hidden bomb has already been planted inside their information systems. In another words, the information security threat is the main challenge that all enterprise companies are facing right now. The performance of the defensive system that an enterprise company is using directly impacts whether this company can have a profit gain or loss; furthermore, this affects the customers’ satisfaction about the company’s products and services. This threat can harm the company and should not be ignored. Right now the basic service that Anti Virus software and Threat Management System can provide and their performance are functionally the same, but the effective factor of how each different companies use them may yield a big difference. Hence, knowing how to control the main factor of the information security threat of the company and knowing how to provide the best and the most secured strategy according to the threat to solve any possible future threat such that the loss of profit can be minimized, will be the most important aspect for an enterprise company to be succeeded.
This research was conducted by interviewing with five experienced enterprise security maintenance experts at first. From the conservation, we have learned that the main factor of the information security is not depending on the amount of budget that the company has spent on anti-virus software. In fact the strategy type that the company uses for information security is the main reason. This includes the relational model between the users and the information security members, the quality of the information security members, the support of information security strategy from the top manager, and etc. These are more important factors.
We have then conducted a survey among the customers from one of the famous anti virus software in Taiwan. We have sent out 1910 questionnaire mails and online survey invitation emails, we have collected back 102 copies of valid questionnaires (5.3% of the total). The questionnaire contains two parts: the characteristic of the company (including the background of company, the virus infection situation in the past three years, the anti virus system, the present situation of information security management), and the performance evaluation of the anti-virus system (which one(s) out of the four anti-virus techniques that the current company is applying: using anti-virus software, monitoring and filtering, using some tools for tracing, and the separation of local area network. Which one(s) out of five security process strategies that the company is using: weakness management, virus pattern deployment, account management, permission of using application and network, and response and restore process. And the factor of company: the responsibility and ability, the obedient, and the weight that was put for educational training.) Using the infection number of virus, the impact severity of virus spread, the quantity of detectable virus, and the number of detectable infection events as dependent variables, along with using the situation of company and each items in anti-virus ability evaluation as single factor or multiple factor variant analysis, the analyzed result shows that the size of companies and the security process strategies such as the use of anti-virus software, weakness management, and account management, are the main factors of the infection number of virus. The characteristic of the company such as the size of companies and its network management, the security process strategies such as the use of anti-virus, weakness management, and virus pattern deployment, and the educational training are the main reasons of affecting the severity of virus spread. The size of company, the use of anti virus technique such as the use of anti-virus software and the monitoring and filtering, and weakness management are the main factors of the number of detected virus. The size of company, weakness management, and the educational training are the main factor of the number of events of detected infection.
According to the analysis of the threat of information security that an enterprise company would face, this research has built and developed a related evaluation model. The result from this research not only can provide a reference for companies and software designers when they evaluate their enterprise information security, but also suggest a new direction for future research.
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利用新式生物反應器培養豬腎細胞可行性之評估 / The feasibility using a novel bioreactor to cultivate PK-15 cell孫崇鈞, Chong-Jun Sun January 1994 (has links)
本研究主要在於設計一種新式生物反應器,並應用於生產豬瘟病毒疫苗。首先根據所培養細胞的生長特性與原有生物反應器之缺點,改良成新式的生物反應器,並評估此新式生物反應器適用性、效能,以及所培養豬腎細胞之生長代謝情形與豬瘟病毒力價。整個實驗過程大致分為兩個部分,第一個部分探討細胞固定化培養之最適化培養條件與生長代謝情形,第二個部分探討豬瘟病毒培養之最適化培養條件與生長代謝情形。實驗結果發現豬腎細胞(PK-15)以批次方式培養於新式生物反應器,搭配著FIBRA-CEL®載體,成功的進行擴大培養,豬腎細胞最高的生長量達到2.29×109cells/300mL的細胞量。因此,改良之新式生物反應器可提供細胞優越的生長環境,具有擴大規模培養之潛力,可藉由此簡單設備、操作容易、成本低且低能源消耗之新式生物反應器達成細胞製品之生產基座。 / In this study, the production of PK-15 cell using immobilized animal cell culture in a novel bioreactor was investigated.We evaluated the serviceability and efficiency of a design-improved novel bioreactor for the growth and metabolic states of cultured PK-15 cells and the production of HC virus. The entire experiment includes two major stages: (1) investigation of the optimal conditions and metabolic states for the growth of immobilized cells, (2) investigation of the optimal conditions for the production of HC virus. Our results showed that immobilized PK-15 cells on the fibra-cell carries in the design-improved novel bioreactor exhibited their best growth of 2.29×109 cells/300mL.The immobilized conditions for cell culture, can provide a shearing stress of growth state, easy separation of cells from the culture mediu, and a operation of continuously feeding medium, leading to possibility growth of the high density cell and a long period of production;as a result, the efficiency of producing process is promoted. Here,our design-improved novel bioreactor is expected to provide an optimal growth environment of both the cells and viruses for the production of high-yielded, stable, and consistent cellular biological preparations. Furthermore, it will also provide the basis for the production of cell products with advantages of simple-equipped, easy-to-operate, low cost, and low energy consumption. / 致謝 i
中文摘要 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ii
英文摘要 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ iii
目錄 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ iv
表目錄 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ vi
圖目錄 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ vii
第一章 緒論------------------------------------------------------------------ 1
第二章 文獻回顧------------------------------------------------------------ 3
2-1 豬腎傳代細胞(PK-15 cell) -------------------------------------- 3
2-2 豬瘟病毒------------------------------------------------------------ 4
2-2.1 豬瘟之歷史背景--------------------------------------------------- 4
2-2.2 豬瘟病毒之特性--------------------------------------------------- 7
2-2.3 豬瘟發生原因之探討--------------------------------------------- 11
2-3 生物反應器--------------------------------------------------------- 12
第三章 實驗材料與方法--------------------------------------------------- 21
3-1 細胞------------------------------------------------------------------ 21
3-2 細胞繼代培養------------------------------------------------------ 21
3-3 細胞冷凍保存------------------------------------------------------ 22
3-4 解凍細胞培養------------------------------------------------------ 22
3-5 病毒感染------------------------------------------------------------ 23
3-6 收集病毒------------------------------------------------------------ 24
3-7 豬瘟病毒力價測試------------------------------------------------ 24
3-8 細胞滾瓶培養------------------------------------------------------ 26
3-9 生物反應器操作--------------------------------------------------- 27
3-10 載體上細胞數的測定--------------------------------------------- 33
3-11 葡萄糖的測定------------------------------------------------------ 33
3-12 培養過程中pH值測定------------------------------------------- 34
第四章 結果與討論--------------------------------------------------------- 35
4-1 測試細胞貼附的材料--------------------------------------------- 35
4-2 細胞固定時間的比較--------------------------------------------- 36
4-3 測試不同比例的載體量培養豬腎細胞------------------------ 37
4-4 測試不同接種量--------------------------------------------------- 40
4-5 測試培養基流速對豬腎細胞生長的影響--------------------- 44
4-6 測試培養基停留於培養槽時間對豬腎細胞生長的影響--- 45
4-7 測試豬腎細胞暴露空氣時間對於生長的影響--------------- 47
4-8 測試Bellocell培養豬腎細胞(PK-15)可行性----------------- 49
4-9 測試利用新式生物反應器培樣豬瘟病毒--------------------- 50
第五章 結論與建議--------------------------------------------------------- 53
參考文獻 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 55
表1. 兔化豬瘟疫苗與組織培養豬瘟疫苗的比較------------------ 6
表2. 急性、慢性與遲發型豬瘟比較---------------------------------- 10
表3. .Growth of Various cell Lines in bellocell-500----------------- 18
表4. Comparison of SF-9 cell Growth and BEV production in Various Laboratory bioreators------------------------------------
表5. Comparison of HEK293 Cell growth and Receptor X production in Cell Factory®/20 roller bottles and BelloCell-500Bioreactor------------------------------------------
表6. Reed-Muench Methods法計算方法----------------------------- 26
表7. 比較不同材料培養PK-15 cell所用的載體量---------------- 50
表8. 細胞固定時間的比較所接細胞量與載體量------------------ 51
圖1. Liau提出以潮汐生物反應器圖--------------------------------- 17
圖2. Operation principle of Bellocell system------------------------- 18
圖3. 新式生物反應器(novel reactor)-潮汐式生物反應器(tidal typereactor)之運作流程圖--------------------------------------- 30
圖4. 比較不同材料培養PK-15 cell ---------------------------------- 63
圖5. 比較不同時間細胞的貼附量------------------------------------ 64
圖6. 測試的不同比例載體量培養豬腎細胞生長曲線------------ 65
圖7. 測試的不同比例載體量培養豬腎細胞培養過程glucose消耗趨勢------------------------------------------------------------ 66
圖8. 測試的不同比例載體量培養豬腎細胞培養過程pH變化------------------------------------------------------------------------
圖9. 測試不同接細胞量培養在10g carrier生長曲線------------- 68
圖10. 測試不同接細胞量培養在10g 載體glucose消耗趨勢----- 69
圖11. 測試不同接細胞量培養在10g carrier pH趨勢--------------- 70
圖12. 測試流速對豬腎細胞生長的影響------------------------------ 71
圖13. 測試流速對細胞影響的葡萄糖消耗--------------------------- 72
圖14. 測試流速對豬腎細胞生長影響pH值-------------------------- 73
圖15. 測試培養基停留時間對豬腎細胞生長影響------------------ 74
圖16. 測試培養基holding時間對豬腎細胞生長的影響之葡萄糖趨勢---------------------------------------------------------------
圖17. 測試培養基holding時間對細胞的影響之pH值趨勢------- 76
圖18. 測試豬腎細胞暴露空氣時間對生長的影響------------------ 77
圖19. 測試豬腎細胞暴露空氣對生長的影響葡萄糖消耗趨勢--- 78
圖20. 測試豬腎細胞暴露空氣對細胞生長的影養pH值趨勢---- 79
圖21. Bellocell反應器培養豬腎細胞---------------------------------- 80
圖22. Bellocell培養豬腎細胞葡萄糖消耗趨勢---------------------- 81
圖23. Bellocell培養豬腎細胞pH值趨勢----------------------------- 82
圖24. 測試利用新式生物反應器培養豬瘟病------------------------ 83
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網路市場行家理論驗證與延伸-其網路資訊搜尋、口碑傳播、線上購物行為及個人特質研究費翠, Fei, Tsui Unknown Date (has links)
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病毒行銷原理之初探性研究 / The Explorative Research of Viral Marketing Theorems彭銘欽, Perng, Ming-Chin Unknown Date (has links)
│ │病毒行銷 │直銷 │二級傳播 │
│傳播者 │包括顧客與傳播的中心點 │顧客 │傳播的中心點│
│績效評估│經設計過後可以被估算 │可以 │不行 │
│應用範圍│本研究中暫時限制為虛擬世界│實體世界│不限 │
└────┴─────────────┴────┴──────┘ / Viral marketing was first to be mentioned in the article of the fast company web site in december, 1996. In this article, the auther give virus marketing the defination of “a marketing method which spreads itself automatically”, and people who see this article adopted it, too. Although this defination is clear, many people treat viral marketing as another name of ”e-mail marketing”.
e-mail marketing means using the e-mail system as a tool of marketing. For the characteristics of e-mail are convenient, cheap, public and “people spread it volunteerly”, most early examples of viral marketing use e-mail as their tool to spread. That’s the main reason the two concepts was confused.
This research tries to reach three main objects:
● Give viral marketing an academic definition ,which means the marketing manager could repeat the approach to get similar result.
● Find the components of viral marketing so that the characters could be descripted ,and the main parts that should be operated could be assured.
● Try to find the relation between the viral marketing locus and the environment where it is happening.
Research Structure
According to biology theorem, virus’ life cycle was discovered almost completely. That’s the main reason for the research taking virus’ life cycle as a reference of reseach structure. To avoid of lacking any component which is important and to define the main category, the adapting is neccesary and decisive.
After observing about 500 cases for 3 months, components of viral marketing was formed gradually. Under the strict analogy logic molted from the concept of “analogism”, the main components that should be operated was figured out. They are Injector, Carrier, Host, and Evolution. Injector and Carrier are both inside the “virus” which was made by the marketing manager or virus designer. Host is another name of customer. Evolution is an component which only bring obvious effects when the environment element was taked into consideration.
Redraw the components’ relation as follows:
In this model, there are four action which are not mentioned above. Produce explains where the virus from, Infecting refers to the reason that a virus could influnce host’s behavior, Consuming is the action to complete the full cycle. Spreading and evoluting was co-variating actions that were discussed in the evolution chapter.
Case Choice
For the different purposes in this research, the types of cases choosed were diversing and the amount was large. Most effort was taked in observing the e-mail everyday. Tracing each email, counting their spread period, and analyzing the success or fail key factors.
To analogize the virus’ life cycle, the meanings of components in the real world are required. For this purpose, Hotmail, ICQ, and Ctrl-Mail were chosed as the real world cases of viral marketing. Hotmail and ICQ were both selected as sucessful examples of viral marketing extensively. Ctrl-Mail was chosed for their high technology background and technology-oriented company strategy so that viral marketing will not be misunderstanded as another IT method nor marketing concept but a mixture of concept and method.
Research Methodology
The first part of this research was based on the ground theory. To build the open category, about 200 cases was studied to defined the main category of viral marketing, and 3 primary cases was analyzied to analogize the structure of the research, using the research methodology of “Right Analogy”.
Right Analogy is constructed on the same logic of anlogism, which requires 2 similar objects shall the same but one critical difference, and then the characteristics is analogied possible.
Under the logic, the primary category can be constructed, and the theory can be extracted from the cases we observed.
1. The definition of viral marketing can be described as follows:“ Viral marketing is an online strategy which is in an particular formation, can spread itself through the paticular chnnels and if marketing managers, designers, or any one who need it can design it personally to reach a particular object.”
2. Virus’ gene can be any product, brand, service, and even a strategy object.
3. When the marketing object was chosen, the target customer was assured at the same time. In another words, gene and host in viral marketing are coupled.
4. Proper represet formation can induce higher marketing effect, that is, a proper designed carrier is better.
5. The differences between viral marketing, direct selling, and second-level communication were showed as follows:
│ │Viral marketing │Direct selling│second-level │
│ │ │ │communication │
│communicator│Customer and the center │Customer │the center of │
│ │of the communication │ │the communication │
│Achievement │Can be estimated after │yes │no │
│estimation │being designed │ │ │
│Applied │Virtual world limited │Real world │No limited │
│situation │in this research │ │ │
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大型企業資訊安全實務研究 / A Research into Information Security Case Study of Large-Scale Firms金慶柏, Chin,Robert CP Unknown Date (has links)
依據Datamonitor的估計,美國企業一年在資訊安全漏洞上至少損失美金一百五十億元。根據電腦安全學院(Computer Security Institute, CSI)及聯邦調查局(Federal Bureau of Intelligence, FBI)2004年的問卷調查顯示百分之四十九的企業曾發生個人電腦失竊的案例。依據IronPort的估計,一年前每年約有三百億封垃圾郵件,現在則激增至五百五十億封垃圾郵件。時至今日,對於資訊安全的主要威脅不是來自於組織外的駭客、病毒或蠕蟲,而是組織內的個人。不論組織內的個人是有意或無意地違反資訊安全的政策和規定,其後果可能相當嚴重,小至組織形象受損、業務損失,大至官司纏身或巨額罰款。
1. 國際標準組織(International Standard Organization, ISO)17799。
2. 英國標準組織(British Standard Institute, BS)7799。
3. 國際商業機器股份有限公司(International Business Machines, IBM)的資訊安全計劃。
4. 惠普股份有限公司(HP)及Information Security System公司的資訊安全稽核機制。
5. 微軟股份有限公司(Microsoft)。
二是提供一些真實的成功案例以提供給其他有興趣的組織作為參考。從結論發現,我們可藉由改善核心業務流程,去建造新的資訊安全系統,去運營一個可長治久安的實體與虛擬的環境,並強化公司的知識管理及傳承 / In the twenty-first century, information system and computing assets are more critical to organization’s success, and as a result, must be protected from loss, modification or destruction. Information security is the process of protecting data / information from accidental or intentional misuse by person inside or outside of an organization, including employee, consultants, and hackers. Information security is a strategic part of an organization, not just the issue of Management Information System, MIS, or Information Technology, IT, department.
According to “Datamonitor”, US$ 15 billion, at least, cost of information security breaches to United States businesses in one year. From the survey of Computer Security Institute, CSI, and Federal Bureau of Intelligence, FBI, in 2004, 49% of companies experienced notebook Personal Computer theft. According to IronPort, there are 55 billion spam e-mail per year right now, compared with 30 billion spam e-mail yearly. Today, the largest threat to information security is not the typical hacker, virus or worm, but the corporate insider. Whether insiders violate data security policies in advertently or with maliciously, the result can expose the company to public embarrassment, lost business, costly lawsuit, and regulatory fines.
Taiwanese high-technology companies have 70% market share of worldwide semiconductor foundry business, 40% share of semiconductor package segment, 50% share of semiconductor testing, 80% of computer motherboard, 72% share of notebook PC, 68% of LCD monitor --- New York Times, 2006. How can we keep maintaining the leading positions around the globe? To invest in R&D, manufacturing, and global logistics is key. However, how to implement a secure, global and reliable IT network and infrastructure to server customers better is a must under current global economy.
To every Chief Information Officer, CIO, or Chief Security Officer, CSO, Information security is always one of the top 3 to-do list. Information security is easy to talk about. But, implementations and executions are where talk must turn into action. Purchasing security device is easy. Knowing how and what to protect ad what controls to put in place is a bit more difficult. In the real commercial world, no one or company would like to share or release its weakness to the public. The objective of this thesis is to study most updated information security industry standard and information security suppliers’ view, like:
1. International Standard Organization, ISO, 17799.
2. British Standard Institute’s BS 7799.
3. IBM’s Information Security Program, ISP.
4. HP & Information Security Systems’ Information Security Audit Mechanism, ISAM.
5. Microsoft
Also to provide a real successful case / framework for other companies to ensure a consistent, enterprise-wide information security focus is maintained across organization boundaries. In conclusion, this information security study proposes to transfer core business process, to build information security new applications, to run a scalable, available, secure environment, and to leverage firms’ knowledge and information.
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電腦病毒特性與病毒/防毒廠商互動研究 / The Computer Virus Pattern and Interaction of Virus & Anti-Virus Companies吳宣諭 Unknown Date (has links)
基於創新來自於邊陲的概念,本論文希望排除道德的限制,單純從特性上加以考量其創新,並非鼓勵或褒揚之意。希望提供企業以另一個層次的角度思考本文所提出之創新觀點,應用於研發管理、創新管理、行銷管理、策略管理等領域,興許能有不同的創新解決方案。 / Most papers from the traditional business school discuss the competitions among manufacturers, and focus on the interactions between organizations and between groups. However, in this paper, we propose another type of competition - the competition between the hacker (composed by the individuals or non-regular organization) and the manufacturer (organizations or groups). Here, we take the interaction between virus and anti-virus software manufacturers as example to describe the 3 dimensions among computer virus, anti-virus software manufactures and their contests.
In this thesis, we take virus as the evil side and expect to dig out the motivation and behavior of the hackers, and then we take the anti-virus software manufactures as the counter side to discuss the interaction between virus and anti-virus software. Finally, we sum up the 5 innovative characteristics of the virus: the skill is deeper, the incidence is bigger, the spreading speed is faster, the virus behavior is smarter and the industrial structure is more robust.
In this thesis, there are 3 unprecedented distributions: first, we propose the innovative concept by using the disutility characteristic of virus; second, we breakthrough the restriction that only taking the single parameter into consideration, and we take the total system viewpoints into consideration to discuss its characteristics; third, instead of quantification, experimentation, and sub-data collection, we do the research through the interview and the field work.
In this thesis, we wish to eliminate morals constraints, just consider its innovative concept, and not mean to encourage or commend it. Furthermore, we expect to provide the enterprises another way to think about this new concept, and apply it in research and development management, innovation management, marketing management, strategy management, and so on. We believe that there will be some other different innovative solutions.
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"留意這腐爛帶蛆性行為": 論艾德蒙.懷特<已婚男人>深刻書寫的性愛、疾病、死亡議題 / "Alert to even the grubbiest sexual possibility": The Immersive Writing of Sex, Disease, Death in Edmund White's The Married Man胡家銘, Hu, Chia Ming Unknown Date (has links)
第三章參考喬瑟夫.凱迪在1993年發表的文章、 分類愛滋書寫為深刻書寫和反深刻書寫,討論<已婚男人>裡愛滋深刻書寫裡、藉由呈現詭異疾病身體來製造驚嚇感、引發讀者對於愛滋議題另一層次的反思。第四章、則是探討<已婚男人>呈現無病徵的衣櫃身體、其造成主體/客體在視覺上/心理上、介於有病/無病的模糊詭譎狀態,可以被視為愛滋文學、一種提供讀者在愛滋年代裡、在絕望中仍可懷抱希望的正面力量。透過以上探討、艾德蒙.懷特<已婚男人>豎立愛滋書寫之中、呈現男同志文化與愛滋病複雜關係的傑出作品。 / This study discusses Edmund White’s AIDS writing in his The Married Man, a fiction that depicts the issue of gay sex and death in the age of the Epidemic. In chapter two, I intend to discuss about how biomedical discourse of HIV/AIDS fosters a Focauldian apparatus of panoptical surveillance and self-discipline in relation to gay sex. With the advent of HIV virus, the once subversive lifestyle of gay sex becomes more problematic. In chapter three, I attempt to employ Joseph Cady’s definition of AIDS writings as either immersive or counter-immersive, and argue that Edmund White’s The Married Man should be viewed as an immersive AIDS writing wherein the ugliness of the grotesque body is used as a literary weapon to engender its readers a sense of shock. In chapter four, I contend Austin’s HIV asymptomatic/closet body in The Married Man should be viewed as an ambiguous symbol by which a dialect between hope (future) and despair (no future) is discussed. To conclude, Edmund White’s The Married Man, a subversive text as it is, thus stands as a masterpiece of AIDS writing not only explicitly depicts the history of HIV/AIDS of the 1990s but that promises its gay readers a potentiality of hope for the misty future.
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利用新式生物反應器培養動物細胞生產日本腦炎病毒 / Using a novel bioreactor to cultivate animal cell for Japanese encephalitis virus production王琪婷, Chi-ting Wang January 1994 (has links)
摘 要
本研究主要是探討利用新式生物反應器以固定化細胞培養技術生產日本腦炎病毒(Japanese encephalitis virus;JEV)之研究,首先根據所培養細胞的生長特性與原有生物反應器之缺點,利用已改良設計之新式生物反應器,評估此新式生物反應器適用性、效能,以及所培養細胞之生長代謝情形與病毒力價。整個實驗過程大致分為幾個階段,第一個階段探討細胞固定化培養之最適化培養條件與生長代謝情形,第二個階段找出細胞固定化培養於此新式生物反應器中最佳生長狀態,最後一個階段為病毒的培養。實驗後發現Vero細胞經固定化貼附於FIBRA-CEL®載體上,可擴大培養於新式生物反應器,Vero細胞最佳生長量達到6.6×106cells/mL。希望藉由此改良之新式生物反應器提供細胞與病毒一個良好之生長培養環境,獲得高產量、品質穩定一致之細胞生物製品,以提供ㄧ設備簡單與製程操作容易、低成本、低能源消耗之細胞製品生產基座。 / Abstract
In this study, we investigated the production of Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) by the immobilized cell technology in a novel bioreactor. According to the disadvantages of original bioreactor and growth characteristics of cell culture, we evaluated the suitability and efficiency of a design-improved novel bioreactor as well as the growth and metabolic situation of cultured cells and titers of JEV. All studies including three major stages: (1) investigation of the optimal conditions and metabolic situation for the growth of immobilized cells, (2) finding the optimal conditions for the growth of immobilized cells in this novel bioreactor, and (3) growth of JEV using immobilized cells in this novel bioreactor. Our results showed that after immobilization on the FIBRA-CEL® carries, Vero cells can grow on the novel bioreactor up to the density of 6.6 × 106 cells/mL. Hopefully, the improvement of the novel bioreactor will provide an optimal growth condition for both the cells and viruses. Furthermore, it will also provide the basis for the production of cell products with advantages of simple-equipped, easy-to-operate, low cost, and low energy consumption. / 目 錄
誌謝------------------------------------------------- i
中文摘要 -------------------------------------------- ii
英文摘要 -------------------------------------------- iii
目錄 -------------------------------------------- iv
表目錄 -------------------------------------------- v
圖目錄 -------------------------------------------- vi
第一章 緒論---------------------------------------- 1
第二章 文獻探討------------------------------------ 3
第一節 日本腦炎病毒疫苗---------------------------- 3
第二節 動物細胞的培養------------------------------ 4
第三節 載體上動物細胞的培養------------------------ 5
第四節 動物細胞培養於生物反應器-------------------- 7
第三章 材料與方法---------------------------------- 10
一 細胞株的培養-------------------------------- 10
二 細胞冷凍保存與解凍培養---------------------- 10
三 細胞滾瓶培養-------------------------------- 11
四 病毒株的培養-------------------------------- 12
五 固定化載體材料製備-------------------------- 12
六 載體上細胞數的測定-------------------------- 12
七 細胞貼壁率的計算---------------------------- 13
八 生物反應器結構特性與固定化細胞培養---------- 13
九 日本腦炎病毒力價測定------------------------ 19
十 葡萄糖的測定-------------------------------- 19
第四章 結果與討論---------------------------------- 20
一 固定化載體材料比例對Vero細胞生長的影響------ 20
二 細胞貼附固定化時間對Vero細胞生長的影響------ 23
三 細胞接種量對Vero細胞生長的影響-------------- 24
四 生物反應器培養系統對Vero細胞生長的影響------ 25
五 新鮮培養基更換對Vero細胞生長的影響---------- 27
六 最適化細胞生長條件培養日本腦炎病毒---------- 29
第五章 結論與建議---------------------------------- 30
參考文獻 -------------------------------------------- 31
附錄一 PBS配製方法--------------------------------- 62
附錄二 Medium 199配製方法-------------------------- 62
附錄三 MEM medium配製方法-------------------------- 62
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